TL A NA AL a LL aH WwW ddi | Thoughtful Attention e Ings SAWING, PRUNING and To Every Delail ¢ soma | AVES a HEILIG SPRAYING Man- y B. B. IBACH Funeral Director 139 S. Main St. Manheim, Pa. Thursday, July 21 2| | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pu. | "TREE SERVICE AE TD. 3 4 led certain labor contracts. Quite a kicked up over an WOLGEMUTH Miss Anna L. Stehman, ruckus has been administra-| | tion proposal to tack a gradat-| heim, and Mr. Ezra E. Wolge-| Phone 5-4616 ed income tax onto the Korean! muth, Mount Joy, were mar- | ) | Veterans Bonus bill — which| rjeq Sunday afternoon ‘at 2:00 0 Ii M Electric Ww Idi | Would requine a consitutional a- o'clock in the home of the offi-| Dr.H.C.Killheffer ua ity eats and Gas € Ing | nament. 2 3) | minister, the Rev. Har-| étrist ALSO A FULL LINE OF | Elsewhere on the legislative, ciating ministe ie Ray 0 Optom S | Also Specialize On front a few new bills continue veY B. Markley, Lititz. MANHE|W FARM MACHINE WELDING 163 S. Charlotte St. AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING to be dropped into the legisla-| The couple will reside at 115 ns Sette {4s : : S. Market Street, Mount Joy. plione 3x tive hopper including those) " Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 which would: { Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. Fruits & Vegetables | | | | Make ELIZABETHTOWN | | available a state ap-| Elmer G. Strickler 2nd Floor Clauss prpriation to match county pq. | . | Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 7-5177 e 7-4163 | | funds for control of stem rust] Be ak, ! Lover's Welding Shop ISE Oo L | | in wheat, oats, barley and rye; “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCT | 9:30-1:00. 2.56 P. M ed ar p Beil 4 Marista Streets : { ietta BY A W W/ Authorize certat cities to YOU ‘NEED UNDZR MY MOUNT JOY | MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 | WEST MAIN ST. Now, I believe 1 saw every-| thing — — — — Monday eve- ning while lying in a hammock | in his yard, garden hose in one| hand, Len Safko was sprinkling his lawn. | | | | | For several days George | Reigle had not put in his ap-| pearance at Darrenkamps - -| — — — The organization there | held a meeting monday, and de- cided if he don’t show up in an- | other day or so, they will send | a committee to bring George up| in a push cart. ! My neighbor wife won’t let him wear shorts | because his legs. are prettier than hers. Sunday afternoon Martin kept tellng his that a storm was coming, he discovered that he was wear- ing sun glasses. Elwood | family | | until | | In a nearby town, the under- taker regarded the deceased in the..coffin with severe disappro- val, for the wig persisted in slipping back and revealing a perfectly bald pate. He ad- dressed the widow in that cheerfullly melancholy tone which is characteristic of un- dertakers during their profes- sional public perfcrmance: “Have you any glue?” The widow wiped her eyes] perfunctorily, and said that she had. “Shall I heat it; she asked. The undertaker nodded gloomi- ly, and the widow departed on| her errand. Presently, she turned with the glue pot. But the undertaker shook his| head, and regarded her with | the gently sad smile to which] undertakers are addicted, as he| whispered solemnly: “I found a tack.” It's harder to get men to] church because they don’t care| what the other men are wear-| ing. | | The other evening when offi- | cer Good stopped a local lady, | he told her she passed three | stop signals, went over the white line, and was exceeding | the speed limit she exclaimed: | Please, officer, I just washed my car and can't do a thing with it!” | | We received a news item in| the office for this week, but] cannot use it. It goes something | like this: A Mount Joy girl of] 20, is visiting her twin brother | 32, at Jonesville this week. | Here's a short