The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 17, 1954, Image 1

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Boy Scout Home Needs $2,000 For Renovations
Committee To
Start Drive
For Donations
Two thousand dollars for in-|
vestment in ‘“boys’—that is
what is urgently needed to put |
a community Boy Scout Home | §
into permanent operation. This |
would be a small price to pay
for a Scouting Center second to |
none in the county.
The ount Joy DEDICATED
School Building To Be Torn Down
Bell To Be
Retained As
The Mount Joy school build-
ing located on Marietta Avenue
| will be torn down it was an-
nounced by school officials. In-
vitations for bids for the work
will be issued in the near future
and work could be started by
July 15.
Tuesday was moving day
from the present grade school

With this objective in mind, |
the local adult troop committee | g
laid the initial plans Tuesday |
everiing by appointing a com- |
mittee to make the plans for | i
raising the amount in the near

Details of the projected re- |
modeling of the Greider struc- | ESS
ture recently donated “for all |
Boy Scout activities as long as
wanted” were completed and
costs of various phases of the
work was itemized by the build- | §
ing committee as a preliminary *
step in the fund raising pro-
gram. Clyde Gerberich, Jr. is
chairman of the troop commit-
Tentative plans call for an-
nouncing in detail the projected There are 133 girls attending
drive in the next weeks Bulle- | a he “ + | the camp and 20 leaders,
tins so that townspeople will dy!
Day Camp President Sends |Lois Rutt
Openhouse Zerphey’s Name To Attend
To U. S. Senate (Co
: * Nl | ntest
Is Friday | President Eisenhower sent to Miss Lois Rutt, daughter of |
the U. S, Senate the nomination | Mr. and Mrs. B. Titus Rutt, has
of Elmer L. Zerphey as post-| been selected by a faculty com-|
wl > | master at Mount Joy. He is mittee of the Mount Joy High
9:30 am. to 3:00 pm. at the of School to attend the Annual]
Mount Joy-Florin Girl Scout Presently acting postmaster ob) po, cvjvania State Laurel Fes-
Day Camp located at the Cove. the borough. { tival at Wellsboro Friday and
The U. S. Civil Service Com-| Saturday, June 18 and 19. Miss
mission previously had certified Rutt is a member of the Senior
George Brown II, of Mount Joy | Class this year and will enter
as the only applicant who met| the competition for the title of
Openhouse for the public will
be held Friday, June 18 from
One of the features of the

be thoroughly informed of the camp is the primitive site of : ae
work of the troop committee in * os | 5 <P : all the requirements, 1954 State Laurel Queen. to the high school building. All
3 E00 Cy nos wh As w 3% troop No. 105 with leader Mrs. equipment was moved into the
its attempt to make Scouting S98 KA FY A Baal Bl aR rl tai — In May, Congressman Paul B. Through the courtesy of Sen-
tivity of ity orid hE A SE TE TOV ray Warren Foley assisied by Miss| 1 the Civil. Sere 5 yo school at the same time that ex-
,an activity of community pride, LL 1 ely A | Marlene Zimmerman. The site] Dague sald the ivil Service | ator James Borger, the winner ; tensive repairs are being done

Commission had been asked to! of the coveted title will receive
review Zerphey's qualifications. | a 4-year partial tuition scholar- THE REV. EMMERT MOYER | on the new grade building. Au-
The Building planning com- | George Houck, playground director, shows Dick Nornhold how to | is to the right of the waterfall
mittee consists - of Benjamin | hold a bat on the opening day of the 1954 season. at the far end of the Cove. The tomatic heat controls are being
Funk, Jay Barnhart and Christ | - kitchen area includes lashed ta- | SPonsors of Zerphey said his 12 | ship, valid at one of the State rm sms ae h the stud
Walters. ble, wet and dry cache (storage months as acting postmaster, | Universities of her choice. Both placed i Sue Ta fan :
refrigerated | Plus experience as a deputy | the winner and runner-up will The Rev. Moyer hol ne ovat or on -

