The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 28, 1955, Image 1

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|, Sou To Hold Community Pienic Wednesday
The Mount Jg

Arr tar

Tei ai TI eT
By Larmon D. Smith
This matter of sewers Pops |
up every time one turns a-
round. There appears to be no YOUR
one against the project. How-|
ever, the comment has been) HOME
heard to the affect that “you’ll
never get sewers in Mount Joy, | NEWSPAPER
there are too many against]
them.” |
1f that be the case, then the]
anti-sewer crowd certainly is]
plenty quiet. It’s about time
they stand up and be counted.
The Bulletin respects any views FIFTY- FIFTH YEAR. NO. 6 MOUNT JOY, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1955 $2.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE
that are honest and sincere 2
are not based on personalities.
2 i im | Parents Night Plan nod For Plans Begun

‘Annual Affair
COMMUNITY ‘At Recky Springs
| Wednesday is the day of the
SERVICE annual Mount Joy and vicinity
Community Picnic. The event
this year will be held at Rocky
| Springs Park. Free transporta-
tion is being supplied for all
| persons who wish to leave at
9:00 a. m. Buses will leave the
First National Bank in Florin
lat 9:00 a. m. and will make 2
ho ™ N L [ M. Wi A od | stops in Mount Joy; one at the
oca an Ins . war | First National Bank and one at
| the Union National Bank.
. [ M . | The SICO “basket” truck
From Nationa agazine will also leave the three banks

Pati eine


its offer (made on numerous
retort ot Special Playground Event For Annual
is interested enough to write
his views and sign his name.
Unsigned letters will not be
at the same times Any one
: : en may have the lunch baskets
Jarbara Street, was one of fifty
Auxiliary Plans winners in national contest Placed at any of the Ives Jocas
tions and they will be deliver-

