The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 12, 1954, Image 2

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b JAE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pe. Thursday, August 12 2( . IT S t (HOSPITAL STATISTICS | ors on Monday. | Rumler of bitthe during July,
. : : ! i
THE BULLETIN Fans Take Heat Off Family ese wo enarors | Thirteen hundred and sixty- | The admitted patients re- in the Receiving Ward; 469 pa-
O \ L L A F F S Published every Thursday at 11 | t ‘Say Exposition | four persons were admitted to| quired 10,115 days of hospital tients were treated in the Dis-
East Main Street, Mount Joy. H H © C n Be Ke Cool | the Lancaster General Hospital| service. Other census figures in- pensary with 637 visits.
ari ge CO i von ere 3 ow ooms a p Business Aid during July, it was announced | clude: The average number of pa-
ee By IRA MILLER Harrisburg The First by Dr. D. C. Smelzer, Executive | Patients discharged during tients per day was 326.
ns John E. Schroll, : Farm Electrification Bureau uel Pennsylvania Indastrial Director of the Hospital, at a| the month, 1,366; Number of’ ee @
Eton and Yu 10010058 In a vag way most of us {and Con Expositior, to meeting of the board of direct-) operations during July, 577; patronize Bulletin Advertisers
" : > . n a vague sort of wa ost c st » S : :
Subscription Rate $2.50 per know why we feel cooler when the | { be held here the week of Sept. |


I certainly poked into a wasp
nest when I told about the pic-
tures I took at the school house
fire. I had®calls for days from
those women in nighties, curl-
ers and housecoats, begging for
the negatives.
One of our gay blades just
bought a 1939 jalopy. The fel-
low who svld it to him said the
body of the car built by
Today somebody told him that
the FHA only builds
Now he knows why he got an
ail burner.
You should see the smoke
that comes out of the exhaust
pipe. If he could get the car off
the ground he'd be a sky writ-
He says his car is just like a
baby—it won't go anywhere
without a rattle.
He paid cash for everything
on the car except the battery.
That he had charged.
Now I know why husbands
go mad! I was visiting a local
couple last night when sudden-
ly my hostess said to my host;
“Why don’t
“It isn’t he answer-
you answer the
She fumed: “Must you al-
ways wait till the last mom-
ent?’ Yoel

Any of our readers of a liter-
ary bent who have encountered
one or two recent novels by
young British writers will prob-
ably be interested, as we were,
in a comment made in a New
York paper's book review sec-
tion recently in which they ob-
served that: “In England there
has arisen a school of authors
who are writing better and bet-
ter about less and less, until 1
am sure they will soon be writ-
ing exceptionally well about
absolutely nothing at all.”

A youth from Landisville is
working at a summer theatre in
hopes of breaking into show
business. The other night he
called his Dad and excitedly
exclaimed: “Dad, I've got my
first part in a play. I play the

part of a man who has been
married for 20 years.”
His father remarked: “Splen-
did. Maybe one of these days
they’ll give you a speaking
When a television announcer
“Thank you for having me
It makes
in your living room,”
me so mad, I answer, “My TV
set is in the cellar. 1 wouldn’t
let you in my living room.”

A car of tourists stopped at
the post office and it was impos-
sible to see the people for the
stickers on the windows. I]
talked to the driver and he ex-

vear by Mail
Advertising rates upon request.
Entered at the postoffice at
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
mail under the Act of March 3,
Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association.

