Bulletin Advertising Pays Big Dividends Fresh, Roasted PEANUTS Hassinger's Grocery 16 N. Market St, Mount Joy 44-tfe Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. SUS Mount Joy, J DEN MOTHERS NEEDED IN EASTERN SECTOR According to Cub officials in| there is an urgent | need for Den Mothers, especial- | ly in the vicinity of North Bar- bara Street and East Main St This is the locality of the bor- ough where there are the most list prospective a waiting a den. One Den Mother for the western part of town it boys on more has been | was also announced. FINE PRINTING LLL SET YOUR ORDER What Been Jilted ? MOUNT JOY We Call News Have You Been Visiting ? Had Visitors ? Been Divorced ? Bought Anything ? Sold Something ? Had a Party ? Been To One ? Got Engaged ? Joined a Club or Been Thrown Out of One Had Triplets, Quads or Even a Baby ? Had An Accident ? That's News. Please Tell Us So We Can Print It and Tell Your Friends The BULLETIN Phone 33-9661 toss n turn lounge n live in Munsingwear Balbriggan Pajamas There’s no pulling, cramping ‘or binding in Munsingwear Balbriggans. They're knit and finished to resist shrink- ing, sagging, stretching with NYLON-reinforced neckband, wrists and ankles. In light blue/navy, gray /wine, gold /brown, light green/Hunter green. Sizes A-D. Also in six-footers and size E— $5.50 Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan EsHLEMAN BRos. MOUNT JOY, PA. “COOPERATING MOUNT JOY RETAIL MERCHANT” Nr Btn Tin IRIN Th Be AW BeAr without | secured | Sl , The Nagging Husband By R. H. WILKINSON ACK and Grace Baker were the happiest couple in Fairmount for almost a year. Then Jack began discovering certain qualities in his wife that he hadn’t dreamed existed They weren't minor idiosyncrasies that could be easi- habit of forgetting. Forgetting to mend Jack's socks, to sew on his buttons, to keep appoint- ments. Going out and forgetting her latch key, forgetting to bring her glasses to the movies. After a year | it began getting Jack down. The | warrant it. He when he received a payoff came bill from Grace’s dentist. charges for appointments made and | not canceled with due notice.” “There’s no excuse for it!” he raved to Grace. ‘‘Dang it, it's down- right negligence. money. You've got to improve!” Surprisingly Grace was contrite. | “I know it, darling, It's a habit I've always had and can’t seem to break | myself of. I'll try to do better.” And for a while she did. Jack no- ticed the change and was pleased. But it didn't last. Before a fortnight had passed. Grace had forgotten she’d promised to try not to forget. | Jack spoke to her about it again, | and again she promised to do wetter But the same thing happened all | over again, and it happened a third time. Jack began to get desperate. He found himself speaking sharply to | It's costing me | ] | er, was the guest | | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, November 18 12 Hair Styler Speaks To Donegal Students F. Emile Malle of the Emile's Hairdressing Academy, Lancast- speaker for thirty junior and senior girls at Two Casts To Portray ‘Senior Play | the senior class of the Donegal High Using a two-cast system, the Donegal High School. Under | School will present the three- the the school, the direction of guidance department of the | Dozen” | program was planned in order | Gilbreth, act comedy ‘‘Cheaper by the dramatized by Frank B. Jr., and Earnestine {to help girls in the vocation of | Gilbreth Carey. Mrs. Paul Ging- | 1 ly overlooked. Minute Chief among | Fiction | them was Grace's | his wife when the situation didn’t | sometimes hated himself for reprimanding her, yet at the same time he was slowly breaking her of the habit. ‘‘Stop nagging me, you—you paragon!” she snapped. It wasn't until the second year was nearly over that Jack sensed a | change in his wife. She | look haggard, became irritable and | not so ready with her usual bright repartee when he made a wisecrack At first he was puzzled, would prob ably have never guessed at the cause if one night she hadn't re- | turned home from her club and left | en's sake the ignition key in the car. Jack began disgustedly: “Well, for heav ——" But stopped when she whirled on him, her cheeks white, “What difference does it make? No one’s going to steal the old car! Stop nagging me, you you paragon!” Jack didn’t say a word, but that night he thought things over and suddenly he understood the cause for the change in his wife's disposi tion, He had become a nagger. He began to | was getting on her nerves. Lord! He hadn't meant to. HE next day he called up from the office and suggested that she come in town for dinner, They could go to a theatre afterward, he said He'd meet her at the hotel at 6 o'clock. Grace was delighted. She was al- ready sorry for her sharpness on the | evening before. She decided to be especially nice. She reached the hotel 15 minutes before the appointed time so there'd be no cause for friction because she was late. But at 6 o'clock wasn’t there, which was unusual for punctual Jack. In fact he didn't ar- rive at 6:15 or 6:30. Grace began to get alarmed. The awful feeling beset her that she had where they were to