THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, September 16 OWL LAFFS| | | Editor and Publisher, THE BULLETIN Published every Thursday at 11 To Sponsor East Main Street, Mount Joy. Lancaster County, Pa. Larmon D. Smith, Publisher John hn E. Schroll, The id vith Homecomin | Subscription Rate $2.50, per | Sone Onion 25.01 ig THIRTY YEARS AGO year by Mail COURT aie if) hero Deaths: Mrs. Jonathon Moy-! ing to I. Wayne Kel : Be v | Adverticis rates upon request. Entered at the postoffice at | Chairman for the ev { Mount Joy, Pa., as second- class| I mail under the Act of March 3, | 0 Be 1879. { missed at 10 a. m. Member, Pennsylvania News- | 22, to permit the st paper Publishers’ Association. | to attend the conv pect to return sometime. “A bride wears white, happiness, for the most plaining: as a symbol of her wedding day is joyful in her life.” Then ‘“Funkie” everything by asking men wear black?” had to spoil “Why do Bob Divet, Sr., said he'll nev- er forget the day he was born. He said he cried like a baby. A Main Street man had his nose in the newspaper and the wife was feeling unusually neg- lected, “You never speak to me as affectionately as you used to - - - - she complained. ‘Have you stopped loving me?” “There yott go again!” growl- ed the husband. “Stopped lov- ing you! Listen, woman: I wor- ship-you. I adore you, more than life itself. Now your big mouth and let me read my paper.” Old men are fond of good advice, to console them- selves for being no longer in a position to give bad examples. Some people don’t believe that Washington actually threw a silver dollar across the Rappa- hannock. They should — “I heard that he pitched his camp across the Delaware!” “Aren't people funny?” “If you tell a man that there are 280,492,850,284 stars in the universe he’ll believe you-—but if a sign says ‘Fresh Paint’, that same man has to make a person- If you were about town last I love you | shut | giving | was said that the people get the sions. | to approximately | and friends of the | sessions except the | luncheon and banqt to the public. Invitations ar INSULTING AMERICA INTELLIGENCE become al “Give-away” has . : . . a | | Mr. and Mrs. David Strayer r 71 Q 7 favorite word of self-styled lib- | \ o-dav . Hi XX Ss i Sy BY A W ISE favor ! ) b-1 The three-day program will | a’ oh. erals in their adamant opposit-| feature speakers, a symposium { ion to the participat f a Sy : | Mr. and Mrs. Ragnar .Hall- v . . JE the bavion o pri-| teas, campus tours, a play, con-| sven. Florin, a son , It really doesn’t matter if vate citizens or private enter-| gerts, homecoming athletic ev-| pron: y 8 Soh. i this column smells or not this| prise in the development of at-| ents including the traditional | C hes 3 Nv. Jor > . es : in onary i ri : : | Columbia Ave., a daughter, : week - - - - the “Boss” won't be] 9mic energy and expansion of| freshman-sophomore tug of war| = ita ’ i electric power resources. The| and a soccer game with LaSalle, rs here to read it. by: : : EN Mr. and Mrs. Irving Swarr, a| extremity of their tirade sounds| an alumni luncheon, and a con- | aacentor i ? almost as ridic $ 0 rr j vals ' A “Bus” Kramer and Henry G.| ; S a oe he rant | vocation banquet. Claude Meckley and Miss ’ 8 £ ‘| ing of communist party line fol-| Among the speakers to ap-{,, : H 1 : I 1i. rove hi sets ayetta S. Heisey, yoth of Eli- havn't been on speaking terms| lowers. The suggestion that | pear during the three days of a| i SH artied since the School and Home As- | managements of present day | events are: DF. E. Fay Camp- | 28 ot Hy re DE A - Cs itv , anies speaks ; y warsdav at the home of the : sociation festival = = = = It all utility companies operating | pell, executive director of the Bride ‘ ’ i, : Soe within the confines of stringent | pivisi ; ay came about a 85c piece of ice. y gent| Division of Higher Educ ation| Mr. Charles O. Garber, son of | “ : A: and federal regulation|of the Presbyterian Church; | ee il aa i ot Sam Dock’s little speech didn’t be “ziven” anvthi { a Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Garber, . help things any either by might be “given” anything