OWL LAFFS] | Published every Thursday at 11 Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 Subscription | Advertising rates upon request. THE BULLETIN East Main Street, Mount Joy. Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John E. Schroll, Mount Joy Girl Scouts of Troop 105 will experience a Rate $2.50 per camping sight-seeing trip Wed- vear by Mail Entered at the postoffice - at | nesday, Thursday and Friday, | Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class | April 6, 7, and 8 during school | nail under the Act of March 3, | spring vacation. Member, Pennsylvania News- The intermediate troop led by | A WISE OWL BY I overheard Keener | Johnny tell the fellows up at “Dot”| Cornwell's Saturday night that! ‘The reason why thé average girl would rather have beauty than brains is that the average man can see better than he can think.” “0s” O'Neil, Dot's bartender savs those bumps on head) are bumps of knowledge; and he got them from father. | “Father was always hitting me | his his over the head with books,” said | he. i ® Speaking of bartenders, Did | you know that ‘‘wildcat” is go-| ing to be Frank Shreve’s new | bartender. ! Here's one I almost forgot - - - Joe, the steward at the Elks | Home, Columbia is lopking for | the man from Mount Joy that| walked out with all the flowers they had in the place. My maiden aunt went®into a dress shop at York and spent | hours t-ying on every “dress in the store. Then, starting to go out. she said to 1he salesgirl; “No, I think I'd look better in | something flowing.” The salesgirl agreed, saying: “Sure. Why don’t you jump in the river on the way home?” Why don’t the experts who claim that swimming good for your take a good long | look at a duck? is Long after a man has forgot- ten his reason for getting mar- ried, his wife expects him to re- member the date. Here's a classified ad we re- ceived today: “DUE TO CONDITIONS BE-| YOND MY CONTROL — wifel learning to drive—I am no long- | er responsible for the actions of my car. License No. 2984049 | { | | This comes from Greiner — A school of fish, swimming a- long, made a wrong turn, and they were arrested by a traffic carp. “Why didn’t you tell them | the right way to go.” the traffic carp asked the one he thought | was the teacher in charge. “Why shad I? answered he. | “Am I my brother's kipper?” | ‘Have you anything to in your defense before sentence is pronounced against you?” asked the judge. . “Only one thing,” said the convicted burglar.” The only thing I objected to in this trial was being identified by a man] say that kept his head under the bed-clothes the whole time I was in the room. That is not right at all.” cr | Today in our poetry corner, we have—-— Here lies young rest. A cement mixer took him west. | Into its whirling tank he slid. Another crazy, mixed-up kid. Billy Goat at | I think that birds are smarter than We people are, by far. They'll make a small deposit on The most expensive car. | Some people drive as though | no accident will be prevented | if they can help it. “Pop” Ebersole says, “In the good old days when you wanted a horse to stand still, you tied | him to a hitching post. Today | you place a bet on him. | Ss 5 | The dictionary is the only] place where success comes be- | fore work. i | Here's a conversation 1 over- | heard at the firehouse. | “I must see the doctor today— | 1 don’t like the looks of my wife.” i ‘I'm going with you—I can't | bear the sight of mine either. A WISE OWL . “ie | paper Publishers’ Association. | Mrs. Warren Foley, leader; and | Mrs. Shirley Hoover, assistant, { “The Four Way Test”! will travel to the United States National Girl Scout Camp — ¢ and service-mindedness the world today as the «“Four- | 188 Roll at the White House on Way Test.” Friday plus touring the White Its adoption in checking plans, House. A visi to the Federal | policies and advertising, marked Bureau of Investigation build- the turning point in the com-| ing and to any other buildings pany's history. The debt-ridden which may have been missed company became a successful | the other two days will com- | Translated | Mount Joy: one | Intermediate | Camp Rockwood which is loca- ted near Washington, D. C. will take the] [s Suggested The Four-Way Test 1. Is it the TRUTH? trip. They are Barbara Becker, 2. It it FAIR to all concerned? | Joyce Berrier, Darla Kulp, Sal- 3. Will it build GOOD WILL | ly Lou Schroll, Jackie Mariner, and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Mary Jane Meckley, Joanne 4. Wil it be BENEFICIAL to Hart, Sandra Wittle, Shirley all concerned? yutshall and Nancy Pennell. In | These 25 words were written! addition to the two leaders, dri- in 1932, during the depths of the | vers will be Mrs. Harold Kulp, depression, by Herbert J. Tay-| Mrs. Ralph Berrier, Mrs. Baxter lor of Chicago, who is President | Wells and Miss Dorothy Kaylor. of Rotary International during | its Golden Anniversary year. As- signed by creditors to save company, from bankruptcy, he found that debts were more than its assets. Eleven