The second street dance of eee TF Sh
the season will be held tonight de Clean Up | arm ow
on North Barbara Street near
Paul L. Stoner, Jr. 117 South
Tentative plans were com-
he playground. The nega : :
De ge Debris From Fire | pleted for activities at the 1955 More E ui ment | sponsored by the Mechanix 11 ed to the park by the truck
FORTUNE HUNTING? | play music for the occasion. Ninety-three friends and; Mount Joy Community Exhibit q P lustrated magazine. “Dick” will Other activities of the day
Just had a brilliant flash on The event is open. to the public. neighbors this week agaist) during a meeiing of the com- : The American Legion Aux:l-| pe awarded a gold-plated ham- include the registration for gate
how to make a fortune. If there Next week's special events ed in cleaning up fire debris on! mittee last Monday night. Cur- jary of Mount doy announces; mer for his idea which he sub-/ prizes beginning at 9:30 a. m.
the start of their seventh an-| mitted A
i Persons may register for these
nual magazine subscription The contest was open for| the ball field. At 10:00 a. m
campaign. Mrs. Ruth Rineer, gq of ideas for inven- games will be played for ‘all
president of the local group,| tions that may be in use in children. Prizes will be sup-
states that the commissions de-| 9455 A.D. His “World of To- plied for the games which will
wasn’t so much else to do, I'd, will include a parent night| the farm tenanted by John K.| vin Martin, president, was in
take a shot at it myself. How-! Tuesday night. Previous nights Fisher, Mount Joy R1. The] charge of the meeting at which
ever, maybe someone else can' were held as Mother and Dau-| barn was destroyed by fire| time plans were made for the
make use of the idea. At any| ghter night and Father and Thursday night. | four-day affair October 12-15.
rate here goes. | Son night. Tuesday night, all The property is owned be The Mount Joy Lions Club hs mo id
The other day I was watch- parents are urged to come to David C. Witmer, Mount Joy. | will have charge of the Wed- yee ie year i asain oe morrow” suggest on will be phe played on the ballfield. Per-
| ing television and got caught in| the playground with their chil-| Following are the ones who nesday night parade. Since Vsed 9 purchase hosp:ta | published in the August issue gons who would like to check
| the midst of a commercial.; dren for the evening. Activi-| helped clean the debris away: { there will no longer be any LEGION COMMANDER | : of Mechanix listrated, 4 mMaga- the layout of the park may
i Don’t know just how that hap-! ties are held from 6 to 8:30 Norman Leas, Lewis Good, Pennsylvania Week observance, Tole 31 . Yow | As a result of the previous zine which is published in New view a map of the park in the
pened, since usually I manage | p.m. | Norman Heisey. Robert parade will follow the L nh oo ahi JOY | campaigns sponsored by the York City. An illustration of BULLETIN office window.
§ to click those blurbs out before Thursday evening will fea-| Shearer, Eimer L. Shearer, El-| farm show theme. | glans new Lomman er = auxiliary, they have been able | his proposed invention will also Lunch period will be from
I they catch me. ture a decorated bicycle con- | mer S. Myers, Henry S. Stoltz. | A tractor driving contest has : to purchase and maintain two be included with his story. 12 to 1 p.m. and swimming ses-
a At any rate this fellow pro- test. All the participants may fyg, Harold W. Ney, J. Harold, been planned for one of the| At the present time, plans will hospital beds, two sets of sides The proposed invention is sion is from 1 to - 3:30 p.m.
dg ceeded to shave a peach, and decorate bicycles and ride them Sauder, John Stoner, Roy fm-| days. The place for this event! probably not include a corn for the beds and a wheelchair. | “Weather control staions that Special rates have been given
then a hairbrush, with one of in the event which will begin epheiser, David Hess I, Elam! has been changed this year. It husking contest. Since the pop- This equipment has been a-| prevent all droughts, floods, to the Mount Joy group for the
those electric razors. at 6:30 p.m. { Brubaker, Harold Witmer, Wal-| is being planned for the Mount ularity of husking corn has vailable for temporary use, killing frosts, and heat waves. day. Adults may swim for 35¢
That’s when the idea hit! The playground group will a- ter Myers, Ames S. Kanode, Le- Joy Farmers’ Cooperative buil- ct ased, the lack of contestants without charge to any resident.| The illustration to be shown and children, 15c.
If they're agoin’ to start sell- gain attend the swimming roy Heisey, Donald Ney, Don- ding between Manheim and may eliminate this phase of the It has been in almost constant will be a map of the sate of From 3:30 to 5:00 p. m. and
: : | classes at Hershey in the morn- 31d Ney, Jr., Victor Hitz, E. S. Old Market Streets. Mount Joy show this year. If demand and has given valuable Texas showing different points from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. is the
A ing shaved peaches, a guy
3 would be smart to buy up a lot
of electric razor stock and get
in on the ground floor when
fuzz-less peaches hit the mar-
ket. No telling where it mgs
sl | aii. on Century Of Progress Is Unfolded In Sry Of Mount Joy Company
ings. The children are given @Gibble, Lloyd R. Heisey, Har-| Farm >’omen No. 8 will a- the public demands that the and timely service throughout of stations throughout the state. time when the speciality of the
free swimming instruction at Kulman, Amos W. Hossler.| gain take charge of the Corn husking contest be held, offic- the community. The auxiliary A board of stalion numbers ap- day will take place. Persons
the pool each morning for two Dp. I.. Hess Jr., Andrew Hess,| Queen contest which is sched- ials will include it in the sch- feels that the equipment it pro- pears before the map which is may ride all the amusements as
: the evenings. edule. (Turn to page 5) to be controlled by man. (Turn to page 5
(Turn to page 5) (Turn to page 5) uled for one of 5)

smart, a fellow might set a-
bout cornering the peach mar-

_— 5 ket, figure a real demand for
50 : peach fuzz and market that.
Just think of all the peach fuzz,
7 there’d be—it’s almost astron-
asus 8 omical! MYCE CORNER, BNL] hi JOY, TE
I suppose those hairbrushes| fa of The ‘Mount Joy i +4 of Insurance Companies wo
§ they're shaving are designed] ;
c gl particularly for the bald-head-|
ed crowd. Hm-m-m! Let's see
———— what use could you make of,
dq ? hairbrush bristles?
95 i Say, this is getting better|
} than I thought. I'm going out |
Re and buy myself some electric
: razor stock !! |
Try leaving your wa'ch at
— home the next time you go to
church. You'll get much more
3 out of the service. It just seems
as if church should be the last
wes place for clock

