The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 30, 1954, Image 5

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SANTANA a AT aA Tae habe ihe ie

iat abet hth! ated ate sc inte Sx

By Mrs. Edith Erb
and Mrs.

Your Best Mr. Raymond Geist

Veda es
Aran Ten





| les Kauffman and family, Silver 2 SHORT COURSES ARE
liam Kauffman
John Kauffman, Ironville, | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. [
Mrs. Loreen Witmer and chil) Thursday, December 30 5
dren visited Mr. and Mrs, Char-|

Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| READY AT PENN STATE
Spring and
of| Applications are now being You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably
For Sale or Rent
a a]
FOR RENT: 3 fine Professional


or Commercial office rooms;
| Central location, heat & hot wa-

: A
aed and children of Blue Ball, were | Ironville, | received for two short courses Through the ter supplied. Vacant. Apply
2 New Year Resolution Ie {Chrismas day guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Witmer|/to run through the month of 8 | Mrs. D. C. Stoner, 72 E. Main
ae XR Mrs. John Miller | and sons of Esbenshade Road| February at the Penna. State TY : " | St., Mount Joy. 36-tfc
RI 2% Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt! visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard| University, Dr. David R. Me- WAN | ADS | Two furnished rooms for house-
ee Sho Id B alte 3 {i | wi YY: |Clay, director of short courses, | | : ‘ ith privat
RI u e | nd Mrs. Irene Snyder visited | Witmer and family. i Llay, direcior ol sho HES, | keeping, 2nd floor, with pr vate
a 3 Mors. Beulah Gamber at the St.| Visitors at the Arndt Home announced. entrance, porch and powder
He T U 0 S : HE Jose sph Hospital and Mr. Milton | were Mrs. Mary Hershey, Mrs. These courses are in Dairy M DOOR room. Phone 3-9012. c
RK o se ur ervice 3 Weaver at the General Hospital, | Anna Mae Gablel and daughter, Farming, and Livestock Farm- FOR S A LE STOR Four rooms and private 2
po a Lancaster on Friday. | Maytown, Mr. and Mrs. Willis| ing. Both begin February 2 and ECIAL Deter 3-002, an
2s Re larl : Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kuhns | Reiley, Mr. Ewoold Wilson, Mr. continue to March 2, he CX BABY COACH $30, plastic cov- SP ot :
a L y,
RI a , xin plained. Many of those enroll: |er included; Bathinette $8; Baby : FOR SALE
{visited M 1 Mrs. Albert En- 1 Mrs. Havard Johnston, of Plained. Many 10s¢ enroll- Th pt 09) Gf i
; 3 ‘| r. anc Is Albert En {and Mrs. Havar ; Ste n, So he General Farming |Scales $5: Teeter Babe $4; Two 1Vex2 - 8x6-8 $22.50 Half of a double house -. six
200% 3 5 glerth, Blossom Hill and Mr.| Lancaster and Mr. Miles Wilson, ing in the renera arming | Mrs. Jacquie Matoney, 1Vex3 - 0x6-8 $23.50 rooms, bath, hot air oil heat,
ot @ Mrs. Joseph Hoover, Lan-| New Holland. short course January 5 to Feb- 11 E. Main, Mt. Joy . Ph. 3-4621 : large cellar, attic with cedar
as 2 caster, last week. | Mr. and Mrs. John 2 may choose to continue 52-tfc 60 Bags of Plaster closet. W. Youd St., Florin, Fall
ie y Ml Robert Witmer, Marietta is|and family, spent Christmas in lil of Le &nimal short cour- | Typewriters, Add. Mach’s, Cash $1.00 per bay Mt. Joy 3-95
"ee z Ss ending the week with his aunt | with Mr. and Mrs. William Ry-|S $65, ac sale, Sp . Registers, Check Writers, Safes, HEEMS SER &
Ab YOU PHONE — WE CALL 6 Sand " vi it ; M 1 Mre. J {in animal disease, feeding, man- | High St, E-town. Ph. 14J. 8-18-t MILLWORK, INC. Call 3-5634 52-3p
A at unday afternoon and even- /isitors o r. and Mrs. Jno. ment, and have special em- | Mt. J 3. Phone 3-6091
Eo ing Rev. and Mrs. R H. Arndt | Grossman, were Mr. and Mrs.| age men, an t ive oh a wii FOR SALE: Used Auo Parts, Mi. Joy R-D- 2 | D. 2 y- | WANTED TO RENT: House in
2H $if| visited Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L.| Wm. Geltzenlichter and Mr. [Diao Oh Pasture an grassland | ires, Auto Heaters. Koons Au- or near Mount Joy. Moderate