story: May, flowers. June, wedding. | July, fireworks. - - Agree? | At a ladies meeting last nite | the following was heard: Mabel: “Then you believe in| marrying for money?” Mary: “Not exactly, but | when you marry a man it’s just | as well to know there's some- | thing about him you will al-| ways like.” es | While they were on that sub-| ject, one of them said: “Never marry on Sunday. It's not right to gamble on the Sabbath. “It’s all the way you look at| it — the flea is happy to see.her| children going to the dogs.” Met a young lady from fown| Saturday nite who was wearing one of those strapless gowns. keeps borough ordinance!” - - Serves | me right! Philosoprer Enck says mend our ways.” Home is the place place where we | are treated best and grumble | most. A WISE OWL ms BAST told me his| | Subscription | a evening | When I asked her what| it up? she replied, “A| “Most | of us use very weak thread to | fa : RECENTLY MARRIED - Mr. were married June 30 at the | Church, Elizabethtown Mrs. Carl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. George “hrist Evangelical and Ford J. Donald Carl, I Ford Reformed Mary Janice is the former and Mr. Ford is the son of Mrs. Harry Frank, 11 Lumber street, OHNE OY mma eo THE BULLETIN | the administration’s “proposed| Published every Thursday at 11 | East Main Street, Mount Joy. | Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 Rate $2.50 per year by Mail Advertising rates upon request. Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Member, Pennsylvania News- paper Publishers’ Association. | LEGISLATIVE | ROUND-UP Pennsylvania News Service Harrisburg — The vania Legislaure, its seventh calender sessioning - and still no further ahead fiscally-speaking than it was in January - is preparing to sweat out next week along with the weatherman in a showdown vote in the House on’ Pennsyl- rounding out | month of | ment income tax plan. As matters stand at the mo- Democratic chieftains do not now have sufficient votes to| tax bill, | that | assure passage of the notwithstanding, the fact control the membership of have yet to firmly 106 votes required to pass the bill in the lower chamber. Meanwhile as the they 112-98. muster the session discrimination against women in repeal the 1947 Arbitra rate of pay, Public Utilities Labor tion Law, Arbitration Law to apply’ to your calls for Xpet We Come Promptly fo Make TV Repairs as near as vour telephone vill respond promptly to repairs, SERVICE = i re Radio & TV Service CAR RADIO SERVICE Motorola — Sales and Service THRU SATURDAY 9 STORE HOURS: MON FRIDAY & DAY & BERRIER PHONE 29 WEST MAIN STREET TRIE WE'LL PAY MORE THAN THEY'RE WORTH TO YOU TO RUN That's Right! OF I CROOK - YOU CAN REALLY MAKE MONEY RIGHT NOW BY TRADING SMOOTH, RISKY TIRES FOR EXTRA MILEAGE KELLYS THURS. 95 TO 9:00 TO 6:00 3-8421 MOUNT oY DECAY! — GUARANTEED NEW TREADS i | SIZE 6.00-16 BARGAINS ON ALL SIZES 10 DAYS ONLY—EXCHANGE OFFER YOUR WORN TIRES ARE WORTH 15% TO 30% OF FULL ORIGINAL LIST PRICE IN TRADE TLR 19% ys IT: TRUCK TIRE RARGAINS SIZE 6.00-16 & PLY RATING PLUS TAX LOW PRICES OTHER SIZES ARMOR TRAC GEO. Ww. LE { PHONE 3-9351 MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY Elizabethtown, | House hy al tice Day” to They | : grinds on a mass of bills are | being reported in increasing quantity from committees, in-| | cluding nearly two score ap- propriation measures and sever- al labor relations bill. | Among labor bills before the | House this week are those that would regulate wage payments, require employers to pay for workers’ protective devices, ban and extend the:1927, Pennsylvania and i life sentence; regulate and control the erect-| ion of barb-wire fences; COMPLETE Family Security Fire - - Auto - - Life | Accident & Health - - | Hospitalization Authorize school directors in| a jointure to vote at convention meetings: Restrict the horsepower of motorboats using Lake Pyma-| | county | | tuning; | | Abolish capital punishmnt in| ASD MORIGACE INSURANCE. t) substitute a| Provide for an assistant dog | LOCAL AGENTS, enforcement agent in each coun- v Wallace D. Zerphey Require soft coal operators to furnish mine in-| | spectors with certain maps. i | Set up an appropriation for | WRITING sealing, dewatering and extin-| . guishment . of fires in abandned | Hospitalization and mines; ance to blind persons with im- pared, vision; Change the Through name of “Armis-!