The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 07, 1954, Image 8

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ADVERTISEMENT Thiusday. October 7

— |
| Make Lancaster Area wn The Garden Spot of the World
Mod S J I i Black Horse Hotel ‘David Hess Music Shop Off
odern Style Shop, Headquarters For Advanced J.’ L. Meckley—Plumbing ack riorse riote David Iless Viusic Shop Vilers
) »
Styles In Women’s Wearing Apparel | And Heating Expert Serving Fine Meals Fine Musical Instruments
The difference between being; The Modern Style Shop at 103 | p ' time. | for the more serious st t ne
smartly dressed and ordinarily | S. Market St. Elizabethtown Plays important factor in home | and, possibly of more import- 3lack Horse Hotel, located at The freshest and finest of pro-{ Since the beginning of time, | fox he more serious student of
attired depends more upon taste | Phone - 7-3007 5.7 development ance than all is the fact that to) 130 S. Market Street, Elizabeth- | duce, poultry, meats, etc., are| man has always been musically Te fue.
than on the amount of money | " : : aver’! Present day plumbers and |the plumber belongs the credit|town, indeed has a very envi-| purchased daily to insure only o.oo. 1 oes : his he ol Sirens you all
: ich je ia nT " ably known for their low prices | . : A IRIE died ilies na J + four witless ap fhe finest ane in an at- : vpes of records, classical, semi.
invested. This is true in wear- | Pp | heating artisians have probably for most of the sanitary applian-| able reputation for mile s around | the finest and served in an at As we watch the concert piss AIT RT i
ing apparel for all people, but | and the high quality of the mer- : rand ces so essential to the healthjof serving “home cooked” foods, | mosphere of chaarming refine : : oid assical ar Se 1ey offer
. : a $e 3 y vi nis PE e y “Wory Nis ‘
particularly for women and|chandise they, handle. This store | | done Hone 0 sleyate the stang and well-being of us Americans. |as you yourself would pr pare | ment and hospitality. It is this nist, the violinist o 1} of ne] gery liom 10 Be found ia
young people. | is the shopping center for wo-| ards of living than any other J. L. Meckley, heating and!for your own table. It is an es- sense of responsibility which| great instrumentalists, we must | the best and most well stocked
Taste and exclusiveness in the| men who are pointed to with | tradesmen serving the public. | plumbing experts, located in| tablishment that certainly re- | continually prods them to strive | realize that all them started me tropolitan music stores
purchase isn’t necessary nearly! pride as our section’s most fash-| They have made possible the | Elizabethtown at 233 S. Market, flects credit on the management. | in every way to serve only the their musical careers in their The David Hess Music Shop
so much as it must be a part of | ionable and well dressed wom- | present-day bathroom, the most | Street, are authorities on every-| The kitchen is spotlessly clean | best in real home cooked meals. boyhood days. : endeavors to offer all the fina
the store from which the gar-| en. | used single room in the home. | thing pertaining to a modern! and modernly equipped with! Horse Hotel | Today, the opportunity to be-| musical items that the people of
} | . ' : hi nie . « 1 ar- y ATO! I
ment is bought. The taste mani-| The Modern Style Shop and| They have reduced housekeep-| plumbing and heating = system. | the latest stoves and utensils so | Entertainment Is also featur-] COIR great musicians and at the arca de mand.
fested by the management in| associates are striving to| ing drudgery to a rhinimum by | They make a specialty of repair| that the food prepared shall 2 er that dlieaciing tists in their field, is offered to All their items are oft red at
selecting the stock for their es- | offer their * patrons only the| placing in the most convenient] work, doing all work in a min-| possess a flavor and taste to] ed here - pats 2 acllls | all of you by the David Hess fair trade prices, price {hat
tablishment reflects directly on| best. They are continually on| nook in the kitchen a neat ser- [imum length of time, thereby | please the appetite of the most, many people. Phone Shop, located at 106 N.|are most reasonable.
