The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 17, 1954, Image 2

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    THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa.
Thursday, June 17 Tr 2


A man from Sporting Hill
had just bought a tooth-brush.
“How about two of them?” ask-
ed the druggist. “One for your
“No thanks! When 1 buy a
new one I always give her the
old one,” said the customer cas-
ually, Then, as the druggist and
several others in the shop gasp-
ed, he added: “She uses it to
clean her shoes!”
A rickety old jaloppy, bulging
with humanity and bearing an
Arkansas license plate dangling
over the rear bumper, drove in-
to “Peep” Shirk’s gas station.
After ‘Peep’ had fiilled the gas
tank, he asked the driver,
“How's your oil?”
The driver turned around,
surveyed his family group with
satisfaction and replied, “Well.
I guess we'uns is allright
how about you all?”

This .is a little story about
jumping to conclusions.
A family on Marietta Street
was enjoying a special mush-
room dish for supper. Suddenly
they noticed the family cat un-
der the table mewing piteously
and writhing in pain.
Papa, who just a few minutes
before had given the animal a
taste of mushrooms, rushed the'
entire family to a hospital
where they all had their stom-
achs pumped out,
Published every Thursday at 11
East Main Street, Mount Joy.
Lancaster County, Pa.
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher
John E. Schroll,
Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952 |
S———————— |
Subscription Rate $2.50 per |
year by Mail
Advertising rates upon request. |
Entered at the postoffice at
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class

Ronks, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Moore and family, after an illness of several days.
Mrs. Pearl Brenneman, Mrs.| Born in Liverpool, Perry Co.
Edith Erb and Bobbie Witmer, | a son of the late William W.|
visited Mr, and Mrs. Marvin | and Susan Jane Wagner Billow, | charged with practicing medi- | ty-three young men constituting
Garner and family, Wrightsvil- | he was a member of Trinity Lu-| cine without a
le RD, Sunday. | theran Church, Mount Joy. He| threw himself on the mercy of | doro National Agriculture
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelt-| was employed as a shoe cutter| the court after testimony was | ture School in the Philippines
macher, visited Mr, and Mrs.| at the Gerberich-Payne Shoe| completed Tuesday afternoon | were worried. Their principal,
Ralph Kieth, Brunnerville, Mr.| Company for 29 years, | ana will be called for sentenc-| Virginio C, Juan, was studying
and Mrs. Lewis Farlow and fa-| Surviving are his wife, Mary
mily, Hopeland. | E. Reisch Billow; three children
Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Rob- | Eleanor A., at home; Harold W.|
died Friday a, m. at his home Florin Man Convicted
| As Fake Doctor
ing July 2.
contendere” was entered by his
For a time, the class of twen-
E. Stanley Booth, Florin,|
state license, the first graduates of the Min-
| at Penn State in the
A technical plea of “non vult| States, - and his signature
| needed on their diplomas.

Merlin Funk visited the
| Gardens at West Grove,
A special Father's Day pro-
gram will be presented at the
Newtown EUB Church on Sun-

By Mrs. Edith Erb
Friday evening Rev, and Mrs, |
Mrs. Ida Eisenberger who
was on the sick list the last few
ghters, visited Mr, and Mrs, : : te
Paul Lehman. Milton Grove, weeks is much improved at this
2 | writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leiberher, of |
Mortuary Record
Mount Joy.
Mr. Charles Kauffman, Flori- |
Mrs. Elwood Kuhns and dau- |

da, visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin |
Witmer and family, {
Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and
children visited Miss Evelyn| Twenty-two-month-old Steven
Wagner, lIonville. | Ray Hess, son of Paul C, and
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer | Susan Shreiner Hess, Mount
and family visited Mr. and Mrs. | JOY R1, suffocated about 10:45
John Kauffman Sr, of Ironville. | a. m. Monday when he fell
Visitors at the “Arndt Home” | down a feed chute at the Hess
| ¢
were Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Hof- | farm,
fer. Mount Joy, Mary Lefever | Dr. David E. Schlosser, Mt.
and Mr. Ivan Lefever, Lancast.) Joy deputy coroner, issued a
er. | verdict of accidental death
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kuhns | suffocation after the
and daughters, visited Mr, and | brought to the office of Dr. John
Mrs. A. Englerth. | Gates, Mount Joy, who
Visitors during the past week | nounced him dead.
‘of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie and! Hess said he and his wife and
family were, Mrs. Paul Smith, | other children began searching
da Haines, Mrs. Bertha Witmer | above the chopped corn in a
and children, Mrs. Loreen Wit-| feed bin,
mer, Mrs. Grace Geltmacher, | leads from the second floor to
Mrs. Susan Gambtr, Mrs. Irene the first floor of the structure,
Snyder, Mrs, Betty Frank andi where the steers are fed.
daughter Lee, Mrs. Donald De- |
| George and son, Mrs. Iona! chute is perhaps a foot
| Arndt Lester Geltmacher, of | half square and leads to an open
Miss Lillian Witmer, | feet square. He said the
Mr. Frank Decon, of | fell head first about five or
Marietta, ]
York, Miss Dottie Brady, Mrs.| feet into the bin,

Shaky from the ordeal but
grateful to the cat for the time-
ly warning, they returned
home. There was their bene-
factress, still under the table,
cuddling five new Kittens,
A local wife handed her trat-
fic ticket to her husband, ex-
plaining, “Darling, I was just
doing twenty down Main Street
When I stopped for a red light
at Barbara St., a cop pulled up
along side and handed me a tic-
ket for speeding.”
“Humph,” said the husband.
“Why, darling, you don’t be-
lieve I was speeding, do you?”
“It's not that,” he answered.
“I've just never heard of you |
stopping at a red light.”
Oliver Spickler told me that
the depression won't get his
life’s savings. He said he spent
them getting through good
times, A i
An out-of-state family were
house hunting without success
because he had children. Final-
ly he found just the apartment
he wanted—and when the man-
ager asked, “Have you any
children?” “Yes, but they are
in the cemetery,” he man said,
as he pays six months rent in
advance, gets a receipt, then
goes out to the cemetery, gets
his children and brings them to
the apartment, “That's brains.”
Becky said “A man is a large
irrational creatur¢ who is al-|
ways looking for home atmos-
phere in a hotel and hotel ser-
vice in a home.
An uptown hubby sneaked to |
Hershey Saturday night to hear
Woody Herman’s dance band. |
Almost the first person he saw |
dance by was his wife. His com-
panion remarked. ‘How roman-
Stella Atland and daughter An-| Hess said he made an attempt
| na, Mrs. Paul Jones and daugh- | to reach the child's legs but
ter Janet, Mr. Harvey Barton,| When this failed he held his
, Columbia, Mrs. Walter Kopp | Wife as she leaned into the
Mrs. Pearl | chute, grasped the child's legs
! and daughter Ruth,
| Brenneman, Mt. Joy RD, and pulled him out of the feed
Mr. |
R. H. Arndt visited Mr. and] :
Mrs. Milton Arndt, Elizabeth-| day. The time is 9 a. m. Every- |
town | body welcome,
: |
child was
pro- |
and daughter Nancy, Mrs, Edith | the barn and within about five |
Erb, Columbia RD, Mrs. Aman-| minutes noticed the child’s legs |
under a chute which |
The father explained that the |
and a |
town, Mrs. Nelson Bortner and | Pin measuring approximately 2|
pall under the Act of March 3, ert Frank and family were,| Mt. Joy; and Carl E., Palmyra; | attorneys and Judge Oliver S. However, after being duly
Member, Pennsylvania News- | Mrs. Betty Lou Herr, of Florin, | also one grandchild and these | Schaeffer dismissed the jury.
paper Publishers’ Association. | Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway Bren-| brothers and sisters: Lloyd, | Judge Schaeffer explained 10-1 that he had never heard of the
ET 5 | neman, Mount RD, | Mount Joy; Emmett, Millers-| gay the plea is “equivalent to a Schools 9nd colleges listed on
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelt- | burg; Schyler, Harrisburg; | conviction ” the diplomas and certificates
NEWTOWN | macher and daughter and Mr. | George, Poughkeepsie, N, Yi | On the stand in his own be- | found in Booth’s office,
Rose | Florence, wife of Edward Wy-| half.
| benga, Winner, S. D.; and Nora, |
wife of Lloyd Lebo, Millers- |
| burg. |
Elizabeth Endslow, |
| George S. Ends- |
| low, Marietta Rl, died at 3:15
| last Tuesday at the Craley Nurs- |
{ Mrs. Jane
| 87, widow of
{ ing Home, Wayne. Surviving
| are three sons and a daughter;
| Isabelle, B.,, Ardmore; Harold |
{ B., Marietta R1; D. Kerr, Perk
asie R3; and Joseph B. Forest |
Hill, Md.; twelve grandchildren
| four great-grandchildren and 2
| sisters, Nellie, wife of Alfred |
Kline and Annit Bryner, both of |
| Funeral services were held at |
{ the Nissley Funeral Home, Fri-|
| day and interment was in
| Maytown Evangilical and Re-
| formed Cemetery,

