The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 16, 1954, Image 1

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a 4

The Mount Joy
Florin Siren Will Blow Each Council To |
Day For Next
A siren will blow
each day for three weeks start |
ing Sunday, Sept. 19, it was an- |
nounced at the regular monthly
meeting of the Florin Fire Co.
Tuesday night. A steel tower
was erected on the grounds last |
weekend and a new siren was|
placed on top the tower. The si- |
ren will be “tried out” each day
and every week the time of day |
for the experiment will be |
The code system was also]
changed. North of the railroad |
will be two short blasts; south |
of the railroad, three and out of |
town, four. Formerly, the siren |
system in the village consisted |
of two air-raid sirens each lo-|
in Florin) cated at opposite
Three Weeks Annex Corner
we Of Park
| Plans were completed to an-
sides of
Sunday, Sept. 19 to Satur-
day, Sept. 25 - Siren will
blow between 7 and 7:05 p.
m. DS.T.
Sunday, Sept. 26 to Satur-
day, Oct. 2 - Siren will blow
between 12 and 12:05 p. m.
Sunday, Oct. 3 to Saturday,
ough park into the borough at
the postponed meeting of the
Mount Joy Borough Council on
Monday night in the firehouse.
The group made a resolution,
accepted the petition, accepted
| the ordinance and decided to
| advertise the ordinance for the
nex the corners of the local bor-
Oct. 9 - Siren will blow be- |
tween 8 and 8:05 a. m., ES.T. | the annexation of the corner
Code - North of railroad - 2 | Property on which is located
the two-family brick dwelling.
This portion of the park is lo-
cated in Mount Joy Township
at the present time.
The group passed a motion to
short blasts.
South of railroad - 3 short
Out of town - 4 short blasts.

Boys Are Invited |
To Join Scouts
At Special Meet
All boys who would like to
become Boy Scouts are asked to
come to the borough park on |
the North Barbara Street
at the pavilion Wednesday eve-
side |
ning, Sept. 22. Boys are asked |
to bring their parents with |
them. {
The Boy Scout Troop, No. 39,
has arranged a program which
will start at 7:30 p. m. The pro- |
gram will demonstrate some of |
the things that a Scout learns |
and does at troop meetings and |
camping trips.
There were several boys who |
came to troop meetings last |
spring who were too young to |
become Scouts. If boys are of |
the ages 11, 12 and 13, or will |
be within the next two months, |
they are invited to attend.
Parents of Boy Scouts, com-
mitteemen and Explorers are
urged to attend this special |
meeting next Wednesday even- |

0 |
Russell Granton, manager of |
the eastern division of the]
JamesWay Company located |
here, gave a classification talk |
at the regular weekly luncheon |
meeting of the local Rotary |
Club Tuesday. Mr. Granton |
talked about the JamesWay Co. |
He is a native of New England. |
James Heilig introduced the |
speaker and Adam Greer, presi- |
dent, was in charge of the]
Wednesday evening marked a |
special evening for the local |
Rotarians. They entertained |
their wives to dinner at the |
Gretna Timbers and then wit- |
nessed the last play of the sea- |
son at the Gretna Summer Play- |
An estimated crowd of over |
seven thousand persons toured |
the new Donegal High School
during the three evenings of
formal open house this week
from Monday to Wednesday.
This number does not include
all those who went through the |
school for the past several Sun- |
days when it was open for in- |

To Appear
On Television A request brought to the at- |
parade that day
| rector,
| completed. Marietta Depot All-
| Monday evening, Oct. 4.
sell the “Gantz” property lo-
cated on Railroad and Bank
Street for back taxes. The
Local V.F.W.
group also accepted the borough
treasurer's recommendation to
re-invest $14,000 in Series “J”
bonds. This money is to be used
to retire water bonds.
tention of the group by B. Titus
Rutt, burgess, that a street bé
opened to Longenecker Road,
was tabled to a later time. Non-
residents asked that a street
be made because the alley to
the rear of the JamesWay plant
was closed. Therefore, persons,
Plans were made for the ap-
pearance of the local Veterans
of Foreign Wars to appear on |
WGAL-TV at the regular meet- |
ing of the group Monday even- |
ing. The group will be repre-|

