The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 10, 1955, Image 7

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ET is TT 3 A \
ForF D d bl ‘ E-TOWN COLLEGE Hospital Auxiliary | Thursday. March 10 G. C. Murphy Co. Buller’ S Beauty Salon SIMON P, NISSLEY
asrer, Vepenaable Gas Service Miss Nancy Swanson, Mariet- M k Fi l PI Main Street Florin, Pa | MARY G. NISSLEY
ta Ave., Mount Joy, was one of akes Fina ans Will be closed Ma | :
rch 7 to 19/
een CALL four students who represented Billy Graham Film| Plans Expansion inclusive PUNPRAL. DIRECTORS
WARD BOTTLE GAS the Elizabethtown College at an For Easter Projects | W. C. Shaw, chairman of the Call Mt, Joy 3-4339 i Mount Joy, Pa.
0 : intercollegiate conference Sat- J T B Sh I board, and J. S. Mack president, | Maude Buller, Prop. {
! ur Prices Ave Right Our Service the Lest urday. The affair was held of Final plans were made for 0 e own n | announced that the Common ©
i Main Office & Plant Ephrata #1, 1 mile north of Ephrata Dickinson College, Carlisle. Easter projects by = the Vo Shareniolders of JO. C P t C tr S
. on route 222. ® - Joy-Florin branch of the s: Landisville Churc ' Company will be asked at the es on 0 ervice Robert E. Hoffman
Branch Office 2% South State Street. Ephrata All told there are more than | | Joseph's Hospital Auxiliary at Annual Meeting on April 12. to FOR | INSURANCE FOR EVERY
Phone Ephrata 3-2207 ay 225 warships in the destroyer | their meeting last Thursday ev- “‘Oiltown, U.S. A’ Billy vote on a proposal ‘to increase| Insects- Rodents-Vermin re A NEED
: t category now on active service | €ning. The Easter flower sale, Graham film to be shown here the authorized limit of indeb- | ‘tn Homes = Farms - Places of | ride nt and Heallh
n LR 5. £ i orkmen’s Compensation
g a) in the U. S. Navy. Boil Mrs. Frances Frank in "March 16, 1955 tedness to $20,000,000. The last Business | ® Hospitalization
i charge, will be held the Wed-| Rev, Billy Grahim, national- authorization was for $3,000,000 TP or ala | ® Mortgage Insurance
| | 1 red p te 'C l Nat ad
[ ne sday, Thursday, Friday and/ly known Evangelist and pro- in 1930, when the Company's Guaranteed Termite onho ® Farm Liability
a | Saturday preeceding Easter with/ ducer of the world’s first Chris- sales totaled $17,498,023. In 1954 WM. Ww RS | Automabile
VN [the place to be announced at a tian western film “Mr. Texas”, | sales volume was $182,172,687. | J. PO E ° Fire
> { later date. [will be seen in another religious! Approval of the proposal] 121 W. BAINBRIDGE ST MT. JOY 3-6659
tre SILO UNLOADING | Easter egg cups will also be film, “Oiltown, U.S.A., to be would permit the use of present ETOWN — PHONE OW R.D. 1 MT. JOY, PA.