at| pean G. D. Simmons, of Tk mplel Co ali and Miss Viola G el help things any either - - - - DY the expense of taxpayers is an| university School of Dentistry; ho: this Place, ane e038, VIO: 8 = this time a treaty may have insult to the intelligence of the| pr. William Coleman, Dean of | Witman, Manheim, were united been signed - - - - Myrtle NOrn-| American people. The same|pycknell University; Dr. Wil: | in marriage last Monday at the : hold says if the outlook isn't may be said of the debate over | pur McKee. director of the -Of- | local Church of God parsonage. | hetter bv Saturday. s ’ i 5 . ’ / farmers . any better by Saturday, she will amendments to the Atomic En-| fice of Special Services to Busi-| A number of leading Iarmer: have Mr. Gainor put Parton ergy Act wherein the same| ness and Industry, New York | of Mount Joy and vicinity, con- fre > 6 pS ww : Soe AR bods Boe | qicti A - n between the counter stools and “give-away” side show tactics| ynjversity: Dr. Ralph Cooper | sisting of the following- S. R, . the booths in the restaurant. obstructed serious discussion | Hutchinson, president, Lafay- I! Nissley, Brookville Farm: Nor- v, : > ’ > Rnpy Gr ne Wi and blocked needed action for| ete College; Dr. Elmer Home- | man Baer, Salunga; J. Clarence “Los” Severs : | , i { Reist, Mt. Joy; . C. Witmer, : Les Ravior took several| months. | righausen, Professor of Practic- | Me > ro D i iends to t races oe ,- : | : oy: and Norman E. Garber friends to the races at Brandy I'he Washington D. C. Even-|al Theology, Princeton Theo- | ! ) ( oo YE > ne sware. Jast wee Sky i ; « ar ecems. held a meeting ne, Delaware last week one|j,s Star points out that * | logical Seminary. | © ne y th on : 1¢ i 1 mee ing | evening with the guidance it is of utmost importance for | ce uh discussec plans for evening of Arion Shelly, “Dyke” Garber | {he United States to do every- | classes for the country and Jack Shultz, they took a thing possible to achieve world | The Low Down | from sixteen to & fty, in a durse short cut home - - - - - by the leadership as soon as it can in : | of economics. The courses will way of Philadelphia. harnessing the atom in a way | From Hickory Grove [re Sines the public Ts : Thin Shi | school system. Jos that will enable nuclear power As we zoom along toward au- “Dyke” says they won't get|to compete on a relatively equal | tymn and with Congress home FIFTEEN YEARS AGO fe , an ons ag, | predecessors—and that the tax| ang “cons rues, | with its millions of circulation | of newspapers or survive; to flourish...” a'TIPT" vith 4h LINE 2 joh Used regularly (every 1,000 | miles) it stops squeaks, gives extra anti- -wear protection — | MOUNT JOY Phone 3-3181 | ism of the University of Okla- | homa. He went on to say this: | 323 E. “In the aggregate, the country | newspaper determines the out- | Carriger’s Paint millions of WHEEL ALLIGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCING. PHONE ELIZABETHTOWN 110J12 YOU'RE WORKING FOR how are we going to calk up the Buller’ S$ Beauty Salon Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Did vou see Clyde Nissly, and THE GOVERNMENT | old boat and keep afloat—and a Main Street Fiorih. Pa Tugs. #ri, Sat. 7-9 P. M, | Bis wife since they started their] Citizens Public Expenditure/ J WP aie] 9} the he ._|PERMANENTS $5, $7.50, $10 | 9:30.10, 2.5 PLM weekly hikes? Clyde wants to Survey defines a taxpayer as| e gota: pM ouric.ves lo TONI'S GIVEN $5 | A : “ ; | gether—use our noggin — get a ELIZABETHTOWN reduce. and he sure is fading a-| °"¢ who doesn’t have to pass a| tl Govt . 1 =e Call Mt Jov 3-4339 { 16 E. High St. : ; i ( es ‘all Mt, Jo) 33¢ way! I believe he lost at least civil service exam to work for| i toy ous: of 30 places, Maude Buller, Prop Telephone 24.F | eighteen ounces - - - - - Keep! the government.” Whete it is gumming up the ma- g 5 " ire « . +1 or | walking. Clyde The average man in the $4500] | chinery. Hire a good auctioneer a SA ET RE RR, o a - 1c - - » | | be: Te bracket works one day in every | sell all the misfits- apply the \ ‘fe Up at Newcomer's Garage three to earn tax money alone! ig to: 0up Ale high We Specialize In . 