RETIN, ( THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, bai} rf 4} _Thursday, December 2 pr) - — | Th ksgi (outh G By Youth Group Patus Hoshina, a Japanese stu fi dent at Lebanon Valley Colleg | was the guest speaker at the annual Thanksgiving breakfast of the St. Mark's E. U. B. church = Youth Fellowship. The affair : was attended by 35 youth and 5 | was held in the church base- 1] ment { | Miss Fay Wickenheiser was a in charge of the Thank Offering — 4 Hi | program and the breakiast was in prepared by the recreational — Salunga | commission of the youth group. urc ews Church of the Brethren | Mary Schneider and Richard Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge | gchneider are co-chairman of NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Ezra Herman, Supt. : Mr CHURCHES IN MT. JOY Sunday the commission and Mrs. Hazel THE RN The 9:00 i S ay Scho Roth is advisor. ND THE ENTIRE SUR 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schoo { A > IN Rr 10:00 am. Worship Service During the program, mem- ROUNDING COMMUNITY. Ww ¢ Moetiftg and | | bers presented their annual 7:30 p.m. Praye ceting an Bible Study : | thank offering which is used for + First Presbyterlan Church Thursday : | a mission project. The project 1s Mount Joy, Penna. 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal a special fund set up n tionally Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor — to educate foreign students ol Sunday Church of the Brethren the mission field in United 9:30 a.m. Church School. Florin, Pa. | States schools 6:30 p.m. Westminster Fel- Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder |" 0 {owship. Samuel T. Becker, Supt. 4 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. | Sunday . i h 3 Meditation: “Christmas Carols.” | 9:00 am Bile School : utheran Women Sn | 10:00 a.m. Worship Service. | re RIN - church | 7:30 pam. Evening Worship Plan Christmas Pageant Donegal Presbyterlan Churc 1 | Wednesday ap J Se a Mount Joy R. D. 1, Penna. | 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service I'he Women's Missionary So Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor oD; - yer > ne | ciety of Trinity Lutheran church Sunday “ | ms me rms - mre my will hold its December eet 9:30 a.m. Church School | Glosshrenner hn Taesdns ine Dec. 2 NM , ind J I esday eve g, Ts 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | United Brethren Church Cd Dy i Cermon: “Advent: Expectations | Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor 7:45 p.m. in the Sunday School or Illusions? Sunday room of the church - | +R n 1] . roar 1 1x9 3 IM. SVR lo- | service of the society will assist in pre vices. See paper for further de- |: . ; tails, Pa | Thursday senting this program Follow- Wednesday { 3:30 Cherub tis Choir. ing the program, a social hour 7:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor.| 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir. will be held 7:30 p.m. Frayer Meeting {6:30 p.m. Seraph Choir. Tl n oft Thursday : | 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir ie Womers Ox the 7:00 p.m. Ladies Aid Society. -» ED tion are urged” to West Green Tree to bring their friends Mt. Pleasant ! Church of the Brethren Christmas Tea, which always Brethren In Christ Church | Abram N. Eshelman, Elder one of the outstanding programs Pastors: Graybill Wolgemuth, | Sunday rs . | oy : of the women’s groups C. H. Moyer | 8:45 a.m. Sunday School at : Sunday : ol | Rheems and Green Tree. 9:00 a. m. Sun Schoo NH 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, | Cl 3 10:30 a.m Wors hip Service. C hg 8B { Worshiy C114 105en i | Ic ree Wednoase Dyes : ting | 7:30 p.m Evangelistic Meet- Se 0 £ ym. Prayer Meeting hy LX or Ha ings continues with Rev. Rob- ecrel fary Di Tri = ¥ = 1 ert O. Hess as Evang list Bt Telly nvangelica {Green T 3 \ G ons ngelical =~ | Green Tree, Services every Conference Group Congregation: Ay ening at 7 30 to dec. 5 Spec ial & nev. A. Deck, Pastor music every might Everyone Miss Ronnie Jean Reese, Del- BURY School welcome. ta Street, was chosen secretary . oJ A.M. at day SCNOC ; : 10:20 ijl of the East Pennsylvania Con- ; Rib Crossroads Brethrer “hris reall Sermon them I'h Bible for Crossroads Bi ih 1 In Christ ference of the United Brethren Today.’ { Church : : a a Sn Worsh Sarno: {rvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru. | Youth Fellowship ai a coutel Bib id ond | baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. ence held Saturday 1 Millers tament | Sunday | burg at the Hebron E. U. B. 9:15 a.m. Sunday School huteh ul I 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 4 W CL i : 3: Rd oH 7:00 p.m. Christ Crusader’s Clair Wagner, who has peen It Ci ractice and Children’s Bible How president of the conte ( {oi Nol { a Y's \ m. Senior Choir 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Mes- two years, was in charg the Practice. re all-day affair. Since Mr. Wagne! ¥ iy ) ecently clected president we nd 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer was recently ected } a Cie fan Cau Service. of the denominational tev, W .. Koder, Pastor | 5a ay V | errr group, he was not re-elected 10 EIU y 7: 4 Pr 1 1 9:36 a.m. Sunday School Zion Lutheran Church his position. He is the president 9: Morning Worship. | Landisville, Penna Sn lr t which the A ons = Rev. Ernest P. Leer of 38 conferences, of which ih Sunday East Pennsylvania is on ; Pan 9:30 a.m. Sunday School | © In addition to Miss Reese and lissional 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship | yy. Wagner, J ; Buchen ie tat Thursday Pr : Ty ( a ! u oy x ‘ | auer + and Virs OVA Ranck i eas x : 7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal auer, Dr. and irs. zr: eo i Yex % ( r' ( nei \ - — and twenty other young peop i { { pp. ol i | 1 3 NTs >. yr i the Farish Hou Landisville Church of God from the 8t Viark’'s E.U.B. § 1 ps - ihe sville, Penna church attended the conference The Su ch of God E. Thomas Tillett, Pastor ) Rev. C. Yi. iwig, Pastor : Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supl. PLANS BAZAAR Sunday { Sunday : Tae Tein Dill, ane. of 9:30 Ja, Sunday School | 9:15 am. Church School The PK ndly Bib ( la Of i Lester Eshe in Suj | 10:30 am. Worship Service. St John’s Luth Sunday ! 10:30 a.m, Morning Vorship | 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship | School, Maytow: ; holding a i : "3 Lo Worship | Wednesday : or tam i i ). 1m venihg Y 1} « * . “ dAaZac Ssaturda al i I al | Nes : 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. | “°° ibis y sits ( a the fire hall. Featured will be 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting. | = tes alo Wednesday { The Washington Street fancy work, aprons, pies, cake 7:30 p.m. Frayer Meeting Church Of The Brethren candy, plants, a white elephant { v Elizabethtown, Pa. table and a parcel post sal » Church i Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor ® e Rov Jy. Pastor |=Hacay . CARI A \ Bi a ; : 9:30 a.m. Church Schoo?! CARD PARI ro Te "ol Po m. Sunday Bible School Adult theme, A Cry Out of the The St. Mary's Guild of tht . ddl. OO i id Ji » + : . Classes for all ag {| Depths ’ . Se Luke Episcopal Church 2 A KM AR 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, | _ : Ct in . am. Morning Worship x ; will sponsor a card party In tne bv th oto The Sormon, “Seek First His King- : C4 Hall T . nl p ole dom,” by Dr. A. Stauffer Curry, | Mount Joy rire Hal n rag ul “2.00 ip vi} Service Pr Moderator, General Conference, | evening, Dec. 9, 6:00 o'clock p.m. Pre-Service a F i wel : ip ait SEI | Church of the Brethren The rroup will feature pi fellowship. i ovr . : 27 ; ! £1 } 7:30 oH Evening Service 7:30 pm. Evening Worship, | je bridge and 500 Pu : the Tp tor: “TY Message ‘Unto These, My { Sibi. il SC Oil DY LN "ast . ae . v no f God.” | 3rethren, ’ led by the Pastor. west of God. 1 wr YA" > 3 A Tuesday | Wednesday Bile Hoar. lod By BAZAAR, FOOD SALE 7:30 p.m. Women's Work lth : ii ng BIE A bazaar and fodd sale will \ Q L oc ad . Group at Marion & Ruth's. | be held Saturday, Dec. 4, by the Thursday PE EY soartmient e 6:30 p.m. Youth Night at the | Mt. Joy Methodist Church Prima y x partment of h home of Bob Hofman | Rev. Wm. E. Harner, Pastor | Church of God, starting at 3:40 i Saturday, Dec. 4 > The sale will held in the ’ . Tr e | e ai uit s " or i Sin : St. Mark's Evangelical United Wiig Sale at Rutt Junio: church annex on Henry stree Church foo doth eve) wil ature Christmas Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor | Sunday : : : and will featur by . Ly : { 9:30 am. Sunday School gels, aprons and veral nove ol Sunday . Yoh Servis ‘ | 10:40 a.m. Church Service. tie 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. er ies. 10 4 Pgh m, Morning Worship | Wednesday ESS a ye ra Yt re irs Methodist Men's Meeting 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship I y B and sermon Executive Council Meeting Topic, “Cold Tried in the Fire.” 