| sold in two sizes. These ceramic| Presented in the Landisville funds to call all the outstanding] Sik ir
— . cups may be ordered and me ay| © hurch of God. : 190,000 shares of 4% 9% preferred
| be ordered to be personalized in| Rev. E. Thomas Tillett, in stock, and would furnish maxi-|
. { children’s and adult's names. of local arrangements mum flexibility with wii |
| y i333 for the showing, announced that ste an Re {
: [ Mrs. William Eckenrode, Park costs in carrying through an ac-
| Saves miles of climbing, [ Ave., Mount Joy, has been nam- [the picture will begin at 7:30 celerated expansion program. |
| ed to be the group’s model at! Au sd for ob the! In 1954, 18 store locations]
the county fashion show next| A raham’s film features the; .., acquired for 1955-56 open-| |
[Evangelist and members of his
reauces anger { Thursday at Hotel Brunswick re. re a Te x 2 ing. One is in Charlotte, North| {
I | Lancaster | a. vi yw Sn a "| Carolina, marking the first time|
) ‘ruse S |
he next meeting of the grou Crus \ hn ous oh since 1937 that the Company|
| The xt t t Bi P| Texas. Highlighting the film +
| will be held Thursday, May 5 arc. scenes: from the. meeting in has entered an adjacent state,
Tests of silo unloaders in operation under Me > Robert Gessler is preside tf Rice Stadium where 60,000 ga- Ts io les Campbell's Frozen Oyster Stew 33c
ical f iti indi Savi ; of the group. sre ar G . 5 |! Mrs. Pauls Fried Fish Fillets
typical farm conditions indicate big savings in | — 0 Hoar Grif ope fluences of the coal and steel in-| ; yee
work. ‘In fact, with an automatic electric silo be bse SE A angen meet qustries through expansion into| Haddock Fillets 1 1b."47¢
unloader you need climb into the silo only occa- | F L. OR IN Featured in the film are pro- | COMMON Wl Sher or more| Sexton Peanut Spread 48c
sionally to move the blower pipe down a rung on |"ess’onal Hollywood players Hoover Buiter Creams box 90c .
the chute ladder. > | = = |who' have become Christians’ In 2 letter sent all Sharehold-| Assorted Chocolates box $1.0)
Mrs. Harold Buller and dau-|‘hemselves, including Collen ©TS it was stated: “At the end Hoover Easter Eggs b 80 }
i ; arms : ‘ f 1954 the Company had work-| cover Lasier Loos ox dllc
3 : : ohter Maude and Miss Marion|Townsend Evans, Georgia Lee, © > | pany: he
That gives you just that much extra time for I= i apital of approximately] Jelly Eggs 14 oz:. 23¢
h h i : | Gerlitzski are spending some|Paul Power, Robert Clarke and DE capital of appr Xima'e i Re
other chores . . . and relieves you of one of farming’s ! time with Mr. and Mrs. Emory|the stars of “Mr. Texas,” Redd $39,900,000, and cash and ZoV o
hazardous jobs | Waters and family at Burton.|Harper and Cindy Walker. “Oil- f securities of about 12-|
§.C. {town, US.A. is in natural color 800,000 in excess of all MT JOY LOCKER PLANT
The sil : is g | ties. There are presently out-| .
e silo unloader, operated by a handily | Rev. and Mrs. Henry Becker land is approximately ninety standing 00.000 shares of 433%) o
g 90, shares 349% BRAD
located control switch and timer device, auto- | entertained the following on| Jy wold out 4 {| preferred stock, subject to ig PHONE 5-54
: : : | Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Charles] Rev. Tillett pointed ou 1 iG
i your Silo without the usual Derr and family, Mr. and Mrs. [there is no charge for admission | he Sonn Sividendf ONO AN VAN AV ANSON AN 0 ANS
i climbing Amps Bricker and family. Man. and that the 250 seats of the | requirements of $427,500 rep- ERNE NTT PEER WET RRS Shh A
| heim R. D. and Mr. and Mrs.|Church will be on a “first come” | resent the cost of retaining the, CW
See your farm equipment deal : Lehn family of basis working capital supplied by dl oe