sented by Frank Morton, Jay jiving beyond Longenecker
Ginder and John Fisher when | (Turn to Page 6)
they will appear on “Stump | er
Your Neighbor” against the |
Hershey ‘ V. P. W. Post. me Jaycees Discuss
| show will be Monday evening, | Exhibit Plans
September 27.
Plans were discussed for the |
The announcemen S | : ;
t was madg] sponsoring of the Pennsylvania
that Lancaster County Council| week parade held in conjunc- |
will be held at the Elizabeth-| tion with the local Community |
town Post Home Friday even-| Exhibit at the regular meeting |
| of the Mount Joy JayCees on}
| Tuesday night. The group also |
| discussed the sponsoring of a
Day in Lancaster. The local, stand at the show.
group will march Tentative plans were also dis-
Lancaster. | cussed for putting on a produc-
Ralph Rice will be in charge of | tion of the Lancaster Little
the local group. Anyone interes-| group in he Midunt Jou!
ted in parading with the locals
school auditorium at a
date. Charles Ryman was nam- |
are asked to get in touch with
Mr. Rice.
ed chairman of a committee to]
. |
The American flag |
investigate the possibility with
William Gassman, Norman Gar-
3 | n fo ag C =
which the group purchased for | ber and Ammon Hoffer as com
the new Donegal High School |
arrived and has been in use at
ing, Sept. 17.
November 7 will be Veterans
in a special |
mittee members. Nicholas Leit- |
ner, president, was in charge
of the meeting.
- ® —
Committee Sets Up
New Ribbon System
Plans were made at the reg- |
ular meeting of the local Com- |
munity Exhibit directors to |
place the customary color seals |
on entrance tickets of each ar-|
ticle exhibited instead of attach-|
ing the prize-winning ribbons.
At the close of the last night's |
show, the owners will be given |
the ribbons. The new set-up will |
eliminate the disappearance of |
the ribbons during the four |
days of the showing of the ex- |
Michael Pricio, who repre- |
sented the JayCees, announced
that plans are underway for |
this year’s parade which will be |
held the opening night of the
show, Oct. 13.
The bids for the building of |
an exhibit building at the
| grounds have not been complet- |
the school. Formal dedication
will take place Nov. 10 when |
the school is dedicated.
John Fisher was named chap- |
lain to replace Angle DeJesus |
who resigned because of trans- |
portation difficulties. Sept. 25 is
“Fix Up and Paint Up Day” for |
the local posthome. Paint brush- |
es will be provided to everyone
who helps that day. The an-|
nouncement by the athletic di- |
George Albert, was]
made that the baseball season is
Stars won the league this year,
The group went on record as
donating $10.00 toward the Em-
ergency Polio Drive which they
will organize for next Thursday
evening, Sept. 23. The 1955 V.
F. W. dues are now payable.
Since the group will be appear-
ing on TV on the regular meet-
ing night of the group, the meet-
ing will be postponed until

Scout Drive Near Finish:
Men Volunteer Labor
Boy Scout officials announced
that the planned house-to-house
canvass for funds toward the
rerovation of the Boy Scout
building was completed Mon-
day night. The boys and the
committee received $253.25 in
the drive bringing the total to
$1,517.70. In addition to this
total, several large promised
gifts have not come into the
treasury as yet.
The committee wishes to state
that if anyone was missed in the
drive they may give their do-
nation to the treasurer, Lester
Several men have been nam-

[ed as yet. Seven directors were |
| present. The next meeting of
| the group will be held Monday |
| evening, Sept. 27.
| — — ®-
ed to a list who will give mer- ened as an additional room
chandise and labor toward the the Greer Jewelry Store on E.
building. Those on the list thus| Main Street. Located behind
far are Miller Brothers, who| the existing store rooms, the
will fix the slate roof; Claude room will be used as a custom- | |
ar hours | i
Zeller and John Matoney, who! er’s room during regul

; 2 |B
will repair the existing chimney; or by appointment for the |
Eli Hostetter, a bathroom fix-| choosing of diamonds, watches |
ture; Sico Company, a used fur-| or silver. |
nace, burner and controls for a| reeset ..

warm air unit; Roy Packer, el-| ®
ectric wiring with the help of a >is |
volunteer assistant; and Harold | Fhysician on Call Sunday |
Zimmerman and Son, part ofl For emergency If you Cannot
Reach Your Own Physician
the duct and register work for
the warm air system. Clyde
Gerberich, Jr. is chairman of Dr. John Gates |
® L
the Boy Scout committee.

