The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 13, 1955, Image 7

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30-cow herds, will use an average of
their own help or by contract,
a Supervisor who, on the aver-


— — - =r . THE BULLET WN. Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday. January 13 ?
| oy, wim 3 ra
| || Farmers Want Hot Water Too . . . Trained Help Needed To Re-assess | __o Ne
| |
by | H B LONGENECKER 1! Here Are Esti Requi County Under New State Law
| .
- | « | kere Are Lstimates on Requirements inty ye Le We Speciedize In . . .
(Editor's note: In the third Commissioners is:
wl | VENETIAN BLINDS ARMSTRONG By [RA MILLER Waler ayallatly 8} ine turn of 4 foe article of this series we discus- “Before assigned individuals AUTO PAINTING
PLASTIC TILE LINOLEUM - TILE Farm Electrification Bureau oy or years. The simplest i Ye Real Fine Assertion | eo sent A Magni o WRECKS REPAIRED
| | Hot water 1s something none should | and easiest way to have it is throug aw 1iself and how by a stand- | gather information an acls MENT A WHEEL BALANCING.
ig- | FLOOR COVERINGS QUAKER RUGS |} | do without. It's necessary for the sake | a combination of a pressure water | ardized system of record keep- | they should be thoroughly in. WHEEL ALLIGN ND
g f y { of cleanliness in the home—and it’s a | system and an electric water heater, |. alizati f wi od as t Hat to look for: FREE ESTIMATES
ach SALUNGA, PA [| “must” from a money-making stand- | This type of water heater can be in- | INE equalization of assessments structed as to what to look for;
ala | ’ * | stalled anywhere in homes or service | was brought about. In this ar- the improvements should be . 9 .
buildings where 220-volt service i$ | ticle some methods used in in-| measured on the outside to get C P Ne B d Sh
> available. squires no long pipe Mi : : y P
le | PHONE LANDISVILLE 4012 pio sbie, I Sequires No a ne | stalling the new system for as-|the over-all dimensions by arriger $ aint » 0 0
-tfe close to the point of use. Automatic, | sessments are discussed.) teams of two; when they have PHONE ELIZABETHTOWN 110J12 RHEEMS, PA,
seine Carpets by Mohawk - Mages - Delon ECE PES, OE 6% | In insaling the new * system | Measured two or more _proper- Ci
| without any. personal attention. under the new Real Estate As- ties, then each individual can .
STORE HOURS Soon hoy wich sessment Law of Pennsylvania, £0 into one property and gather wn
u | Evening Monday Thru Friday 6:30 . M. To 9:00 P. M. ° eye-opening figures. A family of four | the County Commissioners the necessary information that
| Saturday 8:00 A. M. To 5:00 P. M. uses over gallons per month in | should first determine whether | is. required on the inside. These
the home for bathing, shaving, dish- . th | te s of two are responsible to
4 & washing and laundry. Dairymen, with or not to erect the system with | loains of tw p
Comm 7 Seat nd |

Hot and cold running water...
plus telephone gives this southern
farmer all the comforts of home in
passageway between dairy barn and
milk house,
point on the dairy farm. But it can
be a terrible nuisance when it's pro-
vided by a bucket brigade which
: : ’ hil ’ h
starts at the stove and moves un- | suppliers serving your farm can give | ments throughout the county,” the approximate reproduction Johnson S dren S op
happily from bathroom, to sink to | you all the installation and cost in- | $y Conference explains value of the improvement. To
milk house, formation needed to bring you “run- i this is added the value of the 43 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
In this automatic age it is only
natural that farm people want hot

900 gallons per month for washing
milking utensils, and other cleaning
tasks around the milk house and in
the barn. Water of 130 degrees is
necessary for cleaning ydders and
stimulating cows for milking ma-
chines. Its use also reduces chances
of contamination. the mapping. Other counties : {ves the Chie
ans Hee of water heater needed have utilized their own forces This procedure gives the Chie
ary in the farm home according | | : County Assessor, through His
to the size of the family and, on the [in the installation. This of ¥ ' one]
farm, according to the type of opera- | course becomes a matter of de- Supervisors, control over cach
tions conducted. It is a good rule,
however, to over-estimate your needs,
rather than to plan small on a “get
by" basis. When you have lots of hot
water available you'll use more than
you think." Costs of operation are
variable, too. But, in general, a usable
supply of hot water for the home can
be supplied for 300 kilowatt-hours of
electricity per month. Dairy farmers
can plan on using about 25 kilowatt-
hours of electricity for each 100 gal-
lons of hot water supplied. Power
ning” hot water where and as you
want it.


