The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 18, 1955, Image 2

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OW Thursday. August 18 2| FORECASTS GIVEN ELL CARL Dr.H.C Killheffer Quality Me atg|Etestric Weldin F
THE BULLETIN Harrisburg - (PNS) - Farm, (SESS ho MA Hi 9) USIN Bet : Optometri aud Cas 8 Y
every Thursday at 111 crop productions throughout ptome rist ALSO A FULL LINE OF Also Specialize On
as ain Street, Mount Joy. | Pennsylvania are \ppare EE CHINE WELD
: insylvania are pparently Og Lf LALA) 2] MANHEIM
a a . ite vet ey ; : did Lt 163 S. Charlotte St. MA
Larson Sra | due for auite a fuctuting cv-| oA fides Tel BIRDS Eve FARVAND EQUIPMENT .
. . pao XN AY au elephone 5.2888
cle, according to the Depart Q er + Yi py 1
John E. Schroll, : i Ee a some readers inquire “What | unlikely to prevent a general | [| Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30
Editor and 1. 1952 ment of Agriculture this week w I be eff ct of GAW, or Guar- | collapse government might de- f || Tues. Fri. Sat. 7.9 P. M. F V bl Automobile and Truck Welding -
{ which notes that perhaps a bet anteed , Ammual ‘Wage principle | velop an” automotive price sup- } | ELIZABETHTOWN ruits egeta es LAWN MOWER SHARPENING
Subscription Rate $2.50 per | ter-than-average year can be negotiated by Walter Reuther? | os org 0 Lary | 2nd Floor Clauss \ Has
year by Mail expected for corn, oats, barley It would take, indeed, a crystal | \n_Socializz 2 | Phone 7.4163 ! i
Advertising rates upon request. rye and alfalfa 1 ball to predict | [ Tues. Fri. Sat ’ Cover S Welding ho
Entered at the ye and allada ha) v : 80-1:00. 2-5 P. M p 3
aie at On the otter: hand depart eventual ou t- f There is another factor in sit- 9:80-1:00. 2.56 P. M KRALL S Meat Markel 16 N.
mail under the Act of March 3.| ment pessi ts Took. for loss come of this | uation, that revolves around the ' | Delta and Marieita Streets
1879. @ ’ pessimists look for a 5 arrangeme nt, “Forgotten Man’’ of automotive | | WEST MAIN ST MOUNT Joy 'MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 eee
Member Pennsylvania News than average production year § lo ; Be car | industry, the independent auto 7s MAI ry
, ennsylvania IVews- Brees. atria ; A re sales hold up, | dealer. He is aranteed - -~
paper Publishers’ Association. for Wheat, all hay, potatoes thus maintain Ts io |
and tobacco. | ing production * kk

there is obvi-

In past three years, when mi-
nor slumps occurred in auto |
market, it came out of deale
5’ a i
hides, who, to maintain fran- fe Real Gold Frozen


Editoriall Among the fruits, apple pro- ; : :
. y duction is expected to be about wis Boy By ea [i
BY A WISE OWL |srripmiNg Law average, with peaches, sour | test will
when and if
red cherries and grapes some-
- te A WITH TEETH URGED what above average. market stamps. . | selling cars, regardless of profit. #5 5 is
omen may no e strong ‘se The oh ; oi : * kK i -0Z.
It's becoming an old, old The important corn crop in Obviously, if condition fis And thereby rests whole future | | sy Tromendons : bun,
i Value
hysically but one of them can " .
physically old story but every time a tra-| the Keystone State is growing reached whereby auto workers | of automotive industry. Regard-

chise, were expected to keep ine


ut the top on a fruit jar so it| oR 4 il be paid for many mot Ne mE
Pees 20 minutes for her hus-| 8edy happens as it did last week on 1,560,000 acres - 14,000 {ow r doing nothing, it is quite cer- | skills in Detroft, o rd 13 A Tremend Value! adi Pao |
1 S a Ts a ng nothing, it is ¢ rineering sk stroll, or cal 3
band to get it off. when a 14-year-old Ashland] ©! than last year. At an esti- tain general economic conditions | jbre of workers, the assembly | | El Dolly M son Dil oligo Stices i .
youth slipped from his inrner- mated yield of 45 bushels of | will also be down | lines are but idle, useless junk Fas 3 EA
= without widespread corps of
shelled corn per acre, the esti-



