The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 13, 1955, Image 2

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i . or i Earn ert festa
~ THE BULLETT THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. fare, and our Community Bet- iF Asian | —
0 W L L A F EF S | Published every Thurgday at 11| Thursday. January 13 2| terment, we should make an all | Thoughtful Attention ' |
Fast, Main Street Mount Joy. |-— tn ———————— out effort, and give this No. 1 To Every Detail R |
County, Pa. folks ay roject priority, above and a- .
| parmon D. Smith, Publisher {the younger folks today, that| project p ny JAMES B. HEILIG | |
— re available s" 50| an " |
| were not available to us 50 bove any other Diveitor |
| pai John E. Schroll. | years ago, so again I say we| Furthermore what about our b - |
{Editor and Publisher, 1001-1952 | 7" rr ed streets. we. had: i
| have come a long way in our good paved streets we had in le Si wos 1 IRING
Subscription Rg $2.50 per! Youth Recreation and Develop-| Mount Joy, practically all have RE ve AL REPA
y ar tf Mail 1 ruined by ti fo F d H ADAM H GREER 7
A ay nt. | been dug up and ruined by the {
[Advertising rat’§§ upon request. | ig | Gas Co pA some by the Water r arm an om IE ‘El ER | : i
Entered at tR¥ postoffice at| Now I believe and am con, | bras LO. Fo JEWELE B 0 D Y d F E N D E R S H O P :
{Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class | vinced, (and many others whom | Co. isn’t now the proper time to Hor House Skids { Phone 3-4124 ; an
{ mail under the Act of March 3, I have talked to) that our Sew- | dig up some more, have the dirt 0g ouse on SKiIds MOUNT JOY. PENNA.
1879. age System is p=] | and expense all at one time. Vv 2 hoz houses can be inex: ! 2 |
Member, Pennsylvania News. | a8¢ System is our No. 1 prob-; anc ¢ Doha . : 08 gibi hog | i fa es I |
\ paper Publishers’ Association. | lem facing Mount Joy today, They il not be A Ti A Jem li right W § fo ref 3 nde oy | RD. 2 ALONG 230 ROUTE :
| our health and welfare of the| less they are re;surtaced, patch-} workshop, tne that has been popu rtcarve | lL
. : Row. | ing is rte ary ‘ al is the individual house. For casy mov ae WEST OF FLORIN
Community rates ahead of Rec-|ing is only temporary, take a}! Fo TAD
| N & “i ing, the units are built on skids. FA RETR
Letters To The Editor | reation in anybody's book. Your | drive out N. Barbara St. and A sturdily-constructed hog house gel JU BN) MM DS | 3 SNYDER - PRQP
| front page of the Bulletin Sep-| Sse what I mean. will last a long time, despite frequent | i | PHONE 3-9867 J. S. SNYDER - PRQP. I -
| fn | tember 24 issue states that the! So with sewers the No. 1 pro- | changes of location. The one pictured | BY APPOINTMENT |
Sp | Dear Sir: { or syste ras ‘about com-| ject, let's promote it with the| LL -
7 : { water system was abou ject, S 1 | on
BY A WISE OW L | Through the kindness of the pleted and the water enters the | same amount of enthusiasm, we | {
EY { people of Lancaster County the | new standpipe. The new Done-| had in promoting the new . - - i
When Officer Neiss started to] Salvation Army has been enab- | gal High School is also com- | Donegal High School, and save
fo put a ticket on a car which|led to assist approximately 335| pleted and occupied, all seems|the burden on the tax payers | ER
was double-parked, Monday, al families. | at a pretty well advanced stage. | for the present, and keep fe! Give Your Budget a New
man hurried up and explained | We wish to express oul Si Several vears ago the Com-| Recreation Center movement | Lease on Life in... .
he always double parked when | cere appreciation to the people | munity voted for a sewage aver] for the No. 2 project later. y
he rays e be 3 )
ied od his dentist because rel Mout Joy for their Se tem and disposal plant and yet| Around this time last year the | | A&P % Winter
he Visite : Hs get A 5 or. support of our Christmas wor | today Jan. 1955 it is not even | Bulletin stated that the Water | ih
to igh Ang og | in connection with the recent started.’ would not question for | Authority would start the sew- |
ry about to keep his m | distribution of our € hy istmas { one minute that much of oor|ers this past summer or fall. | is of this type. as its lumber fra k on er an
the pain j magazine, the War Cry | sickness recently, such as polio, | what has happened? Maybe it | is covered ie Masonite qa are rin A
a We of the Salvation J My ex | virus and influenza, is indireet-| is finances holding it up, seems | | ] Feeding a, oa a Wook of Values !
