The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 30, 1954, Image 2

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O W L L A F E S | Published every Thursday at 11 | Thursday, December 30 2] Tax Assessment | ; :
| East Main Street, Mount Joy. | EARS i (Continued from Page 1) | Start the New Year off right by buying an applionce from
Lancaster County, Pa. entertained the {following = on So ss : . Leia k
| They, therefore, came to the Ward Botlle Gas. Gas is the nation’s number one cook-
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher | Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs,
: Robert Gantz and Mrs. Viola |
Subscription Rate $2.50 per| Mr.and Mrs. Victor Brooks
year by Mail and daughters, and Mr. Frank-
Advertising rates upon request. | lin Eichler, spent Christmas day
A tntered at the postoffice at| ith relatives in York
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
conclusion that the use of land
| maps was imperative if every-
John E. Schroll,
Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952
ing fuel, and it saves you money wherever you use it.
one was to pe assessed who

See our large display of gas stoves, water heaters, reirig-
should be assessed. They could
conveniently located branch
find no other means or system erators, etc. at either our
that was nearly as accurate inf gore 25 S. State St. Ephrata, or our main office, Ephrata
accounting for all the land as, R. 1. Ward Bottle Gas.

mail under the Act of March 3, | Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hess en- | the use of tax maps
1879 entertained the following to . WE ay 52-tfc
Member, Pennsylvania News- In the matter of appraising

| dinner on Christmas, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Kauffman, Mrs. Adah
| property, these more progressive
states were uniformly using the " . es

paper Publishers’ Association.
— ————————————
Eichler and daughter, Margaret,
EDITORIAL: , James Musser and Mrs. Claude
Espenshade and son, David
Mrs. Albert Frank Sr.,, and
Mount Joy Borouzh. water | { Mrs. Albert Frank Jr and
7 NY ry M10 JO noug valter 1S |
BY A WISE OWL. | Su daughter of Philadelphia, are
tested weekly. According to
Eien spending several days with Mr struction costs based on the
AlLiSou Rave to. do . now is) Samuel Miller, the borough wa- and Mrs. Charles Frank, Church News {adult theme, “The Bible - The | syuare foot area of the improve GENERAL REPAIRING
Hess |
ter is sampled and sent to Har- | Vs py mT 1 »
get the bills paid and Christmas! ihre re AE ates realy Mr. and Mrs. Landis (Source of Christian P'eaching.’ ment.
- where it is tested ‘weeks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship; |
will be over for 1954. lv. Every week a report is sub- EWS Rm lg nk Pt detcher | Using this method and secur- !}|
vy. E y is sub-| Cc , ln NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL 'Sermon by Dr. Paul Petcher, ! 15 his 1 hoa C
Clarence Hess at Loysville. all the data on a given |} B 0 D Y an d F E MN D E R S H O P

reproduction value of the im-
provements on land as the basis /
on which assessments were com- S N Y D i R S G
puted. The method that was em
ployed to establish these values

