The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 31, 1955, Image 3

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THE BULLETIN, Mount joy, Po.
Milton Grove Sportsmen | Me
Easter Shopping & Cinerama, Sat., April 9th, Philadelphia.



Norfolk Azalea Gardens, Williamsburg, April 15-16-17. 9 H d F M Pl T Pl N t S
Winchester, Va. Apple Blossom Queen, April 28th. Last Friday night (Mar. 25) | lestan Ive akes ans 10 ay ext | 30 N. Jacob St., Mount Joy
DuPont Gardens, & Winterthur, Saturday, May 14th. the Milton Grove Sportsmen's -
July 2nd thru 8th, Albany - Quebec - Monreal Canada A Club held their regular meeting D f t Al 3 The local Merchant basket-| the cost for the floors and offi- § The Place Where You'll Get The Biggest Ham Sandwich
Sherbrook Valley, 1000 Islands - Corning Glass Works, at the new club house. e ea umni ball team has asked their coach, | eials. At the present $16 is need- In The County
Syracuse, N. Y Final details for the shooting The Heistand Five setduted George Houck, to organize them | ed to finish paying all bills. If . - -
For Information and Reservations, Call or Write match to be held April.l, were | we for next year. After winning 25| any person would like to help 8 Steak Sandwiches 30c —- Friday & Saturday
MRS. MAE ROTH discussed. (See ad on another | the combined Alumni of the Mt. games this year, including a| the team please send your con- - -
Phone Mt. Joy - 3-4442 FLORIN. PA. page). Joy, East Donegal and Marietta play-off championship, Houck is| tribution to George Houck, Flor- HUBIE and JANE SMITH, Columbia
11-tfc A committee was named to | High Schogls Tuesday night 46 seeking players to strengthen|in. A team from Southern Lan-
2 make arrangements for a fami- | {o 36, playing before a standing- the team for next year. The fol- | caster has issued a challenge to
ly night. The date to be set la-| eo lowing players have indicated | the locals so there is a possibil-
tor. : | Yoom only erowd of 700 persons their desire to play: Harry Her-| ity of the local fans secing the|
A pavilion will be erected | IN the Mount Joy Elementary ¢hey 6-1, Bill Zimmerman 6 ft., | Merchants in action next week. |
[ewe] es near the club house as soon | School gymnasium. | He nry Klugh 6-3, Jas Mer: The this Sang
Sr lesred. Tho va | , vis 2%, Ji J S$ -3, i 30 towards defraying team)
7 and 9:00 P.M AND an arca can be cleared. The pa-| Coached by John Heistand, inger 6-2%:, Jim ohnson will go ; 3
SATURDAYS TH EATRE HOLIDAYS vilion will be used for picnics | Jim Grove was high scorer with | Dorald Ge Tater 6 ft, Richard i aii Yoh ane 1d . .
6.8.10 P. M. Moai Jor. Pa 2:00 P. M. and the annual chicken corn | 16 points followed by Jay Metz- | Rioters 3 from Manheim, € om a : Soph yeu, For Something Startling
7 8 sou supper. im” 35. Tommy ar | 405 rs tsar fo Bt 51 so shui tas foo pss And Sensational |
Members of the club, in co-|J Jhnson weve high for the Al. |in Section I scoring, G chan's an Ba
FRIDAY — SATURDAY, APRIL 1 - 2 ree Rn iy ss ca ox Sarbaugh 5-10 from Columbia, | contributions toward the team n ensariona n
i vr «A Tor * : : Gini : / 3 stre > is year: Hess’ Store, Eicherlys, | :
HUMPHREY BOGART AUDREY >B ime R aid Gun C Jill wa dni Bh | who should strengthen the team] this year: Hess y ys, | ® : i
