The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 28, 1955, Image 1

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The Cancer
Crusade YOUR
L. H. Breneman, Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, Mount Joy, (left) receives certificate from
E. Glenn Griffin of the Technical Extension Division of Purdue University at Lafayette, Indiana,
marking completion of conference course in problems of customer and community relations.
Mr. Breneman is typical of the more than 5,0 00 supervisory employes of the road who have
completed special conference courses conducted by instructors of and
with the cooperation of railroad officers, and designated to improve service to patrons.
12 colleges universities
Program Is Announced F » J. M. Hess Elected
MayNight Musical at School President Of
The Mount Joy

‘Teachers Named
| For Positions
ior high subjects. Miss Hoffer |
| will graduate from Elizabeth-|
town College in June and did |
her practice teaching at Done
gal High School. She will re-|
place Miss Lily Martin who
will take over the guidance
work of Mrs. Lewis William |
Miss Martin will devote one |
half her time to guidance work |
and the other half
correction among
school students.
speech |
high |
from |
will |
the |
to a report
office, Donegal
the county
be one of two
county to employ a speech cor-
schools in
rectionist. Manheim Township |
| is the other district. Miss Mar-|
| tin will receive her masters de- |
gree in the speech work {rom
Franklin Marshall College
this summer. |
Wolfgang, who
will }

The Physician On Call
Dr. David E. Schlosser


‘Winners Of
‘Merchants’ Prizes
'Jaycees To Attend |
State Convention
{ © Four Mount Joy JayCees will |
attend the state Junior Chamb-

| cr of Commerce convention in |
i . | Reading this weekend. O. K.| :
At Donegal High | Snyder, Jr., Gerald Hostetter, | Are Listed
| Ammon Hoffer and Bernerd | Mrs. Mary Haldeman, Salun-
Three more teachers were el- | Grissinger are scheduled to 7: ras awarded the 150.00
ected to teach in the Donegal | represent the local chapter. | ga, was awnrqe : fre $150.
| High School for the next year's| Two county men are nomi- | watch as first prize is the re-
I school term. Miss Mary Jane| nated for office. William Root | tail merchants sponsored three-
{| Hoffer, David Street, Mount| Lancaster, has been nominated | & | day sales event last weekend.
| Joy, was elected to teach jun-| for administrative vice presi- | | Clarence Heisey, 343 W. Done-
dent and Robert Harper of the | sal Street, Mount Joy won the
Landisville Salunga chapter, |
Pre 1 : 83 apter, | : Sy
has been nomina'ed for region-| | set “and Mis J K.
al vice president. | | Wittle, Wood St., Florin, won
| the power mower.

| The forty-four winners of 5
V.F.W. Marble | [ $1.00 gift coupons to be used in
" | | any stores of the cooperating
Tournament | | merchants are as follows: :
| i B. V. Siegrist, Columbia Rl;
Date Is Set ip ok Mount Joy. displays 7h inch two-pound e Le a yar Av
| out caught at Donegal Springs April 27 | enue, I t. Joy; Harry Derr, of
Marble champions will again | - Sibel Poy Apt in Plerin; Math Epersole; Flor
be named in Mount Joy when | ere — | in; Jim Heilig, Mt. Joy; Vir-
| the local Veterans of Foreign | . . ginia Greenawalt, 65 W. Don-
Wars Post 5752 will ore Fifteen Candle Units To Be Added egal St., Mt. Joy; Mrs. Jo Kay-
pels Jovem Jnl iin . . : : lor, Mount Joy; Lois Sadwad-
ournament. Saturday, ay 21, : te 1 ; pid
the event will be held on the! To Community Christmas Lighting Her. Columbia BI; y m. Smith
grounds of the Mount Joy Fifteen more Chrismas light! commitiee of Chris as lights Wont Jay, Hoflingets Flos
Grade School. The tournament : 5 : wistmas lights. | in; Earl Royer, Florin; Heicn
{is open to all boys and girls in| units will be added to the Mt. Arthur Sprecher was re-elec-| Charles, Pinkerton Road, Mt.
ted chairman of the community Joy: Eugene R. Spiker, 123 Ww.
grades one through six of the|Joy community lighting during

