The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 30, 1954, Image 1

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Parade Plans
Are Nearing
For the third year, the local
JayCees will sponsor the Penn-
sylvania Week Parade in con-
Junction with the opening night
of the Mount Joy
Exhibit Wednesday,
The group has
ments to have
march, bands,
ing units.
A “Miss Donegal’ will be
crowned by the group and will
lead off the parade as honored
girl. Formerly, a Miss Mt. Joy
was selected from the local high
school. Since the jointure, the
title of the Pennsylvania Week
queen has been changed to
“Miss Donegal”. ‘Last year's
queen was Miss Julie Risser and
two years ago the queen was
Miss Marian Rutt.
The committee in charge of
the parade is Nicholas Leitner,
Michael Pricio, O. K. Snyder,
Jr., Charles Ryman, William
Gassman and Warren Hayman.
— RE
October 13.
made arrange-
in the line of
floats and march-
Scouts Honor
Active Worker
Mrs. Edward Lane was the
guest of honor at a farewell par-
ty held for her by the Mt. Joy-
Florin Girl Scout Neighborhood
recently at the Heisey Ranch,
Rheems. Forty Girl Scouts and
Brownie leaders,
troop commit
members and neighborhood
attended the affair.
Mrs. Henry Mt. Joy
R1, presented Mrs. with a
“thanks” neigh-
borhood for her work in Girl
Scouting. In Mrs. Lane's ten
years of Scouting she worked as
committee woman and
neighborhood chairman.
The evening was started with
an outdoor campfire which was
symbolically lighted with torch-
es as the group sang ‘Rise Up
Oh Flame”. This was in charge
of Mrs. Scott Heisey. Mrs.
ert Hawthorne had
the camp fire. “Nose
highlighted the
for the evening and were in
charge of Mrs. Harold Billow.
Refreshments were in charge of
Mrs. Warren Foley.
Mrs. Lane expects to move to
Wayne, Pa., in the near future.
Lions Club Will
Sell Light Bulbs
A ‘“light-bulb” sale will be
conducted in Mount Joy Satur-
day, Oct. 9. The will be a
project of the Mount Joy Lions
Club. The town will be canvas-
sed and special stands will be
set up in front of both the local
banks. Bags of bulbs priced to
sell at $2.00 will include 12
bulbs from 25 to 100 watts.
Ten fifth graders are mem-
bers of the Mt. Joy school fire
patrol and will assist students
in the kindergarten, first, sec-
ond, third and fourth grades to
the proper exists.
The first fire drill was held
Monday, September 27. It took
the students 1'2 minutes to
leave the building.
badge from the
a leader,
Bag Skits”
Men Represent Post
On TV Program
Rob-| _
charge of

