i Ww Lo] - - ERE RATE FE NETL FET FETE TEI TRIE FE FETE TS 3 TERETE FETE PRS The Mount Joy YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 23 5 Thanksgiving Program Is Planned The public and especially par- ents are cordially invited to at- tend a special Thanksgiving As- | sembly program in the Mount Joy Elementary School Friday | afternoon, 2:00 p.m. Miss Irene | Ibach and her fourth grade stu- | dents are in charge of the hour | program. | Barbara Olson will have Rev. Ezra H. Ranck, above | charge of the Bible reading and { Marian Putt and Mary Lou Fac- kler will be in charge of the | prayer. James Heisey will give | a recitation “Welcome”; Sandra Wolgemuth, “November Days"; (and “In Flander’s Field” by Sharon Copenheaven. A play “Somebody Said Thanksgiving” | will have Larry Gerlach, Donna Coover, Robert Wolgemuth, Rev. Lester Koder, left Churches Ho'!d Thanksgiving Services Next Wednesday | Barbara McGinley, Lillian Good The annual Community- wide Thanksgiving Service of ‘Pal Day nesday evening, Nov. 24, 7:30 | | and Robert Stark as characters p. m. in the local Trinity Lu- | Needs Homes and another play entitled ‘‘Pil- Mount Joy will be held Wed- theran Church. The Rev. | grim Children” will have Kay Ezra H. Ranck, D.D.,, pastor Saturday is the last day that| watts, John Engle, Jean Hart- of the St. Mark’s E. U. B. | registrations can be received man, Lois Anderson, Cora Mc- Church, will deliver the ser- | for the local Jay-Cee-sponsored | Cowin, James Schatz, Leslie mon in the service. Leakway, Larry Coover, Ronald “Pal Day”. The county-wide The Rev. Lester Koder, | project is being conducted by a, sy Connje Drake as AG ¢ | taking part. pastor of the host church, the Junior Chamber of Com- will be liturgist. Music will Ronald Hockenberry will re- | merce in Lancaster City and the surrounding boroughs where there are JayCees located. Sol- diers from Aberdeen and sailors from Bainbridge will be invited to the county to spend Thanks- cite “The Turkey” and, another play “The Mince Pie Mystery” will feature Sharon Goodhart, Randy Grove, Dean Brenner, Mary Max and Robert Mariner. be furnished by the Trinity Lutheran choir. This annual service is being sponsored by the Mount Joy Ministerial Association. ° tvinz di : tl i Georgeanna Schneider will re- = — - givin inner in 1e various | . x Liat oy g cite “The Thanksgiving Wish 4 homes. oss ji . OCa egion : ; and Cora McCowin will recite Marshall Dussinger, chairman “Thanksgiving Verse”. The fin- of the local project, wishes to al play will be “Feast of . . Wil Give stress that all available homes Thanksgiving” with parts be- must be submitted to him by | ing taken by James Heisey, S P Saturday. Last year the project Sandra Wolgemuth, Dennis cout arty was carried on successfully in Beamenderfer, Barbara Olson, Christmas donations were | the city and this is the first! Georgeanna Schneider, David made at the monthly meeting of Year that it is being tried in the Allen, Jeffrey Meckley, Rich- the Walter S. Ebersole Ameri- county. At the present time, ,,.4 Nornhold, Sharon Copen- can Legion Fost 185 Mount Joy. the number of homes available yo ver Judy Kipple, Brent is far below expectations. Resi-| gaoner, Kenneth Nauman, Rob- dents are asked to reconsider |... Fern Wolgemuth the project and asked to volun-| .,.4 william Charles. The plays The group decided to donate $10.00 to the Christmas decora- tion committee; and to donate to the Scotland School and state teer their homes for Thanks- and recitations will be followed Christmas package program for giving dinner for servicemen by four songs, Thanksgiving veterans. who can’t get home for the spec- Day Has Come, Come All Ye Lee Rice was appointed to ial holiday... 3 Thankful People Come, Jingle represent the Legion on the | Bells, and Thanksgiving Day Christmas decorations commit- CONTEST WINNER ON . tee. A new flag was purchased VACATION TRIP | Peter Nissley Mr. and Mrs. John Hershey, Mount Joy R2, left last Satur- day for a week’s stay in Miami, Final plans were made for the Florida as a prize won in a all contest by Mrs. Hershey. for the post home and will be flown on all appropriate occas- ions. Chosen Student Council Head annual Christmas party for Yoon s Elections were held in both the children of Mount Joy and In the recent Aunt Jemima am 8 x . § the senior high school student vicinity. The party will again be cake mix contest, Mrs. Hershey | Wl and the higl 14 in ’ Dec. submitted the best entry and ane }¢ Junior Alin held in the Joy Theatre Dec. 24. .