The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 12, 1955, Image 10

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THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday, May 12 10
The Mount Joy Community | ic Laymen and laywomen from the four corn- 4
| Is Attended By | Ambulance was used 3 times “MAY + JUNE + 1 ers of the carth have contributed the medita- : Y
{ ; Ye x a CX et” tions and prayers for the May-J > her
ast eck. Nis es > ~_ at \ ons pray e May-June number AA
| 18 wee k Vie Car 3 adley nN of I'he Upper Room. Among them, a farmer \
and Miss Ruth Bradley, Eliza- Lr W\ A from Ohio, a postman from Arkansas, a real-
| ersons Dethtown. R3. were. taken tol] & “i AA tor from Canada, a labor from Peru, a physi-
the Lancaster General Hospital| | AE \c Sian ruin India and: many others. They all
Two hundred and fifty-five | Monday, May 2 by drivers / 3) 5 give their witness through The Upper Room
ir: er yo 3 , ers | gl ~ Be sure to get a copy.
sons attended the Mother) Samuel Dock and Leroy Ma-| “i... crn! AP rai :
and Daughter banquet at the St. | teer. — Available ot SLOAN'S and TYNDALL'S w
Mark's E. U. B. Church Tues-| Wednesday, May 4, Roy Si- i
day evening. Mrs. Howard Wol- | mons was taken to the I al L ] |
: § as taken » Lancas- 7 0 1 i
| gemuth was the guest speaker | ter General Hospital by driv-| 8 / He a ¥ / ¢ d | FTF
She spoke and showed pictures ; ers Irvin Kaylor and Charles | The beautiful things of : make ev or
of Cuba. Miss Judy Wolgemuth | Bennett, Jr. TI 1 iri- | light | 1 rb
© SS ) gemu Mi, Jr 1e same day, dri- one hght hearted in May. In that beauty,
: i i eauty,
A offered musical selections vers Irvin Kaylor and Samucl God reminds us, “Lift up your eyes on
Mrs. Mary Strickler, aged 90, | Dock brought William Laugh Ligh, ane behold who hatly K.
| was honored as the oldest guest | man from the Lancaster Glover These fs seh Sen aly |
¢ g < es or- 1é es hy e o. 18 "
present and Miss Patricia Grei- al Hospital to his home on It is this eet Od i an gps 1
0 Ca 2 You
BE aan ner, 17-months old, was honor- | Lumber Street, Mount Joy. strength and joy all year round :
: - at | ed as the youngest. Recognition | Y
Salunga Met] is “hure as ade & i > i 5
Church Ne glo + Methodist Church was made and flowers given to; Excessive speed was the prin- 9:15 Sunday Bible School
WwW nda a twelve women who have en | cipal cause of rafli i i I i
10:00 a.m. Sunday School ave been! cipal cause of traffic accidents 10:30 Morning Worship. “Victory Thr 3 ing.”
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL No Ch rch Service en members of the church, longest in 1954 on 7:00 i Re a PEND Yeon Tops: unt
THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY — having joined from 1898 to ens een i “ re-Service Prayer Fellowship
AND THE ENTIRE SUR Calvary Bible Church 1908. They are Mrs. Martin | Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. | 7:30 Evening Service. “These Died in Faith”.
