The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 23, 1954, Image 1

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SANSA : ; ; z ;

The Mount Joy
seas pom
Indians Take Section Lead
Defeat Columbia
In Thriller; Keep
Record Perfect
Donegal’s fast moving basket-
ball team added Columbia to
their list of victims in Tuesday
evening's battle for Scetion I
honors, before an overflowing
crowd at Columbia.
Pre-season predictions picked
Donegal and Columbia to finish
one-two, with Columbia a pos-
sible dark horse. Columbia won
the county championship last
Loyal Donegal fans started to
form at the main entrance at
5:30 p. m. with the doors open-
ing at 6:15. By game time, 670
persons had crowded into every
possible space available to wit-
ness the fast moving contest.
Approximately 1,000 fans were
turned away at the doors.
In an interview with Coach
Dépoe Monday afternoon, he
stdted that our team, man for
man, is just as good as Colum-
bia's. Said Depoe "“T feel that the
team getting a fast start, could
defjermine the outcome of the
gaine. Columbia is the type of
team that makes their opponent
plgy their type of ball. The style
of |defense we are going to use
in ltomorrow night's bame will
giye us ample time to score.”
{harlie Ashenfelter started
thy scoring for Donegal with a
fra throw from the charity
stfjpe. Metzler followed with a
field goal and two foul shots.
C\rey scored a foul for Colum-
(More on page 3)
Paul Martin, Mount Joy, has
been issued a permit to tear
down a buildiing to make way
for a proposed South Harrisburg
bridge over the Susquehanna
river. The building, now used as
a brick and cement block fac-
tory, was purchased by the state
in preparation for construction
Donegal High
Closes For
Special Christmas
marked the close of the Donegal
High School for the holidays
this morning. Students will re-
turn to classes Monday, Jan. 3.
A special assembly program
was held at 8:45 a. m. which was
followed by homeroom parties.
Carol singing was featured in
the auditorium and dancing was
held in the gymnasium from 11
to 12 noon. The morning was in
charge of the student councils of
both the senior and the junior
high schools. Student council
also had charge of the decorat-
ing of the school for the holi-
days. A large Christmas tree
was placed in the lobby and each
homeroom featured individual
— rn
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derr, of
Marietta Avenue, celebrated
their fifty-fifth wedding anni-

| versary Wednesday.


May your Yuletide glow brightly with that
oood old fashioned Christmas cheer that
makes every heart lighter, every friendship
warmer, every hour richer in happiness and
Lorton 4
Rosser Construction Co., Inc,
of Mount Joy is low bidder on a
state highway department pro
ject to replace an old wooden
bridge over Fishing Creek near
Forks with an I-beam structure
18 feet wide on a legislature
route in Fishing Creek town-
New Holland
Young People Ask
Recreation Center
New Holland
Teen-Agers of
and vicinity have their
problems to the borough coun-
Fifty-six young people of the
New Holland area
a petition asking that a recrea-
tion center be provided in New
Holland. The petition has been
turned over to the borough
council for action at its January
4 meeting.
have signed
A spokesman for the group
pointed out that teens are fre-
quently subjéct to criticism for
various acts committed in he
borough. Blame is placed on the
fact that teen-agers have no
place to go and nothing to do in
their leisure time.
It is pointed out that Ephrata
has a recreation center. Lititz
is getting up a recreation pro-
gram and that at Adamstown ef-
forts are being made along sim-
ilar lines.

DEDICATED Merchants Aw
All children of Mount Joy and Wagner
$2.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE, Draws 1 1 00 | vicinity will be the guests at the doors will open at
All children who are 12 years
old and under are invited to at
More than 1100 people enjoy-
| ed the Christmas program pre-
annual Christmas party sponsor-|
a | sented by the Music Depart- ed by the Walter S. Ebersole
| ment of Donegal High last Fri- | American Legion Post 185, |
lay and Saturday evenings. Mount Joy, Friday aftrenoon,|p.
! The newly organized School Dec. 24. |e
COMMUNITY Donegal High ' Christmas Party For Children
Yule Program To Be Held Friday At Theatre
tend the affair.
ard Prizes
that the
1:30 p. m,
Movies will be shown at 2 §
hillren wil be given a treat by

