The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 18, 1955, Image 6

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Mount Joy,

can pay a stack
of bills in just a frac-
tion of the time you
now spend travelling
about and standing in
line to pay them in
person, with cash.

You simply write a
check for each bill, put
the checks in enve-
lopes aad mail them.
Open a checking ac-
count with us; start
paying bills swiftly
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


What do
have in
Tractors and telephones both help to make the
farmer's work easier . . . more efficient. The telephone
is one of the handiest time and labor savers the
farmer can use. Today farmers buy, sell, and get farm
market reports by telephone. And in her social life
the farmer's wife benefits from her telephone too.
Yes, telephone service is vital to today's farmer. We
realize its ‘importance and are working constantly to
increase the value and usefulness of telephone service
to the farmer.
Columbia Telephone Co.

CHIQUES CHURCH | THE BULLETIN. Moun! Joy. Pa. Thursday, August 18 8
Chiques Church of the
| Mr. and Mrs. William De-| Brethren will hold a three-day, BOTTLE GAS IS ALWAYS READY TO PRODUCE - fast
Woes of Camden, N. J. are| Dedicatory Service this week- hot water, fast cooking, fast clothes drying, indoor inciner- (
| spending some time with the| end, starting Friday at 7:30 p. 3 wm
| latters brother and family, Mr | m.. with S. Clyde Weaver as ators. ete. And at a low cost. Gas appliances cost less - a
| and Mrs. Earl Gerlitzski. speaker 30 callon water heater is sufficient for an entire family
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyndall; On Saturday at 4:90 D. Mm. why heat 60 or 80 gallons when a 30 gallon fast recovery
are moving into their home on| Community Night will be ob Sud ;
North Market Street. | served. The speaker will be I' bottle gas water heater is enough? No installation charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hess| S. Carper | Ward Bottle Gas, Ephrata, Pa. 29-1c
and family spent the weekend Four services are scheduled
at New Germantown, Perry Co. for Sunday. Sunday school will
Mr. and Mrs. George | be held at 9:00 a. m Rufus P fran - I
oF il Mr. aad Mrs. Civde Bucher will speak at the morn-
Mumper and children and Mr. ng ai 10:15 a. m.
aod Mrs, Not: Natcor : There will be a service at 2 FF 1]
and Mrs. Norman Mateer and] pms vin dC Ye 0! ow Th 5 q .
son, spent several days at Per-| "Mo WOE! A pn! € tons
| : car AL 79 3 a Ile
rv County speaker, At 7:30 p. m. a music
“ . ws : al service is planned Wise travellers don’t trust to judgment
Ch h Ne S| | Rheems and Green Tree. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Zim-| ree when on a journey. They follow the
ure WwW 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, | merman visited their daughter| siens. Why not follow God's
: i signs. ) 10's great sig )S
fat Green Tree. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr ..| UNITED ZION M EETING = the Bible io! pl y C £9) Hp st
| NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL | : : ie Bible—on your journey through
Merrit Robinson, over the week] AT SALUNGA life? Enjoy its life-giving message with
| THE IN MT. JOY Mt. Pleasant end at the Bronz. N.Y. Mr = Sy for Message w
| AND THE ENTIRE SUR- Brethren In Christ Church hor The United Zion Church tent 525 | trig Py nang is a lamp
| 0 3 MM | Pastors: Graybill Wolgemuth, | © i : me oni, eeti are being held Aug unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
ROUNDING CO UNITY. C. H. Moyer, ® Monday, but Mrs. Zimmerman| 31 to. Sent. 4 ut the: home o Psalm 119.105
ee | Sunday will remain several weeks. br eT . 3:18 Sundav B :
| The Washington Street [9:00 a. m. Sunday School , a : rae rea {Melvin Hotter on tte HB Wi 3 Sunday ible School ,
Church Of The Brethren | 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron LUck-| gtechman farm, opposite the 10:30 “Morning : Worship, “The Great Suppér
Elizabethtown, Pa. [Wednesday walter and daughters spent last| Church in Salune 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer Fellowship
London Pasior on bo Prayer Meeting week at Ocean City, N. J. The Rev. Luke Showalter of 7:30 Evening Service, “Established With Grace”
| © | "saay re ‘Iarence N . "1 : ‘ eis [— Q 1 Nii rook SOrvi
[ 9:30 a.m. Church School ! 7:00 p.m. Council meeting. Me and Mss. Clarence Myers| phrata is the Evangelist The Wednesday, 8:00 P M. Midweek Prayer Service
Adult Study Theme, “Hope| Trinity Lutheran Church and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derr are being held every \ . ~
| for the Despairing.’ : | Rev, W. L. Koder, Pastor and daughter spent Sunday at| evening at 7:30 and Sunday ev- Calvary Bible Church
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, | Sunday Roxbury campmeeting. | eninge at 7 PRT PINE PRI ATV TIT AY