ROUNDING COMMUNITY. Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor | 5 5 « | Strickler, Mrs. Elmer Heisey, | —_— — ~ | Wednesday 8:00 Midweek Prayer Service
rs Sundoy Sid » : Jarbecuing chicken at home parties Fi Eva Zeller, Mrs E I |
Zion Lutheran Churce 9:15 am. Sunday Jible School S a 1c more pleasant when the Lancaster C : v | Newcomer, Mrs, Mamie Webb, | 0 | i ar Bi J
Pe lasses for all ages. queen does the serving and the Soom? Dou { Mrs. Harvey Derr, Mrs ‘ron i ps Caly at y Bible Church
Si Rev. Ernest P. Leer a 3 30 3 mm Moning the preparation—but the absence of Be pon | garet Harman, Mrs Emma 1 po a "| NEW HAVEN STREET AT HENRY
Sunday Sermon’ by e Pastor ic- adies is no reason for not enjoying the same ki ee woe] ro. ae: pe Hh 80 3 4 | Rev. W Tile
BOSS Sunday Scho ory Through Suffering.” cating” this summer. Miss avin Hie same Bing of oe | dom, Mrs. Albert Mumma, Mrs. ! 1 : Rey. W. L. Wilson, Jr., Pastor |
GR Sy na] ip Io : 00 pm Pre-Service Praye: Spring, and Mrs. Herbert Denlinger. of Latta re ilver { Calvin Shuman, Mrs. Anna Holding forth the word of life”
hursday Fellowship tured in a pre-season warm- Ra cage, re lS: | Longenecher Mrs inni
7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal oH 30 pm. Evening Service - | barbecues. The easy way a ls for a Summer of backyard | Bates Sed Mn Mime = TREE =
rsa Pha Pac i alt on foil rane a Ley or you are to *‘do-it-yourself” for | Bates. TTT TT
neh [he r ! SE ak : als, cighborhooc parties or . p td : one | | Tr ern tr rn en — ~~
hes Died in Faith % a Saturday, June 4, at Sh on dll Oils and Wome: wha wore) | |
Toi Byer 1%, ‘ l'uesday And on the same day vou’ ave Lancaster 2 aps. recently aceepte i ; | |
Rl g Brethren Church 7:45 p.m. Young Adult Class on hand to ao it oy oo J} have Langastor County Poultrymen church } imo be | |
: Bev. ohn H. Gable, Pastor Meeting at the home of Robert | chicken with all the trimmi 7S hp? Sher Juicy barbecued | 3 vere jpresent were an Ss to E 3 3 |
Sunday Nissly | 1gs at their fifth annual broiler | recognized; Mrs. George Metz-| ¢ > veryone
8:15 a. m. Moruing Worship | Wednesday | lor, Miss doves Men a
ara TR Rg Il ay Midweok Praver | p vo, ic] illan, Mrs. Ww v ' )
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Series. eck Prayer Lancaster County Er + cl Paul McMillan, Miss Carol Kv) | HO MADE OUR GRAND OPENING A SUCCESS
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship Friday P | garan ass Holds { lor, Miss Sally Shuman, Mrs | | |
7:15 Worshin, + 8:00 . rner issi
Fars J. Evening Worship | © a iA Board Prayer Meet- oultry Industry | Mother, Daughter Affair | Geissinger 2 Mrs. | Ri For Yout F B N |
ednesda; : ee Bi De | Thomas Schatz Spot a ature a ses re oh
ol ¢ . y The Ergat: ov Sn { 2... Spe prizes . . C yeaut C S |
iy week Prayer | rere [God Is ‘Easy Eating’ |, 7° Fass Sudny were swarddinto parsons Se. Your Friends Will | y iat
Thursday The Church ot God | class of the Mount Joy Church| ing a “flower seal” a nends 1 | Al IDISV : 5
= | The cen or co Tame Be Mot J ‘seal” poster to Bi CALL LANDISVILLE 8052 :
3:30 Cherubetts Choir. ev. C. F. Heiwig, Pastor the goal of Ls 5 ( ) : e thelr Mother. S2d| the bation of their ehaies, They i 1 | :
6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir. | Sunday x08! of lancagier County’s Daughter banquet in the social| were Mrs. Eva Ri BY Like it Here! | \ §
6:30 pm. Seraph Choir. ‘i 38 4 Sunday School booming multi-million dollar rooms of the Glossbrenner EUB| dy Suma " gi Mere i Por |
7a AT Sensor Choir Lester Bshelman Sunt, | poultry i strv : 3 . ‘ "a aKer, Mrs. . 9 . J
I gnto 0} | 10:30 a.m, Morning Worship | po Ey hie Sle Church at Florin, Thursday ev-| Bentzel, and Miss Your bi FH fio th it Monday Closed ~~ Tuosdoy, 9 10.3 Wed Ti
10: : g Wor ore po onic bf the. eniag. Moy | y & ss Joan Staley. Ties es | > : sday, 5 — Wed. - Thur. - Fri. |
The Washing 7:30 pm. A Sacred Concer evasion el : , May 5. 3 on the best, The best is here! | | 1 3
lig ngion Sireet by the Donoral a oncert de pression-ridden 30's has been Dinner music was played uy! Other events on the program ¢ | 3 10 to 9 Saturday, 9 to 5
“Elizabethtown, Pa Wednesday given modern dress. Ruth Ann Fry, Harriet Haw- | Yon followed the ham dinner wg CATER TO BANQUETS | | ft.
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor 5 gn Missionary Meeting | In the 1955 mode of outdoor thorne, June Mumma and San-| wore dovotians by Mrs Cla =~ ol . | Eat
Sunday ya Suides fo India | living the ultimate in relaxa- dra Eshleman. Sandra Eshleman | Shee Lyons ang Painelo Lyons, I | |
9:30 am. Church School aken by Miss Betty Helwig. tion is found i : a ot wl ©, | selections by girls childrens’ : i
Wiss ower Seno es er on in the outdoor sang a vocal solo; June Brandt | choir vy girls . ns 0 U N T R Y | it BA RTO BEAL ITY BAZ | ey
10030 2. erie Werner, | Salinch | a % a | gave a reading and Mrs. C. F.| p,.. Ra sing prayer by Mrs. ITCHEN hi ~ D "AAR } :
sermon, “A. Parable of Co.Fx. Church of the Brotliven 4 n( the easily-followed path Helwig offered the invocation. | Ranck and table prayer by i Corner 8 | Fo
Si A” parable of ak og a 3 rs we rian Mrs. Melva Zink. Mrs. Mary Wolgemuth 1 orner Stanley Avenue and Leisure Road ) game
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship, | Ezra Herman, S ped for all to see Saturday { Ror n of the church ser |
cers’, D3. Bening Wors ee. in, Supt. ii 2 9 0 Joo on Saturday, mistress and the guest speaker Men of the church served the|| E-town R.D. 1 Phone 7-9709 | LANDISVILIE, PA. : der,
os oy Bod yo. . Burday Sano) TR 1e fi th annual Lan- was Miss Renate Platzoder, | meal ST | Ty
W ednesday _ Love Feast Services at 10:00 cans ounty Broiler Barbecue.| German exchange student who rE ——_— i ie i SS oh
7:30 p.m. Bible Hour 2 9 ih 30 Aes ministers £ hn i pit, showing is attending Donegal High! Sa
et wil e Rev. Rufus McDannel ow 0 “do-it-yourself” at| School. She spok “Native
St. Mark’s Evangelical United ind Rev. Wilbur Lehman home, will b Ct Shp on Native) | i
S angelical U Be ie emai me, e a featured at-| Customs.” | ;
Brethren Church Wednesday acti As by
cane . tract ‘hen ¢ xpect ;
3 nig H. Ranck, Pastor | 7:45 p.m. Bible Study a al expected, Gifts were awarded to Miss | i
np ay te 7.5 gathers at Lit-| Betty Jane Charles, Mrs. Kate | ing |
m. Sunday School. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church itz Springs Park to enjoy bar-| Barnhart and Mrs. Mabel Ear-| i
7:30 a. m Morning Worshiy an Mount Joy, Pa becued chicken with all the! hart. 4 ng
Jol p, Evening Worship The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer trimmings io r ny HE
7:45 p.m. Meeting of Board Vicar T} La i Those who attended were] ( yoy
Monday Yorn} . 1 Lancaster barbecue has| Mrs. Helwig ves r
gu Rogation Sunday as S. elwig, Mrs. Kate Barn- Bis
30 pm alle = been , : Se > arn 1
E UB pm Ralls 8:00 am. Holy Communion oe the _ most succ ssful of hart, Mrs. Fannie Shreiner Mrs. | ner
ty, at Covenant } oo [ 9:30 am. Church School | on se public events in Pennsyl-| Jay Barnhart, Miss Platzoder, | one
Wh 1, an 100 a. m. Holy Communion | Vania and the Garden Spot's! Mrs. Flory Newcomer Mrs. | oy
Wednesday ana Sermon poultry farmers and allied ir Fre S 5 ‘Miss Helen | Y me
edn ay 7 relies. 3 S ¢ ¢ -| Frances Schroll, Miss len | i
or 30 p.m. Midweek Prayer r oe J Dv dustrymen want to share the Schroll, Mrs Eug 5 wig
service n of Mr. and Mrs. | of i . ' VATS unk, | 3
Thursday Webb Elizabeth ecrets of this success—for oth-| Mrs. George Broske, Mrs John | defe:
- - 5 i ( nm ar : M } : {
h :00 Bm Children’s Choir oo isn Ling I Tg I el M h B Hin
rehearsa a) a amily gatherings, neighbor-| Charles, Miss : pe | in!
del ib : gs, g : arles, Miss Anna M. Hoffer ur argain i ha
8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re- Holy ( Huh { ho arties, ] ine or : ne
hearsal So ork \ccension Day oad a , and church or Miss Mary Charles, Mrs. C. R.| y 9 C Murphy Bargain! ¢ He
Cama Ho y Communion. | LD Charles, Mrs. Margaret Mackin- | Women's Sizes 32 to 38 Hain
oun Joy Mennonite Church leeting. St. Mary's Guild oi : ® —— son, Mrs. C. Robert Fry. Miss | —~— Women's Rona
ishop Henry Lutz. Amos Hess, | URAL LIFE TO BE Ruth Ann Fry, Mrs. Nissley| Mrs
ishop Henry Lutz Amos Hess, oils | SUNDA uth y, Mrs. Nissley \ Hollywood Style Mus.
3 ’ ) Ie Rv | SE ED SUNDAY Erb, Mrs. Jol Ze : i Y
Ber, Js Doneshi Bresbetesian Chute A ; 4 Ss. John eller, Mrs. \; e ess gal §
Regs) Sie Rural Life Sunday will be Roy Hoffman, Mrs Edward Pts
3:90 a.m. Sunday School ey Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | observed this Sunday by the | Peonell, Miss Patricia Pennell, BLOUS o
30 pm. Young peoples Sunday -H Club members area | MIS. Melva Zink, Mrs ES
meeting. Speakers, Harv is Ba 9:30 a.m. Church School vhe ub members of the area| I'S Metva Zink, Mrs. Helen Phoe
man. Good 2:30 ain. Evening Worship when they will hold a special Stettler, Miss Carol Ann Stett- BRIEF he w
Wednesday Sermon The Rural Communi j service ‘in the Salem E. U. B. ler, Mrs. Robert Brandt, Mrs. dine
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and ty and The Rural Church” Church, Manheim. The service| David Newcomer, Sr, Mrs. | |
Prayer Meeting. — will begin at 7:30 p.m { David Newcomer, Jr. Mrs. El- i the |
West Groen 1 First Presbyterian Church | 4-H Clubs are also sponsor lo» Lindomulh, = Mrs, Earhart | C Gra
St Green Iree : . Sy re Sr rac
eho Gu ree Mount Joy, Peura. ing services Sunday in The | Mrs. Robert Beamenderfer, for Cc :
Abram N. Eshelman, Elder Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | Chestnut Level Presbyterian Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne, M'ss | ud
Sunday Sunday Church at 8:00 p.m and in the Harriet Hawthorne, Mrs. Lester ifi | wi
8:45 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 am. Church School. Bercstrass itther: 2h { Eshleman. Miss Sandra Fe | A terrific assortment of cool . . aE Willi
10:4 4 gstrass Lutheran Church at! ss Sandra Eshle- ! : Fife ually bist |
Brn al. Sunday ut 10°45 am Morning Worship | 7 or, 1 ft Sin Wis. Mark: M shi sleeveless blouses for sum- ine quality briefs made of Char
10:00 a.m. Mornin w rshi ras Burs] Commune] a Jone Mu Hl Mumma, Miss mer at an unbelievably low circu knit and “one-bar mer
: a.m. Morning Worshi tv an Phe Rura rin? Rv : Jane c 'S S i : !
Es a. ip, 1h 24 The Rural Church Everyone is welcome to at-| Herd umma, Mrs. Charles | price! Cotton broadcloths Hd striped rayon! Elastic waist Robt
chris lowship p.m. Westminster Fel- | tend these services. M i Sy Mrs. Oscar Yarnall, | picolays and linen-effect fab- wd eee ff and legs. Sizes 5,6 and 7 in f Sher
i Lutheran Church . da. { ® an. Sone Dock and Mrs. | rics in many, many colors, \ and or. sis geo
ev. W. L. Koder, Past AIRS Robert F. Schroll. ; es \ SY yourself a goo | 760,
Wi Koder, Pastor Sit. Pleasant CLIO CORN SOUP SALE 4 trims and styles. SY and save! 9 supply row feate
punda Brethren In Christ Chure he Calvin Club of the Pres | i
ges am Sanday School : Pastors: Graybill al byterian Church stint To 0 PROGRAM | | ot
Monday a.m. Morning Worship C. H. Moyer will sponsor a chi k voy, The Ladies Choir of the Mes- | [ val
2:30 pan. Brotherhood In the sunday soup sale Friday, M: sen corn | siah College, Grantham, Pa., | iy
Part Bese n th 9:00 a. m. Sunday School TI : al i y., May 13. will present a program of sac- | M h J | a \ and |
Tuesday 20:30 a.m. Worship Service. 1e sale will be conducted at| red music Sunday eveni 2 | urp Y Bargain! Mur h Bar in! SA V E 22 | I
7:45 p.m. Women's Mission- Bishop Renny Sinden, speaker. the church. Persons may pur-| 7:00 in the Mount Ple wii a P y gan! c Jose:
ary Society in the parish house 7:00 p.m. Messiah College chase soup at 4:00 p. m. ti | Bsn on |
3 arish house. Ladies Chora od Lege : Nr 1 o : |
