The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 28, 1955, Image 2

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OWL arr aaa "Florin Lions
Lancaster County, Pa.
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher

Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952
Subscription Rate $2.50 per
year by Mail
Advertising rates upon request. |
Entered at the postoffice at
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
mail under the Aet of March 3,
Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association.

| .
By a wise Editorially
If you've been putting off WHERE TO GO FROM HERE?
raking leaves and shoveling Mount Joy borough council
snow for the past six months, it has under consideration the in-
js now time to put off cutting of additional parking
the grass. meters on the side streets.
SE In the light of one borough
And if you can’t get away for| employe’s remark (“If they do
a vacation this year, you can! not put them in, we'll have to
get the same feeling by staying| take a pay cut’) it is to be as-|
at home ang tipping every, sumed that primary purpose
fourth person you see. back of considerations of move
————— meters is the borough's need
Frank Shreve was telling his| for additional revenue.
customers down at the Inn that: No one should quarrel with
“If we had our lives to live ov-| hard facts. Mount Joy borough
er. a lot of us would make the! council. like any governing
Published every Thursday at 11 .
East Main Street, Mount Joy. Plan Public
sell items for anyone On ¢
has donated his services as the
John E. Schroll, Auction
Friday, June 3, is the date
for the first public auction
sponsored by the Florin Lions
Club. John M. Hess is chairman
of the event and his committee
includes Norman Strickler, Ar-
thur Wolgemuth, Clayton Esh
leman. Woodrow Fitzkee, and
Benjamin Staley
The auction will be held out
doors at the Florin Hall, wea
| ther permitting Items for the
cale will be kept inside the
{ hall if necessary. The club will
commission basis Donated
items will also be accepted
with the proceeds going to the
Walter Dupes, Elizabethtown, |
Anyone desiring to enter
on the sale is asked to get in
touch with Mr. Hess or any
| committee member to make ar-
same mistakes. Only we'd start body almost any place you'd Trio; Soloist To
sooner.” go, needs additional revenue to
Sales talk. eh? | continue operating. Costs
Fees Sura government have risen ong
Jimmy Kipple told me tha‘| with costs of other services
{he fellow that put him in the HOWEVER, it would seem
«Owl column” last week, is| (nat a “go slow” approach is
afraid to sleep in his own home. | oo There are som ques-
Don't ask me why! — — He | tions that need conclusive an-
also said he is the biggest blab- | swers BEFORE more meters
ber-mouth in town! — — Now} | are installed
dort worry - - -, 1 wont tell} 1. How many meters will be
who it was.
required to produse the needed
additional revenue’
Lee Holtzman, owner of the 2. How much will these me
Lincoln restaurant called a new |
.2 | ters cost the borough?
waiter to his office and said, | :
“You've only been with us four |
days and you have already brok-
en more dishes than the amount 4. Is there not some other
pay for them?
vou think we can remedy this | additional revenue at cost to
in the future?’ the public?
The waiter studied the prob- 5. As revenue needs increase |
lem for a moment and came up | in the future will it be the po-
with a solution, “I don’t know, | jicy of the borough council to
unless you raise my salary.” continue pushing out the park-
ing meter district? If so, how
Philosopher Enck says “Often | far can they go with meters
when a man says his mind is! and derive revenue? Isn't it
getting broader, it only means logical that meters will pro-|
his conscious in stretching.” duce less and less per meter
ned the further out they are placed, |
Down at the Print Shop in so that cost in relation to rev-
Lancaster, where Earl Rhoads | enue produced will become
works. the “apprentice boy’! completely out of line?
was rather late one day last In most communities parking
week and upon arrival, told meters are installed to correct
hic boss the reason was, “He| bad parking conditions and to
had to get a hair cut’ — —| create revenue for the install-
The boss rather perturbed ex-| ation of off street parking facil
claimed: “I know that your ities. In Mount Joy council
hair grows on our time members have stated repeated-
but I'll be doggone if you're! ly that they need the revenue
gonna have it cut on our time’. | from the meters to operate the
ete borough.
Harry Troutwine and Gerald There is no quarrel with
Hostetter took off last Saturday their argument that they need
to do a little fishing — | revenue to operate the borough
the first hour was rather tire-| The question is: How much
some - - - not a single bite, | further can they expect to go
but then things started to pop!| With parking meters to rais:
- - - - Harry felt a hard tug on that revenue? Isn't Mount Joy
the line - - - he started to reel | already at the point of dimin
in the line and then he reeled | ishing return on parking meter
and tugged some more, and ra- installations?
ther excited, he yelled to Ger- It could be that a sudden
ald. “It feels like a big black | large scale of growth in popu
bass’ - - - then he reeled some lation might make more park
more and pulled some more ing meters pay off in the rev
and after a little more tugging | €nue department. Should that
he discovered - . he had! occur there will be time ther
hooked the sweater he was [OF considering more meters
wearing at the time on his line Any discussion of parking
— — — Don’t ask me how? | should take recognizanc
of a fact often overlookad
Here's a poem sent Parking meters remain a form
No gal will run for President.
As long as we're alive;
You never met one who'd
She's over thirty-five.
of taxation. It's a question of
whether the public wants to
pay the tax in penny and nick-
le and dime driblets or through
regular channels. To b2 remem
a bered also is the fact that un-
til the meters are paid for half
of every penny, nickle and
dime deposited goes outside the
An owener of a local automo-
bile garage was observed to
jump in the air with joy and to
yell, “Hooray, Hooray!” with
unmistakable fervor
“What's up?” one of the me-
chanics asked.
“Remember last year when
my wife was operated on”
“Well,” cried the garage pro-
prietor, “the Surgeon who ovper- |
ated on her has just brought his
auto in for an overhaul.”
borough to the firm that manu
factures the meters.
It is to be hoped that bor-
ough will consider fully the
possibility that the costs of in-
stalling more meters may fai
Dr. David Schlosser, East
Main Street, Mount Joy, was
one ‘of six county bridge play-
ers to participate in the Key-
Any man who thinks “E”
the predominant letter in the
English alphabet, doesn’t listen
10 his wife very closely.
Here's a modern fable:
Once upon a time a teen-age
boy asked his father for the
keys to the garage and came
out with the lawnmower.

