The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 12, 1955, Image 5

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Ory ice is solidified Crh Se A A A A SE A os
Sale Register Scouts To Make | oxic 148th Garden Spot Sale
i THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. |
Thursday, May 12



en A
no } re Train Trip To | Baby Chicks THURSDAY, MAY 19th
| ~ FLORIN | Fridey, Moy pb cpu | Ducklings LANCASTER, PA.
2 sale of real gitate and pe eons Phil di i hi Turkey Poults At the J. M. Brubaker Farm, Willow Street Village. Pa.
aati ——— | ‘operty the remises oS. Iu. | 2
k De I gr miles a 1iaGe Pp 1a Every Week 4 miles south of Lancaster, just off Routes 72 and 222.
e Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of | ™ : ~ : ; |} write or Call for Price List at
ng. \-"% CLEAN-UP Blaine Forts were guests long Swanger Road close to 'wo Girl Scout troops from ae Wo! shoud ae your o 75 Registered Holsteins
od = | «int, . ’ ¥ #0 Yen ni sre oan? » NE rs lec \ ee ~ 4 4 vier der three weeks In advance on
by T of Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hess © Mek: Rel Mout Joy and Florin Will takei} Son, roo All Bang's Certified, T. B. Accredited, Nearly all Calf
5 3% on. Sunduy. Sale at 6:30 p.m. by Raymond , trip to Philadelphia on| G. K. Wagner Chickery Vaccinated
00 oH htt hs Plein Inners. Dupes, Auct Saturday Through arrange- J ELIZABETHTOWN R. D. 2, PA. Complete Dispersal of Fred F. Meyer, Somerville, N. J.
Fhe Shining Stars Class of : SRW) ug a PHONE 7.3745 S.te Featuring the best of New Jersey breeding. Includes
PAINT-UP the E. U. B. Church taught by Saturday. May 14 along | ments made by Samuel Dock, |’ 8 daughters of Montvic Rag Apple Trailblazer. Cows selling
| Mrs. Clarence Nissley held © UraRY., sue, oe the Girl Scout troops led by PE with records up to 28 Ibs. of fat at 3 yrs. on 2x. You will
their Annual Banquet at the the road leading from Mount : : : : PUBLIC S ALE like the strength, production and type all through the herd.
ES Vem jig hu Joy to Marieita, close to Wol-| Mrs. Doris Myers and Mrs. Be sure vou attend You will like the high quality.
3-030 | Kountry Kitchen Monday night
gemuth's Mill, a public sale of | Myrtle Nornhold, Mount Joy, EARL L. GROFF R. AUSTIN BACKUS, Inc.
houschold goods, poultry equip-| and Mrs. Earl Koser, Florin, ‘Saturday, May 14m ee : ee |
lepresentative Se rers and uctioneers
ment and tools. Sale at 12:30| will take the 7:00 a. m. train| 12:30 pm. (D.S.T. Local Representative de Managers a
| Strasburg, Pa. Mexico, N. Y.
! ; ) pm. by Howard Wolgemuth.| to Philadelphia and then take al 562 West Market Street
prise birthday party in honor| pieces. Auet two-hour bus tour of the city. | MARIETTA — Rn
| of Miss Sally Ann Wisegarvel ——————— They will see the Liberty Bell, | «ull ine of |
| at home on Sunday. The fol Q an Tix: 12 5.9 N
i ' Saturday, May 14, 12:30 p.| Betsy Ross House, Christ |
lowing were present m. on the premises at 562 W.| Church and other highlights of | HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF VALUABLE
Misses Kitty Buckwalter, | nro po St. Marietta, a full | the city {including furniture, Appliances,
| Norma Jean Eichler, Vivian line of household goods. Bon Following their “nosebag” | Glassware, etc, ete, of the late Real Estate and Personal Property
cusTOMm- | Gable. Carolvn Becker. Patri John E. and Maud G. Funk
MADE ROLLAHEAD VENETIAN BLINDS | cia Elliott Marcia Ensle ba. R. Funk. executor of the John | lunch, they will spend the after Estate; being - offered for Sale
| with 46 present
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Wise
| garver entertained to a sur-