the |

Doris Beauty Shoppe
Chocolate Ave., FLORIN
PHONE 3-5853
! Doris S. Houck, Prop.

filled out, the diplomas were!
airmailed to Mr. Juan, he sign- | Camp Shand
ed them, and mailed them back (From page 1)
in time for commencement. | Ass't Physical Director of the
And the students, realizing that, ; oo. YMCA while Donald
theirs were the only diplomas | p's Work Director will
signed 12,000 miles from the} oo oc Administrative Direc-
new school, considered them-| hy
selves specially fortunate. has ap The Campgr fees for the 1954
Mr, Juan is one of six Filipi- | season will be $40.00 for a two
nos taking courses at Penn week period. Application blanks
State. He has been studying ag- and brochures are available af
ricultural education, specializ- | YMCA for those desiring them.
ing in teacher training, and Contact Donald H. Coe, Boys’
hopts to earn a master’s degree Work director, Lancaster YMCA
before he leaves in August. He 7 West Orange St, Lancaster,
recently completed the nine-| no. phone 2-2113.

teaching work
cshool' as part of his studies.
weeks practice
in the Gettysburg high

Booth claimed he was|
practicing only = physio-therapy |
work in his office, which he de-
fined as treatment through the |
use of light, heat and massage. |
He said he had applied {for al
physio-therapy license but the
state board had never given him |
an examination, |
The scalpels found in his of-|
fice were used only for remov-
ing bandages, he said, and sev- |
eral other instruments had nev- |
er been used.
Last witness for the Common-
wealth was Dr. Raymond K.
Leopold of the State Board of |
Medical Education and Licens- |
ing. Leopold outlined the func- |
tions of his bureau and said |
Ocean Spray

Termites || “mer
cans 0
DAMAGE | | with

Tuna Fish
You Can Prevent This Now By
Calling Or Writing:


Texaco Service Station
NEWLY INSTALLED—Weaver twin post lubrication rack.
,=-Mile East of Mount Joy
Light M oz. .
Wm. J. Powers Sop fea} ou a dle Snow Crop or Birds Eye Sliced : a
oe 121 W. Bainbridge Street, Soak Sivie 7 Frozen Strawberries pkgs: 45¢
ELIZABETHTOWN 289-W Light Meat \Label ) can ‘3c Snow Crop or Birds Eye Fordhook
—_— 2 10-02. c
Poured Frozen Lima Beans 2:45
Albert R. Forry wiite Meat ( Label) con 3G 120.
Nabisco Premium
Saltine Crackers
he. 290

