ol time by 10t when ps ves mon- 8 | ER - NO s, refrig- branch 0 Ephrata ; I-le NG. y an uly's tent, this pad a king vice rn be Er AAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Fight Polio Join The 1955 March Of Dimes The Mount Joy NEWSPAPER YOUR HOME BUL DEDICATED TO COMMUNITY SERVICE N FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 35 TOWN . Say Public - Might Think It A Fix’ IX Horn blowing and wages of our borough employees were the chief subjects of discussion at the February meeting of the borough council Monday night. Lloyd Myers, president of coun- cil, asked Titus Rutt, burgess, to start the discussion on the re- cent arrgst of Robert Williams, blowing | his automobile horn following the winning of a ball game dy| the local Donegal team. Mr. Rjutt said: he knew that the subjleet: would be brought to light at [the meeting. His two thoughtd on the subject were the Vehicle Code. S¢etion 814, paragraph A, it is unlawful to use horns other than as ja warning device. Quot- ing the [law “It shall be unlaw- full forjany person at any time to use horn—other than as a that to warning device or to make any or unreasonably | loud or{ harsh sound by means of a hogn or other device.” Thergfore, blowing horns is really, illegal, He.announced that he did hot inform the police that they were to start enforcing the | law bul on the other hand the police {io not have to consult] him og; whether or nota law | shall Bf enforced since “a law is | a law” Burgess Rutt suggested that | since a former statement had] been made in 1950 that young- | sters might blow horns follow- | ing a ball game, that a warning | should’ have been issued in‘ the | newspapers telling citizens that the lav would be enforced. According to Park Neiss, Chief | of Police, he has received nu- | merous complaints concerning | the noise that the horn blowing makes. George Groff replied that even though he didn’t go to the games, he always knew who won because he would hear the horns. The other members all agreed and announced that it made them quite proud of the team when they “heard that the boys won.” discussion, council to Following this Burgess Rutt asked refund the fine money to Wil- | liams and than either issue a| warning or allow the young | people to blow horns following | the games only. James Spang- | ler made a motion that the mon- ey be refunded; George Groff seconded the motion and Mr. | Myers heard only “Yes” ans-| wers. Immed‘ately following the | vote when it was suggested that | in the eyes of the public this may look like “a fix’, the mo- tion was rescinded. The only action following the rescinded motion was that the] Council turned the matter back | to the burgess and asked that he | write a public letter to the citi- | zens to be printed in The Bulle- | tin. Wages Increased The next discussion was con-|- cerning an increase in ‘wages | for the borough employees. Fol- | lowing the discussion on how | much the employes’ wages shall | be increased, a four to two vote | resulted with Lester Maurice Bailey, | Hostetter, Lloyd Myers | ( Turn to Page $5) LOCAL GIRL PLACED ON DEANS LIST Joann Kramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kramer, | New Haven Street, Mount Joy, | has been placed on the Dean’s | List, at Teachers College, West Chester, | West Chester State Pa. Joann is a senior, | necessary horn blowing | sive. | lets not repeat it, or MEETING SCHEDULED Council Votes ToRefundFine, Then Rescinds Its Action | Burgess Rutt Makes Statement: “TI submit in urgent appeal response to an position with reference to “hon blowing”. Of course, everyone | | knows that I am not referring! J- E. Rush, Lancaster, spoke | to the regular use of the auto|at the JayCee meeting Tuesday | horn, which is, (device) , I understand that another ar- ticle quotes from the Motor Code | as it refers here. I shall there- fore, avoid a quotation of part of the Motor Code here. as a warning “I have been embarrassed by | the fact that already one of our Mount Joy High School Alumni has been fined for such unnec- essary noise. This is no comfort {fo the boy who paid the fine, though. “I did not think that I was out of order when I asked Council to remit that fine, but for the rec- ord, it must be said, that after giving their okay, they again re-considered that matter and] { reversed themselves. That is| strictly their business. “We feel that we cannot con- done excessive and that there is slight another fine for this type violation. { sure, I mean, that I hope it is never necessary, I think, that | with a little common sense on | both sides, there need not be an- | other. “Someone is pressing further the question; just