was the use of tables of con-

bE ra | mitted to the borough authority | ; | CHURCHES IN MT. Joy Missionary to Africa. _ ling
Our editor's wife was looking | and each week the water has i and es gion gins AND THE ENTIRE SUR- en Dh Ans Worship, | property that would influence
ik hie —- 2 4 . + | entertained the ollowing on . 4 | Message by Mrs. Paul retcher Vet : i ‘ : ve
over i a of x Hj been considered fine for drink-| Christmas Dav MT. and’ Mrs | ROUNDING COMMUNITY. {Monday through Saturday | the re yaite 7 ihe:
trees a uhl’'s to sce just which! ing "DOSES Fok Yd Si ct 5 . } "wan ac wening. Week of up or down, and the application Tre on eR
; di I amy) ng purposes | William Brian and sons, Jeffrey Trinity Evangelical food 220 cach evening, of | Up 0 h R. D. 2 ALONG 230 ROUTE
one would suit her fancy, when During the past three months N i | Congregational Church 1 rayer Services, in the Church- } of these facts to the construc-!§|
i} | ¢ recor \ 5¢ A | oe o 04 i 1 re IE A
an especially well formed one|the streets of the town Gregory of Mt. Joy anc Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor {es of the community. tion cost tables, it was found WEST OF FLORIN
took her eye. She indicated her! been opened for work on the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lise Sunday = that, in all instances, the influ
. Q ack : que nr «1A x bay i Thon ny 5 1 | . . y . . A
choice to the attendant remark- | gas lines. A slisht discoloration | and son Jack and daughter Min 932 a.m. Sunday Schoo) i 5 The hg Pp of aod | encing factors were the cost of PHONE 53-9867 J. S. SNYDER - PROP.
. 3 . : | :20 a.m. anc 3 ym, —| ww. C. F. Helwig, Pastor : i
ing that it was by far the nicest. | of the water has been the result | di. 3 : : I Erinn construction, adjusted by condi-
Ts Ne liar XW olils Iv 0 unio ; sermons | Sunday | :
- Re : . : { Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welfley | Holy Communion with sermons | .
He agreed, saying: “Yes, it is a] of this work because the viora- | Rad. us their sues Christmas | bY the pastor { 9:30 am. Sunday School tion of the property, proximity |
beautiful tree, but it's planted | tion of the air hammers causes Phe on pA oh ri » i “This church cooperates with Lester Eshelman Supt, ’ to the business district, the des- | ———
there. That's part of the shruo-| shale to be shaken loose. Re : gre an Be the Mount Joy Ministerial As- | 10:30 am, Morning Worship | as a residential area,
1 1 . a eems, Miss Mary Barnhart gociation in the observance of | 7:30 p.m. Communion Ser : Ed teat i ‘ Sz ESAS
bery. Some of the citizens felt that 0 ¥ ; os Gon I public transportation, schools, FE
: and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wittle. | Universal Week of Frayer (vices. > : i

— { this water was probably not be- and shopping centers
hi fs wn] VIE, 8 Mrs. Ge Mumper i bol .
This next week end is the|ing tested when the “brownish” | Ir, and ! jou mo: 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting When the Local Government pd All A&P Markets Will Be
Sr. and Mr. and Mrs John Ben-| Mount Joy Mennonite Church
one in which we all make a ¢ oe are i eo alli tn A A : | Wednesday + iss : : sted its i
ore : vi Ib, ma ; color pp ared. It is well for all der Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. |Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, 7:30 pan. Week of Prayer Commission had completed its i jo
batch of good resolutions—some | the citizens to know that we] Henry Garber, Henry Frank |e... 0 St : S55 | studies, its members unanimous- k to
John Bender Jr. and family at Services . Dr. Schlosser of Eli- po bua
of which last well into Febru-| have an authority which is in-| Pastors [zabethtown College,guest speak- |v agreed that this formula was
: .. | Lancaster S ay. |S ay 2 : i
ary. Among the most fragile of | terested in. the borough and its| on Bund 3 An Helm Susy a). Sunday School lor. the only sound manner in which i
: Ta rey | NP, ANC MIT'S JO ei oc a.m. ¢ ay oC | : !
resolutions are those connected! citizens. These men and the wa- | 16:60 am. Church. | is equalization could be effected, i = 5 =
staedter and family entertained