| Sermon, The Master's Affec-| 9:30 a.m. Sunday School MY. and Mrs. TOA ngs é NEW HAVEN STREET AT HENRY
| tionate Friend”, by Pastor Zuck! 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Ch ane Jones and chi i Rev. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor
| 7:30 p.m. Community Park ! The Rev. George E. Stauffer,| dren of Perry Co., are spending ah “Holding forth the word of life”
Vespers, : | Pastor of Luther Memorial Lu-| several days with Mr. and Mrs A RSON, /- 1S |
| Wednesday 5 Friday i'n | thren Church, York, will eos: Charles Dunkelberger and | tila A i I i I Ee
CE Bonet the And proach Wel oy. | |
i zabethtown College. Tuesday Virs. Shirley Hoover and Mus. Vilas Loi Rober : er i
| — a | 7:45 p.m. Women's Mission- Jane Beach held a pre-nuptical| ¢d to her duti hos uk 1%
Mount Joy Mennonite Church |ary Society in the Parish house. | shower for Miss Pat Brooks at| the Wiley and Rutt Agency at ll =
| Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | her home on Tuesday vents | ter spending a week of he ¢ ‘HE, ING H OP E 3
arber a . ation we shore Q
Henty Ge arbor, Henry Pronk Mt. Joy Methodist Church The following were preset | cation at the 2401 a 3 Q
| Sunday ; George K. Ludwig, Pastor Mrs. James Eichler. Mrs Oo. I'he R Wilson Yost and 8 3
9:00 a.m. Sunday School [saturday Waliers, Organisi ald Eichle r, Sa., Miss Mari: nl family of Knoxville, Ter re 8 Fo A
1 Sor aturda . os Q / i
we Xoo, 2m Sermon 00 p.m. Young Adults | Oberholzer, Mrs. Lorraine Lutz,| irs. Yost parent 2 5 LY 5 | AM P AGH
| d . ve ‘ | NE y \
:30 p.m. Bible Study and Dime -a-Dip Supper. Mrs. Peggy Nissley, Mrs. Shir-| \ ia Mr felvin S. 1 Q w= Bue Ji
y Pr rayer Meeting. | Sunday y cr ie ley Hoover, Mrs. Marian Sch-| 201 Ea Main Street §
Sagurdey, Aue. 3 i | se Bin. a ee aeffer, Mrs. Claudette Miller,| Mr. and Irs. ( IW ¢
2: arvest Meeting ! ie Sacrifice o- .
2:00 p.m. Harvest Meeting. edience”. Miss Jean Darrenkamp, Mis.| East in S t Joy, and 8
| Broliee | 9:45 am. Sunday School, | Lena Miller, Miss Sally Nissley,| Mr d M Tho BE. Grosu | §
| Crossroads Beoinean In Christ |. Ralph Alleman. S. S. Supt. | Miss Verna Breneman, Miss Sr ¢, motor ;
| Paul Z. Hess, Harry L. Brubaker Monday Sm Council Ruth Brubaker, Mrs. Pauline Vic ns for
| Pastors Mtns ‘Church. Smith, Miss Peggy Wealand,| seve their | § ° ¢
| er 11 meg ¢ . Hn " | :
| ey am. Sanday School | Saturday, Aug. 27 Sunday Miss Jane Starr Mrs. Martha! he pla of Q
| Donald Engle, Supt School Picnic at Lititz Springs | Brian, Mrs. Loretta Kurtz, Mrs Hill x Falls Q ¥ 7 bd .
4 ne > : dark 1 - . : | v
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Park. Jane Beach, Miss Marianne, Haw inn 8 Je / 9 Rosenberry Evangelist
[Mossuge by Rev. Harry L. Bru- Schofield, Mrs. Sadie Brooks, | Cres a 3 ’ >
paker, | Salunga Methodist Church Miss Betty Brooks and Mis i )
| : . . VLISS 35 $s Miss, ! i kK Top | S
All evening services are lift- George K. Ludwig, Pastor : i 3 he i §
led for the duration of the Liv-| Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist Pat Brooks. Flocono, 1 turned 8 ®
|ing Hope Tent Campaign. The | Sunday Pat received many lovely|l by way of the Delaware
tent is located off Route 230 9:30 am. Sunday School. and useful gifts. lw Gap 9 Midway Beiween Mount Joy and ¢
between Mt. Joy and Elizabeth-| Mr. Richard Peifer, S. S. ir a ns Carson Sprout da sister @
{ town. Supt. OC x YQ EAT TY Ivy y 4 ; ise Eli
| Ministers and various singing 10:30 a.m. Sermon: ‘The FOOD SALE SCHEDULED y ote] year Prom Viste & Elizabethtown on Route 239 §
groups from this locality Sacrifice of Obedience.” The Veterans of Foreign! in Florida with I prout’'s ©
| distance are participaiing meee ff meres Wars Auxiliary, 5752 of Mount; daughter and n-in-law MM a ® 8
{ ee : : Joy will sponser a food sale! and Mrs. Kenneth Stone Q
a The manufacture of coke was h :
Newtown EU. B Ch Wad 1 le . | Friday evening, August 19, in| x Q - E h . 8
| vy > astor wade a large-scale stry . 0 { - Servic : .
Suny: ohn Ferich, oY IB large-scme inaustry Mise, of the Rut & Wild y The minimum hourly wage 8 Jeivices rac Evening at 7:30 p.m, - 8
| “9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo! | Westmoreland County by Hen-| office. The sale is scheduled to! was raised by law to 75 cents 8 2
7:30 p.m. Congregational ry Clay Frick. begin at 6:00 p. 1: i 949 © Q
| Meeting By biti 2 pm on 194 ah na |
| Wednesday a
® , 8
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m. Prayermeeting.
Calvary Bible Church
Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
| 9:15 a.m
{ School.
| Classes for
I 10:30 a.m.
| Sermon by the
t Great Supper”.
| 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer
7:30 p.m.
Sunday Bible
all ages.
Morning Worship
Pastor: ‘The

