|THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. | Thursday, August 26 8 | | | ‘January Thaw’ Opens Today At Gretna Playhouse | Keep Food Prices DOWN | City people trying to adjust | Treat the family themselves to rural living pro- to an Acme Fried " vide the background for ‘‘Janu- | Chicken Dinner ary Thaw,” ‘stage version of = = they'll agree, Bellamy Partridge’s humorous | it's tops. novel, which will open Thurs- PRE-SCHOOL HEARING TEST GIVES CHILD BEST CHANCE No sound . . . “I think I hear something” vas Zz - cn — be 3 ~~ READY-FOR Spon) SH OES Sundial shoes for $495 Handsome boys and girls . . . sturdily con- structed in fine materials for the utmost in foot health. DO hear)” . . S L day at Gretna Playhouse. OF Fresh Killed, Ready for the Pan { | These three dramatic pictures should remind parents this is the time of year to have their chilaren’s hearing tested before school opens in September. There are about two million children in the U.S. who suffer undiscovered hearing impairments, according to the American Hearing Aid Association. The non- profit organization urges parents to have their children’s hearing tested by an ear doctor or reputable { hearing aid specialist at the slightest sign of a hearing loss. It reminds parents to be especially alert since children often try to conceal hearing impairments because they want to be like other kids. Selon A i 4 Cl | | We have the Peas (Fresh, Canned or Frozen) and the French Fries. TASTY SKINLESS Frankfurts 3 Army Announces New Chief For Indiantown Gap Fort Meade, Md. — Colonel. J. Trimble Brown, commanding officer of Schuylkill Arsenal,’ Philadelphia, will be the next Chief of the Pensylvania Mili-' tary District, it was announced today by Lieut. General Floyd 1948 until 1950. Prior to assuming command of Schuylkill Arsenal in Janu- ary of this year, Colonel Brown served as Intelligence Advisor, Chief of Staff, Deputy Comman- der, and Commander of the Sa- fety Advisory Group in Japan. In addition to his duties as Com- CORN BEEF HASH Slice corn beef hash from the can, top with slices of processed American cheese. Broil along- side slices of tomatoes which have been topped with mayon- naise seasoned with a bit of on- ion juice. CINDERELLA BOYS’ POPULAR manding Officer of Schuylkill Arsenal, Col. Brown has acted as the senior Army Reserve Ad- visor in the Philadelphia area. DRESSES $q98 ONLY JACKETS WAY'’S eh RECORD LEAN Sliced Bac on "J Gh arks andi General Cc Produced by Charles F. Cogh- | L. Parks ene lan and Gene P. Otto, the show | : re |will have Mason Curry and, Colonel Brown, a native Phil- {Kathleen Phelan in leading | adelphian, assumed roles. Miss Phelan played in|of the district, with headquar-, Yes, We Have Plenty! Fancy, Golden Ripe [the opening production this, ters at Indiantown Gap Military | season at the playhouse and has| Reservation yesterday. He suc- The Colonel holds the Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Commendation | command Ribbon. His foreign decorations SKO KIAAN— Military | include the French Cross, the Italian Military Cross CORNER Ralph Marterie of Valor, and the Emperor of THE HIGH AND THE BANANAS 2-19° Extra Special! CRISP CALIF. ICEBERG LETTUCE large heads An Acme | Special you don’t want to pass up 23° Sugar Corn Stowell’s Evergreen 12--3%° IDEAL CON. LEMONADE 2 6-0z cans 29¢ Reg. 63c Creamy PEANUT BUTTER VAN CAMP’S PORK & BEANS Reg. or Hot - - Ideal CATSUP 6 Fruit Flavors - - Ideal Gelatine DESSERTS 4 Flavors - - Bala Club Canned BEVERAGES 59 35 2:35 4..25¢ 3::25¢ large 24-0z jar 21-0z cans 14-02 bots 12-02 cans Our Coffee Prices Cut 10°» Win-Crest, Asco or Ideal Brands DELICICUS OAK HILL FREESTONE iarge No 2! can Extra Snecial! 23 supply Attractive Mew Glass Decanter Filled with Lang’s Sweet Mixed Pickles Big 30-0z decan. 39 Lang's Dill Pickles ..45¢ Reg. 35¢ ARMOUR’S CHOPPED BEEF Reg. 33c ideal Pure GRAPE JUICE 12-02 S 00 | cans 3 SUPREME VIENNA BREAD SUPREME ENRICHED BREAD Green Label Light + Meat Chunk Style SUNNYDELL ICE CREAM STARKIST TUNA PRINCESS MARGARINE LOUELLA MILK It’s Homogenized LOUELLA BUTTER The Prize Winner | | Special this week! 15¢ | large dated loaf 15¢ 6!%-0z can 3 1 c 15 gal 97¢ pt pkg 25¢ Golden 14's 2 Ibs 43¢ 4 tall cans 49¢ Ib GGe SWANEE COLO-SOFT TOILET TISSUE Sale of Play Boy Dog Food i 33° Ail Beef or Horse Meat 1%¢ 1%-0z cans 2 4.45 Reg. 51¢ Deg Meal ib bag 19: September Family Circle Now On Sale--Still 5¢ Prices Effective Aug. 26-27-28, 1954. Quantity Rights Reserved. | AT made frequent appearances dur- | ceeds Brigadier General T. L. ing past summers. Curry and Futch who is retiring Aug. 31 Miss Phelan will portray a New | after 37 years of Army service. York couple who buy and mod-| As Chief of the Pennsylvania ernize a Connecticut farmhouse. | Military District, Col. Brown Their children will be enacted | will be the representative of the by Rachel Taylor, Mary Ruth| Commanding General, Second Martin of Lancaster and Camp-| Army, for military affairs in belltown youth, Glenn Yocum. | Pennsylvania and will be res- Yocum has been seen in “Life | ponsible for the coordination, With Father,” “Goodbye Again” | administration and inspection “On Borrowed Time” and “Big| of all Army Reserve activities Hearted Hearbert” at Gretna] within the state. Playhouse. In announcing the appoint- ment, General Parks stressed the importance of Pennsylvania to the military preparedness of the nation. ‘As the most popu- lous state in the