GAR AUDREY HEPRURN Rod and Gun Club will purchase | Prior to the game, a grounof | Lic shooting, Earl Kitty's Dress Shop, The Lin-| an undaes
Several hundred chestnut trees, thirty Old Timers played a game | gs." Donald: Gel 5-10 coln, Adam Greer, Martin's 5c¢| ! €s
6&6 > 99 ! for local planti | using ‘ules in a i py mya 2 anki
Sabrina pic paring. aang on res 2 postion Robert Flick 5-10, Frank Zim-|and 10c; Sloan's Pharmacy, Mt.|
Ny CT TO merman 5-9, John “Buzz” Bow-| Joy Dept. Store, Booth's Store, |
FIRST FEATURE STARTS SATURDAY AT 5:45 P. M. paves an | man 6-3 is being contacted in| Keener’s, Shatto's, The Bulletin, | TROPICAL TREAT DRIVE-IN
> = I wi § Has da hopes that he will be available. | Eshleman’s Clothing, Way's Ap-|
———— ae a ae ras take hic g yar : fe ea rns - :
i i es te Old Timers Association mn Xa 13 jo squad 3 Care Walier end Sta-| 2 MILES EAST OF ELIZABETHTOWN
2 T C mM a rere will be a need o ive tion, ehman’s Store, Florin, } pour 230 PHONE E-TOWN 17-3491
MONDAY — TUESDAY, APRIL 4 - § MA H aw esd; Be Nn more suits that should cost ap-| Seiler Printing, Gerberich-Payne|
GINGER ROGERS — VAN HEFLIN -in. De bo 3 i x IMErs: | proximately $60. (This includes, Shoe Co., Eli Hostetter, caterer;| com
Sponsored by The Milton Grove was in charge, Oi lettering.) Another ball is need-| Wolgemuth Appliances, Meck-|{*™ ——— a
(9 Wi 49 Sportsmen's Club on ERE TAT rol ed that would cost approximate-| ley Bros. “Doc” Tingley, Geo.
Black idow F id A il 1 1955 MR Sy NaN oy ly $18. Another 28 game scheds| Gicbe, Smith Dist, Aument’s
I riaay, pri ’ To i | ule would cost approximately! Garage, C. W. Herr, Newcomer's
FH TIME 7:30 P. M. H. Morrell Shields, Columbia | «150 1f cach player donated $8.| Hardware, Drohan Building
Avenue, Mount Joy, will be one | 010 would be a need of $125.| Supplies, Jack Horner, Hostet-
AT THE CLUB HOUSE {of the actors in “The Re to be donated by Merchants or|ter Hardware Store, Henry
WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, APRIL 6 - 7 Located between Risser’s | Heart”, the Elizabethtown | fans to sponsor the| Klugh Sr.
’ | m REY nt} alc dlls § § x
WALT DISNEY'S Church & Colebrook Road | tle Theatre s presentation. The fy. year. No coach should The trophy that was won by GENERAL REPAIRING
TC > I as | play will be proses ie ae be paid to manage the team. In| the team will be presented to
66 Aer 9" H Pri H Elizabethtown High School AP-| go {he present coach assisted | the Mt. Joy Merchant Organiza- :
rizes “lg on JER If prese :
The Living Desert ams SE ams ril 29 and 30. Tyler Trimme : by donating $16.50 toward this] tion. It is hoped that this trophy B oO D Y an d F E N D E R S H 0 Pp
12 and 16 gauge guns | will have the lead as the lonely year’s team. will be displayed in the win- .
7 i3-1c Scottish sergeant. The present team had $375. of | dows of the many business es- TT
-% so 0, 9, 0 . oo expenses this year including 10] tablishments. oan RP Se
470304 oP ISH 00030 000430470450 430 430 420 004204 00 03 0, o, > ©, 9 9, ®s | . . R. D. 2 ALONG 230 ROUTE
oe yy > YY Tr Triage ode ado ie fe dade dre fo odo fr uniforms and jackets, 1 ball, 1 Statistics of the {eam is as YS ie
& 3 stop-watch, a score book apd’ follows: WEST OF FLORIN
Name G FG FA FC TL Ave.
