The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 12, 1955, Image 2

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, THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Fo. |
_Thursday. May 12 2
Thursday at 11
Mount Joy
ounty, Pa
shed every
Viain Street
Lancaster C
Larmon D Smi th
| Publi
John E
Editor and Publisher,
Subscription Rat $2.50 per
year by Mail
Advertising rates upon request
at the postoffice at
Mount Joy, Pa second-class
| mail under the Act of March 3,
Member, Pe
pe apes r ubl

imsylvania News
shers’ Association
Trad In Excision

Teen fo + Planned For Zoo
nd the longer | sit here nn
office and watch it, the more i Phil d Iphi
juisitive I'm getting n 1 a lid
I just don't have the h oi Mount Joy children and ad
ask the guy but if our ts will be given the oppor
cighbor Salerno’, who pul
tunity to join the Pennsylvan
on a screen door, last Saturday ve Sod

doesn’t have it upside down - -| 14 Railroad's first zoo excur felon
I'll eat it trip in May to Philadelphia. A
—————— reduced rates the eX( nn
Hore’s one on a West Main| will include persons at stops In
Street father. I dare not men-| Harrisburg, Elizabethtown, Mt
tion his name, because he will| Joy and Lancaster of all
get Sor: The other day the half-rate fare 1s not
he asked his wife if she didn't| mally from five to elevel al
think it was about time our ba-| has been increased 10 age nt
by said ‘Daddy,? jean
She took him down a few] Saturday, May 21s{ is Cet
pegs when she exclaimed: “Not| tral Pennsylvania Da th
yet, dear, I'm going to wait un | Philadelphia Zoo or on
til he's stronger before tell] that day the Pennsylvania Rail
him you're his dad.” road will operate ‘Zoo Spec
-_ I it half rate fares for all
\ Mount Joy Street lad ap-| members of the amily fron
proached his father and said:| five of Lanca id Daup
“Dad. Mamie and I are think-|in County statio to Phil I
ing of tting married How | phia and a da) f adventur
much “money will we need educati ind hie i
Dad: “Move.” )
—— A. C. Sigel 1e road's div
Did you know “Baxter” is| ison passenger agent at Harris
taking golf lessons? The other] burg and members of his stafi
day his teacher said: “Now| who cover this territory Sug-
just go through the molion of| gest that school groups take ad
driving the ball.” vantage of the excursion for a
Baxter “But that'h the “Spring outing” to visit histor
trouble I'm frying to over-|ic Philadelphia shrines as well
come.” | as the zoo. He explained that
——— the railroad arranged the spec
Not all men are homeless but| jal bargain package deal’
some are home less than others. | with Freeman M. Shelly, {i
m— | rector of the and that one
200d- | ticket
natured man
you hear about the will cover rail transpor
whe ra ll cl { . ‘
who walked nile tationy motor coach
Chets said. Bartender