the taste of every person who | the alert for the best interests| viceable sink with hot and cold making the charges for this|exacting patrons. town 7-5333. | Market Street, in Elizabethtown, David Hess Music Shop, at
patronizes this store. of their patrons. | water on tap; replaced the hand | work reasonable. Phone Eli- | Pa. Phone 7-4606. ; 106 North Market Street
i pump with an electric pump, | zabethtown 7-117¢ Here all types of musical in- | bethtown, Pa. has the fine ol-
Larfoss Hardware Offers struments and instructions are| ections of musical items nd
for the mere pleasure orlinstruments, that are available,
Willis Brenneman & Bro.

LeviC. HersheyGrocery Headquarters

Fine Hardware


S ° P @ ° 5 °
uperior amnting ervice For High Grade Pure Foods Few of us appreciate the mul-| ness is one which therefore]
: : itude of demands made daily | supplies the necessities of life.
Painting and decorating all health and comfort, preserva. Fancy if you can, a commun-| in fact he has gathered from Fade kly on our local hard-| A it homes would bea less
come within the scope of Willis tion of bropertys more Highs for ity without a grocery or food | far and near the different ware dealers. These demands| attractive, less convenient and
Brenneman and Brother, locat- | #8 or] stoves. Imagine what 8 plight | things that every housewife us-| vary from an article so small as| comfortable.
ed at 151 Manor avenue. Mil- tractiveness, refreshment and | ould be i those dispe | es every day in the year. Your|, nail or hammer up to large| They founded the business on
lersville. ‘And the cost’ of \holr harmony in Clore: 5 | we You Jon i ose dimer food cupboards, your kitchen,| household labor saving devices. | service. It has always been their
€ They perform a worthy duty | sers of the essentials of life were| your table, bear mute constant And Usually when these consideration. and they
services are not compared with in the services of humanity, they eliminated from the routine of | witness to the satisfaction and mands are made they must be | have consistently followed a
the savings accomplished by the bring light and cleanliness and our every day existence. What | convenience he affords us. a AT OS it { Hoge x neg ani
efficient use of paint. they make properties more dur-{, ynjque condition would face] The Levi C. Hershey Grocery aze home owner has been| career in the business avoild
Happiness is the goal of alll able, by creating beauty in our us. of 554 S. Market St, Elizabeth- Schooled that he can readily get Zarfoss Hardware is located
civilation’s endeavor and health | surroundings. | And yet with no fanfare of | town, Pa., has served the peo- ARY article in the Burdware Vine} at West Hivh arg: Market Sts.
is the first essential of happiness Willis Brenneman & Brother | trumpets and no beating of| ple of his community for the by Brey making his reavest in Elizapethlown. Pa. Phone
in the ultimate where you pro- | specialize in painting and dec-| drums with no spectacular dis-| past thirty-seven years at the | his local dealer: This busi- 7.1961.
cure the services of the capable orating and in their hands are | play this matter of fact, unpren- | same location, and during that|— —_
painters, such as Willis Brenne- | placed quality materials that tious and commonplace service | period, the business has remain-
man and Brother. Millersville.| have no peer. Call Millegsville | 41a out the sugar, the bread. | ed in the same family. A F B di R d
You purchase sanitation for| 8531. | the lemons, oranges, and other | This store is one of those im- e ° ran en €rs
| necessities that give us aboun- | maculate neatly arranged estab- .