= Borough Playground Opens =.
food), a grease pit, garbage pit| sheriff, gave him the required | receive an engraved trophy and :
. ; 5 ey : | home economics rooms are be-
an ire circle. sr fire cir-| business background. all of the t five Finalists will Y .
Parents Asked ind fire circle. Another fire cir A | all of the top five Finalists w lakes ( harge ing converted into first. gdade
ith Enrollm Of 210 os AeA
| cle was made for campfire pro- receive many lovely gifts. 5 oy . .
To Reply On it nro ent grams at night. ° Miss Joann Flynn, 1954 State The Rev. Emmert M. Moyer Toons at the present time.
F ree Music | Laurel Queen, will attend the Possession is expected to be
PLAYGROUND SCHEDULE | The local playground opened | _ Lhe sleeping area consists of | became the rector of the St. 104 for the new. Donegal
Kindergarten clearing rocks and large bran- | Festival to reign until a new ;
i" o Loe HY TAY With 7 BINS > ath : = np a Luke's Episcopal Church, Mt. ish Se
Second Week, June 21-25 Monday morning with a total of ches, putting up tents, and lach Queen is crowned, Miss Flynn Is piscopa ch, MULT High School from the contract
Joy. He has been in the ordain-| ors by July 1, at which time the
ony i live in Pan Doty June 21— Mixed softball, sec-| 210 boys and girls signed up to ing of the latrine, The girls ar- / e8S0NnsS Are | entered the 1953 contest under
ps oWnsIr are Feues po. ond game, a. m. take part in the summer play- rived at camp Tuesday morning | the ribbon of Miss Elkland. ed minis'ry for 30 years as of high school equipment will be
send cards to the school if they | : | Moyer, formerly moved from the new grade
are interested in having a Kine Second baseball league game | ground activities. Fifiy-three | and stayed until Thursday mor- OFF, d | The Festival program will be- Bev ey ry vel
Neraarten in the two villages of and crafts, p. m. boys are in the age group from ning. They cooked all their] ere gin Friday, June 18, at 1:00 P.| a pastol m another denomina- | § Mh :
it i 1 Not Mor Br meals for the two days and slept M. with a Grand Opening Cele tion in Reading, took over as The original portion of the
orn an aylown. , = 3 bration to welcome the visiting | acting rector of the Christ Epis- | school was built in 1872, When
of the township school board queens upon their ariival in copal Church in Reading after the school became too crowded
June 22 — Checker tournament | : : . * : :
: . Wi 5 to 9; sixty-nine girls between : Tv Free instrumental lessons will |
entries, and mixed hike day, out the two nights. Thursday | be given to bo.h adults and]
noee PR, 9 . i yo : ee: glve al S
the ages of 5 and 12 and eighty they went to Heisey's Ranch by