| cital by
The Diamond Room was op- | i
at | if
| 8
BER 16, 1954
Three new teachers were ap- |
pointed to the East Donegal |
Township Elementary Staff.
Mrs. John Muir (the former
Doris Eshbach), Mount Joy was
appointed to teach physical ed-
ucation and Mrs. Mervin Brandt
and Miss Hazel Crankshaw,
both of Maytown, kindergarten.
Mrs. Brandt will teach in the
mornings and Miss Crankshaw, |
afternoons. There are 48 kinder-
garten children in the area and
parents from the Florin area
are operating a motor pool to
transport the children to May-
Fashion Show:
Organ Recital
Is October 6
Plans were completed for the
staging of Mount Joy's first fall
fashion show which will be held
Wednesday evening, Oct. 6, in
the Mount Joy Elementary
School auditorium.
The affair will feature the
new fall styles for women and
children and outfits will be fur-
nished by the Kitty Dress Shop,
Mount Joy. Models for the af-
fair will be members of the
sponsoring organization, the
JoyCees, and a few small chil-
Held in conjunction with the
affair will also be an organ re-
Mrs. George Broske.
Following the show and recital, ,
refreshments will be served by
the group. !
Committee appointed
| are Mrs. Gene Eicherly, pro-
gram; Mrs. Michael Pricio, mod-
els; Mrs. Thomas O’Connor,
stage; Miss Wilma Dommell,
tickets: and Mrs. George Albert,
refreshments and publicity.
the affair will
Proceeds from
go toward teen-age
within the town.
® - ——
The Margaret-Jean Shoppe
will close Saturday, Sept. 18.
Much of the remaining mer-
chandise has been reduced to
one half the original price. Big
bargains exist in many articles.
Members of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, No. 5752, Mount
Joy, will conduct an emergency
polio drive next Thursday even-
ing, September 23, it was an-
The drive will be on a county-
wide basis and in all the towns
and city it will be known as the
“Emergency Mothers’ March on
Polio.” In Mount Joy, the ‘ta-
bles are turned” and the drive
will be called the “Emergency
Fathers’ March on Polio.”
The drive for funds is neces-
| sary because the goal of the reg-
ular drive was not met in Janu-
ary, the cost of the experimen-

Red Feather
Local Leaders
Joy will help Maurice N. Bailey,
who is chairman of the entire
Northern County Division of
the 30th United Red Feather
Campaign to be conducted fram
Oct. 4 to Oct. 29, it was announ-
ced today by William H. Beadle
General Campaign Chairman.
Heading the Northwestern
“B"” Area of the Northern Divi-
! sion in which Mount Joy is lo-
cated are
120 East Donegal St., as Chair-
man; Lester Hostetter, 315 N.
Barbara St, as Co-Chairman;
James B. Heilig, 23 W. Main St.
as Advisor.
In Mt. Joy itself the cam-
paign will be conducted by the
chairman, D. Victor Shenk, 102
E. Donegal St.; co-chairman,
Kenneth A. Gainer, 25 N. Bar-
bara Street; and advisor, Mich-
ael Pricio, Box 242, Mount Joy.
Other leaders in the North-
western “B” Area are as fol-
Elst Hempfield ‘Township -
chairman, Ivan J. Stehman; co-
chairman, Robert W. Bentzel;
advisor, Mr. E. Alexander, Jr.
East Petersburg - chairman,
Richard Bard; co-chairman,
Mrs. Richard J. Kline; advisor,
Mrs. Richard E. King.
Landisville - chairman, Mrs.
Norman L. Bowers; chairman,
James I. Kauffman; advisor E.
James Habecker.
Rapho Township (South)
chairman, Danied S. Geltmach-
er; co-chairman, Ralph Swarr.
Rapho Township (North) -
chairman, Charles M. Eby; ad-
visor, Linn G, Ober.
William H. Beadle, General
Campaign Chairman of the Un-
ited. Red Feather Campaign, has
stated: “All of us who contri-
bute and work for this campaign
realize how important the word
“united” is. It seems that we
give only once instead of 20
times to support all 20 Red
Feather Services. It means that
more of our money goes direct-
ly to the services and is
spent on campaign and adminis
trative costs. To be exact, ad-
(Turn to page 7)
V.F.W.To Stage "Emergency
Fathers’ March On Polio”
tation of the new vaccine and
of gamma globulin is expensive,
and because the number of polio
cases in the county this year has
exceeded any number expected.
The men will organize the
drive and will visit all homes
on a door - to - door basis
next Thursday evening. Any-
one who would like to help in
the emergency drive is urged ta
do so. The men are seeking vol-
unteers for the various sections
of the borough.
All persons interested in help-
ing are asked to get in touch
with Frank Morton, Jay Ginder
or George Albert. Mr. Albert is
| chairman of the local drive.