Of Winners
Are Listed
Eleven winners have claimed
prizes to date in the awarding of
1,000 in merchandise coupons
m. Following the films, the by the Retail Merchants division
of the Mount Joy Chamber of =
RA Orchestra under the capable The party will be held in the | Santa and his helpers in the lob- Commerce
| leadership of Morrell Shields, Joy Theater at 2 p. m. Clair by of the theater. | Four of the winners were
! dircetor of instrumental music, ests — — tre rene = =n | pagent last | Saturday “evening
| presented "A Christmas Over- : : 3 when the merchants we host
| ture” which was very well re- 14 Residents Fire Ra ZesS at a special pn Tt
| ceived. With one rehearsal a i grade school auditorium.
| week, these students did a fine Of Area Draw Grade School Other winners picked up
i job in conveying the Christmas
message in music. [
ous Jury Duty
The different Chorale
such as the Senior mixed chorus
of 150 voices, The Senior select
choir, The Boy's chorus, Girl's
chorus, and a Select Junior High
i choir were under the direction
| of George Houck, director of vo-
| cal music. The various chorale
| groups blended their voices
| beautifully and along with the
elaborate lighting system that
Fourteen residents of the Mt.
in the winter terms of the Quar-! {
Courts. The names are the first
to be drawn from the
wheel at the courthouse
it was filled last monh.
Petit jurors from this locality | I