't Friday i igh school am. . snl fo newt : :
met Friday in the high Basdbiall school aid is seven boys from 10 to 16 have | bicycle stude nts for the next 8 bo 10 Wellsboro. Various types of en- spending three years in Phila- | for all the students in the grade
library to discuss the need for aseball school and crafts, p. Si . weeks in three schools in this : : While there he steered! and high schools, th iddle
og wey as . a signed the rooster. Indian mocassions are being ae . tertainment will be held thru- delphia © the 1e steer and high schools, e m
kindergartens. All parents are m. vicinity under the Adult Rec- reat : ici. | the parish through one of the “i as added in 1904. The
urged to write to Eugene Saylor| June 23 — Mixed softball, third A leas made from leather donated by | _ tion. Progr of the State of | out the festival to delight wvisi-| the parish throug me o portion was added in 1904. The
g =a) ¥ | » 29 > $ all, C mixed softball league and the Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co. a lon, I'( gram 1€ 8 a 4s tors of all ages, including con- largest and most complete ren-| enrollment was still increasing
elementary school principa | game, a. m. a baseball league have been or- Momhore tof’ the primitive. Pennsylvania, H. Morrell certs. street dances, sports ev- ovation programs in the nearly | and the need for a gymnasium
av | by shie 3 Y 1s re yi] P, : ‘ p
wr idee Third baseball game and ganized. James Brown and Jim | unit are Barbara Becker, Joyce Shi las, Columbia Avenue, Mt. ents. concessions on the Greet] Z00-year- history of Christ was felt by the students and
Parents wi ave Chile | crafts, p. m, “pe : Berrier, Marcia Engle, Shirley doy, : chirge of Ine and others. The Queens’ Ban- Church townspeople. In 1914, the final
5 years of age on or before Jan-| ; = 54 tournament Craul are co-captains of the 3 H It. Darlg| Program He will hold sessions| will be held Friday at 6:00, Mrs. Moyer and {heir {wo addition was added to the rear
24 y she Z > ar arle : : : It ay al MIs. MO) tne oy i
vary 31, 1955 and who would am White Sox; Larry Watkins and ra ol Se { > '| afternoons and evenings in the P. M. followed by the Queens | children are living in the rec-| of the school thus supplying the
s thterested in sending them) = W- Ta Eo aris ulp, Jackie Mariner, Janet Ma-| .. Se . M. § 1 é 18 " $e buys
be interested insending 4 Baseball !school and crafts, p. John Harnish, Indians; Michael teer, Mary Jane Meckley, Syl- Washing on | gm mary Scho, Dance at the high school, tory at 211 South Market Street. | school with four more rooms }
to kindergarten are requested ‘ ’ Eo inh ; 3 ey . Florin, the Marietta High v : Spin Co rx . os ~ Tri and. a gv Sy
Asad m. Mumma, Richard Divet, Phillies | yia Mumper, Nancy Pennell, I'ne Laurel Parade is sched-| The Rt. Rev. John Thomas Hie-, and a gymnasium.
to send the communication | { } r School, and the East Donegal, M Saturday. st : 1 A rs
which should include the name | June 25 — Checker tournament | James Nissley, Harold Etsell, Sally Schroll, Carolyn Walters, . = . = trio School. May-| oC for 3:00 P. M. on Saturday, stand. bishop of the Diocese of Wi h the enrollment still on
TL ye : i | final dirdios: nw staat Ley: av. | Sandy Wittle and Marilyn John I 2h bm June 19, and the Coronation of | Harrisburg and other clergy of the increase. a separate high
of the child, the kindergarten inal, p. m. Pirdtes; Joseph Hoste!ter, Dav : town : :
and tl Jas : : x . son. the 1954 Queen at 8:00 P. M, | that diocese are arranging for gechool was erected in 1926 and
that they would attend and the) Baseball school and crafts, p. id Halbleib, Orioles; Ge:ald heidi WE ain Just as the playground pro-| {5 pe followed by the Laurel Rev. Mr. Moyers installation in | {he Marietta Avenue school re-
parents’ names. If the m. Goodling and Tim Stohler, the gram is operated with free su-| Ball Saturday evening begin-| Mount Joy. mained ‘a grade school until
is great enough and the board] june 25— Checker tournament, vy, : : N the instrumental i neq 00 P. I He is a graduate, A.B. degree his
| « 2 , | Yankees. pervision, the instrumenta n-| ning at 10:00 P. M. e is a graduate, A.B. degree this vear
of sducation decides to ‘gg, 4, in, 2 : egion ames struction is given free. Any stu The Festival program will al- of Albright College and of the fy of This year : :
lish kindergarten, the sessions Dog Show, p. m Softhall - fem eapiains | are . dent or adult living in the area| gq include i Union Church Ser theological seminary of the Ev The school board will retain
| LS Ps h : i ‘ area | g 4 > h Se : AE 3 .
will be of one-half day dura- i —— inane Richard Divet and Jackie Rahn, may get instructions on any! viee sunday morning at 11 angelical and Reformed Church possession of the property for
i » parents st sup- : : vice on Sunday morning at a ie . the present time. The future use
tion and the parents must sug . Yankees; Joseph Hostetter and H Hoff Lat ter R3 band or orchestra instrument| o'clock, to which the public is at Lancaster where he was giv of the property is not known
ply the transportation for the Lions Install Jady Frev. Red Sox: Lariv Wat I : man ne 1S : : free of charge invited en a Bachelor of Divinity de Over the past. several: monilis
children attending. : . . . : was elected commander o le : bial nie ; ive : Pare oh nn ; oree. Later he took a post grad as $ S,
Mr. Savlor was instructed to . kins and Janet Ma'eer, Indians; | walter S. Ebersole Post 185 Mt All interested persons are Miss Rutt ang ber « oot will uate course in the Philadelphia townspeople have been asked
secure : third srade teacher and | New Officers James Brown and Joyce Berrier Joy American Legion at the asked to contact Mr. Shields Al be guests of Wellsboro whi e at Divinity: Schoo! of the to either write an open letter to
Secure a gre 4 | sox: J: vs Collins at ; : . . > tentative schedule of lessons is| tending the Festival, This news » RR oi . write St arp
i White sox; James Collins and > mee y gf v the Bulletin o ite a let t
an art teacher. The board adop- ; as ea : June meeting of the group. P. B. |’ : hh lie sends al Church 1 in or write a let'er to
ted a budget of $236,917.62 and Paul Gingrich was installed Nancy Pennell, Cardinals; Jas. Heilig was chosen first vice| Monday - East Donegal; Tues Paper joing her many frie nas aI ass air the school board offering sug-
retained the 22 mills, $10 per | as president of the Mount Joy | Nissley and Ruth Loewen, Phil- | commander: Lee Ellis, Jr., sec-| ay and Wednesday - Marietta; in wishing her {he best of luck. gestions as to what shall be
oe . 2. Co ine : s vaoular weet. lies wo | and Thursday - Florin, i sr C Sh a 3 Sor : 4
capita and $2 trailer tax. | Lions Club at the regular meet ond vice commander; Emory oo. Enel BB GUNS ARE OUTLAWED amp an To done with the property,
—— ing Tuesday evening by Arthur A bike hike was made Wed- | Krick, post adjutant; John R Letters of this type will still