with household expenses. The ter supervisor see to it that our | w Zion Lutheran Church and it became the basis for the 5] iz
: od : iy [ » latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Wednesday Ac es re ey 0 id ! : r i Bod
trouble with most budgets: | water is tested each week. | Sy 8 gl PA € ia a 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Landisville, Penna. 1951 Pennsylvania Assessment bo All Markets Open Friday (Ue) Your Until 6 P.M. ;
There's too much month left ov- | ® - | er Bua ns aay. prayer Meeting sand Rev. Ernest P. Leer Law Jd : 1
: ; | Mr. Samuel Shelley spent | - | Sunday ™ met I » New Year fr 4 J & PL oi
er at the end of the money. i | i ; an rindi: Cte — i i a y [VEU ear from All of Us at 4 & P!
Letters To The Editor Christmas day with Mr. and| Mt. Pleasant | ns mn Sunday School 1 i re ! J i
Senior i : { ML. asa . :45 a. m. Morning Worship The toy wi oy rey Sl
January's birthstone is the Mrs. Harry Miiier at Rheems. | Brethren In Christ Church | Thuradas : There is no better way to boost Ll i
Januar [82 S S r Ll HIT IAI IY ARR he ve - unions Bc ax i sid SRR
sarnet its flower is the carna i Mr. and Mrs. James Eichler | Pastors: Graybill Wolgemuth, | 7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal your business than by local news-
garnet; 1ts TIS arna- — bs : . Oh Moyer > saner advertising. :
tion, and its weather often is as | To the Bullotir | and daughter were Christmas Sunieiv C. H ye | — paper advertising Your Thrifty A&P
go, et, te i BELO es etin: NT T Iny a . i
| : day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- 9- 3 fined Church of the Brethren i
uncertain as an elephant hang- | . a 7 od : 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Ok 1 h | ’ .
ing over a cliff with its tail tied | In the editorial of December man Snyder at Falmouth [ 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. Florin, Pa 0 | Buller S Beauty Salon Will Strive rns
- a cine Fo | 8th you stated that Clyde Nick- The following were guests of | Wednesday Rev. Howard Bernbard, Elder | ° o
to a daisy. { le is offering to conduct a danc-| pr and Mrs Geo Mumper on| 7:30 pm. Prayer Meeting. | sinned! 7. Becker, Sunt. (An Sse Florin, Pa T
aig died ling school for the youngsters in| vn: so we te | =m Sunday I Cold Waves Machineless ave
Don't forget to renew your | °° : BIS Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs.| | hpi 9:00 a.m. Bible School P ts $5.00
ear ©. it | Mount Joy, and then state states | 1, Brinser of Middl Crossroads Brethren In Christ 10:00 a.m. Worship Service. | ermanenis »9.UU up
driver's license in January; it 4 ER | Leon Brinser of Middletown, Church a I eis Pe kya Se 1} Call Mt Jov 3-4339
Tans out on the 31st. You might that there is a desire among the Mr. and Mrs. John Bender Sr. Itvih Ninsser. Harry n oss’ :30 p.m. Evening Service. { a 1 Mt. Joy 3-433 ou ore
S on 31st. tar chal A ap (rvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru: | Wednesday | Maude Buller, Prop.
1 rember vour wife's | Tesidents for such a school, now | ,,,q son Leroy of Milton Grove,| baker, Paul Z. He Pastors. | :
remember ur rey . wba | € J | I , baker, Pat Ss ss, Pastors. mar ~ 3
a So FEme : . {if you find two residents in Mt. | nic “1. Jeu | 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service | %
birthday, but forget which one : | Miss Lois Gladfelter of Lancas- Sunday . i Shuler | - i
% it is Joy that desire such a school, | ter, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Bender 3] a.m Sus ay School Even bots ADAM H. GREER FOOD STORES
~ Be then we cannot deny that thej, id NT CHT U:50 a.m. Worship Service 1ossbre rT fivangelica PIRI EL}
YT desire is : gc the v i” lotts | and children, Milton Grove, Mr.| 7.49 ;, mn. Christ Crusader's | United Brethren Church JEWELER : -
I got quite a chuckle out of a i Me Is among. € residents) and Mrs. Charles Kell and and Children’s Bible Hour Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor | Phone 3-4124
sign tied on the car of a newly But tell me, a ia how | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 8:00 p.m. Gospel Message. Suto | MOUNT JOY. PENNA Crisp None Priced Higher
= |many in Mount Joy desire a| pray ; ae Carlicle and | Wednesday 3:15 a. m. Morning Worship | : rfid
arried couvle las reek . . Frey and daughter, Carlisle and en . . a large
married couple last week. In | dancing school for their voung- : Gg 7:30 p.m. Missionary Prayer | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School i ce er ettuce 9 c
: stead of the usual . “Just ° : : Mr. and Mrs. John Bender’ Jr. | | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | heads Aa
’ ried.” it read "Result of Careless he os di | | and family of Lancaster. SRR a | 6:30 pm. Youth Fellowship. | Solid Slicing None Priced Higher
al According to church reports) Mr : Mrs Beni: Nindyl! 4 fy i Ave o Worshir { :
Talk. Eatin Rags dh I el My and Mrs. Benjamin of the | Evening Worship | a A TERE Fresh Tomatoes cello. 19¢
i Ha a ly De “| of E-town RD, called on the lat- Falmouth Pike { 7.30 p.m Midweck Praver | Dl A MO:N DS. pkg.
. ry are o ne \ . . n > ys 1 . . AVEC k ayer | Fy (4s 1 py . . .
You know my wife's favorite beap ein Mo Joy he gi ter’s father, Mr. Samuel Shelley Rev. Wilmer Hurst service > a] CARs Pe Large 176-Size None Priced Higher
i : members. And challenge the] : “1: Pastor I Thamar. | a
expression, every time I open Ine ¢ : 1 ge 1 on Saturday. Sirti sto Thursday ‘ | BY APPOINTMENT J dozen Cc
A impression that the statement] § I ie | ; i930 Chey tie Chavis | 4 JINTMET
my yap to say something? — - Visitors in the home of Mi 9:00 a.m. Worship service.| a: herubetts Choi
«When I want your opinion, | €OnVveys, that the communily| ang Mrs Lloyd Vogle and faml- | Missionary message by Mrs | £ 3 > Su oh Ci Roz 360-Size ~ None Priced Higher
Sa A desires a dancing school for the| : tid reve. My Paul Petcher, wife of Dr. P: bal. Derapi Lor Fe
I'll give it to you! Eos : : older iy on Sunday wert Mr. and aul Pe cher, wife of Di Paul 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir | ° ar pg Lemons dozen Cc
youngsters. 1 am sure that nine-' ype Charles Vogle and son who are on their first Qua ity eats
furlough from serving in Niger:
ia, Africa. The Ladies Trio from ;
tv nereent le i Mt
ty percent of the people in Mt. Glenn of Columbia, Mi and
Fresh Spinach Wiki
From Salunga comes this pre- Landisville Church of God


