THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursray, December 2 OWL LAFFS BY A WISE OWL] There'll be no more peace anc house until the wife and kids get Christmas shopping out o for a minute Im not Sant Claus - — All I do is give kamp, has the laziest rooster i the world. He has never crowe his head Miles Robinson, Florin, whil hunting in Perry County with 6-point buck with the first sho perfect, didn’t reject his shel only to have it get up and ru away without giving him chance for his second shot. While up in Perry Count into one of the little stores an her surplus butter to the groce er said “Your butter was ur derweight last week!” me.” Eisenhower's hunting exper ence during the small game se son: ‘Ike bought himself a ne 16 gauge shot gun. He took hi woods they went — — — 1 new gun and took the boy's gu and went hunting by himself boy had discovered his dad ha tried to put 12 ihe 16 gauge gur - Philosopher Enck savs: Bar into are apt to come out si wrote: “I am getting old and have a chance to marry but I have false teeth, an upper and lower plate. Now my problem is this: If he finds out, he won't marry me. What should I do?” Dorothy wrote back and gave her this advice, “Well, for good- ness sakes, marry him and keep your mouth shut!” Donny Smith told us this one which he encountered in his travels——— A salesmarr making a month's leave he still had about half the cheese. He didn't want to pack | it, nor did he want to leave it | dying in the room. He went ov- | er to the windowsill, carefully | removed a plant from the pot, buried the cheese and replaced ihe plant. A few days later he received a telegram irom the hotel: “We give up. Where did you put it?’ Then there is the Scot who is | knitting his wife a sweater of; steel wool so it will wear like | iron! He's also feeding a flock | of sheep ironized yeast so they} will grow steel wool. A. > .3 A WISE OWL | quiet or extra dollars at our their systems. They know every night the stores are open in all our stores and in the surround- ing towns. And don’t you think Our neighbor. Harry Darren- in in his life. He just waits for an-| other one to crow and then nods | rifille that holds 8 shells, shot a| and started toward the priz hunting on Tuesday I stoppe was there at the time. The groc- “Now, fancy that,” said Mrs: Farmer. “The baby mislaid mj scale weights that day, so I use the pound of sugar you sold | berio or a factum simile of such 1¢ answe I forgot to tell you about Ike gauge shells ii are something which if you g« love affair. In order that she might know what to do, she wrote her problem to our Dor- ohy Dix. Here is what she THE Satin every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, | Larmon D | John | Subscription VE Advertising at | Mount Joy, { mail under t 1879 paper Publ BULLETIN Smith, rates upon request | Editor and Publisher, | Mount Joy. | I Lancaster County, Pa. Publisher E Schroll, 1901-1952 i Rate $2.50 per |} ar by Mail t 1 the postoffice at Pa., as S€ cond-class he Act of March 3, | ishers’ Member, Pennsylvania News Association. ( 1] — | py cotton or paper padding is | { used. You can feel the ditfer- | per share on a pro forma con-| The Low Down ce.The best padding feels soft | solidated basis for the twelve | ' F Hi k G | and light. Cheap padding feels| months ended October 31, 1953. rom 1C id rove thick, heavy, and uneven. | These earnings are after obsorb- | Speak Positively Tell your | / ing in the month of October the | Today I come to the topic| young child what you want him NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL =] | cost of $600,000 damages by | “business.” With the World| to do rather than what you do} ———— | Hurricane Hazel which was the | | Series now old stuff—the noise | not want im to do. Try “Roll| POWER SHORTAGE most severe storm ever experi- | and confusion and commotion! the ball” instead of “Don’t] ON MARIETTA AVENUE enced by the Company. of the election muffled for the| throw the ball in the house.” | For approximately one hour Consolidated revenues for the | | nonee—with college yells of the| Count Threads Sheets dif- | and 40 minutes, the electrical | twelve months ended October | autumn season cooling down, I|fer in quality according to | power was disrupted in the 31, 1954 were $108,090,843, an pick up my pencil for some| weave is known as thre ad | Niariott Avene aret oa increase of 2.6% over the reven- | notes about a deserving hero,| count.” That's the number of | arietta Avenue area Monday. | yes for the previous year. | “1. 