Step up to the one thats
Going Over Bid!

the Pennsylvania Local Govern-
ment Conference says.
Some counties have seen fit
to use an appraisal consultant to
advise them and to contract for
cision for the Board of County
Commissioners of each County.
“No matter how they ap-
proach the problem, one must
keep in mind the objectives of
the new system; accounting for
all the property and to see that
it is on the tax duplicate; and
effecting equalization in assess-
Results to date emphasize the
following steps as the most ef-
ficient way to approach the re-

struction costs for any particul-
| ar area. Valuations for this pur- ANOTHER PRIZE WINNER 1 2
| pose can be based on a square One prize was claimed this ! 1C er S i
{ foot price for residential build- week in Merchants Christmas 3
ings; the cubic foot price for promotion. ]
| theatres and certain types of in-
age, has from six to ten teams
under his direct supervision.
Cards that are finished each day
are given to the supervisor who
reviews them and then turns
them into the office for pricing.
day's production of fact find-
“Once the cards reach the
Assessor's office, the pricers get
busy and apply the facts to the
tables of construction costs,
making adjustments, either up
or down, as the facts on the card
indicate, and the result becomes
land, based on the per foot val-
ue for that district, or the acre
value if it happens to be a rur-
The 40th prize of $5.00 was
Prices reduced on children’s dresses, coats, snowsuits,
sweaters, blouses, boys’ shirts, stockings and many, many
cther items to make room fcr Spring stock.
Buy now and save money at these prices.

oe POCHOC BO 00 a 00 0 eb a dN a dN a dh ed! bed ba
ELON a de

BROS OTe oe.


ei assessment and equalization al district. The sum. of these two | boven sn a te
5 mE A AA £9 A A SA. Z| program, whether the work ig al district. HU ie ae
| 1 “2 SA Z rr 8S £2 A 285 Z | let to a contractor or done with figures becomes the approxi- Me pI
2s 2 SS SESS 2 ARTZ | con OF Of Hone. With ate real value of the property. 3% 1
Z A A. ANZA 2 A Aa Z { . a acilities: ate red y. 3% He
| 2 2A = AY or 2 25 Z He own These figures should all be not- : 308
2 SS SVE VE ~~. 1. Train the help under the by 30 (hat. dt dive px Y B ake
2 2A HY aN AF AAA A Z| methods prescribed in the new ©d on the card so that, at any ly our est RI
i FREED an RT FRE PERE law : time in the future, anyone can 3 he
ERNE A | | law. bite Were’ hud a
Riba abd | 2 Gather the facts of the im- determine what factors were jy New Year Resolution at
| nt it Lid 3 | provements on land. used to afrve 9 ne A v 3 .
JANUARY 3-3i "3. Establish sound or This, then, is the valuation to 32 a
| of public relations mo which is applied the percentage 3K ; iE
| of public relations, so that thru ch J3 app ve . BS Should Be Ud
a 4 oo |local media taxpayers will be that the Board of County Com- ath a
J | fully informed about the aims have doped, Sm i S . a
J | and methods of the program. the result is the assessed va ua. 3 To Use Our ervice PT
| In all cases facts on which to tion. : 1 di lke ae
| base evaluation must be avail- (The fifth article will discuss 54
7 | able. It was found that the most how to proceed with the county- Regular ly Ri
| efficient way is to establish con- wide mapping.) ne

| dustrial buildings, and the claimed by Raymond Gilberi of J I
| square foot for commercial town. t
| buildings. An example of pro- tmnt ff te rac goa EOE
| cedures used by some County Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. i a a a ere as as See Se en ee eee

Heat with wize,
Warm without fize!
New Dodge Custom Royal V-8 4-door Sedan

Something pretty exciting is going on in America And the reason for all this isn’t hard to see. From the
these days. And if you don’t “get with it” —you're bold forward thrust of its hood to the dramatic

missing the real thrill of the year. sparkle of its twin-jet taillights, this flair-fashioned ’55 ;
} . .
Winter weather means specialized needs for heat on the
tarm . . . keeping water pipes unfrozen, milk houses free of ice,
brooding areas comfortably warm, poultry water warm, and
aE Dodge is the most glamorous car on the road today.
The fact is that the new Dodge is sweeping the country
like a hit song. Heads turn when it comes down
the street. Crowds gather around it at the curb.
This is your year to join the swing to the new Dodge.
Step up to the Big One—and step out in style!

others . . . Electricity can do them all,
automatically, thermostatically controlled
to do all the work, eliminate the worry!

Whether it’s electric heating cable, a milk house heater,
poultry water warmers, brooders or other
protective heating equipment you need, make it electric!
See your PP&L farm

Take Command . . . Get the Thrill First Hand. Discover for yourself
the magic of: full-time Power Steering, PowerFlite, Power Brakes. The cost
is modest—the rewards are magnificent.
The future is at your fingertips! A touch of the
Range Selector on the control panel commands the
full range of PowerFlite driving!
The New DODG
| representative or local electric farm equipment dealer
today. His help can make your winter farming

mmr Dealers present: Danny Thomas ip “Make Room for Daddy,” ABC-TV e Bert Parks in “Break The Bank,” ABC-TV » Roy Rogers, NBC Radi)
| Stehman Bros.
a lot easier, a lot less troublesome!