The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 10, 1955, Image 1

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The American
Red Cross Drive

The Mount Joy
The Physician On Call
Dr. David E. Schlosser

New Borough Pumping Engineer Small Children To Be Filmed )onegal Earns District 3 Playoff;
Begins Duties Saturday, March 12
Shatz Retires
After Forty-six
Years Service
John H.
Mount Joy,
Miller, Lumber St.,
has been named the
pumping engineer for Mt.
Borough water. His new du-
begin this Saturday when
will succe Schatz.
Mr. Schatz is retiring
his posititn after
to the
he 'd George
forty-six years
six years as a borough
his dayss«off from the
of service
his forty
job were practically
children helped
him with
need arose.
job if the
Upon Schatz
works to
his daughter and son-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Brown, Columbia Avenue, Mt.
Joy. For the past fifteen years,
Mrs. Brown has walked to her
father's home é6nce and
times, twice a day, to
in houschold chores.
Mr. Miller was formerly an
electrican at the Marietta T.C.
Depot and repaired diesel loco-
He and Mrs. Miller will
into the home at the
will move house
aeent to
home of
assist him
not move
water works.
The water
the first large
borough of Mt
its incorporation.
was the first superintendent
Mr. Schatz
since 1909
The announcement was. made
the borough water authority
which was created in 1950.
Merchants Elect
Officers For '55
John Way
ope of
projects of the
Joy following
William Kuhn
was superintendent
works was
was elected chair-
man of the merchants’ commit-
tee at a postponed meeting of
the group last night at the fire-
Larmon Smith was nam-
Samuel Bals-
ed secretary and
baugh, treasurer.
A di held
on a
sales promotion idea April
Mr. Way appointed a committee
for the and has planned
a committee
business meeting was the park-
ing situation in Mount Joy. The
next meeting will be held Tues-
scussion was
meeting for
March 14.
discussed the
day, April 12.
Robert M. Miller, Florin and
William Tyndall, Mount Joy arg
men to re-
first semes-
two of five county
ceive honors for the
ter in the mathematics
at Frank Fre inklin & Marshall College.


Peter Nissley Wins
Legion Essay Contest
Peter Nissley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Simon Nissley, Mount Joy,
is the winner of the American
Legion essay contest at the Don-
egal High School. Peter wrote
a 1.500 word essay on “My
Method of Promoting Democra-
tie Citizens”.
will now be enter-
American Le-
gion contest as the entrant from
the Donegal School.
Grade School Sees Two
Special Programs
Two special programs were
held in the Mount Joy Elemen-
His essay
ed in the county
tary School Wednesday. In the
morning “Jaison the Golden
Flea”, a marionette show, was
shown to the students of Kin-
dergarten through sixth grade.
In the afternoon, Phillip Ro-
venolt, a junior high school stu-
dent at the Donegal High
School, put on a magic show
stude nts.
fo . the
Mount Joy Sportsmen Sponsor
“Miss Outdocrs”
Miss Roberta Wagner has
been chosen as the eniry of the
Mount Joy Sportsmen’s Associ- |
ation is the Lancaster County
“Miss Outdoors” contest. Miss
Wagner, senior at the Donegal
High School, resides in Iron-
The Mt. Joy Sportsmen will
award Roberta a United States
war bond for being named ‘Miss
Donegal” in the contest.
The “Miss Outdoors” contest
will be held at the Lancaser
County Sportsmen's Show, Mar.
15 thru 19. The Queen will be
chosen from contestants the
first night of the show and will
reign over the rest of the festi-
vities. She will remain queen
for one year. The winner will
be awarded a Hamilton watch.
This marks the first show that
the local club has entered a can-
didate in the county-wide
The regular monthly meeting
of the association will be held
con- |
in the
a picture by
Monday, Mar. 14,
At this time,
Walt Disney
Colony” will be shown.
public is invited to attend
meeting and view the film.