22-4¢c |

; and son, Manheim,
{ ice Frysinger were,
{ Harry Fogie, Mrs. Martha Orlo,| Although only a short time
| Miss Priscilla Fogie and Mr. | elapsed from the time that the
| Harry Mammino, Phila. Mrs. | child disappeared to when he
| Fogie is omproving slowly at| was found, Dr. Schlosser point-
| this writing. | ed out that suffocation apparent-
| Leslie Lee Schoelkoph, Col-|1v occured within two or three
| umbia, spent last week with | minutes after the child fell into |
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie and
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Aris-
tice Wittle were Mr. Charles
Wittle, Columbia RD, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wittle and daugh-
ter, Columbia, Mrs. Ragner Hal-
gren, Mount Joy, Mrs, Katie
Moore, Mrs. Blanche Frysinger,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmach-
er, of town, Mrs, Pearl Brenne-
man, Miss Ruth Kopp, Mount
Joy RD, and Rev. O. K. Buch,
Mrs. Irvin Witmer visited
Mrs. Charles Kauffman at the
Lancaster General Hospital,
Mrs. Kauffman is the proud mo-
ther of a baby boy,
Mrs. Edith Erb and Bobbie
Witmer visited Mrs. Paul Hack
man, Lancaster. Mrs, Earl Gar
| ner, Lancaster RD, Mrs. Betty
| Brosey and children, Silver
{ Spring, Mrs. Paul Witmer and
| family, Marietta,
Mrs. Matilda Derr visited Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Derr and son,
of Graterford.
Mr and Mrs

Fay Gamber
visited Md.
and Mrs. Abram Gamber {
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Ida |
Eisenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Katie |
Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Maur-
Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Musser, Mrs. Annie
Zercher, Mrs, Carrie Grosh, Mt. |
Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Havard John-
ston, Miss Kathryn Weaver, of
Lancaster and Miss Blanche
| Thursday afternoon at his
| the feed.
| In addition to his parents, the |
child is survived by a sister and |
two brothers: Susan Ann,
Her- |
bert S., and Gerald Lamar, all |
at home; his padental grandmo- |
ther, Mrs. Anna B. Hess, Lititz, |
grandmother, |
and his maternal
| Mrs. Harry E, Shreiner, Lititz
| R2.
Funeral services were held |
late |
home and at the Mennonite!
Church. Interment was in Kray- |
bill's Cemetery. |
— |
Harvey F. Hawthorne, 74, Mt. |
Joy, died at 1:55 p, m. Monday
at the Heisey Nursing Home, |
Lancaster, after an illness of 18 |
Born in East Donegal Town- |
ship, he has been a resident of
Mount Joy for the past 50 years. |
He was the son of the late Ab- |

6-78 E. Mai
Storage |

| re 190
| Grand Duchess
| Frozen Steaks
we 99C
| pkg.
| Kraft
All Purpose
| Salad Oil
| | wre 9c some 15¢
Penn Duich
| Egg Noodles
Medium or 1-1b. 33c
Wide pkg.
1 St,
10ne 3-4071
Mount Joy
| Bott Boi
Egg Noodles

ram and Linda Fisher Haw-
| ve 396

thorne and the husband of the
late Emma Webb Hawthorne.
Prior to his retirement four |

vears ago he had operated his
own automobile repair garage |
for more than 30 years. He was!
a former Mount Joy borough |
councilman, a member of the
Mount Joy Friendship Fire Co,
No. 1, and a member of the Mt:
Joy Church of God. He was al-
so a member of the Lancaster
Lodge, Knights of Malta.
He is survived by four sons |
tic,” meeting your wife at a, weaver, Silver Spring. | Harvey W. and Robert L., Mt. |
dance?” Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, How. Joy; J. Richard, Marietta; and]
. 6 rs ", A :
And he answered: Yes, I, Gamber were, Mr. and Mrs. | Wilbur E.. Highspire. He also | ®
thought she was home taking,
care of the kids.”

