The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 03, 1955, Image 7

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ENR NR SREY Sie ‘BULLETIN, Mount Joy. Pa. Thursday. February 3 7| The Preschool cerebral Palsy | ==
Certer was opened in February NEV
Jol 1n H Stanfier 5 f Cii d Chi d 1954 with funds provided by WwW’ I’ OWN |
A . 1: i 0 ri I.CAren the Venture Club, the Americ IR Be
; Announces the Opening of His Office | e Y r PP e e an Business Club, the East By Mrs. Edith Eb |
FOR THE | lempfield Townghip Townshi Mr. and Mrs. John Miller vis-
ue Makes Its Annual R {Bony Soren sowie] J sn te
Pr etic of O StOMELE | a es ts nnNnua eport Exchange Club and many inter-| ited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yoder
ry dwel- I y i To the unselfish thousands David B. Coursin, M.D. and | °Sted individuals plus the co- | and Mrs. Martha Weidman of
rve the at fl | who have contributed to the Charles H. Kurtz, M.D. This re 2 Lancaster,
rg com: 39 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY work of the Lancaster County Past year we have been fortun- 0 7 a |. Sunday dinner Rey. find Mss.
ver any- Formerly tie office of Dr. M. I. j Yo ; ate in having John L. Poleyn, Center, the first of its kind in| R, H. Arndt entertained Rev.
i ly he office . M. F. Giambalvo : { | Society for Crippled Children M.D. neurosurgeon, offer his this area, combines the follow- | John Ferich, of E-town College
on elephone 3-9295 Hours by Appointment ! and Adults - the hundreds who services to the clinic. The team- ing highly specialized services: and Mr. and Mrs. Havard John-
ESET CEES | have contributed their know. work of these specialists gives psychological evaluation and | ston, Lancaster.
VICE | Lodge, Sklities ant ume Ee ok the handicapped individuals of guidance is given by Dr. June | victors of Mr. and Mrs. Aris-
SO YOU’ RE ON TH E I Fh Bh BP i Lancaster County an outstand- Smith of the County School Of-| tive Wittle were Mr. and Mrs.|
al grea 'pricemayp ing orthopedic service. | fice; speech therapy by Miss | Joseph Wittle and children of
|FU N D RAISI NG COMM ITTE spirited community that I ose The physicians dictate all rec- | Mary Ramedia of the Staff of Columbia and Charles Wittle of
| you the report of our work i the State Hospital for Crippled | = 1umbia R.D
Nationally advertised organization, with permanent
headquarters in Lancaster, offers dignified Fund
Raising service for Church, Club, or Fraternal
Organizations, large or small. Service involves no
investment by you or your group. Investigate this
service which has provided a dignified and com-
pletely satisfactory Fund Raising Plan for many
well known irganizations.
or full details, without obligation, call
| 1954.
845 little boys and girls, teen-
| agers, men and women received
| help through one or more of the
many services offered by your
| 981 examinations were made
| by the orthopedic surgeons, P.
ommeudations to our sec.etary |
Miss Patricia Connor, who sees
that family physicians, school
nurses and referring clinics get
a copy of them. Assisting her in
general office work and in spec-
ial projects is Mrs. John Heisey,
known to all our children as
Children, and, furnished by the
Society - kindergarten teaching
and guidance by Mrs. Robert
Newton; occupational therapy
by Miss Joanne Haines and phy-
sical therapy by Miss Constance
Streeter. Building facilities are
given by the Hempfield Joint
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johns of
Lancastre were visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. John Miller A
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reigle,
Mount Joy, visited Mrs. Se
Visitors of Mr.