“ . . : | . | The burgess, Titus Rutt, :
nesday with the following boys Germer, finance officer; Lee Vets Appoint Two! has ‘Given instructions to the ‘Open Sunday be appreciated. It is suggested
that if the borough citizens
have several suggestions as to
what shall be done with the
and they should be made now.
Fi + N tH f To Greiner, Deputy District Gov- Bi Vk Ka
| : 3 sq aptains: Tim Stoh- ice and Edward Kneisley, ser ;
Irs ariona ernor from Elizabethtown. Ed- 2d Sad i I in Sa geant-at-arms; John Hartsough Pp r ent S uads borough policemen to enforce | Camp Shand, owned and op-
0" | i 4 er an s boys, RX. Corll, . | Beant-at-¢ Sw arts sn, A ARE ra lit it ses The HAs :
Pay 21% % Dividents ward Richter was installed as Bailey, H. Greggs, D. Aument, trustee for one year to fill an erman q | be fire Sie dine 2 ne eral d by the Lanea er YMCA
: trot N Ist vice president; Charles Her- | R Eberly, D. Mateer, B. Vogel; | unexpired term; Ward Halter] A permanent firing squad and | ae Ro . Pa son as will begin its 81 season serv-
The Directors of fe Yi "| shey, second vice president; Jno, Gerald Goodling and D. Norn- | and Gerald Sheetz, trustees for| color guard were established hoi os Parin a a , at | ing the youth Mount Joy and a err
ional Be é rust C any : : 7d i » BB guns which are being | vic as well as the rest
Hono] Bane he Tous ran Weidman, third vice president; | hold, G. Grove, R. Wolgemuth, | three years. by the local V F.W. post at their | ne solo ee Iu Hii i ! oll po! i of . .
jaye Oe Ste Xk the | Alvin Bigler, secretary; Ralph R. Funk, R. Walker and N. James Shaeffer, George Lieb-| regular meeting Monday night its Th ordinanas. st te that el, omy Yo ua By: Special Meeting Of
on their Capital Stock a 1e fs Ro g ay ” 3 » B ili ATTY } : eo. The firing squad Ss. e ordinance states tha June 2 wie camp is located 4
| : wl i iam. i Stohler: J. Mumma and J, Har- | schultz, P. B. Heilig, Harry in the home. 1e firing squac ava de ; on fap 1s :
regular board meeting Tuesday, Alleman, treasurers; Joseph nish. B. Keener, B. Etsell. T. Hoffman, Ward Halter and Lee | will be in charge of Ralph Rice 2 fire of not jess ftom $s 00 miles northwest of Carlisle, Pa School, Home
June 15, 1954 for the six-monih Taylor, Lion Tamer; Lloyd Derr a a Alia ; Tora Rpt U0 yor OL embers will be Paul Her-| Ror more than $25.00 will be | and it covers an area of 200 ac
2 30. This is Meckley, H. Dorsey and J. Ben- | Ellis, Jr., representatives to|and men oF dort 30. days in ial as. I Te: : I
period ending dune 30. wll tail twister and Curvin Martin, | jor: R Williams and D. Ram- | county council; Benjamin Groff, | shey, Charles Paules, Frank p to 30 days in jail. | res. It is a beautifully secluded Group Is Ca ed
. inereas kb OF, re > | ’ . . " | i | e
an increase of 4% over ie Ir. and Howard Sutter, direct- | sey, J. Dangler, B. Vogel, H. historian; The Rev, John Gable, | Hassinger, George Albert, Roy |
Smith and Thomas Eichler. The |
arrested must also sur- | spot, ideally situated for a camp
render the firearms to the of- site. It is bounded by the Cono A special meeting of the Mt.
Joy School and Home Associa-