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship fet Solunga Methodist Church 1:00 p.m. Advent Service, Monday fos uhe ly a musical service 7:30 p.m. Men's Fellowship 130 a.m. Sunday School [Talk on the Episcopal Church, night, sponsored by the Ushers’ | 7:30 p.m. Church Service. Customs and Ceremonies i Léague and Brotherhood; in the wid? Hing. .ab parsonage 5:00 p.m. Motion Picture church basement. | Ne ® ee ing -at parsonage Strength of the Hills” Tuesday |) ou Joy. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Womens Society of | EF) VI 7:30 p.m. Vestry Meeting World Service Christmas meet- =~ 23 ceting 8:00 p.m. Card Party spon ing in the church basement. | : sored’ by St. Mary's Guild in Mt Wedne: sday | St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Joy Fire Hall. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Mount Joy, Pa. td ————— | | The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer 8:30 p.m. Sunday School Ex- | Vicar y Clagsifie 8 ecutive Council meeting Sunday © Thursday : | 7:30 a.m Men’s Corporate 8 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir | Communion and Breakfast. 2 8) 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re- i 9:30 a.m. Church School. | 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion | David E. 5 Dr. A S. Curry "To Speak Sunday Roxanne To Be : Awarded Saturday Receive Day | Saturday night, Local Scouts | 7:00 p.m. wel Camp Equipment . At Elizabethtown Roxanne doll of the local Joy Dr. A. Stauffer Curry of | Cee organization, will be award- | For the first time this year Washington, D. C., Moderator of ed from the Way's Appliance | some of the profits realized from the General Conference of the| Store Being awarded in con-|the Lancaster County Scout Church of the Brethren, will junction with the same day that | cookie sale reverted back to the preach this coming Sunday Santa will arrive, the group will | individual neighborhood day morning at 10:30, in the Wash- award the doll, her equipment camps. Formerly, the money ington Street Church of the and her wardrobe made by the| was used entirely to support the Brethren. Elizabethtown | members of the organization county camp, Furnace Hills Dr. Curry. a native of Palmy- Roxanne has been on display This year, each neighborhood ra. and a graduae of Elizabeth- in the various business windows | which maintains a day camp town College. is the Executive throughout the past month, Mrs. | was asked to submit a list of Secretary of the National Ser- Nicholas Leitner is chairman of | items needed at their camp. Af- vice Board for Religious Object-! the committee. ter the necessary money was ors. His message will have to do ® used for the county camps, the with the brotherhood program | HEADS COMMITTEE remainder was divided among of his denomination, under the AT COLLEGE the county day camps. general theme, ‘Seek First His Miss Shirley Smith, Mt. Joy The Mount Joy-Florin Day Kingdom.” Dr. Curry's visit to | high school class of 54, is head- Camp asked for and received 2 the local Church, is under the! ing the publicity committee for hatchets, a covered garbage pail sponsorship of the Missionary | open house this week at Bow-| used for sterilization of dishes Committee, and is preparatory | man hall, Cornell college, Mt. and silverware and three cover to the annual Christmas World | Vernon, Iowa ed milk or water pails. Wide Mission Offering, which] ® ———— has become an important part Stimulate your business by adver- When in need of Printing. (any- of the observance of the advent | ising in the Bulletin. thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | _ season. ti rr =P Wate es Members of the congregation ; will offer their Christmas gifts to Christ, on Dec. 12, in support | Are You Proud of of the Church's world wide pro- gram of missions and service. The this year's offering is $5,500. Goal for To Hold Second ‘In Advent Series The vent services will be Luke's Episcopal Church day afternoon at 4:00 p. m Schlosser, will play the Bambino” Pietro Above Away second of a series of Ad- held in St. Dr ganist seasonal tions on organ, Yon; Earth in A “In Pas from the S. Bach will be Mr. Mount Joy who presently Cesu From Heaven to I} Come” J. S Martin Jubilo” - J. S Bach; Manger’ Luther Dulchi toral Christmas Oratorio - J Bach; Symphony” The guest soloist William Gassma | popular n of baritone Jewish Synagoge in will sing “Mighty All Glorious’ | sings in the He King Christmas Bach; “O Holy Night” - and the following Handel's Messiah who may abide the day “The Lancaster Lord and From the by Ad am, arias from of Coming” and walked in