(Above) Henry G. Carpenter standing before office when it was located at
I'e SAVE ON WATER! | site now occupied by Kulp's Store. (Right) Carpenter's Corner today.

v .
ICE ad but hot, ot the dager poi pio Sl : : : : Against a background. of an- ening affair. Edward H. Smi. h,| business conferences in the Lit-
re + yg that fhe ierigation at our The Mount Joy Mutual In- Landis in Elizabethtown. The history of the company has one corner of the rooms but it furnishings, the Centen- Esq. will be the toas master tle Theatre and an awards din-
head waters doesn’t increase gurance Company will be one assessments are paid annually been written and appeared in is now located in the recrea- |i.) celebration of the Mt. Joy and Dr. Ralph W. Schlosser, ner in the Community D ning
Ne] for the time being. | hundred years old next week. though instead of each time July 16 issue of the national tion rooms. The storefront njutual Insurance Company will head of the department of Eng-| Room. K. Ezra Bucher will be
Irrigation is mostly done at. August 4, a plague will be a fire occurrs. Henry G. Car- magazine “United States Re- windows of the second building open Wednesday 19h of Elizabethtown College in charge of the dinner and
> nig 44 every toring ie oredted in the home office, porter. lisaded the pre-paid Qe view.” are furnished in antiques which a reception and tea at the com- will give the address Following John M. Bomberger will offer
2 | 8 Very low and witch wal sot forth In Drorzs | pariment an pad be bis Office, Growth of Buildings include an Gen pany offices on East Main St. the ship theme, which the com- the invocation. Arnold Brown
a | ing lower. At the time being the principles of the company a small building which stood pp. Mount Joy office was or- graph, stereopticon views, old ny anv and Pany has adop'ed after the will give the addre:s of the
td lawn sprinkling should be very and its dedication to a second on the spot housed by the Kulp igionally a portion of the corn- spinning wheel, and scene Agents of the company anc Hh “Mountjoy”, the program evening. Mr. Brown is a dis-
nl litle and no watering of 10s century of service. Confectionary. ow West = Main er building. With the growth of which resembles a typical Lan waver was oat in Mout will elude music by ? the trict sales manager of Pennsyl-
py and farm land. | Mount Joy Township was the Street. the company, additional space caster county Kitchen. Joy di ii I 1 “ship’s chorus” and the “erew” vania for the George A. Horm-
= Our stand pipe Must be kept first area to be covered by the Directors Listed was received from the next On the second floor oi the hroe das 1 x i I the members of the office staff. The €l Company of Austin, Minneso-
< full at any cost. Kindly cooper- company which has its home Henry Reist was the first puilding which had originally third building, the library is three By i 40 a 3 Stringaires composed of Miss ta. A resident of Trappe, Pa.
a ate with the Water Company office at 23 South Market St. president and had been a di- peen a store. Still more space located which contains an ex- iki WY De os ye Fdna Barnes on the viola: Miss he is known locally since he
Mo through this drought. From Elizabethtown. From this one rector for eighteen years. The was needed and a third build- tensive collection of publica- Tes ein Wheto the Jeanette Barns, cello: Mrs. Nan-| has been an instructor in the
; time to time the water Co. will township, the coverage increas- present secretary, Mr. Landis, ing, which has formerly been a tons and antique documents rae rab the I te will be ©¥ Santeusanio, violin and Miss retail grocery school at Eliza-
» keep the people advised as to eq to surrounding counties and has been in his present office doctor's office and dwelling, plus coins, stamps and curios To € » Marion Black, piano: will also bethtown College. He will talk
€ 5 the condition of the water sup- finally, today, it covers not on- for thirty-three years. Mr. Car- was added. Today, the three which make this library better . Mire: Will play. on selling as it relates to pub-
-) ply. ly insured in Pennsylvania but penter became president in appear as one building since described as a museum. Dis- The Rev. John L. Myers wi The official song of the cele- li¢ relations. Hans Helms will
“No S. H. MILLER, also Arkansas, Indiana, North 1947. The present board of di- connecting halls and doorways plays on the walls throughout give the inyocation at .the ev- will be “Do As You have charge of the evening's