ding health and make for our|lishments whos mission is to A V Vit | S
Beautex Plaster Mfg. Company | happiness. The everyday needs | serve the public with quality " cry i a €rvice
Lo f everyday folk mark the lim- | foodstuffs at the lowest possible A. F. Brandt located Fal-| call from a farmer that one of
f d Fi yd of his domain. | prices. It is here that the fasti- miotith. Pa. Phone E-town = 9961 | his livestock has died he imme
or S mest n aster ork | Teas from far away Chinese dious housewife will find the fi- ; : He : | diately dispatches a tri
| gardens, salmons from the wa-| nest grades of well known pro- Operates business he ton bring the remains to He 3 render-
The quality of materials is the] called on to render their class | ters of the distant Columbia ducts which she has been ac-| Pines the function of conserva- | ing works. Here the hide is
first essential of every structure. | of work broadcasts in a more | River or Alaskan waters, coffee | customed to use on her table. tion and production. Years ago moved and is used in making of
“What is it built of?” should | forceful manner than mere | from Java, figs from Smyra,| The manager and his sons are! he saw the possibilities of al leather. The carcas is then dis-
be the first and foremost con-| words, the very commendable | wheatstuffs and cereals from the | individuals of keen conception] firm that would take care of | sected and crushed and proces
sideration. The materials built | manner in which the firm per- | Western plains, fruits from | and fcrecight. Phone Elizabeth-| dead animals and convert this > 'd into fats and oils which arc
into the structure are there to| forms their task. | california and Florida; meats, | town 7-1218. waste into feeding products for used in the soap making indus
stay, and plaster is one of the We all appreciate that the] tsetse tree et Spt et | poultry and hogs. Today both | tries and many other purposes
materials that is a source of in- | plastering of the walls of al farmer and cily folk are mighty The crackling is then made in
creasing comfort, satisfaction| home or building lends in no M s B id a? C t glad to have Mr. A. F. Brandt! to meal which is used for feed
and economy if wisely chosen. | small way to the comfort of that | artin ul ers €h er serving them because this dis-| ing po dry and hogs
Have you ever stopped to] structure, besides adding to its | position of dead animals has AF. Brandt and Son have
think that your personality and | beauty. ‘Carries Extensive Stock solved an unpleasant problem become well known in the area
your efficiency are governed The Beautex Plaster Mfg. Co. | When Mr. Brandt receives a| for the service they perform
largely by your surroundings? |is a firm to confer with ere As we stand watching the| the proper time. A. - -— -—
That you sub-consciously ac-| you set the plans for the NeW | construction of a home in our They carry a complete line of) ¢¢ ° PEE : $3
quire jovial disposition and a| home, or remodel the old one. | very neighborhood from the| cement, plaster, sheet rock, | Reupholstering Of i he Better King A
snappy appearance if your home | You will find them possessed of time the foundation ‘is poured | brick, lime, sewer pipe, rock | “ &
environments are bright and|a vast amount of knowledge re- | ynti] the lawn is graded, we| lath, metal lath, flue lining, in-| »
cheerful? On the other hand if | lative to this work, courteous,| marvel at the efficiency with] sulation, roofing, cinder blocks | John S. Pfautz Upholstering
a home is drab, the walls not| accommodating and only too which the material and supplies| and water proofing | 2
inviting and attractive, a per-| glad to furnish you estimates | are delivered to the home site While quality products and| An Upholsterer and Furniture | commendable position of having
son without knowing it assumes | for this work without obligation | | for use in the construction of | efficient service are conducive | Eefinisher located in Elizabeth- | more home owners, people
that sort of an outlook on life.| on your part. | the building. Everything ticks|to successful business low town. Phone E-town 7-5412.| Who own the home they live in
In this area the name of The They have established for | with clock-like precision. No | prices also play a most impor- servesthe people of this com then any omer civilized ration
Beautex Plaster Mfg. Company | themselves a reputation far and costly delays no inconvenience | tant role. This firm knows this| ’ i on the face of the globe. In fact