Ladies Aid, after the evening
Church News
Meeting of the Church Coun-
| News PERTAINING TO ALL (jl of Administration after the
and Mrs. Earl THE CHURCHES IN MT JOY evening service.
i “Kitty, wh gener- . are y a . a 4
Mt. Joy 3-4974 or write | David Nutter, M.D. and Marvin oats of hii F368. Bi and Lancaster Township School rs a yop i hn igi Sunday
HUNK! : = : istricts iis EM a ly a Cy ‘lle, 3 )
C.1.C o C. Goodman, M.D. in the 57 or- To supplement these services Districts. This Cenier is open and Ray Geltmacher of Kinder- 1:30 a.m _ Sunday Schoo

Monday through Friday from 1
Lester Eshelman Supt,
131 Columbia Ave., Mount Joy, Pa thopedic clinies Assisting In jo yo staff of the Crippled Chil- |, =~ 3 mat the Burrowes hook. Mt. Pleasant 10:30 a.m, Morning Worshi
| the diagnosis and treatments . Pd M : i \ : .m, g Worship
Teh dren's Society; the orthoped.c| gol E. O St. and Ranck r. and Mrs. John Kauffman| Brethren In Christ Church The Un.ted Church Crus:
SS have been the pediatricians, x choo range a c S : Saat Vv nalores Wol th The Un.ted Churc rusade
nurse, Mrs. Anna W. Thompson, Ave 47% st vear (wo r., Ironville visited Mr. and/Pastors: Graybi olgemull. (j1] begin with the Evening
The. aseiels OT iN ae LA . Last y Mrs. Irvin Wi iv. | C. H. Moyer iE :
who assists the surgeon in ap rs. Irvin Witmer and family. Services and will be held every

| he
Pest Control Service
| Insects-Rodents-Vermin
In Homes - Farms - Places of

plying casts for correction of de-
on whom operations have been
done and helping the handicap-

children from the group of 13
were admitted to regular school
Class which is held each Friday |
from 3 to 4 p. m. at the YWCA, |

Visitors of Mrs. Matilda Derr| Sunday asm. Biiwiay School night except Monday.
FOR formities, In removing sutures |, one to regular kindergarten. were Miss Martha Risser and 10:30 am. Worship Service.
and redressing wounds of those The Correcti Swi : riece and nephews of Hershey. [ednesday Salunga
1e orrective wimming | Harry Fogie, Philadelphia vis-| 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Chareh ol ihe Brethren,
ar! Brubaker, Elder In ( harg.
i J
ited Mr. and Mrs. William Fogie Ezra Herman, Supt.
slosshrenner fvangetical