tube and drowned in an aban- In a fal market, it is class- | dealers to sell that i a
“ » . c ate y . 3 avi Ta REO To 19 ralers se at production, i £
Red Mateer didn't have a doned but water-filled strip mate now is for 61 million! ic proced to stimulate busi- | to “wheel and deal” in the mar- | & 7 —
very appetizing lunch the other —. = =o =. ines if ow 10 beshels as compared with 63 ness by offering greater values | ket place to keep production | | i i |
day. His daughter wrapped his io million bushels last year than enjoyed in boom times. | sold, to send cash to the factory | | 2 fa
y - . date. yea | ® ok % {1 pet avroll y ERE !
sandwiches in bread paper, and We don't J a A few other initial acreage But ae id © meet payrolls. . i
in his haste “Red’5 just grab- e don’t have any idea off ,.4 production estimates ’ how hE can Be accomplished So. it is possible the time wi ®
course how much such trage- nates, with i ¢ } 18 11g 11S wii 3 * }
bed and left for work. Come dics will taf pr ST = last year’s totals in parentheses mn swomon le ngystry A under | come when auto industry will erseyFreestone One Price-None Priced Hisher i
lunch time and he opened the hee hn ee p a t out) ore as follows: | oe Ae give oie ons e of vioaks ot i
fread paper that's exacaly what| \'€¢ S'al€ belore 1he guts 808,000 acres (77.000) a ty per cont) field, Obviously, it takes a huge res 6ac S tio:
as in it dry bread can be written off the calendar| , 4 294 320.000 bushel 111 with like reduction in force. | lal o ation to negotiate Calif Jumbs Ibs. i
—_—— 2 : Cec 32 shels (33,411- NY = = RE he alifornia Jum i
— ~— Wrong package. but even if only one takes 000); barley. 236.000 acres Fits oar nt of the weit 1 huge otor firms. : o 8-Size (None rice Higher)
of place it is certainly more than| (5000 a 2 ifty per welll of the Work Ye TR 9 a fb > c
ila eriough 200,000) and 8,024,000 bush-| force remaining will still cost et Huge auto makers and HT 0 4 Chey ew cach 411
R . sls . . =m | the industry the same amount huge auto labor, seemingly over- dt Zot g
When a husband opens the : els (8,800,000); potatoes, 57.- a vy 1 i lI Ag Ere t SZ
. : For years these holes in the (8 a irra of money per wage hour for 100k most basic point about their } 1 A
door @nd helps his wife intol hae nal 8 ih 000 acres (58,000) and 15,675 building up guaranteed wage | common industry. The entire Era = ij Full Podded (None Priced Higher) i
the car, he has probably just! ace oO out 1 aave been) 000 bushels (14.500.000): to-| fund as when full employment | (remendous structure all de- A ha 3 Fresh Peas ( ¢ oo mom
acquired one or the other left by coal strippers who ruth-| acco, 27,200 acres (28.000) | existed. Thus, auto industry ; pends on health of a large net- y FOOD STORE \ . Ibs. pi
. i 5 es Jar Ra : could be faced itl hoi f | work of independent dealers. 4 : 2 : . . .
Sins) te aw Blue and 46,200,000 pounds (43,416- i 0 oo 2 ine a toss - ipl oe And car dealers are gua iced ; California Crisp i (None Priced Higher)
3 u ack g and then| goo) nlite at Full conach hing he independent car :
. ing a 1 pac fly until a big | nothing. So the independent car All Price i : large
Little Johnny on Donegal St. moved elsewhere leaving be- minis {f Soom invents yy is built up, then clos- | dealer was the little man who 5.18 Tis Advertisement dasCa é ery stalks x
told his father he was going 10 hing the daminz evidence of | HOSP ing down completely, escaping | wasn't there when GAW was ne- Through of, . o_o
marry the little girl across ahe their ruthless destruction — not ITAL COSTS any wage OF Weltdre paymenis, | golisies, Jou in Saal ie Saturday, August 20th. © Flavor- Rite Frozen a
street. His father ‘asked him| only of thé land itsef but also] IN PENNSYLVANIA | labor. And until such time as | | - 10-02
what they would do for money.| the lives of countless innocent! LOWEST IN U. S. management and labor gives 0) of ice traw erries 9 k i 45
Little Johnny said that her fa-| victims sucih as the 14-year-old 5 - | full recognition to this fact, they i . S Cc
. Harrisburg -(PNS) - Penn- | are just kidding each other. now rop Frozen Buttered “

