THE BULLETIN, Mount at Joy. Pa. Thursday, October 7 2 OWL LAFFS BY A WISE OWL One way to get your m in-law to cut her visi ort to mix tobacco wi coffee A local artist who wanted home among the Mount Last Saturday on bus a man got seat to a woman. She When she came to. ed him. Then he fainte« arby sma In an businessman had been such pillar of the c! that he passed away posted a the Jones has left us. wurch when the ng notice on reading: “Deacon He departed in heaven minister SOrrowi door, future home ) this morning.” his 10:3 for at Some time later the following was added mysteriously to the notice: “Heaven, 4 p. m. Great anxiety and confusion exists here! Deacon Jones long over due! No news of him yet!” A WISE OWL Gretna Legion Auxiliary ~ | THE BULLETIN { Published every Thursday at 11 To Start Drive | 1 ast Main Street, Mount Joy. nh Lazio: Ansell | Lancaster County, Pa American Legion Auxi | Larmon D. Smith, Publisher ry of Lancaster County an sr nounces the start of its ixth | John E. “Schr oll, Wi Pagar] oe Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 ! RH i subscription mn I Vt Ruth Rincer (Subscription Rate $2.50 per esident of the auxiliary. states vear by Mail lorivad lvert rates upon request oii Ceortye tered at the postoffice at! ! vear will be used to pur nt Joy, as second-class | chase additional hospital equip under the Act of March 3, men ” 3 . . 1 f thi ovious mber, Pennsylvania News- AS a tr Of tn previou nr Pp ubl ishers’ sociation. campaign ponsored by the TT American Legion Auxiliary, the Joy unit was able to ac pital 1 maintain one he ( a » coal industry ha been ed, two sets of hospital bed | going through a touch compe nd one modern wheel | ; I | titive period as new fuels have | chair. This equipment is avail { cut in on its use. The future of able for temporary use, with- | the i | ut charge, to any resident. It the i and its ability ‘to! OW char any. opera a profitable basis has been in almost constant de- during a t ition period has wand and en valuable ervice throughout | become a question of national! @nG un | concern l communi The local auxil- ! ro ry feels that the equipment it Lxperts timate that our ne purchasc this year for coal in the future will hills, was talking the matter ov- is: 4 much needed. addition to r with the farmer who had the iy production figures of | ui ready available place to sell. | the past. In line with such op- As in t vars. onlV sechods *I must have a good view. ls me i a heartening ho Role ®| ited repr of the pub- there a good view?” asked the | report from the National Coal lishers Be. letter of ine artist. { Association > hich tat that rodtction. and identi feation Wall,” drawled the far | record preaning elegy Sue from the American Legion Aux “from the front porch you kin | | generation in the United States." "od by Mrs. Ruth see Ed Snows barn and pig pen, | *° resulting in greater coal con Rineer will call on identis to but beyond that there ain't) sumption by tiiues. | «plain the plan in detail. Resi nothin’ but a bunch of mount-| At present coal accounts for| when called on. should ains.”’ | ar und 50. per centrof'oll the, oct to sce. the 1 pr ta | power generat d by the electric v lotte O introduction 2 weeks ago Clyde ssly cai | utili ities; oil and gas together, 26 This w minate any mis- he would weigh 175 Ibs or less| PF and ITC 1 by an unauthor by 12 o'clock Noon Decembel | power, 24 per cent d person. Donations are not 93.'1954. - - - - He weighed 211 | Seperated, by nis 15144 be solicited or accepted. Bat Hime We said we SH adily din ishing in terms of The auxiliary wishes to again would try to keep you informed | th > nauon total consumption | ounce that the present equip as- time goes by - - - He now | Ol electricity. housed at the posthouse W reighs 1986. | Electric utility ex have! when not in u Anv resident —— nt { anticipated coal ption | needing any of this equipment They say “advice is funny | by their industry at 165 mil-| in their home should call M stuff. It is sold by your lawyer, | lion tons by 1956, and 250 mil- Tce Ellis for full particulars. given away free by our mother-4 lion tons by 1965. The Atomic in-law—but impossible to dis-| Energy Commissi that pose of yourself. | “even with nucle wer, con- Host pit tal Auxiliary es | sumtion of coal gene 3 f I overheard fellow up| electric is expected to inst als Officers at “Chet” strongs arguing | by 1975. The first meeting of the 1954 that married men live Coal one of our great basiC| ss Mount Jov Branch the than single ones. { 1 dustri d it is of the utmost 1. poster General Hospital “Chet him he was mis- | importance to the na was held last Thurs- taken; “it only seems longer.” | it be able to adjust to ti tH Hostetter ——— { look of things on a 11 in the form of | d expa ng basis ] and expanding basis. ting. Approximately Marine Reserve ~~ Mrs. Eric Olson was installed Message as president; Mrs. Frank Young 290 20 atte the affair which nstallation of of nded featured the flcers. Last night my wif 1d had 5 vice president; Mrs. Jan Phii a pretty ‘stiff argument. After "OY Parents lips. recording secretary Mrs a while she said “T'l1 t vou This articl s for parents of {Jay Mussel ori ( half way,” --- “I [ am oul men who will scon b retary and Mi Simon N ley right if you will you callad litarv service ur | ire 1 wrong.” — — — i enter ervie Mrs. Olso 1 com I wir i cul eight for V pes 1 ti fost of this \ 1 W 1 Last Friday a woma tepped h I pent on ship: cl n I. Bruc off the 1 K t Your sons can! Greiner, w s and mean Virs r ulfilliy thi eight-year Samuel l refresh praisi hom ith | ment Vi i 18. 0 nnor, Vel nat \ Corps Re i I R pub little « i ) plan for | li and rvice R an pro replied 3 ( rine Corps Re- I diy located d and LO s named le printed on {he lumb i pr unt Joy for inch x enl men between th 1 uniy ba r to be of 17 d 2 Tk Viari 19 At th neetl nr { 5 Re x i 5 parceled among Or \ thi ( iZ¢ ( th the members for the making of sr Citrus and his famil) 4 it ( tma ngels. They will be topped for da 1 rine C completed at the next meeting mall 1 resort vn onlv fi The gr y plans to sell them. One evening the desk clerk an-| my Iv Ted I'l 1iext meeting will be held ered the phone and heard El yu attend o i d evening, Nov. 18. mer’s tired voice “Can \ sion ¢ e + y 1 ti . send so ID ‘to nelD me! {1 uniform : Unveil Marker asked Elmer I ig ir rif nd pistol ran ath-i 2 : ing to get into my room all etic State's First ning et rid of I}. thse suess the pig likes me.” a nary Game Refuge “Oh, it ain't that,” answered | yp, ther information . so At 2:30 p. m., Oct. 16, a his- the room clerk ppens | « local Marine Recruiter or rker will be unveiled to be his room when we ain't 1H Col yi 1.99260 County at the site of fol any toui Cotas ak . nnsylvania first Primary ok : 7! State Game Refug 8 ‘ia b i 24 hours a day Ih o! 5 visite welcome at all y ag oe ton Grovy tr 1 Pent R in honor of ia Wad 1 not i ) B. Penro President of the I Te oi wel I 1. Game Commission man nex ) od : it the tin 1c closed area was Wie ira 1 ilitar obligations lishe rl refus was lo inquired the farm ; : a th a {12 les S wth of Renovo Bu ed ti heri : | along t Snowshoe-Tienovo viariy ve unit 1s 1} pointed significantly )y his head x ell Marke 4 ! th prout rest, a He's crazy A : : teste 5 oe holamng of th nt of Ny x pe ae aad oo 2 Mount Joy 1s employed ¢ Forests and W S Watel ) 1 Watch Plant n The We \ linton Sports- 5 ien’s Association « Renovo for dication. yiration M1. Joy Soldier |i mmm me he ( o1 nty Svortsmen’s (Cor { from Page 1) Federation, the Department of I ern Regional ( 1pionship | Forests and Waters and the ind, advanced to the state finals. Game Commission combined the first year Class C s¥ate cham- | with them to make the event pionship playoffs were held. specially significant, particular- His wife lives with her moth-| ly