ines indivi n§ sotti 1 Ria
Fonsi pe gy . ne Woh who gave the pool free of charge | jeg and Mrs. 7. pt] United Dresiwen Charen Suna. 1 Sunday Sct
| Guaranteed Termite Control Faces, Cant! for this service, is ‘under’ the] Arndt were 3 fohn BH. Gable. Pastor 10:00 am. Worship Service
-— or special shoes that are recom- leadership of Mrs. I. Haines| Ai rads RIS Suess at a birthday M Worshi 1.380 mb
nde 2] arti & . ade i mer at > » of a. m. Moruin orshi 3.5 “i =
| WM J POWERS Thanded for their : particular Shertzer assisted by Mrs. Fred | Juher he tome > My. sug) aS nia 8 "a P Miss nay
| . . handicap. This requires careful Zoller and . Mrs. Charles. Voat. [ Yrs. Calvin L. Campbell Lan- 10:30 oon. Mor in Worship 7:15 pm. School of Musie
121 W. BAINBRIDGE ST. planning, guidance, conferences The physical therapist plans the | | caster, in honor of Ms. Camp-| g.a pm. Youth Fellowship WW ¢ os for al ages.
Our Complete car wash and simonize service gives every E'TOWN — PHONE 289w With the ahd particular swimming stroke | bell and daughter, Patricia, 7:15 p.m Evening Wor hip ;
ol 31-tfc visits to the Treatmen enter, ith- W. Erb an ear] Bren- Vednesday 13 Gin
“3 car a sleek, “lock-proud” sparkle! | mmm 129 EB. Orange St, or the ortho- which should be stressed for | neman visited Mrs. Wilbert W't-| 7:30 p.m Midweek Pra Ji (SLO
gt Zug a . | et individual's handi 11] ee : Sunda
Jae STOP AND SEE "GEO." and "BILL" b ss pedic nurse going into their | ii 3 { mer and sons, Lancaster R. D eid 9:15 a.m. Sun Bible School
| FOR A PRICE AND APPOINTMENT TO HAVE YOUR [|| Dr.HL.C.Killhetter | home, not only to give exercise| 0 * 0% #0 HEED 01 and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Wit 3:90 Cherubelts Choir. Cases lor 1
C and to re-educate and strength- Aslor (mee | mer and son, Elizabethtown| 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir I yesh p
0000 CAR SIMONIZED & | Uprometrist Be diy but to promote gu work all through the year in| RD | 6:30 p.m. Seraph Choir. erm y the Pastor: ‘Pray
vl ill ° . Brigg s ! encourage them in utilizing | recording, checking and main- | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau 7:30 pam. Senior Choir Por Us. p.m. Pre-Service Prayer*
| 3 S. Charlotte St. iy > J
Lin be Richfield Service Station || ovis their ability to get up and a-| gine OE le ys. | ren wean oe wore] Zon Lutheran Church "50°51. Evening Worshi
€ Companies A bout and aim for as full a re- | x an s. Ida Eisenberger were, cud Yap: rship
- F' 1 MT 4 3-52 | dun. & wednes. 9.5:30 lim Landisville. Pen-a 3 :
4 mato 5 MAIN ST., MT. JOY PHONE 3-5241 fues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. habilitation as possible. More | me and i) Mrs. sisted Miss Esther Longenecker and| Rev. Ernest P Leer Se: mo. Lay Se Pastor: A Su-
ax ; = g . ife has oy | Brubaker has charge assiste o> Marie inday es .
3 dasamsa TI OR ELIZABETHTOWN than one housewife has been | by many. faith] ana diligent Ben Weaver, Marie ta. : ig vii 5 oh Sanity. Selo! 1 ta a) :
} 15 E. High St. helped to discard a wheel chair | DY Many i Mrs. Maurice Mrs. 10.45 a rm ‘Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Service-
worker men's Service.
| 's. More volunteers could | Katie Moore and Mrs. Ida Eisen-,