“Citizens Of Tomorrow”’

Le i

Future citizens for this week
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shellenberger,
the right - back row - Roberta,
4 Barbara and Katherine,
include Dale, nineteen months
old; Susan, four years old and Barbara, six years old, chil-
Manheim. On
9, Robert, 9; front row - David
11 years old; children of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Kopp, Manheim, RD.
volunteers from Mount |
Arthur D. Sprecher, |
EE a

Approximately 150 persons TV. This preview will be tele-| meet. Thursday will be Commu-
nications Day and Friday will
| be Education, Health and Rec-
Saturday will be
school bands will be conducted | Construction Day.
witnessed the preview of the
| “Grow With Mount Joy” booth
after it was assembled in the!
local school auditorium
evening. The
to Harrisburg Wednesday.
Citizens of the
invited to attend the exposition
next week from Sept. 20 to 25.
A special program will be held
each day of the exposition. Sun-
day, Sept. 19, all exhibits will!
be in place by 6:00 p. m. and]
Gov. John S. Fine will conduct a
tour at 7:00 p. m. for represen-
tatives of the press, radio and
booth was taken
borough are
Four Families
Into Mt. Joy
Four wel- |
new families were
comed into Mount Joy by
JoyCees Monday evening
Warren Hayman, chairman
the “Welcome to Mount Joy’
committee, and Mrs. Gene Eich-
erly, president of the JoyCees,)|
welcomed Mr. and Mrs. R. Har-
ple of Springville Road and the
| Garbini’s who moved into an
apartment on West Main Street, |
Herr Gar
west of the Clarence
age. The Harples moved to Mt.
Joy from Elizabethtown and
have three children.
Mrs. Frank Young, Jr., and
Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, also
members of the committee, vis-
ited Mrs. Loney,” who moved in
to the Wolgemuth Apts. on S.
Market Street and the Grimseys
who moved into the property on
Pinkerton Road vacated by Mr
and Mrs. Louis Rutkay. Mrs.
Loney and her two children
moved to Mount Joy from Hou-
ston, Texas. The Grimseys mov-
ed to Mount Joy from Peach
Bottom. Mrs. Grimsey is origin
ally from Rhode Island
The new
both welcomed into the
the group and were
with gifts and certificates from
the merchants and industries of
families were
town by
the borough.
Gamma Globulin
Regulations Given
The regulations
the distribution of Gamma Glo
bulin require that it be given to
contacts of actual cases of Polio
myelitis, up to the 3
years, and in communities
determined by the State Dept
of Health to the age of 15 years
It is obtained through the fami-
ly physician and administered
by him, but can be obtained at
this office by a member of the
family after the physician fur-
nishes the following informa
| tion to State Dept. of Health,
office, by telephone and requests
Gamma Globulin: Name, Age,
| and Weight of contact.
It is not claimed that Gamma
| Globulin prevents Poliomyelitis
| but that it will modify the
| course of the disease should Po
| lio develop and prevent a sev
age of 35
. | ere paralytic stage from devel
Gamma Globulin
for contacts of the case
14 days after exposure,
| which it would no longer influ-
ence the course of the disease.
The regulations which control
the distribution of Gamma Glo-
is available
up to
{ bulin originate in the Office of
Defense Mobilization, a federal
agency, and not through the
State or local office. Certain
| diagnostic signs are required,
which include Spinal Fluid find-
Friday | p
Monday Day
with opening ceremonies at “1:30
A parade of selected high]
is Government
with |
awarded to
in downtown
reation Day.
Every person who visits the
show will have a chance to fill
outstanding bands. Tuesday willl out a ticket for a prize that will
be Industry Day when the Key-| be given away, free of charge.
stone Building
sociation and the Small Busi-
will both be held.
be Anthra-|
ness Clinic
Wednesday will
Contractors As-| The prize will
room house
| scaped with swimming pool. It
will be delivered anywhere
be a three-bed-
completely land-
cite Day and the Engineers So-| the state and will be on display
ciety of Pennsylvania and the
at the show. The winner will be
Harrisburg Traffic Club will announced Saturday night.
Legion Purchases
Flag For Donegal
High School
purchased for the auditorium of
the High School
American flag will be
new Donegal
the Walter S.
185 it was announced at the reg-
by Ebersole
ular meeting of the group
school dedication
Robert Hoffman, newly elect-
cated at the
ceremonies Nov.
ed commander, named his com-
mittee chairman and commit-
tees for the coming year.
The men appointed are as fol-
lows: Entertainment - Word
Halter, chairman; Jack Germer,
Chester Weimer, George Leib-
schultz, Edward Kneisley, Char-
les Houser, John Madalia, Ken-
neth Smith, Robert Smith, Leon
Gassert, Frank Shank, James
Shaeffer, James Young, Lee El-
lis, Jr., P. B. Heilig, John Hart-
sough, George Albert, Lee Rice
and Clarence Nissley; Athletics,
Lee Ellis, Sr., chairman; Frank
Zink, George Brown, Marshall
Webb, Harold Bender, Jack
Germer, 3enjamin Groff and
Leibschultz, Hubert Rice
Keener: Welfare,
Arthur Schneider
les Chunko,
Gerald American-
ism, George 2nd, chair-
man; Jack Bennett, Clyde Trip-
ple, George Albert and James
Robert: Legion Auxiliary, Lee
Ellis, Sr., and Orthur Schneid-
er; Grave Registration, P. B.
A meeting of the directors of
the newly organized Cub Scouts
in Mount held last
Thursday elemen
Joy was
in the local
The group decided
tary school
to hold cub meetings
the first week in October. At
the present time, three cub
packs will be started
The next meeting of the di
rectors will be held Wednesday
Sept. 22
Old School Bell
thority met
September 14, 1954 at
Shoe Co.
. | its regular business.
Thursday. The flag will be dedi- | del ne .

