The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 16, 1954, Image 7

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THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday. September 16 7 : : ( HC
iy Red Feather Southeast C. i et Special Service Furniture Refinishing
| And faith is a familv affair (From page 1) Meeting Friday | Planned For Church |
i nd faith 1s a fam y allan act, administrative and cam-| ing | | A special service will be held | BEAUTIFUL KNOTTY PINE
d Flori r cy : : : : A { The first by-monthly meeting | y
rin The Upper Room emphasizes that the basic | paign costs combined take only | of the Southeast Central District | in the Glossbrenner E. U. B. | REPRODUCTIONS
J worshipping unit is the family—faith is nur- | 6.8 cents from every dollar we | heistian Church, Florin, Sunday even- | "
. : ye . . | of the Pennsylvania Christian . : ho y
R i tured best in the family circle. The Upper contribute. | Endeavor Union will be held at | ing, Sept. 19, 7:15 PM entitled | en art's a met op
RTER Room aids countless families in a meaningful By just looking around us TraSsiertown. Loveville. on Fris “The Wonders of God's World
and helpful daily family altar. we can see how Lancaster Coun- day evening "at ip nm ‘Sept 17 The program will be portray- | MARIETTA PA.
i AVAILABLE AT SLOAN'S and TYNDALL'S | 18 rowing he | to Chester B. Utz, of | ed by color slides Of a Wp 10) Phone 6-2581 _ B-tf
SE ——————— - 9 ge a 10 additional boys Hanover, president of the Dis- | twenty of the United States |
R= oe cme and girls a chance to become iriot | western national parks and oth- | -
Win Fa Hoa i sick “ye! . : | ap "ws The aha - 5
B I L, i, Y G RA H A M Scouts and to give all sic} PEO) his meeting will also feature | er wonders. The public is in You Can't
ple a chance to benefit from the | Tae Tom vited to attend this service that >
)Y, PA i TL PPL TY \ iid ., | the Installation Service for the Tell ‘Em Like
) ‘ ] AND THE new improved facilities at St. tnare of ition is sponsored by the young la
Josebli's ahd the w officers of the district — | LE ; : vin This :: Use A
i i d Jos pn A : Mel both ‘elected: and appointed. Al | dies : Sunday School C lass. An | Want Ad
{ On On X usa e SHAM Bg Crease our} jijean Service will precede | | offering will be received for the |

