The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 30, 1954, Image 1

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The Mount Joy
1955 Farm Show Dedicated to S

More than half a million people will visit the 39th Pennsylvania Farm Show January 10-14
and pay tribute to The Pennsylvania State University for its 100 years of service to agriculture.
L pper left inset shows the single building of the Pennsylvania Farmers’ High School chartered
in 1855. It grew into the State University symbolized by the view of the rebuilt “Old Main” at
upper right. Below is main entrance to Farm Show building in Harrisburg.
1955 Farm Show
Local Girl Scouts Plan
Summer Camping Trip
New and unusual features at Five senior Girl Scouts of Mt. Naugle, and Miss Priscilla Lane,
the 1955 Pennsylvania, Farm J0y Troop No. 96 and their|are the persons who will make
Show in Harrisburg Jan. 10-14 leader are completing plans for the extensive trip in June.
promise to make it the most col- |@ camping trip which will take Mrs. Hawthorne's
orful ever held, according to them into Canada and as far a1] experienced campers. Dixie,
Farm Show Commission mem- West as North Dakota. Mr. and ' 3 junior in high school and the
Mrs. Robert Hawthorne,
Set For Biggest
Year In History
Scouts are
bers. Miss | others, sophomores, have all
W. S. Hagar, commission | Dixie Baer, Miss Barbara Thome | completed day camping, estab-
chairman, says this is the year Miss Nancy Diller, Miss Judy | lished camping, troop camping
of all years for the show of all my Team | and trip camping. Mrs. Haw-
i thorne completed the trip camp-
| ing course and also completed a
requirement of a
advanced First
agricul- | Scout Committee
Holds Meeting
The monthly meeting of + the
shows staged for the
ment of Pennsylvania
ture. | necessary
| camp trip, the
The week-long Farm Show is :
Aid course.
dedicated to the Pennsylvania
State University which will cel-
ebrate its 100th anniversary
throughout 1955. Special exhib- time, the girls have earned
its, various farm organization 4 : three-fourths the required a-
: . Charters for the coming year .
meetings and a pageant will be : mount of money
used to pay tribute to the Uni- will be presented to the Troop | finance the trip.
versity for its century of ser- and Explorer Post some time in | girls has been the troop com-
vice to agriculture. mittee composed of Mrs. Clyde
Both the Farm Show and the Eshleman, chairman; Miss Elsie
State University trace their or- Lefever, Mrs. Irvin Sai >
¢ rs. Ray iilbert. The
igin back to a common parent, |{ Scout headquarters and Mrs. Raymond Gilbert h
: . . girle x NE A oy . ol
the Pennsylvania Agricultural | in January. girls must have all their menues
Society f vd i 35 The : and ‘stop-overs’” approved by
Society founded in 1851. The Clyde Gerberich, Jr., was in ths Lancaster Girl Scout office
University started as the Penn- ; :
a 2 charge of the meeting. 3 » overnig : ing
sylvania Farmers’ High School, ae 5 Most of the overnight camping
The girls started planning for
the trip last May. Since that
Boy Scout Committee was held
Tuesday evening, Dec. 21 at the
Gerberich-Payne office.
necessary to
Assisting the
The committee discussed the
possibility of moving into the
some time
chartered by the Legislature in spots w pi ii in Gin Soop
1855. The Farm Show traces its! . camps nroughou ne states
j Tells Rotarians These arrangements also have
history back to the society-
sponsored State Fairs started in
The coming Farm Show will
have more livestock on display
than ever before, greater parti-
beforehand. The
chaperones will
to be made
girls and the
camp out each night of the trip
The group will be gone seven-
teen days. Scheduled to leave on
Friday, June 24, the scouts will
Of Experiences
In Germany
Mount Joy Rotary Club mem-
cipation by farm youth, more pers Tuesday noon heard Miss be gone until after the Fourth
improved and new farm mach- | Eleanor Griffith, graduate of of Sly holiday. The tentative
inery terns and the first farm Penn State, tell of her experi- schedule of places to be visited
machinery safety
One of the most helpful ar-
visitors will be |
demonstra- s whi i 3 3 :
shoes while spending 6 months are from Mount Joy to Niagara
in Germany under a youth ex- Falls. From Niagara, they will
change plan. enter Canada and travel to Tor-
rangements to Miss Griffith divided her time to and to North Bay. From
the ease with which they can in Germany between three phere they will come into the
locate and inspect grand cham- | farms in different sections, in| ypited States again to Saute
pion and champion awards in| each case living as a member of Saint Marie, Michigan and to
most divisions of the show. Spe- | the family. She stated that she pyjuth. Minnesota. They will a-
cial honor courts have been set| found the German , people ex- gain re-enter Canada at Inter-
up to display grand champion | tremely industrious and making pational Falls and then visit
livestock, poultry and most top | extraordinary recovery from | .ke of the Woods and Winipeg.
place winners in the crop <ec- | the destruction of World War IL | pack into the states again, they
tions. | Besides Germany, Miss Grif- will travel to Mayville, North
Another new feature if a/fith spent a few days in Switzer- | Dakota. From here, they will
“Pennsylvania Quality Farm | and Paris. go to Bemidii. Minnesota; Min-
introduced | neapolis, Minnesota; and the
Dells, Wisconsin.
A stop-over in Sycamore, 111i-
nois, will feature a visit to Lo-
uise Emenheiser, who formerly
lived in Mount Joy. She is the
Foods Center” made up of five pn. speaker was
adjoining booths totaling 125) by Curvin H. Martin.
feet in length in the main = i mean
osition hall. Foods typical of
De industries will be sold by | Neighborhood Meeting
the State Poultry Federation, |
Dairymen’s Association, Potato | Is Postponed daughter of the former St.
Growers Association, Horticul-| Installation of officers will be 1, Episcopal church rector
tural Association and the Bee- | one of the features of the dinner who left Mount Joy to accept a
keepers Association. | meeting of the Mount Joy-Flor- | charge in Sycamore.
Governor John S. Fine will in Girl Scout Neighborhood| prom Sycamore, the group
formally opcn the 1955 Farm meeting which will be held on | 11 visit Chicago. After leaving
Show on Monday evening, Jan. Monday evening, Jan. 17. Al- Chicago they will start home
10, before a crowd of 10,000 in | though the regular night for the (rough Indiana and Ohio.
the large arena. He will dedicate | 8roup’s meeting would be Jan. | -—
the show to Penn State Univer- | 3, the event is being postponed CORRECTION
sity after which the State Police | until Jan. 17. E. Musser Heisey, Mount Joy
exibition of horsemanship will | The annual dinner meeting | R2. succeeds George Morris as
take place. Other evening events, will be held in the local Luth- president of the Donegal Joint
include the Rural Talent Festi- | eran church and the women of | School Board, not Daniel Wol-
val on Tuesday, horse pulling | the church will serve the meal. | gemuth as stated in The Bulletin
contest on Wednesday, livestock | A special speaker will also be last week. Mr. Wolgemuth is,
parade, tractor driving contests an attraction of the meeting chairman of the joint authority
and farm machinery safety dem- | which is scheduled to begin at whieh has not yet held its re-
Thursday night. | 6:30 p.m. | organization meeting.