er, who formerly lived in town;
town; Donald McCollough, Ste- |

A WISE OWL’ ) den, Lancaster.
ha i.

3. How long will it take to]
The Rev. Deck Is
of vour weeks salary; how do method to produce the needed |
'Reappointed Here
exceed the benefits to be deriv- |
stone Duplicate Bridge Region-|
als over the weekend in the]
Yorktowne Hotel, York. The]
| other five were Earl Kochenau-| were rated outstanding, excel-|
Dr. T. M. Thompson, Elizabeth.
+ Compete In State
Music Finals
This weeked the girls trio
and tenor soloist of the Done-
gal High School will compete
in the state music and forensic
finals The trio, consistisg of
Ruth Drescher, Alma Smith
and Barbara Martin received a| :
Information class winners
superior rating at the district
David Weidman, tenor solo-
ist, will be accompanied oy
Barbara Thome
According to the stationing
committee report of the East
Pennsylvania Conference of the
{ Evangelical Cong. Church that
was issued April 24, the Rev
Q. A. Deck, was re-appointed
to the Mount Joy church
Rev. Devk will begin hig
sixth year at the local paste
Having formerly preached in
the western conference he
changed to the eastern confer
ence of which the Mount Joy
church is a member. Four pas
toral changes in the denomo-
nation were announced
Neighborhood Plans
May Meeting
The Mount Joy-Florin Girl
Scout Neighborhood May meet
ing will be held next Monday
evening in the St Mark's E.U.B. |
Church. All leaders, assistant
leaders and adult Scout work- |
ers are asked to attend the
meeting. To be voted on will]
be the suggested change in the]
type of county council. A vote
for a change would mean that
cach neighborhood would have
a representative included on the |
council. Also to be discussed! in
will be the day camp planned
for June
Ambulance Takes Two |°
Trips Last Week
The Mount Joy Community
ambulance made two trips to
the Lancaster General Hospital
last week. Tuesday, April 19,1
Mrs. Anna Frank, East Main
Street, Mt. Joy, was transport-
ed to the hospital by drivers)
George Copenhaver and John
L. Schroll
Thursday, April 21, Michael
Showalter, Donegal Springs
Road, was taken to the hospital
by drivers Christ Charles and
John Myers
Mount Joy Elementary school
patrolmen received an ‘‘excel-|
lent” rating in the Lancaster
County School Safety Patrol
| parade Saturday. Escorted by
| the new Mount Joy Elementary
| School band in red and white |
cadet uniforms, the patrolmen |
marched in step each carrying
an American flag. Charles
Heaps, principal, and Mrs. Geo. |
music : instructor, were}
in charge: Certificates will be!
awarded to. all the groups who
| lent or good.
The first Oxford and Cam-
| wart Gourley and Martin Har- | bridge boat race was held at]
Henley in 1829.
in 1054. nearly two million] GROUP iS SELLING PURSES
| casualties were recorded for mo- Summer pocketbooks are be- We Plan—
Troop Committee :
} tor vehicle accidents ing sold by the JoyCees of Mt. and Build
First Indian