“May Night” will be the Song”, a Bohemian folk tune. °
musical of the Mount Joy Ele- | Mrs. George Broske and Char- Florin Club
mentary School to be presented los Heaps, are teachers of this
Tuesday evening, May 3, 7:30 class. John M. Hess was clected
! : ony | president of the Florin Lions
Pp. m. Mrs. Broske is in charge of, 51 |
Following ‘the processional] musical. Of the two musical Club Monday a at th
i . WN a : i dinner meeting held at Clear-
match of the, May Qiagen and brograms presented by aw view Dincr. Clarence Hollinger
her attendants, the “Parade of school during this school year, A > : leat
WW 27 will Boaol sie] : : was chosen first vice president;
the Months” wiil begin. Begin-| {ha Christmas musical included i Carer. vise 'B
ning in June, several students] all the students in each. elass, YPN Second vice Rew
i I” tee: Pane id § “1 ben Goodling, third vice; Ar
from grade 1, with Miss Edna gg kindergarten through 6th ye! Food) g, ini oe
Charles in charge, will present : . : thur Wolgemuth, secretary;
. . grade and spring musical in- ; |
a’ Tom Thumb Wedding. July led : i | Charles Johnson, assistant; |
will follow with a patriotic @ of ste Robert Johnson, treasurer; H.|
SA. wk : » of Ag] dents from each class from . . |
them with some Of Mrs. John ; B. Johnson, tail twister; Clay- |
Hart's fifth graders singing| kindergarten through sixth Fshl li «DD |
“Youre a Grand Old Flag” by/| grade on on: amet on
Cohan and doing a flag drill. ° ald Staley: and Sidney Smith, |
Vacation days down on the WT directors for two years and |
° . .
farm will be the feature of Au “South Pacific Woodrow Fitzkee, director for]
gust. Pupils of Mrs. Dorothy one year. Officers will take!
Johnson's ih WA ne T B P their new positions July 1.
“She’ll be Comin’ ound the t ~~
J De a 0 € resen € The Lions escorted thirty-
Mountain’ and will dance a : : :
square dance. September will . five sixth graders of lower Mt.
include “Back to School’ by At Donegal High Joy Township to the Shrine
several children of Miss Irene circus in Harrisburg last week.
Heisey's third grade. They will “South Pacific” will be children included those
sing “Happy School Days” by
Wilson and do autumn frolics.
repres October
Hackman’s second
Halloween ‘nts
Mrs. Mayme
grade will present several chil-
dren singing “Halloween” a
Yugoslavian folk tune and do
a dance grotesque. Fourth
grade children from Miss Irene
Ibach’s class will present the
legend of the Indian for Nov-
ember when they sing ‘“Cere-
monial Dance” and do an In-
dian dance.
For December, first graders
will portray "Winter Sleep’.
Mrs. Emma Good's group will
sing “The Sandman’, an Aus-
trian folk tune and will do a
Danish dance. During the of-
fering, Darryl Aumént will
play a piano solo ‘Sanatina”
by Lichner.
Winter Fun is the theme of
January. Miss Dorothy Kaylor’s
third graders will sing ‘‘Skat-|
ing” by Bowman and do a
skaters’ waltz. In February,
children from Mrs. Ruth Luck-
e's second grade will sing
“Valentine Song” by Griffith
and do a dance of greeting.
March's St. Patrick’s Day
Lightly”, an Irish
dancing an
ing “Trip It
folk tune and
Irish dance.
kindergarten chil-
“Easter” for
Marian Top-
bunnies and
dren will present
April from Mrs.
pin’s class. Easter
sleeping children are
in the scene. The bunnies
cing “The Song of the
Hare” by Wood.
The finale of the affair
be a Maypole dance by
detns of the sixth grade.
will also sing “May
be presented by pupils of |
Miss Heisey's fourth grade sing-!
| hold the nomination
I meeting in the local
sented by the vocal department
the Donegal High School on
12, 13
will be directed by
May and 14. The music-
vocal music instructor.
Stanley Do'terer, science teach-
er, will play the accompani-
Individual solos will be
en by Edith
Halbleib, Kenneth
iam Barbara
Hawthorne, Darlene Gerlitzke,
George Franke, David Weid-
man and Mildred Baker. Group
parts will be sung by the boys
Parts to be characterized will
be the native girls,
French girls, sailors,
scabees and native boys.
ese (ff
Vets Place Tenth
In State Contest
Mount Joy Veterans of For-
eign Wars Post 5752 received
the tenth place award in the
State communi y project serap-
book contest it was announced
at the group’s Monday night
I meeting.
Plans completed to
and elec-
the next
May 9. A
also be serv-
given to
tion of officers at
Monday evening,
Dutch lunch will
ed. A donation was
the Cancer Society. May 27
has been designa'ed V.F.W.
Poppy Day in Mount Joy. Loy- |
alty, Day plans for May 1 were
Frank Morton, com- |
mander, was in charge of the

attending all the three schools
in lower Mt.
Taken to the circus in a
they were each given spending
Joy Township.
money to be spent during the
event. Following the trip,
each was taken to his home
throughout the township. In
other business, the men made
tentative plans for their first
community auction and decid-
ed to attend the Charter Re-
club’s sponsored
of the
30y Scout
Staley, president, was in charge
of the meeling.
— @
Next Monday, May 2, is the
regular meeting of the Mount
Joy Borough Council, 7:30 p.
m., in the council chambers.
To be discussed at the meeting
will be additional parking me-
ters for the various side streets.

