The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 01, 1955, Image 7

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Benj. F. Garber

suzanerirows, pa. J] Buller’s Beauty Salon [Three Cows Tested | TE BULLETIN. Mout joy. Pal RAIN HELPS, BUT
Dial 7-6361 Main Street Florin, Pa | rscay epiember vs a e egister SOME CROPS PAST .
Cold Waves Machineles 3 ! q | |
FARM BUREAU X * | By Holstein Group HURRICANES CHANGE | HELP, SURVEY SHOWS || come and go while bottle gas
Avtomebile Imormes Ca. ermanents $5.00 up CROP PROSPECTS | Recent rains throughout most
mn; Te latte ©, | a also give Toni’s Announcement has been re- Twrediy, Sept. 8 Sept. 8 Chester ecen oo ih =
ite Insurance Co. | a 0 A EN RUT [ av sll Sharir. a rai ne sections of the state have very . .
rR ok. fic I i An Jit Poon ceived from the Holstein-Frie-| It took a couple of hurricanes Co. Holstein Breeders Tth An-| 5% jong d Ye wivania farm’ | US€rs continue to cook and water heat with
: e Buller sian Association of America of] —Connie and Diane — to perk|nual Consignment Sale in Ches-; much helped van fj Juri
| the completion of an official, YP and batter down farm and ter Co. at the Hicks Bros. farm Crops what there is i of d d bl Ww d B bil G
4 I ( & A ! E | production record by a register-| garden crops throughout the on Route 202 midway beween them — but on the other ane epenaable gas. ar 0 e as,
ad Holstein cow otvned bv I! Keystone State, crop weather West Chester and Paoli. John many a southeastern farmer 1S
OF VALUABLE Lester Charles Landisville. | surveys showed this week. [ Umble, Chairman, Sale Commo, Fey Gh ng i pa f on Ephrata.
5 So Go | Be 40 1H. ‘ttew, Sale Manager. Auc-| from under the deluge from
eal Estate and Pers | Charlaway Lucifer Procise pro- In the first place the long- H. Rettew, i ‘
| : ae Se iv | rricangs that al k a4.e
onal Property duced 522 pounds of butterfat,| awaited and much-needed rain- tioneers, Dupes and Diller. Be h Hurt I pl win 34-2fc
oe ashe away ¢ 3S.
13,907 pounds of mk and av-| fall was adequate—more so in a | < oh a - eee ———
Friday Eve’ By Se pt. 0, 1 955 eraged 18 quarts daily. Tested| Some areas where streams in Friday, Sept. 9th— a public ey now Searls indicate
. x Pa "OP
On the premises located o | at the age of 7 vears and ,| undated crops to give renew- sale of real estate and personal that the Pennsylvania corn crop
ises te n te road teri from Eliz. j MC age « yeals and on : ‘ | 4 oe eastern 1 : nn sec 3 i:
bethtown to Colebrook, about two miles Cm of Elizer | month, she was milked twice, ed life to many a farm crop, property on the premises locat-| In he eastern and Soule see We Specialize in...
bets 3 daily for 365 days | while some were beyond helped on the road from Elizabeth tions of the state in particu ar AUTO PAINTING
Lot af ground 100 ft, mo: 1 rontage 990 ft., mor Clovena Lucifer Rose owned) Rains came too late for some town to Colebrook, 2 miles; have passed fe point " mols
or less, dep there ere ted : is td it, More by Henry Hess of Mount Joy.| €Orn in eastern counties, for ex-/ northeast of E-town. Sale at| ture assistance. Stalks are, eith- ECKS REPAIRED .
produced 696 pounds of butter-| ample much of it is short,6:30 p.m. by Michael M. Mon-| er wilted or battered. WHEEL ALLIGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCING.
5, T Y fat and 19,391 pounds of milk. | @nd too badly damaged to yield chak and Elizabeth L. Monchal.| Te Anne CH a ls FREE ESTIMATES
bad /2 OR With the testing starting at 5/ Well. In the southeast much Dupes, Auct. continuing but as it progresses
vers and 1 month. she produc- corn was blown down by the it is evident that quantity rath- C * ’ P . & RB d Sh
hi» BLOCK and FRAME | ed 25 quarts daily and was strong winds. Some damaged Friday, evening, Sept. 16 — > So es Sad gualiy Is me arriger $ aint 0 y op
; | milked twice daily for 365 | tore has already been fed 10 On the premises on School bre ST a x ; =o PHONE ELIZABETHTOWN 110J12 RHEEMS, PA.