support of these Red Feather | the installation ceremonies 4 { benefit of the church building =
Approximately 1 Hour Long—Never-to-be-forgetten scenes Services. The same situation is Oftcers elected to assist UAL | fund. &
FILMED ENTIRELY IN ENGLAND IN BLACK & WHITE present for all members of the! 0 oo | Souders. | | The class president is Missi
Community Chest. Population| 2c: yao, ssouders Ellen Musselman and fhe teach- |
i i i growth and the need {for the! burg, first vice-president; Jonas All t Kl ner M Kl : 4
i i ) 3 Cha : gec er, # Jer Vr, Kieiner |
J The New Donegal High School Auditorium Red Feather Services to Keep hy Net ville, : Second | will also give a short talk on] :
pace with it is the reason for vice-president; Mrs, Chester Utz, sai | “God’s Gift This Earth”. The |
Ts 5 id, . | Hanover, corresponding secre- 9:15 a.m. Church School. jal, Apt KF a . {
) Thursday, Sept. 23rd the increase in our campaign | tary: Jean wchanicsburz | Ch h N 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. | organist for the evening will be
\ 7:45 P. M. goal this year”. | retording: scaretary ahd | urc ews 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship | Miss Patsy Brooks.
° | ( g ary as Wednesday ©
- “ x y urer, Walter Lutz, Palmyra. NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL : i "k Service. | {
. SLE Fa | The eight counties which com-| THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. SPECIAL PROGRAM LISTED |
- HARRINGAY ARENA PACKED NIGHT AFTER NIGHT REUNION SUNDA. | prise the Southeast Central Dis-| AND THE ENTIRE SUR- Church of the Brethren A special boys day program |
SPECIAL MEETINGS — TRAFALGAR SQ., HYDE PARK The annual Gerlach family | trict of the Pennsylvania Chris-| ROUNDING COMMUNITY. Florin, Pa. will be held at the Reich's Ev-|
CLIFF BARROWS AND THE 3000 VOICE CHOIR reunion will be held Sept. 19 at var Endeavor Ynion dre Frank. | = Rev. Howard Bernhard, Elder | angelical Cong. Church, near |
GEORGE BEVERLY SHEA SINGING the Conte] Manor, Campi 138 MR BE rk . Samuel T. Becker, Supt. Maytown Sunday, Sept. 19, at |
d WEMBLEY STADIUM JAMMED BY 120,000 Dinner at '12 o'clock. | Uh Adams’ York, Laneasier,| Wewtownp. U. J Churth [Sunday ye 9:30 a. m. The Sunday School
yd. Xa) ed on hii te a a | Dauphin, Cumberland, Lebanon Rev, O. K. Buch 8:45 a.m. Bible School. > eo : oy 3
- FT Program at 1:30 : } and Perry County. | Sunday 10:00 am. Worship Service. | lesson will be taught by Paul | 2
Billy Graham Evangelistic Films, Inc. Plans for this event were; State headquarters of the Pal 7:30 p.m. Worship Service & Wey Worship | Bichsler, family relations coun-| Choose her diamond from
2627 Conecticut Ave., N. W. - Washington 8, D. C. made recently at a meeting of} .. on 17.; hy to : ot | Holy Communion. eanesday : | selor from Lebanon. Lloyd F.|
? hat lr puns the executive committee at the | C. E. Hotes is located in West| "gisg p.m. Council of Admin- 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Brownback. lavman from the| the finest.
2 | Yas Oo 3 lig . ——— a « Ny o « yy
Yh FREE ADMISSION home of the President, Harry | Grove, Pa. Ri Salunga Evangelical Church of Royers- | —We Feature—
Lemme esses Tess essa see | K. Gerlach, Quarryville. | TT : 2 | 7:30 p.m, Christian Endeavor Church of the Brethren | ford, will be the guest speaker. | COLU TRUE-F
esses, —— ® FIRE co, AUXILIARY AR-B-Q | 8:00 p.m. Prayer meeting. Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge There will also be special in- | Ci TRUE-FIT
ns! A Everybody reads newspapers but ( ro ns be Ei > i | RENT S John Herr, Supt. | strumental music. ATURE LOCK
ent in NOT everybody reads circular ad- | The adies Busi lary © ey First Presbyterian Church Sunday Sct ® |
Si is ir d | Ironville Fire Company will] M tJ P 9:00 a.m. Sunday School HURC TOE
FAs vertising lest of Meir doak | sor a chicken bar-b-que on | pum, Joy, enna. 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. | CHURCH ERECTS SIGN | Our own diamonds which we
} Sponsor 2 MA ue ON} Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor |Harvest Home and Homecoming | A new original sign has been | ‘ :
ROFITS | Saturday, Sept. 18, The aflaie 15! Sunday Day, Speaker Dr. Henry Buch- | arected on the lawn of the Trin- buy direct from the dicmond
i | open to the public and will be| 4:30 a. m. Church Schoo. er. | ity Luther: Churcl he | cutters.
3 / > Dependable | held at the Ironville Fire Com-| 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. ni ny 4 eh a 3 oT i
9 b pany Community Hall from 4|Sermon: “How Having Faith Zion Lutheran Church corner ox West Nain ang en
] 4 Ee vor. |Helps Others”. Landisville, Penna. i heim Streets this week. The ’
4 to 8 p.m, rain or shine. Custo- | 6:30 p.m. Westminster Fel- Rev. Ernest P. Leer | green sign with letters on a Koser S Jewelry Store
10Y mers are asked to bring their | [owship. Sunday | pe ,
; . 5 : | ~ ay . . | steel mesh background was de- Phone 3-5404
own containers if they want to rr 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. _ | and made by the men of | =
take food home. Donegal Presbytertan Church 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship the 0 28 it . |16 E. Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa.
*— Mount Joy R. D. 1, Penna. Thursday Choir Ret 1 ig church 27-te
( : Veo i :45 p.m. Choir Rehearsa a : ter eee rng
S E R V I E When in need of Printing. (any- Sav Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor I a 1
Bulletir} |” 0 Crossroads Brethren In Christ
thing) kindly remember the 9:30 a.m. Church School.
LI "LARA A | 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship.
W. H. STEHMAN [Sermon: “The Sea of Glass”
PHONE MT. JOY 3.5547
Farm Bureau |
a. |

(rvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru-
baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors.
9:15 am. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service.
This Attractive Gift Is Waiting
For You — Get Your's Now!


Mt. Joy Methodist Church
Rev. Wm. E. Harner, Pastor

a Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Saturday sete
i I Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Young Adults meet at the Wednesday iui A
Life Insurance Co. | Marschka home at 8 p. m. 7:30 p.m. Closing session on
Roy M. Ressler | Sunday Soul Winning through personal
3% — rrr | 9:30 am. Sunday School Evangelism.
27 W. MAIN ST. | 7:30 p.m. Church Service.
Monday The Washington Street
MOUNTVILLE CALL TODAY | 7:30 p. m. Official Board Church Of The Brethren
| Meeting. Elizabethtown, Pa.
PHONE 5-5301

Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
AT |
9:30 a.m. Church
Adult study theme,
In Christian Love.”
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship;
Sermon, “The Stewardship of
the Gospel,” by Pastor Zuck
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship.
Message, ‘So, You're Going To
Salunga Methodist Church
| Sunday
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Church Service.
B a P| 1 |
TRESS ————— Rd
“ amcor AAT oy
- ere

MT. JOY 3-5731

Doris Beauty Shoppe
Chocolate Ave., FLORIN
| Mount Joy Mennonite Church
| Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess,
PHONE 3-5853 | Henry Garber, Henry Frank

— > : College,” by the Pastor.
~ | Doris S. Houck, Prop. la BY AR rc Wag :
ope lev Ise as Ranges | ’ . || Sunday 8:45 p.m. College Student
Use Our Classified Column — It Pays New and Used Gas Ranges | te am. Sunday School. |Reception.

2 1c) Wednesday
7:30 p.m. Bible Hour.
Clayton Bomgardner, leader.
10:00 am. Worship Service.
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting
land Bible Study.
{ Se Glosshrenner fivangelical {
| Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church
Congregational Church Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor |
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Sunday |
Sunday 8:15 a. m. Morning Worship
| 9:15 am 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:20 a.m 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. |
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship
Tuesday {
8:00 p m. Senior Choir
7:30 p.m. Midweek Praye:
service. |
® |
Billy Graham: film To
Be Shown In School

Sunday School.
Sermon by the Pastor.
7:30 p.m. Worship Service
| Sermon by the Pastor.
You will receive your gift thermometer by return mail. If
vou wish more than one, simply subscribe for an extra year
or two. KEY
7:30 pm. Midweek Service.
6:45 p.m. Jr. Choir Practice.
8:30 p. m. Senior Choir
75 Two Years $7.00 Three Years

