The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 19, 1955, Image 10

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THE BYLLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, May 19 10 St M k’ Ch h ( | R ] R | J RR A I |
rene | St, Mark's Churc Drop-In Is Mort R d Rev. James Renz | : A
Ob Anniversary | ‘Mortuary Recor | Announcing 11
. TH
serves Y '§ F a To Speak Sunday i |
At Serv] Urprise ror GEORGE C. REIGLE i : h l | ow»
4 } UO Y oie » a J A = | {¢
3 Special Services wal). J. Kinoe Gerke © ne 0. Nov A ocol Churches ||| Mit. Pleasant Summer Bible Schoo
Anniversary Day for the loc g town, Columbia R1, diec ed- | ey A i
al congregation of St. Mark's 4 ’ nesday at 7 p. m. in the Col- The Rev. James Renz, Tem-| ro BE HELD
a > oy A surprise drop-in parly was ’ Dit: after perance secretary of » J J 1
E. U. B. Church will be ob weld I sav 15: até the | Sia Hospital = after a brief pos C nil W Dre ine 20th to u y 1st
erved by special services this | marr Wa a tiIness. -hurch © ye preiaren, ". mT 000 P 1 v x 4 2
I 39 wa) home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar J. He was born in York County be the gucst speaker at the 7:00 TO 9:00 P. M. CLASSES FOR ALL AGES
Sunday, May 22 This. annua Kling. Florin, in honor of their : Nets | ay —~ . | Watch for a later announcement of the Bus schedule A
bservanee in mark the | fo and resided for the past fifty West Greentree Church of the # ry tn 3 Rot ; Ye
oservanc WH nary = redding i roreary. The ‘ ie : 9 { JACOB E. MOYER, SUPT., R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa
ninetv-fifth vear of the exist 50th wedding anniversary 1¢ | years in Newtown. His wife Brethren, May 21 and 22. |
ee of the congregation and party was given in their honor | «(he late Susan A. Naugle There will be a youth Rally on ee
the thirty-first aniversary of by their children, Mr. and Mrs | Reigle He was a member of Saturday Evening, May 21, FIF
the dedication of the present Winfield Zerphey, Mr. and Mrs | the Newtown Brethren Church.! 7:30. All the Young People of
church building { William Mateer, Mr. and Mrs.| giving are three daugh-| this area are invited to attend.
nie Harold Kling, and Mr. and Mrs. | (oho [da. wife of John Sump-| y ¢
Guest speaker for the occas Ob Vn > ie | Li
on will he the Reverend Dav- Rots i feline. | man, Florin; and Elizabeth, Perhaps you've tried everything in life
; ing DD. Harrist a wife of Ephraim Arndt, and but that which really satisfies. You'll
id E Y oung, + | | Mamie, wife of Fred Weaver, | never know the true joy of living until Ww
Conference Superintendent of | oth. of Columbia; four Sons you try God. Hear about Jesus Christ
SHR fg ; East Pennsylvania Conference tay rt and Mis salvation at our Church this
3 oN (UB) of the Evangelical U. B | Amos, Florin; and Claude, John Sunday. “O taste and see that the | Je
| Wednesday Churct Also participating i 5 | and George, all of Mount Joy: Lord is good; blessed is the man that Mrs
Church News 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Herel aw Px bx ng Hy 11 grandchildren, and 10 great- trusteth in Him.”” Psalm 34.8 |
service the service will be Clair L. | arandohitdrdn He was the last | Joy
; . Th Vo | gre en. as as iin @ av Bible Se ;
NEWS PERTARVING vo ‘mn (Towrsany | adver, Jr. who will be con ot his. family |§ 9:18 Sunday Bible School A in t
THE CHURCHES IN MT JOY |. car m dren's Lhol sidered for recommendation PE Funeral. services were bald 10:30 Morning Worship - “Drag Net. spor
AND THE FNTIRE SUR. 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re for Probationer’s License to {in the United Brethren Church, | 7:00 Pre-Service Prayer Fellowship
ROUNDING COMMUNITY the gospel. Newtown, Saturday alternoon, 7:30 Evening Service - “The Pleasures of Sin.” Satu
. 5 Vat sin The offering of the day will { with interment in the Silver Wednesday 8:00 Midweek Prayer Service ine
f the Brethren Calvary Bible Church climax a three-week campaign | Spring Cemetery. / ing
orin, Pa Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor | {he reduction of debt upon a, “ ‘ Hig!
Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder Sunday hearty. purchased by Calvary Bible Church : :
Samuel Becker, Supt 9:15 am. Sunday Bible School per or oY MILTON K. WEAVER TW STREET AT HENRY { Hil. +
9:00 a.m. Bible School lasses for all ages . ; the church. Milton K. Weaver, 56, New- NEW HAVEN ST REET / 1 1 sible
10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 am Morning Worship Following the worship ser- town. Columbia Bi. died Wed- Rev. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor 3 cont
Wednesday 4 mm b; ie ! Drag vice Dr. Young will conduct the | nesdav at 9 p. m. in the Lan- SR “Holding forth the word of life i
10 1 ‘raver Servic vt i ons Sr lent ties rape a RAL rT Cy pe lle CRAY: oo anc
} p.m. Prayer Pvice, 2:00 p.m. Heller Rest Home | I eal, Conf vence, Business will a8 | caster County Home after an. On Sunday afternoon Sunday 1
Service feet at the Church ‘lude exa ‘ air i we of SCVer: : . gi
Salunga : “7:00 p 2 Pre Lhe kw bi I en Visitors were as follows; Wr. | Hines 07 several mons. School and, Caurch _ feachers J
ai ! ; ay agner for robationer’s Li- ss EE . : eves : ry Jo
Church of the Brethren Fellowship. ath 44 of soni it and Mrs. A. B. Steiner, Mount : He was hom In i and leaders will meet at 2:00
farl Brubaker, Elder In Charge 7:30 p.m. Evening Service - id i Be | Joy: Mr. and Mrs. Harrison | the son of the late Henry and g'clock. The closing session of . year
i Supt. rho Pastor will speak on “The | the Annual Conference, and of} nt Now Holland; Mrs. | May Kemmerly Weaver and the Temperance Institute will Cross Roads Christ Crusaders the
Sunday Pleasures of Sin.” stewarts to serve during : 4. | was a life-time resident f li: Ta av ov 1
9:00 a. m. Sunday School Wedaesday Conferente vear. All members Grace Moore, New Holland; x 2 1 n 2% est ed oa be held at 7:30 on Sunday ev- PRESENT He
10:00 a.m. Worship Service 8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer of the church Will. be invite Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mentzer and | NeWlOWn. e was a reured ening. Everyone is welcome to com
Wednesday Service - Study on Prayer yp the church, Wi be invited family, New Holland; Mrs. | farm laborer. altend these meetings. year








7:45 p.m. Bible Study Thursday to remain for this meeting as $ : : { Surviving are four sisters { . :
ursday i ris Kling. New Holland;| Surviving are our. sisters! wm... nav oy toll ale ee 1 t mad:
- 6:30 p.m. Youth Night at well as those who are officially Morris : ne v> : 3 D Mrs. Annie Snyder, York; Mrs The Rey, Renz will niso pre ISS e Oo gemu a se
Trinity Lutheran Church Robert Hoffman's. members of the Local Confer- Mrs. Mildred Kohler, New Hol- | FF. A731 ST : Ls VIPS gent the morning sermon at the a se
Rev, W. L. Koder, Pastor OC : Ci i land; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rod- | Lizzie Heslet, Mount. Joy; Ma- Church of the Breth- re — Schc
1 . in rife or TY 750"
Sunday i The Church of God oy gers, Enola; Mr. and Mrs. Ed mie, wife of Peter Grecnawalt, ren on Sunday morning, May war
9:30 a.m. Sunday Schoo Rev. C. F. Heiwig, Pastor A group of ,ife Work Re- . : | Lancaster: and Mrs. Irene Sny- We the
An . A : avelvi : ig gar Rodgers and son, Lancaster; | Y= 99 10:00 Jock. Rev. Renz —
10:45 a.m Morning Worship. Sunday crui‘'s from Lebanon Valley ig ie arrv Farme der, Columbia R1, and three, | Dc oo : SUNDAY, MAY 22 7 P. m. sleey
6:30 p.m. Luher League 9:30 am Sunday School Colicee will ticioate i th Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farmer, botl AL K has devoted much iime to the A
esday Lester Eshelman Supt, iin v 0s D n 1¢} Jr. and daughters, Mount Joy; 3 Jers: abner -» Mount Joy; study of the Alcohol Problem. Miss Wolgemuth just returned from the Holy Lands. | Mou
7:30 p.m. Ad: It 4 Ca sche 10:30 a.m, Morning Worship Sain service, at 7:30. ; Chey | Mrs. Verna Rosenberg, New Emanuel K.. Rheems, and Fred py, jo directing the pilot project She has been serving as a nurse for the past two years John
tical Class in the Parish house wl 20 p.m. Evening Worship wd Pres Joo. and instru- | grolland: Mr. and Mrs. George K., Columbia. program in the church of the in a hospital there. She will relate some very inter- 0.