| | Jay 0. Kulp Agency FLORIN, PA. “Veterans Day.” Ph. Mt. Joy 3-6891 | CLeaRANCE SALE lowelty ALL $1.10 Jewelry at 69. Tax included Many other pieces at Greatly Reduced Prices , (NO EXCHANGES ANR NO REFU # | JINDS) Koser's Jewelry Store 16 East Main Street Phone 3-5404 Mount Joy, Pa. Coming...the key to the city! | Independent telephone service says “you're welcome” in 11,000 communities! 1954 — Along with the shift of American industry —out where there’s room to gwow— population is moving too! As families settle in new homes +... in new surroundings. . . the telephone is a familiar tie to old friends and new neighbors. A key that opens many doors. Supplying this key— to the cities, towns and villages that cover two-thirds of our nation—are 5,000 Independent Telephone Companies. Helping communities grow . . . and growing with them. .; by making progress always welcome! INDEPENDENT TELEPHONES IN SERVICE Columbia Telephone Cc. Member of U.S. Independent Telephone Association | Evelyn I. Zeiger | Increasing financial assist-| Personal Compensation All Prices in this Advertisement Are Effective through Saturday, July 23rd Burry Cookies Sugar Black Walnut 9-oz. 19 or Ace ka. Assortment Pg Larex Fruit Syrup Assorted int Flavors bok Hi-C Orange Drink 46-02 49° cans Starkist Tuna 6l/5-01. 33 Green Label Enjoy Hearty Good Eating ... Seasonal Savings, Too . « « With A&P’s FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES! 0.5 S. No. | "A" Size Local Cobble Potatoes 1 Fresh California Freestone r New (5-Ib. Bag 21c¢) 0: 29° (None Priced 90. Peaches 2 - 9. Northwestern Bing Cherri Fresh Cucumbers "7 Fresh Peppers None Price Higher None Priced 29: es - 20° Priced A for 19¢ d Higher 3 for 19¢ f N Priced Ib. Golden Bananas gg 15¢ N doz Large Seedless Limes i.“ 25¢ Pascal Celery "liao 2 Wi 29¢ None Priced Fresh String Beans Snow Crop Frozen Grapefruit or Ble Frozen Orangeade Real Gold Frozen Lemonade Orange Juice buck Sealdsweet Limeade ie 2" 28s nded Juice or 6-01. cans 1 Be 15 6: 85¢ cans Frozen 3 or. 29¢ cans Snow Crop Lima Beans rorchoot 2 15 490 Snow Sliced Strawberries Crp 4% zen pkgs. Rinso Blue Detergent ines 32 ges 15 Lux Liquid Detergent ed 48 Lux Flakes 32 Silver Dust 33 Toh Rinso Granulated Soap dle 15° Lux Soap 3 “a 29° Lux Soap tise Frank's Canned No Deposit Beverages no rch. A&P... Our Finest Quality Pineapple Juice Crestview Brown & White Large Eggs Medium Size Crestviews § 24% poe 1K ar dozen in dated carton dozen in dated carton 15Y2-01. Cut String Beans jon: oo eo Seaview Potatoes ua yr A&P Apple Sauce °F Heinz Tomato Soup Price! French Dressing Puddings Ann Page Instant Choco Vanilla or Butter Scot ag SB FES 3 19 A&P Grapefruit Juice or “on 2c Ritter’s Jersey Blueberries New Fruit Drink Hawaiian Pune Granulated Sugar Armour Cooked Hams A&P Tuna Fish oP Mason Jars Evaporated Milk Eight 0’Clock “= Nabisco Sugar Wafers Golden Loaf Cake Swan. Soap personal size c cake comb. 24 Yr 21° 46-01, | $2 35° wi 48° sy 95° on Light Meat oz 95° oe) 89° in g9° S$ 552.28 | 18° big, 29° Jane Parker he Special Price each Instant Fels 3 Lifebuoy Soap 3 regular size 29¢ cakes Swan Soap bath si 15 Instant Fels Sy Lifebuoy Soap 28 Butter Kernel Golden Corn whole 16-01. Kernel 2 cans 2% |... Alpo Dog Food 1515-01 on £3° Your Mount Joy A&P Store ‘OPEN FRIDAY = © rn (East Main St.) AEN { A