8S. A. a { word for same { being news, { Everybody | ness makes the mare | body know d| means th i ties on the | the rarin’-tc a | stand up in —belittle ar t.| obstructions He estimated that the shot was | the business l. | “Wonderlan €! Nowhere ha njlike America "out of 100 ¢ | this—a nois | way into in which to business 1 y| d | d | store hinge | threadbare .-| Without | owned railr s.! oil, and the yt job, where di give you m | misery is tl | to tune-out je Yours wi the wife of a farmer, who sells | Pring squeaks to OP, 4 Jusiness.” ch! wot comes s that a A good knows that busi- g0--every slow-down at somebody's pay | check has a corner clipped off | everybody knows that a pile of RR track will derail -go diesel. But scal- e! awags will hop on the radio the U. S. 1d abuse on the d’—our s there citizens portant sound-of f they { what they ask for, 's—put A. Senate | and pile tracks of machine of this 48 states. been a place Yet—with 95 knowing all ome few I I find their laces from lambast should get r the grocery I garments. ust would vatches on prosperous privately oads, banks, stores, right to choose your would we Vv best be? 1 will answer. Si- r It is time the wordy, vinegary, | Ieft-handedly inclined windies th the i> JO w 1S before they started to hunt, hy | n! tic people. The mome | someone d! draw out 1 | corner of ti a probe, th | proach the victim, [ eyelid with The huma a few of "and maybe get tossed | lot of punisl rubbing a — — — when Ike got home the| reach for their hip hank; In cluttering our landscape low down, son with him and off to the “ Your Health tried and tried, but the shells] Breathes there a man with wouldn't go in the gun and Ike| confidence so dead he never to told his boy that there must be| someone has said, “I'll get that something wrong with the gun,| speck out of your eye!” Quick so he sent his son home with the on the draw are these enthusias- nt they sce eye, they pocket and 1¢ handke wisting a rchiet mto ev confidently ap ye n boay ) push up the a thumt around the e; and poke al iment, and this pro e fact. Eye | Injuries of a minor nature occur at work, to children. | significant tl outdoors to grown-ups and 1 No matter how in behind. | cedure is abusing th | € me an A maiden lady from Florin at A he 1d : ' | and i was having some trouble with a | eye injury may appear it should be | someone with ber of the family or a too help- ful neighoor. Often th foreign i substance is embedded in the i cornea of the eve moval calls for expe The eyes a injuries. The which the scratched by ing against it * of the tree or fingernail. Bec | or ointment 1 reduce pain Burns of the re subj general practition- er may encounter such as the limb! bush stay in a southern town bought | virtually invisible the some limburger cheese to eat in| stained to show the his room. When he got ready to | the damage a nd an hi experience and i with proper respect for the deli- cate tissues o than by a well-meaning mem- f the eye, rather a case In eyeball has been ome object brush- or » Injury is € anesthetic indicd by & and the re- rt care et a baby's wweball is extent of s administered to eyeball are caus ed by sparks from matches or by hot cigarettes or splashing into burns of the ¢ dustry and mz home from lye precious and not replacable, the eye. \y occur or acid grease Chemical I wes are seen in in- in the Eyes are ‘ennsylvania State University College of Agriculture Timely Reminders {rom