’ Bn E. and Maud G. Funk Estate.| noon at the zoo. They will re-' py i 55
(4 tricia Aston, Georgian Mumper Gilbert et > | turn home on the train hat ar-| B R F k hursday, May 1 O, 1 9
v - Work and worry fly out the window when Judy Herr, Marian Gerlitzski, 7 fe : ; rives in town at 7:03 p. m. Mrs | en|. kK. run On the premises located in the Borough of Eliza-
FREE you install famous Rolla-Head metal Ve- Sally Hollinger, Patricia Han SE Hane Helm alos All rsa Exccutor bethtown. at No. 171 East High Street.
netian blinds! Wonderfully easy to oper- | by, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach, | Wednesday, May pub-| 7180S Hen also Wil. accompany !sale Supv. By Lot 30x198 ft. thercon erected a
I! | ESTIMATE ate... tok doz AR avails ; YY, JAY and rs. bead lic sale of miscellaneous artic-| the combined group. Twenty- O's LINN oI
i ate... to keep clean ... and available in Sally Ann Wisegarver, Mrs. W lic sale of miscellaneous artic Charles Auction Service
14 decorator-colors . , . Custom-made to to be held in Stehman’s! Seven Scouts will make the of
les Ste Lancaster
p : tore H. Myers, Jr., and Mr. William | 1° es oi St y 1 I
Phone 3-5601 your specifications. | AI a Sq Me Yuu "M| Garage, Salunga, beginning at wip Pe wl Gilbert, Auct. 2¢ 2] /2 S ORY
Games were played
7:00 p. m. Sale sponsored by
| and refreshments served. Sal By Q 1 1 Be iin
; | "pv pg . : rs Salung: Cire So. and adles 9
n 9 The Zink family held their a x : . : i I A g
KEENER'’S | pat nk, family held elt) Auxiliary of the Salunga Fir i. C L E ramei/welil

. : Xs io in ges Company. E. V. Spahr, Auct. FC,
FURNITURE Mothers oy with 68 pet J wes OF wie containing seven rooms and bath.
15-31 Maricita Ave. Phone 3-5601 Mount Joy present. rifts were presente os : W on
f / { to the oldest mother, Mrs. Dan Thursday, May 19—a public MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES TWO-CAR GARAGE rear of lot
2 i | iel Bradley, 77, Manheim; and] Sale of vi luable real estate and Arrangements to view property can be made by call
1 | the youngest mother, Mrs Mah- | Per: onal property, on the prem- ia ing. Mount Joy 3-3972 or 3-3977.

{ : : 5 Also at the same time and place the following person-
lon Hoke, 25, Hummelstown Laan cd in Wednesday, May 1 8, 1 955 al property will be offered for sale
IR. D. The children played! 8! 17} Three kitchen ranges, heater, kitchen cabinet, small
| games and the following offic-| SOTY frame dwelling, garage, TO BE HELD IN STEHMAN'S GARAGE, SALUNGA, PA. tables, chairs, sideboard, kitchen table, lounge,
For Your Son's or

ers were elected: Pres. Henr; and houschold goods. Sale at rug frame, bed and spring, washstand, bureau, chest, single
| Waliz, Manhei DQ nn. 6:30 pm. by Lizzie L. Gale- Maytag washer, like new: Bendix automatic washer: West bed, sewing machine, coal oil lamps, coal oil he: eon flat
Dauahter S aliz, Manheim RD; Sec., Eu 1 3 2 ; fi ror bis I irons, electric lamps, and a lot of articles too numerous to
al ar . gene Leber, Florin: Treas. Mrs. | Pach Estate, Samuel W. Heisey, | inghouse electric stove: Frigidaire automatic ironer, like new:
° | Katie Eby, Mt. Joy Executor. Dupes, Auctioneer. | Windsor hed, whatnot shelf, J-pece living room suite, sewing Sale to commence at’ 6:30 P. M., when conditions
(Graduation Present They decided to hold {heir = machine, extension table, two antique chairs, rugs, rockers, will be made known by nie L. GALEBACH ESTATE
| next meeting Mothers Dav. 56 Saturday, May 21 at 1:00) smecking stand, hassock, electric irons, waffle iron, toaster, Liz IE " - ‘
a ~ : eae x . on the premises at 36 Brandt! dishes Su SL. SAMUEL W. HEISEY, EXECUTOR
A GREER S | at the same place. the premises at 3 ran dishes and cooking utensils, and many other items too num- ‘atl Horr Attorney
3 213 2. P . .
7 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Berrier Bldg. Salunga, a public sale of} erous to mention.
: Valter Dupes, Auctionee pal 1d le
and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mum household goods and antiques smart era -
per and children called on My. Py Oscar Newcomer. Spahr | Dare to © 740 2% Wen, isis, nd U B L I c S A L LE
and Mrs. George Mumper will be made known by