.onstration on
High Schoo!
Honor Roll
Seventh grade, Carole Garlin,
Linda Kleiner, Joan SheafYer,
Jean Wolgemuth, Patty Philips; |||
Eighth grade: Helen Felty, Jean
Bucher, Barbara Johnson; Ninth
grade: Pat Shetter, Patricia
Charles, Joan Gilbert, Sandra
Koser; Tenth Grade: Carole
Wittle, LeRoy Kaylor, Barbara
Thome, Mary Ann Felty, Arlene
Heisey; Eleventh grade: Joyce
Martin; Twelfth grade: Peter
Seventh grade:
Goodall, Harriet Hawthorne, Ar-
dis Wolgemuth, Beverly Van
Dine, Mary Ellen Adams,
ald Corll, Jeanne Zuch,
Zuch, Samuel Grove,
Bennett, Jane Brubaker, Thel-
ma Good, Thomas Chunko, Pat-
ricia Johnston, David Nissley,
Carol Ann Cupper, Linda Lee!
Eighth grade: Joanne Hart,
Edith Weaver, Nancy Moyer,
Claudia Binoche, Judith Heisey,
Laura Dupler, Doris Heisey,
Jacquelyn Mariner, Linda Felty,
Fatricia Brenner.
Ninth grade: Janice Hoffman,
Robert Buchenauer, Tony Mar- |
tin, Patsy Mumper, Ruth Krall, !
Paula Weien,
Tenth grade:
Eunice Hess,
Betty Baugher,
Cynthia Lehman,
Shirley Metzler, Thelma Snave- |
ly, Phyllis Wolgemuth, Betty
Raffensperger, Nancy Royer,
James Bailey, Douglas Fish,
James Shank,
Audrey Musser.
er, Julia Ruth Ann
Moyer, Joan Schneider, Asher
Halbleib, Marlene Mumper,
Miriam Roland, Beverly Marley
Betty McKain, Peggy Wolfe,
Louise Horning, Carol Ginder,
Miriam Nell.
Twelfth grade:
Carl Lehman,
Phyllis Levan, Shirley Gerlach,
Ann Young, Bernard Thome,
Ruth Drescher,
ald Raber, Daisey Brooks, Doris
Groff, Barbara Martin, Karleen
Raffensperger, Gloria Scholl,
Kay Zimmerman
Kathleen fl
| “The Grace of Being Still”
James |
Lina Ivanowski, |
Way's Toy Center.
Eleventh grade: Gerald Beck-' -
Sonja Carver,
Helen Gorman, |
Marian Kline, Gail Shelly, Don- |

