The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 01, 1955, Image 5

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THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday, September 1 St ry 7 1 fy Q . |
2 » yay 4% Alay Ae | vy
vg FC Soyy: Dietitian Explains Operation | | cerman sonps | || We Plan—
Te RE Rr an . | XP! p NDS | |
5 ra 1 3 . | If you hold any German Dollar and Build
y . P Aas Bonds which have not been vali-
x Ese cQuiry 1] N{ 2 | essio Mi \ (* | C .
i - > RX A SO : r A ¢ ai oa i of Uda | dated, they must be registered
TE 7 y Ry X / g, a ! £* NT Y¥ 5 a C 00 LIC rogram with the Validation Board for | Repair and Remodel
i HH £:0 VV Hq FA BR x i oe - German Dollar Bonds, 30 Broad |] ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS
si y cid Yl uy KS ng in 1d lo Tor Deadlock This is the third article of the average of 600 which we Street, New York 4, N. Y. prior to i
ISG VY AP Lil AY Ld ,€ JE : : . : : February 29, 1956, to make them {
2 the series: | serve All foods costs are { "
eligible for settlement under the | LEEDOM
A 1 "NW a 1 TER OO py B TAS DENISON now to budge the bogged down I'he planning of menus for checked and charted for con : terms of the Agreement on Ger |
AN KN 1. hd Ww A 4 i 3 5 t a rvic ehiol chool lunch program is a stant use | man External Debts, If you have { BOX 222
Lagi Hoh Se Be Pod bi X y wr coupons detached from such bonds, |
: i Hiy Sq 2610) Few realize it but for the lenge 1 well as a 1% spon For 100 servings i please notify the Validation Board ! ELIZABETHTOWN
; | | ince M il Good me lanning Grilled Cheese sandwiche | | of this fact 5
i . tive] | 1st three monins since May 100( menu planning 1 €( 1 Se sandwiches | s fact, Phone Elizabethtown 7-6277
0 i | 31 to be exact Pennsvivan-' also helps fo serve lunches Ta lg. American Cheese $3.38 | |
J 1 ted ern a has been existing on borrow-| which provide enough of the 11 loave bread 1.87
i 11 17-f ed money if not time That right Kinds and amounts of 3 lbs. butter 2.10
| 110) 1 K 1 rned to Ca {ate \ nt old 1953-55 foods necessary to help children $7.35 ¥
tol Hill follow three piennium ended and the new. be healthy, grow properly, and (per portion 0735) 3 We Come Promptly
i el ( 1.8 billion budget projection develop normally Buttered Corn
= | } ab t '| foi the 1955-57 b ium began I evious articles 1 explain 6 #10 cans corn $4.95
8 ) hon On-the-boc tax f am l basic foods that must be 1b. butter 35 fo Make TV Repairs
2 i 1 1 lawmakers or cellaneou iture continue to be included in Type A Lunch. The $5.50
gl 0 ( di n herefron t day's menu has been plan (per portion .053) Ve're as near as your telephone
® | au 1 ( urse! provides some help tut the ned as follows Potato Chips $2.00 will respond promptly to
Kl moo nd | X ( y of t need ! to provide cal (per portion .025) your calls for expert repairs,
eo | ! Labor l h 1 and riboflavin, some pro-' Apple sauce 6-10 cans $4.50 anywhere, anytime!
| der-) portion -of the biil ch a vitamin A (per portion .045) CAR RADIO SERVICE
y ly p \ i 1-fat neom Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 100 - 2 pts. milk 6'
Bo ne: home at all tax proposal—remain (0 be r 07. slice chesse - protein, (per portion 065) § MOTOROLA - ZENITH — Sales and Service
] d ) A ! bread B Vita Food Cost 24 conts
| t it I lv alter f ! Is, calories 1 oz T? labor must be paid from A Y & RI R
® i neon I lvania is t bo v the } ! Vi in A, and calories the cafeteria funds, plus other D BER =
| 8 to d ne between ac l gov But Il Cor cup Vita-| costs of operation. Our margin ¥ 29 W. Main Str Phone 3-842 Mount Joy
M | of wh nt cost and tl ver t A & C, and minerals. Po- i light but the balance usual Store Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 6; Fri. & Sat. 9 to 9.