- Christmas tale Joy are nol for it. 11am Ww rong! Mrs. James Posten and daugh-|the Elizabethtown Church of the | . Landisville, Penna | ALSO A FULL LINE OF Pasc | c | 2 25
“Twas the day before Christ- then Mount Joy is not| tor Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brethren will provide special Tors Iillett, Pastor " a e ery Stalks c
as the aa) De! tha think it is An : music { aul S. Baker, Gen. Supt. ini
mas. Willie broke a window think a J fal Hauer, and children, also two 0 : Bible School ma : Delicious Appies Northwestern @ tbs 290
: suggest that the people ot IVIL. "San > A 1 a.tH. DUKE | + TH ‘ ro 1 i
with a snowball, sassed his mo gen a wm I =o "| neices, Mr. and Mrs. George The annual Christnas pro 9:15 a.m. Church School Fancy Mixed Nuts Tan. 49¢
sot hi ww suit full of | Jo let Mr. Nickle know that | and Theodore Sechrist, | gram was presented in the | 10:30 am. Worship Service Cap'n John's Breaded : , Pkg.
ther, got his new suit fu f gran ! bo ap'n John's Breaded Fantail or French Fried

wr | their youngsters will not pa-| .11 of d Church of the Brethren Sunday | 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship J i
slush, broke the dial on the TV ; all of Lancaster wrch of tne brethren Sunday}, 0c" 2 & V > l 5 §
slush, broke the dial | tronize his dancing school, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Becker [evening to a capacity audience Wednesday : : | ruits egetab es rozen Fi pkg. ec
pen to and irs. samuel beck SA 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. | We
set and took father’s