Evening Service -
Sermon by the Pastor: “Estab-
lished With Grace.”
| Tuesday
| 8:00 p.c. Bible School Teach-
| er's Meeting.
8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer
ev. Enos Zimmerman, Jr.
| Missionary to Finland will
the Speaker.
[ Thursday
| 6:30 pm.
home of Robert
Youth Night at
Church of the Brethren
| Florin, Pa.
| Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder
Samuel T. Becker, Supt.
9:00 a.m. Bible School.
| 10:00 a.m. Worship Service.
| 7:30 p.m. Worship Service
| Wednesday
7:30 p.m.
Prayer Service.

| Church of the Brethren
| £arl Brubaker, Elder In Charge
Ezra Herman, Supt.
| Sunday
9:00 a. m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Zion Lutheran Church
Landisville, Penna.
Rev. Ernest P. Leer
| Sunday
9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
| 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship
[ 7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Glossbrenner Evangelical
United Brethren Church
Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor
8:15 a. m. Moruing Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Midweek Prayer
Senior Choir.
West Green Tree
Church of the Brethren
Abram N. Eshelman, Elder
8:45 a.m. Sunday School at

Christian Endeavor |
the |

HERE'S only one sensible way to
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On every important point of motor car
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'* and you'll find Pontiac outmeasures any
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120 South Market Street


No Deal in Town Can Give You
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And here's a car so distinctively beauti- that represents an unmatched value—
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Certainly all this adds up to a wonder- history.
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That’s why Pontiac
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