darkness.” Following this service light refreshments will be served in the Parish Room at which time motion picture Hills” will be film portrays in color the shown This some of the dances and ceremonies of the cular the Church among The public is these Indians, but in parti- Sioux word of the Episcopal Indians invited to attend these services ° XMAS CANTATA A Christmas Wondrous Li will be pres Choi the odist Chu noon, Dec The the direction of Esther 1011 “The Stultz, Senior Meth alter- Cantata by snted by the Mount Joy on Sunday hi Al rch 12 15 voice choir is under Mrs Walter Walters will on the Sloan, Miss accompany the cl or- Soloists will be announced The gan public is invited tater Bulletin Advertisers Palroniz Quality Meats ) A FULL LINE OF ALS Fruits & KRALL'S Meat Markel MOUNT JOY CORN - FED « TURKEYS WE ST MAIN ST. Dressed or live weight EUGENE -S. KREIDER | MOUNT JOY, R.D. PA. J PHONE 3-9036 | Sun- | church or- | selec- | including | Oratorio | “But | His | People that | “Strength of | 1 TD D(C CIE (AD) SE TE D>) > CT) CD) CE CED) Dl) CD ED CE GED CE) Your Letterhead? If you're not ycu should be . 11 5¢ 3 letterhead is your silent ambassador to nev alike. Make sure that sign am id of | siness . your bu and old customers Let us : qx it is worthy of 1 ttethead you CAN The Mount Joy Bulletin | 7O be prot 69c 25¢ FROZEN OYSTERS STROEHMANN’S STUFFING CUBES ZIMMERMAN PEANUT BUTTER 8 oz. jar 21c: 16 cz jar 38¢ LIBBY PUMPKIN 19¢ TINY CHOCOLATE BITS 58¢c PITTED DATES 29¢ can 1b. 1b. MIXED GLAZED FRUIT 1b. 53c ENGLISH WALNUTS ib. 4Zc PECAN HALVES Ib. $1.30 FRESH SALTED PEANUTS 1b. 80c FRESH SALTED CASHEWS . $1.20 MT.JOY LOCKER PLANT PHONE 3 Mount Joy D431 “Cooperating Retail Merchant A TT A (DT CC GW) ST ED) TDC) _— "Christ i for Newtown and Community ee ry. -— a EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Newtown Evangelical U. B, Church REV. JOHN ¥. FERICH, PASTOR NOV. SUNDAY MORNING - 10 A. M | WITH Evangelist Joe Miller | of Harrisburg, Pa. Special Music Each Night FRIDAY Donegal Gospel 4 Quartet SATURDAY Male Quartet Mt. Calvary Church, Elizabethtown, Pa. SUNDAY New Life Hour Radio Quartet Lancaster School of Bible » Use Our Classified Column — It Pays Three simple wohis —"Let us pray’ '—are the cue to the service you take part im, , when you go to an Episcopal Church. ! The Episcopal ser- vice is called a corpo- rate service — that is, we all take part in it. Thus, when the min- ister says, “Let us pray,” it is a common effort. The prayers he uses are almost all printed in the Book of Common Prayer. We don't think it’s any more unusual to pray out of a book than to sing out of a book. You see, we do it together. “That's one of the things we believe you'd ene) joy about being an Episcopalian — the feeling’ that you're part of things. In the primitive church, in fact, clear back in Old Testament times, the main part of the religious service was praise and worship of God and earnest prayer for his aid and forgiveness. i The sermon or instruction “part "of the ser: vice was secondary. In many churches today, however, the service is centered around the ser- mon. The congregation sits back to listen or to be spectators, rather than being actual I partici- piss in the service. ” Yn the Episcopal Church, we join together in the worship and praise of God. You are invited to join us — today — in the active worship of God at the Episcopal Church near you. 7 You Ave Invited To Attend The Special Advent Services In BIGGEST CAR, BIGGEST BUY OF THE LOW-PRICE 3 Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church Sunday — 4 p. m. ALL-NEW PLYMOUTH '55 COME IN TODAY! SEE IT! i ~N ® Powerful new Hy-Fire | i CHOICE OF TOP POWERPLANTS * New Metal-in-Motion Styling iy igs i eo Powerll ! 177 hp... Hy-l'ire V-8 engine ! Powerklite : with’ Power Pakt | Flite - . « . | ! 167 hp... Hy-Fire V-8 engine ~~ . . iv 11.11 ) ) f/ rin ! 157 hp... Hy-Fire V-8 engine : * Full-time Power Steering 1 17 : i 117 hp... Powerllow 6 engine : ® Fasy-Glide Power Seats ! i oe 7 ubeless Ss sland f4-barrel carburetor at low extra cost. I Tubeless tires star lard, i All powerplants available with PowerFlite, ! Overdrive or Synchro-Silent transmission, 1 rT ——— -8 and PowerFlow 6 engines . finest no-clutch transmission made, Control Drive Selector on ‘the instrument panel ® New Full-View Windshield, swept-back, really lets you see DRIVE IT... The big swing is to Plymouth, with Your: Plymouth dealer headquarters for value 3 * Wide-pedal Power Brakes™ ® Lasy-Lift Power Windows™ *Optional equipment at low extra cost