7 Manager Carolina, South Carolina, Ken- rectors includes Mr. Landis, have been added between each. the buildings are framed docu- Would Be Did By” which was Music.
Ww MEETING MOVED plucky, and Florida. NE Carpe Jor M Bop Alri ques play a part in the ments from the early days of trials of the company from the made famous by the Mariners’ A special schedule of activi-
rm 3 ONE -W First begun Aas an fesessmen berger, K. Ezra ucher, Jon decorating of each of the offic- the company. : beginning. Many of the early on television. The company has ties has been arranged for the
nw BRR | company, the insured originally L. Myers, Edward H. Smith es. Although the offices have Took Name From Ship business dealings as conduc’ed always used the Golden Rule as agents’ wives for Thursday.
The regular meeting of Ae paid no premium. When a fire and Clyde L. Nissley. Officers modern equipment, unique and The company took the name appear amusing to the business- a Fos of its business operations Their program includes a tour
1 auxiliary to the local American| gecurred, each subscriber paid are Mr. Carpenter, president; ynusual areas are furnished with of the township of Mount Joy man and reader of today. For and even issued at ORE of the Hershey chocolate fac-
» Legion will be held next Tues- into the company a certain a- Mr. Bomberger, vice president; antiques, symbolic of the early which originally was named example, in March of 1866, the time with the “Com- tory; trip to the museum, visit
a FB day evenmg instead of the reg-| toward the total cost of Mr. Landis, secretary-treasurer; traditions of the county. The for the ship “Mountjoy”. The minutes are recorded in full. pany with Golden Rule as basis to the rose gardens and tea =
oo ular night, the second Tuesday the fire. Although the company Mr. Myers, assistant treasurer; furnishings are for the most specific ship used on the seal “Omited to put on Record in of its business operations” In Hotel Hershey in "addition Yo
= of the month. The meeting will| was begun in 1855, according Mr. Nissley and Mrs. Gertrude part of early Lancaster county of the company is an artist's December Ad 1862 The House conjunction with the. ‘ship their special meals at the Com-
» le eld Jone Meck Saree ane to the records, the first fire oc- P. ‘Helms, vice presidents and craftsmanship and many have drawing from an illustration of of Samuel Witmer of Mount theme, small lighthouses have munity building.
z 4 ts eon § attending 8 curred in 1862. A barn owned assistant secretaries; Hans W. long been the property of the the ship MountJoy found in Joy Twp. was destroyed by been placed thoughout the of- Friday's - activitied include
a & . | by David H. Myers was de- Helms, comptroller; and W. H. Carpenter family. Cassell’s Illustrated History of fire with the contents. Loss fices which shed light on and breakfast golf shopping and
| stroyed to which the subscrib-, Hornafius, Jr. and Paul E. Hol- A grandfather's clock, which England. This drawing is be-| $200. No assessment was made; off similar to a large light-| closing Toncheon. 2
un ers Ted to pay $1,140. : linger, assistant secretaries. bears the inscription “G. Sch- lieved to be an accurate and we the directors of the associa- homnse. . | "A history book of the’ first
29 te The Physician On Call Although the pre-paid de- The financial growth of the reiner, Jany. 24, 1855” just six authenticated picture of the tion have borrowed one hund- Thursday and Friday have one hundred years of the com-
< S | partment was introduced in company has inereased from as- months before the founding of ship Mountjoy which ended the red dollars with interest and been designated for those ag- pany has been prepared which
bed unday | 1923, there still is an assess- sets amounting to $4.930.00 in the company, still keeps the siege of Derry, Ireland in 1689.) with the Balance in the Treas- ents who have met certain re-! includes not only the written
8 Dr. Thomas O'Connor BE ee i, doo bth pian ie opel De late Some oe ji 4:1 hage pad Said loss quirements announced in No-| story but pictures of the first
rte or dhe beg > oe yt 8 O54, x as ey 7 S ye Dany: a5 on m aa 1 ay over till the next vember of 1953. Events for the, buildings and early notices of
VICE A ry pany, 0» as of December, 1954. an old parlor organ occupied the early records, recalls the assessment. { agents Thursday will include| the company.
> bo