{ THE BULLETIN. Mount Joy. | | Thursday, July 7 2 THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy. Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John E. Schroll, | Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 | Subscription Rate 2.50 per year by Mail | Advertising rates upon request. | ®©ntered at the postoffice at | Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class [mail under the Act of March 3, 11879. | Member, | paper Publishers’ Editorially Pennsylvania News- Association. BY A WISE OWL] MAKE YOUR WEEKENDS SAFE Several Weoks ago She of Practically all of us look for- Len Satko's Hie layers Sen | ward to Friday because to most “Red” me apprentice ‘boy, io of us it means that another peatby Jor sx CUPS) eekend has arrived. The week of coffe EE Be came end is a time for pleasure and} back with the coffee in paper tennis relaxation. There's that oops: ag Bl game we had planned, 9 pionie the Cups — = = After the with the family, and perhaps 2 men drank the ocffee they told golf game Yi oar ROE door) “Red” to clean out the paper neighbor. It's tie Hime for 20 and take them back, ing to church, fixing things cups good an il d round the house, cleaning out Hn fhe Jue De ot thel the attic, and watching televis- best he could, and took off for| 'o™ | the restaurant — — — -— The weekends are all of returned with the story that| those things—except on the the cups were not clean enough| highway. In 1954, 13,980 per- and the man would not give| SOns were killed and 678,000 him the twelve cents a were injured in weekend acci-| Sounds like one of “Spook” | dents. according to figures com- Kavlor’s tricks. | piled and released by The = — | Travelers Insurance Companies One of “Dot” Cornwell's cli Thirty-nine percent of the tomers was telling the fellows! deaths and 35 percent of the about his wife going on a three) injuries were recorded on Sat- week’s vacation, while he and urdays and Sundays in 1954. the dog stayed at home — —| The most dangerous day of | He said he went to the refrig- | the week for driving is Satur-| erator to make his first meal,| day. One good reason is that] he discovered that there was| more cars are traveling the | twelve cans of dog food and | highways on Saturdays than on| three boxes of dog biscuits in| any day. There is another im- | it, plus a quarter pound of but- | portant feature which sets this ter and one quart of milk. | day apart from the others. For BR | too many people, Saturday nite Several Sundays back, “Bup-|is a time when drinking and py’ Hinkle got into a heated | driving are combined. argument with “himself” No ine knows how many at the fire house — — — after] traffic accidents are caused by debating for about a half hour| drinking drivers, but everyone he finally shid to himself: | knows it is a major problem. “Come on, you and I better g80| For example, walk into traf-| home, we'll settle this tomor-| fic courts any day and you will row.” find them crowded with per- { sons who were involved in sex- A little girl on Nor 2ar- . . North Bar | ious accidents as a result of bara Street had to write a let-| drinking. Everyone needs to ter of apology for forgetting| know that even one drink be- the birthday of a young friend.| fore driving is too many. We “Dear Alice,” she wrote, “I uw an advertisement the other am sorry I forgot your birth-| gop which said: “If You Drive day. I have no excuse, and it| _pon’t Drink—If You Drink would serve me right if you pont Drive.” This sounds like forget mine next Wednesday.” | very simple advice, but it ; bg | makes a great deal of sense. Here's 2 litle poem she al Weekends should indeed be £0 gent ug: ; happy ones for everyone. Let's Hickory dickory dock | try and make it that way. Will Two mice ran up the clock, | You? The clock struck one 37 oe But the other one got away. | LETS HELP THEM Philosopher Enck says: “A J Dis is Hv or on he 2 hangover is something that oc SONI 2% Dpon : a from Mount Joy in the city- cupies the head you didn't use : 18st night” county league for Raut players. For many years, the town has 1 don’t it i Way the entered teams in Junior