sin if wen
be A A
Harry Wagner and Abram
Geltmacher were in charge of
the first state rally of the Lone
Scouts of America at
Boyce near the Mount Joy Bor-
ough Water Works.
The Lancaster
Club held its annual picnic at
Carsonia Park, Reading.
Abram S. Nornhold, 73, died
of injuries
fell from a wagon
best yield of wheat of the year
securing 22 bushels to the acre.
Charles Greider was
president of the Greider
the annual reunion at
The skeleton of the head of a
human being was found by
workmen who were excavaling
for the cellar
be erected on South
Street by J. W.
clan at
west corner of Barbara
South Alley from South Bar-
bara Street to Walnut
was defeated because the
dents in the area protested.
At the invitation of the ves- |
church spent three days at Ac-|
Accomac on the |
Hotel |
Marietta to
paddle steamer owned by
It was decided to divide the
high school auditorium room of
the school into two class rooms
and it was also decided not to
have the school frescoed at the
regular school board meeting.
Deaths for the week included
Miss Hannah Hoffer, Mrs. Salin-
da Hess and Mrs. John Miller.
The Business Men's
team is leading the town league
with 8 wins and 1 loss.
is the pitcher for the
Ross Barto suffered a crushed
finger when he
loom while
Brown Sons cotton mill
Mildred Rye and Edward G.
Reese were married in Philadel-
phia. Elizabeth Lehman and
Amos Risser were married in
Florin; Mary Garber and Chris-
tian Hiestand Jr. were married
in Marietta;
Thomas Schroll, and Daisy Har-
nish and Harry Darrenkamp
were married in a double
mony in the local Church of
Larry Wagner,
seriously injured when
pinned between the body of a
freight elevator and the safety
doors at the H. Roy Nissley to-
bacco warehouse.
Charles Ricedorf was re-elect
ed president of the Lancaster
County former Perry countains.
Harry Nissly was renamed a
member of the Agricultural
committee of the
er’'s Assoc. for the
utive term
Mahlon Foreman, Amer Krei-
Florin, was
he was
third consec-

We're what you might call]
“stuck up’ travellers. We have |
been nearly everywhere in our |
car,.and we have stickers to
prove it. |
People gather around our car |
wherever we stop and ask, |
“Have you really been to all
those places?” Of course we
have. We have duplicate stick-
ers on our suitcases to prove it.
However, it's getting harder
to see “America” on our trips.
The driver's seat offers a pretty
unobstructed view, due to legal
requirements—but the family is
having more and more trouble
peering out the windows be-
tween stickers. It doesn’t seem
quite right to roll the windows
down and hide them-—since we
have gone to such great lengths
to accumulate them.
What do you think?


| ob E.
| ported
der, Dr. O. G. Longenecker and
John E. Schrol! caught six tuna
and four bonitas while on a fish-
ing trip to Beach Haven, N. J.
Deaths for the week included
Miss Barbara Ellen Baylor, Jac-
Brubaker and John Ger-
Harold Fellenbaum
Carl Reist,
the Lancaster
singles champion. Frank Zink
lost the county junior
tennis title to Robert Bare of
Lancaster but only
two had played
lasted over three hours.
County Boys’
Penna. Bank-
Camp |
Automobile |
received when he
load of
Cleveland Gantz threshed the |
elected |
Landis- |
of a property to]
Barbara |
Eshleman. At|
one time the plot at the south- |
and E.|
Donegal Street was a Lutheran |
A proposed ordinance to open |
Street |
resi- |
try, the choir of the St. Luke's Party Given For
comac. They journeyed from | ‘Geo. Mumper, Sr.
baseball |
Weaver |
caught it in aj
working at the Geo. | children,
Martha Shank and) Sr., Mr.
th the open win-
air rushes in throug
dows of our moving

20 will
business and

| Mr. and Mrs.
automobile on a
; . Pennsylvania,
employment in
he state's two U, S.
hot day. The outside
remains the same, bi

makes feel cooler
because the moving air 1
aporation of moist
An electric fan in ti
way as the air ru
FIG. 2-Oscillating fan move i 3oth Senator Edward Martin |
and forth ir regula) pattern so persons |
ure from .
** Rorha in imme inity Hiliofifl feel cool- | and James H. Duff have "on
1e home {
rate of ev
liate vi

our skin
acts the same
in the car's windows
A fan of the right size
maint 1
air thr I
cirel > a
r per min-
ing effect | ed the Exposition “good
| thing for Pennsylvania and the
| nation,” which can ‘Call atten- |
tion in a dramatic way to the
accomplishments of Pennsyl-
tremendous industrial
“The Exposition will
as a
and prop- |

a constant |
t an en-
erly located,
circulation of
tire room. Fans

given Buy
1 vania's
number of cubic feet of ai S

w Prices!