where is un- ‘‘exces- Now, who can tell? That is why I ask for some common sense on both sides. Let's try it and see if it works, condemn everybody. ‘Many people who don’t get to the games are listening for the sound of the horns. It sig- nals that our team has won, that our boys have advanced, shouldn’t we all be a bit elated? “Let's try to be reasonable and grow into an understandable attitude, all of wus, adults at home, fans, kids with cars and police. “If a mistake has been made make it worse. Let's apply good judg- ment, , “I cannot but inse.t a word of commendation for our youth. No one can point to our young | people as an arrogant and cyn- ical group. I know our youth as | a pretty respectful group, when one considers their attitude to- ward the older people. Let's be happy for this and keep it that way. I have heard it is so dif- ferent in some places. “In a word: To the police - caution! To the kids - consider- a'ion.” {ff SUGGESTED 1955 BUDGET The 1955 Budget of the Mt. Joy Borough Council was es- timated at a budget discus- sion meeting, It was read at Monday night and will be ap- proved at the March meeting which is scheduled for March 7:h. The e¢'imated receipts are $55,589.97 and the estimated expenditures are $55,575.00. The estimated sinking fund receipts are $22,631.09 and the estimated sinking expendi- tu es, $22,631.09. The suggested real es'ate millage will be 10 mills. The suggested head tax will be $8.00. This budget is similar to the one prepared for the 1954 borough in that the millage and head tax are the same and the receipts and expenses were over $55,000.00. by a number of our citizens and at the specific! request of Borough Council our | any | horn-blowing, ! reason | | for it. At the same time, I hope | never to hear of To be! before we | why | MOUNT JOY, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1955 Re - B.25 AT GRADE S| Jaycees Plan Future Local Projects | evening at the firehall concern- | | | ling the annual ‘nunily pic- | | nic Mr. Rush discus. «d the pos- | | sibilities of having the affair af | Rocky Springs Park and | the advantages of his plan. Norman Garber, chairman of | Otganize Business| the Youth Day in Government | committee, discussed the affair, | And Professional The project will take place at Women's Club the Donegal High School. He will be assisted by O. K. Snyler | Jr., Gerald Hostetter, Michael | Women’s Club has been organ- Pricio, Gene Eicherly, Harold ized in Mount Joy and will be | | Zimmerman Jr, Paul Stoner] known as the “Mount Joy Busi- Jr. and Nicholas Leitner. | ness and Professional Women's | Tentative plass were discussed Club.” The local elub will be | | concerning the annual’. Dawn affiliated with the National Club Party. A committee to work out itn federations in ail the forty- | plans for this project include War- | | eight states, the District of Col- | Evangelists Joseph lisied ren Hayman, Warren Foley, Charles Johnson, Charles Ry- | umbia, Alaska, and a new feder- man, Mr. Pricio, Mr. Hostetter, | ation in the Philippines. | Mr. Snyder and Mr. Zimmer. The club is. non-partisan; man. [ non- sectarian, non profit, and Mr. Ryman was named. to head is the largest club in the world the committee of junior tennis devoted entirely to the interests players. Serving with him are of employed women, The pur- Dussinger and Elwood Rice, poses of the club are to promote Last year Mount Joy’s entry, the interests of business and Vernon Oberholtzer, was run- professional women, to bring a- ner-up in the state finals in bout a spirit of cooperation, to Philadelphia and earned a trip elevate the standards and to ex- to the national playoffs in Ohio. tend opportunities to business The playoffs are scheduled for and professional women through | June. education along lines of indus- Mr. Hayman announced that trial, scientific and vocational players are needed to partic'pate activities, on the Mount Joy Volley ball By Elizabethtown team which has a game schedul- The lccal . organization is be- | ed for Wickersham School, Lan- ing sponsored by the Elizabeth- caster, Feb. 16. town B. P. W. group, ten mem- Mr. Leitner, president, an- bers of which attended an initial nounced that a thank you letter meeting of the local organiza- was received from the Mess ah tion. Those who attended were Children’s Home, Mount Joy R1, Mrs. Earl Cronister, president; for the money given them in Mrs. W. H, Hornafius Sr., treas- place of the shopping tour that urer, Miss Bertha Zook, vice was cancelled because of an president and charter members: outbreak of mumps in the home. Mrs. John Shookers, Miss Eve- He also announced that Burton lyn Zook and Mrs. Samuel