trom 30th Street and admission
make up a double-scotch for! to the Zoological Gardens
me, the sane for yours: if and departure 4 all
ree drinks for the house. t savin nd the pack
He repeated the treat several { 1dr ¢ )
els for children > to 18
$a Yored 7 5 Jur od = n
im + bu when handed a bill ars 4d adults al ta
C admitted he had no Money sed El i 1
=~ whereopon “Sparky threw! 9.00 2.00 and 3 i
him out the street 1 > 4
Xs : . 2 J \ FLU & ud < ( ).)
: Not a bit discouraged, h Sj point ed. 1 {
back a moment later, walked
az 1¢ 1p eal |
vre to ‘“‘Sparky and said 1 TT i
£ | Pi Li rauroda
Bartender, make up a double
: i fed ormal 1
otch for me and free drinks 4
Ir ; rat limit fi 1 )
verybody again Jut nel and lit
id ana 1 tualn > 1
1 thi time bartender
Tr! xe on. +1 \ 1 1
en y drink, YOU . >" mi yi Ar
SY ive in Philadelphia at 10:50 a
ad 1 b 1
Yesterday I ked f “0 ht!
v she was going to her :
( neeting le: Ve 0 211 Nn
1€ Ling
Q 1A tin 5 Pp. n 1 i
oid m definitely not
{1 S Q
s my turn to stay home andg| D2 :
’ pa, 5:25 in
be talked about. Ido 3 : In a
caster at 6:49 and
{ 4
A Donegal student, whose dog |
came to school with him. was For form on
called into the principal's office l estd Vir. S
yecduse the dog had bitten one | OF One Ol ihe siation agents bi
mr 4 { "(HN S 1] ©
of the teachers. The student ex- | consulted
plained that the teacher came °
upon the dog suddenly .and sur x :
prised him. fay ro i ire
But why, sked the presi- "4 Yo
dent, “did he bite five other rs
yeople?”’ Pls IQ Fo ¥ Lan
I Op# . 2a £5 35-25 dsl
‘Oh, that,” said the student
“he was just trying to get the i 1) J h
iy . ne Wu 7 4 Ne 43
taste out of his mouth Age Roac-£-U
Up to 16 a lad is ry Bon After a mont pPo1
Scout—after that he is a gir] the Mount Jo vCe .
scout. nakin plans to spon 1011
a €co nual I \ ad
Remember the days he ¢ tons > { a Writle
your Mon sat her pies out tc Xamini hd skill test i
cool. - - - Now they take them arivin through pt
from the freezer to thaw Scribeq : Such, ag: pary
: | ing, smooth stopping, driving
One of the older secretaries between large drums and small
up at Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co. rubber balls
says “she’s not worried about The local winner 0
the shortage of men. It's the cal contest will } ible
surplus of women that gets her! compete in the Road: e-
down!” Saturday, June 11 in John
town. State winners than com
The life of George Wash-| pete for $3,000 in scholarships
eorg s
ington is a perfect example of In the national contest to be
: hols fashington It
how u childhood handicap can in Washington, D. C. Jul,
~ 25 2¢
be overcome. Although as a lad! <2 10 29th.
3134 a 3% Y an 1
he was unable to tell a simple William Gassman is chair
lie, he later became a success-, man of the committee which
ful politician. heads the local JayCee contest
Sn Sd The contest is open to all
Then there was the near teenagers between the ages of
sighted wire-walker who took! 16 and 20. A contestant must
his twentieth
last day of the
a bad fall. He stepped out on not have reached
what he thought was the wire birthday by the
and it turned out to be a crack | tation contest, July 29. The!
in his glasses. | contest will be held on the
A WISE OWL | parking lot to the rear of the’