girls Camp Rockwood is located 15 miles from the nation’s capitol near Bathesda, Md. The tenta- tive schedule for the trip in- $400,000 cludes leaving Mt. Joy at 8:00 His com- a |a. m. April 6 and arriving in| any made a go to} pi pany made a good product bul camp at 12:00 noon. The same; so did its competitors and they had the added advantage of be- ing in a sirong financial tion. Faced with tremendous handi- caps, Mr. Taylor decided that in order to succeed he must devel- afternoon the girls will tour the | capitol and the Washington *ondi- | | monument. Thursday, they will drive to Mount Vernon; visit the Nation- al airport; see the Pentagon and : Bh | visit Arlington. The girls hope op in his organization something Es : : A : : to visit Arlington to see the which his competitors might ; p 2 changing of the guards. In the not have in like amount. That afternoon, d visit to the Smith- sonian Institute and the Engrav- ing Department are on the sch- : ‘ | edule. which everyone in the company | was the character, dependability | of his personnel. As a yardstick by ~1 ~ > irl 2 1 could measure their relations| ‘Sines the Bris will be in with others, he developed the | Washington Good Friday, they four questions known around | expect to see the annual Easter ‘Mount Joy Girl Scouts To Visit National Camp Near Washington enterprise, worth more than two plete the three-day tour. million dollars. Intangible divi-| All the girls had pre- | dends from the use of the “Four-4 Vious camping experience. They | Way Test” were even greater have camped at the county es- | than the financial ones. Happier | tablished Girl Scout camp, Fur relations, based on mutual trust| nace Hills; and the Mount Joy and confidence, resulted between | Day Camp. Last year, the group! the company and its tustorners. and its leader conducted a prime) suppliers and competitors. | itive camp during the day camp | The story of the “Four-Way | lime along the Little have Chiques | | Test” does not end with its suc-| Creek near the Cove. { | cessin one company. Other com- One additional fund-raising | panies and individuals found that | project will be conducied Sat it could be made to work suc-| urday, Mar. 26, when the girls; cessfully for them, and Rotary | Will hold a food sale at the Rob- | International brought it to the| erts Electrical Store. attention of Rotary Clubs a- = — round the world as a means of ! : furthering the vocational service] Donegal 5 Y-Teens Win phas> of the Rotary program. Honorable Mention langua- Y-Teens of School received honorable offices | tion for their booth at the an- and factories, but in schools and | nual Y-Teen Fellowship Bazaar in legislature, as effective | Saturday at the YWCA in Lan- measuring device for business | caster. The local and personal conduct entry was ® Thirty booths were on display Girl Scouts To Hold dy at the bazaar which was origin- Outdoor Day Saturday ated in 1941. Nine hundred and Six Lancaster County Girl ninety-five girls from Lancaster Scout troops and their leaders! County and city are included in will conduct an “Outdoors Day" | the membership of the Y-Teens. at the Scott Heisey Ranch near Manor Joint High School's en- Rheems next Saturday, Mar. 12. try was voted first; West Lam- Troops invited to the day are| peler’s second and East Lampe- into a dozen High men- Donegal ges, the Four-Way Test” is now being used not only in an high school’s a “Hansel and Gretel house from Germany’. those of leaders who took the! ter’s third. camping course offered at Fur- Mrs. Joseph Llewellyn and nace Hills. Included in the six Mrs. Marilyn Herr are faculty county troops are three from *advisovs for the Donegal group. 3rownie, Renate Platzoder was general | Senior | chairman of the project and was assisted by Sara Jane Portner, one and troop; two troops from Lancas- one ter and one Senior troop from! Patty Hughes, Ronnie Jean Columbia. Reese, Anna Heller and Ann | Beginning the day at 10:00 a. Young. m., the girls will play get-ac ret 1s foreman. i quainted games. Meals will be! MIDDLETOWN TO STAGE cooked on charcoal with a menu | BI-=CENTENNIAL of campers stew, hot rolls, Middletown will celebrate a cheese, smores. In the afternoon | bi-centennial celebration July the troops will go on two hikes; | 9 to July 16. All the organiza- | one following trail signs and] tions of the borough are co-| the other, following the com- | operating wilh celebration | pass. AF | plans. In honor of Out-of-Doors Day,| The John B. Rogers Company | the leaders will be Mrs. Henry | of Fostoria, Ohio, has been hir- | Smith, Columbia and her troop| ed to take charge of the affair. | 102; Mrs. Robert Hawthorne, 96: | This is the same company that Mrs. Warren Foley, 105; Miss | supervised the Mount Joy Cen- | Kay Yoder, New Danville, 38;| tennial in 1951. Mrs. Dorothy Weaver, New wren ff meen | Providence, 95; and Mrs. Har-| SCIENCE, SKILL, RESEARCH old Billow, 170. | WEEDED MORE THAN EVER arn {ferme | “To a higher degree than ev- | MILLION INCREASE | er before, America needs scien- | EVERY FOUR MONTHS | tists, skilled technicians and re- | “As for popular interest, | search experts to lead the way { | where else in the, world does it| to greater progress.and accom- . rate Page 1 practically every plithment.”