The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 14, 1954, Image 5

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    Tan wal ope a


ano, i WwW d di The bride is employed by Lu-| THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.(
| S cial | eddings [cs Mie Co Columbia. The Thursday, October 14 5G. A. Harshman |
G pe 2 . TIT ridegroom is employe y Leo .
| | | Ta aga . Gable, Mt. Joy. was best man. Ushers were Ross Heads Publishers |
Us d i 1 1 | | ahter of Mr or Mr Horak - Hummer, Elizabethtown R3 COu-| G. A, Harshman, general man i
| “ cs I e evisions | Ginder Jr. Mount Jov RS. and EBERSOLE -— NOLT $n of the bride and Harold Hol- | ager and editor, Sharon Herald, | |
| i! mimer ruber $00. pb Not an The marriage of Miss Mary| linger, Mt. Joy R2. today was elected president of | |
Klmer Gruber, son « Norma . ; ip : | a) as §
| rn torte Ee er ; Irene Nolt, daughter of Mr. and Gift receivers were Mrs. Da-| the Pennsylvaniz Newspaper |
—— ' 16 Console R. C A. 1 24.50 | Gruber, Rainbridge R1, and the Mrs. Milton W. Nolt, Ephrata vid Merkey, Manheim R2, sister Be ens «eo FREE |
| | late Mary Fry Gruber, were Publishers’ Association for 1955 SINCLAIR
on ; nt? rH d Saturday. of 8:00 | R1 and Andrew H. Ebersole, the bride, and Miss Kather-| ge will take office in January | Choose her diamond from
Pa | 16 Table Model R. C. A. 69.50 ; igen Mid or son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin | ine Ober, Mount Joy R2. | succeeding the present "PNPA ROAD MAPS : the finest
a. =e Be S. Ebersole, Mt. Joy R2, took| Both mothers wore navy crepe Ses 3 | joi
10 Ye Srethren. The Rev. Ear rishi] : : ! av) P€| head, 1. Z. Buckwalter, general +
$ | 16" Console AirKing 59 50 I oi Rev. Earl Bruba-| piace Saturday at 10 am. in the| with white accessories and cor- | Er I a is +. With best or most —We Feature—
| : . Rer Metzler's Mennonite Church. sages of white rosebuds. YE Lg scenic route marked.
i 19 { ne Bishop Mahlon Wit A reception at Aunt Ssily's| 5 | COLUMBIA-TRUEFIT
% J . i or . shc ahlo itmer, as eception a unt Sally's wie a mh i | dfn Bh
Ce | 12 Table Model Admiral 54.50 | Mi YM ii ior of sisted by Barton Gehman, offi-| Kitchen, Elizabethtown, follow- | Jk took place Je Ce ) FEATURE LOCK
| iss Pearl J. Ort, daughter of ' ,.i..1n 3 . | closing business session o 10 . f
ang= ' . ras AR : ciated. The attendants were|ed the ceremony. After a trip to. . : NEPA oonventinm QUEST CARD. M —ALSO—
! 12 Table Model Silvertone 39.50 | Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Ort, of Mrs. Amos B. Good, Staten Is-| California, they will live at Mt. | 30th annual PNPA convention | helpful ori him 2 | LS
{ j A | K olumbia Rl, became the bride and, N.Y. matron of honon] Joy RZ. | being held in Harrisburg. WIDE Som Jo alin | Our own diamonds which we
13 Table Model Re al 39 50 hf Clayton Lee Waltz, son of, 4.4 Miss Evelyn Nolt, sister of Ross W. Buck, publisher of y y . buy direct from the diamond
| 8d . § | Clayton D. Waltz, Marietta RL} ype pride, and Miss Ireme Frank WEBER — ELLIS | he Sewickley wav, Ales RALPH 1. WALTERS | cute.