A friend of mine who is to the citizens ol jo oping from our very inade-| to be there would be a way to] FF B00 CHE Hon Eo for aii =
nurse in Philadelphia told me| community our sincere thanks. | 4 ape way of disposing of ‘sew-| do it fe amt spate conto N FOOD STORES EET
of an embarrassing experience; Sincerely : { age all the years. I believe and am ror o make an initial ¥ when they arc Rept clean and moved a
: ‘hen she first started | John S. Bishop, Brigadier | 8 inte 3 “vi gl im to mal A initial Vai n nd | Golden (None Priced Higher)
she had when she first s { would not hesitate in saying| payment now, to be credited to | periodically to clean areas or place . : : 3 Ib
iy hor profession. :She was on| Ga | that in the past 5 years, 9 out of | iy account, and deducted from | "et 102 concrete feeds Al prises 19 i n i 0°
duty. the phone rang in a hospi-| Dear Editor, | 10 homes in Mount Joy had or| the total cost. when completed | . \ Ang 4 ing 1 GS Advertisement are
ini i i i i icly a é i tion of either a single unit six fe ng .
tal and feminine voice inquired I wish to public ly thik au ai now have sewage or disposal! znd connected. I. believe. ihe Ha 9 dither unk ds feat leap Guaranteed through 176 Size
about the condition of a patient, those persons who heipe | trouble. majority of the property owners | nv be obtained by writing Farm Serv- Saturday, Jan. 15th . dozen ¢
Mrs. Gordon. make our opening in My. Joy It is a daily occurance along| would do the same, and avoid a, Suite 2039, 111 West Wash
The nurse replied “Well, pret-! tremendous success Friday nite, | the. streets of Mt. Joy to se€|those sewage and stopped up| ington S . Chicago 2, lil, and request ’ Cris
ty good,” and then went into { Jan. 7, at the elementary school. much of the polluted water from | drain head-aches. What do you] "81! olay No \FB 193. The bureau Burry S$ Chocolate p ae
some detail. At the conclusion, | No other town we have opened | BE ie say Water Auftority? 1 hefiove| 215 tt weaned other piuns F345 Files Pascal Celery: 0 Ex 18 Linge 1 he
the woman on the other end of | in has been as great as te pen along the sidewalks. Many of | Messers. Seiler and Fish, mem-] All i .
the line murmured, “Thank ng 19 Mount Joy. that 4 in our industries had or now have | bers of the Recreation Center Shortcake Gookies Stayman
you.” The nurse conscious that iis proves: io me ia ae} this same sewage trouble, Geo.; Movement committeee would I Bl Job N. / Wi A | -lb. 45 ~
the woman seemed to have had people of I Jos Testy van 2 Brown’s Sons years ago spent| welcome this idea for their dd ? ts 49 inesap pp es bag
an extraordinary interest in the dancing school in the communi=| ] sands of dollars, Gerberich| Printing Plant. 3 - ag n None Priced large ol
patient, asked oo she was. ty and we will do our utmost to, BE ads of dol- Let us chew what we have V2 2 Pala Fresh Cauliflower Higher head 29¢
“Oh,” said the woman, “I'm help the children and make the lars, Seiler Printing and others| already bitten off, and get ‘MARCH OF DIMES 1 Yellow Onions U.S. No. 1 3 Ib. 19 :
Mrs. Gordon. My doctor never | community proud that we are | are having a very difficult prob- | started NOW, not next month, RE i phn HX akes ; Wag ;
. Fv \ : ply : = 3 x .
tells me anything. ty 2 ys and Mrs { lem at this writing. not next summer, not next win- ey large c giant c { Fresh Spinac Washed & Soke 19 4
ii Ine a yy o i Many places through out the | ter and not next YEAR. i — a k 32 63 :
Mari t Jorn Way forthe lisp and eof nity are ill drained (one| Very sincerely Electric . pra. pkg.
