The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 29, 1954, Image 1

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The Mount Joy
Martin Is Elected President:
Dates Are October 13-16
R1, was elected president of the
ceeds John Roland to the office.
Curvin H. Martin, Joy
Mount Joy Community
for the coming year. suc-

elected at a re-
of the
group Monday night were Har-
old Endslow, Marietta R1, vice
Joseph Sheaffer, W.
Donegal Street, secretary; Sim-
West Donegal St.,
B. Titus Rutt,
Haven Street, superintendent;
William Risser, Manheim RI1
Frank Weidman, Marietta
Avenue, superintend-
eon Horton,
treasurer; New
The thirty-third annual Com-
munity Exhibit will be held on
13, 14, 15 16. A
catalogue will again be publish-
ed this year and the Bulletin
was awarded the contract.
October and
August 9th another meeting
of the group will be held. Spec-
ial features will be discussed
and directors will be named.
Manday A. M.—10th Softball
Game - Final.
P.M. Marietta visits.
Tuesday A. M. 1st Soccer
game. Girl's tennis tourna-
P. M. — Crafts, Doll making,
All-Star baseball practice.
Wednesday A. M.--2nd Soccer
game. Girl's tennis tourna-
ment - Final.
P. M. — Crafts, doll making,
mixed softball. y
Thursday A. M. — baseball con-
P. M. — Crafts, doll making.
boy’s checker tournament.
Friday A. M. — 3rd soccer game
checker tournament finals.
P. ‘M. Doll dressing show.

Two Cub Packs
‘Are Organized
Two cub packs were organiz-
ed at the second meeting for
interested parents of cub-age
children Tuesday night in the
grade school. A series of three
classes are being conducted to
organize packs by neighbor-
hoods. The two packs organized
are in the vicinity of N. Market
Street to Birchland Ave. and
New Haven and Marietta Sts.
To date, no parents from the
eastern section of town have
shown any interest in getting
Cubs started in that section.
The two new cub mothers are
Mrs. Ruth Brandt and Mrs.
Myrtle Nornhold. The two new
cub fathers are Charles Heaps
and Charles Etsell.
The last meeting of the ser-
ies will be held next Tuesday
evening at which time it is hop-
ed that more packs may be or-
ganized. This can only be pos-
sible if parents from the vari-
ous sections of the town attend.
Children Start
Three Fires
In Two Days
Mount Joy Friendship Fire
Company No. 1 answered four
fire calls Saturday and Sunday
of which three were started byw
children playing with matches.
The first call came Saturday
noon at the same time the week-
ly siren is tested. Two small
chicken houses to the rear of
the Harvey Engle property
were ruined by a fire started
with small children playing
with matches. The buildings
were not being used to house
chickens at the present time.
Firemen extinguished the fire
and were able to save buildings
adjoining the houses.
Saturday's second call came
at 10:30 p. m. when the men
were called to extinguish a fire
of unknown origin, at the Har-
vey Sumpman farm, northwest
of the borough. Ne damage re-
sulted from the blaze.
Sunday's first fire occurred
at 4:45 p. m. when firemen an-
swered a call for a fire in a
grass field on South Barbara St.
The second came at 6:30 p. m.
when another patch of grass a-
long the railroad tracks near
Mount Joy Street was set afire.
Both were started by children
playing with matches.
Tennis Player To Leave
For National Contest
Vernon Oberholtzer, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Huber Oberholtz-
er, North Barbara Street, will
leave next week to take part in
the National JayCee sponsored
tennis tournament in Spring-
field, Ohio. He will be escorted
to Ohio by Thomas Foley of the
Middle States Lawn Tennis As-
sociation. The tournament is
scheduled to run from Tuesday
August 3 to Saturday, August 7.
This is the first year for a na- |
tional JayCee tennis tourna-
ment. Approximately 120 boys
are expected from thirty states.
Springfield's general chairman,
Don Deer, and his committee;
will house and feed all the con-
testants and their escorts at
Wittenberg College.
Included in the four-day stay |
will be a welcome dance for the |
entrants, banquet and barbecue. |
In addition, two clinics by fa-
mous professionals will be stag-
ed. Mercer Beasley, president of
the Professional Lawn Tennis
Association and his
Mike Blanchard will perform
their famous clinic and Charles
and Mary Hare will put on an
exhibition the folowing day.
Harry Fogleman, former Duke
and Florida coach, will be the
official referee.
Vernon gained the right to]
represent Mount Joy in the na-
tional tournament by first win- |
ning the locally-sponsored Jay- |
Cee tennis tournament. From |
Mount Joy, he entered the state |
contest in Philadelphia in June. |
He was runner-up in ‘the boys’ |
division (up to fifteen years of
age). Both the winner, Gregory
Topin, and Vernon will repre-
sent Pennsylvania in the first
national contest.
side-kick |
Scout Building |
Total Increased
The total in the drive for con-
tributions for the renovation of
the Boy Scout building has
creased to $580.00 as of
At a meeting of the troop
committee held Tuesday even-
ing, the group decided to stage
a house-to-house canvass Mon-
day evening, August 23. For the
drive, Boy Scouts and troop
committee members will solicit
from the borough citizens.
The group also announced
that they would appreciate re-
ceiving offers of labor and tal-
ent. In other words, in addition
to funds needed, tradesmen for
carpenter work, brick work,
wiring, cementing and painting
will be needed as well as assist-
ants for the various jobs.
To date, several offers of
time and talent have already
been made. In addition to both
the suggested donations, several
businesses have offered to in-
stall free equipment of various
Area Farmers
Invited To Tour
All Lancaster County farmers
are invited to take a ‘‘soil Ero-
sion tour” of the northern por-
tion of the county Friday, July
30. The purpose of the tour is to
inspect farms in the section
which have adopted the soil-
saving program under the su-
pervision of the agricultural ex-
tension service.
Interested farmers and land
owners are asked to meet at the
Lancagter County Farm Diner
at 9:00 a. m. From there the
group will proceed to the farm
owned by Walter Shenk, Eliza-
bethtown R3; Raymand Meyers,
Elizabethtown, R3; Roy Hess,
Elizabethtown R3; Meno Shel-
ley, Manheim R2; Reuben Nis-
sley, Elizabethtown R3; Daniel
Haldeman, Manheim R4; Jacob
Bruckhart, Jr., Lititz R2 and
Earl Meyers, Lititz R2.
A picnic lunch will be served
at noon at the Penryn Picnic
Grove, Penryn. Frank Bamer,
Pennsylvania State University,
will be with the group during
the day to lend a discussion on
the recommended soil saving
a; ®
Water Line Breaks
| Community Exhibit Dates Set

