The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 15, 1954, Image 2

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3 co h “ -
William Smith, Mt Joy RD,| Newtown EUB Church. held ( CHARGED WITH ASSAULT 2 You Can t DIAMONDS
FUE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pr Thursdal, July 15, 4 W Ji and Mrs. Harold Fry, Zion | their monthly meeting is the] g Tell ‘Em Like
(HE TO N RE and Mrs. Salem | Sunday School rooms on Wed- James Rapp, Delta St., Mt. This i: Use A
THE BULLETIN W { Home, Mr. and Mrs. Jou. with acsauls and. d
O W L LL A F F S Rah every Thursday at 11 | = | Gamber, Columbia RD. | nesday”evening. { JOY, Ire Ko th D Want A 3
East Main Street, Mount Joy. | By Mrs. Edith ©rb Mrs. Haines visited The annual community and battery by : ps A
Lancaster County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Mrs Sallie Musser, of Silver | school reunion will be held on | Marietta, cs? a William |
Larmon D. Smith, “Publisher | spent four days at Rehobeth Spring | Saturday, August 7. Watch the tay by H Sons) Bary fe 2
E. Schroll, Jeac el. ANI Fp | paper for further details. | Brackline. He posted bail
John I Beach, D Mr Erb and Bobbie I | aring before Justice of the :
| Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 , a i Tl. rs, Edi «TO | A ree | hearing before Jus ! Choose her diamond from
-> Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. El-| wii 00 vicited Mr. and Mrs. | on TUR | Peace Richard Daveler, Mariet- ‘
| Subscription Rate $2.50 per | wood Kuhns were Mr. and Mrs. John V. Witmer and son, Eliza-| TREATMENTS a ’ | ta the finest.
i year by Mai Paul Lehman and sons Richard mo Virs. Pearl| FOR HEAT ILLNESS | ae
fo. iy a z J i : bethtown RD and Mrs cal | | -——\¥1 Ar 2%
Ses upon and Randy, of Milton Grove, Brenneman, Mt. Joy RD Sunstroke and heat exhaus- We Feature
| Mount Soy. Pa., as second-class | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Englerth, Audrey Haines, Columbia is| tion are two illnesses that go a- | COLUMBIA-TRUE-FIT
mail under the Act of March 3, Blossom Hill spending this week with her|long with summer temperature | FEATURE LOCK
879. . Mrs. Edsa Kuhns, visited Mrs.| = rests, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| and activities |
| Member, Pennsylvania News- y r on f town Srandpatests Mn ond M Wil ne 1) ies a —ALSO—
paper Publishers’ Association. | Wm. Fogie of town. : liam Haine ts of the Agricultur- hich
| Mrs. Franklin Willer. Mr. and Mrs Elwood Snyder | 51 and Home Economics Exten- | Our own diamonds a ve
| WwW Orange, N. J. recently visite and daughter, E-town RD., vis-| gion Serviee at the Pennsylvan- | buy direct from the iamonca
aT ] Ln | Third eek’ S her mother, Mrs. = Elizabeth ited Mrs. Edw. Isler and chil- | ia State University remind that | ll
- | Hitchcock, who is a guest at the dren | though caused by exposure to]
. Camp Meeting | Arndt Home. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | high heat, heat exhaustion and Ir S
. William Miller, son of Mr.| liam, Haines were Mr. and Mrs | sunsiroke are two different ill- ’ : tore
r VL | [Program Given and Mrs. John Miller was pro- Harty Witmer and Mrs. Clar-| : Don't Take a Vacation From God Koser $ Jewe y
BY A W [SE OW This Sunday will mark the | moted to the rank of Corporal, ence Smith. Manheim With heat exhaustion. the pa- | R ‘Phone 3-5404
- or Wi in the series of ‘Four | He is stationed at Barstow, Col- Misses Elva and Arlene Mar-| i. 1 is cold. With sun- Use The Upper oom ]{16 E. Main St., Mt. Joy, Ba.