ute (CFM), and this data appears \ . fi A
on their respective nameplates. So bei a | be held Sept. 20 to 25 inclusive, | RAO
-e 2] . . y . " RAH TRON
to get the right size of fan or fans \ | - wees WN | in Harrisburg’s famed Farm 3 SRR
you need you should know the cubic a : a Show Building. It will be spon-
inch air oe » coole 3~Floor fan in center of room pro :
feet of air in the room to be cooled, | cellent pattern of air movement | sored by the Keystone Building | Karo: Syrup
and the rate at which you want the for general circulation, . is es A arse : Gig
lated. TI tibic © ta Contractors Association in co- . 0 Red Blue Blue
air circulate 1¢ cubic feet OI & . : i
shin he ww Ang = operation with the State De- Cam fire Red or Blu
room is determined by mu lying re vi Label Label
the length of the room x the width Re (l partment of Commerce. Tea 5.b
x the height. The rate of circulation| {] /4 ih ae, In a speech on the U. S. Sen- | Marshmallows x : 24.01. 23 -lb. 61°
required depends on the climate in Ar free ate floor in which he invited all | Ib 3 a fo bottle can
hic OL ’ side t \ 2g . . =D. -0Z,
which you live. If you re tas m hot = Fh TICE Congressmen and federal offi- k 31 39 11¢ .
ates vou'll want to circulate the ~~ bn 4 EL :
climates yowll want 10 « ; "3s Xo er’ cials to visit the Exposition, pig Pkg. Pkg Mazola Oil

air at least once per minute. In more . \
moderate climates, a 2 or 3 minute NAP A
1 Tw - aA \ \
air circulation cycle may be ade- mi
Martin asserted:
Exposition has a most
a “This
important bearing on the indus-
Lipton Tea Bags quert Jc
aio 41°

Angel Soft

quate. FIG. 4—Hot stuffy air is exhausted from Ti pkg. c pkg. c
Day and night cooling operations one room while cool air is drawn into | {rial progress and economic issues of 16 of 48 allon can $2.29
vary. On hot days, close the windows another room, bn . Sarno ARIA .
y. 1 strength of Pennsylvania and White or pkg. c
and doors, and draw the shades to the whol notion. Jt isd iy | Avscriod "of 300
keep the cooler air indoors. Then J ne whnoie nation. S highly ssorfed o Cc . . E +i
alifornia Sweet Eating

important to the management
turn on the type of fan you have
of our thousands of manufactur-
according to Figures 1, 2 or 3. For

Dial Soap

night cooling, warmer inside air ing plants as well as to the mil-
must be exhausted and cooler out- | ) li of yore Wi thelr
door air drawn in. The inlet for ) A ions ol wor Kers who eam 1€1r |
cooler air should be 2 or 3 times that \ livelihood on the state’s assem- regular size c
of the outlet for warmer inside air. =\ bly lines and in the construc- | cakes
ho ot § 1% time he — : : :
The outlet should be 13% times the \ tion industry. But it will be ev-
diameter of the fan blades. Figures

wage earners and
uming public.”
Senator Duff declared that
A by stimulating interest in our
Rt state’s industrial potential we bath size 35¢
| can build up interest also in the cakes

4, 5 and 6 show how night cooling FIG. 5-Window fan exhausts warm air en better for
AOD neil through one window and draws in cool To On
can be accomplished satisfactorily. Gir through another. the con
One Price—
None Priced Higher
Dial Soap

229° .
Golden (One (One Price—None Priced Highs),
Western Full Podded

HE YS development of new
if 4 and new employment.”

(One Price—None Priced Higher)

Te 1A “Through the Exposition,” he Red Heart Ibs. 9
Jy i added, ‘new products can be Do Food Fresh Peas 9 2
oi YU | introduced to a wide audience, 8 » __. _ Florida—None dozen 19°
FIG. 1—Non-oscillating fans throw air pedestal or win- and, as we all know, greater 6 1-lb. 85° Large Limes Priced Higher
i Doss all 3h Up tod they v2 of “proper markets for Pennsylvania's pro- cans California 2 Ibs. 25°
® ‘and ecily positions prosperity Bartlett Pears Mountain

lation without creating draft ducts bring greater
for Pennsylvania's citizens.” Sweetheart
mer Salad Bowl Suggestions §
Summer Salad Bowl Suggestions

iL cats Soldier T 1 Soap None Priced 2 ibs. 25¢
fe | : Fresh Tomatoes "Wi.
Is in Korea SAVE MONEY BY a ol 25° 3 lceburg Lettuce “nin on Ve
A birthday party was held Army Pfc. Frank L. Hoover, READING THE ADS cakes None vis lute 29
| for Mr. George Mumper, Sr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hoov- Pascal Celery Higher stalks ¢
| on Wednesday evening at the gr Rhoems, is now serving in Sweetheart ¢ Large Cucumbers Noro Priced 3 fr 10¢
| home of his daughter, and son- Korea with the 7th Infantry Di- ) g tha "ied 3 ot 10¢

