The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 26, 1955, Image 10

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    ees, | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.| { Mount Joy Borough will pay grading. New plans will be
Thursday, May 26 10 Budget Approved I: 8211 toward the $26,000 rent- submitted. The bids for a ne w|
We Specialize In “ee ere me — dl of the school due In July: school i Were hie for
‘hase until a future time.
BUTO PAINTING N 4 T OWN For Donegal High Mount Joy Township will pay Tha pt . ° he
WHEEL ALLIGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCING. ; ) : | High School was raist d $25,000 Donegal Township, $11,068. ONE TRIP
Visitors at, ‘‘The “Amdt 10ME Sehr the coming school year it Thomas Forsythe, agriculture The
FREE ESTIMATES were Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weid-| yo at the monthly |, and Mrs. Clara Krotzen, com-
man and children, E-town RD. |, eting of the group last |
. * : mercial teacher, both resigned in y' wast week Harry
Carriger’s Paint & Body Shop § ur od wm ime evening he new Nomi was an 3007 pon ro, Ail
children, ML, JOY, . yudget accepted y Fs yintec 3 the commercia fei eile 4 4 J Yes
PHONE ELIZABETHTOWN 110J12 RHEEMS, PA. \Y § Clifford White and son, ..ounts to P1094. This fig- | De Jr. was el NED kes 2 Hs ps Thousands of Amazed Users bok TERRIFIC
sat Mr. and Mrs Javad Johnston. | ure is higher due to the salary | acted board treasurer. Wilbur Charles and ay Myers. Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Donald increase for members of the! principal, reported that
Wilson and children, Gordon- teaching staff. Approval grant-| hag been a decrease in en- panying nurse.
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hubley ' {he increase was not for the school year oan
of Columbia, Mr. Ira Stauffer, ., i445 with Joseph Bixler, E.| om 852 {0 825 due to students Beni. F. ‘Garber
Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Donegal Twp.; Paul Portner of leaving school or moving from ELIZABETHTOWN, PA.
and Mrs John Ris- Marietta and Jacob Stehman, of | the district. Dial 7-6361
ser, E-town. Mount Joy Township, voting a- A plan submitted by the Bu- \ FARM BUREAU
2 a ope nd Nr chart Engineering Corporation, fo Butea! Avtomebile lasorancs Co. if PRECISION ENGINEERED FOR
diel . 71 ( pg MIS. | ——— ree eee ls DS tC fields ot Te:
Richard visited Mr. anc : ] "| Florin. York, for athletic fields was re 7 Beteel ell 2 ENSINEERED 70
George Schoelkoph and family :
ny a = swe J jected because of unnecessary Homp Office COLUMBUS
of Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Abram oe © NEVER bolks! ® NEVER misses!
) olu : "
) | thorne, Marietta visited Mr. UCES A @ NEVER fails! @ NEVER hesitates!
SO FT I Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Edw. Isler and family aid 1:1
: oF
K. Fogic and family were, MIS.| 4 npg rene Snyder. HAY A A NEW EXPERIENCE IN MOTOR PEP AND POWER
( “i: A
- | Martha Orio, Miss Priscilla | arian Taso ands f EX © FACTORY SET, LIFE-TIME ADJUSTED CONTACT END
Pp i RMA N N Y i Fogle, : Mr Harry Mammino | Mr. George Decg and son > AT 1 PO) @ HEAVIER CENTER ELECTRODE- 259, LARGER
a I so Pd George, Columbia, visited Mr. ® SUPER - CIRCULAR FIRING POWER ® CHROME PLATED
and ile Bly hs
For Your Summer Dr Up : : : and Mrs. George Moore and fa-
Swimming Occasions : i Vist: Of re id as 3 mily. : 3 GUARANTEED y oN 00) MILES!
Mrs. Edw Isler and children
{| Charles Witle, Columbia R. D.,| 1d 1 |
OUR SPECIAL FOR JUNE U : hy rl Vi ie Hallgren, and Mrs. Irene Snyder visited
| 2 : I i Mr Joveph Wittle, | Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Salter, | SHR
Mount Joy, Mr. . Bri of |
$1 5.00 Perm ent 1 ? 5 0 {| Marietta, Mr. Joseph Wittle| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheaffer, of| 7 i
ansnis : 1 daughter. Judy, Columbia, | Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. El- ;
ang aaug er, Judy, old. |
| 0 ®
The budget of the Donegal $3 650; Marietta, $3,071 and E. AMBULANCE TAKES
Mount Joy Community |
ambulance was used one time
Joseph Germer was accom-

