The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 16, 1954, Image 3

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( to hunter gunfire in the first
énna. ame week of the buck season
A large but not exceptional —
number of illegal deer were re
Commission prea ited in ihe doy OMAP The Indians Win S M I 1 H'S TA VE RN
period. A discouraging item *
‘Weekly Letter from the northeast said: “Three Basket Fifth Straight 30 N. Jacob St. Mount Joy
| bears were killed illegally in a. | ‘ ous! i
Reports from all areas of the | this division during the week.” Coach Depoe’'s Donegal In- The Place Where You'll Re} The Biggest Ham Sandwich
n iown
THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.
Thursday, December 16 3D one g a |


The Merchants one of

| etate indicate that in the first Deer Kill Report Required ir Aatante rank . |dians won their fifth straight
YP 3 Sh C . ® | week of the 1954 deer season at Successful punters are | eta opening pe game Tuesday, downing a stub JUMBO SHRIMP AT ALL TIMES
i 9! seas ¢ i v / ‘ Xtra period game Q fi
opping onvenience least as many bucks were taken reminded the kill tag portion of 64-54 io [born Lampeter-Strasburg team - ————
fo BL t nse » ma a . 177 to 50.
$ » as in the same period last year. | thers eons must he to. It was another one of those ' olivine’ on thelr ROAST PORK & F.F. 50c CRAB CAKE PLATTER 75¢
Our store is open B [the tout wilt’ wot. bel Sone Commission, games only. thin: time] playing on thelr FISH PLATTER 85c
« i A ave afte ao > p . . gg i
i NOW in aariv § 955. after within 5 days after the close of the score was tied 53 all at the [small floor, held Donegal n ROAST BEEF & F. F. 50c FRIED OYSTERS 65¢
. . S known until early in 1955, after the season, which ended Dec. 11. | check for three periods, and at ,
3 evenin g S un t il kill tags have been counted. The. cooperation of persons end of the regulation game, one time during the third peri SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS 50c
: : SOS. With Clinger and Bowman out 4 “HIC
Wf Christmas i Jucks sporting good racks | who killed deer but who were! on fouls Er ay zin| 9d tied the score. Going into the | CHICKEN POT PIE 60c
ROP. . . v1 n were found mostly in farm ar- not required to secure a license MOI ith 3 Guls fourth and final quarter leading FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY
3 8 cas, though deer generally were | js solicited. A postal card with during the final period. The out. PY 6 points, Donegal began to HUBIE and JANE SMITH, Columbia
—t $ CLOSED AT 6 P. M. CHRISTMAS EVE iN said to be in good flesh. Large | the answers to questions on the cote ob the Zao looked very find themselves and scored 31 Owners
deer with exceptional antlers| license tag will suffice. Success 8 ints i is peri i | y
ee ro fon i ! SR a License tag will suffice. Success- 4.1 for the locals. Hawihorno point in this period, with Metz
3 were ta ken in some southern | f;]1 deer hunters who used the replaced Clinger and came thr ler hitting for 18 of 31 points
¥ Ww a soo 0 | counties. The southeentral sec- | tag in reporting a bear kill with 5 points : scored. Jay finished with 35
i ET {42 A pe a | tion reported tracking snow in| and those who lost the report lod. the: Joeals points for the night, this was the
¥ «J 4 5 | fhe mountains and the kill ov- portion of their license should with 18 points with 12 of ‘hose seocnd time this year that Metz SHOWS MATINEE
3 0g ; i { er the first few days greater] g > > ring inf iY oils 2 i. rr Score ‘ anv q
X « « st fc ys 8 | supply the following informa coming in the third quarter. ler scored that many points, EVENINGS SATURDAYS

in : wr : any !
n | than in 1953 | tion: the hunter's name and ad- It Was 2 very rough game us having previously hit 35 in their 7 and 9:00 P.M THE TRE AND
: : ip ed « 3 Be al : . Tei
| win over Elizabethtown last SATURDAYS A HOLIDAYS