A very particular West Main | great Sundays” at the Landis- | ifornia. ron, Ronks, visited Mr. * and! stroke, the skin is hot and dry. | 5 ’ Tyndall’
9 | . ob ie . i - an- | | aL tis Siroxe, : | 4 on . mda S
Street housekeeper was having ville Camp Meeting. The Rev- Visitors of Wr same. Dee Mrs. Geo. Moore and family. | A simple rule guides the treat- | Av ailable At Sloan s & y / Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
her bedroom painted. Wishing| erend Dr. John D. Herr, Dirte- | iel Geltmacher were SHOE, AY John, son of Mrs. Marguerite| . .. of these illnesses. If the |
+ to learn what progress the| {or of the Quadrennial Program | Mrs. Noah Greenly, Lehman was struck by a car in | patient is cold, make' him warm. ~ Sen
: painter was making, she crept! of {he Methodist Church for the | RD., Mr. and Mrs. Howar | front of his home Sunday. He | If he's hot, make him cool.
to the bottom of the stairs and Philadelphia Area, will be the | Gamber, of town | suffered head injuries and bruis- LL. 1
: listened. Not a sound reache dy guest speaker at the morning | Visitors during the past week es of the body. B Il ’s Beauty Salon | Come See [I I] Come Save at A&P
her ears. | service, 11:00 o'clock. The Rev- | of Mr. and Mrs. Aries | Mrs. Iona Laudenberger and | z Pa
" “Pai rare Vv rork- | “0 rar I. Cover, rere, Mr. Charles Wittle, Col- ildren are spending this week | Main Street “lorin, .
She: ‘Painter, are you work rend Dr. Howard W. Cover, a | were, children are spending this week
ing? A missionary of the Church | umbia RD, Mr. and Mrs. Ragner with Mrs. Laudenberger's par- PERMANENTS $5. $7.50, $10 The Greatest Heroic ian Fave In Years!
© Charlie Carlin: “Yes, Ma'am.” | of God, will preside, and Mary Haligron, Mrs, Charles ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore. | TONI'S GIVEN $5. California Jumbo 9-Siz
She: “I can’t hear you mak-| jane Zimmerman, contralto, will of Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Bob Witmer is spending a Call Mt, Joy 3-4339 i
“ ing a sound.” be the soloist. In the afternoon, eph Wide ing Shildon, : Sree few days at Marietta with his | Maude Buller, Prop. | oney
Garlin: “Perhaps not, ma’am. | 2:30 o'clock, the Reverend Dr. bia, Mr. and Mrs. Jonale Ze mother, Mrs. Gertrude Witmer. | .
% 1Iaint putting the paint on with | | Carl C. Rasmussen, Professor of | of Mt. Joy RD, and Mrs. Matil- Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- | Bw J eac
mer.’ rstematic Theology, yettys- | da Derr, of town, ; rice Frysinger Mrs. Katie D oy d bl |
a ham id Seminary, will Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelt- Moore and Mrs. Ida Eisenbe rg- | e pen a e |
- ANGIE. ret The ms yf Dr.| macher visited Mr. and Mrs. (> Mrs. Violet Shanna. FOOD STORES
1d 2: “Nature | speak. The pastorates « i : "| er were. y i |
Lester Funk told me | SP : wis Farlow. and family, ‘of : 7o CED HIGHER
: gives you the face you have at| Rasmussen have included the | Lewis Farlow, a ¢ y, brook, Mr. and Mrs. Walter| . ONE ons... PRI
eso io ~ pb 2] . 1 ‘ :, ——————————————————————————
twenty: life models the face you | Messiah Lutheran Church of Hopeland. in. atl 7 hil Shannabrook, Columbia, Mr. | A ! Northwestern (One Price—None Priced Higher
a have at thirty; but the face you | Harrisburg, and the Luther Betty, Linda, anc Ja mn, c , land Mrs. Habet Khelghatian| Marcal 3 C
v ee ~ . Washingt D. | dren of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gelt-| Lo shots, oii told. Pa.