Mansons ana SLSR SNR Uae Ibe eh 0, OOOO J EY i aaa “7 ‘management. Much of the in-|to Parts & Wreckers, Hummels- 7s No TRICK - rate. Phone 3-9953 between 5
WRENS: BT eT wT Te SE Campbell iy family, Lancaster] fol Crossman, struction is of a practical na- town R. D. bs Soe ets 70 and $:00 p- I Sede
| iat of Wr. and Mrs. Aris hristmas day guests of Mr. ture to augment the classroom | Phone Hershey 3-9 Te \ GET FOR RENT: 4 room, lst floor
tice ittle were Mr. Jose ph and Mrs. Edward Isler and work. Dr. McClay said. Muscovy Ducks & Geese. Wilbur RESULTS apartment. with conveniences,
MAKE i OPENING NEXT CHRITTIAS nd Santhier Suma tid My Trews: yrs’ @ epee |E. Miller. Phone 3-3737. 49-tfc TBE from The at Newtown. Phone 3-5765.
(Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Hallgren | were Mr. and Mrs. John Wittel,| a. 52-1¢
land granddaughter, Mount Joy, | Florin and Mr. Abner Weaver esas, nevispuners but | AUTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, ) WANT
i nm’ Rev. Tot 0 Feri i EB town C i en ana: Mr. 4 é | NOT everybody reads circular ad buy old cars, all kinds of scrap iron
REALLY OPENING”! Rov Je 1 So ch, E-t W 1 Co ; Mount Joy. | sertising left on their door step. and also sell stove wood. Guy D. ADS
{le oN al ey. a, 3 ov 1 a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood of} Spittler, Phone Mt. Joy 3-5573. 40-t4 yO MISCELLANEOUS
|and Mrs. Charles Hallgren anc | Marietta and Rev. John Ferich,
Make regular weekly | family, | Stow: Cottons visited Mr. arcs Cemetery Memorials pares. eShop, 106 N Da vy
. oh . ” py 7 J er il ess Music Shop, 106 . ar- ee
savings deposits, start- i ny a A gd es | Mrs. Harry Weaver and Mr. Tombstone Lettering |iet st. Elizabethtown. 4-tfc PAPERHANGING — Just re
: : ote | € a 3 er rere "1S 1dS A s Wi Tr. | ——————— » ) p—. -
ng right how, 1 ow {day guests of Mr. and Mrs. mos I Y W. HERR aE) peived the hew 1938 & 156
/ {Charles Wittle and family. Col. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau-| RO STORM DOOR books, over 500 patterns to
arabia R D $ = rice Frysinger, Mrs. Kate Moore; Fhone 3-5223 FLORIN, PA. | choose Jot. op Ice estimate,
oe BR Jian | Mrs. Ida Eisenberger were! 52-tfc TWIN TUB ‘dial 3- arles Garlin, Mt.
1955 Mrs. Serena. Fogle spent) ad a a bani am Rp MAN gen SPECIAL / i i
[Christmas with Mr and Mrs. j= Ella Sherk, Mt. Joy. Mr] MIDDLE AGE WOMAN Dexter Washer Any students desiring private
’ [Charles Fogie ¢ fami SE ie 4 ; :
Ct ristmas {Charles Pop and Paul Diffenderfer, Florin, Mr.| TO CARE FOR THREE - 8x68 - SAVE $50 instrumental lessons to be given
1) | re 2d Mrs. Claude Be igle, | John Frysinger, Manheim and] CHILDREN 1Y8x3 - 0x68 - a their Homes plese, contact
{| Mount Joy, visited Mrs. Serenaf = 50 ; Living Quarters : 3 h eorge ouck, ocal music
| Foie. | Mrs. Serena Fogie, of town. Living Quaniers 60 Bags of Plaster Reg. $219.95 Sale $169 teacher, call Mt. Joy 3-5853.
|| Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, vis-| _ Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Is- CALL MT. JOY 2.5534 $ 1.00 per bag ONLY ONE LEFT 52-2¢
| dla Sumpman, Mt. Joy, Mr.| . | . ‘8 3
{ited Mr. and Mrs. John Sterback | 42 : RHEEMS Sar B & WANTED: A room or hall, one
fe. Mrs B land Mrs. Salem Gamber and = tr TNT I ight in Flori
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johns | | \ Wn night weekly, in Florin or Mt.
lot on Sunday | daughter, Columbia RD, Mr. and] Boni, Sather Mt. J Je a Phas 3-6091 KEENER S Joy, Yo teach the children of
, Receive in 50 Weeks. | entertained recently at a pre- | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gamber and FARM BUREAU SEWING MACHINES FOR a a A room about. the
$ 5.00 | Christmas dinner the following: | So Manheim, Mr. and Mrs. Retest Avtomebils fasorsncs Go. [ff SALE: New and used Repairs size of the second floor of the
© M4250 iy Mire IT} Chilahs Havard Johnston, Lancaster, Motel Fire Insoronce Con for all makes of sewing mach- {| sified (fire house. We are unable to pay
Ln 25.00 |Mr. and Soin Bey ap and. Rev. John Ferich. Etown Lifs Insorance Co. ines. J. V. Binkley, 111 N. Mar- ry as |a large amount of money for