vas nent: S yO . : ie a . . rs nl re services Ono a > 3 3 5 . Neuss
First Presbyterian Church ne ay Bile Study mental husen elections ind | Rodgers, Jr. and sons, Lancast-| Funeral porviees Yer held in which alcoholics esting experiences. Cec
! 3 } <U p.n ible Study the evening message. This ser-|{ ap: Mrs weg 8 from the Nissley Funeral Home : : : Jol
Mount Jov. Penna ee oi 15 Ly. the Youll | er; Mrs. George Rodgers, Sr. | Sund ft th 1 are placed in a community and won
; Oo ce is sponsored by the Youth! , aughter. Lancaster: Mr. | Sunday afternoon with .hapilitate i . wee
Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Fellowship. Everyone is cordi- nd doug tor, : Ing : wi ment in the Newtown cemetery are ‘tehabilijated through the EVER YONE INVITED ith
Sunday Mount Joy, Pa allv Invited to 1 > and Mrs. William Rodgers and cooperating with the with
9:30 am. Church School The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer ally Invited io attend. family, Bird-in-Hand; Mr. and | «oo various communi'y agencics, SPECIAL MUSIC: and
10:45 am. Morning Worship Q Yioar Mrs. Chester Mentzer, of New | JOHN 'W. RICE such as Alcoholics Anonymous, iis coun
BE austin Boldnesy a Pi a hy School. G d t Holland; Mrs. Jean Maxey, of | John William Rice, 86, died agencie employment THE GIBBLER, heard on The living Hope Hour. Same
p.m. Westminster Fel a.m Schoo raauates ? ne lat 9:39 vn. Tuesday. 3 tha le ast 5 )
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer A Lancaster, Mrs. Barbara Cour-{‘" ¥'9¢ ! Sday no 1€ agencies, etc. He is in constant both
Litany and Pell hi (From page 1) dier, Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. | ome t of hs ion on demand as a speaker in schools, | — — eee a and
Trinity Evangelical (300 bm rerowsup Richard Arndt hap + | Winfield Zerphey, Jr. and | daughter,’ Mr. and, brs. Lls-i. . routh’ ant
gel Bazine l ¢ Arndt, Charles E. phe De . cia: ii camps, conferences, vouth . . .
Congregational Church Hes dun of the | Ashenfelter, James F. Brubak- daughters, Lancaster; Mr. and | worth G. Neideigh, Elizabeth- groups and churches. Everbody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin year
Sul hiv Q. A. Deck. Pastor Diocese of Harrisbure, St er, Jay Ralph Buffenmyer, Ver- | Mrs. Dale Peifer and sons, of] town, with whom he resided. — - ees eee reer Re
9:15 am. Sundav School John's Church, York. by Crocker, George E. Franke, | Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. | He Ha been ill for about eight { the
9:15 am. Sunday Schoo Thursday zor, ¢ os Cony ices ; :.. | months. i ar
10:20 pam “Morning Worship rd y shel Herman T. Gebhard. Charles N David Risser and sons, Landis- | Bott In Derry. County. he was ; earn
7:30 p.m. Worship Gerber, Richard Gibble. James | ville; Mr. and Mrs. Max Bal- | y Lounty, he was as 2 » ed a
Foor . cs: Es Toor Flizatia ai age | a son of the late George I. : toss
edn 2 a ; Zion Ww Ginder. Kennelh Good. tozer, Elizabethtown; Mr. and | S( n ie George I. and 7 Ross
7:30 pm. Prayer meeting Landisville. Penn: James BE Grove. Dick € WH: Mrs. Frank Smith and daugh-| Anna Jane Rice. He moved to beth