| | ' ja hrs Chale Lely Noga: house, Denver Rl, bridesmaids.| St. Luke's ‘Episcopal Church |‘ County weekly Newspaper, | eo . ol
| Joy I . an. Ushers were Ira Nolt, bro-| Saturday of Miss rn | dent. He will ‘succeed ichard | y :
I. . V. Newcomer & Son Inc. The Rev. William Harner of] Dan. [Siels wete » Saturday of Miss Joyce Marlyn| "qo Sher. RK 323 E. Main St. |
| EAST MAIN & BARBARA STS 3 RTT nA | al tte atiendants - were ther of the bride: Harold Zim-| Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | GC. Tay lor, Publishe 5 Kennett | a ot Deel ph 'Koser S Jewelry Store
! EAST M: & BARBARA STS. PHONE 3-3361 || het: : ants merman, Ephrata R1; David| Lee W. Ellis, 235 Marietta Ave | News & Advertiser, Kennett MOUNT JOY : ie
[ Mr. and Mrs. Marlet Ort, Col- : ’ arielta Ave. og. re. I his offic Phone 3.5404
mm | | Mir. and 8 WH, A Dagen, Quarryville R3, and|and George J. Weber, son of. quare. In this office Buck will | |e Phone 3-3181 wel Sa
it moa C—O | umbia R1, brother and sister-in- | paves Zimmerman, Blue Ball. | Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, 124 | head the weekly newspaper di-| RITA hint | 18 E. Main 8, Mt. Joy, Ra.
: | law of the bride. Gift receivers were Mrs. David | East Main St. Shs | vision of PNPA.
Dagen and Miss Jane Metzler of] The Rev. Emmert Mover offi- | Riohord #4. Swank,
Ephrata R2. | ciated at the ceremony when | of the Duncannon Record and |
For Your Evenin Wear A reception was held in the| the double ring service wa i the West Share limes, Lemoyne
g Akron Fire Hall. Music was| used. Mrs. Geor | was re-elected secretary-treas G V [
3. G ge Broske play- : :
{ provided by a quartet composed | ed the wedding music or ac-| href. He will serve his Hourly rea ter a ues
AT THE of Donald and Richard Frank, | companied the vocal soloist | tonsecytive term year
| John Zimmerman and Parke| William Gassman. | Theodate A. Semi eominues Better St l
E hibit We Are Showin Miller. The couple went to Flo- Given in marriage by her fa-| us genera) manager of the asso- | y es
{ X 1 1 g rida on their wedding trip. ther, the bride wore a dross of | ciation.
i . |
: . emp white silk fashioned with fitted |
HEISEY — GANTZ bodice, long sleeves tapering to} F k C Hilt | FOR FA RM SHOW
Jia SWEATERS and SKIRTS The marriage of Miss Mary E.| points over the wrists and V-| ran : iron |
\ id : Gantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | neckline edged in Alencon lace. | Will Head 1955 ® Coats $19 00 ® Children's
| BY LAMI Blaine Gane out Joy 2 to| The skirt fullness was released | :
aniel M. Heisey, Jr., son of Mr.| from unpressed box pleats : :
| ; : SS x pleats and {
BLOUSES and Mrs. Daniel M. Heisey, Mt. | finished with a scalloped wont March Of Dimes { Shoes 34.95 Coat Sets $8.95
Joy R2, was solemnized at 2 p.| line. Over this she wore a full- | Philadelphia — Appointment | Ski + $3 08 D $2 08
Ft OVER AR Sunday in the Wed Cree : FE; 'd ® Skirts resses ‘
BY BLOUSEMAKER n. sunday in the es areen | length redingote of nylon tulle| of Frank C. Hilton, Secretary of
Tree Church of the Brethren.| which ended in a chapel train. | Property and Supplies of the ® Dresses $6.95 Shoes $2 08
S The Rev. Abram N. Eshleman Her veil of imported illusion | Commonwealth of Pennsylvan-|
WOOL DRESSE officiated. The Rev. Robert Hess| was held by a bonnet of seed! ia, as state March of Dimes]
BY LAMP of Gg R4, was soloist, and pearls trimmed with iridescent | chairman was announced today
John Heisey, Mt. Joy R2 organ-| sequins. Her bridal bouc by Basil O'C reside 3
: J S. juet of | by Basi onnor, president of |
ist. white orchids was arranged in| the National Foundation for In- Save On All Your New Fall Needs
i : : g
. : The bride was given in mar-| 3 shower effect from a red Pray-| fantile Paralysis. Mr. Hilton, a
[ 4 And For The Kiddies riage by her father. She wore a! er Book, gift of the late Canon | Past National Commander of For All The Famil !
gown of white floral taffeta, C. N. Jones of Chambersburg. | the Veterans of Foreign Wars, ye
fashioned with a fitted bodice Miss Jeanne Beeman from | was appointed to his present
WASHABLE SLACKS d having a net yoke and pearl-| Connecticut was maid of honor. | State position in 1953.
