aa BAAN AS AS EAA dd Fb BER ES TRA Cw a NER ae THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday. October 28 2 Murphy's apartments for rent; { which is above the store room] OWL LAFFS BY A Talk about keeping Greeting on the First rushing the season. Perhaps thing to do with it! By gave {yells and whoops, by a passerby, | from his sad predicament. an East WISE OWL house — ago a family moved in, and the proceeded to drain it to the last! meet?” local | shades have date. Did you see the Christmas|gince that time. — —- - up to National | they Bank clock? That's what I call any peeping-toms. "in the “Hazel” had some- jon West Main Street — — — — sn the following day one of Harry! | the time you have money Darrenkamp’s prize chickens | he was heard and shorter side-glances. who released him a A North Barbara Street man in declining health heard about] friend. Local police are investigating a treatment that would re store | apartment his youth. He immediately pur- weeks | chased a bottle of the tonic and | ¢ Main Street Several that the drop. drawn] Next morning the family had; Maybe . great difficulty in waking him. | encourage! Two weeks ago we had an ad | He finally sat up, rubbed his] paper. advertising one of eyes, and piped in a authorities say not been don’t want to . voice, Kramer | pooch in the dog show this year. naturally the childish too”. At a wedding anniversary of | an old friend of mine last Mon- day night, two of th to burn, the fire has gone out. was found on the stairway lead-| reminiscing. ‘Does your - ‘ing up to the apartment —| husband still take your little John D. Miller, Slate roofer,’ Which proves that not only | hand in his?” one asked. his lungs a bit of exercise, the entire population of this| “Oh, yes,” said the other, last week one morning, when community read The Julletin, | “and twists it until I drop the he locked himself in the men's but the chickens also. rolling pin.” wash room down at the Rich-| - — | SRAM - field Gas Station on East Main | Two things that always go] Here's a social climber if Street After a number of together are longer hemlines | there ever was one: is going to Said a “Do you rea stands a chance of winning?” “Oh, no,” Gwenn ‘but think of the nice dogs he'll “Living on effort to a small said a local {eacher, be so hard to do, if it weren't for keep it a secret, “I'll get up, but I won't go to school.” e matrons | enter her surprised lly think it] ie replied, | income,” “wouldn't | by the mile. Miss Zeller, “Joc give me a sentence using the word ‘‘witch- es.” Joe, after. pausing awhile: “Youse go on ahead — I'll be} wiches in a minute.” Comment: No wonder the teacher felt ill! ————— Friend: ‘Bob, How did you cure your wife of her antique craze?” Bob, “Oh, I just made her a| birthday present of a 1923 mod- el automobile.” | It figgers: “It seems to me” | said a fellow from Florin to | Raymond Rutledge (PPR ag- ent) “that your rate of 4ca mile is too much!” “Heck, I'll admit it’s a lot of money to pay if you think of it But you just reflect a bit of how cheap it is by the hour — only thirty-five cents.” A WISE OWL Lancaster County's Red Feather Services Need $537,640: More than last year! Give Generously When the Volunteer Calls! THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN Pequea Peg Says, “Everybody Give” Pequea Pete Says, “Everybody Benefit” These Red Feather Agencies Association for the Blind Crippled Children’s Society Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital Rossmere Sanitorium St. Joseph's Hospital Visiting Nurse Ass t Sal n Army Shelter Home Family and Children's Service Guidance Clinic Social Service Exchange Y. W.C.A, Bo Y Sco uts Girl Scouts Social Welfare Assoc. of Mount Joy Serve Your Community:- THIS AD SPONSORED AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE BY:- MOUNT JOY, PA. | game | school student council i neth Good