of 13th and Buttonwood Streets| wide for the very high-grade of | {4 the foreman or the workmen | -—and for that refison maintains | Quality work and reas- | come tell us, more than three
in Lebanon, Penna., stands out| work which they do. They are doing the job. prices on their merchandise that | ©hable prices afforded on this nations combined. Home is in
preeminently in the affording of | aggressive citizen operating| If we were to ask the super- are most reasonable vital factor in every home. Es-| deed a happy word, not only be
cuality plaster work. The many | an establishment of the high- intendent of the job the secret Because of their knowledge | timates cheerfull furnished. | cause of the associations it
homes which they have been| type. Phone Lebanon 3-0561. of it all, hé would most likely [of the articles they sell—and | Vast display of patterns make| brings to mind but, also the in
Ae { answer the building supply | the experience obtained by | the tasls + selection an easy delible happenings that occured
. . company The Martin Build- | years of experience in this bus- pater arn he Wo Dies 2 {hosel au fave et
Abe Kahn-Halbreich Corporation | ers’ Centers, located in Eliza- iness they know where and Iv Le Te Ya > ear i he es Bt 1s i hoa. 3 0
| bethtown at 212 West High| when to buy. A quick turnover | tV ¢ 16, thor. you the rv hte of |
| Street, is a firm that enjoys | enables them to quote prices on oughly ang minutely inspected the old homestead? Was it neat |
A Leading Industry la reputation for filling rush or-| stock that are indeed reason- before o abd ted Men employed and up-to date oF ory po di-
| ders entrusted to their care atlable. Phone E-town 7-1349. who are experts in this work. | lapidated Furniture we
The United States of America| ers, commercial and industrial | Mr. John S. Plautz, the owner | know, is the important item a2
is today the richest, most pro-| firms which the farming element | 9 . and Manages Sader bre { he home. J Eve fore 56 han
gressive and greatest nation on| forms the bulwark of our com-! Good Meat Market Servin fu fb = th ld bi oi) and | the style oF prefiiteeture he | X
the face of the globe. To have| munity. And among the most. g cloth to the finished article. material of which it was con
achieved such a standing in the | progressive is the Abe Kahn- America occupies the very structed.
world has not been brought a-| Halbreich Corp A firm U lly F M t
bout by the possession of any| that brings much wealth to its | nusua ne €a $ £ H G Ww Idi Sh
certain commodity or necessity | community and to this entire | If we could suddenly drop]|policy of service of this firm, ® arman € ng op
so Wiel in the existence of the| section — not only phy sical | ourselves back in this communi- | all kinds of meat are kept in | ° > 8
world—no possession of rare| wealth but community wealth] or diosa Chas ol a stock when in season. The staff | t Eff t Pl i
metals or in stones exclu-| as well. For this well known | Iya hundred and Ally yeors ago, BR it a, Phe Opera mg “ 1cien an
sively mined in our country and concern has broadcast] We Would find that one of our customers are given instant at-| C. H. Garman, Welding Shop, ] of time, thereby saving the pub-
in demand throughout the two|the name of our community | greatest inconveniences would tention and can be waited on located in Elizabethtown. at {lic considerable delay and in
hemispheres. For we produce| far and wide in a manner that | come from the absence of the | with the utmost dispatch. { ALE rn i convenience, i
no necessity here that cannot cannot help but make every in-| modern butchershop. This firm always welcomes | Rog % Cherry Alley, Js known With the latest
and is being produced in other | habitant of this section proud of Good's Meat Market at 32 |the opportunity to give suggos- | for many miles around as one known to the trade, and with a
countries—neither do we mine | our section, a place known for| ian P= and advice on. all kinds of | of the most progressive, up-to- thorough knowledge gained
any precious metals that arelits educational institutions, and | North Poplar Street, Elizabeth- meats to use on different occas- | date institutions rendering a|from many years “experience
not being mined in other coun-| the honesty and integrity of its| town, Phone 7-1494, is a true |jons All these details have es-| real worth-while service in both they are in a position to offer
tries today. | citizenship. | representative of the great ad- | tablished for Paul S. Good] electric and oxyacetylene weld- | instant efficient service to all. at