he use Telephone 24-+ | nd get back tosthe full care of hirsday oat ay
: GRAND OPENING Ee EE ey cur err THEE mcs nit
matic of occupational therapist guiding Members of the Shrine Club, | Gibble of Myerstown last Tues- 2 ;
. and directing her step by step | Rotary Club, Board, Venture] day. Landisvil'e. Penna 8:0) pm. Midweek I rayer
and FEBRUARY 4TH AND STH in all her ‘activities. 4892 visits A Club, Secretaries Assoc. and in-| Visitors at “The Arndt Home” E Thomas Till“ Pasi) 2 v.ce
ervice. Robert E. Hoffman were made by the staff for this | terested individuals transport| were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hubley Sie Baker. Gen Bur Re pi \ Youth Night at
strength SURFINE SHORTING Ibs | INSURANCE FOR EVERY type of service. crippled children, serve as hos- | Columbia. Ira Stauffer, Mariet-" q.15 a m. Church School Rouert Homans, Bhi al
sphone NEED tesses at our clinics, assist at|ta, and Mrs. Ida Eisenberger of 10:30 a.m. Worship Service.
{ . AL the Craft Class, help in publi- | town. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship Trinity Lutheran Church
llar sly : Accident and Health F i 0 h 9 Wg RENEE dul ot wr oq ednesday a, : ro ALEC)
rc FREE One Can Of Ajax With . e Workmen's Compensation efinis Ing hy for 1h i Jel Sal Edith W. Erb vi sited Me td Midweek Serviee gic) WI Koder. Poss 4
S ’ 0 EG LAR SIZE FAB lospitalization ! RE i 5 and do any typing which needs | Mrs. Levern Lucas, Mount 0 a rs. Sunday. Seno)
pr. a @® Mortgage Insurance {| BEAUTIFUL KNOTTY PINE to be done. R. D. West Gréen Tree 10735 8 i" Morir Wordhi
ra yoy i YT roe S x en C1 f tt" a.m. Morar 7 Ship
9 3 @ Farm Liability i REPRODUCTIONS + ite Che oe y Mr. z 's Gamber and ‘hurch of the Brethre A ou rag Woy
FREE Ci Mpa With @ Automobile Community Chest was gener- Mr. and Mrs. Roy C nbs i of She ban fen el 1 toy Lidice Bi
Aas ® Life I ous in loaning typewriters and son, I , Vie . 3 Ji.
Co. on 69. fF | sean, and mn Sy ory Cig bate spt TE
ONE GIANT SIZE FAB | re | r ong multilithing. . oa 4 ; | 8:45 a.m. Sunday School at 7:30 p.m. Church Council in
yo { MT. JOY 3-6659 | | Parties were given for Crip- Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. How- : Vo the Parish House.
abi ul 1 , RTT IRD. 1 MT. JOY, PA. | MARIETTA PA. pled Children by the Shrine|ard Gamber were the Rev. John Risen ard Crees Tree. er nme
FREE CAN JF AJAX WITH EVERY atte | Phone 6-2581 8-tf Club, Brownie Troops and the | Feich, Elizabethtown college, Green iL. rng Yorn, Lancast S h
PURCHASE*OF $5.00 OR MORE rm Jane-Cees and the office was|the Rev. R. H. Arndt and Mrs. aster symphony
he! Plan | {eoreta for Christmas by a|Tda Eisenberger of ig Crossroads Bretfrah m chris To Present Concert
: : | — Senior Girl Scout Troop. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witmer, urc The Lancaster Symphony Or-
5 lbs. GRANULATED SUGAR 45. and Build WHITE WASHING | All of this volunteer service | Manheim, visited Mr. and Mrs. wg Juss, 1, Sv chestra will feature repeat
Roni dR del AND adds up to professional time and | William Haines. : Sundar a performance of Cesar Frank's
| pair an emoae | many dollars being saved by Linda, daughter of Mr. and 9.15 am. Sunday School “Svm Ey A Po
3 ~ % a: > | me ’ : 9:10 am. yo. ; Symphony in D M ;
SILVERFLOSS SAUER KRAUT 2 for 27: ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS DISINFECTING | the Crippled Children’s Society. Mrs. Earl Geltmacher, is on the 10:30 am. Worship Service. third concert of ‘the I Tt a
: | A total of 2392 hours were giv- "Vi hii ou ah wi ed 730 pm. Prayer and Praise Son on February 15, 8:15 P. M.
te : en by hard working group of isitore of Mr. anc Mrs. Se a at McCaskey High School Audi-
LANCO PRESERVES Jor 49c | | LEEDOM & FINK BROS. | Soc am Hains were Mr. and Mr — 2 Ke
0 | cd r .
BOX 222 { As the Executive Secretary| Kenneth Alexander, Mrs, Lioyd The Washington Street In announcing the program
VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES DURING OUR OPENING ELIZABETHTOWN FLORIN, PENNA. | of your Society I am proud to| Nertwig, Florin, Mr. and Mrs Tach Of fe Brefiiren for the third concert, Louis Vv
|} Phone Elizabetatown 7-6277 Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 f | submit this report and declare a | Henry Rollman and daughter, na Ds eit ner, conductor of the 75-picec
36-tfc | dividend to you. Your money | Patsy, Lititz, Sunday Lancaster ‘Symphony’ Unie
ee - | has effected some beautiful re-| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 4.30 am Church School versally recognized as a concert


sults for the handicapped of
Lancaster - the calm self-assur-

Adult study theme,
George Moore and family were
of God.”
Harry Tome and Mrs. Iona Lau-
“The Grace
The excellent recep-