H SS’ STORE Pr nts df Kin 9 foo "mo 5 231 fer || PHONE 3-067 J. S. SNYDER - PROP.
oe [Johnson ....... al) 50 47 39 139 15.4
o& S (Meminger 16 86 97 a7) 243 1 Bl J — oo _
: T B. Zimmerman. ....... 29 182 104 68 432 15.0 [nove rs VEINS AVS, ETE
of aT my 4 ot Germer ....-. Soran 90 56 an 217 10.9 BRT Tu TARAS ESRI SII IS AN APN OPA LAN Aer a
oe Shuman .............. 31 146 103 72 334 10.8 2%
3 LE | | I Bowman ........ a 14 18 18 41 10.3 5 ; RL
kt H. Hershey ..... + 29 104 44 23 231 8.3 fF Cl . p . 1 il oh AE
oN Hawthorne 13 36 26 10 82 6.3 3% - - ole
LC : D3 “ls
> Geis en 130 57 44 30 144 4.8 At eaning yessmg alonng By
Clinger ale 1s 3¢ 33 19 91 4.1 J R cl : F cl : Ak
«oe Flick Say She. 30 46 - 32 16 108 368% - ee
4 *»s He
3 F. Zimmerman ..... 11 & 0 0 16 1.5 Abs: ug eaning ur eaning RI
oe ose | : ; 2
oe . En -— — RI
- 4 Under The Marietta Edges 2 Storage x
oe 2 Tu
° 0% Ale
kA 3 Basket Maytown 27-25 BE oe oh Chae Mor Fd 12
v ® : a aundry Dervice wi eaning vion. to 1'ri. nih i
ith HORACE HEIDT - . . : il | : a MX a
\ oe Ea le i
<< Ww t HOICE VALUES VARIETY CONVENIENCE o The Mount Joy I Overtime 2k a i
os SWIFT'S PREMIUM BEEF o> won their first championship in East Donegal township ele- sls Se i
. . Sv Ae i
& their first venture as a team | mentary school and Marietta el- Abe, ae
- $ | When they defeated Local 285! op entary school tangled Monday Al 2s ~
" | by the score of 77-70 in the final’, pn ali
R D Ne & games of the series for the Play- | na basketball game at | May- i A i
% OUN PREMIUM oe off championship. town gymnasium, with a two- ae |
°° ib ra Ib 4 It was a tremendous job well minute oyertinu g reqvired) Cleaning in Thursday by 5 p. — Ready Saturday ae
i | wo : : : Veen . to determine the winner. a
4? » ones 5 done by the locals as they had | 7 ae
spa: YON ancaster Marietta took the decision 27 ath
: to defeat a strong Lancaster ! So
oe : $ rls + 3 “ Se
3 * Merchant team in the first round to 25 with only seconds remain- | YOU PHONE 3-4071 WE CALL 2;
°° oo play-offs in a best of three ser- ing in the overtime period. The Ate.
o% ae} rly ai A Maytown boys held a half-time LE
| ics in order to gain the final 2 SL le es
s¢ ROUND BONELESS S round. After losing the first margin, which faded quickly as Run
oe ; ib $, | came 79-70 to Local 285 it ap- Marietta stepped out to go a-
3 9 © k = oe
; 4 - peared as though the locals were head by 10 points at one stage
o i a ! r 0 : in 5 1b 3 doomed but due to the fine play-| of the game.
3 7 ae ‘ tT ing dthe Merchants rebounde Maytown rallied in the last
3 * with a decisive win 79-64 to ev-| half of the final period, drop-
TT 9 Kt en the series at one all. ping the ticing bucket with only]
ne Ss WwW i F T 5 oe The final and deciding game | 10 seconds remaining. |
KS & proved the ability of the Mer- fl senses
oe chants to play as a team. First,| LOCAL GIRL MEMBER OF
- . Swift’'nin > Johnson was unable to play,|IN SENIOR CLASS PLAY
rermer ¢ 1 not get to the Miss Kay Kear, daughter of
ge S d h Sp d L S g $ | Germer could g
& an WiC rea Iver ausage game until the third quarter and Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Kear, of
3 + finally Shuman injured his ank-' High Street, Mount Joy, is a
" bs tT le close to the end of the first member of the senior class play
4° 8-028 Cc 8-028 Cc 8 C of | half and since Coach Houck did | cast at Danville High School.