since it will occur during ¢ My Reba Simms. Her bro- | Pennsylvania Week. ther Charles, is a member of the - will Hamboner Rhythm Quartet. RUMMAGE SALE The couple have a son Gerald The King's Daughters Bible Jr., who is 13 months old. Class of the Church of God will Pvt. Wilson attended Eliza-! hold a rummage sale Oct. 22nd | bethtown Coliege for one semes-| and 23rd in the building on i ter before enlisting in the Army | Henry Street at the rear of the! in January, 1953. ! parsonage. [Auto Club Warns | Against ‘Orgy Of Traffic Signs’ Automobile Club yesterday warned municipali- Pennsylvania slow what it called Keystone mn to 41 Lies up on an orgy of traffic sign posting”, pending publication of new uniformity rules now in course of prepara- tion William ‘anning, Engineering Direc- Club, “they may find ‘ives in the embarrassing If they don't”, said S. tor of the them position of being required to re- the markers to move some of keep within the law.” Canning explained that the State Namal of Regulations or Off Trafi Signs, Sig- nals and Se has been in process of revision for some time, and that it is expected to Jaycees To Zone Industries Show Gains In 1953 , - Secretary of In Harrisburg - | : : '. iy dustries in 1953. ter’'s banquet Lancaster County [Mount Joy The Mount Joy JayCees pl: 1y- | et . . I N nt Jo; < ¢ : ‘ ternal AfTairs, William S. Liv Sacks, Philadelphia. host » chapt : { engood, Jr., today reported an| "0S to the chapters of Zone Speaker was Jack Susskind ol | uptre nd in Lancaster County in-| 3 at a dinner meeting at Hostet- C He ster, whose topic was “Let from (Coatesville, Columbia Lancaster, Landisville, Salunga, New Holland, West Chester and | Mount Joy Were represented. | | Guests William Root | Host 3 of Media; Robert Curtis and Herb Pike, Coatesville; Lee hall Wednesday | de: hip Training and.Civic R 8 J 9 tl 7.3 per cent in capital invest- ment, and 7.15 per cent in value of product, Mr. Livengood said { The gains are the more signi- ficant the industrial da- ta compiled by the Bureau of Statistics of the Department Internal 'd on from 604 because Ol Affairs is bas re- the ports. industries in be issued by the Department of | county last year, while in 1952 \ Highways within the next two | reports were received from 607. months. The manual is author- The reporting industries last ized by law and its rules are! year paid $145,687,400 to 44,- backed by the authority of the! 735 employes who made pro- . Vehicle Code. Traffic signs and | ducts valued at $552.185.500. In markings may not be sold orl 1952, the plants distributed used, under stiff penalty, unless | $131,840,500 in payroll to 42,231 they conform the s promulgated by the Highways. According to the to uniform rule Secre- tary of Club spokes- man, there has been great actliv- ity in sign posting throughout the State. “Well meaning offi- to 10 actuated by a desire safety, have taken a duck to water,” he promote Signs like said some cases what they have succeeded in doing is the | opposite of what they intended. | Placing ‘stop’ signs at all four corners of an intersection is one example that may be cited. With traffic from all directions to the bewilder- results pate obedience yestion and the logical motorist stopped in signs, cong ment are as each tries to antici ea rt iD TH a up | ta ae moves OE skirt lengths. pint 4c quart a Re Tin a . bottie | bottle not, in our opinion, conductive 3 : a ; A {5 Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. - Generally eaking, a multi- : : akiseo plicity of ‘ste n’ igns in a com- | O,MAMA, | WILL NOT Kak n unity tends to defeat their] : TAKE THE HOME Pr i purp Because it is gros PAPER DOWN TO THE emium Sallines vith available police to do | POST OFFICE AND BUY =. OBR n effective enforcement job,| | A WRAPPER AND MAIL IT oka. torists take advan- | TO OuR SON, JIMMY=8UT t situation. Fewer! = oT) = I'M GOING Burry’s Fudoe cted at points of