“The Meaning of Church Membership”
I : "
the Week of Prayer services.
extends an
Universal Week of Prayer
JANUARY 2 wo 9, 19
55—7:30 p. m.
Dr. Ralph W. Schlosser, speaker
‘The Plan of Salvation”
Dr. Ralph W. Schlosser, speaker
Dr. Ralph W. Schlosser, speaker
| “The P'ace of a Disciple”
Dr. W. Maynard Sparks, speaker
il Dr. Schlosser, of Elizabethtown College and Dr. Sparks,
|| Chaplain at Lebanon Valley College, are the speakers for
| Mount Joy
invitation to you to attend these
| These inter-church services stress the basic one-ness of
our belief, and through them we witness to our faith and to
our faithfulness in following Christ's commands. Let us
| resolve now to attend these services and witness for Christ

Local Churches Plan
‘Watch Night Services
Three local churches will fea-
ture Watch Night Services New
Year's Eve, The three are
Calvary Bible Church, Mt. Joy
Methodist, and the St. Luke's
: Episcopal Church.
Meyers, | phe Rev. Don Ricard, mis-
Arthur gionary to North Africa who is
Street, home on furlough at the present
has time, will be the guest speaker
at the Calvary Church service
at 10:15 p.m. Also included in
the special program will be spe-
cia music and a short talk by
the local pastor, the Rev. W. L.
Wilson. The annual year's his-
tory of the church and its activ-
ities will be read and testimon-
ies will be offered by members
of the congregation.
A prayer period will be feat-
ured at 11:45 p.m. and immedi-
ately after the new year arrives,
a communion service will be
conducted by the pastor,
“Bible on the Table” will be
[ the film feature of the Methodist
Church Watch Night Service at
10:30 p.m. Following the film
showing, a period of fellowship
and refreshments is scheduled
Band Uniforms | for 11:00 pm. A service of
Former Mount Joy
5 ‘Man To Conduct
‘Radio Series
{| The Rev. Richard H
|| son of Mr. and Mrs
| Meyers, 37 W
who for the past ten years
been pastor of the Calvary Inde-
pendence Baptist Church, Sal
| tillo, Pa., will start a series of
| radio programs over Red Lion
Radio Station, 1440 on the dial
| The first program will start on

1) Jan. 2, and will continue each
Sunday through January and
February, from 10 to 10:30 a.m.

Pastor Meyers can also be
Chambersburg and
originate” from
heard on
Huntington, Pa
All programs
Saltillo, Pa.
Pastor Meyers was a member
of the 1931 graduating class of
Mount Joy High School
| praise and prayer will be cone
To Be Chosen | ducted by the Rev. William
Four companies have been Harner from 11:30 p. m. until
contacted to show
samples of | after the New Year arrives.
band uniforms at the January St. Luke's service from 11:00
meeting of the Donegal High to 12:00 will be a candle-light
School Band Club Monday eve-| service. The Rev. E. M. Moyer
ning, Jan. 3. According to the | will deliver the sermon “Golden
club officers, H. Morrell Shields, | Keys for 1955.” Mr. David Sch-
| concert band director, arranged losser will preside at the organ
for the four to show their uni-| for this evening prayer service.