Higher +
Large Green Peppers
None Priced Higher
bath size Red Radishes
25° Jo
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nor
Mateer, Mount Joy. Mr
er celebrated his 80th birthd

1an' yision
Men of the
iV. | sion are undergoing
2 cello.
np ‘Bayonet’ divi-

Closing Out

intensive |

and arrived in Carolina Rice
Mumper, | lowing November. MARGARET - JEAN 11h. 19°
rr SHOPPE pkg.
Korea the fol-
The following were present: training to maintain the beak | SALE
Mr. and M is | Bring- combat efficiency pg ea by | : Tn Real Gold 6
Mr. and Mrs. rd Bi ; SRE oil : [ Big Reduction on Toys - Calo -OZ. 19°
man, and son Ricl Jr.; Mr} he uni from Pusan to the Yalu] B: iby Gifts - Novelties - rozen émona e cans
and Mrs. Gilbert Eshelman,: Fiver : |B Sun Suits. \ Dog Food Old South
Miss Marian Eshelman Mr. | Ioover, a member of the{ Baby Caps and Bonnets, . b-o1 85°
DY Etre een oe Aion: Yer Rv Ls | some nylon, your choice :
and Mrs. Kenneth Bie Say in Hi : que 98¢ . a 5 Wb. 19° Frozen Orange Juice cans
and son Jeffery, Mrs. Vera Lehr}lons 17 P REE
: DS YR the Armv during February 1953 | 8 HAT BOX FREE with Swanson Frozen .
Business| and children, Stevie and Coral, | © : > rn purchase of $1.00 or more. TV Chicken Dinner a 19
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bender, Jr.
Bradford Coker, |
Snow Crop Frozen Waffles ue 29
Mr. and Mrs

Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Fry and| A terrv-clotl towe Ss i C les rod tree i 3 ’ i Apple or 7a
5. © Bobont Prva) A ‘venpeioth tow wit Df 19 West Donegal Stvest River Brand Rice | Morton's Frozen Pies “uy, 2 iii 39
h Ann, Dey Mae, | half, with seersuckgr: tie-backs MOUNT JOY. PA. 12 Ee
{ and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ot 16°
: sewn on, makes an excellent ap- Yial 3-9373 kg. Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery
a ap iv . = I Dial 3-9373 PXg.
Bender and family Mr. and — In 1b
Mrs. Norman Mateer and son| Ton especially if you like to Alteration: Buttonholing Butter Nore Tokens Le 63° TA a 65°
rs. of i Mat c S 4 rati S { ( er ol rinTs
Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Warren | wipe your hands on your apron Keebler A&P Fanc 9
Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. Martin | when cooking. The terry cloth Saltines y Sliced 16-02 ¢ Whole 8 16-01. Cc
Ney, Mr. and Mrs. John Ben-| washes easily and needs no iron- ‘ Ib Beets on 23 cans 25
der, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper | ing. D d bl 1-lb. 25¢
A. D. Garber, Mr. and — ren epen a e pkg. Sunsweet quart 32¢
i as | Juice ee
Ss eo Pig > - Al >I Als =-
: el on Red ous ea Save 25¢ under the reg. price of Nescafe Instant Coffee, $1.99
defeated !
Lititz to be crowned |
after the |
five sets which |
The supervision of girls at the |
local playground was discontin- | I
ued because of lack of interest. |
Lt. Warren H. Kuhn was re- |
killed in
A work camp of 40 Mexican
labors was set up in Marietta, Florin E.U.B. Church.
dren Sylvia and Cindy, Mr. and Dry cleaning at home pre-
Tuna Fish
Nescafe Special Sale: *1.14
White House Apple Butter ~~ *%. 21°
Sultana Fruit Cocktail Br
Kitchen Charm Waxed Paper 2 7." 39°
lona New Pack Tomatoes po 32°
A&P New Pack Fancy Peas “ov 18°
Pineapple Juice or 21°
Mrs. Geo. Mumper, Jr, and| sents many hazards. There's ab-
daughter Georgianna, Mrs. Les-| solutely no safe way to dry Whife Meat Solid Pack (White Label)