is temporary FIRST STUDENT COUNCIL ACTIVITY PLANNED The first Donegal High School Student Council tivity will be ty to be held Friday night fro: 8-11. The clude dancing to records and period. temporary holiday chairman of and Ker Secre tary. Mrs. Lewis Williams is f: culty advisor. e® Patronize Bulletin Advertisers Minute Maid FROZEN Orange Juice 4 63¢ Herb-0x Bouillon Cubes Jar of 19° / 12 cubes Bev-Rich b-0z cans 12-012. cans 3 25° Welch's Frozen Grape Juice 41° Burneit’s Vanilla Exiract b-oz. cans instant Fels Naplha St large pkg. Angel Soft Tissue Puss 'N Bools Gat Food 6 on 19° Calo Sweetheart Soap 3 25° sponsored ac- a Halloween Par affair will in Ann Young is the the Last 3 Days! A&P’s 95th Anniversary Event! ) Come dec Cone dele When You Go Shopping This Week-end take this ad along with you and Compare Prices! Canned Beverages 2-01. 4-01. Anjou Pears n.d Higher 2 = 25s cere 99° uate 19° ‘A&P Large Prunes 1 27c. 48c Hallowi Pitted Dates Te 290 3 Little Kittens Diamond Budded Walnuts we. Cat Food Bluebird wer Frozen Orange Juice 65 6% rs cons Zero-Kist Fels Napthia, | Frozenm Cut Corn 10> 250 Soap Snow Crop . ih we g 17 Frozen Waffles 3 %7% 3% es Mother's als foie 2 T° “0 3b° Felso Educalor Grax oly 28 Deiergent A&P Grapefruit Sections pv 28’ ope 9% Prune Juice “ui lo . Pastry Flour Sunnyfield 33s. 39° hs 13 White or ta c Green Bea Phillip's 1515-02, c mL A Po eu 7h oh Parnes Pie Gr a | Modess H oa Price! Pie 39 & owe’ en Laver Ca Jane each £@C 2 vi 11° White Bread ye ae a 1-1b or of 12 pads Sc ona 1-1b, loaf loaf Dog Food Spiced Waters oi: 21h. Be For Dogs c Repputation . sion : = and Cats 6 Bo 19° (Cider ' Se gi Jo 49° po 19° nae ES THE BULLETIN NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF THE POST OFFICE Published every Thursday at 11 . . artived East Main Street, Mount Joy, The time has again arrivee Lancaster County, Pa. when storm doors are being in-| Larmon D. Smith, Publisher - | stalled. In order to receive your " John E. Schroll, should be cut in ihe and Publisher, Subscription Rate year by Mail n | mail, slots or mail receptacle s erected of the cannot be dotor to Please coopera all Ji. | 1879. the deliv Member, aoor, property. expected a on the outside The carrier ntered at the ’ postoffice to open the deliver | Mount Joy, Pa., mail and help expedite 1- | your »- | this 1- | ery of your mail | very kindly, eres | ELMER L. Postmaster Share AsP’s Storewide Campfire ‘Marshmallows ~ 6-01. oo 25 = 3 Su pkg. 21° Creme Marshmallow Greme ] All Prices in This Advertisement are Guaranteed thru Saturday, Oct. 30. Swift's Baby Food Chopped 315-02. Meats can Planter’s Cocktail Peanuts To 05% 1a 7 instant Come to A&P for Your Favorite Apples All Purpose Corilands les. 90 All Purpose Stay:nans cone: 49° : 1h. bag Thin Skin 250-Size Florida Oranges 2° 3% California Sweet Eating (None Priced Higher) Persian Melons cach AQ California Full Podded (None Priced Higher) Fresh Peas > 19 lceburg Lettuce Jorge 280 Fresh Tomatoes cele. pkg. Priced 2 Higher Solid Slicing be Ib. 43 Lo 45° 10-ib, bag 83° “an 99° Family Flog Fruit Gocklail “> Libby's Peaches inane: 227° 46-01. -| Tomato Juice “™* 2% 25° Banquet Cooked Chicken Faust Red Salmon can 27° 3 47° 8-02, can NNN; Will You be Re ady to? ON Trick or Treat? Harvest Mix Worthmore Candy Corn Worthmore o¢ Candy Bars Hn 28° Hy ie: 25° 6“ 25° wl 1,00 Sweetheart Soap bath size 31 ¢ cake comb, Buy 2 bath size cakes at Regula Price. Get 3rd cake for I/5-price . NOVEMBER woman's day The A&P Magazine NOW ON SALE regular size STORE HOURS—Mon., Tues., cakes 87 EAST MAIN ST. Wed, Thurs, & Saturday. 8:00 to 6:00; Friday 8:00 to 9:00 MT. JOY, PA. Pennsylvania News Thank you paper Publishers’ Association, 1901-1952 $2.50 per Advertising rates upon request, at as second-class ‘te in |mail under the Act of March 3, ZERPHEY When in need of Printing. (any- hing) kindly remember the Bulletin