8:30 p.m. S« or Choir Re- Loy ma t. Grove, Dick ( Hall | Eas D . > 20
: : Rev. Ernest P. Leer gren, John Musser Heisey, Leon | Parkesburg; Mrs. Rita] ast Donegal Twp. 32 years man,
ha m. Sundav School KR. Herr, John Harold H | Umble and daughters, Parkes- | 48° Where he was a farmer un the t
y . . 1m Y a cnoo 9 » So 1 y » er A / :
Junior Choir Re 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship | John E. Hiesand, Bruce Hoff burg, Mr. and Mrs. Omar| til 1927 when he moved to Mt
pL a in il RU J 1 i OF nS np MT, JOY TILE & LINOLEUM CO 5
Newtown i. U. B. Church 7:4 ban. Cho'r Rehearsal Harvey Hubley. James Vernon trude Groff, Mt. Joy; Mr. and | ny Lutheran Church and Sun- ® * prize
Rev. John Fu rich Pastor Kinsey, Alan J. Kugle., Ronald! Mrs. Jay Snyder and son, of] day School, Mount Joy. TE —— Insur
g Qlossizanes Lapp, Carl R. Lehman. Jerome Florin, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel] He is survived by four daugh- SCCor
Schoo! : | Nod Thy 1 en Linard, James Ames Longenec Ober and sons, Florin; Mrs. | tors Doroihy, wile of Ells. 383
i ear | Sunday hi Kor. Jock W. McRdin. Ropers] Martin Ney, Plorin: Mr. ong] Wore G. Neidigh, Flizobeth: B74
Wedne 8:15 a. m. Morning Worship | Eugene Melhorn, Jay C. Metz- | Mrs: James Madara and family, | town; Mary, wife of Lee M, nd
hn an: Fideavor | 330 am. Sunday School Kr Joh Wichohor ocr N Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene | Garber, Elizabethtown; Anna, Ot
\ tin a.m. Morning Worshi ; 3 ox : rife Charle HOP :
These { $0 Wy aot ne ship Michener, Edward Geo. Harry | Brown and son, Florin; Mr. and | ite . of Carle S, Harner, Mt. Hies!
Cr tag th Christ 7:15 p.m. Evening Worship Miller. E. Marlin Miller S Mrs. Lester Young, Florin; Mr. | doy, and Jane, wife of Lorin F. ler,
rossroads 1S y : pi ’ | ar J fin seve Q x .
Church Wednesday : Peter Nissley, Grant Peifer | 2d Mrs. C. E. Lauth, Florin;| Pardoe, lorin; seven sons; Les meri
Paul Z. Hess, Harry L. Brubaker | 730 p.m. Midweek Pravel| ponald Roy Raber, Robert B.|MF. and Mrs. Vietor Zerphey l'e L., Florin; E. Eugene, Ship- Ruth
> Soyo service Mg 3 ns ey " YN
i Pastors | Thursday Richards, Edwin E. Rutherford. and daughter, Florin; Vernon rs Jon V, and Jame
9:15 am. Sunday School | 3:30 Cherubetts Choir Richard E. Schneider, William Kling, Florin; Mr. and Mrs. be ht i Ars M. Elizg- Cro
30 am. Mor: W orship 6:30 pm. Cherub Choir. Shireman, James R Shirk Winfield Zerphey, Sr., Mt. Joy: thtown R1: William D., Phil Swan
M g by W. Mus- 9 30 b " Chor. Ronald E. Singer, James Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Matcer,/ ape fo Wes Ar
{Zot 1 . ( ho!r Phat) US ’ + . " ancaster: 26 oe hi Oo
00 » mE Bernard A. Thome, Jere Thome, Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Harold | . ie igh 26 grandchildren Grof
I'ss Eth NE ee Mt. Pleasant | Robert S. Waller, David Weid, | Sling. Elizabethtown; and Mr.| ioe drey
will speak = ct ing her. re- Brethren In Christ Church man, James R. Wittel Law.|?2"d Mrs. Robert Kling and| S0 Surviving are five sis ing t
; I 5 co ad ne € Pastors Gravbill Woleem i ’ . . el, aw ; a | ters: Mrs. Anna Hirt Water-
cent two vears experience as a 5 Sl olgemuth, | prance Wit'le daughter, Florin. il ii ’ arer \ Ju