50 One Year

| St. Mark’s Evangelical
Brethren Church

| Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
{ Sunday A one hour film entitlec Ar
Sapaay Seasol hi “London Crusade” with Billy MOUNT SOY. PENRA
| :15 a. m. Morning Worship | 7 ar ; : ol Pes
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Graham will be shown iy the — - 4 hil ride
| Monday new Donegal High School Audi- ite
| “6:30 p.m Pre-Conference | torium, Thursday evening,
| Fellowship Dinner in Lancaster
| Otterbein Church.
{ 9:00 a.m. Opening of East Pa.
| Annual Conference in Otterbein
Sept. 23,
news reel
England’s historic
7:45 p. m. The London
document will show |
Suppose Your Town Didn't

events. The whole film was film- |
Church, Lancaster; Conference | oq in England.
[JL conning until = Thursday This special program will be ave a ewspaper °
Thursday the first outside program to be ——
8:00 p.m. Senior Choir re- shown in the new high school | Lis
hearsai. auditorium. =
. a. or
Reals 91 God or | MALLY DAY PLANNED | .
You'll stay proud of Chevrolet's lasting good looks. Other low- Sunday FOR E. U. B. CHURCH suppose you had yw.
priced cars just don’t have the air of quality you see in Chevrolet. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Rally Day is planned in St d d
| 1: ’ ’ i Ha w ‘ 1 waetor Fehe 3 % T sgl 5 %
= 7 Z (CY i ce Chevrolet’s looks now, you'll like its looks always. Lester Eshelman Supt, | Mark's E. U. B. Church and
x ’ | lyvas S And if you like Chevrolet's looks y K nd 10:30 a.m, Morning Worship | g School for Sept. 26 0 epen on
/ | I \ ny N\_) + 1 . 3 i ring bod x a) v > <0. .
Y 0 U ll (6117) A ab, You'll enjoy exclusive features for finer motoring Body by Is het 7:30 pn: Evening Worship Sunday School and Morning smoke signals “en
—the highest-compression power of any leading low-priced car No Mid-Weed Services this Worship will be combined. The
x» bigoges akes y full-leng x-girder frame and the week. :
the biggest brakes, the only full-length box-girder fram gr A RR
only Unitized Knee-Action ride in the low-price field. They're all
i ing devotional period and short
yours in Chevrolet! g al 1
in the usual Sun
Mt. Pieasant
Brethren In Christ Church
be gla d you bought class session
or word
You save when you buy and when you trade. Even so, Chevrolas Pastors: Sav) Soigemuin, day School departments, fol
is price sr lines of cars ade-in time, you’ : H. ] its wii tie ea 1
rae is priced below all other lines of cars. And it trade in hi) Sunday lowing which the entire schoo § h
a Ch ev olet : now J be ahead again from Chevrolet’s traditionally higher resale value! 9:00 a. m. Sunday School will convene in the Oo mout
You'll get a special deal right now. Right now, we're in a position 10:30 a.m. Home Missions Here the children’s department rere
: Rev. Albert Engle, guest f 5. Ar
to give you the deal of the year on a new Chev rolet. Come in and speaker. under the direction of Mrs

let us show you how much you'll gain by buying now! Evening service in Manheim | thur Sprecher, superintendent IN Lg. al \
Church. of the Primary Department, 8 NY fp Woe
ES will lead the assembly in a It's .
ive s the newspaper that mc:
Now's the time fo buy! - YEAR AFTER YEAR, MORE PEOPLE BUY Trinity Lutheran Church Summer Christmas Tree pro- : paper that makes the
i ! Enj Chevrolet CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! sun’: L. Roder, Paster | gram. Then the school will be town. It's news that makes a news-
Ge our Enjoy 9. » » : 0 addressed by Rev. B. A. Carew, paper!
9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. | a native pastor from Sierra Le
Annual Harvest Festival. one, West Africa, who is in the The more news . . . the better...
A A tr 8 5.4 A A 8 2 A Sl 2 0 - Tuesday . 4 pr Qiang
Lasse SS SUSE LSS SES RUSS ASAE EE ALAS AE RUAN re y mi inn. | States as the ‘delegate of Sierra - >
7:45 p.m. Women's Mission Leone Conference to the-Gener- FOR LOCAL NEWS eo 0

ary Society in the Parish House. : ;
—— al Conference of the denomina
Landisville Church of God tion to be held in Milwaukee,
Landisville, Penna. Wisconsin, in November.
West Main Street Mount Joy Phone 3.4301 Paul S. Baker, Gen. Supt.

Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. |