Legion, heat or not, but my wife sure| Midgets end Midgel-Midget Wis about minded this: motu. leagues but no team in the old ing. She came downstairs, kis-| or longue. sed an egg, tapped me on the| Since this is the first year, head with a spoon, then unfold-| Players had to be outfitted in ed a napkin, looked at it and uniforms and all the initial said: “Well. there's no news in equipment had to be purchaed. the paper this morning.” {In addition to the major finan- | cial problems, yearly finances The trouble with women is| must pay for the insurance, they want to mend your ways | league dues, and one big item, when they should be mending| —for balls lost during a game. your socks. i Judging from an cxperience | at one of the home games, it Doctor Connor told one of] Would seem that returning his patients: “To settle vyour| Palls that go beyond the park stomach, drink a glass of hot| Would be one way in which water every morning.’ | anyone could help the team. His patient told him he was| | Balls are quite expensive and doing that for a long time, on-| | they mean more to the team iy ‘his wife calls it coffe.” | than as souveniors for some ee person’s curio shelves Man was first upon this earth.| For reader information, in or- Then the Creator added wom-| 9€F 0 meet scm of the expen- en, to improve his condition} 58 of the game, the players and ever since that man has| conducted a money-raising pro- been looking for new improve-| ject themselves. Players sold ments! | watermellons throughout the Lo | borough. My mother-in-law must | Ye brush her teeth with gunpow-| SWORN INTO NAVY der — the way she’s always| Among the 14 men from shooting off her mouth. | Lancaster County and 36 from | York County who were sworn into the United States Navy as the Conestoga Company, which is part of Pennsylvania's Distel- “Everytime I go to the race-| track I lose everything I have | with me.” i The next time I go I'm tak-| fink Battalion, on Monday, July ing my wife with me. | 4th at the Pennsylvania Dutch re | Folk Festival at Kutztown Do you know what happens, were: Ronald L. McLain, 19, to little boys who never tell the| 457 E. Market St., Marietta; truth? — — When they grow! Robert N. Michener, 20, 659 E. up they work in the weather! Market St., Marietta; Floyd H. bureau! | White, 20, Bainbridge R1: Mel-| ites ! vin L. White, 17, Bainbridge] A WISE OWL! R1, (brothers). | ups. foul Servi J ferent income Six Months Old or Six Feet Tall By BETTY BARCLAY It isn’t often you find a dessert that's light vyand nourishing for baby, yet flavorful and satisfying enough for Dad, too. Many wise mothers know the secret and serve rennet desserts regularly. They are easy to prepare, deli- f cious as well as nutritious, non- fattening, and offer a variety of . seven different flavors. What more could one want whether he be ‘six months old or six feet tall”? For dinner tonight serve Quick } Maple Bread Pudding plain for the tiny tot and with whipped | cream and nuts for the grown- Here's the recipe: | Quick Maple Bread Pudding | 2 slices raisin bread { 2 cups milk #1 package maple rennet powder | Whipped cream and walnut | i meats | iw? Set out 4 dessert dishes and a | “ custard cup for baby. Cut raisin | bread in cubes and divide among dessert dishes. Warm milk slowly | until lukewarm, stirring con- stantly. Test a drop on the in- side of your wrist frequently. When it feels comfortably warm ¥ (110° F.) not hot, remove at once from heat. Stir in entire contents of package maple rennet powder | [ at one time. Mix until powder is | dissolved—not over one minute. | Pour at once, while still liquid, | into glasses. Do not disturb while milk sets—about 10 minutes, | Chill. Serve baby’s dessert plain. Top with whipped cream and nuts for adults. rd ugh For the Home Protect Your Linoleum INOLEUM, or tiles are excellent floor cover- ings, but their life and appearance depend a good deal on what's wi derneath. Oftentimes this is a ished, wood floor which has g rough and unsightly. It might be, instead, just the rough flooring. asphalt plastic In any case, it's a good idea to have a smooth surface for