Joy areas have drawn jury duty Sunday morning destroped
ter Sessions and Common Pleas Rheems.
can give you all the colors of listed for the March 14 term of | Rheéms Fire Co
school at
Fire of undetermined
wo-room elementary
| «
The blaze was discovered a- 1
jury pout 3:45 a. m. Sunday by How-
ard Gibble,
passing motorist, who
Mount Joy
[erbert Hoover, secretary of the
their prizes this
posted in all
stores. The merchandise coupons
week at the
Inion National Mount Joy Bank
At Rheems where the merchandise coupons
re on deposit
Lists of winning numbers are
the cooperating
re redcemable up to March 1,
Following is the list of num-
R. D., pers and prize winners to date:
Maude Buller
Mrs. Ray Haug
1st $200.00
2nd $100.00
3rd $100.00
ry | the rainbow, the various effects the. Quarter Sessions Court in-| Chief Albert Zeager of Rheems 4th $100.00 © 036787
3 made the program all the more clude: Harvey G. Becker, Mt. | directed the fire fighting opera-| 5th $ 50.00 090571
3 | impressive, The lights, under Joy R2, Anna Ruth Nissley, tions, with assistance from fire 6th $ 50.00 Patricia Elliott
A { the supervision of Mr. Houck Landisville, Edith C. Peifer, Sa-| companies of Elizabethtown, Mt.| 7th § 50.00 Evelyn Zeager
] | were ably controlled and oper-| lunga; | Joy, Maytown and Florin | 8th $ 50.00 015021
| ated by Harold Krall and Jack | Jurors drawn to serve at the| Arrangements have been com- 9th $ 50.00 . Mrs. Henry Hess
| Giller Jan. 10 sessions of the Common | pleted for use of the Rheems 10th § 50.00 589091
Many thanks must be given pleas Court include: David C.| Church of the Brethren to house 11th $ 10.00 585689
| to the following boys who earn- witmer, Mt. Joy R1; Vivian| the school children when they 12th $ 10.00 Loretta Hornafius
| estly did their part in preparing @Grosh, Mount Joy R2; Herbert | resume classes Jan. 3 The 13th $ 10.00 588173
[the trees and other stage scen- Mason. Rheems. | church is presently being used 14th$ 10.00 Mrs. Helen Strickler
ery: Henry Greiner, Larry Lan- a 5 | for Grades 3 and 4 because of 15th $ 10.00 ... G. F. Naugle
| ais, Lester Wolgemuth, Carl Serving at the Jan. 17 lem owded conditions in the 16th $ 10.00 Mrs. E. Mateer
| Gish, Tom Zimmerman, Melvin of Common Pleas Court will be school 17th $ 10.00 .. 548237
Longenecker, David Weidman,| Florence Barnhart, Maytown; | gehool trustees have been 18th $ 10.00 .. 013455
| Ronald Gotwalt, Ken Newcom-| Martha M. Stauffer, Mount Joy; | working on plans for a new 19th § 10.00 . 515700
er, Harold Krall, Scott Carpen-| Wallace A. Miller, Landisville;! ¢.hool for several months now, 20th $ 10.00 . 344706
{ ter, and Ronald Hawthorne. | Herbert C. Smith, Maytown and construction will be started 21st § 5.00 348542
| All thanks to East Donegal] Serving at the March 28 ses- | as soon as possible. | 22nd $ 5.00 585217
| Elementary School and Mount gion of the Common Pleas Court The building was erected in 23rd $ 5.00 . 338828
Joy Elementary School for the will pe: | 1902 as a one-room building to Sam $ ao : Sozee?
jase of their risers, To James Vera E. Albert. Mount Joy: | house Grades 1 through 8. When oo : 200 050812
| Heilig, local funeral director, | Jucab Seigler. Florin: and Jen | the enrollment became too great, = Ly: Vv. aia
for the use of the green grass | gy : e F: Le he ii | seventh and eighth graders were 27th $ 5.00 Betty J. Wolgemuth
{loaned the music department. oa hy ary 9%: Sp 1 sent to Elizabethtown and an 28th $5.00 560791
According to sources, the | | additional room was added. 29th : 350 (og ™ age
| thing that impressed the vocal] 1 vd © : ade S0th $- 5.0 aude Buller
or was pre ability of the | School Groups de The (hind = fourth grads 31st § 5.00 001111
students to memorize their : I A er vi fhe Te ou) 32nd $ 5.00 . 221566
| songs in the short time they had Give Holiday oe bX ginning 9 lo Seren 33rd § 5.00 .. 049092
it > TS. { 34th $ 5.00 ........... 340531 =
2 Prepare i We numb a] Presents ’ 35th § 5.00 Cui ne 130046
/ 1e present, Mr. Houck has . i i
| not decided whether to present Christmas toys were given to E. Musser Heisey 36th $ 5.00 i 344868
portions from South Pacific or |the children at the Messiah . 37th 5 3.00 131113
| an Operetta for the Spring Con- | Children’s Home, Mount Joy R1, Elected President 38th 3 5.00 Hirst .. 054030
| cert. Plans are for the Chorale by the members of the Y-Teens . 39th $§ 5.00 . 090991
Of Joint Board 40th § 5.00 025067
groups to present a Sacred-Sec- | and Hi-Y groups of the Donegal
ular program at some later date. | High School this afternoon. The
Any churches wishing any of project was sponsored by the
the groups for a religious music two groups jointly and all the
program please contact George students of the high school con-
| Houck. After the vacation peri- tributed to the fund for the pur-|
| od, soloists, a quartett, trio, sel- chasing.
| ect ensemble and the other yj, ,44ition to presenting gifts,
| chorale groups will prepare for to the home, the groups also dis- |
such a program. tributed candy canes tp the pa-
Mr. Stanley Dotterer, the tients of the Elizabethtown
| very capable accompanist for Crippled Children’s Hospital and
| the various chorale groups, will gave toys to children of needy
again be assisting in preparing families in the area. Mrs. Joseph
for these coming programs. The ylewellyn was the faculty ad-
| following students are being visor of the Christmas projects.
1 groomed as possible accompan- |
Against Burgess | ists: Ronald Hawthorne, Edith
Is Dismissed | Binoche, Barbara Martin, Bar- Lions Feature
Traffic charge against B. Titus! bara Thome. t | .
— - Christmas Party
Rutt, burgess of Mount Joy, was
lismisse N ay
dismissed Monday The Rev. Phillip Saylor, pas-
tor of the Trinity Reformed
evening by |
Justice of the Peace, Clayton, 10 Attend Cub
Church of Elizabethtown, was
Miller, East Donegal township.
the guest speaker at the Christ-
Traffic Charge
Rutt was prosecuted Nov. 12 by! Pack Meeting
HL a Seventy persons attended the mas meeting of the local Lions
hg on a charge of 1llegal pas-| ck meeting held in the grade | club Tuesday night at the Hos-
S 1 yz . . y y
8 i oa school auditorium Wednesday | tetter banquet hall. The meeting
Iler dignussed the case OR The program featured’ featured ladies night
the amount of clearance between Christmas caroling, and the pre= |
the auto Rutt passed and anoth- Seritation of gifts by ‘the |
er vehicle in front of him, stat- Bove to. thelr "parents Three
ing that there was sufficient den clicks who are voy
clearance and no possibility of received ier dion chit braids.
of any property damage being They are Roger Bates Richard
inflicted. Po W
mgs d for 4 ; ! Becker, and Ralph Rice, Jr. The
36H) as il or a roport on next pack meeting is scheduled
the hearing Burgess Rutt re- f i rr OR i
: or January 26 with theme
plied substantially as follows: | “railroading.” Ralph Rice, Sr
came to trial and was in charge of the meeting.
resolved on
Santa Claus arrived at the
party and an orchestra consist-
ing of Lions and wives played
music for the group. Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Harnish played
trombone and cello; Mr. and Mrs.
H. Morrell Shields played clari-
net and saxaphone; Joseph Tay-
or played bass; Jay Barnhart Sr.
played trombone and Jay Barn
The case
hart Jr. played piano
he thought it was
its merits. Arthur Sprecher was in charge
i of the program of the evening
Gingrich, president,
- ® -
He believed the issue is dead Dy TONS gi >
and world be'glad to. hege no The community Christmas and Faul
on i i 2 that decorations will remain lighted was in charge of the meeting.
10 3 a 3 . . .
Wise we De attain the kind of nightly until Sunday night, Jan. . "
OS ton i Kids seem to 9. They will be removed and SCHOOL REOPENS JAN. 3
eratio S See .
Or accomplished on the bas- the following School officially closed in the
Retball. court local grade school this morning
5 ¢ | w= ex == > and will not reopen until Mon-
Can't see a reason for anyone i J
to old aay ill feelings MEMBER TO WEAR BADGE day morning, Jan. 3. All the
ais 7 Packer will wear the students attended a special as-
stored during
| week.
i min ® jonored gold badge this week sembly in the auditorium where
FHYSICIANS ON CALL for his service as a sixth grade Mrs. George Broske directed in
SATURDAY of the local grade c,ro) singing. Mrs. John Hart
DR. WILLIAM WOBKMAN [Seton]. Roget us Yo. bind accompanied the group on the
SUNDAY ie Daege 2p piano. The elementary school
of the teachers with her grocer-
ies while she was shopping in the band also played several num-
, bers.