The . KEEP IT CLEAN—AND THATS NO | | Earnings Up JOKE, SON/ BE SURE THosE |! | WIPERS N’ DEFROSTERS WORK! | Consolidated earnings YOU CAN'T BLITZ A BLIZZARD. Home Calender | uncee metry | (PLP & L | | Dried Plums All prunes ylums, but all plums are yrunes. Only varieties of hat can be dried without nenting become prunes Padding Shoulders nan's high-grade suit, the ler padding is fine, soft threads to the square inc close to| muslin and percale sheets high thread count are stronger than those with threads plums | common fer- of Pennsylvania Power & Light Company for the twelve months | In al Saded October 31, 1954 were] shoul- | 16,216,356, equivalent to $2.88 cotton. | per share of common stock out- | lum standing at such date, as com- | In a low-grade suit, coarse 1 fewer not | are I ay Company and its subsidia \ pared with $13,727,535 or $2 30th | Workmen who were previously ® 1 apps 2 . . | area. tising in the Bulletin. hat ore | We Call News Improved Putty Knife TO SIMPLIFY and improve G1 When in need of Printing thing) kindly remember the y Bul | Have You Been Visiting ? eo | Had Visitors ? ( | Been Divorced ? Bought Anything ? Sold Something ? Had a Party ? Been To One ? Got Engaged ? Been Jilted ? Joined a Club or Been Thrown Out of One Had Triplets, Quads or Even a Baby ? Had An Accident ? That's News. Please Tell Us So We Can Print It and Tell Your Friends letip Fresh, Roasted ® Hassinger's Grocery 6 N. Market St., Mount . “PEANUTS Joy 44-tic The BULLETIN MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661 | Buller’s Beauty Salon Main Street Florin, | of | ry — en Ys ln) ae] | The Scranton Electric Company, | 7 Ara opie accruing to the c stock | J 5 1 2.78] | Pennsylvania Fower & Light | of | called to a shortage in Milton! When in need of Printing. (any- | usually | Grove returned power to the | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | Under New Management Beginning November 22nd "Geo.’ L. Geibe has assumed ownership of Sherk's Richfield Service Station, "Geo. is from Lititz Station Work. and has 20 years of experience in Service He will continue the policy of prompt, courteous service. Mr. Geibe will carry a full line of Richfield Products, Tires. Tubes, Batteries and Anti-Freezes, and will Specialize in Waxing and Polishing Mi. Sheric would like to take this opportunity to thank all his friends and customers who pa'ronized him in the past, and hope they will continue to do so with Mr. Geibe. “GEO.” L. GEIBE RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION {last Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 3-5241 Cold Waves Ts Permanents $5.00 up Call Mt, Joy 3-4339 Maude Buller, Prop. ADAM H. GREER JEWELER Phone 3-4124 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Eerie CEPR EE BY APPOINTMENT | | | SNYDER'S GENERAL REPAIRING BODY and FENDER SHOP R. D. 2 ALONG 230 ROUTE WEST OF FLORIN PHONE 3-9867 GARAGE J. S. SNYDER - PROP. Everbody In Tuna Fish Light Meat 24 m6: Chunk Style Label can 21¢ can Soap Ne Soap Se A Vel Detergent Fab Detergent Octagon Laundry Soap 2? large size 17¢ cakes 1c Sale of Swan Soap 4 regular size 26¢ cake comb. Lux Flakes Rinso Granulated Soap Lifebuoy Soap 3 regular size 28¢ cakes Lifebuoy Soap Breeze Detergent ose > 33¢ gin} Gh pkg. Swan Soap 4 small size 19 cakes 87 EAST MAIN ST. White Meat White SVrerl) 25¢ 7-01 41 Solid Pack Label Chu NEWS FP THE Cl AND ROUND! t~ First] IM Rev. Ha Sunday 9:30 a. 6:30 p fowship. 7:30 p Meditatio Donegal Mount Rev. Ha Sunday 9:30 a 10: ern . or Newilc Rev. Sunday 9:00 a. 10:00 7:30 p VICES. St tails. Wednesd: 7:00 p 7:30 p Thursday 7:00 p Rev. Sunday 9:15 a 16:20 Sermon Today.’ Sunday 9:3 0 Lost 10:: Monday 30 Wedne 7:30 Rev. W Sunda 9:15 a. Classes 10:30 Sermon Pastor & 7:00 | Fellows! 7:30 ; sermoil Rest of Tuesday 1:30] Group a Thursda 6:30 home of St. Ma Ezr. sunday 9:00 | 10:15 6:00 Executi 7:30 Monday 7:30 night, s League church Tuesday 7:30 ) World ing in t Wednes 7:30 | Service. 8:30 1 ecutive ! Thursgda 7:00 8:00