| ti rer
% . e v0) 30 a.m Morning Worship, | Won it got when we performed
3 OLI V ER SAGER & SON ance of a man who has rebuilt | denbeger and children, Colum- Sermon. SDiville Healing 2 | 1t Tete tour years 88 and the
2 FORMERLY B. K. BORTZFIELD his confidence in himself with | bia. Pastor Zuck. | many requests we have had for
i | the aid of an artificial limb and Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship | it since th: Etec Vala ,
Main Street, Mount Joy Phone 3-4493 HM re A A le © and family were Prayer Clinic begins - medita- | it since that time lead me to
‘ . ee ‘ competent through instructions; ver and family WEI prayer, and study of the | believe that the audience will
Ditch Digging — Septic Tanks Installed | on how to use it; the bubbling Miss Doris Gutshall, Bainbridge, Rite. | be delighted to hear it again.”
! . . . . | enthusiasm, thanks and excla-| and Pfc. Donald Fogie, Fort Bel- wednesday | Also on the program will be
Field Drainage - Footings - Grading | mations of a child who has re-| voir, Va. 7:30 p.m. Bible Hour. | Beethoven's “Concerto No. 4 in
i Haulin And Li ht Jobs | learned the act of walking; the| Edith W. Erb, Pearl Brenne- led by Miss Anna Mae Showers. G Major for Piano and Orehes
— Bb. Sie : ps
9 g ; | inspiring courage and perser-| man, Mrs. Robert Prank spd Newtown £0. 8. Chuver tra.” The soloist for this popul-
Top Soil and Fill | verance displayed by young and | daughters visited Mrs 1 Rev. John Ferich, Pastor ar work will be the well-known
5 4 | old in the race of overwhelming | Bleyer of Manheim who is a sunday | young American pianist, John
Portable Air Compressor— Concrete Breaking | odds and eventual conquest of | patient at the St. Joseph Hospi-| 9:00 a. m. Sunday School | Ranck, who has appeared with
“1 | their paralysis tal. Lancastre. Mrs. Bleyer is a| 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Yeading svmphonies :
“ Pe ". ef is Shame ading symphonies fiom coast
Rock Drilling | These, then, are your divid-| sister of Mrs. Frank. 7:00 pi. a Racor to CO
ends. Multiply them a hundred- Stimson Thursday Be = | Rounding out the concert will
R.D. 1 ELIZABETHTOWN | fold and you will have the re- Dietitian Speaks 7:00 p.m. Ladies Aid meeting | be Wagner's “Overture to Rien-
| turn on your investments in the
PHONE 863R2 11-tfe handicapped persons of Lancas- T Auxiliar Group Donel rosy Dy iy . Bp
fairs co Tount Joy R D. 1, Penna.
Ketter than 1,000 Words | - = ow amr” Ay eo bir aan © Burke ror py
- | ey yy TTT | Miss Ruth Baker, diet'tion al Sunday M w
| 0G ital 9:30 ; ecor
| ATTENDING | the Lancaster General Hospital, 9:30 am. Church School. k
the picture above expresses our philosophy | V - - Vv | BANKERS CLINIC was the guest speaker at the 10:30 AN ing Worship ie
SE ok nl | § {}| Thirteen bankers from Lan- i X y Sermon: “Gs trom an umply | MRS. EDITH B. PEIFER
Nh ‘ regular meeting of the ount pce” i MRS. EDITH B. PEIFER
about serving our neighbors’ banking needs. LO W F R. d || caster County are among a group | Mount Joy Branch of the Unit- Irs. Edith B. Peifer, 64, wife
We believe in greeting folks “with a smile” 11 7 + | of more than 450 bank person-| eq Auxiliaries of the Lancaster] Church of the Brethren of Waller S. Pefer, Salunga,
. iin : : . ; (1 THE W AY TO A LADIES HEART [ nel who attended the Pennsyl-| General Hospital last Thursday Florin, Pa i died 1 p.m. Wednesday at her