Begins Mon.
The Mount Joy Borough Au-
Tuesday evening,
the of-
the Gerberich-Payne
for the transaction of,
Mr. Sam-
Miller, Chairman of the
Authority presided. Besides the
the Authority received a report
from their consulting engineer,
Joseph A. Michaels, to
fect that the standpipe
tion had been completed by the
of Boyerstown, Pa. The tests on
of routine business,
the ef-
D. Richard Jafolla
the strength of the concrete
were above those required by
the specifications. He also re-
ported that the Chicago Bridge
& Iron Co.
tions at the beginning of
had started opera-
week on the erection of the one
million gallon steel standpipe,
which will add approximately
27 pounds of pressure to the ex-
isting water distribution sys-
All the members of the Auth-
ority were deeply concerned ov-
er the possibility that there will
be a rash of water leaks, both
in the mains and in the services
due to the added pressure. This
condition, however, is unavoid-
able as the present low pres-
sures are to be corrected, and
as this was one of the major
reasons for the improvement of
the system, the inconvenience
and expense of repairing breaks -
must be put up with.
The Authority, therefore,
went on record as favoring the
gradual increase of pressure so
that a minimum of inconveni-
ence will be experienced during
They were very
anxious to warn all users to be
alert for breaks.
Under the promulgated tariff
of water rates the responsibility
for repairing breaks in services
is that of the property owner.
The mains are the responsibility
of the Authority. The Authority
however, expressed a
any one period
(Turn to page

Wi'l Be
Preserved Says Board
are underway to
preserve the bell from
the old grade school on Mariet
ta Avenue. Original plans were
to remove the bell and
to the present grade school but
when the recent fire
melted the bell and made it im-
these plans had
Plans now
move 1t
possible to ring,
to be altered
The bell was removed from
the debris within the building.
The one side is ruined but the
bell is in one piece. Paul Stoner,
local school board director,
heads a committee to plan for
| ings, if the case is non-paralytic. | its preservation.
(Turn to page 5)
One tentative plan being con-|
sidered would be to make a
memorial of the bell and place
it on the corner of the old
plot where South Market and
Marietta Streets meet. With the
bell could be the name plate
and the cornerstone from the
old building. More plans will
be made next week.
Demolition is still continuing
at the school. Most of the brick
walls have been lowered except
the front wall. It is within the
frort wall that the name plate
and the cornerstone are located.
School board officials are mak-
ing plans to be on hand when
the cornerstone is reached.