{ Mr. and Mrs. sev Saturday, May 21st »
< < 0a V an remises, a-way Wee L. -
| Mr. and Mrs. Har oo i, ma J Joy and Florin, real estate, E. V. Svat. Avot] Fire Company. Sponsors a SRL Try
son of Rheems called on Mr,| houschold goods, ete. by Paul | YV: Epah i DEF RIDAY, MAY 13, 1955
Samuel Shelley Sunday Ba I & Ruth Baker. C. Frank,
pad he Ny Petey. : dotionosr i Lae of Elizabethtown. 1'2 miles along Swanger
VITS. Jesse Mumime o 1 A 101 igh '
a. vainful ey ina il i Road close to Longenecker’'s Meat Market.
Li : ope an : : A lot of land consisting of two acres more or less, thereon
| fractured her arm last week Saturday, May 21-—a public -— OF — erected a
{ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frey of| sale of valuable personal prop

Mr and Ma | erty ond tues on the ev" Valuable Personal Property and Antiques
James Mumper and family, of | ises at 465 Manor Street, Col
Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. John | umbia. Sale at 12:00 noon by
Bender, Milton Grove, Mr. and| M. B. Wittle. : Saturday, May 2 1, 1955
M»s. Benjamin Bender
i Boiling

1v Story
rame House

: a and fa —— 12:00 P. M. DS.T.
mily of Milton Grove, Mr. and Saturday, May 21, or the x
Mrs. John Bender Jr. and chil- premises midwa between Mi 465 MANOR STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. with 7 rooms, a well of never failing water, some fruit. This is
‘AMBASSADOR bd dren, near Green Tree and Mr. | Joy and Florin, a public sal The undersigned will offer at public sale, the follow- a good location on which to build
3 5 Tew ‘
17 Jewels and Mrs. Leroy Bentler of Lea-| of real estate and houschold| ing pevsonal property and atiques: a HOUSEHOLD GOODS
$ gs Cook stove, chairs, rockers, dishes, cooking utensils.
PNA 139: cock, were visitors at the home| goods. Sale at 12:30 p. m. by
| of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper Paul and Ruth Baker. C. S Large Quartered Oak, 8 piece Bedroom Suite Two sinks, sideboard, old rockers, chairs, glass ware. dishes,

% on Sunday Frank, Auct cry 4 ick two doughtrays, small stove.
A R } A [ > ler > ° a 0 with spring. 4-piece wicker suite, clothe tree, hassock, good TOOLS
23 Spd \M H GREER, Jewe er Loo J : throw rugs, several hook rugs, three stools, upright piano, A lot of automobile mechanic tools, other tools, and a lot of
riday, Jun 0 it 12:30 and bench; walnut hall cabinet, large mirror on it ‘WwW al les Tous 2
NT Y \\ Ph 1124 2 « an , arg 1 on y New articles too numerous to mention
UN y one , i ) ‘at ; ; .
l MOUNT JOY, P. 3 arm a en ar o'clock { Buckhill Farms home cabinet sewing machine, two plank bottom chairs, Sale to commence at 6:30 P. M. when conditions will.«hge eo
a o ; Bred Heifer Sale, to be held at origimal painting: organ stool, made known by
reer erences eae |. Reminders from The
the Kevston Jolstein Salcs Walter Dupes, Auctioneer
Pennsylvania State Universit) yer, Re : ne He 1s it 5a : TWO ANTIQUE CLOCKS i: & soi My on Raymond ers
College of Agriculture : rh A Tie go A ta one with peacock painting on glass, 17-3¢
buckwailter, owner