“.. have at fifty is the one you de-| Place Church of Washing on, ot cation. Bot | and daughter, Sj glicld, a. | Ti ing
_ cores? C. He is past president of the | macher are all on vac Mr. Charles Weaver. Columbia | . issue hor
Sele : East Synod of the United Luth-| ty is spending a few weeks vid RD. Miss Kathryn Weaver. of, 3 En (One Price—None Priced Higher)
re Ch the ary- | Mettie Mentzell, Baltimore, Md.| "~~" Mr Norman Staugter | 39c
> dow Tie or run | eran Church, and of the Mary-| M Aen 5 pr. | Lancaster, Mr. Norman Stauffer | rolls Cc
Ohe day de vy NERA land Synod; past president of | Linda is with her grandmother, of Elizabethtown, Loretta May, | colored uic emons iis
Sy and > ag the Washington Federation of| Mrs. Harvey : Bard, TIronville, and Mary Ann Rutt, Donegall, | a String Beans Bk Volo 2 29
panied a here, Enough | Churches; and a participant in| and John is with his ungle and Coy Mrs. David Alleman, Mari- | I M NS Nome Priced Higher
as Here, ho ot a a several national preaching mis-| aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kauff- otia { arcal Birds Eye Frozen th .
of that language. I've got @ y Ee eof SOI : f Ironville. : and . -oL.
‘ , ” sions. He is the author of “What| man o el Mrs. Blanche Frysinger anc 0 J
a a What do you think | About Scandanavia?” and tran- | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gelimach: Mrs. Ida Eisenberger, visited Paper Hankies range uice Sons
He a 3 on of several theological] er and son spent Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. George Sload, of | Fi French Fried
I've got in mine — a duck? slator of ! Mr. : § pkgs. c rozen Fren . .
works from the Swedish. In| Hershey. ; «a | Roy M. Ress er | of 100 25 . i { 9-o1. 29
for | 1952 he was a delegate of the U. Mr. and Mrs. Habet Khelg > Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Har-| NAL ST | Birds ye 0 a oes pkgs.
AT. are > ate v : - | . . Jd Es x - o. . 9 17 ni / < EE ———————————————— a)
Women dare 10 be oie C.L. A. to the Third World| atian and children, of Spring ry. Weaver and Mr. Amos Wit- 27 W. MAIN S | M I ener
any thing excent : an apo Conference on Faith and Order | field. Pa. are spending : Some Air were Mr John Cibble. of MOUNTVILLE area zen : ; 10.
ment with the hairdresser. at Lund. Dr. Rasmussen has|time with Mrs. Khelghatian’s Lancaster: RD viiss Kathryn | i Sandwich Ba 5 Birds Eye eas : pres.
: : oi i ) E 5-53
day night I saw a|been in frequent demand as| parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Weaver Lancaster. Mr. and | PHONI Do | g de : i 19¢
: Last Setuee ay hig ee nw : | preacher and evangelist in chur- | Arndt. Kuhps Irs. Norm: filler, Salunga. OR CALI . k Real Gold Lemona He Frozen | i
fellow rather inebriate ano. J | »s of all denominations in our| Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ku ns Visitors of Mr and Mrs. Oliv. | R CALL pkgs. Cc rin Beans fom 2 35¢
aid “Y | ches oa Hor Wit | f 40 Se
stopped him and sai ome FOL | visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wit or Witwer andi wera MT. | o 5 T Price Reductions!
: rou realize that drink-| aca pr shman Place : Ir. and] A is, Mr.| i ensational Pr
nan, i ee you any- Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, | M¢ 1 Sig aos oY a nd Aaron Landis, Mr. WM. K. RESSLER K S ‘ T
RE 5 8 ) : bishop of the Philadelphia Area Mrs a Ssh and Mrs. Sherwood Deitz, = FLOR. PA aro yrup Chicken-of- the- ea una
; 1 te i11 | Philade a 5 :
Inebriate: “Ain't it the truth!| of the Methodist Church, will | Sunday visitors of Mr. and, id Mrs Clarice | Red or Sas Label Light Most Solid Pack Chunk Style Light Meat
I started home from this corner speak at the 7:30 p. 2 Selves. Mir John Willer were Mr “and er : i 4 HS ines Be ie al MT. JOY 3-5731 | Blue Label ue Labe 7 Label W, = Seen Sn "
i Ta: Vena Are. Siti » New S. « New Holl: Ss { oN 4" =