__|school student council at the Th 1 de tentative! 1705, a one-Weele's WD, 00" High Sehool Wednes p 8 als ade c ~ : : onege Ih Scho ednes- ne group also made tentative, ,., p,q, for two as hers prize. i. day, Nov. 17. Peter Nissley was |elected president of the first student council and will preside [the remainder of the year. Al- lan Engle was chosen vice pres- ident; Ann Young, secretary and Karlene Raffensperger, the plays to sponsor a party for all the Boy and Girl Scouts in the Mount Joy area Friday night, Dec. 3. The party will include a square dance, games and lunch. The time and place for the party will be announced at a later The couple went by airplane. -® r— BULLETIN GOES TO FRESS EARLY NEXT WEEK Because Thanksgiving Day is press day, the BULLETIN will date. | go to press Wednesday, Nov. 24 treasurer. The members also appreciat- | instead of Thursday. It will be Jerry Bradley was chosen ed the large attendance of the on the newsstands Wednesday president of he first Junior high Legionairres, auxiliary mem- afternoon and will be delivered Student council with Ro n bers. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, by mail Friday morning. All Way as vice president, Jean : Mumma, secretary and Robert at news should be submitted by Tuesday noon. V.F.W and V.F.W. auxiliary the Veterans Day Church Ser- vice. The next meeting of the Legion will be Thursday night, Dec. 9. Shireman, treasurer. Mrs. Lewis Williams and Jno Sheaffer are the faculty advisors [for the senior high group and A. S. Hollinger and Mrs. Al- meda Griffiths are advisors for the junior high group. -@ — | Lions Hear Discussion On Local Boy Scouting | Charles Hershey was in charge of the regular meeting of the local Lions Club Tuesday night at Hostetters and intro-/ duced J. K. Boreman, of the Boy Scout executive committee, of the Lancaster County Coun- ty Council. Mr. Boreman discus- sed the broad field of Scouting and also expressed the desire of forming another troop in Mount Joy. Miss Sonja Carver, a senior at the Donegal High School, pre- a monologue entitled Predictions that 2 broad base a | taxes may be necessary to bring Pennsylvania out of its present fiscal dilenma were made Tues- day noon by Joseph Feagley, who addressed the Mount Joy Rotary Club. Vice president of Armstrong Cork Co., the American Legions Out- sented i nominee for “Lancaster’s “Rest Cure In the Hospital’. | Russell K. Kuhn, son of Mr. standing Citizen of 1954”, and ® ~————————@® | and Mrs. Harry R. Kuhn, 114 S. many years active in state de "Market Street, has enlisted in Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Fhysician on Call Sunday the U. S. Army. Fvt. Kuhn is Feagley spoke Tuesday on “Pennsylvania’s Predicament.” Pennsylvania, with one of the lowest tax rates in the nation, has operated “on the cuff’ too long now, the speaker pointed | stationed at Fort Jackson, South Reach Your Own Physician Carolina. He reports that the ope weather is uneven; one day cold Dr. William Workman and damp and the next, too hot e | ‘for comfort”. For emergency If you Cannot , to the MOUNT JOY, PA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1954 JOSEPH KOVACK State Head To Visit Here Sunday Plans are now being made to welcome the state commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to Mount Joy Sunday afternoon, November 21, 2:30 p. m. The special meeting will be held at the post headquarters, 220': E. Main Street. Department Commander Jos- eph Kovack is on tour in Penn- sylvania. visiting all the V.F.W, posts. All veterans are asked to be on hand to meet the state commander. After his visitation to the Mount Joy Post, he will visit the Elizabethtown V. F. W. home. Here he will conduct a question and answer session on veterans and post problems. Frank Morton, local post com- mander, will be in charge —— GOLD BADGE WINNER Picked by her fellow patrol- BULLETIN | DEDICATED TO COMMUNITY SERVICE $2.