Vernon Oberholtzer who will
leave next week to take part
in national tennis tourney

Club To Be
Final plans were completed
for the formation of a merchan-
dise club to raise money for the
new Donegal High School band
club. The club will start within
the next two weeks and anyone
wishing to help to raise money
for the new organization may
join the club.
Persons interested in joining
the club or wish additional in-
formation may contact the fol-
lowing persons in the various
districts: Mrs. Roy Appley and
Mrs. Richard Hawthorne, Mari-
etta; Mrs. Edward Keener, of
Maytown; Mrs. Flory Newcom-
Mount Joy; Mrs. John Wit-
tle, Florin and Mrs. Cornelius
Wisegarver, Mount Joy Town-
Profits received from the pro-
ject will be used to start a fund
to purchase uniforms for the
new band in the colors of the
school, green and white.
[ J
The Florin Lions Club mem-
bers held a picnic at Sentz’s
Grove west of Florin, Monday
evening, July 26. Sixty persons
attended the affair. Children
and adults were entertained
with a variety of games.
Calvin Kramer, assistant post
| master, is recuperating at his
home with a torn ligament in
On North Barbara St.
Residents in approximately
one square in the vicinity of
North Barbara St. were with-
out water for 41% hours Monday.
A break in the new 8-inch wa-
ter main at the intersection of
North Barbara and Park Ave-
nue caused the stoppage.
The event occurred at 11:30
ona IT?
| a. m. because a cap
| connection broke. This “T" will
| eventually connect Park Ave.
with the main. The repairs were
completed by 4:00 p. m.
Since the water repairs are
being completed in the borough
and there are now two mains,
the water supply for the rest of
the town was not disturbed. The
water was sent via the other
main line into town.
— -
Phyllis Wolgemuth, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wolge-
muth, South Market Street, Mt.
Joy, has returned home after
over a month in the hospital.
Fhysician on Call Sunday |
For emergency If you Cannot
Reach Your Own Physician
Dr. Thomas O'Connor |