Our greatness — our progress | They lend their share in no| vancement in the production |a reputation that is ing. The main reason for this prices that are right. You will
and our wealth are all based on| very small measure to keep the | and the selling of meats. Tere is | deed enviable. People who are | high reputation is that they ren-| find him thoroughlv conversant
our industry both commercial,| wheels of progress turning by | a large variety to choose from— beyond the trading radius, trade | der a class of work second to | with every phase of welding
industrial and agricultural. For | employing many of our people | prepared and cut in such a way | here, feeling that they are am-| none—with no delay in deliv- C. 'H. Garman, the owner, and
in the comparatively short space | in their splendid establishment. as to give the tenderest and fin- | ply repaid by the service and | ery and at prices that are very] his associates are boosters for
of years since our country was| After all, employment of our | est flavor. In this modern estab- | the quality meats that are of | reasonable. everything worthwhile, making
founded, we have become a na- | citizenry is truly an essential | lishment are up-to-the-minute [the very best at all times and at| Realizing that modern equip- | for community betternment
tion rich in industry and com-| factor in bringing progress to| types of refrigeration equip- prices that are very reasonable. | ment is a necessary adjunct to a The American habit of throw- |
merce. | our community. ment that keeps the meats fresh It is not an easy mark to pro- | successful welding business, the ing many articles that are crack- |
And this greatness, this pro-| They are truly rendering the | and sweet. duce for a trade a selection of | owner: had installed machinery | ed or broken which for a little |
gress and this wealth has been| community a worthy service. The wide selection of meats | meats that will bring the sup-| of the latest and most scientific | money can be rebuilt and ‘made |
brought about by that group of] They are community builders of | here deserves special emphasis. | reme delight to critical appe- | design. Autoists, manufacturers, | as good as new is fast passing a-
fearless pioneers of industry| {he highest type. Men among | All kinds of meats but the very | tites, but this meat stands out in | farmers, etc., have found that | way with the settled life of the
whose far seeing vision has | men. It is to such type of men | uncommon kinds are’ to be | this respect. Paul S. Good, the| welding makes the broken part | country and with the advent of
built the large cities of which | A i . its found here. This affords an op- | owner is a man with 45 years | stronger than it was originally, | the era we predict for this shop
this country boasts. Our com- | at America owes iis greatness. portunity for an infinite num- | exserience in this class of retail | with the cost much less than|a future in business that is
munity has just cause to feel| We are proud to have them with | ber of delightful dishes for a | endeavor. He serves the people | the cost of a new part, and that { fraught with great promise. |
proud of its many manufactur- | us in this edition. varied diet. In line with the | both in business and out of it. it can be done in a short space Phone Elizabethtown 7-4293, ,

| yours

Boyer’ s Funeral Home Renders A
Considerate, Dignified Service

| When the grim reaper casts | correct handling of every inci’
| his gloomy shadow over the| dental detail from the mor
threshold and removes from our | he Is called untill the
Fag | have been properly and rever«
midst some foving member of ently interred.
our family we realize the signi-| His is a business which few
ficance of the word “Death” | 1 ms are prepared to enter
In a time like this we are all | It is not only Knowing the tech:
stricken with grief. We know | nique of embalming, but hé
the multitude of details that| must have the personality and
must have attention, but some-| adeptness to handle delicate
how we know not just where to| situations that ‘is required in
start. few professi
Thanks to good fortune, the | H. William Boyer, 144 East
people throughout the section, | High Street, of Elizabethtown,
have in their midst mortician, | Phone 7-1380 is well known
who is more than just an under | Though his services and equip:
taker. An individual that hasl ment are of the highest possible
made a profession of his busi-| type, his prices are very recason-
ness. A man who assumes the! able.
