The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 13, 1955, Image 5

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! I" THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.| i
| Mortuary | Record iin. January 13 5 J A S S [D) HELP WANTED
NE JE EA | NE W VTO W N You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably Single middleaged woman for.
ane C iffenderfer
Eugene C. Diffenderfer, 83, baby-sitting. Weekends free.
died at the home of his son- | By Mis. Edith Erb Through the Good home. Apply Ray Guthrie,
Shave cee \ law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. | | Mount Joy R2, 52-4c

Top Quality

; « |. Sunday visitors of Mr. and!
Walter Meekins, 538 Spruce St. |
Lafcastor. yesterday 5 arn | Mrs. John Miller were Mr. and MN ILADIES -— Openings for two
after a less oT ST Mrs. Jack Miley and children, WAN 1 women in this area to sell A. B.
a am S fllness. | of Mount Jo. Mack Undies - Choice samples,
He was a painter by trade and | z - lin size & color. For interview:
Mr. Amos Witmer and John Write Salesmanager, Box #137,
1953 Chevrdiet 1952 Olds ugg
‘ Yn oh 4-DOOR SEDAN
2-DOOR, low mileage Two-tone red & black | resided in Landisville most of | - ae J
R& HH * | his life. | Geltmacher are on the sick list FOR SALE | = | New Cumberland, Pa. 1-2p
| He was a charter member of | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank { TWIN TUB | HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Two
| adults. Sleep in. References.

| Zion Lutheran Church, Landis-| visited Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway
Brenneman, Mount Joy RD | Typewriters, Add. Mach's, Cash
ville; Fraterial and Beneficial
| Association of Columbia and a Mrs. Betty Ann Alexander of Ree red aL. IE
member of the National Guard, | Florin visited Mrs. Betty Lou High St, E-town. Ph. 14]. 8-18 -t |
4th Pennsylvania Infantry. He | Herr.
was the oldest member of Wal-| visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
1953 Plymouth 1952 Oldsmobile
1953 Chevrolet iy I hy nl
Dexter Washer Apply John Leaman, Rheem
| Phone E-town 7-3527. 2-1t
SAVE $50 mah
FOR SALE: Used Auo Parts, | Reg. $219.95 Sale 5169

| 4-DOOR, clean

5 . aR SPRATLY Ls : “Tires, Auto Heaters. Koons Au- ONLY ONE LEFT
| ter Ebersole Post 185, American | jstice Wittle were, Mr. Josephio Parts & Wreckers, Hummels-
fy . .
; | Sewing Machine
| L gion, Mount Joy. | Wittle and children, Columbia,/town R. D. 1, (Sand Hill). 7 4 3 5 :
During World War 1 he serv- | py. Charles Wittle Mr. Carence Phone Hershey 3-9936. 51-tfc | KEENE! S
| STATION WAGON | 9 Chevrolet Pick- Ups