Second Army Harry Sheppard and Elaine! Ivans will take the roles of the former owners of the farmhouse who insist they have a right to live there. Their son will be Robert Lansing. Leo Badia, who was seen this season in ‘My Three Angels,” will play Uncle! Walter, a gossipy Down East- earner. James Ray will play Miss Taylor's fiance, Louise Schultz will portray the housemaid, | Gene Galvin will be seen as a| lawyer, and George Curley will take the part of a country po- liceman. lous state in the nation, Penn- sylvania naturally assumes a leading role in the preparedness of the Second Army and the en- tire country,” the General said. A veteran of World War II in- vasions in North Africa, Italy and Southern France, Colonel | Brown has had considerable ex- | perience with the nation’s serve forces having served as Senior Instructor for the Penn- National Guard from | ATTENTION PLEASE ANNOUNCING THE OPENING Store For “January Thaw” will run through Sept. 1, excluding Sun- day. Curtain time is 8:30 p. m. sylvania Children’s Wear 43 E. Main St., Mt. Joy OPENING DATE—AUGUST 27 - 28 FREE GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN DOOR PRIZES FOR ADULTS COME IN AND PAY US A VISIT Johnson’s Children Shop | \ 100% accuracy Rule WE SHOOT One of our perpetual targets is 100% accuracy. Signatures must be ex- amined closely, cash care- fully counted, ledgers must balance to the penny. For in banking, little things count big. Mistakes, occasionally happen, because we're hu- man, but we constantly seek to keep them to a minimum. We know that customers appreciate a careful bank. aL LET [LINO ER ==MT. JOY +++ FLORIN A Insured uprto $10,000 wibk F.D.\.C. [FIRST NATIONAL area, and the second most popu- | Re- | | Japan's award of the Sacred Treasure. 110,486 Disabled | . . Given Vocation | Training In Year | Harrisburg — Rehabilitation services were provided for 10, SMILE— 486 physically handicapped Commonwealth residents dur- ing the past fiscal year, the ' State Bureau of | reported today. the overall | vided by The services are rehabilitation and include diagnosis, ing and guidance, medical ser- | vices, prostestic appliances, | DREAM— Rehabilitation | an part off WAY'S APPLIANCES pro- | ; the Commonwealth 48 Ww. Main Street, Mount Joy / counsel- es : training and miscellaneous spec- ial services, according to Mark M. Walter, Bureau Director. During the 12-months period 3,011 disabled residents | pleted their rehabilitation pro- gram, or services, under the Bureau's sponsorship and their { cases were closed as satisfactor- ily rehabilitated. Walter ex- | plained that a case closed { when a disabled person is plac- {ed in a job for which he was considered most capable of ful- filling. Of the 10,486 persons who re- ceived services from the Bureau during the period, 5,924 are still | undergoing rehabilitation. In- | cluded in the latter group were | | { { | | is | 1,855 receiving counseling pre- { paratory to the formulation of a suitable rehabilitation plan; 818 | received physical restoration { such as medical or psychiatric | treatment or the fitting of an artificial appliance; 1,188 job | training; 56 receiving physical restoration and training simul- | taneously, 1,352 who just com- | pleted training and are ready | for placement in employment. | The remaining 555 were in var- ious other stages of rehabilita- | tion. Follow-up services to insure | adequate adjustment to the re. habilitation-job before the case | is closed, were being provided | for 318 persons. Because of in- | dividual differences the extent and type of physical restoration i varies for virtually every per- | sons. If the individual cannot | adjust himself to the first job, i an effort is made to obtain an- other more compatible position. In this way, Walter explained, a handicapped person ultimately becomes engaged in a job which he can do well and prove an as- set to his employer. | “It is because of this type of | training, services and place- ment,” Walter said, “that phy- | sically handicapped persons are | gaining wide recognition in in- dustry where they have estab- lished enviable records of ach- ievement, loyalty and atten- dane.” | All Pennsylvania citizens 16 ' years of age or over, who have | a permanent disability = which prevents them from engaging | gainful employment; but who , can be prepared for jobs, and . those who have been injured and are unable to return to | their old positions, are eligible | for the Bureau's Services. ® There is no better way to boost your business than by local news paper advertising. | | | com- | | | MIGHTY— i.) CKETS 9% BOYS’ Corduroy Pants GIRLS JA Er ONLY 53% Cotton Blouses 51 Children’s Coats LeRoy Holmes GARDEN OF ROSES— Joni James AMIATOYORA TREASURE— 59% BOYS’ KNIT SHIRT 98: 5 5%" A 595 ST lickers $B9 Mount Joy Dept. Store 53 EAST MAIIN STREET MOUNT JOY Kay Starr VIENI VIDI VICI— Gaylords Nat “King” Cole Four Aces Phone 3-3622 W. H. STEHMAN SQUARE ST. FLORIN, PA. PHONE MT. JOY 3.5547 Farm Bureau Ms Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. bid Mutual Fire Insurance Co. il ll dl Homie Office hfe Insurance Co. Columbus, O. eee (RRR KITTY’S DRESS SHOPPE er Back-to-School Shopping Can Be Lots Of Fun! Come to Our Children's Department and be sure to ask for a Treasure Chest Key ip JACK BORGENICHT Originals You may be the Lucky One...and get a Free Dress if your key opens the Chest 70 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. ee ~~ nt.