The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 16, 1955, Image 6

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N Glossbrenner Fvangelical
Church’ ews United Brethren “Church
Rev. John HH. Gable, Pastor
THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY 8:15 a. m. Morning Worship
AND THE ENTIRE SUR-! 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
ROUNDING COMMUNITY. | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship

R lav
mo | 7:30 p.m. Midweek Praye:
West Green Tree service. :
Church of the Brethren { 8:30 pm. Senior Choir.
Abram N. Eshelman, Elder | ——
Sunday Trinity Evangelical
8:45 a.m. Sunday School at Congregational Church
Rheems and Green Tree. : Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, Sunday
at Rheems 9:15 a.m. Father's Day
Lesson to Adult School {rom |
ATE hodist Churct the platform.
Mt. Joy Methodist Church 10:20 p.m. Morning Worship. |
George K. Ludwig, Pastor with message by the pastor
Miss Esther Walters, Organist 7:30 p.m. Worship Service
Sunday . we with message by the pastor
9:45 am. Sunday School, Wednesday
Co od sday
£ man, =. Supt : ’ 3
Mr. Ralph Allem an, 8 > ti] 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting.
11:00 a m. Worship Service, 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re-
“The Sacraments and ioral
Ceremonies Thursday
Trustee meeting following 6:45 p.m. Junior Choir Re-
worship. hearsal.

h Fellowship ; oa
St. Mark’s Evangelical United
Brethren Church
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
9:00 am. Sunday School.
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship
ace | Wednesday
Class | 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer {
Service. |

.m. Young Adult

Thursday | : hi
Salunga Methodist Church 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- | Mar) Arlene, Stauffertown, Mi Lloyd R. Swarr, Mount Joy
George K. Ludwig, Pastor hearsal and Mrs. Harry Beamenderfer,| R1. and Estie M. Bender, Flor-
Mrs. Mary Minnich, Organist — | Ella Sherk. Mrs. Annie Zerch-
Tng x Ella Sherk, An ; Lin
Mr. Richard Peifer, S Church of the Brethren er. Mrs. Abram Hess, Mrs. Ray John L Bufl nmver. Florin,
Florin, Pa | Mver \ Vivre. Tol y
| t Myers, Mount Joy. Mrs. Johnj, 5 ni Deaver. Hum
yh iis 3 { Bev. Howard Bernhard, Elder |... Wye. Charl Maurer | and Bull i Rao 7} 9:18 Sunday Bible So
Food Sale mon Samuel T. Becker, Supt. Haines re BALK viaurel | melstown R2 J9:15 Sunday Bible School
sponsored oy the Young Ladies | 9:00 a.m. Bible School. j and son Michael, of Mount Joy Robert G. Summy, Penryn, 10:30 Morning Worship
Ne awit : 5 i 4) { > viorning VOI
Sa a { 10:00 am. Worship Service. | R. D. and Mrs. Beatrice Brooks, | Joan Root. Manheim Rl. ;
unaay 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship | 1: and Jo: ot, ! 1 =. ne-Service Praver
8:30 a Worship Servic Wadnesday Em | of Kinderhook Kenncth 1 Stone, Warner 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer
Sermon, “The Sac ts and 7:30 p m Praver Service | Visitors of Mrs. Edw. Isler) popins, Gergia, and Martha 7:30. ‘Evening Service.
ht Bf Corns we ‘School NS | and family and Mrs. Irene Sny-| j ujse Sprout, Manheim Rl.
):30 a.m. Sunday School dar were Yo 5 Mrs Flwood . . : Hida
: der were, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood ‘harles FE Flori
i through Frida) Salunga 3 A, 8 AL Char E. Heinaman, Flo n,
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 am. Com Church of the Brethren | Snyder of E-town. XT 8 md Barbara Ann Warfell, Mt ;
munity Bible School each mor- | £farl Brubaker, Elder In Charge Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ab-| jov Ri NEW
ning at the Church of God, in| Ezra Herman, Supt. ram Gamber were, Mr. ‘and R'chard Lawrence Tyndall, Rev. V
Landisville. Sunday : 8
Tuesday 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. : ia on
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Manheim, Mr. and Mr Salem | Sherk, Mount Joy R2.
Miniature Golf party. Wednesday Gamber and daughter, Colum =
re 7:45 p.m. Bible Study bia RD., Mr. and Mrs. Havard
Crossroads Bretnmren In Christ Johnston. Lancasts
Church Calvary Bible Church
Paul Z. Hess. Harry L. Brubaker | Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
Pastors Sunday
9:15 a.m. Sunday Bible School