50. and family, Springfield, Fa., Mr. | © = Pd { Pr RT LL Reel ket St, Elizabethtown, Penna. %
Jono i Nes oo " Campbell | College. - - - I 71450 Sh 20-tfc ick resu resulfs | ea Or Pees ar
250. Ie vy or wih . | iq "a p i “ | | — for ( jut Ol
250.00 {and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hav-| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. jall classes of families may par-
50006 Ee hnston. Lancaster. Mrs. | Haines were Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd| |Earn $25 to $30 part time show- J os — | ticipate, Please” contact + John
tard Johnston, Lancaster, Mrs. | sing nN ing new metal products, Alcoa | Way at Way's Appliances Store,
|| Elizabeth Hitchcock, Mrs. David Nentwig and family, Mr. and | Subsidiary. Call Columbia | a8 W. Main St, Mount Joy or
|| Hershey, and Mrs. Katherine | Mrs. Kenneth Alexander, Florin, 4-4712. 43-8-p Have Your Tires | Clyde Nickle, Nickle’s School of
Wilson, Guests of the Arndt|{Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rollman of | > HE re) | C Arts, telephone Harrisburg
{| Home | Lititz EXPERIENCED Dene Sores you beauti- | 6-8545. 49-tic
MOUNT JOY BANK | Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. El-| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. How- | ful unbroken lines. Call Mrs. Recappec | SD
OF MOUNT JOY {wood Kuhns were Mr. and Mrs. | ard Gamber were, Mrs. Blanche] WAITRESS dyn B. Aker Spencer : JAY O. KULP. AGENCY
: to sien Mie Katie rea) |Corsetiere 3-4949. -ie - 1
Mémber of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation {{Paul Lehman, Milton Grove, | Frysinger, ; Mrs. Katie Moore ; | For Winter Now { IS NOW LOCATED
|IMr. and Mrs. Albert Englerth, | Mrs. Ida Eisenberger, Mrs. Sere- APPLY AT THE [Outstanding selection of good | IN FLORIN
AMPLE FREE PARKING SPACE l Blossom Hill, Mr. Gardner Hoo- | na Fogie, Mrs. Wm. Haines, {used gas stoves, 3 burner hot IN THE OFFICE
¥ rte do ee |ver. and daughter, Miss Ella| town, Mr. and Mrs. Salem 20 | h i i | plate and ‘8 ¢u. f(t. Serval gas C 2A | Formerly occupied by
| Hoover, Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. | ber, Columbia R. D. Rev. Ferich| Inco I es auran | refrigerator. Ward Bottle Gas, GEO. W. LEAMAN { E. Stanley Booth
| Hoo ver, 1 y {25 S. State St., Ephrata. = 51-tfc 208 E. MAIN ST
Wh Y D I St t h |Geo. Irvin and family, Wash-| of E-town College, © Mrs. Mark] 32-tfe | oy | 2 SR ua Fo
ere our ollars rerc lineton Boro. Misses Janet, Peg-| Winters, Mrs. Bud Winters, Mrs. FOR SALE {
5 3 30 Se. we ye 1 . | fa — {
| gy, ing Bante iim r and Ba on Winters, Manheim, Mr. and A p p E S GIRL S WINTER COAT LEGAL NOTICES
[ty Geltmacher, o own. irs. | Mrs, Abram ramper, |! S Pale B ue F le oCe |
Kuhns was on the sick list. Snyder, and Rev. Arndt, town. | SUB - TEEN SERVICE
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mrs. Edith Erb visited Mr | Size 10 | AT youR | EXECUTRIX’ NOTICE
Geltmacher and famiy wlere,| and Mrs. John V. Witmer and SMOKEHOUSE | CALL MT. JOY 3-5404 \/ MADAp, » | de ag of pe Gather,
: ads : i na . is i: ate of Mount Joy Town-
| Mr. Harold Stoppard and son, son, E-town RD, and was a DELICIOUS 'RAMES FOR GIFT POR. | [Shi Lancaster County, Pa.
land Evelyn Wagner, Ironville.| Christmas dinner yes of Mr.| STAYMAN | TRAITS $1.50 up. Ready to} Letters testamentary on said
| Christmas dinner guests were | and Mrs. Norman Brose) and GRIMES |show movie films, $1.95 up, Col- | | estate having been granted to
Mrs. Minnie Geltmacher and | family, Silver Spring slides 10c. Viewmaster reels.’ undersigned, all persons in-
ay, Kinderhook, and Mr Christmas dinner guests of color films, Flash lamps, photo |debted thereto are requested to
ha or ot tar ik Wd Mrs. i J h B [suppliers. Victor Klahr, Kear of |make immediate payment, and
John Geltmacher of town. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmel osep . 0S gp er | Post Office, Middletown. §2-lc {those having claims or demands