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE "Bell Day” To Be He'd December 3 “Bell Day” will be observed | in Mount Joy Friday, December men, Sue Mumma will wear the! gold badge of the Elementary School the Sue Patrol week. was chosen be- Mount Joy | for Joy. cause she helped pick up pack-! ages for a man who had drop- ped them. Local V.F. W. Post Makes Donations Donations were made at the bi-monthly meeting of the Mt. Joy V. F. Post 5732. The members decided t® donate $25 Donegal School Jand uniform fund; $5. to the Christ- mas decorating committee; and decided to purchase a unit flag for the newly Cub Scouts. Ralph Rice, a past post commander of the local post, is in charge of Cub Scouting The grcup decided to sell Christmas trees again this year. These trees will be cut and tak- organized en from the mountains by mem- bers of the local post. The VFW was donated a large four-draw- er filing cabinet by Albert D. Seiler. Sunday afternoon, Nov. 14, the post officers held a clean- up day at headquarters on East Main Street. Members of the post reported as entering a marching unit in the Veterans Day parade in Lancaster and also attended Veterans’ Day church services in the Methodist Church. The next will be held regular meeting Monday evening, November 22, 8:00 p. m. in post headquarters. The 1955 dues are now payable to the post quartermaster. & 5 Rotary Spea ker Predicts Two Broad-Base Taxes Needed out. He predicted that the keep- ing of campaign promises of Gov.-elect George Leader to do sales tax would sub- away with the only be accomplished by stituting other tax measures, and that it probably will be necessary to have not one, but two, broad-base tax measures. The state chamber long has advocated the decentralizing of government, Mr. Feagley re- minded his audience. Citing fig- ures of federal spending, he stated that every dollar spent by the federal government costs the taxpayer $1.62. Every state tax dollar costs the taxpayer $1.25, the speaker estimated. I was the former Barbara G 3, it was _ announced by the chairman of the project in Joy, Mrs. Frank Young, Jr. This county-wide project nual affair sponsored benefit of the county hearing center. Mrs. Young said that there will be large bells Mt. | is an an-| for the | | Local Service Men placed | in the stores a few days prior to | Meet In Korea: Bell Day and that small red in- | dividual bells will be sold dur- > ing December 3. Two children charge of the local will be in elementary school; a collection will be made in the Donegal High School and at the regular meet- ings of the Rotary and Lions Clubs. Small bells will be sold in the New Standard Corpora- tion, Gerberich-Payne hoe Factory, Mount Joy Mills and Aircraft Marine building. Volunteers will also sell the the bells in front of the two lo- cal banks from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m; in Murphy's Store from 6 p. m. to 9 p. m.; in Hess's Food Store from 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m.; in Sloan’s from 1 p. m. to 9 p. m,; in front of the A & P. Store from 6 to 8 p. m. and in the local theatre from 7 to 10 p. m. » Couple Celebrates Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lon- genecker, Fairview St., Mount celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at an op- en-house celebration Sunday in their Mrs. Longenecker Wol- gemuth, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Wolge- muth, Mount Joy R2. Mr. Long- home | enecker’s parents were the late Rev. and Mrs. Lineaus B. Lon- genecker of Lititz R3. The couple was married Nov. 10, 1904 by the Rev. Henry Hof- fer of Rapho Tewnship. They went to housekeeping on a farm in Mount Joy R2 and resided at the for 48 years. Two years ago, they moved in- to their present home within the borough. Mr. Longenecker still takes an active part in the farm- ing activities on the farm which same place is now run by one of his sons. Their ten children are Arthur W., Lititz R4; Earl W., Lebanon R5; Ellen, wife of the Rev. Rob- ert S. Young, Hershey R2; Mil- dred, wife of Isaac Earhart, Co- lumbia R1; Linneaus W., Birch- land Ave., Mount Joy; the Rev. Samuel W., Nappanee, Indiana; Dorothy, wife of Lewis Minx, of Dallas, Texas; Ethel, wife of Heber Shelley, Manheim; The Rev. William W., Mount Joy R2 and Verdella B., at home. All the children arrived home in honor of their parent's gold- en anniversary. An openhouse was attended by approximately 325 persons Sunday afternoon and all relatives were present in the evening. The couple also has 26 grand- children and 1 greatgrandchild. The evening's affair was held at the home of