the y floor covering. Many applica recommend and use Masonite Un- derlayment because of its smooth- cost. better 1se of the un- , even thickness and low » lool II look ar longer ment. COV( v are covered, uneven hea likely will n to “mirror” right through the floor covering, and when that happens vou may be sure that the boards are wearing through and the sur- face be broken before long. Masonite Underlayment comes in A { or 4 x 3-foot sizes and is available at lumber yards. It’s ap- nately 4” thick—.215 inches, to be exact. Directions for its ap- plication come eht with the bundles, or full details may be ob- tained free by writing the Home 111 Chicago 2, eau, Suite 2037, gton St., State Chamber (From page 1) Sales Tax, with both clothing food and liquor $45 (Versus $83 for (Versus $65 and on-premise tax for $30 or added to base — $4,000 $40 income family tax); family or tax). $10 tax come ial covers the and with- cost-of-earning different estimates amount of tax with out the $1,000 deduction. “These estimates show that a sales tax producing the same amount of revenue as the Classified Income Tax would impact on wage Chamber declared. step the Sales raise all the revenue the Governor asks, impact is not sharply greater, and it falls fairly evenly on dif- levels. The in come a lesser the if have -earners,’”’ “Even you Tax eover new General up ‘age $7,500 $75 in-| in- | definitely | to! Fund | the Make A Coconut Shortcake For Him! | { | | | | | ning | George Keener, | Paul Stoner Chamber Of Commerce Plans Picnic Meeting will feature the annual picnic meeting of the lo- Game night Commerce July 18. held at at 6:30 p. cal Chamber of on Monday affair “Cove” A picnic ed to the members and the will be spent bowling the green, pitching | playing croquet. Arthur Sprecher the committee and is assist-| by committee members, Samuel Heisey, evening, will be starting the m. ev- on quoits and | is chairmae mn! | nari mamas {lf em semen The! lunch will be serv- | and Robert Schroll. | SSID, LI < Lhe) Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF FROSTED Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Markel | i | MOUNT JOY | Ld { { To Every Delail JAMES B. HEILIG Funeral Director | | Thoughtful Attention! | | | | ‘and Gas Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING | AND EQUIPMENT | Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING, Cover’s Welding Shep Delta and Marietta Streets # { WEST M AIN ST. MT. Joy, PA. Phone 3-5931 The District of Columpia? had | The Pony Express in 1860-61 Coal mines have been burn- | | operated between St. Joseph,| ing in Pennsylvania since the a delegate in Congress for four Looking for something new for dessert? Add toasted coconut to a | Mo. and Sacramento, Calif. | time of the Civil War. | years, 1871-1875. shortcake recipe, What better way to givethemaninyourlifeaspeciall |, aoe oom ee ea mma treat! He will ask for seconds when you serve this short, short, short- cake, with its erunchy coconut and its delicious blueberry sauce. A fluff of w hipped cream adds to the eye appeal . . . and be sure to have a side | dish of the coconut to pass—for second helpings. { Blueberry Coconut Shortcake aide . ~ " 3 cups sifted flour 4 cup shortening { M Il A | th A&P 3 31% teaspoons double-acting 1% cups shredded coconut, i ions cC alm e baking powder 3 . i 3 tablespoons sugar cup milk, about f 1 teaspoon salt Blueberry Seal A Sure Sign 0 Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, sugar, salt, and sift | again. Cut in shortening until consistency of coarse corn meal. Add 3 cup of the coconut and mix well. Add milk all at once and stir until soft dough is formed, Turn out on lightly floured board and knead 20 times, Divide dough in half and pat 2 inch thick in two greased 9-inch square layer pans. Bake in hot oven (450°F.) for 20 minutes, or until done. Cut each cake in 9 or 12 squares and spread squares with softened butter, Put together as individual shortcakes, spreading Blueberry Top- d ping between layers and over tops. Garnish with whipped cream and af remaining % cup of coconut, Makes 9 or 12 servings. 