Ronald Corll Wins
Coloring Contest
Ronald Corll won the grand
prize in the Christmas coloring
contest sponsored by Way's Ap-
pliances. He was awarded a
motor-driven model of the
steamship, USS Missouri
Weekly winners in the
est, besides Ronnie,
Pennell, Kathy Way,
line Shrum and Rose Taylor.
Each was given a prize
John Hart,
Mount Joy, represented Donegal |
High School at the 102nd annual
teachers conference in Harris- |
| burg this week. Mr. Hart is vice |
pringipal of the local
Richard Jones represented the
Hempfied High School,
Speakers at the convention
were Gov. John Fine,
public instruction and William
G. Carr, secretary of the Nation- |
{ al Education Association.
Tax Assessment Modernization
Required Under 3-Year-Old Law
(Editors note: In the first ar-
ticle of this series the need for
the modernization of assessment
practices in Pennsylvania was
analyzed. The creation of the
Tax Equalization Board in 1947
was the first step towards the
enactment of the “New Real Es-
tate Assessment Law”. In this
article the further steps taken
by the Legislature are discus-
Prior to the convening of the
1951 session of the Pennsylvan-
ia State Legislature, the Local
Government Commission of
members of the Senate and the
House of Representatives) made
a detailed study of real estate
systems in other states. In this
study the Commission found in
a great many states that taxes
were being collected from real
estate, some directly and others
The State of Pennsylvania
has never collected taxes from
real estate, always reserving
this field of taxation exclusively
for the use of local government.
The Legisators on this Commis-
gion also found that assessments
in some other states were equal-
ly as chaotic as in Pennsylvania.
However, in 12 states, real
progress had been made in re-
solving the problem.
According to the Pennsylvan-
ia Local Government Confer- |
ences some states had made
more progress than others, but
on the whole the principles on
which the program was made
were substantially the same.
These states required the estab-
| lishment of land values by prop-

(comprised of
members of the
found the states had resorted to
maps outlining the
property as described in the of-|
fice of the Recorder of
Melhorn of
of the
of Coatesville.
Groff, Rheems, treasurer.
een senses sss:
er board of public officials, and
those land values had to be ap-
plied uniformly by zones and
districts so that the land of sim- |
having the |
same use in one part of the]
ilar character and
county would be assessed at the
same value as a similar proper- |
ty in another part of the coun- |
ty. The land values were fixed | 24th $
as a result of studies of sales in| 25th §
the respective districts or zones, |
the Conference states.
In this study the Local
ing had overlooked properties
that were escaping any taxation 32nd $
at all.
paying for land,
provements had been erected on
the land.
Others who were only
whereas im-
To resolve this
(Tum to page 2)
sixth time
For the
Also re-elected is
rhe Physician On Call
Dr. William Workman |