Linneaus Longe- necker. Approximately eighty relatives attended the supper supper and program. Mrs. Lon- genecker's brother, the Rev. Graybill Wolgemuth, Mount Joy R2, reminisced about the coup- le’s courtship and Mr. Longe- necker’s brother who was best- man at the wedding, Ammon Longenecker, Manheim, remin- isced about the couple's wed- ding; A nephew of the couple. Linneaus C. Longenecker gave recollections about neices and nephews; Miss Molly Sauder, of Doylestown, a neice, sang a so- lo; a quartette composed of the daughters of Earl Longenecker sang; a trio from the Isaac Ear- hart family sang and each child of the couple gave reminisces of | their childhood. named | sponsoring téen-age Joycees Make Future Plans For Activities JoyCees decided to $25.00 toward the Christmas decorations at donate community their regular meeting Tuesday night held at the home of Mrs. John Landis, South Market Street. The girls also decided to help the JayCees with their annual Christmas shopping tour for the Messiah Chil- Mrs. Thomas O’- Connor was named chairman of children at the dren’s Home. a committee to work with the men on the project. Weidman further Miss Christine was to make investi- | pected to | states the middle of Three local boys met in Korea this month. The three are Myron Weber, Martin. (Toby) and John George McCue After the two got together, Martin and Weber found Mec- Cue and the three had a “Mount Joy" visit. Martin is stationed with the 163rd Medical Corp. He was ex- leave Korea for the November. Shirley children Pinker- Lane. Korea His wife, the former Weber, and their three reside at the corner of ton Road and Oakleaf Martin was stationed in since May, 1953, Toby entered the Army April 19, of this vear and sailed from the state of Washington for Kor- ea Sept. 15. George has been in service for 14 months and has spent five of those months on Korean grounds. ® TRYOUTS ARE BEING HELD FOR BAND Tryouts are now held being ‘at the Donegal High School for placement in the school concert band. H. Morrell Shields is di- rector of the band and expects gations into the possibility of dances for the young people. If all the plans can be carried out, the group decided that the first dance will be held, tentatively in January for ‘all young people who are in the seventh grade and older. Mrs. Warren Hayman, chair- man of the “Welcome to Mount Joy” committee, announced that three families, the Lights the Dreschers Landisville and the Gill- McKeesport, were visited October Six girls were named to again re- the for the coming year and make several new from Coatesville, from christs from during organize committee changes in the rules The JoyCee doll, the on display in various store win- dressed by members of group, will be dows for the next two weeks it was announced by Mrs Nich- olas Leitner, chairman of the doll committee. The doll and all its clothing and equipment will be awarded following the ar- rival of Santa Claus in Mt. Joy, Saturday, Dec. 4. invited banquet- the Junior Chamber of Commerce and since they will help with the Christmas tour, no meeting will be held until January, the third Tuesday, Jan. 18 Six new children arrived at the Messiah Children’s Home recently. These children’s names were given to six JoyCee mem- bers for them to remember on their birthdays with a gift and to remember during the year with cards. This has been the policy with the residents living there already. Since to attend a meeting the girls were special in honor of A ‘special feature of the pro- gram was showing of Christmas decorations by Mrs. Bruce Greiner. Mrs. Greiner strated the making of kinds of decorations and showed a collection of her own. ¢——— RUHLS WIN PRIZES Ruhl's Flower Show received “mum” prizes at the bi-annual Lancaster County Flower Show last week at the Armory, Lan- caster. The winning bronze standard mum was that of Ruhl’s as well as the Class D. chrysanthemums, bronze; and the Class M. yellow pompom, intermediate. The latter were both firsts. Both first and .sec- ond in Class M, single pompom disbudded were won by the lo- , cal shop. demon- several to have a band of 65 band does the winter partici- pants. The marching not function over months Jaycee National President To Be Here December 6 LaMar Chamber of dent, will visit Mount Joy Mon- day, Dec. 6. Since Mount Joy was one of four locations chosen