1 . . . Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Long] Phone Mt. Joy 53-4649 es : 4 against the same, will present
\ Revie wore. My. Thomas Nace. 1 hildren. Mr. Robert For wet JOY 0D Extension table, iron double them without delay for settle-
Some Real Values In Nice Clean Automobiles | Fogle were: Mr. Thom i : ; i ne pans on . 5 - i R vl A9-4c | pag with spring, round parlor | ment to the undersigned,
1953 FORD - 2 DOOR TRUCKS Mt. Joy and Mr. Aftred Atland, wood, Florin and Wr. Rufus) table. Phone Marietta 6-2107 | ESTHER H. DIFFENDERFER
| Columbia. Landis, Chambersburg FOR SALE { 52-1¢ Florin, Lancaster County, Pa.
1952 FORD 2 DOOR 6 cyl. | 1951 FORD 1 TON CAB & Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer Visitors of Mr. and Mrs gi | 5 Executrix
1948 PONTIAC STATION | CHASSIS | and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. | Moore were Mr. and Mrs N. FOR SALE pu | William 2 ows, ih
WAGON RES ee rs peer en | Pyank, York, i Rison T b St | | Nv NT I er
4 Frank, Watertown, iss NOTICE
1947 FORD 2-DOOR 6 cyl. |’ HST Bs 00acCo CH " | Pols
G.I. APPROVED cs Elva and Arlene 4h of USED | Policyholders of the Mount
1946 FORD 2-DOOR | (8 mos. old) Rohe. Mis. Janes. York, Mr BUY NOW AND SAVE E REFRIGERATOR | { Joy Mutual Insurance Company
1 < no nS, WVILES. « Ny i . 11 - \ 2 NZ —— a ————————————————————————————————— & > I x -
194 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR | 1947 INT. 2 TON i NO DOWN PA YMENT and Mrs. Cyrus Leitheiser, Col | > 3 2 ~ ae HELP WANTED or thet She NY
1941 PLYMOUTH Club Cpe. | CAB & CHASSIS umbia, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 550 | { will be held at their pe
m ’hite, Mrs. Katie Gladfelter,| La | office, No. 23 South Market
3 - Bedroo S Whit NE xX I is a USED FEMALE | Street, Elizabethtown, Pa., on
Mrs. Robert Friday and children : ol
) | AS RANGE : - 2 mr | January 10, 1955, between the
° LL BASEMENT Mrs. Laudenberger and children Ph. Mt. Jov 3-5216 GAS RANG Sige Aan iF hours of 2:00 and 3:00 O'clock,
FU of Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- $40 A ge G pe | P.M, R32 the purpose of elect-
man Brosey and children, Silver FLORIN, PA. J aod JINN BPO ay Pung ing Directors of the Company.
: i X ply ety 3 | | Mount Joy R2. 52- |
SALES SERVICE On Beautiful Birchland Ave.}| spring. — | USED | aaa EH jos D.L L Lan ANDIS, Sec'y
| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-| ] 1 i NJ = ir 3 ino | dele ) 1e a § €) | S1 REHOI, DER'S MEETING
MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-9701 Restricted - Cr a : or Loster) J. N. KEENER WRINGER WASHER | worker. Werte Hox L . THE UNION NATIONAL MT.
: a a 3 | $7 2/0 The Sul etm, JOY BANK
A Long and daughter, Florin, Mr. Memon als 520 { Mount Joy, Pa. 52-1¢ The regular annual meeting
PURE LE ERA Rw | MOUNT JOY, PA. and Mrs. Marvin Garner and lana | = Sess of the shareholders of the Union
n family, Wrightsville RD, Mr. Al- eo & LEAMAN S EXPERIENCED | National Mount Joy Bank will
py iT IR ie : . . tao MAYTOWN, PA. =x be held at said bank in the Bor-
3 PHONE E-TOWN | fred Atland, Columbia, Mis: | . CETTE {
» egy Kolar: Red Lion and Mrs 208 E. MAIN STREET | Se Ww ing Ma hi n ough of Mount Joy Pennsylvan-
7-1455 EVE. 7-2701 | Fegey Kolar, Red Lion and Mr MOUNT JOY oC cnine ia, on Tuesday, January 11,
3 ; Pearl Brenneman, Mt.-Joy RD. GENERAL Rr ————— as we 1955 at ten o'clock A. M. for
A 40-tic Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, . oie Operators | ihe Slestion of directors and for
— | 1 iad MP. i Mrs. Wm. 3g - =: [such other business as may
a rec edo | wi Iu d we. and She Win oo Roofing and Siding er | come before the meeting.
iN USED CARS | ver, C and 1 an Mrs. | THARS LD — Sy CARL S. KRALL.
3 | Norman Brosey, Silver Spring. | TY Se GO antec 50-4c¢ Chie
Nn Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer — SPOUTING — yp >=
4] wit viel Slr. and Mrs SHAREHOLDER'S _ MEETING
1953 Chevrolet 2 { and family visited Mr. and Mr: REPAIR WORK APELY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK
1950 Oidsmobile 1953 Chevrolet