Re-organizes In
Ralph Oberholtzer was clect-
ed chairman of the
Scout Joop committee &

‘Ceremony Held
~ At Pack Meet
advanced to |
Two boys were
rank of Wolf and also com
Joy. They are handmade by wo-

dren's size.
Thirty-nine percent of the,
deaths and 35 per cent of the in- |

{D e P e n d ab 1 e dents last year occurred on Sat- |
| quireme nts it was announced at
ro: Paul Hess, Clarence | the April ( Calo Patle meeting on
r and Michael Geltmach-
| er pad both and
| Wittle completed his Bear re- |
Florin troop will con-
, feathers are presented in |
the ceremony to be worn in the
been completed for
head dress upon completion of |
next Saturday.
| New and Used Gas Ranges
juries due to motor vehicle acei-

= §
men in Kentucky. Two sizes are | Repair and Remodel
offered; women’s size and chil ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS
BOX 222
Phone Elizabethtown 7-6277

urdays and Sundays. 3

: Gas Service EE
M. Ressler AWNINGS
PHONE 5-5301
of Top Quality Material

MT. JOY 3-5731 Haldeman’s Upholstering & Awning Co.
Fine Awnings and Upholstering since 1930

14-tfc |

Pay When Installed — Complete Awning Service!
OR CALL We Measure, Give Free Estimates, Sew, and Hang Awnings

presented for

Spelling Bee Winners
Named From Friday
feathers were given
first prizes and Bonnie Brown, Darrenkamp
+ feathers were
presented to
Richard Nornhold,
Holtzman and
» local school last
Congregational | TY
| Thomas Meckley.
cash Drives were awar- | :
Carrying out the
spelling classes and one general | was displayed d of bird house and
information class.
and cast animal
class winners

» used to carry
DuPont Official
To Speak At Rotary
Ladies Night, May 10 |
meetings arc |
presented for the parents of the |
{ circus displays.
extensios division of the|
Juniors Choose
. Theme For
Annual Prom
» theme of the Donegal High |
Rotary Club |
Shannon will present
Donegal High School band club - class to this semi-formal af-
Thomas Zim- |
Scott Carpenter,
. |
5, Jack Beaston and |
; Wolgemuth are
Isting expense
Ronald Hawthorne. |
Jack Beaston
The Student Council of
stall a pencil
the annual Dawn
which will sell tor
Will have writ- |
The pencils,
five cents each, midnight until 3:00 a.m.
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.

Trade TiresNOW

Atlas or Goodyear

Tubeless Tires

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