A Marietta street man re- it they have given in| community are > y ely, 2 :
turned home from work last Sears to Mt. | in particular at the rear of the CHARLES L. ESHLEMAN | and Gas Ee ing L T | 0 dozen 49° 3
night to find a note from his Joy and to Mr. Charles Heaps, | peanut factory on David St.) the B eth _— Also Specialize On : Rinso arge emp e range \
Afe which read: Out with, = 3p for | that may cause breeding places| To the Bulletin, 50 | {Snow Cio
w ; Ri 3 - elementary school te Rohe for} : itoes during the sum- I am writing this not for FARM MACHINE WELDING | Bi P
Mary Simmers, my old room- |... = cooperation in for mosquitoes during the ; neu ue Detergent F p 9 92g:
mate. No dinner in the refriger- giving us the use of the school | mer. The whole town is under- game, nig for a correcyon. AND EQUIPMENT { iris . hd . rozen eas pas. 2
ator. Forget it. Do you good. facilities and the fine environ- mined at present with : sewage, : me Pei in Hs San Automobile and Truck Welding roe 32 = 63 Seabrosk Farms Frozen Polatoss \ .
i i ‘he wavy rains come| 3. concerning e ancing .
| ment in which we have to teach | which when heavy come 3. near dancing | 7 AWN MOWER SHARPENING S01.
| f i i floods many cellars of our school, evidently misreac m; [1H ries
It is quite true that some | and give your children guidance. | § an, ie a plus | letter some. Now 1 know that ' ; Aia pkgs.
gi n talk vou deaf, dumb |I also would like to thank those | homes, Wilh Suri cn. FERIA Care Catv W Id Sh i H Cap'n John 10-02, c
BR : pons who have written let- | much of the sewage that, has] gon happen very dig. noi over S e in 0 } X Frozen Fish Sticks pkg, 35 : RY
; | ters to the Bulletin in our be- | polluted the underground. 1 re- | Ga : my ey hes r i Delta and Marietta Streets Cleaner Cho ped Brocco li Birds Eye 2 10-02, 35° — cr
5 a) venye: ag 4 Eg « rmit- : :
«half and to all the children and | call several years ago the Tien. € ou nit e pe mi MT. JOY PA. Phone 3-5931 | p po
jlere's 8.16% Facts Fou, cant arents for the fine discipline | letin was compelled to dri | ted {0 conduct a dancing school. 2 14-01. 25 Oran e Juice Crosse & 6-02. 10
s s : Sal, > Eavi
“gon ta 1s car thor Pe cooperation on opening | drain out in the i | hos FOUR SIH mich cans A g S Sluskval Rays ¢
ou, cou Fiye a ca } wi : is : the office door, probab- | ¢ 2 & > : How 10:07, .
rt p : sh to thank | front of the o | sparagus ears 29
: ¢ it | night. We also wi | dA here: wo afe
et “the Bulletin for their much|ly before to long I may 4 - rotted Cie ovr opin- resi, oaste Lifebuo he LA I TN
You substituted.’ gin and! needed help. : foo She Jo ane oy yi al ions, and we can 20 to church, Sunnyfield Creamery : (None Priced Higher} -
sermouth for milk and choco-| In behalf ‘of the entire siaff of j FESite, \WIO OWS. 1% & «= rel if we so choose, or we can go Soa IIb 1) Inl,-1b, Ib Am
ke 2% you would have al teachers, Miss Rose Mariel EROWE foot un I oot | to a dance or a ball game, or P Butter Solid : 65° ir : 67°
ae Syrup 3 you sad of a ch | Grossman, teacher of ballet, | a steady stream of polluted wa- | € ar a ortho Pe On regular size A is rints
ary Farting ohpx id | Miss Gail Wilbert. receptionist | ter and human waste 1s flowing | 2 movie,.ele. & Hie C adhe ees shoe restview Brown and White
tage: mille: Shake. d assistant teacher, Gene Ral- | daily down through the center demn Ms Joy sone . J L dozen in c
Texas would be smaller than and assis CY Te Eb- | of our town, (unbeknown to people desire a dancing school. “ arge gas dred ei 43
California if it weren't any big- | ston, tap and Pears we many) along the south side of | I still believe that there is no Lifebuo ASP Seoti ; @ carvon
: srsole sacher acrobatics, 2 | Iman) - : : oe ag ; 2c