{ tivitig wer carried out by - =
RO | \ § R NS oie Thon i
RO TARY ; Rotary To See couts eport Robe : a THE FAMOUS
(From page 1) Demonstration On | cluded songs unts ¢ §
program of fundamental i i 0 C ° Several parents visited 1e
{ ir he Dn Pt n amping cal ing
car ted the Dn Pots Burning Of Plastics | Dich socked Bow Lawn -bOY
Tl cond is to'd lop wi An instructive and epost: Activities quired nymbe I of pois, Lae :
; 1 we exist- | Ing demonstration started in following patrols will receive
od : tke her 19 and presented before all] Bernell Heisey, Thomas Roth, | the good campers award; Fron otar Mower
¢ ¢ 1 1 pes of groups, schools and| Roger Bates, Richard Becker! tier patrol was led by Terry
erve more peopl coll 3 Donia. New and Edwin Flory attended the| Schofield and Hawk patrol led
rk, Delaware, and New Jer- ; . | by Bernell Heise) | |
i } 1p cy since then, on the !charac- junior leaders training course oct tive plans were com MAKES GRASS CU TTING FUN
Com! . ope : tics. and combustibility of} ol Boy Scouting held at Camp pleted for the Mount Joy troop N70
0 a viodern Plastics”, will be held | Chiquitan Saturday, April 30. to attend the western district Trim left side or in front to within 3/8 in. of sidewall
hat ro d Ovi . the in the Donegal High School A camporee was held lasti|camporee May 21 Wd 22. Th walls entation Staggered ron whee place Ht mows
ry = Di Pot N ore the Mount Joy Ro-| Saturday and Sunday, May 7 &| explorer crew” of the troop will over terraces without scalping. ou Son 4
A for dollar Club on May 17, 1955. 8 with Scouts participating | have a roped area to demon ately after cutting. Die ast Housing: nT
Te spend on 1 The demonstration is sponsor-| from the local troop 39 and thej strate the uses of rope in Scout Handle mounts or dismounts ih Re OE yo iin > :
rel n owledge | ed by the Fire Prevention Com-| Florin Troop 63. A scoring sys-| ing. Harold Etsell, Sr., is local justable Wheels 4 oF On oi Sh : 3 aio 4
ie le to thre lollars for | mittee of the Lancaster County| tem according to the Scout ase) Scoutmaster, inches. Krylastic Wheels, Lighter, le or Pie
; Cris And it | Firemens Association of which! ter’s handbook was used. This | ® bearing against smooth, cent rless ground y 10€ 50 No
<0 000 | Friendship Fire Company of system scored according to good FOOD SALE PLANNED wear, no noise, no need to lubricate. Spring Steel Blade,
ich ob in the chem-| Mount Joy a member. clean camping, participation in Boy Scouts of troop No 39 Stays sharp, yet easy to sharpen Won't shatter or break
i industry today. Last The program is presented by! activities and leadership. Scout | will sponsor food sale Satur-|§, : $ 95
Du Pont 5 t $57.000,000 on Captain George R. Sandoe, Fire craft activities were Rint and | day morning, vay 14, In front Priced From 9
I irch id almost three | Frainin Ins structor. for the! steel string burining, First aid j of the Wiley and Rutt Insurance
mes that on new construction. ! States of Pennsylvania, Dela-| nahure hikes and knot tying Agency In addition to selling
‘It is obvi hat re ware, and New Jersey, a mem- The scoring was conducted | food the boys will geil several TETTER & SONS
wale roquires 181 ne): f the Lancaster City Fire by Ronald Schofield and Har Plates from the. 1951 J. B. HO
Se nd rable D ent for 14 years, and old Etsell, Jr., who had charge: Mount Joy Centennial celebra : i
manpower,” hi id ) in cl of Fire Prevention! ©f most of the day time activi-| tion for $1.00 each WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
ke, tone of i loborgtory 1 {1 Lancaster County Fire-| ties. Jerry Buchenauer conduc-| a e
projects ev ieads th ( 23 s Association; and Captain ted a knot tying relay over an) : 11 hr car Ia 1s irom —
ot ot of commercially. suc | Edward Schaller. Jr. Fire| obstacle fire ac Pos to Fu u fim 1894 a _ a i
cessful i 1 Tl of ning Instructor for the U.| wares a
time 1 ot that « SCOVETY 1S Navy during World War II, J r wz
inte wereial production m 3 STONE Oe nanan Join the millions of thrifty shoppers
be ten years, or more nmiiee o €¢ Lancasie . >
risk nay nvolye 1V nillio | Firemens Association, and a oi ho sing the praises of A 5
of dollars member of the Lancaster City
srobing | Fire Department for 12 years
iors of Ts oo es ne Fifteen different plasties will 3)
Wl : Is i to be shown and burned, if pos-
' re Xr i ie. to burn, the critical tem-
Th i 4 py 1 | perature which they could