same period last year, shaplain: C:. J. Be ‘tt and Mr
I hic rata fad | ors. Brooks, R. Packer; E. Newcom- | chaplain; C. J. Bennett and Mr. : | ficer t CreeX ol e side and
This bank has never failed Jo . er and K. Watkins, M. Mumma, | Ben Groff, service officers; Clair | color guard squad will be Char- | acer. atm t Cre on side and tion will be theld next Thursday
pay a dividend shoe it was Ie Mae Zink was a guest of hon- R. Pennell, W. Pennell, J. Har- | Sharpe, judge advocate, and | les Mateer, James Tierney, Ber- | DIED OF HEART ATTACK form has and gress. on he evening, June 24 in the “new
corporated as a national bank. 4 sang a solo for the group |... arshall: at. | James Shaeffer, Ward Halter, | nell Young and Frank Morton. ’ 3 . ACR. |other. Parents and friends are 0". > i
nish and R. Marshall; L. Wat ) Merle Sell Middlet i | elementary” school (the high
| sh a . arshall; . ‘ 4 : | | Merle Sellers, Middletown, di-| alway: vited to visit cai Nas
in 1864. . | accompanied by Jay Barnhart.| kins and J. Rutt, B. Heisey, E.| John Germer, Lee Ellis, Sr, Final plans were made for rector of the Foundry ay a He - ih —_— nd school building), on Poplar St.
: . > arry ‘me 100. Leib- AV aad : io jae : Ys mselves the ny fa Ap eb Are “eed
| Two members were inducted Flory, D. Naugle, J. Funk, R.| Harry Hoffman ind Gs 0. Leib- | the post S spring smoker to be died Wednesday of a heart at- | cilities offered to Mt. Jov and Arthur Schneide r, president,
Sico To Set Up | into the group; John Landis and | Stoner and R. Hopple; J. Hos- schultz, delegates to s‘ate con-| held Friday evening, June 18. tack. Be. Sellers rod hoon sill Coit : is calling the special meeting
George Copenheaver. All the tetter and D. Rehrer, B. Barn-| vention. | The smoker will be held in the | ated with the Florin Foundry : 5 1954 for 8:00 p. m. for the purpose
. | . ' ~ ~ " seide . p tp I . am ‘ector for the 95 :
| a ‘ee cha : ave re- hart, D. Fackler, W. Sheaffer, G. The group decided to enter | pasement of the local firehouse. | ¢ = ne . amp of changing several By-Laws.
Maintenance Fund commitiee chairman gave x Maley aa for many years. He was “on the | saqson will be William Maurer,! tn order to accomplish the busi-