than Connexion ee Seti Hem aed success | Main Line, of the Penna. Rail-| nicer place to live than in good}1g N. Market St. Mount Joy y al 16
Sy d with your cooperation | road tracks. This green polluted] old Mo! Jor Edi 44-1{c ; Soap Grapefruit 2 Sao 29° 4
A A SS send | aX] . Fe ta A the} Thank you Mr. g vs
what you J 5h you ” Dancingly yours, | waste or se aad is finding id an B i ’ B t Sal bath si A&P §
me some good laffs. | ry he tracks. from el WE LGE] ath dre
LYDE G. NICKLE, Director | way to t ; i; : rs beau on 27
BE ¢ | homes glong. the "worth side of | FL hoi oys ya Pa cakes Pineapple Juice 2a 25¢
3 Var , nen: ® — < ee , Fd. -—
A local business man, harried] Dear Editor: West Donegal St. only because : p= : Eas ca
and hurried and explosive pe-| In reply to your September the underground is so saturated | Yoon 11 hone of rag Cad Wares ce A&P Corn Golden Whole Kernel 16-02, 25°
cause af the amount of work he | and Jan. 6th edition of the Mt.| now that it will absorb no Ws hing) kindly remember the Bulleti Call Mt. Joy 3.4339 Lux Soap or Cream Style cans
= 3 . bray Tas living betwee 317 a i Mt, Joy 3-433¢ . oe
Hove: he 2 pi ro Joy Bulan ee gd ne ig ih a] Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. Maude Buller, Prop. i eqular size c Tomato Juice Be] bh 25° edi 28°
y a phychiatrist to do only SIX] jj, response to the activity of|and 32 onegal St. are very | 3 ular si 25 :
hours of work in an eighteeny,. youth Recreation Center | familiar with this situation. Bs oi ro ervice: ua it Meats cakes Dried Pea Beans Ls iT is 31: ;
hour day and spend one day a| ovement, for the necessary| As I stated at the original | i i 0 t | S y . . : y pkg.
; sar 5 | 12-02,
week at a cemetery. knowledge or information rel- | meeting of the Citizens at the | FOR 0 A FULL LINE OF Mixed Dried Fruit — 35°
“What am I supposed to do ative to the use of the former | High School (now grade school) . ALS v Lux Soap Oran e Juice Florida Sweetened 18-02, 23°
in a cemetery?” he asked. Grade School Grounds at Mari- | Aug. 30 T was in favor of using | Insects-Rodents-Vermin BIRDS EYE 8 or Unsweetened cans
“Nothing much,” said tde| and Market Street, I here-| the present Marietta School | In Homes - Farms - Places of And: bait ie . Tomato Juice Cockiai College 45-02, 23
psychiatrist, “Just look around.| ith state my views of the sit-| grounds, for a Children’s and | Business FROSTED P-FOODS er hh ha
Get acquainted with some of}, io, | kiddies play ground, as I have| westerners > i C t St . 152-02,
i : | HE Guaranteed Termite Control & V t bl ona ui rng eas 28
the men already in there per-| 1 paye been looking forward | known it for the past 50 years, ruits egetabies cans
) y vga
mantly. And remember that{, ro ding your weekly replies|and then plan for a building WM J POWERS Agar Luncheon Meat 3 12.01. J 00
they didn't finish their work from other citizens, but am at al later on. Trees could be plant- | Jo | Swan Soap ye :
either. Nobody does, you Know."} 155 to know why so few are in. | ed, ground could be seeded, ad) 121 W. BAINBRIDGE ST. KRALL S Meat arkel wy) Treel, Prem or Spam Ru, a1
— - terested in the Youth Center | benches installed and plan for a ETOWN -- PHONE 280W Qe ar size 25¢ * Ann
% | © TC 1 nN Cc
A bride-to-be was showing | Movement, which vou so re-| more adequate project later on.| __3i-tfc ’ WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY cakes Prepared Spaghetti Page cans 3
her friend a list of guests to be quested in your Dec. 2 issue. It A building such as was isos. Preserves Mois Page wale 1-1. 25° 2:1b, 45 ‘
invited to the wedding. probably means this that the!sed at the meeting, probably | FURNITURE : Fine pple jar jar F
| « 5 5 | 2% a Bs.