g Dwe i ling | days. | livestock or ensiled. Lane, Mount Joy, a 1% story] The peach harvest has be- tho
- Carnation Lola Hello Lotta, Prospects for late cuttings of frame house, with all conveni- | come increasingly active during oo mn"
containing si ( d bath 11 hot heat howe | OWNed by M. M. Wenger, of any have improved materially neces. Sole at 6:30 p.m. by {he pas week's heavy Tans,
daly I wt air heat; shower : Bd with fields showing renewed a ~ OQ Tee Once-browned and dried out
9 basen ; 1 screens to go with house ALSO | Rheems, produced 523 pounds rowth. Pasture 1 tarti Yok vas UB pastures have begun to come to [ { S
15x20’ FRA WORK SHOP I of heat ; = saa o 8 - Pastures are Act, astures have beg ome > > oll
or bitierfat and 13,906 pounds) to revive. In the northeast | life with a green cover as dairy We Recommend anc ¢
Hous lv painted. This property is praciically new. | milk when she was milked ris : RE is i
Bile wit) 1 hy, i ] ’ i ; 8 buckwheat is in good condition | farmers once more turn their
uilt with I n year A ver) ce location. Lot of trees on | twice daily for 365 days. She Saturday, Sept. 17—On the ® ’
lot. Ma . Sega and is in bloom. | Sept, ws | Cattle loose to graze rather than ێ )
was 5 years and 7 months old Ponto and: crops premises on Plum St., Florin, ensilage feeding. oneggers 18 ee S
Also time and place the following personal when the testing started. Her have a much improved 0s entire lot of household goods, | Hay prospects are improving
property will be offered for scile: average quarts daily were 20. | : pros: butcher tools, ete. Sale at 12:-| ‘vind :
or : scile: 2 a y | pectus. Harvesting of early ap- © se Bs oo ar 2] and indications are that late
ot Soh Ti new \ i couch: sofa; combination radio The University of Pennsyl- | ples continues a pace in all 9 OF ies Obinson Estate. | cuttings may turn out fairly ) A. KEENER CORN & FEED
i a Jo neg zo ih i wa Jug hadraom suite ( vania supervised the weighing areas but size is smaller than C. S. Frank, Auct. well. Late season tomatoes are ; ri Ba
Stands: hall rok tt "i Se | hs marbl op fern | and testing of the milk for this usual nimi | beginning to appear in greater PHONE 3-5359
SLs : 1 iro ab cha 1ighchair amps; | Yes 4 : : AQ STREET
clothe racl Ian aire: clothe hamper: bench: | and it is a part of the The peach harvest should be- Saturday, September 17 — a| quantity as they ripen under a EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT Joy
Be” ih No 0 enbl a! 12 gauge shot guns; { Herd Improvement Registry | come increasingly active with- public sale of real estate and| warm sun and sub-soil moisture. 34-2p
56} hy shot gun; 30 deer ; 22 rifle; sl oils; Seen Department of the Holstein-| in the next week or two. Snap household goods, in Manor] a — —
1 Tractor: trieve ha nef ' nd Nor Friesian Association of America| and lima beans are being pick- Township, on the Millersville |
used lumber: { 1 i oi £50. rir | in Brattleboro, Vermont. This; ed in the northwes: Tomato Road, in the Harry Eshbach]|
ferou to Ime | program is designed to give an pickings to date are below av. development Sale of real es-|
hy ( men t 6:20 \ n conditions will be | official production record on| erage. Green tomatoes are at 2:00 p. m., household: |
a every cow in the herd every| ginning to size new. goods at 12:30 p. m. by Max 0 e I
Michael M. Monchak and || year so that wise selection for | ° Fargo and Sally Fargo. Att.-in-| | a
Walter D \ © | 1 ineraased efficiency can be| POINTERS GIVEN ON fact. Edgar Funk, auctioneer,
Landis & Ga C1 ‘ | made —
indi Elizabeth L. Monchak ai KEEPING CATTLE fusion. thon. 2 MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA.
35-2¢ | LOSSE [ uesday, October ns n
- ——— - SEED FARMERS URGED OSES AY Janey | the premises 3 miles South of
P BP . sille, 1 mile south of the
U ¥ I £ A I. FE TO CLEAR OUT WEEDS approach of fall months when Hv. Chi ? pin rod:
RD £4 : S ( sburg - PNS - Growers| cattle nt becomes fairly oo : i A C WwW k
2 H Iris ib rg Pl owers| ca movement bec: mes fairly Gingrich farm, a public sale of I r Oo m P re S S 0 r OO r R k
OF VALUABLE of certified seed in Pennsylvan-| heavy once more in and about livestouk and farm machinery OCKS
I BLE reston & ac ry.
ia were cautioned this week by| Penna. farms, a word of caution tL : R k D ili C ki E
~ \ ro | Also milking equipment. Sale oC rein oncrete Brea ing, ttc.