. Sunday School ‘lasses for all

Worship 10:30 a.m Morning g Worship
isaders Sermon by tt! Pasior The
Hour Wicked Husb ?
sage 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer
eting 7:30 p.m. Evening Service
inate e Pasto Spiri
The Washington Street Ba smelling Salt
Church Of The Brethren :
slizabethtown, Pa | 7:45 pm oun Ay ts lass
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor jen g at the home of Robert
Sunday AV 1SS1)
Cay “1 Wednesday
9:30 a.m. Church Schoo} Oo re ng 3
Adult tud th orev “3 8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer
vdu stud th 1 Jos:ian one
Keeps The Passover.” Nl bn
o> 7 "
16:30 a.m. Morning Worship, | pn } o.m. Youth Nicht
rion by QGulen C. Kithefner. | 2:08 Pan. Youll Nig
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. | Robe rt Hoffman
Sermon by Rev Daniel A. Hoo- | Mg
per. Trinity Lutheran Church
—— Rev, W. L. Koder, Pastor
The Church of God Sunday a =
Rev. C. F. Heiwig, Pastor 9:30 am. § unday Sc hool
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School | Monday a
Lester Eshelman Supt. 7:30 p.m. Brotherhood | 4
10:30 a.m. Father's Day Ser- |EFarish Hous
arge of the Ergatans, | Tuesday

vices in cl

7:45 p.n "he Womeot
Fhe guest speaker will be Mr.| ¢-32 Pb. Ihe yomen
Clarence McC of Lancaster ionary Society will moe
r the darist us
There will be special music al- | the Parish Hou
| ®
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship ol
Wednesday Vacation Bible School
7:30 p.m. Bible Hour, A. S
June 26th. 7:30 P.M
Holy Communion Services At Presbyterian
Zion Lutheran Church Church July i 1 i
Landisville, Penna.
Rev. Ernest P. Leer A Vaestion Church School
9:30 a.m. Sunday School will be held a » Donegal
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship
or “+ | Presbyterian ( rel Mt. Jo
Thursday | Presbyteri ren, It. Joy
7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal { R1, beginning Monday July 11
and oncluding on Friday, July
Mt. Pieasant ne Lo :
Brethren In Christ Church | 22. Meeting together Tuesday
Pastors: Grayhill Wolgemuth, | cvening in Mount Joy the
C. H. Moyer | as a
Sundav { Boards of Christian Education
9:00 a. m. Sunday School { from the Donegal Church and
10:30 a.m. Worship Service. | (1, pirst Presbyterian Church
Wednesday {

7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. of Mount Joy appointed Mrs.
rain W. Scott Heisey, Rheems, as
Newtown ii. U. B. Church | the director of the school. It
Rev. John Ferich, Pastor | will run from 9:00 A. M. until
Sanday |
: 11:00 A. M. eac 1orning
9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo! 1:00 .4 rs eh of
Special Father's Day Program | the two week period... Trans-
Selections by Primary Dent. | portation will -be arranged for
Teaching of Lesson, Mr. Rufus | those going from Mount Joy.
Miller, Bainbridge, Pa. Or
Special Music by Donegal Gos- A :
or Four, Male ue Theodore Roosevelt discover-
7:30 p.m. Children’s Day ed the Teodoro river in Brazil
Program. which newspapers called the]
Wednesday Christian Endeavor | Fiver of Doubt until its exist-|
ie .m. eavo x .
8:00 p.m. Prayermeeting. ence was confirmed. )
| Sunday.
| Moore and Mrs. Ida Eisenberg-i Robert W. Arndt, Main St.,
er, were Mr. and Mrs. Paul| Florin, and Jacqueline J. Coble,
{ Mrs. Jay Sherk, and daughter,| town
THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. |
Thursday. June 16 6
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gamb- |
er visited Mr, and Mrs. John
Bard, of lronville, and Mr and
Mrs. Salem Gamber and family,
Columbia RD
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
istice Wittle were, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Wittle, Columbia
RD.. Mr. and Mvs. Ragner Hall-
gren, Mount Joy, Mr Joseph