After her friend had read the| Youth Recreation movement at | would cost about 50 to $75,000, | | Swan Soap Apricot Keclar Rg an 35¢ | N
names she looked puzzled. | this time is not the No. 1 pro- it would not be just the, cost, Cake Mixes Betty Crocker, Devil's Food, 20-0z, ¢ 3
“What's the matter?” asked | ject facing the community at but maintainance and supervis- large size ¢ White, Yellow or Marhle pkg. 35
i : i y > another item of | ’
the bride-to-be. the present time. | ion would be ano ® | cakes 29 5-lh. c 10-1h. c 4
“Isn't it rather strange,” ask- I have been a resident of Mt. | cost as well. Qualit For Qu ty | Granulaied Sugar bag 43 bag 96 |
i 7 ifty years, wi r. Editor in your litorial | 4
ed the friend, “vou have only | Joy some fifty years, was born, Mr. Editor in your ed | y | 16-02. c
put down the names of married | raised and lived within one half | of Nov. 11, you stated “What a- | B Cold Stream Pink Salmon can a7 €
couples?” ; block of the Marietta St. school | bout sewers,” in that article | WE ARE B reeze Kellogg S Corn Flakes 18:4, 25° i
“Yes. that was Bill's idea.| practically all of that time, from | you stated that the lack of a | C | D : i pkg.
Don’t vou think it’s clever? He} 1900 to 1955 we have come a| sewer system can be nothing E e ergen Kraft Caramels th. 23
says that if we invite only mar-{ great way and a great deal of | but a deterent to prospective in- NEVER KNOWINGLY large c giant c Cheesa 11h, ag
ried people the presents will be progress has been instituted in dustrial and residential A pkg. pkg. Velveeta ces hia 49 24a 89
5 Rt’ Movement and Rec-, opment. This is very, very true i
al clear prof. Ee ha a = UNDERSOLD BI Sot | Orange Chiffon Cake i! 45 i -
the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts | several years many industries | ur . . sede} f
; is & 7 a, i i | pecial ¢
doe. is a man ho oa. the Cub Scouts, several of | planning to come to Mount Joy, ® D | Jane Parker Pumpkin Pie pil 39
watches the flock Be SN »” which are sponsored by our lo- | for the lack of adequate sewers, P | Detergent ;
mains just one 2 ha 4 . toi sanizations HV slsewhere, ask our . u
cal Civie Organizations, we| have gone elsewhere, ( :
have a kindergarten, we have a | Secretary of our local Chamber DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE I} gene 32 Fon 63° Lux Liquid Sil D i
One day little Margie went) {hird High School Building, |of Commerce. 1 E | pkg. Deter nt liver |
with her dad when he drowned | .,ch, one much advanced over Now probably sewage system AT NI Y ge | : !
the: extra kittens: When she be-| {he other. We also have our| is not far off, but then again | A&P Sauer Kraut late . gia 9 ie 33: giant 65
gan crying’ he let her keep one|c,mmer playground activities at| maybe it can be speeded up a I cn "| pha. pkg.
8 Py x | | can —
of them. the Borough park, plus the aec-| bit, now that we have a new ap- — a 27.01." 93c
On the following Sunday they | tivities of the JoyCees, and the | pointment in Mr. Robert Ros- ! cans S os
took her twin brothers to - be Junior Chamber of Commerce, | ser, after all it does require { PHONE 3-5601 pry Rinso
baptised. As they neared the|We are located close to such| years to complete one. While | A&P A le ce :
fort, tears swelled in little Mar-| towns as Lancaster, Middle-| this problem of sewage bi cen MOUNT JOY, PA. pr Sa Shortening large 39 giant 63
by ' ] Rov. 8 i 5 ’s > n ’
gie's eyes and she suddenly] town, Hershey, and Elizabeth on everybody's tongue for mony c lb, ¢ ¢ pkg. pkg. |
blurted, “Which one are we|town, which provide such acti-| years, 1 believe many are ee y cans coh oan
ddy?”’ sities skati - it financially, as well as 4
gonna keep, Daddy” vities as roller skating, swim-| for i 3 |
wo ming, and ice skating. These are | mentally, I know I am. Venetian Blinds—~Window Shades 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, P A.
A WISE OWL : some of the activities afforded! Considering our Health, Wel-