; about 25 other clocks, mantel and alarm clock, four antique
Birds Need Comfort An Saturday June 18 ub) wood clock dials; (Terry) small antique chest, decorated
June lo—a public Zn 1 ? ?
experienced poultryman doesn’t ale of veal ial rl : two spool cabinets, bench, step ladder, wheelbarrow, lawn
Sale Yes: estate oOo ne “On i
: , . tench, small ladder
need a body thermometer to ' . ’
ville School, located in West
know whether the body tempers] 1. afield. Sale to be held ANTIQUE BED STAND with Drawer
ature of his birds is Just right

ey G61 the. Breinises at 1.3% 0." m : Household Goods y Equipment ~ Tools
for growth and production. He | S : : oy the o hol Carpenter tools, chisels, brace, planes and other tools, Lot .
i ; ; yy the Directors of the Schoo of linens, fancy work and lot old books, magazines and 2
can tell in a minute by the be : 4 ! | Ks, magazines and TT 5
Pe of the bird oo othel they District of West Hempficld papers, comfort, spreads and antique box type valentine. 75 aturday, ay 1 4th, 1 9
navior net F ine a ron 2 3 y i
: Y | Township. to 80 years old, some jewelry, planing bench with large
are comfortably warm or cool rye fi : wood vice, Saw file clamp or vice, and many other articles Along Route 141, leading from Mount Joy to Marietta, close
Spray Roses A good spray too numerous to mention. This is a large lot of good things to Wolgemuth's Mill.
.e 7 ¢ 7 anti GQ
program will conirol brown with many antiques.
Ts tre et ot vnc Florin Five Company Terms cash. G.E. Electric Stove, Dutch Oven Kitchen Range
Spray every week, as soon as + : Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer .
| growth starts, with captan at Dropped Seventeen: R. D. 1 Wrightsvilie, Pa M. B. WITTLE Norge Refrigerator
the rate of 1': tablespoons per