meet, No mattes what she said by way of explana- Jack | misunderstood | tion, Jack would think she'd for- gotten again. Another 15 minutes passed and | Jack didn't appear. She stood up |! and strolled about the lobby. She | considered calling his office, but re- | membered that he would have left. Sae cudgeled her brain, think of his exact words when mak- ing the appointment. She felt sick and upset. At 7 o'clock she decided dismally there wasn’t any use. She'd forgotten again ‘and might as well go home and take her medicine. About to leave, she saw Jack coming toward her through the crowds. There was a worried look on his face, distraction in his eyes “Gosh, honey! [I'm terribly sorry. | 1 was so darned busy this afternoon, | 1 forgot all about our date.” “Forgot! You?" Grace's eyes grew wide. Her mouth fell open And then suddenly she smiled. Into her face there came a look of vast | relief, a sense of equality. “Forgot? | Why, Jack, that—that's wonderful! That's the grandest ever done!” Jack smiled broadly. He under- stood— perfectly. He wanted her to feel that way That's why he had been late. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. thing you've | trying to | | beauty culture upon completion | rich will direct the production of high school. With Mr. Malle were five of his female students and one male student. He and his stu- dents discussed the courses that are offered by the academy, the | unlimited opportunities for graduates and the costs of such a profession, i. FTI A wy Ay = \&/ _/ YEWSPA PE) I =A Shopping She aU Ee OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS | INTO 'S5 wn Fig Cobos which will be held for four nights, Dec. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The one cast will put on the show for two nights and the other | cast, the remaining two nights. Charles Gerber and David Weidman will portray Dad; Fay Stevens and Daisy Brooks, Mo- | ther; Sonja Carver, Bertie Wag- ner, Doris McKee and Pat Hu- | ghes, the daughters in one cast {and Sandra Forwood, Barbara | Warfel, Doris Groff and Joanne | Arnold, the daughters in the other cast; Jerry Linard, Leroy Hallar, Ronald Singer, Bernie { Thome and Richard Gibble, the | sons of one cast and Peter Nis- | Hiestand, Robert Melhorn | | sley, Charles Ashenfelter, John and Jerry Thome, sons of the other cast. William Shireman and Alan | Kugle will portray Dr. Benton; Helen Gohm and Kay Zimmer- man, Mrs. Fitzgerald; George Franke and James Grove, | Lar- ry; Kenneth Good and James Kinsey, Joe Scales; Gail Shelley and Mildred Baker, Miss Brill. Assistants for the first cast will be Anna Heller, Lois Kay- lor and Phyllis Levan and for the second cast, Gloria Scholl Kay Metzler and Retta Helwig. Curtain time will be at 8 p.m. each night of the performance. - » -— Stimulate your business by adver- sing in the Bulletin. WAY’S RECORD CORNER TOP TUNES THE BANDIT— Johnson Bros. UNBELIEVABLE— Nat King Cole LOVE ME— DeMarco Sisters I NEED YOUR LOVING— The Cheers COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS— Eddie Fisher TEACH ME TONIGHT— DeCastro Sisters WONDERFUL LIPS— Gaylords WAY’S APPLIANCES Phone 3-3622 48 W. Main Street, Mount Joy Never so new as now , , . never so far ahead! It’s the dazzling, all-around-new Super “88 Oldsmobile! Inspired new styling everywhere! SUPER New power with the mighty new “Rocket 202! New color . .. dramatic “flying color” patterns! In fact, all the newest new ideas on wheels! See us and see Oldsmobile for ’55! New 1955 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eigh! Deluxe Holiday Coupé, POWERED BY THE NEW "ROCKET" 202 ENGINE! (MAKE GIFT-OPENING NEXT CHRISTMAS REALLY “EYE-OPEMING™ t Make regular weekly savings deposits, start- ing right now, in our 1955 Christmas UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK OF MOUNT JOY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation AMPLE FREE PARKING SPACE New 1955 Oldsmobile Super ''88'* Holiday Coupé. A General Motors Value. You can’t miss the newness! It’s everywhere from road to roof! Note the erisp, low-level lines . . . the dramatic new color toning that sings of action «.. flashing “Rocket” 202 action! See us and see all the brand-new 1955 Oldsmobiles— Ninety-Eights, Super “888,88”! Come in tomorrow at the latest! NOW ON DISPLAY WITH Pp pearl” Loox: N VISIT YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER NEWCOMER MOTORS Inc. PHONE 3-4821 = DON'T MISS OLDSMOBILE'S "NOVEMBER SPECTACULAR" IN COLOR AND BLACK AND WHITE eo NBC-TV ¢ SAT., NOV. 20 — RAM A AR AAA A A nlc A ml RE AL hn i. mm. i. a i Sain A i Sn nn mn ih aad Mount Joy, Pa. a Reel a Cor ies ing vice pre: In of t Oak gair two edu al nan Last den! T Mr. mer and ness real edu pect eact whe a de cont Pi Con was spor offe larit com men scho a ch Vers vice reci any so I eate are gran E: prov the win $500 or u for the jecti ship the ploy aries TI for { ship: penc Com chol Adm Tech Con gine Univ Tilli Hors secol same Se curr East of hi of la prog ware was Pv Nc Sa mus bel / centl S. PF Tr of force the ¢ also port hand plies the 437th Com) ords SCO! MEE Gi ers o Neigl the Lead caste Chur Dec. Mi the g tiona. will | and ¢ held.