seeking the nomination. of

Contest Created
For West Ward's
Constable .
Two Republicans
seeking the nomination at the
May 17 primary for constable
of the west ward. With the peti-
tion filed by Michael Good, he
M. Kaylor will seek

are now
and Irvin
the nomination on the primary.
Mr. Kaylor filed his petition last
east ward, is
Republican pri-
that he
Park E. Neiss,
for the
with his petition
Petitions were filed for the
May Primary for persons living
in both East Donegal Township
and lower Mount Joy Township
Marvin Fol'z, Maytown, filed
a petition for constable in East
Donegal Twp., Clayton Miller,
Marietta, justice of the peace;
C. Arthur Wolgemuth, Mt. Joy
R1. justice of the peace; and
Miss Marie E. Harter, Maytown,
inspector of elections.
Jonas Leinard, Florin, filed
for constable in Mt. Joy Twp.
Democrats nominated in the
West Ward for the Primary el-
ection are Albert Myers, school
director: Charles J. Bennett,
counc’l; Paul Hipple, assessor;
Earl B. Myers, judge of elections
and Charles R. Ebersole, inspec-
tor of elections.
L. Schroll filed a peti-
the Republican nomina-
judge of elections and
Shirk, inspector of el-
tion for
tion of
Christ R.
Clarence C. Heist
bethtown R3. filed for judge of
elections Mount Joy Town-
ship in the Milton Grove dis
trict and Agnes Holwager, Mt.
Joy R2, inspector of elections.
Firemen Favor
Bingo Vote
For State
Local firemen went on record
and, Eliza-
favoring legislation legal zing
bingo in Pennsylvania at the
March meeting of the group last
Thursday evening. The unami-
mous vote of the group will be
recorded in a letter to the Hon.
Edwin Eshleman in the State
House of Representatives.
Also decid~d during the meet-
ing conducted by Miller Wolge-
ninth, president was a ham
smoker Friday evening, April 1;
and a carnival some'ime during
the three summer months.
The group decided to pur-
chase three lapel pins; two fifty-
year service pins for Martin
| Spickler and John E. Schroll |
| and one honorary pin for K. T.
The |
A rescue squad will be form-|
(Turn to page 12)
i the
| evenings shows entitled
{ Sppear }
| have asked
For Hometown Show In April
All pre-school children and
| babies are invited to have their
pictures taken free of charge for
“Hometown Movies” show
which is scheduled to be held in
the Mt. Joy Elementary School
auditorium, Wednesday and
| Thursday evenings, April 13 and
The local Veterans of Foreign
Wars 5752 sponsoring the
show which will consist of mov-
ies taken of local people and ac-
tivities and a series of old films
taken of town residents as far
back as 1939.
Joseph Shaeffer, photograph-
er for the group, has issued the
invitation for all pre-school
children, babies and their par-
ents to appear in the film of the
ens of Tomorrow”
All parents who wish
children’s moving
in the film may
to have
Mr. Shaeffer to make arrange-
ments for a time. His phone
number is 3-4604. He will come
to the homes of the children but
all shots will be out-of-doors
Times that he would like to
take the pictures are 10-11 a. m.
Mondays through Fridays, Sat-
urday afternoons and Sundays.
A {ime limit has been set up
for the picture taking. Parents
are asked to make the necessary
arrangements so that all the
pictures may be taken by
All the hometown
movies remain intact after be-
ing used for a showing. The
committee suggests that parents
should think how these films
will be appreciated the two
nights of the show and ten years
from now when a hometown
movie program’ will feature
“small children grown up”!
films of

College Conch
To Speak At
Local Banquet
Jernie Santeniello, ex-fool-
| pall coach of Millersville State]
Teachers College, will be the]
guest speaker at the sixth an-|
Mount Joy
The af- |
nual banquet of the
Old Timers Association.
fair will be held in the
American Legion home