. : . ; 2) any toxic gases that
to bt i ji y ro “might come off when being de- WR
3 BA “RIN ye nposed, the trade names of a ro ©
> Ton “7 | products made of these plastics, FOOD STORE
ead 'd where to store” or have 3 7 § J;
Poi g up th 7 i a a home. 4 tt Rh Da i ol as 5
if Du Pont research, Mr. Shan of the more familiar 7
won said that BAKE oF Di) nomenon Sr then hn A& Ps Fresh Fruits & ital Ee i om Tastes!
Pont sal today come from ;, the list of fifteen are plexig-
proc Ar Or Golden Ba nanas Higher I Qc
Wi if sommeraial fancy 20 cellophane, nylon, bakelite, vin- Ww
ys ab! . 1, sara tyrene, formica, hair 5
One of th new products 18 | spray ind deodrant sprays oo | ¢
pol r fil vhich e M Joy Mutual Insur- Winesap Apples or bs
looks like cellophane but has Ll Comp: and the Rotary
tensile strength « 23.500 1bs.| Club have Go-oner: : sic : None ears § MC i
ensile strength of 2330 ibs ove in brn Florida Fresh Gorn 2c, 4° {9 Fresh Tomatoes "ont oie [9°
pe 1c | ) ier istration to our 116-Siz ia RO
Aviron thousandth Large Oranges "= “nd New Polalogs B's 958
( t it. dielect : 10-02 £0 20-02. RRC ~ Florida—N
PH ae Fresh Spinach >. 19° v.30 Pascal Celery tore 2 lee OBS
olt Frozer B02. Cc 3 N
fo RE as: Real Gold Lemonade ™ 6 0); 73° French Fries or 29°
Referrii 1 8 Froze c or wha
A Downyflake pes 23 Siow Crop Peas en 28°
I ch tear i 3 Boa Snow Gr 80x. S§ Bi
Fuh | Beefburger Steaks Sous 3 tx °1.00 Chopped Broccoli ®" 155: 35°
a OP Frozes a 10-02. GEC
om Sparkie Cut Corn "= 3° 35 Gap’n John’s Fish Sticks bis, 35°
MARY G. NISSLEY & p Gran efr til it A&P... Our I-07. Cc
ced FUNERAL DIRECTORS A Sections Quality Cans
a *¢
y Mount Joy, Pa.
{ 1 \ In 3 Ng Reduced Ib.
I EE RI n AP HE Tl dexo Shorten: & Prices! can 25° 5 65°
material i yirit or iB § 1 5 i TEA
NOSGY 13 - g N i Dili t
nda- | || 3 ew! Pillsbury Price Sale
ih prosperity || ESTELLE B. PHILLIPS | Pie Crust Stic Se Buy © of verti sti Vor. c
C Pinkerton Road | Bez c get 2nd package at half price. Pxgs.
% o SAGE OZ. ; 5 .
—— | Joy ___ Phone 3.3425 | Stewed Tomatoes 238 Hunt's Fruit Cockiail oe $1.00
school. Both mE mee 5 12-02. HQC : ’ .
Do My bi Nibiet’s Mexicorn zo. 98 Libby's Tomato Juice 2 25° “= 37°
s from il en a © Baked 16-01. Cc 31-01. 0» .
uses won| Pep Sultana Beans wan 10 ns 39° R&P Grapefruit Juice 3 '* 29° ale
. etic to toni 3 lona Tomaloes 3 su. Ihe Stuffed Oli Sultana, Large 202 AOC
as dervice pi CE
learner 8 1-1b. h -ib. :
| ? Jes yoo 2 Dried Pea Baans Mh 16 th 29° Evaporated Milk White House—In a b fall 13°
ind tl stud ’ convenient carrier sas
t 1 p inv d in 12-02.
ot have been volved in| Rov, M. Ressler Spam, Treel or Prem ar 91° Spry Shortening "2 3» 79°
traflic olation ’ Clarid 02, oan
Se tants 7 W. Main St. MOUNTVILLE Corned Beef Hash © Pa 23° Tuna White Heat Sai pec Tor. ge
\D tone ar Ae PHONE 5-5301 n : Ann pint GEC er c hits Back
8 ony ie, pas Salad Dressing i 25 45 Libby's Dill Pickles orn 26°
ny vs th Lei daily S-1b. c 1016. C
letin office ba ba app's ae c
lctin of WM Granulated Sugar "48° 1. 85 Strain y Food ®»: |Q’
cal contest will be he ld | - K. RESSLER N H Ol 5 1-1b. 39° 85
rol Mach FLORIN, PA. utley Oleomargarine Hay A&P Swiss Ch 8-02. ARC
la 21 Marshall | bt Fu % eese ices 35
Gore cain] MT. JOY 3-5731 Oleomargarine °° 24° Good Luck or Ib 95 pkg.
X ym EE iy J 5 4 1b. pkg. Blue Bonnet pkg. Hershey Bars Plain or 6 bars 25¢ box ¢
ed his co-| New and Used Gas Ranges e ta Fi Sib. BC 10h QC “ Almond of 24 89
y ‘project | 14 1c eresoia riour bag bag Bur Own” Tea Bags pe. BOC phe. a5:
me ree tetera —— —————— [ y ' of 43 of 100 WS
Reddi-Wi oh Ocheok i 355934" 7g
engi- ip Jane Park ag Gam bag
er Apple Pie large 8-inch
77 c Baby Cereal Large An el Ri Jane pie 30
: gel Ring i "om 39
an 8-oz, All Price arker
Phe c rices in This Advertis ement Are Effective Th h
. ive
Ban _. Satur rday, May 14th roug
ED men co are
Marcal Nabisco La Rosa 20 Mule Team
. .
Paper Napkins Shredded Wheat Spaghetti Borax
pkg 10¢ ie 35¢ er lp ¢ IIb
of 80 pkgs Spaghettini pkg 22 ok 19 2 c
9 Pkg
2 i 2 .
Marcal Tissue Wesson Oil Ajax —
White or Colors Cleanser
rolls pint Bc qurt Bc Hand Gleaner
bottle ottle 2 14-02 2 ¢
= cans oz 17
A A —————————
Marcal Southern Star Instant Fel
Paper Hanki Bonito F eis Burry Oxford
per ies onito Flakes : hy
3 plas Oc 9 en 35° large 3 ream Gookies
of 100 cans pkg 12-02 ¢
1 SR Pkg 29
Your Mount Joy A&P Store (East Main 5 a
OPEN FRIDAY mn & p.m.
i |

| ig
RL RR ad:

