The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 04, 1955, Image 1

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    IIe IVY, The Mount Joy DEDICATED AAA
Support 10 The Physician On Call
The Cancer Rr: Sunday
Crusad YOUR A COMMUNITY Dr. Th O'Connor
« on
rusaae HOME wy Tr. omas
Borough Council Votes To Install Additional *
Parking Meters On Downtown Side Streets
Rotary Club i Weidman Elected No Objectors
Host To Ladies | | | President Of bh % Are Present
Next Tuesday =} _ a Lions Club CATES At Meeting
: : No one was present at local
Louis P Shannon. widely gS i John N. Weidman was elect- = 4 cal borough council meeting on
known speaker on industrial i : 3 | ed president of the Mount Joy i i Monday. except the sx council
and chemical developments, | a 4| Lions Club Tuesday evening at he a Inewibers. burgess, chief of po-
§ the regular mecting at Hostet- FTN lice and reporter to hegr mo-
Guests attending Old Timers reunion—Seate d, left to right — Bernard Santaniello, Benjamin a : ! ter's. Lewis Bixler was elected tions passed to install approxi-
F. Groff, Lt. Col. G. A. Monti; Second row — Fred Dietzel, Galen Weidman, Rev. John Heis- for the ladies night] § | first vice president; Clyde Mum- 55 mately fifty-five additional
tand, Rev. Lester Koder, Charles Mayser, Eugen e Crider; Back row — Elmer Kreiser, Major | Program of the Mount Joy Ro- per, second vice; Clayton Au- § A RE a the ra
Thomas Stewart, and Charles Benson. —Photo by Robert Zeiters |tary Club next Tuesday, May ol ment, third vice: Alvin B'gler, : I : gig]
10, at Hostetter’s. Arthur May-| & | secretary; Ralph Alleman, treas- | | n
will present a lecture-demon ;
stration “Let's Look at Tom-
a motion made by Coun-
er en cilman James Spangler and
Sixty-four Awards uc is moter special pro oR Henry Zerphey, tail twister; INL 3) (am Donel, the Toy do
gram in honor of Rotary’s fif- 88 | John Landis, Jr., Victor Koser, a ed unanim 1y rn
tieth anniversary year. Spec- Louis P. Shannon directors for two years; Clyde +. David BE. Schlosser ane ously to remove ap-
proximately fourteen meters
ial music for the affair Will DO ide isslev I Crys Mar Jr :
Presented For furnished | I dicki : Nissiey and Martin Jv, - | from East Main Street east of
urnishec IN the Dickinson t ofe 99 | are the other directors for an Schofield’s Barber Shop on
College Quartet The quartet] Sou h Pacific addition: zeny eink io D S i ” x
° additional year and Paul Gin hl " Sale
si Ww > x : : both sides. These plus -
Outstanding Feats oi of w » reve | exe outgoing, president, 1s sur | | sides, Toesd plus
Sha » > . yr . . | ‘ > ers ? rece J r
Shappell, C. A. Ferrone, R. R tomatically a director for one| the Miller Meter Company eh
Sixty-four awards were | Harvey and the accompanist, i N Ww k rear. Installation will take pace! > :
S eX ee year. Installation wi Ke Pp ace 3 e 0 rmy, be placed on Delta Street: both
granted to outstanding spo.ts Charles Mayer June 7. sid f North Mavket ff
sides o North Marke rom
a se Ste pu hana oo pe Shannon will document At Hi L School Mr Weidman was in charge! ¢ Q Appletree Alley to Main and
ne owh id wll > a { Story Ol FN rican progress g i. of the meeting and Charles Her eaves JUTE ay both sidcs of Sou‘h Market
Friday at the ocal American | by exhibiting developments re- shey was in charge of the pro from Henry to Main: North
The vocal music department : '
: gram. Alvin Reist, Mount Joy Dr. David E. Schlosser, East Barbara from Appletree Alley
f the Donegal High School :
: R2, showed slides of Europe, Main Street. Mount Jo ] Mai he cide oa
will present excerpts from the BH I Un ed ount y wll to Main on one side and South
musical play ‘South Pacific”,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
€r is chairman of the program § urer: Jay Barnhart. lion tamer;
Legion home. sulting from scientific research |
Awards were presented to and will explain how their pro
| Eugene Crider, Vernon Ober- duction strengthens the national
holtzer, the 1954 Mount Joy economy
High School tennis team, the He will display some chemic-| | ‘ : :
Kugle being presented the special awards by Benjamin Groff, | Donegal Junior High backe bill al developments which are so Vy 12, 3 and 144s the high
president of the Old Timers Association, at the association ban- | . Str ; os 1) sic ris. to te iit | school auditorium. The show
quet. —Photo by Robert Zeilers | team, the Donegal High Schoo new As 10 be still in the exper) will begin at 8:00 p.m. each
| basketball team, Alan Kugle, mental and evaluation stage, | 8 i : + Heng
and the Holy Lands which he leave Mount Joy Sunday, May Barbara from Alley
visited last year. A clarinet §, to report for basic training to Main on one side. This will
quartette from Donegal High | at the Brook Army Field, San involve thirty-s'x meters.
School supplied the music for | Houston, Texas Dr. Schlosser A defeated motion made by
Councilman George Groff ecal-
® —— Wednesday morning and con- led
the program. received his final notification on
@Vening. A general admiss'on of for parking meters on the
” —— | Charles Ashenfelter, Jay Metz-| giving an inside view of how | ducted office hours that day. gouth side of Marietta Aven e
. l ) ren
ce y ’ .
Flom awards t td A aa | 3DC will be charged with no I imei fies San ih
Local Man Chosen Groff Re-Elected lor, a on Wa 9 0 i y on re achieved, and indica reserved seats. Georze Houelk Donegal S Forensic Since then, the offices have from Main Street to the rail-
| Russe albleib, manager of] ting their influence of the fu : il been closed and will remain i i
. . : ree ; will direct the product road bridge with no parking
For Honorar Old Ti ers President the Midget baseboll team, Ber-/ ture. An anulysis of the unique " Ao Contestants Rated closed throughout his term of gn the mor h side with . Ie
Y nie Santaniello, a coach at Mil- fac ors affecting American pro In the complete performance active duty ception of a loading zon : t the
] on of ¢ ading zone a
Benjamin Groff was re-elect-| |. . ville S‘ate Teachers College, gross wi y of “South Pacific” there are 49 S d A d Ti... d ow . . averse nics : :
Scholastic Society ed president of the Mount Joy | rile She 1 or os | irs a mage vaarters. af numbers The school econ n T'hir fe Yee yin he Bian. d a > sta nies nee to the Booth Depart-
Oné Mount Joy nian is inclu-] Old Timers at the annual busi-| william Sample, Columbia. Wilmington. Del. Mr Shannon] will present 34 of these num- Donegal's entries in the Yon lollowing his five weeks of ment Store. Seconded by James
: ness meeting held prior to the Following the invocation by is manager of the Extension Di bers. state finals of the University of
banquet Thursday evening. Rus- Rev. John Hiestand, Marietta, vision of the DuPont Company. Individual parts will be tak
a roast beef dinner was served ' Traveling extensively he has | en by Kenneth Good, Dav.d SIC and Music League were ver hE 3
> a | ars i aurico y a a
in second and third]: uric: Jailey, Lester
kins University who have been vice president; Arthur Schnei to the 200 members and guests addressed more than 600 groups Weidman. Asher Halbleib, | named oS :
§ places in their divisions Mrs. Schlosser and his daugh-| Hostette~ and Lloyd Myers op-
elceted to Phi Beta Kappa, na- der secretary; Richard Divit as-| j,, Richard Divet in the last five years, appearing | Douglas Fish, Patricia Haw- ter, Nancy, will remain in Mt. posing he motion, Burgess Ti
vt it a Un . : 3 4 lh 5 Aan : \ { i sing 1 i 3 er fe
sistant secretary; and Joseph T. | j troduced the president and before universit'es. and other thorne, Mildred Baker Edith The girls trio consisiing of| ; = 5
Joy al
M. Breneman treasurer. toastmaster, Benjamin Groff educational organizations, civie Binoche, Miriam Roland, Ruth Drescher, Barbara Martin period tie vote, voted “No”. After th
1 1 24 " - . oi i 01 1 £ ©
H Y tar f the Committees appointed are Elmer Zerphey gave the ad- groups. industrial gatherings| lene Gerliizke, Barbara Thome. and Alma Smith placed second With D
; oung, secretary o € : : : Amer Zerpl : ! > : ne = ; With Dr
. | George Brown II, James Bea-| of welcome and the Rev. and technical societies. H's fre- The French girls will be with an excellent rating among on : Mop : : j
Hopkins. chapter of the organi- terfer and Mi Groff adress of Ww {i oy ; David | “re two 1 ID's remain in town, ! Dommell made a mo ion
mendaerier c AT. , y 2 arge the ni 1 wi wee! Glorig 1 nine competing groups J \ . :
4 W. L. Koder took charge of the quent meetings wi h these! Gloria Leakway, Lois Good, mj ny Dr. Thomas O'Connor and Dr. that both sides of Marietta Av-
Weidman, entered in the bari :
: Va John Gates Tentat. ve plans €hue be supplied with meters.
tone group, placed third with a
The local man is Clarence S. V. Barr and George Groff, fin- those members who died with- tion with the DuPont Company! er, Betty Mc¢Kain and Nancy call for Dr. Newton Kendig, This mction, seconded by Mr
: eT : : a Dr. Newton endi mation, secon y Mr.
Weldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. ance; Richard Divit, past year. give him a unique undertanding' Diller. The Kansas girls will be rating of good against eight oth

training at Brook Field. Enter- Spangler, the mo ion came to a
ing the Army as a Major. he tie vote with Dommell also vo-
3d in a or of forty men i
ded in a group f S Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Foren-|
and one woman at John Hop-| a1] Halbleib was re-elected will serve a minimum of two ting in favor of the motion.
tional honorary scholastic fraa- ast during the basic tus Rutt. forced to vote oma
ternity according to Dr. John
Schlosser’s depart- motion wes declared defeated,
zation. awards; C. J. Bennett, Sr, S. memorial service in honor of groups and his intimate associa-| Elaine Showalter, Sonja Carv-
William Weldon, New Street, Schneider, Henry Klugh, John President Groff introduced of modern industry Daisy Brooks, Joanne Stehman,| €r contestants. i TE 2 AD is Rs Dea nen
Mount Joy. Mr. Weldon is a| Wealand, Harold Zimmerman. |... following guests: Fred Diet Mr. Shannon has been with Joanne Arnold, Jean Wagner, Nearly 4,000 high school stu 0d ee ii pis on be investigated, ver on
senior at John Hopkins and is Ellis Fellenbaum, Russell Halb- zel, Ephrata High School; Col. DuPont since 1942. Before join- Barbara Warfel, Doris Groff dents competed in the eighty ‘ Dr Schlosser re ha the south fl of the street
a candidate for the degree of leib, J. L. Schroll and Charles Monti of Marietta TC Depot; ing the Extension Division, he' and Judy Naugle Nurses will speech and music events during of Aorist COVORET ore nist of Where one large tree extends
Doctor of Medicine. He grad-| Hershey, banquets; Charles Charics Mayser, Lancaster: was engaged in personnel train- be Joyce Staley, Mae Keener, the three-day contest iy P sity Pst I Xe
uated from Mount Joy High| Pennell, Park Neiss, Sr, Geo.| pacer Heisey, president of the! ing and industrial engineering Lois Kaylor, Arlene Heisey, The affair was held at York chalet. m wie: of the Moot call for no parking at the tree
School in 1947 and from the Waller, Edwin Walters, Earl Donegal School Board: Wilbur work at a number of plants, Audrey Musser and Patricia York has served as host to the 164 School Bonrd thereby creating better means
University of Michigan with a Grissinger, Paul Hipple and principal of Donegal cluding atomic energy plants Hughes. League State finals for the sec eri : 0! the Pures 1 he} for two way traffic during con.
Bachelor of Science degree in| Robert Williams, membership; jsp School; Major Steward of DuPont built and operated for Some of the highlights of the ond year, acting as host in '47. Board and Aer r ot the Ro-| g2sted periods
pre-medicine in 1951. Sam Dock Jr, Christ Waliers,| yo Olmstead Air Base, Middle- the government He gained will be Ken Good's Last year Williamsport was fare Club RLS Reasons Listed
Following his graduation | Richard Gerberich, Ray Myers, | {,y,. Henry Brehm, athlet'c broad experience as an educa singing “Some Enchanted Eve- host. The 1956 finals will be ue : ® Include a ve "the il
from John Hopkins in June, he Lloyd Myers, Omar Groff, Rob-| director of Gettysburg College; tor and as a school administra- ing” and “This Nearly Was held in Pittsburgh. Other SALE POSTPONED he meter situation the ol
expects to do his internship at| ert Kunkle and Lee Ellis, ger Kreiser, basketball coach tor. Mine”; Miriam Roland's “A schools from the area which he sale of the Mount Joy as made Knows 0 th e Jil
the John Hopkins Hospital| efit; Bernard Kear, Charles columbia High School; Ga Special guests of the occa | Cockeyed Optomist’; Barbara had entries were Hcrshey High Welfare Building originally lng in he. boro iy hi Nt
specializing in surgery. After Fish, Mr. Divet, Mr. Halbleib,| jo, Weidman, football coach of sion will be the district govern-| phome’s “Bali Ha'i” and “Hap- School, Milton Hershey School, scheduled to be | sold pot Pri nr ted for the i hot
his time in the armed forces is Mr. Klugh, Mr. Wecaland, Mar- Ephrata High School; and Mah- or and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.| ou Tak”; Mildred Baker's “I'm Lebanon, three from York. and dav night. Mav 13. will be sold ars “he be r wh oo Ai
completed, he will return to shall Gemberling, Donald Sta-| 4, Ranck, Philadelphia. Also Jack Tivney, Harrisburg; past’ Gonna Wash That Man Right three from Harrisburg tentatively the wack of May 16. Tam tr ae A
the study of surgery for five ley and Bruce Brown, midget introduced were the coaches of district governor and his wife, Outa My Hair: Patricia Haw. — oa . : Le 0 e
additional years. At the pres- baseball. pl Donegal High School basket Dr and Mrs. R.«W. Schlosser,| ynarne’s “I'm In Love With a MAY QUEEN AND COURT AT GRADE SCHOOL MUSICAL
ent time, he is also doing re- Mr. Fish, Dr. Harold Fellen- p11 teams, Ken Depoe, Hubert Elizabe htown: and another pist| wonderful Gv’: David Weid-
search work at the universi y. | baum, John Crider, John Muir, | paters and Marshall Gember- (Turn to Page 4) mab. and the French girls sing-
Bruce Pennell, John Day and ling. ling “Younger Than Spring:
Chesley Heaps, gi Gro; President Groff, in h's re- y time” and “Carefully Taught”;
ties, Phi Beta Kappa was foun- Taran, Mon Mr marks stated that a Donegal 8 i | Asher Halbleib’s and Edith Bn-
ded at William and Mary Col- Brown, Mr. Pennell, Mr. Fish
lege in 1776. Membershp iS ,,q4 Mr. Bennett, executive
now based on exceptional committee.
The oldest and most {famous
of college Greek let'er socie-
organization should be expect A noche's “Di-tes-moi”’. The mix-
ed to carry on some of the } Naat I ed chorus of one hundred voic-
work that the Mount Joy Oid- ; 3 es will sing “Some Enchanted
Timers are doing. He suggested . Evening”, “Younger Than

scholastic achievement.
Inidiation ceremonies will be
held Wednesday, May 11, 6:00
p. m. in the Hopkins Club. The
group’s annual spring banquet
will follow, at which the Hon-
orable Emory H. Niles, Chief
Judge, Supreme Bench of Bal-
timore City, will be the speak-
er. Judge Niles will talk on
“Tides and Eddies in the Law.”
— re = -
Edward Fackler was voted
the most outstanding patrolman
of the local sixth grade patrols
for the week and will wear the
gold badge. Eddy helped a dis-
abled man by assisting him in
taking shoes into the repair
Clarence S. Weldon
that a meeting of the four dis
tricts should be called for the
sports fans or anyone interest-
ed. He felt that the school that
has 2,000 sports followers
should not be let down. As for
the Old Timers, he said that
they have done their share and
will continue to do so but in
the future will not carry the
ball alone.
“On behalf of the Old Tim
ers, I want to thank all who
have contributed so generously
(Turn to Page Four)
Mount Joy-Florin Reta'l Mer-
chants will meet Wednesday at
8 p. m. at the Mount Joy ele-
| mentary school.
David Weidman,
was the student
| Springtime” and “This Nearly
{ Was Mine” and the boys chorus
will sing “Bloody Mary”,
“There's Nothing Like A
| Dame” and “Honey Bun”.
Stanley Dotterer, a member
of the school faculty, will be
the accompanist. Lighting will
be in charge of Harold Krall
and Jack Gilbert, students.
The scenery depicting an is-
Ind in the Pacific is being
rented for the performance
from the Goldbach decorators
lof Lancaster. Girls in the chor-
us will be costumed in brightly
colored skirts, white blouses
and will wear flowers in their
hair. Some boys will be cos-
. . ; Back row seated left to right
of the week guest of the Mt. tumed as sailors, Marines and gue Mumma, queen, Betsy
Joy Rotary Club.
First row standing, left to right —
Olson; Sandra Kretzing, Pamela Toppin and Sheryl
ef Cheryll Brown, David Gerberich,
O'Connor, Sara Shuman, and Connie Anderson.
-—Photo by Robert Zeiters