nurse in Jordan moyer : Gifts a ETS ree | ville, Kan.; Mrs. Mary Ander- > SRE :
Evangeli It message, Rey, Sunday JoAnn Arnold, Mildred Pal-| if ong Sowers Sent rio | son, Kansas; Mrs. M: I — i Mau
Paul Z. $ Sn 9:00 a. m. Sunday School mer Baker, T. Daisy Brooks. | gofver and Mr. and Mrs. Kling} Mos wr Way. | 8 1 = Foret : : Re bo : he 2 Mou
Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. | Helen L. Bucher Sonja L. Cs | wish to thank everyone for| ser, aynt e, Ohio; Mrs. Mou
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Christ's Crusaders | ya, Sondre yr Derr 3, ar! making this such a memorable | Alberta Arganbright, Dayton, = EXAl U \ 4] 3
—— homie Wednesday CS : arrenkamp, occasion for them. | Ohio, and Mrs. Florence Sheaf f st
Mount Joy Mennonite Church 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Nancy Jo Detweiler, A. Ruth To | fer, Ickesburg of st:
iche TV ee —— Drescher 11g ic 2 di a : i ent °
LA Jo. A in West Green Tres Doris #4 iy I Ta S ww ih a Tm ood A LJ NE 8 iN U YY AWN g NG coms
3 1 ay, 'nry Frank $ A > be ( s Saundrg 1 > silio yr
Pastors Church of the Brethren M. Forwood. Sara M nl Vacation Bible Scheol j from in Flee Funeral Home and
Sunday Abram N. Eshelman, Elder re DELS Send, . | Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. 0}
9:00 am. Sunday School Sunday Lotsa Caplin, Doris J. Geib, At Presbyterian | Friends may call at he Heilig Driv
10:00 am. Sermon 8:45 a.m. Sunday School at Shirley Gerlach, Helen D. Gor Funeral Home Friday evening . Ja
7:3 3 » wy > m aN ST ve “fT . - y ded | 1G
do & spel Chee Rheems and Green Tree. man, Doris Jean Groff, Jeanette Church July 11 {7 t09 p.m. A STYLE FOR EVERY \ Willi
Wednecdas 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, | Gruber, Kathleen A. Hamlin, | Interment in the Eberle cem-| TYPE OF INSTALLATION the
id) RN} “a Ite > y : Cr i
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and oe Bs oak: Sarcis Pati icia A. Hawthorne, June A Vacation Church School etery. Ls OUT mM A You then Sof windows, carooris Mich
Prayer Meeting at te Service Heinaman, Anna M. Heller,! will be held at the Donegal | - ®— . oy flexalum vt and patios and get a real custom decorating job der.
Thursday I wan Retta L. Helwig, Patricia Hug-| Presbyterian Church, Mt. Joy| DR. JESSE H. ZIEGLER circulates the ioe bring Siery Lite. mee ses ahs too ver
fhe: Washington Street Mt. Jov Methodist Chareh hes, Lois Jane Kaylor, Emma Rl, beginning Monday July 11,| HEADS FAMILY LIFE "and e. : siste
Church Of The Srethvon a Rev. Wm. E. Harner, Pastor Kilgore, Joan Yvonne Kline,! and concluding on Friday, July| Dr. Jesse H. Ziegler, Profes- a
yeh S av aris 2a OY wes | oe : a . ox 4 ’ v ead
_ Elizabethtown, Pa Uday Si Shon] Marian E. Kline, Peggy Kline, | 22. Meeting together Tuesday | sor of Psychology and Chris- 0 sha ing without &% Rr i SEE Hai
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor 11:00 4. Church ’ : Betly Leese, Phyllis E. Lev-| €vening in Mount Joy, the | tian Education, Bethany Bibical I dr s ate \es eve let sonst} SE====, == al
av ? ’ $s : | ards id of ati | : : i | : = - SE ?