ports of their activities through- Holtzman, A, Schneider and R. tain the members of the post's
Information was received as out the year and Arthur Sprech- Ramsey; J. Nissley and G. Max- auxiliary at the regular meeting
to the maintenance of the Mt. | op. outgoing president, gave his! well, R. Rice, kK, Mateer and in July which will be held on
Joy Borough School Board's .p,rewell” address. L. Leakway. Thursday evening, July 8.
newly acquired property, Gov- —————— .
ernor Dick Mountain, Mount Boy Scout Meeting
Gretna. A maintenance fund School Taxes Remain Night Changed
will be set up by the Sico Com-
Members of the local Boy
pany in order to take care of {
the matter. Unchanged From 1953 Scout troop No. 39 will meet in
the high school building (new
job” Wednesday morning (Turn t age 2
urn to page 2) | ness, a quoram of 28 persons is
needed. The president urges all
Fathers To Be Honored members to attend the special
. |
On Special Day Sunda TNT
Father’s Day is commemorat- | aside a special day. Carol Zurin, daughter of Mr.
ed and celebrated thanks to the Mrs. Dodd presented her idea | and Mrs. Samuel Zurin, Mt. Joy
| thoughtfulness of a mother, to her minister and then to the R2, was injured when she was
| Mrs. John B. Dodd, Spokane, Spokane Ministerial Associa- | hit by an automobile Sunday af-

, THE fro» Nir wT as :
oe The millage and per capita ed at the regular June meeling elementary building) Tuesday | otis wert Coil é Washington, conceived the idea tion and the idea was accepted. | ternoon on he Old Harrisburg
Ph sicianon Call Sunday | of the local school board, Thurs- | evenings instead of Mondays as or i | for the day in 1909. She recalled 1 916. Preside 7 yl p ey Va 4 :
tax of the Mount Joy Borough | of the local school board, venings Inslez : $a ; Zh ? alled In 1916, President Woodrow | Pike near Salunga. She ran in
For emergency If you Cannot School District: will remain the| 98Y- held previously. The announce- A 5% wiih | how her father had raised her Wilson had a Father's Day bu'-| front of a car operated by John
Reach Your Own Physician same in 1954 as in 1953. A tox] The budget approved for the ment was made by the Scout- pn tae pid | and her mother-less brothers on ton and in 1924, President Cal-| Calvin Good, 20, Landisville,
Dr David E Schlosser : 3 le: i 0 Sr i” | year includes $193,920.60 for master, Harold Etsell, ‘The HES BORE PLENTY i L520 TOR base | a farm and she decided that a vin Coolidge formally recom-| The child’s condition at the hos-
’ | of 5 mills anc $1 per capita proposed expenditures between | change in date becomes effect- CITIZININIE BIGING AY HOME | perfect way to show her devo- mended that Father's Day be- pital was reported as satisfact-
0 ® | will be charged it was announc- | July, 1954 and July, 1955. | ive next week, June 22. | : | tion and gratitude was to set come a regular observance. ory.
f |
i ‘ a ae ia ict Oo. 0 il oo ga? NOOR wh. is a Tr na Own