John M.
elected president of the Lions
club of Florin.
Hess who has been
reported the incident to Charles
Heaps, principal.
took them through hundreds of
(Turn to Page 4)

oraduate fr Leb: Jalley : Mai yo ake
graduate fran heponan Valley grade school and seventh and] the holiday season this year it, committee with Clark Berrier Main St., Mt. Joy; C. D. Waser
College in June has bce n ac | eighth grades in Donegal High| was decided at the reorsaniza-' as co-chairs Alvin Biles 123 David St., Mt. Joy; Lottie
cepted to teach vocal in| | tion siding of foe 31 yt 2 an. : 4 8 McMullen, Mt. Joy Rl; C. W.
the {fo replace George The VF W. will award ¢ goof x oun Joy was renamed secretary of the Espenshade, Pine St, Mt. Joy;
Houck. Mus. Wolfgang teaches als ‘to the first. second and third) committee and Clayton Aument J. Lloyd Stoner, Mt. Joy RI;
music in the Elizabethtown place winners and will also Two H dred Are was chosen secretary. Patsy Buller, Florin; Clark Ber-
schools. _ | give prizes to the winners of Un The group decided to extend Ter Mt. Joy; Edward J. May,
are ie he De each grade. Winners are de-| the present area of Christmas X Moree St, oe Jovi
dent of the Ehzabethlown Area cided upon by playoffs in each E t d T aa . +. Beamenderfer, E-town Ra;
- c o oF . O55 r Jeo
School Board, will teach bio-| grade first. The finals include Xpec € 0 os 1855 two blocks. Rutt, 166 New Haven St.
logy and other science subjects| the winners from each grade. | Units will be placed, in addi- nt. Joy; BE. H. Weidman, Mt.
in the school. Mr. Spickler re-| The winner from Mount sor) Attend Banquet tion to the present blocks of Joy R1: Mrs. Martin B. Heisey
sides in Elizabethtown and | will then compme in the dis | Main Street, from Lumber to 213 W. Main St., Mt. Joy; Con-
graduated several years ago No. 9 playoffs at Phoerfix-| = Over two hundred = persons the railroad siding and from bi¢ Gutshall, Banbridge RI;
from Lebanon Valley College. | ville Saturday, June 4. Warren | are expected to attend the six- High Street to Jacob Street Ben Groff, 129 New Haven St,
{ He was formerly employed in| Foley is chairman of the local| th annual banquet of the Mt The fifteen wmits to be added to Mt. Joy: Mrs. H. Fellenbaum,
. | | 3 sed S 0 yk 4 ( “9 . R -
the poultry business. contest. Joy Old Timers Association on| x HA 130 S. ‘Market St., Mount Joy;
: df . \ ste , v o electric Ny ya ea You aps
Three more teachers will be The defending champion is Friday evening at the Mt. Joy the system will be the electric-) Mrs. Raymond Zeiters, Rheems;
chosen in the near future; a Ron: denne as rear’'s Américan Legion Home. al candle-type unit. Jay Hostetter, 127 New Haven
Ronald Pennell. Last year’s > : x ; MY ied
boys physical education teach-| pynner-up was William Sheaf- Thursday evening, the an- These units will be made ov St. Mt. Joy; Doris Derr, Flovin
wr. geosraphy teacher and ad-| fer : i, . 3 . Rone a ae 11, ' lda Weber, 124 E. Main St., Mt.
er, geography teacher a ‘ fer and third place winner was nual business meeting will be er the summer months locally. i: : ~
ditional junior high teacher. [ce Newcomer. Other grade held at which time the election This year marks the fourth doy; Bh an Grog, Ms. Joy;
Since 118 seniors will be grad-| winners were Gray Greiner, of officers will be conducted. | year for the community com- Bo yon Williams, 217 a
| uating and 168 seventh graders James Schatz, Kenneth Peifer,| These new officers will be an- mittee. Each year more units Main : i Me doy; X has. Ruhl,
| will be enrolling at the school, Karl Haines and Earl Shearer. | nounced at the banquet Friday were added or time clocks ad Mount Joy: | ish Suller, Florin;
this extra teacher will be nec- -® night. ded to the system. George Al-| Jennie S. Roberts, 961 Louise
ar es ; 1 . ay Ave Lancaster; Jos. B'xler,