‘The ustrated

in by the piddling taxes 1 Chiy Energy needs and ly works o even over a per- SRR eed all -
: ot . 05 oun. io of devs |
( i \pple Sauce, ! " i ays - — gla
comin 1! ira A gl V i A & and minerals We invite vou interest in = rom = = EES
ith ( 1 pictin un es Nov he basic body needs tl part of our school pregram I
itical peet with each i*t but how about the d assure parents that they I
d budget? Y this too must be are welcome to visit Donegal DR JAMES El VIN
. . . A Aw —
then 1\ Ke lered I shall figur on lich School Cafeteria luring I -
1 irl d frustrated over *vic2 for 100 portions and school day to see the program i Osteobathic Phasician
Load I multiply by 6 to take care of in ion fl
PRL. AUTHORIZES $50,000 tunity to make this needed con-'|| \
h I spend | FOR FLOOD RELIEF tribution beyond our normal | ANNOUNCES
he I d of Di of obligation of maintaiging and
halt Pe ) Power & Licht restoring electr'c semvice” Hi
] I T OY .
ey ‘ has authorized a co The flood relicf contribution ||| | | Ol ENING Ol | [IS
1 Oy ey! thution of $50.000 to Red hv P P & L comes on the heels I
I ( { 5 \ 1c ‘ : yr
“long Cross Chapters in its service of an urgent Red Cross appeal | OFFICE
! me for flood relief. The an- for funds for relief in the dis-| |
ea : 2 "nome t made aster areas of the northeast as!||
; a X ) Chas. E. Oakes, Pr nt well as reque bv President! || \ |
I 4 x a Te ; i iaent oO NOT
: I press d Directer of the Company, Eisenh r for tl nation to!ll D¢ pte mi St
\ f
t m hly meeting 314 ind help il
: f Board th ¥ cof ® I
1 A
Allenton 5.13 | At
1 d Patronize Bulletin Advertisers
x [ reso! I \ pproved 2 J {
( ) IH
states . YR li
problem LOCAL AGENTS Hl ay a. . 0
be ov | (2 East Main Street
wh to persons in this Wallace D. Zerphey ||
cea who ax |
I WD i . | MOL 1I0Y. PENNA
oh fie v4 ry 1 Zoek I M( OY, NNA.
to Tit ced) Aas of the re- Evelyn I. Zeiger |}
1 1 0 1e floc . : If
I Jr: £ ) ning TITIAN 1
© uti company wetion WRITIN
OTT x mot ed by th manv iy * hi d OFFICE HOURS
ye 1 tragedies as well a 1103 pit a ization an I Monday Tuesday Wednesday - Friday - Saturday
I lf
4 lestruction of proy ] C I 2:00 to 4:00 6:00 to 8:00
RAT may Pore ompensation | 104 0.4
ol in rvi ( Through [ MORNING & THURSDAY By Appointment only
Pp y \ cial De lvania Power & Lich J I
thie worl Mr. of a, Jay 0. Kulp Agency || AA
nol f th 1 C i 1 ( n f 102 CUMBERLAND STREET I Phone
I 1. 8 { { . | (l
{ ry 1 LEBANON, Pa il
I A Z d tl POI Phone 3 33 | 4 mf rr
TT ONT IN LS AOL TN CITI TORI CAIN TN - —— — = - —— — - - +

7 =

y : ~ pn IN .
I den of Cort
Vd 2
Poli §Parrot yy
1 & of fh {2 em
| / } —_——
| | {/
i! renlac | - ~
1 plat 1
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I f reve d i
1 a ( al ( Co |
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t li 1 ) rl i
DO! bilan} (
tl I registrat re a
vailabl he Bu ot
\ icl i Har )
1d e to BR
( m VIA-GA
{ ) in
: . Parrots make the grade in any
tara grade. School children of all ages
1 anplic ; go for their stylish good-looks
pL i I <
10.00 fo Lo) and comfortable fit. Parents
1 101 1 1
love the extra long wear. Pre-tested
by hard.playing youngsters,



® Poll- Parrots give you real shoe value. |
turns i It’s all automatic. And in addition ) AR HERI GAT |
a | to exclusive Top Touch Tuning this Mahogany fe 1 { | mm |
be WES SE Cm finish console s the new Philco Micro-Grid I [igl
| i ¢ ! nd Micro-Grid Tuner that sets iP ( ; has 1
i i a new standard of TV enjoyment. re Valor di
| v C'} I 1 ‘You
(4 i A ri on an alt te Sun
Bi She Sa pains of iy S10 jay busts, Co-sponsor. Ff
: va Remote Control... Oniy 5IU ; , Tost
PH 159 hi Tu 1 touch on the Remote Control changes p rel D
NER 3 t s ony a Pl ilco clear across the room. x 7 cif 1 contin
r ou never ave to leave your cnair.
10 a weel ; va the role of key newsman
LP ith top CBS port ign
0 ch sho giv n-the
a 5 $A95
Fd = SE, 9! storie Hamilton $495 ” $695
| Ba i - ited . For Boy: aid ous
v EARL r the coming scason according to style ps
W om | I ) ill featur ‘h oth and size
or irring re-creations of past
“UB ‘HER ) C U GL / 2d) C { JIN i i RA Ni D SER 1%; iC! | AT iia — CORRECTLY FITIED
i Duel”, “The Surrender, of Cor FOR ALI 8 A.
1 7 wallis of Yorktown’ and “The CHECKED BY X-RA
45 Ww. MAIN STREET MOUNT Jex, PENNA. Secret Message that : plunged CHILDREN COLUMBIA MOUNT JOY : bi ¥
> viessage na g
~ PHONE 3-3622 ~~ America into World War 1.
= - pai,
Sayin Le nn Ban aR OR RA nly NR XT Cy M . he i :
. - J ao Nm ~
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