Mount Joy's booth at the Industrial Exposition at Harris-
burg last week was rated among the best and drew consider-
able comment from the thousands who attended. One of the
highlights was the photographing of a quartet of local busi-
ness men with Miss Evelyn Ay, Miss America of 1954. Left
to right: Jim Heilig, Miss Ay, Sam Balsbaugh, Dick Gerber-
ich and Pete Malm.
Cub Scouting
Begins In
Three men represented the
local Veterans of Foreign Wars
post 5732 on “Stump Your M J
Neighbor” on WGAL-TV Mon- ount oy
day evening. The three men Cub Scouting began in Mount
were Frank Morton, command- joy Monday afternoon when
er; Jay Ginder, adjutant; and den mother, Mrs. Myrtle Norn-
John Fisher, chaplain. Although hold held her first den meeting.
the team was defeated by a Wednesday, Mrs. Bruce Brown
Hershey team of VFW men, the
money that the men earned will
go into the local VFW treasury.
Will Meet
On Tuesday
Retail Merchants Committee
of the Mount Joy Chaamber of
Commerce will meet Tuesday at
8 p. m. at the fire house to com-
plete plans for their October
The merchants have taken
space at the Farm Show to dis-
play prizes, valued at more than
$500, which will be awarded on Dr.
Saturday night, Oct. 23.
Tickets will be given out free
all during the Farm Show and
the week following. These tick-
ets will have stubs from which
the winners will be selected at
the drawing Oct. 23, at 9:30 p.
m. at the fire house.
and Mrs. Ralph Rice held their
den meetings for the boys in
their districts. Included in the
three dens were 18 boys. There
are more eligible boys in Mount
Joy but no more parents willing
to be den parents.
These eighteen boys will be
the charter members on the Mt.
Joy Pack. The first pack meet-
ing will be held Wednesday ev-
ening, Oct. 27, in the grade
school at 7:30 p. m. All parents
of the cubs are invited to attend
this meeting.
The first project of the dens
will be the preparation of a
float for the local Community
Exhibit parade Wednesday ev-
ening, Oect. 13.
Robert Walker was an ad-
ditional official named to the
new movement. He will become
the chairman of the Cub Pack
Hears Talk On
Community Chest
Monaghan of Lan-
The tickets are free and no
required. Only
Thomas J.
caster Tuesday noon
Mount Joy Rotary club on the
approaching Community Chest
campaign which provides funds
for 20 Red Feather
Lancaster county.
purchases are
restrictions are that the
must be present, and only
prize will be given to one
son. :
The Donegal High School
band will play in the business
district during the evening from
7:30 until time for the drawing.
Mount Joy will again have a
Halloween parade this year and
it will again be sponsored by
the local Lions Club. The date,
of the affair will be Saturday,
Oct. 30. Charles Eshleman is the
chairman of the affair.
agencies in
The speaker pointed out that
while there have been criticism
of the Community Chest idea it
sfill remains the best method of
collecting the charity dollar
and administering it.”
He reminded his audience
that the need handled through
the Red Feather agencies is one
that ‘is constantly with us’ and
increasing in a “system geared
to the expending population.”
Fashion Show Plans Near
Completion For Wed.
Harold Zimmerman,
Mrs. Gerald Hostetter;
freshment committee
Mrs. William Gassman, Mrs.
Clarence Wilson, Miss Mary
Jane Hoffer, Mrs. Martha Ger-
mer and Mrs. George Albert.
Clothes from Kitty's Dress
Shop will be modeled; shoes
from Horner's Shoe Store; Kos-
er's and Greer)s Jewelery
Stores, perfumes from Sloan’s
Jr.,, and
The re-
Rehearsals have begun for
Mount Joy's first fall fashion
show which will be held next
Wednesday evening, Oct. 6, in
the local school auditorium at
8 p. m. Mrs. George Broske will
play an organ recital in con-
junction with the show. Final
rehearsal will be held next
Tuesday evening for the show.
Models will be Mrs. James
Roberts, Miss Wilma Dommell,
Mrs. Frank Young, Jr., Mrs. furniture from Keener’s; flow-
Nicholas Leitner, Mrs. Eugene ers from Ruhl’s and stage Ilum-
Eicherly, Miss Betsy Bigler,| ber from Snavely’s.
Miss Christine Weidman, Mrs. The show will be staged in
John Getz, Miss Julia Witmer, | skit form with models as the
Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Jno. characters in each. The narrator
Landis and Mrs. Warren Hay- for the affair will be Mrs. James
man. Children models will be Shaeffer. Refreshments will be
William, Barbara and Debra served during the intermission
Roberts: Audrey and Debra buffet style at the rear of the
Getz; Kathleen Zimmerman, auditorium.
Tickets are on sale now from
JoyCee members but they may
also be purchaased at the door
next Wednesday. Proceeds from |
the affair will be used for jor
age projects in the borough
the sponsoring group.
Linda Ryman, Mimi O’Conner
and Brenda and Sandra Harple.
Ticket takers will be Mrs.
Robert Tyndall and Mrs. Char-
les Ryman; back stage assist-|
ants will be Mrs. Lester Mum-
ma, Mrs. John Strickler, Mrs. |