essary, Friday's affair will feature bert was named to take charge Te) : iat wr. Mi 1 ,
Edward Richter, present boys B d Pi the presentation of sixty a- of the community Christmas’ _ nn, Due bo river, Manheim
es Ee rns oar ans ie | sixty Proc R2; Mrs. J. S. Brubaker, 225
ysical education teacher, has wards to outstanding sports W. Main St Mt. Jov: Harold
. . . ol » lL > « (
accepted a position in the jun from the former Mount Joy x rot
ior higl Newark. Del A | : voy ; : roy Foster, 125 S. Barbara St., Mt.
ior high school in ewark. Del- t etic rea High School, the Donegal High . Joy: John Wealand, 214 8S.
aware where he will teach gen- School and winners in indepen- 168 Mount Joy Barbara St. Mt. Joy: Mrs. B
eral science and manage intra- F Hi h S h | dent sports from 1915 to the Foret 113 Dav d St : ML
foreman O avi . . i
mural program. Mrs. Jeryl or 1g C 00 present time. Jenjamin Groff, ¥ I Harvey H 5 Mt. J
i : . : 4 Joy; arvey oung, ML. JOY
Hahn, a t teacher, has accepted Membiord of * Donegal Sehiool president of the association, Youngsters IVEN R92.
a position as art supervisor in ie 2 will act as toastmaster for the =
the Manheim Central High Board studied tentative plans No 7s ®
School George Houck will for an athletic area at the : ° First Polio Shots Q iz] W k T B
» 5 '
; school at the April meeting of ee 0 e
teach vocal music and be head oa x . a
basketball coach at Big Springs the group last Thursday. The B.P.W. Hears Reports One hundred and sixty-cight Observed In Boro h
High School “plans as submitted by the Buc- From District M ti first and second graders in Mt ug
a ° Ls hart Engineering Corpora.ion, ee Ing Joy Borough and Township May 1 through May 7 is ‘‘Na-
York, provide for a football, Reports of the district mec t- schools bared their arms this. tional: Correct Posture: Week?
h soccer, baseball and parking ' 8 Were read at the April to receive their first! throughout the United Sta es.
Gettysburg College area at a total cost of $14,602. meeting of the Business and injection of the Salk Polio vac-| The Pennsylvania Chiropractic
William Arnold, solicitor for Profession ily Chu 0 cine. | Society is sponsoring the week
Cage Coach Specks As the board, was told to securd a 405 _ Monday night at The vaccine was administer-| with two local chiropractors
social security for employes. A 0s efter's ; Vo or he € ye ed by doctors David Schlosser, | partic’pa’ing Dr. Amos Leon-
: SANG ning was furnished by david John Gat { Ti was O'Con-| ard and Dr. C. H. Stites are
R o H T tentative budget of $402,784.00 _ ° : : John Gates anc n-| ard anc Stites are
otary onors 1eam was approved for the 1955-56 Weidman, tenor soloist from por. They were assisted by the two from Mount Joy
£0 Donegal High Sch » was reps. Nive chile . . . iron .
Job Davies. Gettysburg col- school term. Paar it : ool. Bn bis nurses Mrs. David Schlosser, Posters urging correct pos-
Py nd ace anile )Y Jarbara re. Ja gq ste . 5. Not ure hav yoo ace . h-
lege basketball coach, spoke Two additional buses will be ny 00 0 Hino 2 wig HN 5 et "0 vi on ture have been place g through
before the Mount Joy Rotary heeded by the next school term = ~~ I is FH Ls ; phy nih fags. out the town and the burgess
Ye + ec eX neeting S 3 , IVIrS dVI( wviarsce a a | S sued ¢ ati
club Tuesday noon, with mem-| and Joseph Bixler, transporta- ya § 1s bianhed man vig arse ta nd has issued a pro. lamation on
: : : : . for May 23. Mrs. Robert Ros- Mrs. Helen Halbleib S x son-! the s»necial week
bers of the Donegal high school tion chairman, was given auth- sor Wil hav | {th . irls | M
A : : se 1 ave charge 1e ior girls fron Mount . MAT y
basketball team and their coach ority to seek bids for the pos- : charge of the lor givis from the ount Joy PROCLAMATION
... | program which will have civil area aided is the program by Whereas. the citizens of Mt