Pd ’ N Across most the northern tier | dress, the license number if he , . Ye . Tei
A J > | . the fouls showed I'ri-Town : Nes | 2:00 P.M
J ¥ AV 5 counties, home of a large pro-| had one, the date, township and making 16 for 41 while the lo- week in the Section 1 opener | M Mount Joy, Pa : i
¥ portion of the herd, a snow | county in which the deer was cols. came throuch with. a fine Coach Depoe used Metzler, | A
3 a blanket* of reasonable depth lay taken, the dressed weight of the 30 for 47. i Ashe nfelter, Kugle, Heistand, FRIDAY — SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 - 18
W i) throughout the week. In the! animal, and the number of Tei-Town F G TI Grove, Nissley and Miller in rx rs ae aes 3
“COOPERATING MOUNT JOY RETAIL MERCHANT” i» | northwest, however, there was | points on both antlers. nw 16 5d winning Tuesday night's game. DANNY KAYE MAI ZETTERLING in-
> Yeomans SRERE MMM NE FE TE FE FATES PETER PF | 12 to 16 inches of snow. Aside from the requirement Joy G F ‘Thursday, Dec. 16, Donegal “Knock On Wood™
4 | Field officers of the Game| of law, information gathered ,. 0 9 8 12 will play host to Lancaster
d | Commission said there were 4 | from big game returns helps the Murphy ..... 2 0 0 0 Catholic, who was recently de- Rl ein
4 . . i fatalities and 15 injuries due | state’s wildlife authorities with Flick : 0 0 0 tented by Columbia High, Don-| MONDAY — TUESDAY, DSCEMBER 20 - 21
4 G t P R d t : rn ——— | their management problems Hershey 5 1 5 egal will meet Columbia, Dec
i rea rice € uc on | Game Birds Released Hawthorne Eel 1 5 21, at Columbia, and Coach De- JOHN PAYNE LIZABETH SCOTT -in-
i bo 1] 2 Wl || The Game Commission pro- Dow: La 1 3 5 poe said Columbia could be the 66 29
. ga " pagated and released these game oY n Brant neh v be ) dark horse in Section 1. Silver Lode
4 W h | : : P Meminger ¢ 18
4 n €s mg ouse | birds during 1954: Clinger 9 2 6 Donegal Jr. High Wins | re ree
| Mature ring-necked pheasants _, . Pian ‘ Fourth Straight Game |
| : : Geib ............ 0 2 2 9 +E WEDNESDAY -- THUR c
. | reared in state game farms or Shuman iy 9 11| Coach Hubie Peters’ Donegal 4 URSDAY, DECEMBER 22 - 23
Appliances | purchased from commercial yy; 0 0 Jr. High team won their fourth | ROBERT TAYLOR JANET LEIGH in-
breeders and liberated in this basketball game by de- | 6h 99
| year, totaled almost 100,000. "Totals 17 30 64 feating Patton Trade School for | Rogue Cop
the second time this year, 31 to
18, scoring 13 points the first RT A
half, and increased their pace in | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 - 25
{Over 7300 wild turkeys, pro-
2 sy State Wi - 5
| Dagated # Yu Yi Tur Another league victory was
| oy a: Wer a oe scored by the locals as they de- ;
| the ommonwealth over the i,q the Lancaster Merchants'the second half Ssconng 18 pts. |
|Hostetter was high scorer with

| same period.
Bobwhite quail, raised at the po 4 1 © igh scoring second 10 points, and Coulson was high
Patton with 6 points.
in a close game.
) ission’s aster Tame : yan : 3
Commission’s Eastern Gam period of 26 points to gain the
‘“The Egyptian” .
In Cinemascope
Farm and liberated in Pennsyl- verdict Their next home game will be
The Pleasure vania totaled 5700. Lanc. Merchants G F Tl. against Columbia, Dec. 17. |
DISH WASHERS i . Over 8100 mallard ducles Mt. Jov G F TI —-

; | were reared and liberated under Vises -
Is Mutual ! So duel SE Klugh v3 0 6
the Commission's duck pre ATA SI 8 5 9
; ® i] It is our pleasure to add to gram. Hawthorne . 9 9 6
your pleasure with attentive || Under the day-old pheasant tlershev 6 0 19
; ¢ | Service, | chick program over 218,000 Boman 4 14
chicks were distributed to Farm Shihan 4 9 10
; E W LE A M A N OUNTRY Game Cooperators and sports- po. 0 4
. > ITCHEN men in 1954. On the basis of Heinaman. 0 0 0