ive ti already! Bishop Corsén joined the W | Mrs Sterback and son wi or r + 24-01. c 5-lb. c 3 2% 92 91: 35 19 5
five times already York East 'Annusl Conference ed foun Siero ne 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erb. [New and Used Gas Ranges We il Soh Can can
Cr : oa | Jack, Mrs. Jack Miley and chi ‘he Ladies Aid Society of the 94 + |
Under the spreading chestnut of the Methodist Church in 1923 | Seon Mt. Joy. a Ladies Alas x I of th i ae | Welchs Grape Juice or ote. 18 ove oie
tree, J ang served i pay of Srey Mr. Clarence and M | Mazola oil Krafts om "ear 2%
The village smithy sings, [es in New Yor a Or trice | tie Mentzell, Baltimore Cheez Whiz jar ar
enti choaing a e served as sir ics Ir Parker ea 49c
He isn’t shoeing horses now, | cut. Later he served as ahd. visited Mr. and Mr. Jane
He's fitting piston rings. | Superintendent of the Brooklyn 2nd Ln - Angel Food Cake Large Size
i | South District of the New York 'v i ite rs of Mr. and Mrs. Wm oy 39 oe 15 AY Prices in Wis Advertisement Susranted Through Sat» uv 1
a 1 rest i 934 he was Store ae = ottle ottle
Reno is where the cream of] Past Co nie: for oy in ny Fogie and family were Mrs. 4 gallon can $2.29 i :
the crop goes through the sep- | Se d rest e ho continacd an. | George Schoelkoph and sons of 3 a Ea ERRATA i Kitchen Sharm ; Marcal
ara . | College, where a Wf sce 20bert ui g °
arator. | lc olumbia, Mr. and Mrs. Rober KE Igo :
| til 1944 when he was elected a ie
LaLa York) 7 : iy , Methodist Church. | Rye and daughter, Mt. Joy, Mr: | se i or acation Waxed Paper Paper Napkins
There's a woman near Yor a Bishop ne € > ofist £ have | Paul Smith and daughter, Nan-| | Gloss Starch
shot her husband with a bow | Bishop and N $ a .| ey, Columbia RD., Mrs. Irene Monday July 26th 125-4. ; pkgs. ¢
and arrow because she didn’t| travelled extensively in a Snyder, Mrs. Edw. Isler and a 2 I-lb 21° roll of 80
Want fo wake fhe children, S$ Jive Jane ey ! daughters, and Mrs. Howard ul 30 h . pkgs. N 4 i
world s yg Lor nd : :
> | ui | Gamber, all of town. t . -
Officer Good: "BOOK inte, | te Sisko flys Visitors at the Arndt Home Friday, Ju Y Kingsford Grand Duchess Mrs. Filbert S
what's the idea of parading up| During the summer ow... | were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar- :
Main Street here with that big | Bishop Corson RY Chal and daughter, Lewis- Open Saturday, July 31st Corn Starch Frozen Steaks i Margarine
six-shooter in your belt? You | man of the munis town. Pa.. Mr. and Mrs. Havard | ; Ve-lb. 1b. 3
haven't been elected Sheriff, | appointed by te foes ii Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ® hk 15 4 * prints pkgs. C
rou?” War, to study the entire occupa- ol fon ;
have you : 1 n Lefever, Mary Lefever, Mr. and pkg.
Laeal citizen: “No. but 1 on- | tion problem in Europe. In 1947 Latover. Jn Campbell and chil- | EICHERLYS
ly got one Christmas card, and | he travelled to China and Japan ar on : : ; Niagara L Flakes : Modess
if that’s all the friends I have in! as representative of the Council Fadl son of Mr. and Mrs. Ir 76-78 E. Main St., Mount Joy | L d St h ux
S © 2 . o . yr 3 ial of J s ¥ of . € x
i '11 need this gun. of Bishops to the Centennia is: spending this \ 3.407
His town, Tl ne China Methodism, and as an of- V'" : Win a a Ca np” | Phone idl mm vy an large 32: font ' 63° 2 of 11
ees. € eys >» DOYS at |
My uncle took out $50,000 | ficial visitor to United States ve Lock Haven. This trip was | 12-02. 19 Pkg. 2 pegs !
worth of life insurance but it Chaplains. In Hon he, with ys sponsored bv the American Lo: pkg.
ys . i { S toured Europe and the i |
didn’t do him any good. He died | Corson, : gion, Manheim. . a . -
anyway. | Orient, as the representative of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gam- | Linit Liquid Rinso / Swan Soap
) 2 Ban the Methodist Church No one or. visited With the following.