Friday evening, April 29.
Honored guests of the affair
will be the members of the
championship Donegal High
School basketball team and the |
winning Donegal Junior High
School basketball team. i
Other business transacted at
the executive committee
ing last Thursday night was the
decision of the group to again]
sponsor a Midget baseball team
and to hold the 2nd annual bask- |
ethall game. The basketball |
game will be a twin bill with
the Donegal Indians playing a-
gainst the alumni of the Mount
Joy, Marietta and East Donegal
High Schools and a game of old
timer members. The date of the
game will be announced at a
later time. A collection will be
taken and proceeds will be plac-
ed in the award’s fund.
Since the award for the out-
standing athlete has been elimi-
nated, there will be awards giv-
en to past and present athletes
of the community.
Invitations will be mailed on
April 1 for the banquet. A cus-
tom of the past exists again this
year—Persons do not need invi-
tations to attend the affair but
they do need reservations.
reservations as soon as
after April 1.
Council Adopts
Budget For 1955
~The Mt. Joy
buuget of $55,589.97
receipts and $55,575.00 expect-
ed expenditures was adopted by
council members at the regular
mecting of the group Monday
night. A 10 mill tax on real es
tate and an $8 per capita tax|
were included in the budget fig- |
amounts are the
ures. These
same as last year.
The group decided to adjust
the rates of openings of the bor-
ough strects. Heretofore, a flat
charge of $5.00 was charged to
any person or company who
needed to open a street. An or-
dinance will be adopted at the
next meeting changing the rate
from a flat charge to a figure
judging on the number of square
yards opened.
The council members went on
record asking William Brian,
secretary. to contact the borough
authority asking for a report on
the sewerage progress. They
the authority to
meet with the council members
( Turn to Page 5)
0. K. Supder, Jr.
‘Named Jaycee
President For ’55
meet- |
| because of
It |
is suggested that persons send in |
expected |
| Ground Observer's Corp of
O. K. Snyder, Jr.
president of the Mount Joy Jun-!
ior Chamber of Commerce at a
meeting Monday night at the
home of Jay Eicherly. Other
officers elected at the meeting
held one day ahead of schedule
the Donegal-Swatara
Township basketball game were
Harold Zimmerman, Jr., first
vice president; Warren
president; William
secretary; Mr. Eicher-
ly, treasurer; Norman Garber,
year director and Burton
Shupp, two year director. Nich-
olas Leitner, past president, will
also be a one year director.
The election was conducted
following campaign speeches by
Mr. Snyder and Mr. Gassman.
The winning candidate advcecat-
ed a better sharing of the work
of projects among the members;
the retention of all members and
the possibility of obtaining new
second vice
Gassman, st
the |
was €lected |
Route To Saturday's Game Listed
Donegal High School will play
Palmyra High School in the
district 3 basketball champion-
ship game Saturday night af Al-|
bright College, Reading. Tickets |
will be on sale at the office of
the Donegal
Saturday noon
they last); The winner of
game will move into inter-dis-
trict play-off games before
reachng the eastern regional
A route to follow to arrive at
this |
High School until |
(or as long as
the college is as follows: is
suggested that drivers i Rt.
222 into Reading. After crossing
the bridge bear right at the fork
and the street is Bingamon St.
| Proceed on Bingaman Street to
Tenth Street. Turn left on Tenth
Street wheh has a traffic sgnal
and is a one-way street; proceed
to end of 1600 block (a dead
end) at Exeter Street turn right
and travel on Exeter Street for
three blocks to another dead,
end which is 13th Street. Turn!
left on 13th Street and by trav-
eling one block on 13th Street,
drivers will arrive at Albright
On the return trip, drivers
cannot come back to the bridge
on 10th Street since it ig a one
way street going the opposite
way. Persons should come back
to Bingamon Street on 9th St.
It is a one way street in the
proper direction back to Binga-
mon Street. Eleventh Street
does not lead to Bingamon St.