To be sure there is a joke-| tal bills last year paid j
4 9 & s last year paid just one- . 7¢ age patie ‘emain
5. Tis father then asised law on Pennsylvania's statute] fifth less than other people some. period was $0278, | ras Jatien Fomdined on he Jorge 32 got . Bi ds E 1%
Johnny if they had thought of| yore techmcally requiring] throughout the United State | All of which prompted Asso-| hospital - away from his job - pka. pkg. ; iras rye Chopped Broccoli oor. 306
3 a y Slates a i
Snow Crop Blended Juice 2 6: 15
aut 8, a S¢ lepres
ther had built her a playhouse| Ashland youth of last week. rt Ete tl ii neo Jesult Ot tas a =
and they were going to live in 1 Sylvania ity paving, thelr hosni-) — =: Belergent Beefburger Steaks 1 on 69° mn

“| ciation President George Hay only 8.9 days last year as com-

children. : ;
strippers to backfill their goug-| spokesman for the Pennsylvani
Little Johnny said, “On yes,| ; i, ph ennsylvanial comment: pared with the average stay of =
) ph »| ing operations. They have 10; Hospital Associati gal I. 2 dyerage say 0 5 A 10-0.
Daddy, we've talked that 2, rg to as Corrs fospit 11 Association said this | or | 14 days some 20° sears ago. Breeze Cap’ n John’s Fish Sticks is ey, 69¢
IE she lays any eggs we're gon- po mp week. “The $18.75 is phenomenally | “The very 100 meh in the D a
5 di ance — but the joke happens It was pointed out to a Penn- low when you icok closely at| ie il an tA alergent & Our Finest » ?
na step on ‘em. to be that the bond is so low sylvania News Service r ric ir} J it. It includes a bed, at least 3 cormunines thrash! ihe large t Qualit Pinea le
- . : S) anla News Service repo Pp" 3% the Yl gtateo = 10S ava a ' +!
its cheaper to forfeit the bond}; .¢ the average dailv I | mosis served in bed. laundry state sit on hospital boards and i 33 Se WES ! old i
e average daily cost of give their attention to operating Pkg. i

Crushed 20" oz. C Pineapple 202-01,
Pineapple cans 45 Chunks cans 49

ilosopher enck says: “You| ; ackfi . ha fi ay
Palo > to tool y friends and not backfill. hospital care in Pennsylvani | housekeeping, utilities, drugs efficient institutions,” Hay ad-
Ty @ able ° Eh: ry : hy ol Let's have a law with teeth] jast year was $18.73 - whereas| 4 around-the-clock services : 5, ay. |e .
about your age but dont try Ij jy jtand not political teeth| the national average for the| [rom some of the most highly- | : iE Rinso Blue
On 1 picce of apple pie at bed-| gjther—one that can crack the mem - = — | trained professional people in| : : Kraft's Ic Sale TT
time. whip firmly and surely. The] begins to take its human toll it] the world.’ Early industry in Juniata large Cc giant Cc it li re 8-01 Cc
almost irrepariable damage to] is past time for our lawmakers! He said that {or the patient! County, depending on water pkg. 32 pkg. 15 d lah ressing bottles 30
Last night I saw two women| the land is enough in itself but] to wake up to their responsibi-| the total bill is actually smaller, Power, flourished along streams Buy 1 bottle at the regular price of 29¢, Get Second for 1c
: J Campbell's or Heinz
Park Ave. trying to ma-| igetice is ity hs Garin : :
from ying a-| when negligence of this sort lity. than a few years ago. The ave- flowing into the Juniata River.
HA RE i CC Lux Liquid Tomato Soup = 8. 30°

parking space. After a valiant
is tha Sus mr Detergent Delicious Fruit Drink Fry ,
fon. “This is close enough. We| large 39 _ giant 69c Hawaiian Punch © oY i $1 00 7
can walk to the curb from| can can Butier SUI Criamery 190, 1 "87°
None Priced Higher solid Prints Ib.