not want to take a chance with The play “No More Home-
oe - the ankle, Shuman remained out | work,” will be presented in the
oe - of the game during the second |hjgh school auditorium March
& 4 half. 31 and April 1.
oe BROWN SERVE 3 At the end of the first half the eeu ff st ——
All t 0] oid 4 locals led 39-31. Shuman, Her-
1 S if P 4 shey, meminger, Zimmerman Th H wi
4, shey,
° ) SWEe €0 Ww t S rem ausage & scored the points with 9, 9, 7, e o ers
4° oo and 14 respectively.
oe KR oe The loss of Shuman was made ey
oe Ibs C C pkg oe > up with the scoring of Flick and :
oe 3 F. Zimmerman and the rebound- ; en :
+ | Gi) ; With five weeks of the sched-
KN 3 ing of Germer in the third quar- ros
+ DO +. |uled season remaining, the Mt.
o $ | ter. The fine play of Hershey Ss i,
oe oo + | Joy Paper Box Co. team is lead-
. $ | must not be overlooked. Harry’s|. ° the C Bowling
9% s fine rebounding and 16 points Ing ie ommereia sowing
© : . . . : . : League with 29'. wins and 18'%
LC ror : > MOTv 5 2
“ Norris Fancy Grapefruit Hearts Glass Bucket Maraschino Cherries + greatly aided in the vietory. | joa: The other team standings
og | Local 285 1 ! ‘| are . Koser's 26's - 21%. Droh-
& . 9 5 9: are , &~ a, ron
2 tor 29. 2c Dr Chaua Ann a > a an’s, 26-22. Smith's 25 - 23,
% o i a 0 5 5|Kulp's 24 - 24, Wolgemuth’s 23.
oh : 4 nil Jr "ty 4 gl25 Hess 21-27 and Rutt’s 17-31
9 : EY errs as Tear Ries Bu tA n building or remodeling a'new ho
5 N.B.C. Ritz Crackers Sunshine New Cheese Hi-Ho Crackers keer .... 000.06 0 12] Barl Koser's 198 single and In building er remodeling #'new home,
oe 2 | Fry 1 0 9 | 566 triple were high for the it's so easy to plan in advance for built-
36- Z3c So en 0 0 o]week. Hen Greiner's 168 plus is in telephone facilities the cost
oo 6 eo. |the high average for the season. .
o : * Totals = wg 18 70] Wolgemuth’s team whose mem- 15 low.
KA i 1 Mt. Joy GC fF TI pts ste wpe) Telephone conduits "are inexpensive
& | B. Zimmerman .. 7 11 25|Harry Lawder, Paul Nisley, and easy to install during construction!
3 o Meminger ele 1 19 | John Matoney and Jim Heilig Bi 2 . Sl
3 8 | Shuman .........3 3 g|rolled a 2492 team triple March They will conceal telephone wires =.
od * Hershey ” 9 1g, 17 to take.a comfortable lead in provide for:neat handy outlets. So for:
° NY SNCY aie & be Hr R Yar i fy } 1 tS /
a o> Selb... id 0 3 Sp erat, pik rolling greater “convenience "and service, put
: tin 9 ) an 885 team single game score / or :
T COMPLETE ONE STOP FO OD SER VICE & PUden oy ia Ei 1 3 the same night to move ‘into a your telephones Into your plans
- . oo a : ; i 0 0 o | first place tie with Drohan’s
+ » for. high game single
& Phone 3-8211 MOUNT JOY, PA. 3 rrp JY £07 Wg gle siigle. ooh
3 oe! Totals 30 17 717 Charlie Johnson's 244 - 598
2» : ns {fen remains the high individual Columbia Te ep one Co
® Pa a a a a” os os Pa a% of os Pa oF. id

+ Wo 40a a WV; 5, 0 0s oF : : inate rerords ale
op 50 050 050 050 430 430 620 fe ad 02 BREE REXT XT REX XE XTX IRIE TRIN ose oie sage ado Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. | single and triple records to date
- LL is os > + iy J LC PL a nO CN A TA MPN no TO A ET PT A NPR MF A HG NE ll A NR ABA TA AIA