: I would further suggest that [ . : ; |
pictures with. A . entertained at dinner on Sunday : als Rian: Fie own i error Sealdsweet
draw pictu SEY | the Churches bring pressure up-| Rov. a1 Mrs. Henr Becker St. Luke s Episcopal Church | Tle Wh EEE ? »
“Thank goodenss,” sighed his ee ee Ay me v. and Mrs enry Mount Joy, Pa | St. Mark's Ev il United | i A ! 6-07. c
Papa boy = Rot & on tl Schools, that they avold| hq Jere and Dorcas. Mr. and The Rev, M. Mover Brethren Church | = 83 al ei Fozen mea e cans
su hi Sis . X all programs on Wednesday ev- Mrs. Paul rev and d: irs Vicar | H. Ranck, Pastor { 3 i
rite!” y k Mrs. Paul Martin and daughter, 1cal : Flavorpac 10.
crite ~+* | enings, so that all the young-|yihqq Mr. Henry Becker Jr.|Friday, New Year's Eve Service | S & . | WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Sliced Strawberries for phos. 45¢
ty mo re aril irs the i i . ‘111012 0. m. a.m. Sunday School | — — Wk A sl ia Sor.
ho would fave the ng Miss Beverly Myers, 10:15 a. m. Morning Worship | Orange Juice cows swan § So T5¢

A local tavern keeper, who | Sunday |
to attend midweek prayer .,\q Mys, Walter Becker and 7:30 a.m. Men's Corporate { Holy Communion; infant bap- | CORN -FED Snow Crop Cut Corn ig 29¢
has a reputation for keeping, € pkgs.