wood Snyder, E-town RD.
! Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and : : |
31250 Permanents $10. Bet Wood Wr ol Buy Sus of Ne on er Regularly 1.50 Now Only... EACH
{| Mrs. John Koehler and family, Mrs. Howard Witmer om Mr. y
OTHER PERMANENTS $6 AN IP yh ey Adhett Fry 2 A
HER PERMANENTS $6.00 AND Ul Columbia. and Mrs. Albert } ry in f i W st coisa eb RELL
Saturday evening, Rev. and lv. Mrs. Mable Ness, Columbia ee ny ne SILL opportunity to obtain a tet of new improved CIRCLE
8. 9, Ara 0 Bee OD, Me a 3 : [ F self-cleansing action, burning away the oils and gases that cause fouling!
Joh i “attended » Gid-| Harnish and family, East Earl | The extra sparking area assures. quicker, easier starting == longer battery
Violet Ray Treatment for falling hair - Alopelia Acrota (| John Ferich, attended the Gic § Ini) LE | Ty wie op vp prea sures ear tring loner Lott
: "an Spo B dds OPER Ao eon Banquet held at Brunswick RD. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Ys extra power in your engine, and save money on gas, os CIRCLE FIRE
En Hotel, 1 I ster Nashville, York Co. p om PLUGS odd extra miles to the gallon,
otel, ac raster. i
JAVE — MAC LESS VIACHNE MP. 1 s. Daniel % Electro-poli
COLD WAVE — MACHINELESS — MACHNE lore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ir-| Mr. and Mrs. Daniel polished en, ve carl, +i, EHS yok or te sorted
For Appointment - call 3-4122 and ask for Toni English. vin Witmer celebrated his 4th | macher visited Mrs. Florence Hooded Point F he i price of 99¢ each. They will be shipped to you post paid,
Arlene Lutz, operators or Mrs. Cleo Shank. proprietor irthday Monday, May 23. | Weaver, Lancaster. i . i
yperato ank, proprietor. is | Monday. visited Mr.| Miss Peggy Kohler. of Red %* Visible pecial CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE - MAIL TO ADDRESS BELOW
eV. « Y re S ! . 5.
: i ion, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rob- J
and Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and Lion: Visited Mn a ; ; 4 Ink Supply / | Yes! | want a set of Circle Fire Spark Plugs that give 8 times the normal
er o eauty oppe ‘amily on Sunday. ert Frank and family E 4
family spark | Enclosed please find check or money order (no cash please). The
Zisitors of Mr. rs. Ir- Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Fulton, % Ply-Glass § to b t to me post paid, at 99¢ each ($5.94 for a set of 6; $7. 9%
89 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ir-| boon : y 8 $ 1 fr pn,
Hair Coloring — We use Miss Clair oils and Rouz Shampoo
Tint. — Colortreat - Rinses Manicuring - FuacialS
vin Witmer and family were, | Conestoga Center, visited Mr. Reservoir for a set of 8.)
Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman, and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher.

Ironville, and Rev. John Ferich| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Oli-
of E | ver Wi r and family were |
of E-town College | ver Witmer nc 3 | ‘
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau-| Mrs. Helen Stettler and chil F | ; Address rT
MEMORIAL DA Y | rice Frysinger, Mrs. Katie| dren, Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs. mm F & |
Moore and Mrs. Ida Eisenberg- | Charles Fogie Jr., and children, : (City) (State)