Trinity Church To Mark 150
, Red Feather ‘Band Club Elects
Agencies Eleven Directors
Eleven directors were chosen
$ Serve 40,000
“Two thousand, five hundred
more persons used the service of
the 20 Red Feather Agencies in!
1953 than in the previous year,
bringing the total for the year
to 39,916 persons’, it was an-|
nounced by William H. Beadle, |
General Chairman of the 30th
United Red Feather Campaign. |
“Because of the growing popu-
lation of Lancaster County, we
expect the total to be even high-
er this year”
The 1953 records just compil-|
ed by the agencies show that a-
bout 50 per cent of the persons
using Red Feather Services
came from the county and 50
percent from the city. The fol-
lowing agencies served yt Houck,
g agencies serve more
county residents than city resi-| SO named as directors.
dents: The Society for Crippled. Next Monday the directors
Children & Adults, Association! Will hold a meeting at the home
for the Blind, Osteopathic Hos- of Mrs. Jay Barnhart to elect a
pital, Guidance Clinic, Boy president, vice president, secre-
tary and treasurer. The by-laws
Scouts and Girl Scouts.
In the Northwestern “B’” area, of the former Mount Joy High
of the campaign which includes School band club were adopted
Mt. Joy, East Hempfield Town-| by the new group with a few
minor charges. According to the
ship, East Petersburg, Landis-
at the meeting of the new Don-
| egal High School band club on
Monday night. Curtis Reisch,
Raymond Gilbert and Mrs. Jay
Barnhart were the three chosen
from the Mount Joy area; Clar-
ence Hollinger and Mrs. Sadie
Brooks will represent the Mount
Township area; George
Mrs. John Zeller and
Mrs. Grace Hawthorne will rep-
| resent East Donegal and Arthur
| Zuch, Mrs. John Groff and Mrs.
| S. Baker will represent the
Marietta area. In addition to the
band directors, were al-
directors, H.
and George
ville, Rohrerstown and Rapho| by-laws, meetings will be held
Township, many of the boys and the fourth Monday of each
girls are Scouts. There are eight month. Contrary to the former
Boy Scout troops with 193 boys, proceedure of having directors
enrolled and 338 Girl Scouts in| meetings only with general
17 troops. membership meetings every 3
The health services of the months, for at least the first
Community Chest are also wide-| year, all the meetings will be
ly used by the people of this ar-| for the general membership.
regardless of their ability to The directors feel that the mem-
pay the entire cost of the ser-| bers will get to know each oth-
vice. Fifty-one crippled persons er much better with this change
were helped by the Society for in policy.
Crippled Children and Adults
with 416 free or part-pay home
and office follow-up treatments
were given those who could not
afford to pay. cost approximately between
The Visiting Nurses visited | seven and eight thousand dol-
61 patients in 1953. The patients | Jars. At the present time, a mer-
paid in full for 359 visits but formed
the nurses made 113 other visits member-
on a free or part-pay basis. The
Association for the Blind aided
25 blind and partially sighted
persons in the Uorthwestern ‘B’
Area by providing for medical
treatment and operations, teach-
ing the blind to read Braille and
instructing them in new skills
and occupations.
In addition to the many per-/!
sons who used the three Red
Feather hospitals and who were
able to pay the full cost, there
were others who could not of-
ford the entire fee. At Rossmere
The present
group is to uniform
band. To uniform the band in
green and white uniforms will
project of the
the new
chandise club is being
to gain funds plus a
ship drive
Time Clocks
Are Christmas
clocks will be the new
addition to the Mount Joy Bor-
ough Community Christmas
lighting system this year it was
announced at a special meeting
of the committee Tuesday nite
Sanatorium, 556 free and part-
pay days care were given to 4 at the home of Arthur Sprecher.
patients; St. Joseph's took care At the present time, seven un-
of 27 free or part-pay patients its are connected to existing
and the Osteopathic Hospital 18 time clocks in churches and
free or part-pay patients. business establishments. Time
clocks will be purchased for the
remaining 39 units in order that
the town may be lighted at the
same time each night and re-
main lighted until the same
hour. There are 21 candle units
and 25 candy cane units. The
community Christmas tree will
also be decorated this year and
will be placed on the corner
“We have published these fig-
ures because we believe the
county residents want to know
what benefits they get from the
Red Feather Services”, Mr. Bea-
dle emphasized. “We feel that
the records illustrate that cur
slogan for the United Red Fea-
ther Campaign ‘Everybody Give
—Everybody Benefit’ applies
throughout the county. If every
body gives in the campaign!
from Oc. 4 to Oct. 29, the Com-
munity Chest Agencies will be
able to continue serving the
growing population of Lancast-
er County”.
tre. It, too,
time clock.
The group set Dec. 4, the first
Saturday in December, as the
night that lighting will be fin-
| ished. Represented at the meet-
ing were men from Rotary
CATALOGUES ARE FINISHED cjyb, Lions Club, Friendship
Premium catalogues for the pire Company, Borough Coun-
Mount Joy Community Exhibit jj Vv. F. W.. and Chamber of
are now completed. They will commerce.
be distributed in the near fu- — °
ture. The farm show committee FISH COMMENTS ON
announced at the meeting Mon- EXPOSITION
day night that catalogues will] According to Charles Fish,