Ronny Garlin wasn’t the only | weekend with his grandparents | min F.,
person that ran ‘for the fire en-
gine” when the siren blew on’
Monday. Of course, the air raid
wardens wouldn’t let him out. | Florin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed- | Ralph Stetler, Willow Street.
Oliver Haldeman and family.
Billie, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Giles Urban, Lititz spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haines. !
Mrs, John Wittel, James |
Gerber, and Nancy Wittel, of |
| survived by ten grandchildren, |
one great-grandchild, and three!
brothers and two sisiers: Benja-
Mount Joy; Victor F.,|
Marietta R1; Abram F., Mariet-
ta, Mary F., wife of David Kos- |
er, Rheems; and Sara F., wife of |
=m OU A> NO
Funeral services will be held |
Quality Fo Quality | |
Powdered Bleach
re 43
Peter Pan
Peanut Butter
| Swif’s Allsweet
2 ie ble
/, Price Sale of
Super Suds
large pkg. 48¢
ER'S -


| Cup Cake Mix, Pie Crust Mix,
Flakorn Muffin Mix and Biscuit

Fine or Broad.__8-0z. pkg. 19¢

| | 5200 370

A&P Helps You Make Dad (and the Whole
Family) Glad on Father’s Day and Every Day
With Prices That
Cut Father's
Food Bills!
Fresh Tomatoes
cello. 29 One Price—
C None Priced Higher
2 cartons
Crisp Iceberg (One Price—None Priced Higher)
Lettuce oe 110
* heads

Pink Meat: for
Cantaloupes None Prived Higher 2 45¢
California—None Large
Stalk 19¢
Priced Higher
Pascal Celery
Seedless Grapes "ji."
W atermelons
23c half 45¢ whole


Chicken Parts 5. ese
Frozen Peas Sim
Real Gold Lemonade
Frozen @ 6-01,
Lo 69
we 29
1-lb. In Ib.
Butter ia hor solid prints
Wendy Dill Pickles an
Granulated Sugar ©; 49°
Hershey Chocolate Syrup
Mason Jars doen T9c dozen §9c
V-8 Cocktail 2 "nr 23¢ “5 36¢
Clapp’s Baby Food *™ 10 "" 85°
Ann Page Beans 2 3. 23¢ 2 i 3l¢
Peaches "ice * oo
Spam or Treet ~~ Flue! "i 4c
Felso Detergent “cic ae 3%
Kellogg's Variety Cereals 10 =: 33¢
Kraf’s Velveeta °F i 19¢
Devil Food Layer Cake 69¢
All Prices in this Advertisement Guaranteed
through Saturday, June 19th,
Granulated Soap
pkg. 32¢ Sl 63¢c
Lifehuoy Soap
4 cakes 28¢
Buy 3 reg. size cakes at reg. price,
get 4th cake at no extra cost.
Soap |
bath size
Swan Soap
Lux Soap
regular size

Lux Soap
her 1%

Swan Soap
medium size
2 3

Dog Food

large size
2 cakes 29¢ hiv 85¢
10 Sale of 1c Sale of
Sweetheart Soap | Sweetheart Soap
4 Cio 206 | 4 onan 39g
Buy 3 cakes at Regular Pirce Buy 3 cakes at Regular Price
and get 4th cake for 1¢o and get 4th cake for 1c.
Swan Soap Lux Flakes
but when it was an air raid in- ward Isler and family and Mrs. |

stead of a fire, he didn’t want t0 Irene Snyder. | Thursday morining, at 10:00, ie
go anyhow, |. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Haines at the Heilig Funeral Home. | PHONE 3-5601 Buy 11ge. pkg. at Regular Price
m— | called on the following on Sun-| Viewing will be held Wednes- MOUNT JOY, PA got 2nd Ige. pkg. at 2 price personal size 19 large 32 giant
Remember, while driving, it day, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Urban | day evening 7-9 p.m. Fon cakes C pkg. c pkg. 63c
takes only a few minutes to get
to the hospital, but a long time
to come back. I
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rollman of | ——
Lititz, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wit- | J. NORMAN BILLOW |
mer, Manheim. | J. Norman Billow, sixty-eight, |
Elva and Arlene Marron! 101 N. Jacob St,, Mount Joy, |



STORE HOURS—Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, & Saturday.

8:00 to 6:00; Friday 8:00 to 9:00