While watching the bathers)
over at Hershey on Sunday, I
came to the conclusion that the|
new bathings suits don't shrink. |
There's no place to shrink to.
1| Slring Beans vv bc a 3 um 29° ie
tuxFlakes | ow Pack Tomaloes t=, 3 32°
02° Tip-Top Golden Corn Yoo, -3 "i: 29° 3
. ah hing Coffee °,..°2.28 18°
vaporated Milk mc 730
Stiver Dust Swine Cheese Sold by the Piece in 6
large c Gor c Pres r Ann ay Dopymions oa ¢
pkg. 33 "11 erves Strawberry jar 29 jar 35
Salad Dressing “45°
: AP's 100% Hydro ly
Rinso dexo s Dis Ri genated Hb - 28° 3b. 70
Nutley Oleomargarine ti ge
Soap | Frank's Beverages xo 6 1% 4g
vs 32° 9 Geresota Flour oh 49° ol ge
Mason Jars cues: gge ¥(
Lax Soap Granulated Sugars: 2.355" 48° 95°
3 regular size 25¢ Cider Vinegar on i 15° in 25°
ely Large Sunsweet Prunes '* 33° 2" 50°
Apricot Nectar Quaker Maid 25°
7 Lux Soa Mayonnaise 4, wm 4g
Jane Parker Cherry Pie Special large 39°

Saturday night the bar at
Chet’s ‘was crowded with Mar- |
Ww {ini drinkers. After quite a few]
rounds one of the customers]
staggered, turned and fell flat|
on the floor. |
His companion stood up and |
explained: “That's what I like |
about Joe. “He always Knows |
when he’s had enough.”

The best way to keep the|
wolf away from the door is to|
be sure your daughter is ready |
when he foots the horn.

A new bride from out the]
Back Run way, wanted to raise
turkeys. Her husband tried to
no avail to talk her out of
Finally one day he came home|

with four buzzard eggs he had |
bought from a small boy for a bath size 95¢ Prica! 8" nie
eo White Bread vo [5° 1st 920
oaf . loaf
“Honey, these are really
high-priced turkey eggs,” he
5 df >
told her. “They were so expen- Lifekuoy Spry a
sive I only bought four, but Soap % Shortening
ou can set them and et a : "
you se and g 3 regular size ec |i. Cc ne 2 regular size 25¢
: = 01¢ cakes
start of turkeys.” Several days "
later he asked her if she had cakes can can
— -
t the eggs. “No,” she replied, 3 1 3 > .
Bitte Nor" she sevlion, This Attractive Sign of Heavy Gauge Steel— | Lifebuoy © Linit Liquid x nm
just setting four eggs, so day - : | ‘ 3
tint oe mill Beautiful Green Background With White Letters Soap Laundry Starch *| a
i } a size
them up for your breakfast.” bath size 25¢ quart 20¢ I/2-gallon 37 k 35¢

cakes bott
A great big beautiful car ottle bottle
pulled up to the curb at Delta S 00 Xo Fi # G Id
Street yesterday morning 3 We u
Only Swan Soap | Swan Soap o Golden

where a cute looking working . . |
girl was waiting for a bus. A large size 29¢ B personal size c ; \ Shortening {
gentleman stuck his head out] | cakes cakes comb. 25 rd \ 3b. 91

and said, ‘Hello, I'm dirving | .
south.” T A Sc —- dl
“How wonderful,’”’, said the il At he Lb : .
young lady, “Bring me back an -
orange. Your Mount Joy A&P Store (East Main St.) er
was having a surprise meal,
there’s no label on this can!
iy A WISE OWL' |=
—_— EEE AAT )