0 Blueberry Topping: Combine 112 quarts fresh blueberries, % cup sugar, 3 lemon slices, and 13 cup water in saucepan, Place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Cool, then remove lemon slices. Marcal Colored After the United States pur- Tissues Red i pe Wate elo Home Calender chased the Danish West Indies rolls ! il Nn in 1917, the name was changed 3 28 Full None Timely Reminders from The | to Virgin Islands. ay 23 =n 4 Cc ii 89c Priced Pennsylvania State University | Ma p uarter Higher College of Agriculture . rca aper ize Pi Select Chairs — Straight Elmer G. Strickler ics Cantaloupe Laie Joss pins ea 2w 39° | chairs are most comfortable Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 7-51717 None Priced ib. | when the seat is as high as the | YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE 3 pkgs. 25° Seedless Grapes Higher 25¢ | lenght of your leg from the | of 100 H « None Priced Ibs. | knee to the floor. YOU NEED UNDER MY Fresh String Beans Higher 2 19 Mirrors Reflect — Plain sur-| COMPLETE Kitchen Charm Santa Rosa Plums None Priced Higher '® 25g face mirrors have as great re-| F il S - Real Gold flecting properties as beveled- ami y ecurity Waxed Paper rozen c | mirrors and are less expensive. . Lemon d 4 Re 15 Line Lampshades — When] Fire - - Auto - - Lite bees 23 Old South E 4 ¢ Tans lampshades are lined in white, | Accident & Health - - ro ou rozen . ’ they increase the efficiency of | Seine u 0 J 6 x02, eit LL Fels Naptha fanze duties me Floor Covering Cost — Wall-| AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE S Sealdsweet Frozen Limeade 3 or 29g to-wall carpeting is expensive; 35-t oap Birds Eye Frozen Fryers ze 81.29 because of the large area, but] cakes 3 c Cc 9 fhe. beca ap’n John’s Fish Sticks 2 = G8 it will make a room look larg- | ~~ ~TNITQ 4 5 p’ pkgs. jh | LOCAL AGENTS Curtain Shrinks — To make] Special Introductory Price . . . ire curtains fit windows after | Wallace D. Lerphey Instant Fels Whi i 0 k Mi 9-oz. ¢ washing, choose them 3 inches | E ] I / . i e a e ey pkg. 10 | longer than the final length you| ve yn . e1ger large ¢ giant c Jane Parker want. kg. 31 k 15 A | Ri Special each ¢ Tomato Crack—Tomatoes with | WAITING tg pia nge ing Price! 39 growth cracks in the skin won't] .. To o Sultana 12-02. 0 | keep long, but they are good Hospitalization and Felso jar 25 | when used right away. . iin Page Gra a or im 21, 6 Choose: Melons when a Personal Compensation Detergent Chill 8 Wig ll or | melon is dead ripe and ready | Through large c i ed Orange Juice container 29 to eat, the odor it diffuses is 23 202-01, ¢ usually stronger and very no- Jay 0. Kulp Agency pkg. A&P Crushed Pineapple cans 45 ticeable, |FLORIN. PA. - Ph. Mt. Joy 3-681 i : 16-02. #0 oy . Th I Foy Nola A&P Grapefruit Sections ii | Tip Top 12 oz. ¢ Soap Flakes Golden Gorn Poa Reliab EY a eliable 6-02. C large 32 New Pack Peas Brand cans 29 pkg. Ok Treet or Prem 2 2% a i Solid Pack 1-02. Tidy Home Paper A&P Tuna Fish White Meat cans 09 Garbage Bags Kiein’s Cucumber Spears rr J pi ac Granulated Sugar sin go 100 gh of 20 Evaporated Milk = 6 on cant 13° Dash “Our Own” Tea Bags Jc 41° »< 79° Cheese S d Borden's or 5.01. ¢ Dog Food peas ov i 48 Donuts Jane Parker Plain, Sugared, akg, c 6 I-lb. 81 or Basan Sugared of 12 19 cans ane Parker 1 Pineapple Pie Special Price a 38° Cakite Bioanc: Nabisco Crackers Keebler n yea ih Saltines ? \ 33 Peanut Butter P19" 25¢ I-lb. 25 pkgs. Sandwich of 6 box C | - - | J Little Kittens Herb-0x Junket Ren Cat Food fe oo Bouillon Cubes . Powder ; Nh It's All 15-02. 11 jar of k A KN CAAA SRB AM 5. Fish cans C 12 cubes 19 3 P gs. 3c . Dial Soap Educator Southern Star «© . — a Where does Mother's time go? She's va Cookies Bonita Flakes : regular size always busy; seems to have less and less time 2 Se 25¢ Holiday I-Ib. 35 33 | for fun with me...” Assortment box C Sans ¢ -. La Cho GAIN PRECIOUS TIME FOR LIFE'S PRECIOUS THINGS: Dial Soap Chow M G y Educator Cape PAY BILLS BY MAIL, WITH CHECKS — DRAWN ON US! bath size 8 OW Sinney Cod Gookies cakes ¢ pkg. 19 10-02, 25¢ pkg. = | RT a a | \ © | Rom | cas sR MT. G Oper «“7] FOI Dia