Joycees Welcome Eighteen To Be
Inducted Into
Two Families
To Mount Joy
Two new families were wel-
comed into Mt. Joy last week
by the local JoyCees. Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Witmer, West
Donegal Street, were welcomed
into the borough by the commit-
tee. The Witmers and their two
children moved here from near
| Allentown.
The second family visited
were the Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Floyd family. The Floyds mov-
g | ed to Mount Joy
R2. The Floyds have one

The installation of the officers
| will take place in April. Mr.
Leitner had charge of the even-
meeting. He announced
that a film concerning the
U. S. Air Force will be shown
'at the next meeting.
Four commiitees were ap-
pointed and will begin making
plans for the proposed projects
of the next few months. William
Gassman and Paul Stoner were
named to the Road-e-o project;
Bernerd Grissinger and Charles
Ryman, co-chairman of the jun-
io» tennis tournament with Mar-
shall Dussinger and Elwood
Rice: Mr. Leitner and Frank
Young, co-chairman of the com-
munity picnic project, with Jno.
ticket chairman; Jacob
Corll, golf chairman; Earl
Rhoads, games; and George Al-
bert, transportation.
Members of the annual Dawn
committee are Mr. S'oner
, Zimmerman, Mr Hayman,
merchants and businessmen
| the borough.
from Manheim
a ten-weeks-old girl.
Mrs. Hayman, Mrs.
| John Landis and Mrs. Nicholas
| cher,

| Miriam Nell,
Leitner visited the two families. |
This project is made possible
through the cooperation of
If citizens know of
into the bor-
any newcomers
the |
Honor Society
Eleven seniors and seven jun-
iors of the Donegal High School
will be inducied into the Nation-
al Honor Society Friday after- |
noon, 2:30 p.m. in the high |
school auditorium.
The honored students chosen |
for the society are Helen L. Bu-
cher, Sonja Carver, Ruth Dres-
George Franke, Helen
Gorman, Doris Groff, Marian |
Kline, Jay Metzler, Kay Metz- |
ler, Sara Jane Portner and Karl- |
Raffensperger, seniors; and |
Carol Gindenr, |
Peggy Wolfe. |
Roland |

Lvnne Fackler,
Marlene Mumper,
and Sampho Stephanis,
Entrance into the society is]
based on a percentage of the to- |
tal senior and junior classes. |
The Donegal Chapter at the]
present time has seven mem- |
ough, a call to Mrs. Warren Hay- |
man would be appreciated.
a ne @® I
Fireman In Accident
Enroute To Fire
Richard Kepple, a Mount Joy
fireman who missed getting a
ride on the firetruck, collided
with a trhek, on the way to a
grass fire Tuesday afternoon, at
1:35. The Mount Joy Friendship
Fire Company was called to ex-
tinguish a tire at the farm of
John Bullock, located between
Mount Joy and Columbia.
bers who were chosen last year |
when they were juniors. They |
are Peter Nissley, Loretta Gar- |
lin, Alan Kugle, Barbara Mar- |
| tin, Ann Young, Shirley Gerlach |
Marilyn Myers, chief hose di- |
took charge of the men
in the absence of both the fire
chief and assistant fire chief. He
said that the blaze was confined
to dry grass but that the cause
could not be determined.
Mr. Kepple attempted to
pass a truck on the right but in
doing it sideswiped the truck
and crashed
Damage to the parked car own-
ed by Earl Wolgemuth, Mt. Joy
R1. was set at $1,100; $300 to
Kepple’s car and $75 to the
truck operated by Maris Gainor
of Mount Joy.
State Police said that Gainor
| and Donald Raber.
The seven members will be in |
charge of the induction cere
mony. The Rev. C. E. Franke,
pastor of the Marietta Method-
ist church. will give the address.
Donald Raber and Peter Nissley
will play a frumpet duet, and
Barbara Martin will play a pi-
ano solo and the processional
and recessional on the auditor-
ium organ.
Miss Catharine
chairman of the
Society committee and commit-
tee members are Mrs. Margarel
Bernight and Mrs. Betty Lutz.
The seven
Zeller is the
National Honor
original members
will conduct the induction cer-
emony of the National Honor
Society at Paradise High School
| Friday, April 15, Miss Zeller an
into a parked car.
- 5 — —
The destroyer
oldest ship types.
one of the
pace with modern developments
made no signal that he was a-|
bout to turn.
Mr. Kepple was treated at the
office of Dr. Thomas O'Connor
for brush burns and lacerations.
State police will continue their
The early morning collection
service that was placed in effect
on February 18th, as ordered by
the District Managers Office of
the Post Office Department is
hereby cancelled. The 7:00 a.m.
collection was ordered cancelled
by the District Managers Office
effective March 7. The collect-
ions will be made by the car-
| riers on their daily trips as here-
p— —
“I don’t want to see any more
of the kind of purchasing power
that means dollars watered