his ankle. He was injured while
playing baseball.
Any child who lives in
i Saturday
Dog Show
Plans Are
Prizes for the first Mount Joy
Dog Show are on display in the
window of the Hess Store, East |
Main Street. The prizes will be
awarded at the borough park
Saturday afternoon by the Hess
Store and Ken-L-Ration dog
food. In addition’ to the prizes,
cach child who enters a dog will
receive an armband,
and an additional prize.
Registration blanks must be
filled out and handed in at the |
night. |
Hess Store by Friday
Joy or vicinity is eligible to en-
ter the contest if he is between
the ages of 1 and 15.
The puppy for the “Name the
puppy’ contest arrived at
the store Thursday. It will be
on display from Thursday until
afternoon when it
to the borough
park and will be awarded to
the child who had previously
chosen the most suitable name.
The registration blanks are also
at Hess’ Store where each child
may submit a name suggestion.
Cake & Lemonade Will be Sold
An Aunt Jemima cake sale
will be held at the park starting
at 1:00 p. m. preceeding the
show. Parents of playground
children were given free Aunt
Jemima cake mixes through the
courtesy of Hess’ Store. These
cakes will go on sale and will
be sold by the whole cake or by
the piece.
will be taken
Lemonade will also be sold at
the cake sale. All proceeds from
the sale will go toward the bor-
ough playground.
Private McCue
Arrives In Korea
Army Pvt. George W. McCue,
215 East Main Street, Mt. Joy,
is now serving in Korea with
the 7th Infantry Division.
Men of the “Bayonet” divis-
ion are undergoing intensive
training to maintain the peak
combat efficiency displayed by
the unit from Pusan to the Yalu
McCue, a tank repairman in
the division, entered the Army
during August 1953 and arrived
in Korea this month.
William C. Dommell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dom-
mell, Sr., Donegal Springs Road
Mount Joy, has been promoted
ot the rank of corporal. He is
stationed at Cherry Point, N. C
and is working mech
as a jet

“Citizens Of


This is the second week that a series of pictures of ‘future
citizens” is being published.
The children are top row left to
right—Jimmy, six month old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert
Newcomer, Mount Joy; Cathy, one year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Lerman, Manheim; Michael, two year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maurer, Mount Joy; bottom row--
Fern. twenty-three month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos
H. Mummau, Mount Joy R1; Dennis, two and one half year |
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siple, Mount Joy; and Har-
riet. two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Breneman,
dog food
Will Celebrate 56th Anniversary
Mr. and
Donegal Street, Mount Joy, will celebrate
fifty-sixth wedding anniversary
August 3rd
Mrs. Emanuel S. Hendrix,
Two Locsl Sailors Are

106 Fast
next Tuesday,
Aboard U. S. Philippine

Playlot Directors
Address Rotarians
Tuesday was Playground Day
for Mount Joy Rotarians at the
Hostetter’s banquet hall. Speak-
weekly luncheon meeting
ers were George Houck, play-
ground director, and his assist-
ants, Bonnie Bigler and John
charge of Mike Pricio.
Lichty. program was in
Mr. Houck expressed appre-
ciation for the work of his aides
and pointed out that much
the credit for success of
should go to them.
He introduced Miss Bigler
Mr. Lichty.
Miss Bigler showed samples
of the work youngsters all
ages have been doing this sum-
mer in various crafts. Mr. John
Lichty told the club of various
special activities that have been
held this year, pointing out that
every effort had been made
get as many youngsters as pos-
sible participating.
Mr. Houck informed the club
that this year’s playground en-
rollment totaled 264. He out-
lined plans the closing
weeks of the program. A record
turnout of 119 youngsters
swimming at Hershey
has been particularly gratifying
Mr. Houck stated.
He expressed appreciation for
support of the Rotary club, and
closed his remarks by offering
suggestions for further improv
ing the grounds. He said that he
hopes to see a macadam basket-
ball court, and a wading pool
in the not too far distant future
Earl G. Koser has accepted an
appointment as Mount Joy Ro-
tary Club’s institutional repre-
sentative for the Boy Scouts,
Dr. William M. Workman
nounced at the club's luncheon
meeting Tuesday.
® em ee - - ®
Townspeople Are
Asked To Voice
Their Opinions
The members of the Mount
Joy Remembrance committee
wish to give the balance of
the account toward the reno-
vation of the Boy Scout buil-
ding in memory of the men
who served in the Korean
conflict. While the Korean
war was in progress, packages
were sent to the servicemen
and women twice yearly. A
balance remains in the fund
to the amount of $173.95.
Since the money was donat-
ed by the townspeople, they
are invited to voice their op-
inion about the matter. Opin-
ions and objections are to be
sent to the Bulletin Office no
later than Tuesday, August 3.
sailors are aboard
the U. S.
by Red fighter planes in the Pa-
Two locai
the aircraft carrier,
Philippine which was
cific high seas Monday morning.
The two are Carl Brandt, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brandt, West
Main Street and John Walters,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Walters, David Street
The two were assigned to the
same carrier on the west coast
before it went to Asiatic waters.
They have been overseas since
March of this year. Their car-
rier first went to Pearl Harbor,
then to Manilla, to Hong Kong
and Japan before being assign-
ed the job of searching for sur-
vivors of the British
which had been shot
Red fighters near Hainan Island.
down by
Two Autos Involved
in Accident
A two-car occurred
Monday morning which result
ed in approximately $700 dam
age for the two vehicles. Mrs
William McLaughlin, Mt. Joy
R1, was driving a 1954 Stude
baker west on East Main Street
and slowed down to make a left
turn onto Chestnut Street at the
JamesWay Mfg. Plant
A 1953 Ford driven by John
C. Mumma, Mt. Joy R2, who
was traveling in the same direc
tion, drove into the back of Mrs.
McLaughlin's Michael
Good, policeman, was called
the scene
Monday evening, as workmen
were planning to store the bor
ough truck in the garage for the
night, they that the
truck was making a lefthand
turn in front of Krall’'s Meat
Market. An out-of-state car fail
ed to notice the turn signal and
the left front
on the truck
damaged fender
| he has bigger and better
School To Be Rem