- an edged collar. Her full skirt was| Mrs. Milton Constantine and| “Mr. Hilton will give the
Ww EN SWEATERS floor-length. She wore a taffeta Mrs. Burton Shupp, both sisters | fight against polio a tremendous y
(OL headdress edged in pearls and a| of the bride of Mt. Joy; and] lift. And we need the kind of oun oy ep ® ore
F B shoulder-length veil and carried Mrs. Lee Ellis Jr., Mt. Joy, sis-| vigor and resourcefulness he
or oys a bouquet of white chrysariihe/ ter-in-law of the bride. were! can ‘give this struggle if we are
mums and pink roses and a| pridesmaids, Jodice Lauise, to bring to a quick end the po-
white bible with rosebud strea-| gshupp, was flower girl. | lio prevention problem. {
SWEATERS and SKIRTS mers. The honor attendant was| “It should be emphasized that, | A a
. Ruth Deaver, Hummelstown| gowned in ruby red crystalette | although miraculous strides ; | i Nay
For Girls a fale of horas gown was| fashioned with Empire waist-| have been made in the search fas
’ i fashioned of pink taffeta, fash-| {je UE drs om 147. | for lio vaccine, the final an-| A x \ 1 |
BY JACK BORGENICHT : Ly S ine, draped bodice and waltz-| for a polio vaccine, the final an-| ; Pa
a y : ioned like the bride's but with) jopgth skirt, featuring fan pleat-| swer is not vet in and, mean-| Ra
’ cape sleeves and flowered lace|jng Her headdress matched her. while, there are thousands of | A We tia
» KITTY S tam, She wore a pink taffeta gown and she carried a semi- persons who need our assist- | KY LAYER ¥, AF) EA oars tk
bald wi Yell and cascade of chrysanthemums in| ance. Mr. Hilton deserves, and | CIRCULATING. OIL HOME HEATER AF
FASHIONED rps a cascade bouquel Of shades with ivy stream- I am sure he will receive, the hi [SN RL : if dF
3 i ~ DRESS SHOPPE pombons. T'S utmost support that citizens of dE SE
in CHARM! LB y Miler po Jo St at craze; ; J
o As seen in CI \ Marilyn Miller, Mt. Joy R2, The bridesmaids gowns were! Pennsylvania can give him,” 3 PRICE |
70 E. Main St. Phone 3-6321 | niece of the bride was flower of identical design in green and Mr. O'Connor said in announc- ThE i Sma a I
iii le ew 1c 1 girl. Leroy Buffenmyer, Florin, | te headpieces were discs of cir-| ig the appointment. . ir Sts, ERAS EAE AR gy a
. 4 cular veiling to match their{ The 1955 March of Dimes A ALSTON ONE 3 ;
& » o ; @ gowns. They carried semi-cas-! campaign will run from Janu-
I. VY mericas rst oIrce (4d! cade bouquets of chrysanthe-| ary 1 through January 31 |
mums in shades of red with Care of polio patients, profes
trailing ivy. | sional education or newest tech-
32 @ @® @ J White taffeta and nylon net NQues of polio treatment, post
: ives You Ihe First Choice Features! |... ov ois
. » by the flower girl who carried a polio prevention are financed it’s a
d we ls basket of white pompons and through March of Dimes funds. »
SCY SUB Wiens PREV og ok RR I : x OSES. The Salk trial polio vaccine \ genuine
2 he 3 il REN i HE a i ; Elwood K. Rice of Mount Joy | Which Yas ised in Ye mass i S .
5 : served as best man and ‘the ush- | °° tion of 650.000 American 3 UO-THERM
3 = : : = | childrtn last spring was devel
ers were Joseph A. Weber, bro- Tt L
2d | oped under a March of Dimes 1
: ther of the bridegroom: Lee El- | : fd
: : grant and its cost in the inocul
: | lis, Jr.. brother of the bride; : i To
ations paid by the March of
3 | and J. Eugene Duval, Lampeter. | Dimes
. Aan Vee i PS,
3 Kenneth Edward Weber was ppp. gilton served in World
ring bearer. : , | War II, in the Mediterancan|
2 After the wedding reception | theatre, enlisting as a private
J held in the Mt. Joy Legion home| and hold the rank of captain at 1
x the couple left on a wedding | his discharge. He and his wife, 7:
trip in the New England States.| the former Viola Rogers of
3 | They will reside in Mount Joy. Cambridge Springs, Pa., and oy GL
3 | 9 : | their two children, reside at & @ od
) .