haz- | | | aN a TO DROP = 1 and adequately 40 In TO THE Shortcake Ui ) better safety job : eo District Governor Attends Meeting Earl Horst, was district governor, of honor at the the the guest local Tuesday night at Mor- regular meeting of Lions Club Hostetter's Banquet Hall. rell Shields, chairman of the Lions Information Committee was in charge of the program and introduced Kenneth and Audry Apply, students of the donegal High School, who played the marimba I'hreoe guests were present, Harry W. Walters, Sr., Asher Veiss and Marshall Gemberling formerly a Quarryville transferring to Gemberling. ber of the Lions Club, is the local club. Edward Richter, fix president was in vice e of the meeting charg MORE Mothers of to become Den e MOTHERS NEEDED cub scouts would like crs officers of an organized pack. Rice is cub-master Heaps also is a leader. LJ Ralph Charles We Print Everything But Dollar Bills should get in contact with workers who turned out goods worth $515,297,200. Capital in- vestment in the plants rose from $247,765,100 in 1952 to $265.295,000. & Gantt “The Keep will the latest Pa suspenders with help you ris NEWSPAPER OPFICE AND 8 SLBSCRIBE TOR JIMMY AND THEN HE A WILL GET THE HOME PAPER EVRY WEEK CHARLES SVG Ret Dr.H.C.Killheffer | Optometrist | MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 5 6 38 15 E. High St. Telephone 24.F I ; Woodbury Seap SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. W. H. STEHMAN SQUARE ST. PHCNE MT. JOY 3-85547 Farm Bureau ~~ Mutual Automobile Insurance Co Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Life Insurance Co. RE er TT LL ove EI 4 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR | APPOINTMENT || AT Doris Beauty Shoppe Chocolate Ave., F Lon Doris S. Houck, eB tfe | PHONE 3-585 | = | FLORIN, PA. | | | | | Quality Meats 2 2 . . Marcal Paper #3) Mareal Assorted Cockiail Napkin i] 2 Wesson Gil | Shortening wn 30° Lr 98° Dog Food Blpo All Beef Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. 1 R 151/5-0z. Tues. Fri. Sat. can 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M ELIZABETHTOWN Va-price Sale of large size ji i7¢ Ready Now! Continuing Featuring Storewide Celebration! Keebler Town House Crackers Ib. fn Marcal Sandwich Bags Lb. FO pkgs. f 40 19 Kitchen Charm Hankies 22° roll 2s f 100 8 20 u. S. No. Pointer 10% 31; 155.48 0 Wa eit Snow White £3 BR Ca aulitlowe: California pkgs. of 60 a "> 48e Spry Frozen Spinach Frozen Green 1 Bean Rival 1-lb. a8 LS - cans w Dog Food 23 ALSO A FULL LINE OF 5 large pkg. Feis Napiha instant ap Granules ie giant 75e | pkg. Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY | STORE HOURS—DMon., 87 EAST MAIN ST. Tues., Wed., Thurs, & Sa 8:00 to 6:00: F \ Cheddar Cheese Mild > A&P’s 35th Avi, Electric ay eqular size 22% ay : “who and Gas ‘Welding 3 216 | | Oe Candy Bars 6 25s of Moth” Also Specialize On TT Vzvpfiee Sale of Eight v clock Cofi 1&8 3 il $ 2. J 241 ¢ Jane | FARM 1 MACHINE WELDING Weslhnrs § Bagel Food Bar , é [4 A y ap ! Angel Fo ad B Rin ne Jz i | Automobile and Truck Welding f va ‘© Amiversary Specially y oR PIN {ig bath ize a | iN Jang | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING 3 iat ale AEH Pie er S020 Price ; I~ . y i . . — a A ———————————— 2 nel . Lover's Welding Shop Sweetheart Cashmere-Bouguel | Silver | BL pp Soap id ad | ular size Ea regular size 17. | 4 th Dist ADAM H. GR EER $” Oe £3 hy = £ Re - Hic - on | ol Phone 3.4124 Sweetheart ashmere- Bou qu uci 20 EK MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Soap Soap batt bath size larg ; gs 250 pi 2 ov Fels Naplha Angus AH | I PRIA BY APPOINTMENT Soap Pu rose uicin riday Compared with 1952, inrus-| evening, Sept. 27 Chapters ponsibility vis sat ic 21 fe p COIN | = - - —— trial establishments of the coun- | Ahk aaa a Ly registered increases of 5.9 per cent in employment, 10.5 — AT | percent in wages and salaries, | eo a... arama i a —— I MA fo Yo re; fo th