focal quip ea $5, or consult Taney Leper and family of PASTE. il mm suance of the preferred stock, ifs Cl . ») . T il v ate
your local PP&L Farm Representative about an Stauflettown, : no credit is given the Company| eaning - ¥ressing - lalloring ae
easy-to-install silo unloader for your silo. Tt will Mr. and Me Harry Mili of Home Calender for this cost in determining fed-| ; ; 3
save you time, work and danger. Room on Mr. S amuel| eral taxes. A Rug Cleaning Fur Cleaning : :
§ Shelley. on Lucsaay, Timely Reminders from The re nw ae
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brinser ofl pennsylvania State University | P I d |: 2h
sylvania St romotions Announced | vn - ER
S ! Middle‘'own and Mr. and Mrs, College of Agriculture Ak Storage Ate
Ralph Mumper and daughter of] Let Him Talk Some parents BY Army Reserve | ite a
Neflsville were guests of Mr | f teen-agers are concerned be-| Promotion of three local en-| i yy Ale
and Mrs. George Mumper onl -ause their child doesn’t tell listed men in the U. S. Army Re- Laundry Service with Cleaning Mon. to Fri. | ug
BF DONE Sunday. hem anything. The confidence serve were announced Monday A
| Mr. George Mumper Jr., isj o discuss personal problems, night by Col. F. M. Gavan, com-| y& RI
PS | spending the week at State Col-|must be built up gradually.| manding the 9248th transporta-|: : be
lege in the interest of the Red|Parents should provide oppor-|tion corps staging area, in aj
| Top firm. tunity for a young child to talk ceremony held at Unit head-| ae
Rev. William Wagner of May-| nd listen and encourage him.| quarters, 120 N. Lime St, Lan-| he
town called on Mr. and Mis | Then he'll be Hors Demy to die: caster. {2 RLS pL
s MSS > > is 0 sarvicts sd. 30°
George Mumper Sr., on Mon-| USS problemas when he 15 The reservists promoted. an 3 Cleaning in Thursday by 5 p. m. — Ready Saturday 2
day. er. from Private-2 to Private First]: Oe
: Vary Meat Service — Here , i Cl E-3. are: Gerald R. M [4 ::
Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hes : ass, b-o, are. - Lsera c | Ale
spent the weekend with the| SOMe€ Suggestions for using | Mullin, son of Mrs. Lottie G.| KTS YOU PHONE 3-4071 WE CALL ae
formers parents, ‘Mr. and Mrs round beef. Use in meat loaf or | Mount Joy Rl; gs
Clarence Hess, at Loysville. neat balls or meat balls com-‘.1q B. Walter and Arthur 8 Fd
S Wr and Mrs. Rok + Wainer ined with rice, bread, cracker Zercher, both of Willow Street) Vs SERRE we ve Ee gaat
lL. 4 R x Li Dé ; pan rumbs, or oatmeal . . . in cass-| gR1. All three joned the 9248th i a ra" Wa -
one a Ye fo a, Ls role dishes with rice, noodles, early in 1954 and took their Ar-|
By yh Bi iil pit paghetti, or macaroni . . . Recerve basic infantry| :
hard shen g Adie ot Bareville vhite sauce, tomato sauce, or training with the 79th Division| SPECIALISTS
he - I ~ y St 1 ok Et hed heese sauce . . - In Spanish rice, at Camp Pickett last summer. IN
ore Te a> ACHE chili con carne, spaghetti dish- They are now eligible to join] !
} Mr ol! Mrs Or Ceti ’S, Or Soups. 3 : the 9248th in its 1955 annual BRAKES. STEERING
TA y : hi 2 Choose Fabric — It's impor-{ training at Ft. Bustis, Va. TRANSMISSIONS
ski and daughter of Ohio spent|y,,.¢ to choose a suitable fabric ios, dé ane ANSMISDILIN
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Activated less than three years
® i + MIS. ror each dress you make. Well-} . a oy
Earl Gerlitzski and family : fics Of have Been i: ago, the 9248th rcached main
- ® made clot 108 often Jane on a tenance strength last spring. PEP up
. lisappoiniment to Veer eam but still has a few openings for
Cub Scouts See Movie et ech Oo junior enlisted men or women YOUR CAR'S
——— terial. 1¢ pattern nvelope | in A » administra-
On March Cub Yheme |... ea he interested in Army a z
op rives fabric suggestions for the SY 3 ‘ .