99 4 L © 5% . 10W y rg av - ¢ If he is employed on the usual the new owners pay taxes one of he mechanics was eX- which Santbo.don’t door Am: AUTO PAINTING & Body Shop RHEEMS, PA. 22-tfe advertising | | other group! periodical | to its com- newspaper it will ] Choose colorful Amtico Rubber Flooring for springy comfort, quiet, fire-resistance, easy cleaning and lifetime wear. Experts will help you plan Amtico Rubber Floors that are correct LAIR. is a sus Grease. | with your decoration— traditional or modern. Cost is surprisingly low. ” longer; FLOOR CO | VERINGS Station Venetian Blinds — Plastic Tile — Deltox Rugs | Main St. ; Afinsirong: Linoleum - Tile Quaker Rugs SALUNGA, PA. Phones: Landisville 4852 - 4012 Estimates Without Obligation Located in Schreiber Building — Satisfactory Installations paughman| Work On New | desire to co-operate and fore, the sediment in the distri. bution mains will be stirred up and discolored water may be experienced for some time. This, that date. When the new tank goes into service, both the present ceme- present (From page 1) » work | tery reservoir and the | with all the townspeople by | steel standpipe, located on Don-| however, will not affect the sa« 2 . | 2 making any services that may | egal Street will be abandoned.| fety of the water because it has | been previously chlorinated and com- | cause the water now will come filtered. 4 18 and different location, the - —— When in need of Printing. (any< thing) kindly remember the Bulletin be needed available. The Engineer warned that be- The new tank will be pleted around October the filling to the higher tions will start gradually from a cleva- | pipe flows throughout the Bor- from | ough will change and, there- A&P Suggests That You See How Much More You Save at A&P! Ranger Joe Wheat Honnies Spry Shortening Chicken-of-the-Sea Tuna Fish “3 3-Ib. 09 : 2 >on 1 ar 306 Cn 890 | mee (se 376] Zio 316 Red Heart © rt (fm) fo) 31s Educator Saba Dog Food [| Chunk Style Green a ( Green \ 61-01. 33c . P hy Light Meat \ Label J can Cod Cookies b cans 85¢ Solid Pack White ) Ton dle White Meat \ Label orale Puss ’n Boots Cat Food 8oz A 19%¢ 3 1502 cans 49¢ cans Tippie All Beef Dog Food on 216 Bridal-Bouquet Soap California Sweet Eating (One Price—None Priced Higher) Tokay Grapes ~~ 2 ™ 19¢ Jonathan Apples 5 belong original 49 bag 0 U.S. No. | "A" Size ory Potatoes 5 =. 23¢ 10 >, 35¢ Large 36-size Pink Meat (One Price—None Priced Higher) Cantaloupes 23% All Purpose g rear se {70 Iceberg Lettuce cine i, 29¢ Fresh Tomatoes jo 2 «io 25¢ None 1-1b. Hedin 25¢ 1-1b., 14-02, "pkg. 89¢c. 10-02. pkgs. 45¢ Fresh Carrots Chickens Birds Eye Frozen Jesco Pine pie Lima Beans Scented Soap Snow Crop Frozen Fordhook bath size oz. hg 29¢ Frozen Peas soo rom: 2 vox 28¢ Orange Juice oli. 6 wo 18¢ : Sealdsweet Limeade "= 3 <= 29¢ Rinso Blue Frozen Fish Sticks ™* "cs" we. 39C Delergent Hawaiian Cross "Wy oy 23° Sliced Pineapple large giant Fan pkg. 32¢ pkg. 63¢c Strawberry Preserves : Sard 2 2a 49 arms Lux Liquid Scolt Paper Towels "i 171° son 29° 2 16-02 Detergent Sepa Diced in 2 an 4 large iant ra acaronl bi pkgs. 5 = 3% 2 6% Mey Del Monte "Fall Variety Show" Sale! Breeze Del Monte Yeloy Sina is Peaches iste large giant el Monte 2 17-01. cans 45 * 33 65¢ : . ot pla. pig Fruit Cocktail Re Del Monte Peas Pack a 306 Surf Tomato Juiceo. vo. 2 = 23¢ 25¢ Del Monte Corn Noo ME Qui large fant . 3 ve , = 32 on 63¢ Del Monte Pineapple Juice “= 29¢ Del Monte Sliced Pineapple “i 32¢ Silver Dust : Elbow Macaroni 7; 2 55: 23° "i; 19 lerae tant : J Coffee § 1-1b. 3 Mason Jars Vr: 85° ri 95° Plain or Hershey Bars [ino 6" 25° Pumpkin Pie tbe Binh 49 ie Golden Loaf Cake Jane Parker Special Price a 25° All Prices in This Advertisement Guaranteed Through Saturday, Sept. 18th. Swan Seap ois 1.00 25¢ medium size cakes Swan Soap Lifebuoy Soap Lux Flakes a 290 Jie | 432 963 Swan Soap Lifebuoy Soap Rinso | cele | PM Lux Soap Lux Soap 3 regular size 25¢ 25¢ cakes STORE HOU Tues., Wed., Thurs,, & Saturday. 87 EAST MAIN ST. | Clorox vane” 296 Sore 49¢ | quart bottle 17¢ bath size cakes 8:00 to 6:00; Friday 8:00 to 9:0! MT. JOY, P yk fla - i <1