REAL ESTATE and PERSONAL PROPERTY the Dept. of Agriculture to step| was issued by the State Dept at 12 ig Ty : Fa H. Eber-| | g 9 and
= . —— { up their efforts to keep their] of Agriculture to help farmers| | Say
i erops clear of weeds, disease | prevent losses duri uch per Sole, gwner. Tree
rops clea y B Ss. seases SSeS uring S$ e
3 Gory 1 Gove is = . . s
4 ed Rtv other» erops if thev NOE | Ss. i
Sa tur aa y JF je 1 Oth, 1 FOO | and othe» er ps if the y hope to] ods : Common symptons are going Ex cava ti Nn and G rad I n
meet state specifications for the! The department pointed ont & feed. eve and io
On the vio los at ter County Park Vis nr | ; ei en : +1 O eed, eye and nose discharg- Removed
n tae m 0 Lancas ounty Park 12W, seed certification. | that every year during this fever. scouring wT rofuse 11 h
three miles South { of Elizabethtown one mile East of an . . indicat | heavy cattle movement losses Cy. EVE, SONNE es Dots Ce ars, Trenc es, Etc.
nd : ’ woh mle | Early reports indicate that Sve a b BS€S diarrhea, and oss of weight
Koun¥y Kiichen. the percentage of rejection has are a Inproper Calves are especially suscep- |
A Tot | been fairly high due to a large are and handling of afimals to] (10 To prevent development
number of independent growers be shipped resultin: in what is of the fever. vaccination and P H 0 N E M 0 U N T J 0 Y 3 - 4 ” 5 3
1 1, Qs { and commercial seedmen neg-| Known generally as cattle fever. apy] handling are most help-
72 wi | Tected to carry out a thorough It was explained to a Pennag —
| roughing practice, Pennsylvania] News Service reporter that it eerie eee —
> | News Service learned this| 1 almost certain that all or
A an C | week | most shipped cattle will have
| It was pointed out to a PNS| been exposed to the organism
containi It wdern kitchen, onc room | reporter that there are 4 main] iat gone the fever known
kn pi ft: CON RVATORY ATTACH | reasons for most rejections of as Pasteurella whic h some
ED, 12> $ carpet m wall to wall; Venetian |} 4 | times may be found in healthy
Blind: 4 r. het water Seed. Most common is the ap-| ..
Wi i 1¢al; cattle
Sumn 0 ) i lor ‘ house. LARGE | pearance of other crops of var Hi
re | ARGE 8 . It was noticed that in its a-
TV x ieties of the same crop showing fl i
| cute stages sense freque
T )d view of the Donegal | in the field that is intended for| VIC Stages the disense frequent
Val AR aed { causes daeth of the animals,
certification | :
: . | Next i por ay th Ti {| especially when the germ hits
RVs wives thes $23 maria Next or * are 0 .
A a 1d place the following household | An OF I | cattle that are tired weak mis
aoc ence of noxious weeds. other si ;
GO V : ‘ ; wndled in shipping or poorly
I "0 { tabl | weeds, plant disease and in fod I
a fT tl} tab] Hi fork seets. A spokesman for the de-| CO
1 11 dd 4 ) it | —-—
. n ar: old fachion- | partment noted that 1]: grow-|
ok rh | ont Seed foot te, Tol ctr, SCOUT MEETING ND
master _oeth oil mbs house plants of all taking job and roguires care- IS SEPTEMBER 12 ee
: Pie] 00 fl elimination of other crop The first fall meeting of the ie
ta 4 { 12:90 P I actata to 1 Tor J | and noxious weeds throughout] Mount Joy-Florin Girl Scout
} Lo) 1 it 1 1 0 1c ) ( ( | . .
at 2:00 P tio will be 1 known } the growing season | Neighborhood group will be
Agents of the Department of | held Monday evening, Sept. 12.
ry ef h Nice ky Lets and Agricullure are following up on| at the home of Mrs. James
wo D Ir control recommendations intend-| Spangler, Park Ave. The meet-
waiter Un WS 4 .
Landis & ( nenry Lutz ed to improve the production | ing will begin at 8:00 p. m
31-3¢ . of certified seed in Penna. | and will featude the showing
—_— - en a ee | OF Pictures and discussion of the
EE x yy i ne | trip taken by the Senior Gir}
| Scouts of the borough.
Since the regular night for
en the neighborhood meeting is
| the first Monday of every other
| month, the meeting has been
moved one week due to Labor
Oo r | Day.


Beautifi] View, Choice Location
Full Base
Large Living Room — Bath — Kitchen
Carport — Utility Shed
You Are Invited to Inspect this Home—Sept. 9th- 10th
6:00 P. M 9:00 P. M.

The Weidman reunion
will be held Sunday, Sept. 4,
at the Lititz Springs Park. Re-
gardless of the weather, the re-
vnion will be held.
Dinner will be served
noon and will feature a
Lunch”. Persons who will at-
| tend are asked to bring two
| things for the lunch and ‘“‘plen-
ty of them”. They
ed to bring their
plates, and cups.
at 12
are also ask-
own silver,
Coffee will be
® a — —
The twenty-eighth Heisey
was held Sunday at tha
Mount Pleasant Brethren in
Christ Church, north of Mount
Joy, with 150 p~reons attending.
Plans were made for the er-
ection of a bronze marker next
spring to honor John Heisey
| who settled in Lebanon Town-|
ship before 1748. New officers
| of the group were also elected.
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Reddy has proved that he can do all or part of
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to the fullest extent, have a PP&L Farm Repre-
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human help. And, for all our customers who al-
ready know what a help Reddy can be, remember
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