as guests. sible purchase of the buses. dotenise the 4 i : Te ila Vhereas, eC ens o
i 3 fense as e 1eme : »cire g 0 ¢ children, one rie : ; Aba :
Just redencd trom active Bids will be opened May 17. 1 3 : me of 1€ circulatin mong th ( aren, Joy are vitally interested in
gt : meeting. Mrs. George. Broske,| rolling up sleeves, soothing and {hs vouth of today. and Know-
play in the National Basketball Dr. Allan S. Meck, president : i : ; you now
pla) L Jel 8 : president, was in charge of the calming frightened ones and ijhg that these vouths rill be
Assocation Rochester Royals, of the Lancaster Reformed : and ing that these youths wi 3
oe : EC meeting. inspecting arms that didn’t {he adults of tomorrow. and
Davies recently was voted 6th Seminary, was named the com- | __ as a i ©. 2d. SUI
X By os or 3 hurt a bit” after it was all ov Whereas beginning today
outstanding player of the past mencement speaker and Cason 73 mea 368 = day,
$ } § ve So er. Mrs. Dora Wittle, of Florin, Mav 1st through May 7th is
50 vears of basketball. He Clifford Best, York, was select- | ted , ny. 2 X ‘5 AY: of 4
: acted as secretary wing observe ag “Nation:
starred during his college days ed to deliver the baccalaureate ry being observed as “National
ith Set Hall : "sermon In line with the program for Correct Posture Week” thro: gh
with Seton Hall, = ! the prevention of disease, a gut the United States. and
Davies cited five points as Roy Armold and Miss Janet Yate Yor ~~ ey
: ' : date for immunizati against Ihorane fa reales 3 Ne
requirements for success in any Gibbons were named tennis : : Whereas, this week is focus-
1 il. ¥ oe i . d'ptheria and tctanus will be jhe the attenti { nation’s
field of endeavor: Determina- coaches this year. 2 alleniioh oi our.
| : I announced in the near future parents on the posture of their
tion, faith, conditioning, pro- = Letters of request’ for this a : Ne a .
motion of others, fair play ac- THREE WEAR GOLD BADGE oe a Date a children, which is 3 Viral = fac:
’ i” 74CE are emg se ar 1 1 Mr ay rex a
cording to the rules. Three sixth grade patrolmen { { all i { or ng Be tor in their health and well be-
€nts of a rst ar I graae oO. i
The speaker gave glimpses of ‘Were awarded the gold badge hildreri ! ing grade ing, and
5 oT 3 . C en. Theres varlv ia rory
two of the greatest athletes of for this week in the local grade The i" oe 13 Whereas, early discovery of
> se programs are under the i e dove Hy
all time, George Miken of bas- school. Deanna Walker, Jerry perv] ne a He 0 any future development of ab-
. tn SUPervisio 0 vir narles . ‘ a 143
ketball fame and “Babe” Died- Kline and Glenn Piefer were Heats: principal TM ries normal postural conditions can
: eaps anc Mrs. Sa- correct e ;
rickson, recognized as the named for their help when a lie Br ! is Ss =, be corrected, sa,
on es : i es, “Wi oH _ die Brooks, school nurse. Therefore, by virtue of the
greatest all-around woman ath-| small boy on his bicycle was Alan Kugle, son of Mr. and ° : i
vs : : . : ; Saat . Mure ’ A authority vested in me as Bur-
lete of ali time. Davies pointed almost hit by a passing auto-| Mrs. John Kugle, of Marietta TO HOLD SCRAP DRIVE 8 "
. . + . 4 J JC 1 y -
oat that both of these stars had mobile. Although neither the| was the student of the week The Flori Bov S gesh of Mount Joy, I am proud
i an i) id 1 orin Boy Scouts Troop of the opportunity to proelaim
natural abilities, but that it boy nor the bicycle were hurt,| at the Rotary Club meeting No. §3. will hold a paper and M 1st tl h M 7 h
was only eterminati they helped the boy and also Tuesday noon. Alan is EP | pie SR ce * May 18 rough ay 7th as
ily determination that p ) S 1s a mem- gerap drive Saurday morning “Good Posture Week”.
ber of the senior class of Don-
ts beginning at 8:00. Christ Zeit-
egal High School. = hist gait
| ers is the troop leader.