The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 28, 1955, Image 9

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if MISSIONARIES TO SPEAK speak and show pictures at Eli[ daughter and son-in-law, Dr.) THE BULLETIN. Mount Joy. Pe.
. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Engle,| Hostetter's Pavilion Wednesday | and Mrs. Alvin Thuma, in Afri- Thursday. July 28
\ A TREA DMILL EXISTENCE &# missionaries who recently had evening, Aug. 3 at 7:30 p. m. | ca, where Mr. Engle is a med- dle ranly wt
| = turned from India laboring Everyone is invited. | ical missionary. Mrs. Engle was | x : Clovelly
} is not the kind of life God has designed \ N with the Brethren In Christ | On their way home from In-| a former teacher in a of transortation in ve
for you. When the sparkle is gone, and € V4 : Mission for 20 years, will dia, they visited Mr. Engle’s| school. (Devon, England) high street.
=5 \ life seems to have lost its purpose, you 3 | — -
ES © : will find in Jesus Christ the answer to
seni { Your deepest longings. “I am come that
FER i they might have life, and that thes might
a have it more a undantly.” John 10.10 a Bn % ost odern hortest troke V8
LIES 1 \
ssories - | :
A 9:15 Sunday Bible School i 1 |
3 in any leading truck !
a *»
ODLING Calvary Bible Church
one 3-4604 13 Morning Worship, “The
. . : = ; i
ractor 2 CA NEW HAVEN STREET AT HENRY X or ; cee 7 CJ JOGA [27 / (%
. Joy Rev. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor _ Cr. floors T rior’ oft fof 2.100. i % % (0) (2% lag ORG
INA. “Holding forth the word of life” 4s : i $ eX
Church News! Dublin Gap; Leave at 8:30 a.m

Two Debtors”
a : Pre Service Prayer Fellowship
Evening Service, “Godly Living”
Wednesday, 8:00 P M. Midweek Prayer Service

mmm no errr | Trinity Lutheran Church I ae 110 EA
wr NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL| Rev, W. L. Koder, Pastor i TH
5 a.m. Sunday Schoo
& SONS F u R N 1 I u AND THE ENTIRE SUR | 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
[EATING ROUNDING COMMUNITY. The Rev. Charles H. Ruby, of ; £4 ! ; : Stroke 3.0 Bore 375 Here's the measure
| Harrisburg, will conduct the f 5 3 ; y ba
RS | ¢ y he see i
Dice . " Zion Lutheran Church services and preach the sermon. 4 i of a truly modern
Landisville, Penna. SEE k 8 ba V% PRION V8 engine—Chev-
PH. 3-5983 ua 1 y or u 1 y fond Rev. Ernest P. Leer | Crossroads Bromnen 1n Christ ; 5 i ¢ , rolet's advanced
sunday { 1urch : 4
Ee 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. | Paul Z. Hess, Harry L. Brubaker : : \ N\A oversquare design.
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship | Pastors : ; ES It means less
Eee WE ARE Thursday : | Christ's Crusaders, a youth : £3 i ] => friction longer
\URANT 7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal [ organization, will be in charge £5 "i : ger
1 WwW — of the week-end services. J engine life
)INNERS NEVER KNO INGLY Glossbrenner Evangeiical | Seturcay Moet at il \ pr ‘
od United Brethren “hurch 0 p.m. Meet al the church.
Cake Daily | UNDERSOLD Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor 6:30 ib Vesper service at
IL. TIMES i Sunday Long’s Park. Rev. Wilbur Ben-
Here are more dollar-saving reasons why’
8:15 a. m. Morning Worship |ner - Ri
9:30 a... Sunday School Sunday Chevrolet trucks offer the most modern
° 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | 9:15 am. Sunday School ¢ V8's* for your money!
{ Wednesday | Arranged by Christ Crusaders. 5
hone 3-9161