2-DOOR, low mileage 2 DOCH SEDAN »
“= AL
3 Club Coupe

R. &H
1952 Ford
2-Door 0. D.
R. & H. Very Clean
1951 DeSoto
Heater - Very Clean
1953 Plymouth Very Clean
4-DOOR, clean
1949 Ford Panel

1952 Olds ““88""
Two-tone red & black,
Hydromatic, R & H

2 Chevrolet Pick-Ups
Newcomer Motors, i.
Phone 3-4821

Open Evenings
Stehman Bros.
Dodge & Plymouth
| Daniel Geltmacher are
Landisville 2911 |
Calvin Shenk, and
Mr. and Mrs
caster RD.
Amos Landis, Lan Wheary’s Roofing Co.

Mrs. Edith Erb and Mrs. B et-| 122 W. High St., MAYTOWN,
ty Brosey and children vis sited| Phone Marietia 6-9175
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank and] 48-tfc |
family of Paradise. 3 |
Mrs. ‘Matilda Derr and Mrs.
Elmer G. Strickler
Elizabethtown, Pa.
to falls.
injuries due Phone 7-3171

Mrs. Edith Erb visited Mrs.
fv v
Paul Witmer and chidren olf] You wii ONLY | ar mE

Family Security
I want to wish all my friends a
Happy New Year and to thank
—— Fire "yn Auto -e Life [all those who sent me cards,
| : « flowers, gifts, and fruit on my
Accident & Health | birthday and at Christmas. Mrs.

Hospitalization {Emanuel Sumpman. 52-1c
AND MORTGAGE IINSURANCE Everybody in this locality reads
35-11 | The Bulletin—that’s why its adver-
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin

Mt. Joy 3-9661
— |

| Hesteco Mfg.

‘For best
PHONE 7-1145


Se... A meeting.
des- |
prices for antiques.of any
cription. Mr. Hart, 151 N. Char-
lotte St., Manheim, Pa, Phone
5-2163. 2-24-11

Raw furs, skinned or on carcass.
results sell to whole-
sale buyers dealing the year
‘round in hides, fats, etc. 49th
year in business. KEYSTONE
HIDE COMPANY, Lancaster,
Pa. 48-5¢
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.

Inc. |
The regular annual meeting
of the shareholders of the First
National Bank and Trust Com-
pany of Mount Joy will be held
at said bank in the borough of
Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, on
Tuesday, January 11, 1955 at 11
| o'clock A. M. for the election of
directors and for such other
| business as may come before the

but they get

Patronize Bulletin Advertisers,
So dg Aare
L 2