Annual Event
Will Be Held
At Hershey
Plans are completed for the
fourth annual JayCee sponsored
Mount Joy Community picnic
to be held at Hershey Park next
Wednesday, August 4. Amuse-
ment tickets are being sold at
Sloan's and Tyndall's at a 20%
discount. Bus tickets for 35¢
each are also being sold at the
two stores.
Events include:
9:00 am.—Busses leave Mount
9:15 a.m.—Sico truck will pick
up picnic baskets at both loe-
al banks. $
10:00 a.m.—Children’'s games
will be played at the athletic
10:00 a.m.—The
tournament will
golf course.
6:45 p.m.—First bus will return
to Mount Joy.
8:00 p.m.—Second bus will re-
turn to Mount Joy.
annual golf
begin at the
| 10:00 p.m.—Third bus will re-
turn to Mount Joy.
Children's games and contests
will be in charge of Paul Stoner
Jr. Mr. Stoner announced that
this year to offer for the games.
He also announced that all chil-
dren who attend will be given
free balloons and free ice cream.
The golf tournament will fea-
ture the Calloway handicap
system of scoring. The one who
receives the lowest score will
receive a prize and all the other
prizes will be awarded through
the handicap system. Last year
winners are expected to be on
hand to defend their titles.” In
last year’s contest, Arthur May-
er and Irvin Hostetter tied for
first place and Jay Musser was
the runner-up!
Lion Governors
Elect New Head
At the annual meeting of the
Past Deputy District Governors
Association of Lions District
14-D of Pennsylvania held re-
cently at the Hostetter Banquet
Hall, Benjamin L. Greiner, of
Landisville, was elected presi-
dent for the coming year. He
will succeed retiring president,
Maurice N Donegal
Springs Road, Mount Joy. Other
officers e'ected were James Me-
Elfatrick, Phoenixville, vice
president. and Charles A. Mer-
ritt, Douglassville, secretary-
members who
served as governors of
Lions District 14-D, Pennsyl
vania and their wives attended
the meeting which was in
charge of Mr. Bailey. District
14-D is composed of 78 Lions
Clubs in Berks, Chester, Leban-
on and Lancaster counties. The
group will meet Sentember 11,
1955 in Chester County.
[ ]
Wednesday evening, July 28,
Mount Salunga and
Landisville fire companies were
called to extinguish a fire at
the dump located near the Ros-
Construction Company gar-
ages east of Mount Joy. There
was no property damage.
the Joy,
Old Clock To Be Exhibited
all legal matters
have been taken care of, Elmer
As soon
Ginder, Manheim and his
wrecking crew will start the
demolition of the elementary
school building on Marietta Av
enue. He was awarded
being the
the job
lowest bidder at a
board last
special meeting
Thursday night
The Mount Joy Borough
School board will pay Ginder
$1,990 to remove the brick
structure. Several items were
removed by school workmen to
be used in other schools
After the work is started, au-
thorities will watch with in-
terest to check whether or not
anything of value was placed
within the cornerstone which is
located on the northeast corner
of the original portion which
was constructed in 1872.
The school bell will be saved
and placed on display in the
Another item of value is an
old pendulate weight clock
which had been located in Miss
Ibach’s homeroom. Al-
though the clock was not used
for at least the last thirty years
(and it is not known how many
that), authorities realiz-
value in the antique
ed the
clock :
The clock is a Gilbert clock
made in Connecticut. It was
made in 1876, an eight-day
clock and is made of brass. The
board ordered the clock repair-
ed. It now hangs on the wall of
the new directors room. (The
new directors room is the “old’
stage” which was formerly used
both as a class room and as a
private office for Wilbur Beahm
| after he became the new Don-
egal High School principal.)