Of Winners
Are Listed
prizes to date in the awarding of ™M*®
$1,000 in merchandise
by the Retail Merchants division
of the Mount Joy Chamber of The meeting will be held at
were Billy |
Jacque- |
from | Commerce.
Lists of winning numbers are
| posted in all the cooperating:
i stores. The merchandise coupons Eph rata Offe rs
are redeemable up to March
New Haven St. Following is the list of num-
| bers and prize winners to date: Year's Eve Pa rty
school. |
Francis |
B. Haas, state superintendent of |
' 14th § 10.00 Mrs. Helen Strickler
Gov- |
ernment Commission also learn- |
ed that the old system of assess-' 30th §
problem the 37th
parcels of 40th
Marlyn Myers, South Barbara
| Street, Mount Joy was
| secretary of Zone 7 of the Lan-
John E.!caster County Firemen's Asso-
Springs ciation. Drew Mummaw,
Road has been elected president! ville, was elected president to SPONSORED BY LEGION
Cooperative | succeed Ray Myers, Mount Joy.
Elwood Miller, Landisville, was attended the annual Christmas
Elmer: elected vice president and Wil-
| iam Kell, Rheems,
Other officers are Charles An-
Larry Smith, Columbia, second shown to the kiddies. At the end obtained by
vice; and J. Albert Haug, Col- of the show, each child was pre- at the Training Center or by
meeting of
® | held January 18 in Florin.
forms at the meeting which is een
| . |
| open to anyone interested in the
band. All club members are ur- Vets To Challenge
ged to attend the affair. Asa at- Posts On Small Size
| / » representations
| tending will be representations Members of the local VF.W.
of the various high school class- . ;
met in regular session Monday
es to express their preferences. ‘ .
: | night at their post home. Final
Sauvenir plates of the high ports were made about the
school have arrived These | ov, istinas tree sale ond the
plates are being sold by the | winner of the December club
mbers of the band. They fea-! ons announced. Mrs. Martin
ture a picture of the high school Brows
in the center of the plate.
eight have claimed
The announcement was made
that Jay Ginder, adjutant, will
submit information to the state
paper, “The Word". on the local
post concerning its small size.
The state paper will then chal-
lenge the other states as to
whether or not it is the smallest
in the nation. A discussion on
| the hometown movies was also
7:30 p.m. in the high school
Teenagers New
{ held, Frank Mor ;. © and-
Tot $200.0 .. Mrs. Ben Gant! community 10 the SR or wa it he og gammangd
3 1 rr. was charge a pot-
2nd $100.00 Maude Buller | ic offering a New Year's Eve g
3rd $100.00 Mrs. Ray Haug! event for the youth of the town! ° aa
4th $100.00 036787 In Ephrata, te teohagers will SGT. WILLIAM J. DERR
$ 50.00 Carl Brandt Ve able to look forward to a jg gpRryING IN JAPAN
wo aa New Year's Eve celebration in iG : i
50.00 Patricia Elliott Ephrata Recreation Centcr. Cane Kokura, Japan — Army
- - ’ . So £ . err <Q
50.00 Evelyn Zeager Sponsored by the boys and girls i Wo "ey De ey —
50.00 . 015021! clubs of the center, the party Jaa FS rus ety
50.00 . Mrs. Henry Hess) will be entitled “Club 55”. This |. Barbara Street, Mount Joy,
50. Mrs. Henry ess Vv > e : ws > Say sw » 2 i=
= a is the first time that the teens of f, 15 S¢ Tving with the 24th Di
50.00 .. 589091 ; . fantry Division at Camp Koku-
: a community have planned a fa Jap:
10.00 . Henry Raver party of this type, and the idea ra, | apan. :
10.00 Loretta Hornafius js gaining wholehearted support Sergeant Derr, a member of
10.00 Ralph Leed from borough residents the 26th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Battalion’s Headquarters Bat-
tery. entered the Army in Nov-
ember, 1951 and arrived over-
The club will operate from 9
p. m. to 1 a. m. and will be open
to couples only. One member of 8
each couple must be a student last February.
at the Ephrata High School. The
10.00 Jacob Klugh party is being planned by the GRADE SCHOOL HALL
10.00 515700 committee made up entirely of IS BEING PAINTED
10.00 Mary Jane Aument teenagers from the Center with Painting is being done in the
5.00 . Harold Foster Bernard Huagnini, recreation local elementary school during
5.00 Henry Raver direetor, acting as liason be- the Christmas recess. The lower
5.00 . Norman B Kolp tween the clubs and the board hall where the first grades are
located is being painted a dark
10.00 . G. F. Naugle
10.00 Mrs. E. Mateer
10.00 Mrs. W. Scheffler
of directors
500 .... 502667 Hn isi
5.00 Mrs J Hockenberry Borough citizens are pitching green and right yellow. This
5.00 .... John Baugher in to help make the evening a ha'l is located next to the en-
5.00 Betty J. Wolgemuth success. Members of the Cen- trance into the stage and runs
5.00 . : 560791 ter's board of directors and oth- the length of the school
5.00 Mrs. J. Newcomer er borough residents will serve
5.00 .. Maude Buller as waiters, door men, bouncers Billets Available
5.00 . . 001111 and candy girls at the night :
5.00 .... 291566 club. Members of the local Jun- Foi Six Junior
5.00 Mrs. Chas. Wittle ior Chamber of Commerce will . .
500 ..... 340531 also assist in the party Line Officers
500 ... .. 130046
5.00 Mart. Longenecker made plans for a
5.00 Mrs. Allen Shearer Eve party for the
Another community has also Lancaser Jillcts for six
New Year's Junior line officers in a drill
youth of the pay status are now available in
5.00 ii 054030 borough through the facilities the Lancaster Naval Reserve
5.00 ...... Earl Mvers of the borough recreation cen- Surface Division 4-49, it was
5.00 25067 ter. Lititz will stage a “Club announced today by LCDR Wil-
wr ° ee Moroco’’ with the traditional lard C. Hatch, Commanding Of-
New Year decorations and noise ficer of the Lancaster Naval
makers. Barnard Lehmann, di- Training Center, Orange and
rector of the center, is in charge Parkside Avenue, Lancaster.
of the event and will be assisted Both men and women are elig-
by teenagers on his committees. ible. LCR Hatch said.
There is one billet for a Lt.
Line officer on a drill pay status
now available.
Naval Reserve Surface Divis-
ion 4-49 drills each Tuesday
night at the Naval Aeserve Cen-
and Parkside
Approximately 700 children
theatre party in the Joy Theatre
which was sponsored by the ter, Orange St.
Walter S. Ebersole Post 185 Avenue.
American Legion. Eight cartoons Information on the specific
first vice; and a short western show were billets now available may be
calling personally
fourth vice
treasurer. The next gented with candy and an caling. Lancaster, 3-3313 any-
the group will be orange by Santa and his Legion- time between the hours of 8 a.
naire helpers. m. and 4:30 p.m.