+ (Please Print)

of Bainbridge, Mr. and Mrs. WORLD'S
: er were, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 2 Ja : : FINEST # { Make of Car Model Yoo! wane
P a Cc 1 a a uu e = Hubley, Columbia, Mr. Ira) Howard Spriagie ard family, of CW wo | (Please Add 1¢ a Plug for Pa. Sales Tex)
| Stauffer. Miss Esther Longe-| Port Treverton, and Mrs. Har- MODERATE-PRICED
| necker. Mr. Ben Weaver, Mari- | vey Weaver and children PEN! : MAIL THIS COUPON WITH
etta, Rev. John Ferich, Mr.| Mrs. Norman Brosey and J | | CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO:
D H i S S E S Te Joseph Weaver, Columbia, Yin i am el ! t Box 86 Mount Joy, Pa.
i | Bishop Hostetter, Manor, and] Visited Mrs. Katie anc K J S |
% 3 | Mr. and Mrs. Ir oser S ewe ry ore

Miss Irene Snyder of town. Hathaway Bren-

Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-| héman, Mt. Joy R. D. 16 Eas it Main Street Phone 3-5404 Mount Joy, Pa.
SUMMER STYLES “Xe 3rosey and family and , _— Ee i Eo A

3 Edith Erb were, Mr. and Mrs. | i
Low Neck, Cap Sleeves and 3 ¥ | William Brosey, Milton Grove, |
3 i Robert Wilms r, Mrs. Coral
Sleeveless, Newest Fabrics 5 I Nir. and)
i 3 Mrs Hathaivay Brenneman of | ®
7 3 Mount Joy RD. | ? -
: Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ab-| ¥ 2
8 ram Gamber were, Mrs. John
3 ] Ferich and son, Rev. John Fer-| i
ich, West Willow, Mr. and Mrs
Havard Johnston, Lancaster,
§ Mr. and ‘Mrs. Salem Gamber,
. , § and daughter, Columbia RD.
Sizes 9to 15 - 2 / Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Howard Gamber, were |
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferich, and |
son Rev. John Ferich, West |
Shorts J Swim Suits $59 ss of Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Haines were Mr. and Mrs. Har- |
ry Witmer, Mrs. Clarence |
BERMUDA : Smith, Manheim, Mr. and
Q : > Cinderella Mrs. Giles Urban and son Bil-
lie, Lititz and Mr. and Mrs
Shorts 81 D Zand Mr and Mrs
Blot. Ton al ummer resses Lloyd Nentwig and family, of

colors anc
w colors & styles

| COTTONS - SHEERS Buller’s S Beauty Salon
Sizes 12 to
Main Street Florin, Pa
ye Cold Waves Machinel
White Casual Shoes i 9, 359% a
I also give Toni’s.
$ 98 | The most complete selection Call Mt. Joy 3-4339
of sport and dressy styles Maude Buller, prog.

Lats: and Med. heels. | All sizes 1 to 14 PHILADELPHIA EVENING
Fias and Med Deets BULLETIN
NEWS New Dodge Custom Royal Lancer. Other Dodge models priced below many models in the "lowest price field."
All colors and styles All the newest shades

WOMEN'S | WOMEN'S WALTER MATEER Some things vou can see right away that swept-back sweep-around windshield. The
C Sk $798 | 1 $ 97 tell you this is the year of the big Dodge “sparkle” of twin-jet taillights and three-
repe IPS Pockethooks 2 RESTAURANT move. ( Sales have doubled over last year!) tone color combinations. The beauty of THE NEW
Double Panel Jacquard tapestry interiors,
White and colored FLORIN Ph. Mt. Joy 3-9531 You can stack the new Dodge up against
. . other cars in its field, and see how much ~~ But more important than this 1s the deep-
NEW STRAPLESS | > RD | . ee Y ays : :
MARILYN SUMMER SPECIAL larger and more luxurious it is: Up to 9 down dependability engineered into every
B W h Dre inches longer than competition. unseen part and feature of this great Dodge!
ras a Tesses This Week Only! : ed
Yor all cocasion You can see the distinetion of new Dodge That is something you discover through
° styling, with eager lines that are stealing the years and over the miles. It is your Flair-Fashioned . . . and Flashing Ahead!
Gi dle 3798 $39 enn 1 er the “OH’s” from the costliest ears. The sure reward for choosing the new Dodge.

Crepe $798 Cre e Brief 49. | NO. 2 EDITION
uns’) shun | ony 16% Stehman Bros.
Mount Joy Dept. Store|, oo SALUNGA, PA.