3l/5-02 c 7s oz.
\/ Light Meat Sol Solid Pack ( Pack (Red Label)
3l/;-0z. ¢ 7-oz 3 c
can 2 can 1
Chunk Style “Light Meat (( Meat (Green Label]
Hor. Oc ton 33¢
ter Meyers and son Davie, Mr. | clean garments at home. And
and Mrs. Kenneth Ginder and | there's no absolutely safe dry
Terry Jo, Mr. and Mrs. William | cleaning fluid.
Mumper, Mr. and Mrs. David Many dry
E. Eshelman and children Deb- benezine,
ra and David, Mr. and Mrs. {| naptha look harmies
Marlin IL. Ney and children|an explosive
Donna and Gordon, and Mr. |
and Mrs. Willis and |
s but are of
Make it a
rule never «to use these inflam-
mable home dry
such as gasoline,

Heisey liquids in

children Willie and Roxanne. cleaning, the home economist, Chunk Style White Meat | White Meat (Blue Label)
® Bernice P. Thary suggests. Ro M. Ressler 6/502. c D | M i Sli d mM | bod 33
; Even non-flammable cleaning Y can 37 e on ice ineapp e can
PHONE IN YOUR fluids, such as carbon tetra- 27 W. MAIN ST. lona Cut Green Beans 3 154;-0t, 29°
chloride, are dangerous. They sans
PHONE 5-5301
There's Pride | Armour Tree ou fe
and 1 pint ¢ a ¢
Ann Page Mayonnaise ". 31° 55
must be used where plenty of
air circulates for the

vapors are
harmful to breathe. OR CALL

The men will work on the Penn- 3 16-01. 0 23-01,
sylvania Railroad. B I ’ A ina Ann Page Beans Varieties cans 23 cans 3
Sgt. Sherwood Gingrich was ol 1 ‘ 12-01,
reported killed in action in ul ors Beauty Salon WM. K. RESSLER Libby Corned Beef can 45
France. SR a. dozen ¢ dozen
rain to a news clipping PERMANENTS $5, $7.50, $10 FLORIN, PA. Mason Jars Pint Jars 85 Quart Jars 95°
in the Los Angles Daily Exam- TONI'S GIVEN $5. MT. YoY 3-5731 . | 0 0 X Frank’s Beverages " Bhd cen gio 25
iner, a byline, date line, and Call Mt, Joy 3-4339
New and Used Gas Runge |

“Our Own” Tea Bags
Tea Bags ina 0
Freez-Tainer 65

news article appearing was Maude Buller, Prop. 24.16 t c
Joy, July 23—Concerned by — — Guar : $
i i parkle Chocolate kgs.
damage 10 precious reson a_i he. Hi bottle Instant Puddings Vanilla or Butterscotch 3 Pee 23°
eed supplies, the community's |B . fal Jane Parker 25-01 6
Chamber of Commerce has of- | : We Specialize In “ise 12-gallon Cc Gold Pound Cake... Price cake 49
fered 3 cents for the tail of | 8 w ; ai
| ery rat Cae a yi AUTO PAINTING | hottie Jane Parker Cherry Pie oer 0 43
The paper was noticed by Park | HA WRECKS REPAIRED I c Sae of Pillsbury phe. 29
Beso who is stationed ui WHEEL ALLIGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCING. . h 1 Buy I package of Pillsbury Pie Crust Mix at the regular
FREE ESTIMATES ore Get a 2nd package for
in | his nine-day furlough.

David Risser was the guest of | All prices in this Advertisement Guaranteed through Saturday, Aug. I4th,
honor at a dinner to celebrate |§

Carriger’s Paint & Body Shop
STORE HOURS—Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, & Saturday. 8:00 to 6:00; Friday 8:00 to 9:00
Helen Loraw and William
Ebersole were married in the


£ 1