{ down through government defic-
a Ae Mr. Snyder, Warren
Foley, - Michael Pricio, Charles
Johnson and Gerald Hostetter.
its, borrowing, and inflation.”—
Charles R. Sligh, Jr, NAM Ex-
ecutive Committee Chairman.
cince the 1870° S.

Public Hot Cake
| eph Shaeffer,
Seven Directors
Named By Local
Rotary Club
Mount Joy Rotarians Tuesday
noon elected seven members to
the board of directors. They are:
Robert Hurst, Charles Ruhl, Jos-

Sam Balsbaugh,
Charles Fish, Michael
and Larmon Smith.
Election of officers will take
| place at a meeting of the direct-
ors later this month.
Speaker of the day was Mor-
ton Eugene Wildy, world trav-
eler. Mr. Wildy also spoke be-
fore the students at Donegal
high school.
Mr. Wildy emphasized the im-
portance of building up coun-
tries economically. He pointed
out that communism wilts when
a ‘nation is prospering econom-
ically. The speaker pointed to
Greece and Turkey as prime
examples of countries that we
have aided out of economic serf-
| dom as among the strongest bul-
warks against communism.
Mr. Wildy suggested that the
United States should be willing
to pay a living wage for the
products, and that there should
be an ever increasing foreign
investment program.
Metzler was the
of the club's lun heon,
chosen Student
at Donegal
was of
Breakfast To B»
He'd By Local Liens Club
Mount Joy Lions will sponsor
‘Hot Cake’ breakfast in Mt
Joy Saturday morning, Mar. 26.
For the first time, a public
breakfast is being featured in
the borough. The affair will be
held at the local firehouse. Ten-
tative plans call for begin-
ning at 7:00 am. with a menu
consisting of hot cakes,
coffee ana fruit
Henry Zerphey has been |
ed chairman of the project. His
committee of Lions include Da-
vid Myers as co-chairman, John
Landis, William Batzel, Howard
Sutter, Raymond Knorr, Mau-
rice Ba'ley and Paul Gingrich,
club president.
Two boys were awarded the
gold badge award at the Mount
Joy Elementary S-hool this
week. The two are Glenn Peifer
and James Harnish. The two
were given the honor because
they found a small boy,
school age, who was hurt
took him to his home.
not of.
Senior Extension Club
Hold Annual Banquet
Approximately 100 persons at-
tended the first annual.banquet
of the Lancaster Senior Extern-
sion Club last Saturday at the
John Naugle,
gave an illustrated
Summer in Switzer-
Witmer Firehouse
talk on “‘A
Hess, Jr. served as the
Jane Greiner, ban- .
pianist; group singing was
led by Norman Kolp; Kathryn
Bowers, Dorothy Johns and Al-
ma Shank sang trio songs; Elea-
nor Griffith gave a reading. ‘A
boys quartet consisting of Ray-
mond Denlinger, Aaron Landis,
| Stanley Longenecker and John
Stoner sang and Dorothy Metz-
ler played a marimbo solo
The banquet committee in-
cluded Miss Jeanette Breneman,
Mount Jov R2: James Endslow,
Marietta R1: Robert Harnish,
Conestoga, R2; Eleanor Griff h,
Ephrata R2; and Herbert loyer,
Lancaster RS.