: | ings. Dancing schools will not} jah, Marion { David. Mr. communion and breakfast | Lism .
come strong brews, had just! ls : 3 Glenn, Marion and David, Mr. communion anc caktast. y asin. aaa : ye > : 00.
re i 7 . i he heard a | Pe a remedy for our juvenile! nips. Marvin Witman and] 9:30 am. Church School. | 6:30 pm. Youth Fellowship | Chopped Broccoli Birds Eve pgs. 3%¢
closed his shop when he hex 11 av hide : : : 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion | Executive Committee me 8. |
: . yroblems. 1 venture to say they | . ; ; 7 an Wp 11. a.m. ] om on | 4X Ee ] |
heavy pounding on the door | By : : oem son, all of Mount Joy, and Mr. | and Sermon. i 30 p m. Evening Worship; ‘| S ial
“Go away.” he shouted, “You | will increase, because no dance; ,,,q Wyse. Charles Becker of Eli- Nursery care during the 11 a | Holy Communion: Reception of | 3 Shar Cheese Regia Ib. Cc
iain oe is ¢ | has ever done any good’ 10}. teihi to = “ "new members HE rice
can’t have any more to drink at anvone Zain thtown n. | Thursday {
this hour.” | Among other guests, Mr. and rr — | 7:00 pm, Children’ Choir | T i Reduced vas,
er : "hin { Ihave been living around npn (Clayton Breneman spent Salunga vohears: igs ree or d 3
Sand “Who wants anything to . I | d & | chearsal Price can
Tien Co ©] left | Mount Joy and in Mount Jo¥ | Chpistmas with the . former's | Church of the Brethren | 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re- . :
grink,” came the answer, ; for over seventy years, and I AT +r | Barl Brubaker, Elder In Charge | hearsal A&P Fruit Cocktail War, c
without my crutches.’ a yr nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jay DM. | Ezra Herman, Supt Lakin can
Ye Cu | still think Mount Joy is a fine Foreman at Elizabethtown | Sunday | Newion HT B Vege-Crest Vegetable : 12-01. 25¢
A little girl from Donegal -St., | place to live, although I am in Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Myers, 9:00 am. Sunday School | Ren 3g ED + 3 Juice Cocktail cans
A 1d > 81rd BE Mules | ~ i Pour BART | A Ty Inirahi rama i Aor ! ve John rich, Pastor
soho was quite fond. of her baby Orlando, Florida for a few! hq Sue Walters spent wey 00 4 m Worship Service | 1k 1 Beans i be, 23¢ 23-01. 27¢
ey 3 1 o | months, and am what they call! cppigtmas day with Mr. and |" gong ey Y 9:00 : } 308 Sans
cousin said to her mother one ; : toh 2 IE LED Je ok wn 7:30 p.m. Frayer Meeting 9:00 a. m. Sunday School A P i int C quart Cc
day, “Mama, can't we have a down here, a Yankee snOW|apre fra Wolgemuh and family Bible Study | 7:00 p.m. Worship Service nn age ayonnaise po 29 po 49
sy dodger. at Elizabethtown - | Wednesday S It Ri 1:
aby’ | dod : at Elizabeth : BABY Chvisting Pores u Ib. f c 21h. 9B
“Oh, they cost too much,” her Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herr West Green Tree { 3:9 nd hos tir 3 ana ice pkg. pkg.
S 3 gl ng r . (3 rayer Meeting
said E. E. WOLGEMUTH left on Tuesday ior Florida | Church of the Brethren | ® : Dressed li ich A&P Golden Corn Cream or 16-02. 25¢
mother saic Abram N. Eshelman, Elder ressed or live weight Whole Kernel cans
“How much?” asked the child. | ,_____
“Oh, about $150 or $200." i
The little girl thought awhile, |
then she said. “That's not too

Mrs. Kathryn Snyder and| 19.00 am. Morning Worship, |

Herr will return shortly. | Rheems and Green Tree. RD. 2 MOUNT JOY. PA. | Kraft Cheez-Whiz hou 27° 16.02. 4G
N E Ww S PHONE 3-9036 of Warwick Thin Mints chocolate 1201. 35°

wile where Mrs. Herr will remain to | Be : : . » Florid:
: spend the winter, while Myr. [SURdaY Sinday. School ab | | PHONE IN YOUR EUGENE S. KREIDER | Orange Juice lo Wa 25°