PETES PE REPS Fo. Fo Rl RE Ti Ro To VE PE Fi FE Fi TE FE FE 71 Ti TE To PE Fo Fi 76 F506 Fo Fou Tiler Tis Too Foo 6 V5 Fo Tse Rs Ri Wa.
STORE HOURS 8:30 A. M. UNTIL 10:00 P. M
TET 7 TS Th PT 0 i RO 0 We 0 Pl el TB
previous records, about 80 per-
3 Mrs. Mary Wolgemuth “these chicks wore raised] meme
208 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA E-to RD. 1 Phone 7-9709 cent of the se chicks were raisec Totals : 29 15 173
“COOFERATING MOUNT JOY RETAIL MERCHANT" flown to maturity to increase the sup- |
a i ply of birds for the gun last fall .
EE SE SS SSE ESE SE Su SL TE TE EP PE LEAS IEE PE IE AS ZR IE IS HS mE re wi kg | and in future. Sh t M t bh
aa PRE uy A Twenty-five pairs of Hungar- 00 ng a C
3 # | ian partridges from the Prov-
: # | ince of Ontario, Canada, were Fri., Dec. 17th
: 7 of 8 released in Crawford County, AT 7:00 P. M.
‘| northwestern Pennsylvania, last
8 March TURKEYS and HAMS
; ¢ » In addition to the birds releas- 19 ¢ 16 gauge guns will be uscd
i # | ed. more than 59,500 cottor tail . py a dri
3 | rabbits, 7000 of them ear-tag- On road from Risser’s Church Az (3>4(c I al LV] c
9 ged, were live-trapped last win- to Colebrook Road A eed hd Lb . JE
® | ter and released in suitable hab- Sponsored by ; IN VV}
o 4 itat Milton Grove Sportsme n’s Club v- a 201 I
i 0 Wild-Living Dogs and Cats ——— i [ J(e)(p LS
® » A Menace
¥ i he i ine Is Here! #| Many authentic records tells > a ¥
A of wild-living dogs and cats “~~ TABLE RADIOS!
wu . . . 3 -
\ i | causing destruction to wild J
; 2 creatures. Self-hunting dogs | onde aps CLOCK-RADIOS!
i Y er Ol i ut as OW 0 ay 8 have often destroyed farmers’ VIE 3 AN PORTABLE RADIOS!
| livestoc Itry, also. Some :
« Bi livestock or poultry, als Most amazing collection of RCA Victor radio values ever
| times they have attacked hu- [4] ATU Eis : glia TIE LOICCUON Qf ei) YI A010 Va US eT
| < 3 é atta >) gathered under one roof! Now's the time to buv that
» | : S| mans, usually when in packs. | D2) ox radio always wanted-aud teeded! Don’t nis
| S | House cats gone wild or obeying out! Come in today!
2 8 a natural insinct though domes-
ee en ey OIn Ib tic pets, have killed many birds
oO | and small animals. The follow- SEE
‘CE J T 'Y Wi recent accounts on the sub-
J : TE E at 73} ) Ing recent accc
3 IN ONE PIEC WHILE THEY LAST i ject are by game protectors. Santa Claus
i CUT TO ORDER Ib S 1 49 ® AME LETTER Continued
3 : ; . Harold W. Wiggins, of Naz- FROM HIS
. ® | arcth, Northampton County, re- |
$ b # | ports that many unwanted dogs TV Headquarters {
Prime and Choice | ® | have been turned loose near
¥ - one tea “ rime anc 10ice [J A tu DAILY 5:45 P. M.
A | Bethlehem’s city dump. He says
- 4 4 | these dogs have become wild, FROM
i 2 have done considerable damage WHP TV Ch Lh
RN] rreated a safety - 7 - RCA Vi “Quincy” AM Table Radio.
and created a safety prov m y anne RCA Victor “Creighton” AM Table Radio. Unique Patio ir Er Coble hii
§ on . - 50- 95 ®| for children in the vicinity. Om Top diol "Golden THOT" Tore! Feros. ro Wing: yen Tock! tone bring
2d 9 wn In October, a stranger at- HARRISBURG Maroon finish; ivory, green, red or black, extra. finish. RCA Victor's lowest priced radio! Model
8 (Tarn to Page 6) | Model 4X551. SX521. $19.95
eo ® I | 2 0H 2 TR EE I A y ry
"le 3 :
: Xmas Gift Fruit Baskets ii .— : Po
i wn N i 2%, ee
i 3 |
| $2-.$3-%$5- $7 - $10 i with “Golden Throat” Tons
- a | S$
Bo 4
3 Rs |
- Mon. & Tues. 8 to 6 p. m. —~ Wed. & Thurs. 8 to 9 p. m. ki ELECTRIC FRYERS TOYS
Friday 3 t> 6 p. Mm. '¥ ELECTRIC SHAVERS SEAT COVERS #
3 I "TIRES SANT tuple SAN hel unl 1 New ete gests
Midget size; giant performance. | 1- hroat'’ tone. Six smart cc ro n Throat" tone. Accurate
9 RV modern styling. Easy-to-read dial on lift- ack with arctic white, brick r Te tylish cabinet in maroon
: ¥ » lid. Rich “Golden Throat" tone. Smart gray treuse; ivory with brick red, dark areer fi , red or hlack, extra
. General Merchandise finish, SBX41 59.9%, (less batteries) or powder blue, 4X64] Series $2.9 $29.95
of 8
i 3


, PA. \