ih me Ladies horu: vil present al day of sale. Orders for sou Church of the Brethren, three Men's Short Sleeve ed F
Mt. Joy Methodist Church Program in, the 'Mt. Pleasant! ,\.y }5e Sliver to es Jon miles north of Mount Joy. | Assorted Styles in i linge
Rev. Wm. E. Harner, Pastor HA O = duriee TY 1 | oo
, Pastor Ww Sgn oa a A Balley, Mrs. Martin Bowman | LOVEFEAST AT otton Knit i fer c
3:45 a.m. Church S101 ary brome Due als Wars Foley. PLEASANT VIEW ACETATE | dese:
9:45 am Sunday School, pines, SH enanle ne. prab. — ee mn y 3 i | |
6:30 pm. Youth RR pines, will speak STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL veel! oa be held at the TEE SHIRTS |
lll : a ee . ih ’ Asan lew (Hossler’s) |
Church of the Brethren Newtown I. U. B. Church The date for a strawberry fes- | Church Saturday, May 14th, | SHADES
Florin, Pa _ Rev. John Ferich, Pastor tival to be sponsored by the St. | starting at 2:00 o'c og
R Sunday pn ; 5 : o'clock. Also |
tev. Howard Bernhard. Elder 9:00 Mary's Guild of the St. Luke's| Sunday forenoo Every is | |
Samuel T. Becker, Supt. | sooo. Sulday School Episcopal Church has invited |
Te Bin corel . 10:00 a.m. Worship Service | for Sa : urels has heen set; inviied to. attend.
10:00 a.m. Worship Service and Family Day. i for Saturday, June 4. The festiv- meee {eee | C |
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Soria al a be held on the lawn be-| GROUPS TOURS LANCASTER | i
, | 7:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor | side the chur ird 3 |
i : |” Son om: hos vor | Seen The two third grades taught |
.m. Prayer Service. Ee 2 7 ES by Miss Pearl D oF: iss |
Prayer i Po a a fa ohner and Miss He can use lots of these and Here'
Clutch of the Bréihich | Crossroads Bremren Tn Christ | was founded in 1912 4 uth y in the Maytown Ele- at this saving, get him a eres your chance to dress
Falmouth Pike | paul Z. He | 912. mentary ‘School toured Lancast- good supply. White colon up every lamp in your bed- |
) ¢ Z. '3S, arry a nln Ws xv > oY ls 3 i i
Rev. Wilmer Hurst Pac L. Brubaker Trinity Evangelical er Wednesday. Accompanied by | knit with short sleeves, he'll Spring! Th a |
¥ilmer bes oe Congregational NCR) four Mothers, the sto. | like it as an undershirt or for tn These are lovely |
9-00 a m. Bible Sci | 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Sunday . A. Deck, Pastor er dents anr their teachers board- | Spork wear. Small, medium styles a d al fant 5
10:00 a.m ora er ice | 10:30 am. Morning Worship 9:15 am. Sund | ed a bus and visited the Hol-| and large ses, ings for ul ne 9 i
y .m. s 71 Messaoe in xy Pr am. ay > S
tome eT ee. Message by Rev. Harry L. Bru- 10:20 pm Shey sum Bakery, Penn Dairies, ate 9 you!
Wed: Palm” a ry | Wednesday § WOISHIP. | their lunch at Longs Park and |
dnesday jo hy | 7:30 p.m. Prayer i visited tl |
: . 7:20 p.m. Missionary seti | . : meeting. : he North Museum at
_ Semi-monthly prayer service Bishop PH : re Gi Fy neeting. | 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- Franklin and M wl OPEN
In the. GRaTch. Mic Mion, Dis on Jered Ginder, mem- | hearsal. an arshall College. |
Martin, E-towr, will teach : en of he church's home mis- | Thursday gn Sr rs | FRIDAY & SATURDAY 14-16 W. Main St
Matin, Dowd. gon ard, W lL speak on. the 145 p.m. Junior Choir Re- Argentina was discovered in] TILL 9:00 P. M. I
, 5550 S. arsal, 1516 by Juan Diaz de Solis. | MT. JOY, PA f
’ : I |
: |
| \ 4 |

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