| |
| ed as a musician in the 5th Co. Sieoris | is “ye " rp
. ih a ; or | Siegrist, Columbia RD. Mus. AUTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, 1! MOUNT JOY 3-5601
2nd, Battalion, 15th Depot Bri { Ragner Hallgren and son, Mt pug old cars, all kinds of scrap Soa Ge es
@» | gade. na | Joy and Mrs. Donald Jones, Mt. land also soll. stove wood. Guy D.| - — - S
: . | Surviving are two sons, Har-| joy RD, Spittler, Phone Mt. Joy 3-5573. 10- tt Slightly used 65,000 B.T.U. Em- dl y{EeC
© Newly discovered formula | vy Ironville, and Hiram, Col-| Recent visitors of Mrs. Sere- pire floor furnace - aan
ewcomer otors I | ® Gives softer, richer foam | umbia; a daughter, Grace, wite | na Fogie were Mr. and Mrs PIANOS, Rew 2nd used. David Fond sion ct only Soo. 50. Also |
of Walter Meekinas I. . ati “Hess usic Shop. 106 N. Mar- | other gas stoves and gas appli- APPLY
9 nc. | ® No razor drag | of Walter : Meekings, | Harry Fogie, Philadelphia. ket St, Elizabethtown. [other for sale. Ward Bottle Gas.
Phone 3-4821 Open Evenings 9 Superiop skin- 1 $5 grandchildren and 7 great | Visitors of Edith W. Erb were ee 25 S. State St., Ephrata. 2-1lc : C
ubricating qualities grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brosey Mixed hay and mixed straw. “| Hesteco Mfg >
| 1 S. S i i > 3 Seco Oo, es nc.
| MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ® Contains famous Funeral services will be held | and children, : Silver Spring, Good quality. Phone Landis. Black seal-skin coat. See 5 in
res rome al 01d Spice scent | from the Zion Lutheran Church. 14r. and. Mrs. Jolin. V. Witmer 1-tfe priced, 10| = 443 W. HIGH STREET
® Improved pressure- | Landisville Saturday afternoon | ;nq gon, Johnnie, E-town RD.|SEWING ‘MACHINES FOR | ELIZABETHTOWN, PA.
shave sloshte » I at 2:00 p.m. with interment in| nrg Pearl Brenneman, Mount SALE New ang used CHARIS PHONE 7-1145
' ea roof for travelin | the Salunga Mennonite Ceme- | w rT a ares sewing mach- - " oi
Where Your Dollars Stretch | BD, Bev. Jolin iL Mont! FOUNDATIONS ran
Sloan’ S Pharmacy the Sheet Pe dora Hono B el oe College, and Rev. R. H.ket St, Elizabethtown, Penna. | MRS. ROST 8 :
1e Sheetz unera ome Frida | Arndt of town. Phone 7-1450. 29-tfe | > i {
The REXALL S | evening, 7-9 p.m pe ds Stewart Derr" x 543 Park Ave. Lancaster, Pa. | =
he REXALL Store hi Spencer Corselet, individually | Pl 382 Li
— { . > -OrSelel, ally | hone 6382 Lanc.
Phone 3-3001 MOUNT JOY, Al | and Son of Graterforrd, visite d designed, will give you beauti- | 2-2¢ HELP WANTED
AMOS R. STRICKLER | Mrs Matilda Derr. ful unbroken lines. Call Mrs. | MALE
| Amos R. Strickler, manager | Mrs. Martha Fogie and son, Edyth B. Brubaker, Spencer | ” {
De endable | of the Mount Joy Branch, Lan- | Richard, visited Mrs. Gutshall/Corsetiere 3-4949. 44-tfc | J N. KEENER
| caster Leaf Tobacco Co., died at| of Maytown. Ic aa : . Men wanted immediately. Tre-
y | cas é o., died ¢ Ma; ne large size child's crib, also | . : \ s_ increase dem:
[3:30 p. m. yesterday at his Mt.| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau-'a Simmons mattress. Phone | Memo tals Increase in Semand
| a dre te. | rice Frysinger, Mrs Ida Eisen-|3-6445. 2.9¢ ai ust have manpower to handle
i Joy R2 home. He was sixty-] rice HN Us “1 Phone Marietta 6-3531 | business . . . Earning opportuni-
nine. | berger and Mrs. Katie motorbike, is in very | MAYTOWN, PA. ty will exceed $100.00 per week
i A former farmer in Mt. Joy | were Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Gibble,jgood condition. Was overhauled } starting immediately. Apply 437
: { immer ———— | W, King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Myerstown, Mr. and Mrs. Jay|recently. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4644.
Some Real Values in Nice Clean Automobiles § | Twp. Strickler was in charge of | Myerstown, Mr. and Mrs. Jo) y 1544, FOR SALE | bic
Sherk, Stauffertown, Mrs. Har- os a FAR SERNA SS Lk iin
’ the Mount Joy tobacco branch ‘ole Na uk > ass
— 1953 FORD 4-DOOR TRUCKS S E R V | C E Asphalt Tile While it lasts |
1953 FORD - 2 DOOR ®
for the last 25 years. ry Beamesderfer, Mt. Joy, Mrs. Solid maple table and 4 match- | 2,000 sq. ft. at Special Prices |
1952 FORD 2 DOOR 6 cyl.