= Cinder Renders Efficient
Service In The Community

Cleaning clothes, old or new,| chinery in order to enable thém
Ww for many years a dreaded| to produce the very highest
task for both men and women. | quality of work in the least pos-
‘ : sible time wi 1st
Che fear of shrinking, stretch-| re x and with Ws ;
; Ta | possible cost. They are special
Ing, fading and blotching al-| i
ng al | ists in dry cleaning and pre g
wa) confronted the “home| men’s suits, and cater to f
wy 1? > y . r . .
cleaner But nevertheless| ine wants. No frock is too dain-
clothes had to be cleaned and | ty, no spot is too big. In their
OSS 1 th 1. . je : :
pressed aud the larger part of odernly equipped plan
the time the outcome was a to kKmen skilled in the
1 ailiire ‘here i « all 1 ?
tal failure. I € 1s no logical | making koth women's &
reason now for such destruction clothing fresh, restoring the
Ginder Cleaners, located at 12 iginal ce and cut
E. High St., Elizabethtown, of I'his firm is recognized ai
fers a most comprehensive Dry | the leaders in his area in
Cleaning and Pressing service. | dry-cleaning businaess. When
The prices ai SO reasonable| they first started business
that even the most inexpensive {hes saw the possibitit
aw 1 ssib
garment 1s worthy of the best, | ron ring the community |
and their servie ciaelent and | service and for the past
prom | i
pH pt nave had great success in do
I'o meet the deman of the so
public, this firm installed the Their phone number is Eli
very latest equipment and ma bethtown 7-1270
WE healt i
Pia supply the best i
est quality in| manne by courteous driv
fuet and feed { la .
™ ple at your command a
Lhe use of coal does not sec vie 1} ia
bi Bt era, i} IC 1at 1s second to none
¢ Shoe n to the ancients, | this n
ner is it known at what time it | \ '
hh what time It | Deep thought and va
began to be used for fuel. Some | n
credit the ancient Brit i be nee has enabled the: !
1 1 a en
Ty with | serve you better hat 1
Its first use, but at all eve nts tol of I
sims ein: stood them and their patrons 11
| Some extent an article of house good stead
hold consumption during the m Ctl |
| early es 'he Grubb and Bren
{early anglo-saxon period as| Coal C i
| cori : : : oal Co., located on W I
| early A. D. England is St. FE i
am : St, Elizabethtown is under
credited as being the first coul ats .
wk her “=| capable direction of Me
try where coal was used to Grubl i B I
§ irubb : enema Y
considerable extent. 1 1
lave been schooled i he p
Coal is a resource requisite | that lad 1a he |
: 4 tule ples 1a c Ve "01
to the functioning of every ofl 1 1 pleased patrol
: vol ‘orth an immeasurable quar
er industry. The home industry | +. yun
) ty of good will. The man
is entirely dependant
upon its | friends =» J i
's shure ¢ lends and patrons of this fir
adequacy. Coal is the basis of | who dre loud in their prai
Woanize her ne : 2 a:
or ect life. Other raw ma- for the service rendered is ai
terials are merely par ot Bere dhe;
social fabric inci ae of the ple proof that they have adh
neidental “to it. | eq to their principles very clo
Iron for example does not come

0 48 Cons OL 3 ly. The management are of tl
§ as s y AS we highest ty ‘
asthe Lorn shest type and true commun
commodity to pe manu- | ty servants. They sav wheneve
factured. Coal therefore in its they tet {
ar reachinec . . } aR customer A
far reaching consequences has | make a fri nd
a d a re ponsibility equal- | Realizing the trend £ th
ed by no other substance ; al 18 © enc 0 !
! I substance. tin in } i
oy noo Imes, in heating s and
Gobo. & Per : fneating our homes an
bh o A Co. is | industry with fuel oil, Mess:
managed and directed by men Grubb’ and Eins
Who Fos and Jreneman, arc
A st thoroughly under- speedily converting their equip
stan he é 'S Pe Sr I?
1 cos} business from the ment, to meet the requirement
mine to the coal bin. Tl : ii ia
c 1€Y Sup- | of thei
heir cust rs, from coal t
ly . ustomers, {rom coai
ply the best grades in the short- | fuel oj. r b lit
est space of time and a ri hs EEL SUSY
that are indeed My Ain and the highest grade of ‘eal
aL B reasonable {
¢ uel ¢ an ee 3 Eliza
Their fleet of delivery. (ros: L oil and feed, call Elizabeth
town 7-1310.