oo @ business area.
E. Musser Heisey, Mount Joy
R2. was elected president of the
Donegal Joint School Board at
its reorganization meeting last
Thursday night. Heisey succeeds
Daniel Wolgemuth. Paul Weien,
Marietta, was named vice presi-
Heisey named as
chairman the following: Martin
Musser, personnel; Joseph Bix
ler, transportation; Albert Seil
er, finance; Frank Walter, pub
lic relations; Paul Weien, build-
ing management and supplies;
Charles Bauserman, extra cur-
ricular activities; Samuel Beck-
er, education; Joseph Greiner,
joint committee; E. Musser Hei-
sey, policy
Wolgemuth reported that land
adjacent to the high school has
been surveyed and that a report
will be made before negotia-
tions for purchase are complet-
Mrs. Neiss Chosen
Auxiliary Head
Mrs. Park Neiss was elected
president of Mount Joy Friend-
ship Fire Company auxiliary at
the Christmas meeting of the
group last Thursday evening in
the firehouse. Mrs. Kate Barn-
hart was re-elected 1st vice pres-
ident; Mrs Kaylor,
second vice president: Mrs. Da-
vid Mumper, recording secretary
secretary Mrs.
and financial
Irene Eltz, corresponding
Mrs Anna Geibe,
tary and
The members of the Master-
sonville Fire Company Auxili-
ary were guests of the local
group for the meeting Approxi-
mately 60 persons attended the
holiday affair. Mrs. Harold Et-
sell, president, was in charge
Clarence Schock celebrated
his eighty-ninth birthday Wed-
nesday, Dec. 22. He celebrated
the event quietly in his home
on East Main Street. \
Rotary Club
Has Annual
Christmas Party
Mount Joy Rotary Club en-
joyed its annual Christmas par-
ty Tuesday noon.
Following a turkey dinner,
prepared by Eli Hostetter, San-
ta Claus appeared to distribute
gifts brought by the members
for exchange.
The club received into mem-
bership the Rev. Emmett S.
Moyer, rector of St. Luke's
Episcopal church, with John M.
Booth officially welcoming him.
The Rev. Mr. Moyer gave the
Christmas message after intro-
ductory comment by the Rev.
W. L. Koder, pastor of Trinity
Lutheran Church.
Speaking on “The Real
Christmas.’ the
Rov. Mr. Moyer reminded his
listeners that Christ, whose
birth is celebrated on Christmas
most dominent in-
Meaning of
Day, was the
fluence on spiritual life in
history of the world.
He pointed out that Christ be-"
came the moral and spiritual il-
lumination of the world, that he
not orly taught the meaning of
life, but was life itself.
The Rev. Mr. Moyer closed
his message by referring to
Christmas as the time whén
‘man comes to his senses.”
.e i.
National JayCee President, E.
Lamar Buckner, completed his
visitation tour of the Pennsyl-
chapters. After a tabulation was
made, it was discovered that the
nine stops he made, the local
JayCees provided a banquet
that attracted more persons and
a greater chapter representation
that any of the other eight stops.
The other stops were at La-
trobe, Beaver Falls, Philadel-
phia. West Rockhill, Allentown,
Scranton, Carbondale and Es-
penshade. \