—Charlés R. time the nation (population) | Jr. Chairman, Executive Com-| climbs another million -— which | mittee, NAM. | | happens almost every four] — ee i months now?” Baltimore Ev-| A Marine assault helicopter ening Sun. { will carry 26 fully-equipped Ma- | £7 TTT | vines at a speed well over 150 Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. ’ miles per hour. J Deer Damage Is Estimated By State 1954 issue of Science For The Farmer, Pennsylvania State University experts on deer damage and its control made the following report: “In carefully conducted ex- periments, sprays containing bone tar oil have repelled deer from apple trees, nursery plant- ings, forage and other crops. Applications have proved effec- tive for approximately one month under average condi- tions. “Under pressure of heavy feeding due to over-populated ranges, it appears that deer may be difficult to repel. Further re- search is under way to improve the repellent formulation. “Although bone tar oil does not appear to repel rabbits, lim- ited observation indicates that it may repel other species of animals, such as beavers and woodchucks.” To Feature Wild Waterfowl . Wild waterfowl and the re- storation of their natural habit- at will be the principal theme of the Game Commission's wild- life exhibit at the State Farm Show, Harrisburg, Jan. 10 thru 14. Located again in the lower concourse of the large arena the birds: and animals, displayed in natural settings, are expected to draw many thousands’ of view- ers. Colorful mallard, pintail and wood ducks will swim and preen in a miniature farm pond. Mounted waterfowl will enable visitors to identify the different species of wild ducks common to Pennsylvania One of the Game Commis- sion’s programs is marsh area improvement for waterfowl and other wildlife. In response to popular de- mand, live day-old pheasant and quail chicks will again be displayed. An active wildcat will thrill persons visiting the exhibit, Porcupines, too, will excite plenty of interest. Many mounted specimens of wild animals and game and song birds found in the Com- | monwealth will add to the beauty and educational value of the live show. — ® a ——— | Eastern Chorus Program To Be Presented Satur. Saturday, March 12 the Lan- caster County Music Educators will present the Eastern Chorus and the Lancaster County Band in a public concert at Manheim Township High School, Neffs- ville, at 8:00 P. M. Donegal High School will have a representative of four- teen in the county band. The fol- lowing students have been sel- ected for this outstanding music festival:- Kay Kauffman, 1st flute; Judy Naugle, 2nd flute: Sonja Carver, 1s clarinet; Betty McKain, 1st clarinet; Douglas Fish, 2nd clarinet; Paula Weien, 2nd clarinet; Loretta Hornafius, 3rd clarinet; Dixie Bair, 1st al- to sax; Jack McKain, tenor sax: Sam Harnish, 2nd trombone: Peter Nissley, 1st cornet; Doris Groff, 3rd cornet; Kenneth Good bass; "and Ronald Hawthorne, bass drum. ‘ " — The George Evans Co. which has been awarded the bid for the new band uniforms, has made a special effort to have enough uniforms available for these people and they will wear the new uniforms for the first time Saturday. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. The yle — froM tie Car IN Now Look when U5 slippery KeEp a Safe Distance Front, My broTHer 5219 why should T. at him —> Thursday, March 10 2 KEEP EYES OPEN GUARD UP “What has this great nation to fear, if we keep our eyes op- en and our guard up, if we re- fuse to be panicked into foolish- ness, if we act from strength and not from fear, if we simply conduct ourselves as good neigh- "bors to our friends throughot world, if we depend on our fine system of private enterprise to carry on and if we permit the government to step in only where it is necessary to do what the people cannot do them- selves? '—Allentown Chronicle, "JIM BO” IT SWIMS | TRADE MAR <<) INTRODUCING JIM BO—the most sensational invention in the history of fishing—the artificial minnow that swims. No more live bait to buy. This is the lure sensation of the 20th century. IT SWIMS—no springs, uses no fuel; it swims as long as you feave it in the water, Swims by unique process of balance and: gravity. Fish any desired depth—in lake, stream, gulf, bay. Any fish that will strike a minnow will strike JIM BO. This is no gad- ‘ get Looks and swims like a live minnow. This is the lure of all lures—beautiful silver leat plastic Buy one for your friends also Satisfaction guaranteed. Send $1.00 only, for each lure. Send check or cash, We pay postage. Sold by mail only. J. & R. TACKLE CO. P.0. Box 741, Largo, Fla: H | pene TTR] [egy gill | [11 Your Friends Will Like it Here! Entertaining friends? Insist on the best, The best is here! WE CATER TO BANQUETS OUNTRY ITCHEN Mrs. Mary Wolgemuth E