— with a spirit of friendly helpfulness — when I}! vania Bankers Association Bank | evening. She discussed the pre-| Rev, Howard Ber ard, Elder | home after ce-dave’
. . { ey 3 Tend 1 ond . . oamuce . ; er, Supt ‘
they come into the bank; and in doing all we i} 4, : gs : Operations Clinic at the Univer-| parations of foods at the hospit-|g "0 | ic. wasig
) that ¢) 11 ii £ ith ||| It's the alwaysright touch on Valentine's Day. Beautiful | sity of Pennsylvania, Philadel- | al and also conducted a question unda i es iv
assure the 7 2 § y — W ib m : ny ry y :
can to assure that they will be smiling -— with {}' bouquets, potted plants . . . all the exciting flowers that | phia, Wednesday and Thursday, | and answer period with the, 10:00 a.m Pi ship Service ¢ Blottenberger Cooper and
satisfaction — whe / agai (4 {| Feb. 2-3. from Mount p.m. Servire. rt I { Zi i he
wi) satisfaction — when they go out again. (1! “y | : g unt | group. : a charter member of Zion Luth
2 : Ili sav I Love You" in so many ways. Send them to your | Joy is E.M. Bomberger. The| Twenty-four members attend- | Woltosdny Pies an Church Landisville: the
B o i}! . ! Te ‘ AN, ) | i yi .
x2 MAKE OUR BANK YOUR | | Valentine! [Ri First National Baik & Trust Co. | ¢d the meeting at the home of] wl y | Auxiliary of the Salun-
AE | ree @) ren Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, Poplar : | ga Fire C }
: “ " | rs. Clyde. nenieman, I The Church of God | ga Fire Company and the Salun-
FINANCIAL HEADQUARTERS" It’s the perfectly wonderful gift . . . | CHARGED FOR BAD CHECKS| street. ; Rev C.F Helwig. Pastor | ga Mothers Club. In addition te
res: { | Sed, { Elwood Geib, 22, Mount Joy | During the business meeting| St. Mark’s Evangelical United | her husband, she is survived by
olt. ; ll and we'll wire anywhere! | R2, charged with passing two | which was conducted by Mrs. | dt an Church | a sister and two brothers; Mrs.
| : (1! |#| worthless checks, was arrested Eric Olson, president, the group sudo’ : de | Lillie Sterringer, Lancaster;
ped 1 I} Monday by Constable David Jac- | decided to hold a food sale Sat-| 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo | William B. Cooper, Columbi
i Y L { per, mbia
| §! 8 obs. He was charged with issu-| yrday, April 16, in front of the 10:15 a. m Morning Worship | and David B. Cooper, Los An-
s ’ i \ | ing a $75 check to John Hackel, | Titus Rutt office. The next meet-l, 345 po, Youth Fellowship | geles, Calif.
MOUNT JOY BANK R . L S i= 0 WwW o£ r S | Eden Road, Lancaster and al ing of the group will be held on| 7.45", At; Opening service of | Funeral services will be held
OF MOUNT JOY [§i | $2.58 check to Scars Roebuck | Thursday, 1} Mar. 31 at Mrs. Ol-| United Church Crusade, led by | in the Fred Koser Funeral
| OPPOSITE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL store, Lancaster. ! son’s home. {Joseph Brookshire Evangelistic | Home, Landisville, Saturday
/ i 3 ar ati 4 | rt services 1 AZ (EY
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | PHONE 3-6001 MOUNT JOY. PA. re pes ; | re @ | Panty; oi rvices nightly, except | 2:00 p. m. with inter
AMPLE : ~~ PARKING SPACE | | Pw in need of Pg an Stimulate your business by adver ment in the Landisville cemes
\ de LLL LLL RE — ing) kindly remember the etin ising in the Bulletin. | Shorf meeting of WSWS and | tery
Y, PA. i t 3
\ { \ { { 3 i ¥