He was born in Rapho Twp.,| Wm. Hubley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ing chairs, and also a matching 9x9 size. All colors
a son of the late Amos R. and | Hubley, Columbia and Mr. and hutch cupboard. Call 1 Dark colors 8c each


7 TON CRESSIE BODY & Martha Nissley Strickler. His | Mrs. Havard Johnston, Lancas-___ All other colors - 10c¢ each {
ar STATION | HOWT dor dump track | wite. the Inte Auntie -Gaimber. ter. IC "AMERAS, LMS, FLASH | 9x12 room would cost about $16 | ANTIQUES: Win pay high
| (8 mos. old) | Strickler, died in 1953. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ab- Lave Si Photo Sup. with dark colors. prices for antiques of any des-
1947 FORD 2-DOOR 6 cyl. | | Surviving are five sons and | ram Gamber were, Mr. and Mrs. Dor Klahr's Little Shop Mee BIAS your De Sue cription. Mr. Hart, 151 N. Char-
1946 FORD 2-DOOR | 1947 INT. 2 TON | two daughters: Oscar G., John | Salem Gamber and daughter the big stock. Rear P. O. Mid- ree use of curier | bys St., Manheim, Pa. Phone
‘ 1946 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR CAB & CHASSIS M. R | lA. James G.. Norman G. and! Columbia RD, Mr. and Mrs. 2.3¢c| MT. JOY TILE & LINO. CO. | = 63. 2-24-1
1g fr «© Roy essier | William H.. all of Mount Joy: | Gamber and son, Manheim. 10 East Main Street
abel, wife of i averstick 's. Betty Alexander A
27 W. MAIN ST. | Mabel, wife of Mylin Haverstick Mrs. Betty Ann A ano MORE PHYSICIANS
CLARENCE W HERR | of Willow Street R1, and Edna, | visited her mother, Mrs. Wm. pop pip AT AREAS fia Phone 3-3492 HELP OFFERED
MOUNTVILLE | G., at home; also, 22 grandchil- | Haines lore doctors for more. vis "ELMER M. 'MURRY
| tr ie i 'dre sve: ad ¥. Ele earl Br I 2 : more rural! - =
'N PHONE 5-5301 | dren, 9 great-grandchildren and Edith W. Erb and Pearl Bren- areas is the objective of a pro- | Auctioneer Will keép children at my home


SALES SERVICE | a sister, Mrs. Annie Newcomer, | neman visited Mrs. Katie Erb. | during the day. Landisville
fc F “il | OR CALL | Mount Joy RI. : Mt. Joy RD., and Mrs. Ralph Bran be ne this month, Complete sale service anywhers | 4747. : 2-1c
—— MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-9701 | | Funeral services will. be held Kieth, Brunnerville on Tuesday. and jointly sponsorec y the Fhone Manheim 5-3138 tn
Ee — i | Committee on Rural Health and |
— . at the Nisgley Funeral Home on Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. How- | LITITZ, FPENNA.. RFD. No. 2 |:
— pm cei —————————— WM. K. RESSLER | Saturday afternoon 1:30 p. m. ard Gamber were, Mrs. Ada % The { 1-8p |
: ile ; ; the State of |
i he Landisville Me Blouch. Mr. and Mrs. Society of
| FLOR, Pa. on : Te WH Bloch Mis : ellie Shetffer, of Pennsylvania and the Penna. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE
urch, o p.m / 1 J Miss N C
Everyboy Everywiiere, reads The aude MT. JOY 3-5731 in Kraybill's Cemetery View- | Lebanon, Mr. Robert Zeller, of Ba More tr 1, -| GIRL S WINTER COAT For Sale « or Rent
y |N "n 1d Used Gas R ing will be held Friday night at Maine, Mrs. Grace Geltmacher, trail a Cot veing | Pale Blue Fleece —
ew 4 sed Lyus fies the funeral ne home from 7-9 p.m. | Mrs. Blanche Frysinger, Mrs. |’ 2 wor ° in x SUB - TEEN NEW HOME FOR SALE
Bit a nL 24-1 | Amanda Haines, Rev R }.|an endeavol : 0 determine the Size 10 Donegal Springs Road.
Arndt. Mrs. Martha Fogie of P€ song, social, and economic CALL MT. JOY 3-5404 : Call 3-5634 52-3p
Chevrolet's stealing the thunder from the high- Bulletin Adverisii town, Mrs. John Barr, Ironville pro olems ang advantages Ev re cee TT WANTED TO RENT: House a
. . . i ois wi medical practice in rural areas. | : : et
priced cars with the greatest choice going of and Rev. John Ferich, E-town H vy T or near Mount Joy. Moderate
: : 1 ada “There are at the moment on- | avs / - 11 Q rate. Phone 3-9953 between 5
engines and drives! College. ; ti TE 'g een |
gine 3 dave Pays Big Dividends Edith W. Erb visited Mr. and ly eight rural areas in critical ave out ITC and 6: 00 p. m. 52-tfc