be mailed to advertisers not liv-| chairman of the booth at the,
ing within or immediately ad- | first Pennsylvania Exposition
jacent to the borough. in Harrisburg last week, both
Giri the show and the. Mount Joy
| booth were successful. A large
F hysician on Call Sunday | number of persons visited the
| booth; inquiries as to its possi-
| bility as a town with industrial
| advantages were sought and lo-
Dr. David E. Schlosser | | cal exhibitors received
® ies as to their products.
For emergency If you Cannot
Reach Your Owa Physician

property opposite the Joy thea- |
will be attached to a

The Mount Joy
“Citizens Of Tomorrow

“Future Citizens” photographs is complet-
ed this week: Left to right, Jeffrey, 2, son of the Ray Sum-
mys, Mount Joy; Becky, 3, Mary Ann, 1, daughters of the
Earl K. Shellys, Manheim; and Kenneth, 1, son of the David
__Merkeys, Manhe im.
Present series of

New High School
Students Wide Curriculum
An expanded curriculum is
the main advantage of the new
Donegal High School in com-
parison to the three
those who
bus and had
students, especially
always traveled by
to eat cold lunches.
non-exist- Marietta
also gained in addi-
ing high schools of Mount Joy, tion to the driver education
East Donegal and Marietta. All course, agriculture and agricul-
the departments which did ex-| ture shop, home economies and
ist in the three high schools
have been expanded and special
phases have been added.
School officials say
fact that in the ne
students be added as well as each year
thereafter. the next 2 years
there will be an “ironing out”
example, second
Latin is being offered in 2
grades; typing is offered in two
grades and second year algebra
arts, plus the use of
that with-
One example is the xt two years, more will
college preparatory
have English,
and mathematics
10th, 11th and 12th
which they prepare college.
Other students have separate
classes in which they prepare in
history, For
classes in the
classes in schedule. For
for year
the named four subjects for the in three.
business world. The commercial In addition to all the educa-
course has been expanded to in- tional advantages, the other ad-
clude much more than typing, vantage is the use of a new
modern building, rated as
of the best in the
shorthand, and bookkeeping. one
Another advantage is found in
the medigal department. Here-
tofore, none of the schools had I k
a nurse full time. Now, either pea er
Mrs. Sadie Brooks or Mrs. Ad-
die Parker are at the school all Nam a For
the time. The three schools each e
had some form of guidance ser- Sh 5
vice. Now, there is a guidance ow anquet
department with adequate coun- F. Bailey, assistant county
celing and guidance service. rte Te of schools, has
The girls receive a sports ad- been named as special speak
vantage. In the three schools er for the annual Community
the boys had always had the Exhibit banquet. Mr. Bailey will
right to the gyms after school speak at the annual affair Wed-
hours in the afternoon. Since nesday night, Oct. 20
there are now both a boys’ and The banquet sponsored by
a girls’ gym, the girls may, too, the farm show committee is the
use a gym after school. final event of the annual show
