The Bowlers | Alley The Mount Commercial bow ling league is paced this week by the Hess' and Smith's teams in a tie. The Paper Box team is second followed by Rutt's, Dro- han’s, Kulp's, Wolgemuth's and Kosers teams in that order. Faul Nissley's 212 was the high individual single game, Blaine Stespen’s 541 was the | high triple game score. The Pa- per Box Co. team single game score of 825 and the Rutt Insur- SMITH’S TAVERN 30 N. Jacob St., Mount Joy The Place Where You'll Get The Biggest Ham Sandwich In Town JUMBO SHRIMP AT ALL TIMES ROAST PORK & F.F. 50c CRAB CAKE. PLATTER 75¢ FISH PLATTER 65¢ ROAST BEEF & F. F. 50c | FRIED OYSTERS 5c | SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS 50c FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY HUBIE and JANE SMITH. Columbia Owners NEW and USED GUNS SELECT FROM RIFLES SHELLS SCOPES HUNTING KNIVES REVOLVERS HUNTING CLOTHES SHOT GUNS INSULATED BOOTS BINOCULARS REGIS. COCKER SPANIALS MODEL 50 WINCHESTER -~ Good Trade In Allowance ~ ance team triple game score of 2331 were the high team scores for the week. ENGAGEMENTS | man, Mount Joy R2, announce "the engagement of their daugh- ter, Janice Elaine, to Kenneth E. Shenenberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shenenberger, of Manheim R1. Janice is a graduate of Mount Joy High School and is working at her home. p Mr. Shenenberger is a gradu- | ate of Manheim High School ) and is employed by the Key- i stone National Bank, Manheim. FE == General Merchandise THOME'S GENERAL STORE FREE PARKING PHONE MT. JOY 3-4812 40-tfe DODGE | has done i... better wait! SICO PROFITS Public [Schools Your call is always. WELCOME’ to the folks back home When distance separates you from a friend or loved one, nothing ean bring you closer faster than the long distance telephone. No other means of communication is so fast, so personal, so much enjoyed by both parties. And now that the federal govern- | ment has reduced the excise taxes on telephone service the long distance calls cost even less. So next time when you are apart from those you love use long distance. By calling after 6:00 PM or on | Sundays your message will be even more economical, and it will be com- / pleted faster, too. | coml ne COLUMBIA TELEPHONE co. Nov. 17 nn vo. ‘oh he A Po ds Bh Mr. and Mrs. I Roy Brene-| | THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pe Thursday. ‘November 4 Neighborhood ‘Elects New Officers New officers were elected at the regular meeting of the Mt Joy-Florin Girl Scout Neighbor- hood Monday night. Miss Anna Mae Eby was elected chairman and Explorers will meet at the | lovefeast in the local church a TH EATRE HOLIDAYS | firehouse at 10:15 a.m. Services | this Saturday. Services will be SATURDAYS . . : 6.8.10 P. M, 2:00 P. M. { at the church 10:30 a. m. Boys | held at 1:30 and Communion at Mount Joy, Pa. J are urged to attend these ser- 6:30. On Sunday morning there vices and please be on time will be Sunday School and FRIDAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 - 6 On account of other activities | preaching services DICK POWELL] DEBBIE REYNOLDS -in= the scoutmaster and assistant Mr. and Mrs. Roy Loraw of rs for 1955; Mrs. James Spangler, | first vice chairman; Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, second vice chairman Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, second vice chairman; Mrs. Frank Young, Jr., third vice chairman: Mrs. Martin Ney, sceretary; and Miss Elsie Lefever, treasurer These new officers will be in- stalled at a dinner mecting in January: the place and date to be announced at a later time. The announcement was made that Miss Dixie Baer, member of the local Girl Scout troop, was a representative of the Lan- caster County Senior Planning Board to the regional confer lence held last week in Washing ton, D. C. She and the other rep- resentative from the county, scout, and Robert Buchenauer, Ann Young, were accompanied! by a Mount Joy Scout leader, Mrs. Warren Foley. Girl Scouts and Brownies will attend the Methodist Church in a group Sundoy | morning with members of other organizations of the borough leaders will meet at the fire- firehouse at 10:15 a. m. in uni- form if possible Girl Scout candy will be sold by the girls in the near future. Mrs. Maurice Bailey was named chairman of the project and she announced that all candy ord- ers must reach her by next Tuesday: Froceeds from the fat collection were placed in the neighborhood's general fund. The announcement was also made that eight neighborhood members will attend the fif- teenth anniversary dinner on {Thursday night at the Hotel Brunswick DIAMONDS We Feature— LUMBIA-TRUE-FIT Jewelry Store Phone 33-5404 216 E. Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa 9m Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF CRE EYE: Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Maat Marie! WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Have YourCar Winterized NOW! We Carry A FULL LINE OF WINTER TREAD TIRES NEW and USED All Makes Of Anti Freeze SHERK’S RichfieldService Station MOUNT JOY 3-5241 ! Jr. Florin. a daughter, = Friday, SUBS Th : ru Sa STHONI, PICTURE ON DISPLAY AT SCHOOL A painting of the former Mt. I Jov elementary school while it was “burning” had been placed R EA D TH be ME R C b= A N TS in the present grade school on | : and eating those delicious pies and Mrs. Herman Aldinger of KELLY i inking | near E-town, is celebrating his and Florin. The girls and their! Boy Scout News | © RHELMS JOY — held Sunday, Nov. 7 at the| Church of the Brethren will SHOWS MATINEE Methodist Church. Boy Scouts hold its annual semi-annual EVENINGS SATURDAYS scoutmaster have de cided “to East Willow street in Elizabeth- “SUSAN SLEPT HERE" change scout meeting night to town announce the engagement Monday instead of Tuesday as| of their daughter, Sylvia Ann, - " SINE has been the custom. All boys| to Jay Hoover, son of Mr. and MONDAY -- TUESDAY, NOVEMRER 8 - 9 will receive a card to notify | Mrs. Ezra Hoover of Rheems SHIRLEY BOOTH ROBERT RYAN -in=- hem Bais Ce [Elmer Engle of Elizabethtown " 1e Moun ; Joy Sportsmen's ied at his home last Tuesday 66 0 T LESLIE Association invites the Boy pied om His om Just i Xap. AB U MRS. Scouts to a movie at the Fire-| gay afternoon in the Brethren house Monday at 8:30 p. m. No- in Christ church, with inter- WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 - 11 vember 8. ment in Reich's cemetery. Mr. : hi 3 A Hallowe'en party was held Engle was a former resident of JOEL McCREA MARI BLANCHARD -in=- ! by the Boy Scouts and Explor 0 “| Rheems. ers of troop 39 on Monday, Nov. ms “Black Horse Canyon” 1 with fifty boys and parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover | attending | entertained at dinner Sunday, | - rm er nn During the opening ceremony Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hollingey, COMING: Court of Honor was held for | daughter Anna Ruth, sons, Thomas Clunko: Pedi loot old and James; Mr. and Mrs. J NOVEMETR 19 - 20 — “MAGNIFICIENT OBSESSION" e : Earl Hollinger and son, Jeffrey; NOVEMBER 26 - 27 “REAR WINDOW" Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hollinger, daughters, Marilyn, Joyann and Shirley, all of near Mt. Joy: Miss Jane Wolf and Miss Mary —_——_ of Lebanon who became a Star Scout. Rob- DECEMBER 1 - 2 — “GONE WITH THE WIND ert’s mother pinned the badge on her son. The following received prizes for costumes: most original, Ronald Schofield and John Funk: funniest. James Harnish;| Property held by Mrs. Henry and ugliest, Thomas Chunko: Ruhl of Rheems last Friday was prettiest. James Phillips. well attended. | Famous, Quiet All had fun playing games Melvin Aldinger, son of Mr.’ The public sale of personal and sandwiches and drinking cider. The Scoutmaster wishes! 14th birthday today. Melvin has . to thank all those who helped been a polio patient in the polio 6 T with the party | unit of the Lancaster General rip rac ® Hospital for the past 7 weeks BIRD HS [ He expects to be transferred to E f | the Crippled Children’s Hospit X ra | al in Elizabethtown in the near future. The Aldingers formerly | lived near here. Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Kline, Manheim R4,, a daugh- ter, Saturday at the St. Joseph Here's a tire bargain that's great in any season. Now you can get real dig-in and pull in deep snow and still avoid "whine" and “whistle” on bare roads! The new @ a . . Hospital i Kelly Grip Trac Extra gives sure, safe grip and better Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Mumma | When in need of Printing. (anv- control in icy or slushy going, better traction, less weave iy . . i i , . a in! d sli of Florin, a son, Sunday, at the thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Ena shippage,, St. Joseph's Hospital Wann we Gn | SHREVE'S || Factory Method Recapping al Hospital, Oct. 20. | INN MUD and SNOW TIRES Mrs. Shelly is the former Jean | Manheim & Market Street o Sterling. Manheim R2 125 Fast Main Street, Mt. Joy, SANDWICHES a son, Thursday. at the Lancas STEAK 5 39° G FO. W. LEAMAN Wed. Mr. and Mrs. William Way, MOUNT JOY tor Ostronathie Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Miles Robinson, FISH 3.0351 MOUNT JOY at the St. Joseph's Hospital ® v 3 the wall in direct view from the front door. Painted by Mrs. i: ium Charles Heaps, she presented it PA i= by WwW F K | to her husband who has put it on display on the wall of the school APPLES Our Aims. SMOKEHOUSE DELICIOUS Quality Merchandise STAYMEN GRIMES At Lowest Poscible Prices Everyday, Josenh B. Hostetler V This And You'll See. Prone Mt. Joy 3-4649 40-4c¢ Complete 1-Stop Food Service, Plus; We Have A Variety Of Quality Foods Not Found In Many Larger Food Stores | Plus, Kiddies Whatnots, Books, Games. Home-Raised Double Breasted A Complete Meat Department i | Featuring Only Choice And Prime RB Sea Fresh Meats. ¥ Our Prices, They Are IY LENE Reasonable For Quality Received. igi fi) Yn | Sa aS A FRE Ra ht NH 8 @ LIVE OR DRESSED DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR women | HESS FOOD STORE on banquets and suppers pugs COMPLETE ONE STOP FOOD SERVICE Norman Boker 8 PHONE 3-9094 MOUNT JOY, PA. DIAL 3.5639 MOUNT JOY | 43-9c¢ |