. . Harrisburg. :
{ thout t
Senior Girl Scouts Withooh fan
+ Ww d As little as
* Plan Week-End e Save ae
Camp Oct. 30-31 | $85 on last year's A










Ye i ;
$ i ¥ 2 ; Tt Q i >. Ww . .
% : he Senior Patrol Week-end h t h Il 1" |
4 gr ; Now's the time to buy! Camp will be held Oct. 30 and | [| ing | .
: 4 31st at the Heisey Ranch at| gq :
} y Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
All these great advances that mean more work per dgy . . . more Get our BIG DEAL! | Rheems from 10 A. M. Saturday | Baltes of Tonawanda, N. Y.
> : . : . until 4 P. M. Sunday and is be- A s
work per dollar are yours in America’s lowest-priced truck line! Save with a new Chevrolet! ing planned by the North West I Benes Se we yo :
J Y 3 : a : 3 ast year’s heating bill. Yo
No wonder Chevrolet trucks are the biggest sellers of all! District, Mrs. Benjamin Roye,| oun 4001 Here's how: ih /
shai 7 Re | ’ : »
* ; : W chairman, and Mrs. WW. ott | Heat your home the least (/ IRIN 7OVE. o
o a hl RRS 2 RR RAR a Besey: : district Greer | expensive way-—automatically
1s is an opportunity or | —with Electric Furnace-Mai
J ENGINE FEATURES hi SAVING nS pe ADVANCE WORK-SAVING New Senior Scouts io meet oth- equipment and long-burning Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives > hes
Abr; all . ; ADDS EATURES CAB FEATURES CONTROL FEATURES | er Seniors and also to cover gne | *blue coal’. They give you more i an urner gives more heat
2 oF pis New stake and plat- You'll find stronger Efficient ventilation Easier steering with of the five points in the Senior| efficient, dependable Heat of from every drop of oil, heats plenty!
iv, 8 was jer. ig form bodies are i frames in all models; and insulation; Chevrolet's Recircu- Program. It will also have the |+ low cost. Superb new styling—rich brown finish, deluxe
A n ie System an wider and longer. heavier axle shafts shackle mountings # lating Ball Steering Senior Girls ready for the Na- | No more trips to the base- brass door pull, heats beautifully!
full-pressure lubrica- New pickup bodies # and bigger front that cushion against 3 sar: easier s tional Round-up in 1956. py . , : \
. re 1 5 c against # Gear; easier stop- ment! Just a flick of the switch Automatic Draft Minder, Waste Stopper, hand
" tion assure longer, are deeper. You haul wheel bearings in frame vibrations: a © ping with Torque- The week-end is being plan- and Electric Furnace-Man . pei} ppef, ancy
S lower-cost life in all more . . . save time 2-ton models — and # big Sian od . oi ned by the girls themselves. All : ia : Control Dial, other extra features!
. ay y i ig, one-piece curved #¥ Action and Twin- ; gives steady, controlled heat See this bi :
! three engines! and extra trips: many, many more. #% windshield. Action brakes Senior Scouts and Leaders are instantly! Even removes ashes See jane hig heating value —-for years of worl
A i i 4 i eligible. less, dirtless heating comfort . .. Complete line of
. i I _ sms (§) seems Call us todav for free esti- Dud-Therm oil heaters for 1 to 6 rooms—starting
» FAT COLLECTION mate—no obligation! at $57.00.
. i Residents of Mount Joy and CR = a
. Florin are reminded to save] RITE LIED | 9
4 their cooking waste fats for a ELETRIC wil K E E N E R S
fat collection by the Girl Scouts ay
> and Brownies of Mount Joy and | .
. 9 nc. Florin. The girls will conduct Wolgemuth Bros Inc
. . 1 the collection Saturday, Oct. 23. id " CARPET — BEDDING
: West Main Street Mount Joy Phone 3-4821 ore more PHONE MT. JOY 3-951 | MOUNT-JOY, PA
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. Open every day except Monday