: ; i g | Femmes | childre spent the Christmas| at Rheems
much when you think how long | children spen eC 3 ne
' "we i Mr. Irs. Ar + McCur- iday visiting her son-in-law rm | Covered Pkg.
they last. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCur-| holiday visiting i ; . _40-tfe | Yukon Club, Ginger Ale, ¢1 k
— dy of Palmyra, were dinner |and daughter Rev. and Mrs.| aie : ase se SE om eT | Beverages and Favorite kn id soo so 14)
! : R Bo : orl Zoi alen. wt ev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor 3 kg
wt No wonder young, new mo- guests at the Hamilton home on | Earl Zeigler at Woodbury | Sh 5 REA . Nabisco Ritz Crackers 1-1b. 33¢
* thers get confused. Sunday and in the afternoon, tev. and Mrs. Howard Bern- 9:15 a.m. Sunday Bible School | X hl i Pe
; The directions in a new fang- | Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy and Mrs. | hard entertained a number of! Classes for all ages. 0 a ee er Saltines Crackers 1-Ib, 25¢
: led baby bottle recently put on | Viola Bricker and Miss Mary | relatives at a turkey dinner on p50 a.m. Morning Worship | { (( IN) DETR 12s YOU Bachman P Exira Gz : hi
‘ Le At : : od Me : ret Civica dz The Fastor will be speaking on |) CAA CU INN UU r 0%,
' the market read as follows: Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chrismas Say ° | “Enduring Persc vB ga | T ai zs > ) reze S Thin i 19 pkg. 33
“When the baby is through Ross Ammon and family at Gap LT = ema | 7:00 p.n. Pre-Service Prayer | ) Ihe Worla's Most Wigely Used Devotional Guide Jane Parker Apple Pie Special B-inch SGC
drinking, it should be unscrew- and Mr. and Mrs. Richard! AREA MEN LOSE LICENSES | fgeilowship. | Available At Jane P k P ; i Chi Price pie
oid 3 | Kraus : family ancaster the 81 drivers who lost 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship R= di arker Special 1-1b. ¢
ed and laid in a cool place un- | Kraus and family at Lancaster. Of t ; : ot yO SLOAN'S PHARMACY : TYNDALL'S STORE 0 a 0 I C
der the hydrant or in the refrig-| Mr. and Mrs. Faul A. Martin | their driver's licenses and the Sarinon or He Pastor “A True | IARMACY and TYNDALL'S STORE ps Price box 49
Ie Bly | Sr. entertained, Mr. : rs. | 52 who regained their drivers dra YY LONI NAAR mn pin So on ii NN
erator. If the baby does not! Sr. entertained, Mr. and Mrs. 5 3 ‘TS Tuesday y
thrive on fresh milk, it should | Robert Sentz and children, Mr. | privileges, local citizens are lis- 7:30 p.m. Women’s Work : A&P’s Big 10¢ Sale! Your Choice
be boiled’ — — The baby or! and Mrs. Oberholtzer and dau-| ted. Harold Drace, Rheems lost Croup 8) Marion & Ruth's. lona Cut Green Beans 15%. 10€
. . | . a we Pn a is icense for s eding: Karl cdanesday a
the bottle? | Ste, Mean ie Pat Ma { ol Nev nt Be failure to 7:00 p.m. Evangelical Teach= ih PLUMBI NG and bet EATI NG 1§! A&P Golden Cream Corn a i 10¢c
etree | tin Jr. and daugnter to dinner 0 gle, I Ley ler Training Class . . Floridass a
Naturalists have reported a | on Christmas Day. | main proof of financial respon-| 8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer | . | | Grapefruit Juice wt vg 10¢
“decline in wild-life.” — — | The many friends of Mr. John,| sibility. # | Be 1 Ann Page Prepared Spaghetti sor. 10g
a. | Frev 1 ase oy: Tr . Mount | Saay i » e oo 8 can
They should get out and look a- | Frey w i be ple ased to. learn Yortion B. DY i Ha a | 8:00 p.m. Official Board Hl Repair Work - Pump Repairing lona Tomatoes 100r. 10@
round some Friday night. { that he is improving at St. Jos- Joy R2, regained his driving at the Parsonage. hl lona Cut Beet / i
| eph Hospital where he is a pa- | pdivilege. | rtp 1 i Ss, 4 10¢
i . |) | =m rn | , : | | 2 amma row. i Le ~
Have a Happy New Year and | tient. | The Washington Street |}! [Ri Al Prices im 10d
! att tov. 15) oss. Mor : y | | Church Of The Brethren 1 rices in this Advertisement G i . 3lsh.
be sure you're here to enjoy it. | » Miss Mary spent, WePrint Everything Bf in Pa. | | J. S. NEWCOMER ht! : pa ont fhraugh Fidey Dec. 312
= — — Make the “one for the | Christmas with Mr. and i Bill Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor | DONEGAL SPRINGS ROAD PHONE MT. JOY 3-0401 | ,
road’ coffee. Richard Kraus at Lancaster. | But Dollar Bills | Sunday | hid 87 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA.
j : A WISE OWL | Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gantz d 9:30 am. Church School Sec .
ras 3
= A 2d A 4 i
Be : ws 2 a LL ; BR LRT gl iy a wid fiir a : | bl svat Al Cf ong a a