What a choice it is! New 162-h.p: “Turbo-Fire V8’ or Mrs. William B. Smith, Mt. Joy need of a physician,” declared FOR RENT: Furnished and un-
two new “Blue-Flame’” 6’s! New Overdrive, Powerglid RD Dr. C. L. Palmer, of Pittsburgh, Recappec furnished apartments — Phone
A BITTE p . ittee. | 3-9012 -tfc
(extra-cost options), or new standard transmission! Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt,chalrman of the C ommittec i Y 3-9012. 1-tfc
® Come in and see how much fun it is to drive the | and Mrs. Irene Snyder visited) ‘and these are being considered For Wintet Now FOR RENT: 5 rooms and bath.

: : wy x yhns and aided as rapidly : ble. | P » Li SV 2293. -2¢
Motoramic Chevrolet of your choice; SMOKEHOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston, ana aided as r apidly as possible Lia Phonc Landi ville 2: ) 1-2¢
! of Lancaster. They also visited There are other areas that do FOR SALE: on East Market St
Lee re ae $ DELICIOUS | Milton Weaver, who is a patient not have physicians but are not GEO. W. LEAM AN Marietta, Fa. One 7-room house
exciling new ways lo go: STAYMAN at the Lancaster General Homi fs 98 Best oO thisstudy || 208 BMA ST. Guiding ots 193 fe fo alley
pital. owever, we hope by this study i MOUNT JOY 3 io 8 § : es : alle) i
& e-room apartments anc
GRIMES Mrs. R. H. Arndt entertained aud fallow 4p sos fo 2 fat i Sat. Write to Box. 53 or Phone
ae nara ates iter eater tara raise esse her S. 8S. Class with a Postiever) S C 0 ennsylva | 6-7155 after 5 o'clock. Marietta.
: : : : Joseph B. Hostetler Christmas Party Mrs. Edith i covered by phy- | | Pa. 2-1c
: ? 3 : Erb had .charge of Devotions siclan-service. ! F SENT no :
: : : Phone Mt. Jov 3-4649 = i OL RENT Small house or
: : : Ione 1-tfe | the group sang C hristmas carols. { LOST auartment in the vicinity of Mt.
: : "| Lunch was served to all BANKS PLAY = poems | Joy. Phone 3.6281 Mt. Joy. 2-1p
: : PICK-UP BARGAINS Visitors at The Arndt Home IMPORTANT ROLE | Florence Fennell lost a wallet.
: : were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hubley! IN FARM ECONOMY i containing papers and cards ——————— oy

and Mrs. Wm. Hubley, Colum-| '3 billion 800 million dollars | valuable only to her. Reward
Clearance Sale bia. Mr. and Mrs. Havard John- iy bank loans to farmers help! for finder. Phone 3- -6363 2-le LEGAL NOTICES
ston. Lancaster, Mr. Donald us the best fed country in| ms = i tT
CHEVROL LET - DODGE - FORD | son and daughter, Gordonville, the world!” This is the message | es ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE

Emer Estate of Sophia Watson also


NEW “TURBO-FIRE V8" WITH : NEW “TURBO-FIRE V8” WITH i NEW “TURBO-FIRE V8" WITH | STUDEBAKER - WILLY'S | Mrs. Marion Yost, Mrs Ethel of the latest project prepared | thw Sophia BK. Wat
: ; {NOWI1 as 0 i / dls
: .. SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION OVERDRIVE : POWEROLIDE | — WILL TRADE — Stoltzfus, and Ida Eisenberger, by the Pennslvvania Bankers | MISCELLANEOUS | decd. late of a Joy Sous
fi ee sii { of town. Association in honor of the | ough, Lancaster County, Pa
: : : : { ° — bate Tap 2 5 Toba Letters of Administration of said
: : : % | RINEHART & SON SLR BROCK] FQQ Site Yarm Show Witch is In { Old cars bought here. Automo- estate having Wa gp Bl Ei
: : : : | STR A SRT «> CHARGED FOR RECKLESS _ ing held in Harrisburg, Jan. 10-| bile parts for sale - batteries, | the undersigned, all Persons in-
: ; : i STRASBURG, PA. DRIVING 14, tires, ctc. Arthur Eisenhauer, | debted thereto are requested to
: : : : { Phones: Stras. 2411 and 2621 Earl Bisenberger Jr., 19, Mt. The message, being carried by | Mount Joy R2, near Milton | make immediate payment and
: : : : | 1.2C | vv R ’e Wargo ’ ock- +. | Grove. Phone 3-5019 1-8p | those having claims or demands
: : . : | Joy R1, was charged with reckK- hanks across the state through | apainst the seme 1 a t
: : : : | ra nn etree | AGAIN e same w rose
: : . : jess driving by Manheim Tw folders. And POSIETS, Seis forth JAY O. KULP AGENCY them without Ir Bs
: : : USED CARS | police as the result of a two-car|figyres on bank services to far-| -* > AY. foi ment to the undersigned
: : : crash early Tuesday on Rt. 230) mers. It emphasizes the fact IS NOW LOCATED MARGARET KAHM
= : | 1954 D d 4 D | near the Manheim Pike inter-/that the nation’s banks are the IN FLORIN il Street
: : : oage | section. leading source of agricultural | IN THE OFFICE EVA RAHM
+ NEW “BLUE-FLAME 123" WITH . NEW “BLUE-FLAME 123" WITH : H - New {ose —leredit, and shows that everyone | Formerly occupied by 142 N. Market St.,
: SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION : OVERDRIVE : TREE ‘SERVICE | berichiis trom. bank credit to the E. Stanley Booth Mount Joy, Pa.
: : ¢ . | ! Administratrix
I NINN NEI nN INN rer ss saa sss a i IRIS 2 | 1953 Chevrolet SAWING PRUNING and farmers. : William C. Rehm
fi 3 | SPR AYING ! Recent figures show that 947 Attorney 2.6c
A x . . + |
Club Coupe of all insured commercial banks | Elmer G. Strickler ee
2H 5} B. B. IBACH Pa in the United States make loans | Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 7-5177 | .g (BIDS WANT ED Got
ing’ i 39 S. Main St. anheim, Pa. Sia Te wo : Se: Si 1 be re-
J Everything s new in the Phone 35-4616 to farmers. This means that | “YoU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCT ceiyed by the Board of Super-
many city banks join county | | visors of Mount Joy Township
1952 Bode 4-Door YOU NEED UNDER MY | until February 4th,” 1955, for
| ak 1} a Discussiifg bank services in} . .
[Ee ik 11951 DeSoto 4-Door Tombstone Lettering farm real estate financing, the Family Security Se may be obtain-

Motoramic Chevrolet |
: banks in extending agricultural ]
Heater Cemetery Memorials credit. COMPLETE [ihe season’s requirements of Bi-
uminous road materials and
Heater PBA points out, “Over 70% of} . . ed by contacting the Secretary,
Me ROY W. HERR all farms bought during the | Fire - - Auto - - Life | Lloyd L. Risser, R.D. 3, Eliza-
More than a new car...a new concept of low-cost motor ing! | i ith Fhone 3-5223 F LORIN, r A. ith | : bethtown, Pa.
| 1948 Pp ymout Mt. Joy 9.ifc|past year were financed with | Accident & Health - - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
pt rt some form of credit. “And banks | 224.13 . Mount Joy Township
EL Een rrr Club Coupe "Beni. F. ‘Garber [lend more money for this pur- Hospitalization Lloyd L. Risser, Secretary
R.& H ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. |posee than all other institutional | | AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE a 2-2¢
ve 2 R NG Te Tu
Dial 7-6361
Metvol Avtomebile Co
Moteal Fire Coy
Life Imuronce Ce.
Homie Office COLUMBUS

lenders. a | -~— — mpm | Try Classified
There is no better way to boost Everybody in this locality reads
{your business than by local news- | The Bulletin—that’s why its adver- for La results
| super adverlising. ) tisers get such excellent results. i
-Stehman Bros.
‘ West Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. Phone Bode. Flyout
ISALUNGA Landisville 2911 J