national Jr. Commerce Buckner, presi- in Pennsylvania, the local group is sponsoring a banquet-meeting at the Mount Joy gion home this Monday American Le- evening This visit will mark his only central Pennsylvania visit and in addition to members from both the local JayCees and Joy- members are expected the chapter Cees, Jay- has ham from all surrounding Cee planned a dinner, Mr. Buckner lowing the dinner The committee program, baked gifts to fol- presentation of and a dance Couple To Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. H W Florin, will celebrate tieth Thanksgiving Day Buller, their fif- wedding anniversary on The couple was married in Mount Joy by the Rev. Irvin Runk. They have twelve chil- dren, twenty-six grandchildren and three great grand children. Friends and relaives are invited to an open house to be held at their home in Florin next Thurs- day. Repairs On WaterSystem Near Finish The Mount Joy million-gallon standpipe erected on Lumber Street is now painted, complet- ed and ready for use as soon as the paint is dry. This should take approximately ten days. The new standpipe is equip- ped with an outside gauge which shows just how full it is at all times. This can easily be seen from Lumber Street. The standpipe will also be equipped with an electric gauge with wire running to the local water- works’ pump house where it will signal the pumping engin- eer when it is full. At a later time, this will be the controlling device to make the pumps work automatic. The standpipe is al- ready connected to the water mains and all that is necessary to put it into service is to open the main line. Improvements are almost completed at the pumping sta- tion. Some of the repairs were repairing a leaky dam, repair- ing flood gates, repairing water wheel shutters, replacing badly rusted meter pipes which are under ground, installing an 8 in. bypass pipe connecting the pipe to the reservoir to the pipe which comes to the borough via the creek. “Hazel” had blown over four large trees into the dam and one into the tail race. These have yet to be removed. The only major improvement not vet completed is the laying of the 12-inch main over the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks via the bridge at Lumber Street. - ® Will Award 40 Prizes In Big Event Forty prizes valued at $1,000 are at stake in the Mount Joy Retail Merchants Christmas shopping promotion which got underway last week. The event will continue until 9 p.m. Dec. 18. Distribution of the prizes will be made as follows: First $200. Second, third, fourth — $100 each Fifth through 10th — $50.00 cach 11th through 20th — $10.00 each 21st through 40th — $5 each. Tickets will be given out, untill 9:00 p. m. December 18th. Prizes will be award- ed at a program in the grade school auditorium at 10 p. m. It will not be necessary for the winners to be present, However, an interesting pro- gram is being planned from 9 p. m. to 10 p. m. while folks are gathering for the prize distribu- tion The merchandise coupons will be as good as cash for purchase in any of the cooperating stores. The cooperating stores will be signs and posters. include Dec. 18 identified by Cooperating the following Eli Ament Garage, Booth Department Store, erly’s Cleaners & Dyers, stores John M. Eich- Eshle- man Bros., Warren H. Greena- walt Jeweler, Greer's Jewelry Store, Samuel Heiscy Grocer, Hess’ Food Store Jack Horner Shoes, J. B. Hos- tetter & Son, Johnson's Chil- dren's Shop, Keener's Home Furnishings, Kitty Dress Shopp: Ray Knorr Furniture, Koser Jewelry Store, Kulp's Lunch- eonette & News Agency. Geo. W. Leaman Tires, Mar- tin's 5 & 10c Store, H. S. Meck- ley & Sons Plumbing, Mount Joy Bulletin, Mount Joy De- partment Store, Mount Joy Fro- zen Foods, G. C. Murphy Co, Newcomer Motors Inc., H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc., Lester E. Roberts & Son, Sloan's Phar- macy, Stehman & Herr Service Station, Tyndall's Store, Way's Appliances, Wolgemuth, Inc, W & R Printing Co., Zerphey’s Sico Service Station. - [ ] erm FLOEIN LIONS TO MEET The Lions Club of Florin will meet next Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Clearview Din- er A series of demonstrations of the products derived from pe- troleum will be given ai this meeting. Any member of Jov Lions Club is attend the meeting. the Mount welcome to | i {| of] i