Each school had previously and will be held at Hostetter’s
had two languages; now there Pavilion. The Chamber of Com
are three offered. Mount Joy merce will award medals to 4-
and East Donegal had formerly H winners at that time
had Latin and Spanish and Mar Guests of honor will be the
ietta. Latin and French. Now medal winners, Miss Donegal,
all three are offered. the Mount Joy Corn Queen and
For Mount Joy students there her court, and chairman and
assistants who worked at the lo-
are three more advantages
driver education department is cal show. Tickets will be sold to
new to Mount Joy students. the general public so that they
They also have the advantage of too, may atte nd the affair
taking the agriculture and ag- Curvin Martin president of
riculture shop courses. A cafe- the Community Exhibit, will be
in charge of the evening.
teria is an advantage to


gal High School
and Marietta students.
did not have it last year.

| missions;
K. R. Maurer, Myerstown, dean’
| ods,
3 RE Aion
‘ i an

th Year
To Be Held
Next Week
Trinity Evang. Cong. Church
will celebrate its susque-centen-
nial celebration next week. The
Rev. Q. A. Deck has planned
special services for Sunday, Oct
3 through Oct. 10.
The Rev. H. S. Heffner, Read-
| ing, presiding elder of the west-
| ern district, will be the first
guest speaker at the 150th anni-
He will speak at the
service Oct. 3 in
with world-wide
| communion. A 7:30 p. m. ser-
vice will also be held with a
worship service and communion
October 5 will feature the
Rev. P. K. Cressman, Taama-
qua, secretary of the board of
Wednesday, the Rew.
{10:20 a. m.
of the E. C. School of Theology,
will speak; Thursday, the Rev.
E. D. Ehrig, Shamokin, superin-
tendent of the School of Meth-
will speak; Friday, Dr. H.
H. Scanlin, Allentown, presid-
ing elder of the eastern district,
will speak.
Sunday will feature Rally
Rally Day at 9:15 with Bishop
J. A. Smith, Allentown, as the
special speaker. Bishop Smith
will also speak at 2:00 p. m. In
the evening a pageant will be
presented at the 7:30 p. m. ser-
vice which will tell the history
of the church. The pageant was
produced and will be directed
by Mrs. Amy Faust, Beaver
Falls, Pa. Mrs. Faust is the
daughter of Rev. Deck.
In 1804, Samuel Lehn, Mount
Joy, opened his home to the
preaching of the “Albright
Brethren” as they were then
called and from which resulted
the denominational group
known and designated by the
name ‘Evangelical Association”
Trinity Evang. Cong. claims its
origin from this early preaching
and according to offi-
records, a
organized at
class was
In 1842, by annual confer-
action, the Mount Joy
annexed to the Lan-
which was com-
a number of county
The same year a
church was erected on
the corner of New Haven and
Donegal Streets, the present
of the E. C. church.. Later,
Evangelicals” were attach-
the Millersville Circuit
and in 1880. the present brick
structure replaced the original
frame building
Under the present ministry of
Deck, the building was
completely renovated.
group was
caster circuit,
prised by
ed to
i FO
The driver education course
is 0 'e of the many advantages being offered in the new Done-
The is completely new for Mount Joy
East Donegal had had the course but