Sunday a... Church. Schoo! Fi an, Barbara Grace Martin, Dor- Boards of Christian Education| Seminary, Chicago, and visiting Panoram gi RAI les are completely weather Hexalin Noricon In (
Wilbur BE. Weaver, Ge n. Supt. Salunga Methodist Church othy Martin, Loretta Mayers, from the Donegal Church and| lecturer in Psychology of Re- en ho and i Sd trim repainting. Ke
“Hezekiah Atttmp!s Reconcila- Sanday Church Doris Jean McKee, Kay E. the First Presbyterian Church | jigion his year at Yale Divinity Flea town window gang SY spring tempered F.W
543 ”" 9: a. m. Church | y 7: inte: mek Tah : -—
ation! i Wer 20:00 1 Sinton Seliony Metzler, Vera Mummau, Mary ©f Mount Joy appointed Mrs. | ‘School, will be the guest leader WON'T ENT ho aluminum &10Y ofls,
#Crention ang Fo or | L. Murry, Arlene Musser, Eliz-| W. Scott Heisey, Rheems, as|in the annual Family Life Insti- ade of gene) th, resiliency and ig S finish ter |
by Dr. Jesse H. Ziegler STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL abeth H. Nolt. Sheila O'Hara. | the director of the school. It| tute, to be held May 21 and ast : 12 \D, re bea ! SWS \ at th
6:00 p.m. Junior High Fel- The date for a strawberry fes- Renate Platzoeder, Sara Jane Will run from 9:00 A. M. until| 22 in the Elizabethtown Church COMES ve, mo e durable, Ti er cracks, chips Of Karl
0; Pavenis special guests. tival to be sponsored by the St Portner, Belva Karleen Raffens-| 11:00 A. M. each morning of | Church of the Brethren. Dr. Mare of baked enamé Flexsim Meridian Aurora Jov
SeFthon, or ach Bix Mary's Guild of the St. Luke's|Perger, Darlene Reese. Janet the two week period. Trans-| Ziegler will preach at the Sun- Rona
i nll : a A : sen sot {| Christine ‘ttew ane . tation will be arranged for | day ni avening w
ion”. by Dr. Jesse H. Ziegler Episcopal Church has been set | Christine Rettew, Jane E. Rob-| POT 5 r day morning and evening wor- DO IT YOURSELF. IT'S EA ] the
Wednesday ; for Saturday, June 4. The festiv-| erts. Agnes Rosenfeld, Naomi those going from Mount Joy. | ship services, and he will meet river wi oo. Sy! 25 and
7:30 p.m. Bible Hour. al will be held on the lawn be- | Ann Rutherford, Mary C. Sch-| Tl with the Mothers Club, the mh Sue saben mem
St Mark's Evencelical Uni side the church. neider, Grace Irene Shank, Gail FOOD SALE FRIDAY | High School and College Age gales ymin ONLY nen
ol. a S lice J | « “Iai si) ih .
nited - ® A. Shelly, Shirley A. Shepler,! The Youth of the Methodist, Youth, and the Junior High you need is a screwdriver. for the smart Flexalum Panorama mate
Ezra’ H. Ranck, Pastor SONG SERVICE AT | Gloria Lucille Sholl, Sarah J.| Church will hold a Food Sale Fellowship, at different times Panels just snap into Be lS De ry os ; all tl
Sunday ERISMAN'S CHURCH Simons, Alma I. Smith, Mary K Friday, May 20, beginning at! during the week end. Dr. Zieg- place. Awnings are so light.
da: : J A Y; h g 2.8 g the , dleg ~ corts
A a An inspirational song service Ellen Stauffer, Fay Stephens,! 4:00 p. m, in» front of the ler’s visit to the local Church You 60 Hen bm FREE estimate b Sagat 0
ersary Day ering). : ; , | : g
10:15 a m. Morning Worship will be held at Erisman’s Men-| Roberta Wagner, Freda Veron- church. is sponsored by the Family Life yoursel ecorating booklet ROT
Anniversary Day Service; ser. nonite Church, Sunday evening, | ica Walters, Barbara A. Warfel, | Feet ff we - | Committee of the Church, com- FIL
mon by Dr. D. E. Young, supt. May 22, at 7:15 p. m. | Dorothy Weber, Kathryn Ann | The first major national lab-| posed of John H. Wenger, Mrs.| MT JOY TILE & LIN OLEUM CO vc
BE BE Don Augsburger will be the' Wittle, Sue Ann Watts, Grace or organization in the USA was H. G. Bucher, Mrs. Henry of 1: x
Life Work Recruits SON8 leader and the speaker. | Wolfe, Ann Young, Kay Elaine known as the “Knights of Lab- Hackman, Mrs. James Miller, Mount Joy Pa Ph 3 3492 gay.
i ian Valley College . Everyone is welcome. Zimmerman, Rebecca A. Zuch. | or.” J and Paul F Leicht. | , : one J- ae,
# 1e
Ww. EF