Le mT Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, 10-Piece Dinin Room Suite, 5-Piece
gallon of water. [rom Compan Vv Ranks Chrome Dinette Set, Kitchen Stool, 4-Piece bedroom suite with
Choose Good Sire lection shure Weanng - Gl cedar wardrobe and chest of drawers, double bed spring and
ot tt | 4k : iFaaq agner was clected mattress, single bed and spring, large hest of drawers, three
\ of the beet hex Bile i$ a far- trustee for three years of the IX12 rugs, throw rug Davenport, two 0 Couches, two 3-
7 i reaching decision A good Florin Fire Company at their — OF piece parlor suites, clothe hamper, libri tables, end tables,
y bull is half the herd, but a poor | ,.. meeting Tuesday night to chairs and rocking chairs, crib and mattress, play pen, panel
| bull is all the herd. The bull's| ° aR i fence for play pen, Reed baby coach, child's bed, chile table,
£1 : ce. good or tad : oil re. TOPiace one nx mber no longer | ALUABLE REAL ESTATE chair and he r., wash stand, wood chest, magazin book
Hf a o wh 2 2 Ww E ak in the Company Three new shelves, hassocks, porch glider, window fan, small stands, card
| Si ry 1erc or sevcera members were admitted to the Sr able, 8-quart pressure cooker, Hamilton Beach Mix Master, El-
| generations wy efrie utter « ure ot} 1g rack Ki oe Je
Man Moving | 5 : : : oh group, Larry Wagner, James = ectric butter churn, cloth drying el electric kitchen clock,
More Spring Planting—Total 3 ., : i W d d electric alarm clock, clothe tree, waffle iron,” two electric toast-
fo a Decision acreage planted to spring crops Kirtpatrick and Charles Garber. e nes ay, ay ers, GE Hot Point Iron. electric table and floor lamps, 30 new
| i exp cted to be slightly larger Rodney Ney and John Wag home-made brooms, electric washing machine, two gallon ice
SS € IN S darge . .s * . “
to install this’ venr than in 1954 The qe. | PET were nam d to take charge The undersigned wiil offer at public sale on the premis- cream freezer, tin canner, 100 tin cans (new), two lawn chairs,
Yer Sm et f chance Is at the s | . 3 electric coil water heater. bathroom scales, hanging scales, mir-
an Extension ronge’ in ‘teed will ve they : eh: nee-olls at the summer | es on North Market Street, in the Borough of Mount Joy, Pa. rors. blinds, dishes, cooking uteasils, empty. crocks and jars, gale
largest in recent years. tel hival : fon thermos jug, RCA Victor Radio and record player comb.,
Teiephone Fewer Turkeys Expected : Seventeen men were dropped 3 Story very good condition
: | Pennsylvania growers intend to from the ranks of the company ! POULTRY EQUIPMENT
a j | through non j {the Nests. feeders, fountains Little Giant Automatic fountains, 48
cut production of turkeys this ‘MO th non payment of then : est ; Soyer Jo a te Giant Automat : i
nario ; Aotinice in hats uminum roof paint, Ad ve paint for roofs, « Sunde
year. For the nation, heavy tur-| » carly dues Acting In the ab gomalic larg egg grader Bi 1a round hanging broiler and
gy i the bvresident and vie | : : ' ib i TRE J
keys will be about the same, sence of the president and vice Bi 8 chicken feeders with grills, Roto-Tiller, 1 HP Roto-Ette, Powe
: : A revi Bip resident, Brady Hess was in im nower and hand mower, whe to Mille ower sprayer with 1 HP
I 7h tues with fewer lightweight birds presi : mov an and mower, } power |
How many Himes have you been in a sliiist sie Profit in Tr es—Better man-| €harge of the meeting atte nded | Containing six rooms with lavatory facilities on 2 floors, motoi will spray tree hand sprayer, Trumbone sprayer, 3-
Cw , Por + , 2 ve ? 20 1 ff ral gallon tank and fire gun. Air compressor with 1 HP motor, sev
ation? Well there's no need for it. You can have a agement of farm woodlands will | by fifteen member centant cellar with new hot water furnace. Sa hundred feet of in. pipe, 800 ft. in pipe, pipe fittings,
0 » ne y » owners get the highest @ { i 1 hangers and: o alive Ive A
conve niently located bedside ex tension telepho help the owners get the highest | (em mr . used lumber, spout hangers and fittings, rubber tire wheelbar-
hat | } 1d of run. | returns at least cost ECONOMY EXPANDING ATTACHED GARAGE AND ALSO A RAILROAD SIDING row, 1 HP electric motor 1's HP electric motor, electric cords,
\ r ( St as :
that lets you reach insteac °® — f The nation’s economy, spu tomato stakes, blow torch, hoes, rake, coaster wagon, wire
Call our business office soon. You'll find it POURING GAS ON FIRE ed by defens: yending and Can be inspected prior to sale by contacting Joe Brene- frames, tire chains, digging iron, tools, six boitles linament,
: a Of ThinG Gas Ov Mlk = i TE ue : ‘ Suncro Magnetic jig saw, model 201 extra blades, automatic wa-
costs very little to enjoy the added pleasure of | “Dropping taxes by increas-| 8eneral confidence in the fu-| mean al the First National Bank & Trust Co., Mount Joy. Pa. Pp el Eon ov En Re ool SPLOT 50. bags; Goon
extension telephone service, ing federal debt is like pouring ture, continues to expand at a J ers‘ Industrial cleaner, buckets, short ladders, and a lot
. | gosoline on a fire—it is infla-| vate that more than ‘© matches Sale to begin at 7:00 p. m. on Wednesday, May 25, of gold fish, fruit drier, enamel top table, fruit, McAlister elec-
Pe > bs ee to » ODOT ror velogt: > (a8 . anv TT A
| tion, giving a man new money | the month-to-month increase in| 1955, when tzrms and conditions will be made known by tric sweeper, flower pedestal, bottle capper, and many other ar
’ A ‘ : ticles too numerous to mention.
| which won't buy as much as| Population. Not only is the na- Se Sale to begin at 12:30 when conditions will be made known
43 "FOTO : 14 ho etn . | &
a . C { his old money. If prices are to| tion prosperous, but the stand-| yr. jc, Dupes, Auctioneer Social Welfare Association by
Columbia Telephone 0. | stay firm and taxes to drop, in-| ard of living of the American Clarence C. Newcomer. Clerk OF MOUNT JOY Walter Dupes, Auctioneer H d Ww i uth
{} | lation must be curbed or hog-| people is improving constant yu ns i ey Kraybill & Kraybill, Clerks owal 0 gem
{ x > 4 ”" : \ : shi
1821 | tied.” Utica (N. Y.) Observ-| ly.” Annapolis (Md.) Evening Refreshments will be served by the Sunshine Band S. S.
| enDispateh, Capital. Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin Class of Cross Road Church 17-3¢