1 i” Cub Sconts viewed the film|design featured. Works. gies hots 3s PERFOR MA NCE WITH AN A-1 TUNE- uP .
iA “Black Knight” at the Joy Thea-| Check Label — The length of to the two on.
tor Wednesday compliments of{a sheet as given on the label = ; | Our scientific tune-up is the answer
Clair Wagner. theatre manager./fers to the length before it was I sini 1 ish 3 y
lane ir Sie | to sluggish, wint:r-weary eng'nes.
and Charles Chunko, and shrunk. 0 £ tl tstandi Lois .
2 hood Scout Counselor. | Store Milk — For improved fe of the ng ld We'll adjust the carburetor, points,
Since the March theme of Cublflavor of nonfat dry milk, mix tures of a Navy destroyer in ver- clugs, timing . . . and dive vc ir
g y
Scouting is “Knights of Yore”,| and store in a covered container satile. In the crew no man] envine a ceneral “going ove.”
ny the bovs were allowed to see the |for several hours or overnight. serves a aboard for one job alone. | Dsiva in TODAY!
ly PE NN SYL VA NIA POWER & LI 3 film. Ralph Rice, Cub Master | == RR LI EE Test nye
. G H COM P A NY and his committee wish to thank] ~|NCOME TAX FACTS No. 3
RPE the two men who made the mo- .
m 18 mr. i 0) FL) A q { St t
uote vie possible. '| Not All Your Income Goes In Your Tax Form Face AMoco Service sation
nd J (This is one of a series of articles on income tax changes. The articles
oy | are based on information provided by the American Institute of Account-
- | ants and the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants.)
| © Taxpayers make mote mistakes in listing their income than any other |
ed t ding t de I
ype of error, according to a survey made by the Internal Revenue
2 | Service. It is important to know what to include and what NOT to |
i include. Look at this list and see if you can tell which should be listed |
/ . | as income on your federal income
Brightly Colored First Quality | tax return: terminal leave bonds.
| Dividends from an insurance Interest on state and municipal
CHILDREN'S | poy. it hited bonds.
ay of armed forces enlisted men :
51 GAUGE 1 5 DENIER | While in combat or while hos-| Parsons and Prizes
| pitalized from combat service. The rental value of a parsonage
COTTON BETTY BU RKE Social Security benefits. furnished to a minister of the gos:
| Gifts. pel is not taxable income; the law
| Payments received under Work-| now adds that a rental allowance
men’s Compensation laws. paid to him for this purpose is also
| The answer is that none of the| exempt.
| above should be listed as taxable If you won a prize, watch this fine
9 income! There are other forms of | distinction: the prize is taxable if
: exempt income, too, which you will| you were required to exert even the ea t u eat
in | find listed in the official tax in- Slighieat effort to earn it; on the
» | structions, Some of them are: other hand, if it was made in recog-
SIZES 1 6X SIZES 81, ar | nition of scientific, literary or other t Fi tb
Other Exempt Income achievement and you were selected a your mger Ip
Inheritances and bequests (the| without any action on your part the |
estate may be taxed but not the | prize is considered a gift and you | . Year
recipient). are not taxed on it. Automat neat winter through
C First $200 of monthly pay of Most scholarships and fellowships | th our top a el Don't wait
armed forces officers while serv-| are exempt, unless they are paid as at & :
0. 32c¢ ing or hospitalized from active | compensation for services, such as | | your supply is lo 1 for prompt
LOWEST PRICE ANYWHERE teaching and research.
Railroad Retirement Act benefits. . :
Certain health and accident bene- | Additional Information For quick delivery service, call 3-3483

"14-16 W. Mein St.


Damages awarded by a court or
paid out of court for personal
Government payments and bene:
fits to veterans and their fam-
service in a combat zone.
ilies, except mnondisability re-
Be sure to read the official in- |
structions. You cam also get help
which urges you to consult only]
qualified advisers. -

tirement pay and interest on
tions for Yourself and Dependents.
from the Internal Revenue Service, | §
Next article: Get All the Exemp-

Hollinger Oil Service