| er, Landisville, a daughter, Fri
day, in Lancaster General Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Sch
reiber, Salunga, a son, Friday,
al Lancaster General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Londa Zurin,
Mount Joy K2, a daughter, on
Monday at the Lancaster Gen
eral Hospital i
Mr. and Mrs. James L Vogel
of 139 Cooper Avenue, Landis
ville, a daughter, Monday, at
the Lancaster General Hospital. |
Mr. and Mrs. James R. ren

Wittie and children, Columbia, . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W il- |
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robert Hoffman and Martin Heisey are teaching one of the | Hemp Street, Mount Joy, all
Geltmacher and family were, ef at Calvary D. V. S. daughter Friday at the Lancas
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reigle, N PETRY ter General
Mr. Mrs. Earl G mach 5 - ra
i and Mrs. Earl Geltma - Calvary D. V.B.S. RE-SCHEDULED FOR
r visited Mr. Celtmachs SATURDAY, JUNE 18
Mrs. Irvin Witmer and
dren visited
Kauffman of Ironville. { afforded to :
Vir. and Mrs. John Grossman | work and following that, to see! ets available for dinners or
iv od DS. oe
and family visited Mr. and and hear a little of what the carry-outs
tpi |
mother who is a Cam |
ic at the Lancaster Gener: Presents Program The Elizabethtown Broiler
SoH : jd g arks' Barbecusd scheduled for last |
Hospital This Friday evening : ma |
ty dinner guests of Mr.| the close of Calvary Daily Va- Saturday which was rained out Guaranteed Control
and Mrs wm. K. Fogie were, | cation Bible School. All the has been re-scheduled for this |
Miss Priscilla Fogie and Mr.| parents and friends are invited Saturday, June 18, 4 to 8 pm. rec Ee timates —
Harry Mammino, Philadelphia.| to the closing program to be at the high school athletic field SS |
arry Me ino,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm program is presented in the FORMER RESIDENT WILL
Mrs. Wm. Geltzenlichter, Soud children have learned when the - ®
Rynier, Gap.
those who attended the school
Mrs. Martha Fogie and son | as
Miss Shirley Yvonne Sites, on church at 10:00 sharp and 10} 19 through August 13
| bring their own box lunch. The | hag heen announced
7 a chil- | presented June 17 at 7:00 p. m All holders of tickets from n
Mr. and Mrs. John| There will be an opportunity | last Saturday may use them WM. J. POWERS
we | see the classes at] this week. There are also tick- 121 W. BAINBRIDGE ST
for E'TOWN — PHONE 28%W
| auditorium. SERVE AT SUMMER CAMP
Mr. Alfred Atland, Columbia. On Saturday, June 18th, ‘we Miss Elinor Lane, Wayne,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K will hold our picnic for all formerly of town, has been p E A N U T S
Fogie | those w atienae sC named business manager of the BE)
. [as well as any parents and| 1955 of Camp Furnace
Richard attended the wedding] friends who care to come. Ev-| Hills of Lancaster County. The see
os ool the . ‘ .
of Mr. Jack Garner and|eryone is asked to meet at the Girl Scout camp will run from

‘The Living Hope

Fresh, Roasted
+ Hassinger's Grocery

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Derr, church will provide cold drinks ® iin 16 N. Market St., Mount Joy |
jai en ps ee 3 rr There ri : v v 1
Columbia, visited Mrs. Matilda and ice cream. There will be Patronize Bulletin Advertisers
Derr sames and contests for all ages. an

Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. |
Maurice Frysinger, Mrs. Katie| MARRIAGE LICENSES
diffenderfer, Florin, Mr. andj 120 S. Market Street, Elizabeth-

BLOTTE 0 our |
life. Yet God arranged through Jesus Christ
to make your life clean and without blame
Learn of this wonderful message at our
* church this Sunday. “I am He that blottet}
* out thy transgressions.” Isaiah 43:25
“Spiritual Smelling Salts”
Calvary Bible Church
The Wicked Husbandmen {


we can probably help you save money on the
financing — with a low-cost Bank Auto Loan.
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

L. Wilson, I Pastor

Visitors of Mi and Mrs
| George Moore and family were, |
| 3
Mr. and Mrs
SLE ETF High time you discovere

Mrs. Richard L Columbia
and Rev. John F¥. Ferich, Wil-|

low Street °
Visitors cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | : A
Haines were, Mr. Horace Wag-| 8
ner, Mt. Joy RD Mrs. Anna
Houseal and daughter Louise Si
Maytown, Mr. and Mrs. Giles
Urban and son, Billie of Lititz
VI». Richard Brandt, colum-
bia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Witmer and family. |
itors of Mr and Mrs. |
Harry Weaver were Mrs. Grace
icltmacher of town, Mr and |
Mrs. Albert Myers and daugh
ter Joann, Mrs. Beity Brosey
ind daughter Linda, and Mrs.
2d Erb, Columbia RD.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
'osey and Mrs. Edith Erb
V Vir. and Mrs. Hathaway |
Brenneman Mount Joy RD.
Mr Betty Fackler and daugh
ter, Nancy Silver Spring and
Fobert Witmer, Marieita.
Mr Betly and . chil
dre d Edith Erb, visit-

1 Brosey and chil

There will be a children’s
vy Frogram at the Newtown
.U. B Church on Sunday,
June 19th at 7:30 p. m. Every-|
ong welcome

Next time you're driving around town, just
‘Mount Pleasant Bibie | notice the number of gleaming new Dodge cars
s you see on the street!
School Is Announced
Ti Mt. Pleasant Brethren
Christ Summer Bibl Sch
Then ask yourself: “What is it these people
have found out about the new Dodge that's
causing this landslide of popular favor?”

will open June 20 and continu
until July 1, Time of school
will be from 7 P. M. until 9
P. M. Transportation will be
provided by a Bus which will
stop in Flosin ut the restaurant But the real story behind the rush to Dodge is
opposite O. J. Klings, and will

Part of it, of course, is the new Dodge styling
You can see at a glance how much bigger and
more luxurious this car is—up to 9 inches
longer than its competitors.
cont > 1 nt. r sto ing t i
continue to Mount Joy stopping Your, Dodge dealer. brings you: the NATIONAL - OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT on television (NBC-TV) Saturday evening; June 18. Consult your newspaper for time
at tse Newcomer Motors Inc.
the Methodist church, and Hess
Store, from there to Pine St. |
All are welcome.
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. |
| Mrs. Ray Gamber and son, of| Fast Wain Street and Thelma “Holding forth the word of life” In This Locality Reads The Bulletin


Ceres tetas eres tres

New Dodge Custom Royal Lancer 4-Door Sedan-—-most beautiful car on the road today
this: People are discovering the difference in the
way Dodge cars are engineered and built!
They discover it in the solid, substantial feel of
the car—the way it handles and rides. They
learn to appreciate it in the deep-down good-
ness of every part and feature: Doors that
don’t rattle. Body joints that don’t squeak.
Windows that work smoothly.
There is really no substitute for the depend-
ability that is built into Dodge. Isn't it time
you discovered this difference for yourself?
erence in Dodge
| to Thome’s store in Stauffer- oh 5 3 € b&
| town and then to the church. ec Im 3
Ahead in °55
pr I

‘53 PI
‘52 C
‘52 PI
‘51 Di
‘50 D
‘50 PI
‘49 PI
‘48 Cl