Benjamin Franklin: discover- | speaks with greater authority of oot Pad! Week. - Nir. and Mrs, Laundry Starch Granulated Soap .
= . : . : 2 ory . i c ioes our . i als
ed electricity, but it was the guy Ww orld conditions a Ne ron! | vart I: -gallon large c giant J 4 cakes 19
sho invented the meter who | resident Bishop. Bishop Cors q 2-9 k kg
who u 2 the Landisville pro- bottle ¢ bottle H Pig. Py
made all the money. | has been on it . yar 7% "
a | gram each vear, except when OLLINGERS {170% Ss J
— | 8 Do subbed hdl i Swan Soap
A Manheim Street wife angry | out of the States on one of Woodbury Soap e uoy ap
at her husband for spending so | world tours. : :
much time with rod and rcel| The Broad Street Methodist SH, 20 reo elin 4 ji i 26¢ regular size c medium size e
defined a fisherman: | Church Choir, Lancaster, Mrs, FOR WEATHE ’ 1 ¢ cake comb. : 3 9 28 cakes
“A jerk at one end of a line| Otto M. Messner, director, will WHEN SUMMER'S SUN | Buy 3 dis 3 ag cakes
of} : . n i \ ca
waiting for a jerk on the other.” | sing in the afternoon, and in fe 1S FRESH AND BOLD. Jue rice o c 2 !
: | : aul lc Sale o . \
----- No, it wasn’t Kipp's | evening the St. Paul's Me :
Chines Gr. nes vis | SS Woodbury Soap | Lifebuoy Soap | Swan Soap
Clarentine Smith, director, will bath size ;
My wife told me a conversa- | sing. The Reverend Dr. Luther woke combs. 38c bath size 27: large dre 29:
tion she heard at her hairdres- | H. Ketels is Spiritual Director, Buy 3 bath size cakes al regular cakes : cakes
sers: t and the Reverend ig Price of 37c Get 4th cake for Ici
' : 221 irector of Music.
Mrs. A: “Whenever I'm in| Buzzard, Directo of Mus 8 : f
the dumps I get myself a new | a > tn ae Swift S Lux Soap 2 Lux Soap
hat.” | DIVORCE SUIT STARTED f | Baby Food
: ving | 5s. Betty Herr, of New y 2 . . .
. B: “I was wondering Mrs. Betty Lou : har] mize ital ;
Mee ong 18. has started. divoree rim || Is that your friend in the | 3 regular sire 95: bath size 25:
A sou implying? proceedings against Russel Herr || Don’t put off ordering your || talking? Cheer him upl... Send him Strained or 21¢ cakes cakes
re you Jr. Florin, 21. Grounds are | winter fuel supply . . . pick one of our clever hurry-and-get-well Chepped Meat can
: at i uel : arb: 2 ent | » your phone and call -
ld me that in! cruel and barbarous treatmen ug ) ; nh the .
er b Days” people and indignities. The couple was || 3.3483! We'll send a truck cords designed by Hallmark | | Kasco ZaRex Fruit Alpo Dog Food
— to change to long _under- | married January 16, 1954. || right over with quality Fuel cards that say what you want to say | Meal Syru All Beet
A iAriiphinnn'u} Ni AT Vv
wear instead of going to Florida. . w || Oil for you. «+. the way you want to say it! Dog ea wy. ; y ps 5
ret RUBBER PADS : ¢ ink 151/3-02 ¢ 34-02 c
: “ » Jse rubber pads in the sink | 2-1b. c¢ 5b. c pin C 2
Here's one ‘Red Metzler Use rubber r i | b botie can can
sent over: which is used as a wash basin i bag ag ;
A joint account is very fine, for the dishes to age the Work SILOAN S PHARMACY |
ie ell as to preven
It only has one flaw, quiet as we | %
My wife outsmarts me every-! chipping. —_— | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 8% EAST MAIN ST. Mr. JOY, PA.
time | wil . I. | STORE HOURS—Mon., Tues, Wed., Thurs, & Saturday. 8:00 to 6:00; Friday 8:00 to 9:00
She beats me to the draw! | When in need of Printing. (any- | |
bo A WISE OWL thing) kindly remember the Bulletin! :