TEER | "7.30 p.m. Midweek Prayer| 10:30 am. Morning Worship gi” MODERN 12-VOLT ELECTRICAL ko i is’
NT gf DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE I service. | Message by Rev. Benner. k : SYSTEM weight, more of the power. is
8:30 p.m. Senior Choir. | 7:00 pm. Christ's Crusaders ; Double th hf te actually available for hauling.
HES eras land Children’s Bible Hour. god ¢ punch for quicker , py, veep:
AT | The Church of God | Message by the pastor. % \ ; starting and’ -more efficient vaLves
wiches | ‘Rev. C. F. Heiwig, Pastor | mre iim) "ignition for finer performance. Valve action is more positive at
Joy 3-9531 % EF I R r S G Sa Ci Sones. Schaal J Sloan: £97 Chisel a GAS-SAVING HIGH-COMPRESSION all speeds for finer, smoother
A — - | Lester Eshelman Supt, { Henry Garber, Henry Frank : : Ratio . performance.
S544 | 10:30 a.m, Morning Worship | _ Pastors With a high 7.5 to 1 compres- FLOATING OIL INTAKE . . . FuLL-
ods TL PHONE 3-5601 Monday | Sunday mn i . sion ratio, Chevrolet's new V8 PRESSURE LUBRICATION :
|. 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting. | P08 pt, Suniny Schl bi truck engines squeeze extra Oil intake selects the cleanest -
STATIC. | MOUNT JOY. PA. Palin ce enti power—and work—out of gas. Oil for positive, full-pressure
p.m. Prayer Meeting. | :30 pn. Bible Study and : ; engine lubrication.
: et OS rk Steak i rayer Meeting. x Ta . : : y 8 ; wilCR 3
we ‘ pro | West Groen Tree | Ss 4 | Since these VS's deliver high *43 in he new LC. mod
atteries J 3 1 rch o e Brethre 7 . i : pre x : ly xtra-c )
o2 hey Venetian Blinds—Window ades Abram N. Eshelman, Elder The Washington Street i tif power per pound of engine except Forward-Control models.
PH. 3-9651 | | Sunday : Church Of The Brethren
3 hes os, rT eds ain. Sunday School at Elizabethtown, Pa. w vf ida
3 Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Year after ica’ ing’
SERVICE | Everbidy 'n This Locality Roads The Bulletin] Riicems and Green Tree. Se . after year . , , America’s best selling trucks
; {| 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 9:30 am. Church School
i at Rheems. Adult study theme, “Broken
IR 7 18 to 29 | Vows.”
me Up 7 to 9 p. m. Daily Vacation| 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship;
0 | Bible School in the Rheems|Sermon. “The Master's Impetu- NEW Oo R ne.
Service | Church. ous Friend,” by Pastor Zuck. ?
-9706 { ee 7:30 pm. Community Park
Salunga | Vespers. MOUNT JOY, PA.
STATION Church of the Brethren | Monday through Friday
| £arl Brubaker, Elder In Charge| 9:15 to 11:00 each morning,
| Ezra Herman, Supt. | Vacation Church School, for
ob aval sie | Sunday | boys and girls, . ages 4 to 15.
atteries | © 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. _— ee
Vaxing | 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Calvary Bible Church
3.5241 | gic Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
i Mt. Pleasant | Sunday
| Brethren In Christ Church | 9:30 am. Sunday Bible
STATION [Pastors Graybill Wolgemuth, | School
C. H. Moyer { Classes for all ages.
one 3-4481

| Sunday 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship |
9:00 a. m. Sunday School { Service Rev. Gerald S. Ho-
36 am Worship Service. | bart will be the speaker.
| Wednesday 2:00 p.m. Heller Rest Home
) 3 2 1 1 Rest 1
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Service Meet at the Church. | ’
rents | 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer

Newtown Ii. U. B. Church | Fellowship.
TERS { Rev. John Ferich, Pastor | 7:30 p.m. Evening Service -
STATION | Sunday [ Rev. Gerald Hobart will speak.
> 3 I 9:00 a.m. Sunday School | Tue sday |
one 3-3181 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. Women’s Work
es Wednesday Giron al Marion & Ruth's.
7:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor | Wednesday
8:00 p.m. Prayermeeting. | 8:00 pm. Midweck Prayer
TUTH re asi service {
Church of the Brethren | E ;
RODUCTS Florin, Pa. : 8:0 p.m. Monthly Boarc
a Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder | Meeting
vers Samuel T. Becker, Supt —
rpeners 9:00 a.m. Bie Sehaol | | St. Mark's Evangelical United
):00 a.m. Worship Service. Brethren Church
FLORIN 7:30 p. m. Evening service | Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
Wednesday ; sunday
TATION :30 pm. Pr * Service, [ 9:00 am. Sunday School.
ein 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship.
: 3 Church ¢ of the Brethren | Monday : :
rication : hd Pike an hoa, (Leone,
i tev. Wilmer Hurst | meeting a 1c Cove. Joseph |
itteries Pastor Buchenauer and Walter Eshle- |
» 3.9162 Sunday man, hosts.
me 3-9162 9:00 a.m. Bible School Tuesday
10:00 and 7:30 Special R: 7:30 pn Opening of Mt.
{ly Day Services. Th ker | Gretna Bible Conference and
z mm | will be Rev. Lester Schreiber. Adult Ce amp.
Tires | In the 10:00 service his theme rene
11 “Thea Ur: tor Chri
liances [NIA ane Hour 11 i REV. HOBART TO ,
lances | “Your Influence for Good.” SPEAK AT CALVARY
| Special music by a ladies trio | Rev. Gerald S. Hobart of
1AN jo Mownt Joy. | East Lynn, West Virginia, will
ne 3-9351 : rT Fh + speaker i .
5 | St. Paul's E. U. B. Church be the spejiker at both the
=r [ Falmouth, Pa. 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ser-
area | Sunday | vices at the Calvary Bible
- |, 9:25 pa Sunday School, | church, Sunday, July 31st. Rev. |
WING | followed Y election of church Hobart is the Field Secretary
| officers for the coming vear. HR sy
10:30 a.m. Congregational { of the National Home Mission
| meeting. Fellowship and is at present
TATION ———— working with the Southern
wn 7-9706 Ls | Salynge Maodigt | Highland Evangel, Inc. He will
3 . eorge aundwie ns . | i
a = a when extra expenses bore into your [ Mie Sry Me a Of present the work of that group
1 Jeotl r we make -cost Persons | Sunday in West Virginia, Virginia and
Juv | i pocketbook, we make low-cost Personal 8:30 a.m. Worship Service | Kentucky. He will be showing
“Portable | 8 Loans. In fact, we make them for all | 2130 a.m. Sunday School, colored slides at the evening
3 worth-while per sonal purposes — and Supt. Bighard Dolio. 3. 8, service. All are invited to at-| ® een Oun O an
Buitaing | 8 vorth-while personal purpos _ Midway Betw t Joy
JOY a borrowers have months to repay. | itt Jov Methodist Chueh] =, ne 1
r George K. Ludwig, Pastor HI-GEM CLASS
7 'F YOU NEED CREDIT — SEE US! | Miss Esther Walters, Organist | 70 HOLD FOOD SALE | .
: 3 | Sunday The {lo age i | El b tht R t 230
3 | 9:45 am. Sunday School, | The hia mn Class of Whe) 1Za c OWI, on ou e
— NATI Mr. Ralph Alleman. S. S. Supt. | Methodist Church will hold a
[ 11:00 am.” Worship Service. | food’ sale Saturday morning, |
RT Si Mrs. Lawrence Gutshall, Solo- | August 13.
ing 1 MOUNT JOY BANK | rite meeting after the The sale featuring chicken!
oOo | ii OF MOUNT JOY | Worship Service. | corn soup, will begin at 9:00]
5. Pp, W Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Thursday a. m. in the church. |
AMPLE FREE PARKING SPACE | 8:00 pm. Music Committee | is
a [at Sloan's. x ‘ness By adv,
SHOP ' BANK IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT | Satorday Stimulate your business by adver~ |

AYTOWN 8:00 am. Hi-Gem Picnic at ‘sing in the Bulletin. )