Sing- Shupp. Mr, Snyder and he will er. attend a district meeting to be Miss Mayme McDowell, Dal- | held at the Hotel Brunswick in lastown, district No. 7 chairman; Lancaster Feb. 16. Grover and Mrs. Elizabeth Orfanella, Goucker, national director, Ar- Laneaster, vice clap ripan of the | thur Campbell and Will'am Root district, helped to organize the will be the speakers for the oc- local group with the following casion. members: Mrs. George Keener, Mr. Dussinger was appointed Mrs. John Booth, Miss Lo’s to attend a county mee’'ing of Rohrer. Mrs. George Broske, the Industrial Committee of Development Mrs, - Wilbur Beahm, Mrs. Simon the Lancaster Nissley, Mrs. David Schlosser, Chamber of Commerce which Mrs. Ray Byle, Miss Elsie Lefev- will be held at the Stevens re, Miss Christine. Weidman, House, Lancaster, Thursday ey- Mrs. "Adam ‘Greer, Mrs. Eugene ening, Feb, 24. The group will Eicherly and Mrs. Lester Rob- discuss the possibilities of bring- erts, ing more industry into the coun-| ty. C. Abram Snyder is chair- | man of this committee, Commi‘tees Named Miss Christine Weidman was named, acting secretary; . Mrs, Roi gn | Roberts, Mrs. Nissley and. Mrs. | BANK HOLIDAY i | Eicherly were named to serve | The three banks in Mount Joy on a nominating committee; and and Florin will be closed Satur- Miss Rohrer, Mrs. Keener and day, Feb. 12 in observance of Mrs. Beahm were named to bd ncoln’s Birthday. serve on a By- Laws committee. Bulletin C: To Pay Commissions On Subscriptions lib- | The Mount Joy Bulletin | two newspapers will give { The Marietta Times this week eral portion of all funds réceiv- | put their shoulders to the wheel ed for subscriptions: towar§l the | in an effort to assist the Band band fund. Ar Club of Donegal high school in! For each new subseriptio | raicing the necessary funds for| | new uniforms. During the re- | each renewal thd band fund will | next month the receive 75 cents. A Business and Professional | | ceived during the’ campaigh $1 | will go to the band fund} for ed by the newspapers to offer | and Mrs, Brookshire i | Evangelistic services will go | into the second week Sunday at | the St. Mark’s E. U. B. Church | with the Rev. and Mrs, Joseph | Brookshire, Samuel Hood and} | Clyde Record ‘in charge of the | | services. Saturday night Mr. Hood and Mrs. Record will conduct a Hymn Hit Parade. In the service Tuesday night, the congregation was asked to submit. favorite | hymns, . From these hymns, a favorite list of hymns will be | made and sung at the Saturday night service, Friday night will be family | night; next Wednesday, ladies night; next Thursed: - men’s night; and next Friday, amily night again. The four cooperating are the E. U. B., the Church of God, the Methodist and the Ev- angelical Congregational. The prayer meeting commit- tee asks that all residents of the community five minute prayer from to. 1:00 p.m, daily for the suc- cess of the crusade. Church of- Scouts To continue to offer a 12:55! are asked to place their contri- Boy Scouts Are Honored Guests Of Rotary Club Mount Joy Boy Scouts Fire Company! Has Honorary Members Three members of the Mount Joy Friendship Fire Company | | No. 1 are honorary members of | the company ‘since they have been members for . fifty years. ‘The three honored. men are| tion, Kauffman T. Keller, Detroit; | Clyde Gerberich Ir chairman John E. Schroll\ and Martin E. | of the troop committee, was in and in the community with the pro- | noon as guests of the Rotary club, their sponsoring o.ganiza- nouncement was!" made at the ported that the troop had doubl- regular February imeefing of the, ed in size in the past year and company recentl “held in the that work is nearing comple.ion fire hall. Xo [ on the Scout building. Marshall Dussin r resigned Mr. Gerberich paid high tri- | his position as financial secre- ute to the Tate Dr. William M. tary and treasurer of the com- orkman, who was buried on Tuesday afternoon. pany. Two new members, James | k Longenecker and Charles Etsell, +. Dr. Workman, stated Mr. Ger; : berich, was the one man, more were admitted to the group, The! total membership “for the vear| than anyone else responsible for 1954 was 920 of which 874 are| X°ePIng Scouting alive in/Mount Joy. More than once through the years Scouting was on the verge | of dying, only to be sparked by | the interest and hard work of Dr. | Workman. In October, 1953, he took some of us younger men in hand and | told us he needed help. Mr. Ger- when it blows. | berich said, pointing to the pre-| Miller president sent organization as the culmin- | of the company, announced that| ation of Dr. Workman's efforts. | county fire police will .meet| Mr. Gerberich asked the club in Mount Joy May 16 and that | to stand in a moment of silent Zone 7 Firemen will meet in | prayer, after which the Rev. Les- | Mt. Joy Feb. 15 | ter Koder led in prayer in honor of Dr. Workman and Elmer W. Garber” charter ‘member of the onduct Rotary club, who ied this week. | Scrap Drive Mr. Gerberich then introduc- \ ed the following men who are Local Boy Scouts will con-| fotive fis Beat dvisots to duct a rags, paper’ and scrap Price a oh Lush ) metal drive in the boro Satur- fe Exp Ore: Posh Cine da ing, Feb. 19. Resi > Advi e OnE esidents Post, and Harold Esell, Scout- master, Remainder of the program was \in charge of Scoutmaster Etsell active members; 43, associate; and 3, honorary. } Fire Chief Ray Myers report- | | ed three calls answered during the month. He also announced | that all firemen are asked to, re- | spond to the call of the ! siren | i butions on the curb but if per- sons need assistance in carrying ficials announced that _the at-| tendance at the services thus far has been excellent. IIE ae Friday Is Heart Day Book matches will be given to all persons who donate to the Heart Haven on Heart Day, Fri- | day, February 11. The campaign for $25,000 is for the purpose of maintaining the Haven for chil- | dren who are convalescing from rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. It is designed and ! equipped for 27 patients to the! age of 16 years in various stag-| | es of convalescence and is su-| pervised by competent nurses with motherly interest. Heart Haven provides an at mosphere of home with careful supervision of activities which include school, = Sunday School, | recreation, crafts and entertain- ment, as well as medical care. Children who have spent or] are spending some time at the] Haven are Terrance Laughman, | Harry Kibler, Donald Eby, Ron- | ald Alleman and Donald Alle-| man. Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Marlin | Gish head the” committee of workers to sell’ bookmatches at the various stores and banks in| the borough Friday, mpai ‘Subscriptions will be solicited {in the Mount Joy area for The | Bulletin and in the' Marietta area for The Times, In areas that | might be considered as overlap- ping the solicitors are authoriz- either or bolh newspapers. As added incentive The Bulle- | sell Easter candy as one money- a food sale. Board Begins Grade schooled plus a two-room school in Flor | was divided between them ang the items,-the Scouts will assist them. 4 The Explorers crew troop will After the posting of the colors, Scoutmas'er Etsell mace a few introductory remarks on vari- ous Scout activities of the past year. Explorer Ronnie Schofield led the boys in the Scout Oath, Scout Law and Pledge of Allegi- { ance. | Scoutmaster Etsell, Buchenauer, conducted a | Mr. Court of Honor. Tenderfoot raising project to finance the trip to New Mexico. Another project planned for the future is School Planning | badges were awarded to: Lewis The announcement was made | | Horst, Roger Packer, James Phil- that ‘the State Department of, lips, Jeffrey Mariner, George Public Instruction officials have | | Roth ‘and Terry Stark. visited ‘the Florin area and in-| Second class pins went to Ger- | spected several sites for a pro-| ,14 Grove and James Hocken- posed elementary school for the berry with Hockenberry' lowes Vig Joy Township stu- mother placing the pin upon hj ents at the regular February ,nitorm: first class pin to Te {meeting of the Mt. Joy Town. Schofield; Star pin to Harold ship School Board Monday nite. sell, with his ‘mother Ri the present time, all students him; and Li‘s pin to RB from grades one to six are Buchenauer. Avith his in one-room school resent award houses-throughout the district, = Peng al : nie in. 4% a The board received . their p share, $4819.57, of the state| 4 | December: reimbursement which the Elizabethtown Area Scho district. ARE, —— | SALES B B The 19 PC have = $180: tin and The 3 identi prizes 4 tive, €] wo est Po | basis:™ scription; 1 their leaders effectively demon- strated the work they are doing | | gram they presented Tuesday Spickler, Mount Joy. ‘The an- | charge of the meeting. He re- | Michael ! assisted by | Teen Sign . Aski ‘Eighty t Donegal | petition as ter in Mt. | and area of a youth hands of § | by the re: a special 1 {The sign Daryl Ga Mary S Joanne B | JoAnn Peggy D: Joan Gi McFarla College, Mumma, Reisingel Doris { Linda | per, Jer fer, ‘M3 | Brown, | Reisingé dra Sec Jon Be Stehma | Mumma | Schaefte | Jane Carol enolt, J | Loretta Shette Deible | y, H r, El ell, Smith Geib, MsDey Wengg anne J les Di Jane | and A plan tee This audi eme ope: to d Joy The who evey ma Bro Folg